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How to attract customers to dining ideas. Business lunches with the right positioning

2. Marketing

2.2. “Life is hard without a friend” or how to increase the influx of regular guests.

What is Platius?

Platius is a loyalty bonus system. What is the difference between a bonus system and a discount system? The main difference is that in the discount system we immediately give a direct discount, and in the bonus system, if our client pays 1000 rubles, then, for example, 100 rubles of them are credited to his personal bonus account. He can later use these bonuses in your restaurant.

Let's analyze the differences between these two systems:

1. The effect of encouragement, when we need to encourage a guest's return visit.

The first option: we have a 10% discount in one restaurant, and the second option - we have 600 rubles on our account in another restaurant, which we can spend on our favorite drinks. And here the "psychology of the creditor" begins to work, when the restaurant can be called our "debtor" and we want to get our money back, so we return to this restaurant to spend bonuses.

2. Financial efficiency.

In terms of financial efficiency, a 10% discount is the same as a 30% bonus, i.e. to accrue a bonus three times more profitable. Why is this happening? Because if a client dined for 1000 rubles and he has a 10% discount, this means that we literally gave the client 100 rubles. But if the bonus is 10%, then we gave him our own food for 100 rubles more. And since our food cost is on average 30%, we get such a difference from here. And in this respect, the bonus system for restaurateurs is much more profitable than the discount one.

What other tasks does the bonus system solve?

1) The Platius system allows you to work without plastic cards. All that a client needs to register in this system and start accumulating and spending bonuses is to enter a special promotional code on the receipt. To use the bonus system, no cards are needed, it is enough for a person to have a smartphone and the Internet at hand, and it is now difficult to imagine any restaurant visitor without these two things.

2) The Platius bonus system allows you to store up-to-date information about guests in a restaurant. Indeed, in order to register in the system and start accumulating their bonuses, the client will need to enter the correct phone number and receive an SMS confirmation of registration. We no longer need paper questionnaires and lists in excel, the system stores a database of our clients, which is constantly growing and the data is updated. Moreover, we see not only the name and phone number of the client, but also all the orders made by him, his preferences, any statistics about the specific visits of each guest.

Such a system allows us to build our contact with the guest depending on the data that we have. We can wish our guests a happy birthday via SMS. We can make a targeted gift to a client in the form of services or dishes of our restaurant, in other words, to surprise a person and thereby increase the frequency of visiting guests.

3) A unique feature of Platius is the ability to play games between customers, assign different statuses to our guests, thereby involving them in constant contact with our restaurant.

4) We can selectively reward desired behavior. For example, we have large stocks of meat, we did not calculate the purchase. Then we announce a promotion that all guests who order steaks this week will receive an increased bonus. And we can send this information about the action to everyone who has ever ordered steaks from us.

To summarize: what should we do to motivate our regular guests to come more often?

We must know them. And the Platius loyalty system will make our friendship with customers permanent and strong due to three main features:

1)Storage of up-to-date information (phone numbers, preferences, previous orders)

In this article, you will learn how to attract the attention of a new target audience and how to increase the number of visitors in the restaurant. Modern customers who visit establishments Catering expect much more from your establishment than just delicious food. In this article, we have collected great ideas and tools to attract the attention of visitors.

Who are Millennials?

This is a solvent target audience, modern youth, accustomed to the fast pace of life and gadgets. In order to attract them to your restaurant, you need to understand what drives this generation and what its needs are.

Millennials make up 64% of the total population and 60% of them eat lunch/dinner out at least once a week. As you can see, this is a huge part of the population, and they can become your regular customers, bringing a stable income. Your task is to adapt the restaurant and attract the attention of a new target audience. How to do it?

Millennials or Generation Y(Generation Y; other names: millennium generation(millennials, generation "next", "network" generation, millenites, echo-boomers) - the generation born after 1981, who met the new millennium at a young age, characterized primarily by a deep involvement in digital technologies. At the time the term was coined, Generation Y was contrasted with Generation X, which corresponds to the previous demographic generation.”

Which restaurant is preferred by modern visitors

The main factors influencing the choice of a restaurant for generation Y are:

  • price policy
  • popularity of the restaurant on the Internet
  • availability of healthy and wholesome food on the menu

Of course, today's youth start working much earlier, but not everyone can afford premium restaurants, and if you are not among the middle-priced establishments, then you can hardly expect to attract the attention of young people.

It is very important to have your own pages on social networks and regularly post special offers and news. People have been on their phones for a long time, and if they can’t find out anything about your restaurant from the Internet, you won’t get a single visitor.

Try to ensure that in a minute the site visitor can get all the information he is interested in - what is the cost of the average bill in your restaurant, photos of the interior, dishes and promotional offers. This is the most important information that should always be available and up to date. It is also important to have reviews from real visitors, on the basis of which your future client will decide whether your restaurant suits him or not.

As a restaurant owner, you must understand that this is a new challenge for modern society, but in a highly competitive environment, you need to meet all the requirements and wishes of your future guests.

The fast pace of modern society allocates not so much time for business lunches and snacks, but people began to pay much more attention to what they eat, and oddly enough, fast food has long faded into the background - it has been supplanted by healthy and healthy food. food.

Statistical data according to which modern young people visit restaurants:

  • prefer to order 4 small portions different dishes than one thing
  • they usually go to a restaurant for lunch.
  • 55% prefer public tables in restaurants where different groups of guests sit.
  • 68% will seek out information from their friends before choosing a restaurant.
  • 87% will order good and expensive food even if they have a lack of money.
  • 40% order something else from the menu every time they visit a restaurant.
  • They prefer fresh, less processed foods.
  • 80% want to learn more about how food is grown.
  • They view food as entertainment and self-expression.

According to these statistics, in order to interest a new target audience, it is necessary to adapt the restaurant menu for everyone who adheres to a healthy lifestyle, but at the same time make prices for healthy meals available. As a restaurant owner, you must understand that this is a new challenge for modern society, but in a highly competitive environment, you need to meet all the requirements and wishes of your future guests.

What do you order most often in a restaurant?

Millennials prefer to call themselves “foodies” – people who take a great interest in what they eat and drink and love to explore new foods and drinks. What might get their attention?

Combination traditional dishes, as well as non-traditional side dishes and sauces:

  • Leafy salads with an even greater variety of dressings and sauces.
  • Dishes prepared exclusively from raw seasonal fruits and vegetables of local origin.
  • Chicken dishes are still very popular.
  • Homemade lemonades, tinctures and author's smoothies from fresh fruits and vegetables.

Size matters! Offer small, medium and large portions

Thus, guests can order more dishes in small portions and try everything. Giving visitors a choice small portions you will give them what they want - to combine dishes with each other, experiment with new flavors and get vivid impressions of discovering new taste properties.

Be sure to encourage them to take pictures in your restaurant! Any photos of satisfied visitors that they will post on Instagram and Facebook are your free advertising. Hold regular photo contests, and the winners who get the most a large number of likes to receive a free dinner. This is a great marketing ploy that meets the needs of a new generation.

Another very useful trait of millennials for the restaurant business is the desire to always try something new, unusual and discover new places. This is a great opportunity for small establishments to show what they can do.

Waiters with tablets instead of a paper menu will not only speed up the work of the entire institution as a whole, but will also be adequately appreciated by your guests - the speed and quality of service will be fully consistent current trends. help you

It is very easy to attract the attention of a modern consumer - you need to offer him something that no one has offered. Secret Recipes cooking, home kitchen, homemade tinctures, freshly brewed caramel beer, etc. - all these are new sensations that people will definitely want to experience on their taste buds.

Restaurant promotion on Instagram

Instagram is an integral part of the ritual of visiting restaurants. Pay special attention to serving dishes, and then photos of your visitors will scatter on the Internet, collecting likes from their friends, who will definitely be interested in your exclusive offer. Do not forget that you should always have wifi working and your restaurant page on the Internet should contain up-to-date information. About 32% of visitors always check the menu of a restaurant on the site before they come, and believe me, they will be very unpleasantly surprised if you have not updated the price list on the site for two years.

Millennials prefer restaurants with lots of tables where there are customers. This behavior is caused by the need to compensate for a lifestyle where most of the time you are alone with a work computer, and going to a restaurant is a social event. The interior should be as simple as possible, and the chairs should be adapted for a long and comfortable stay in the restaurant.

The trust of visitors is the basis for the success of the restaurant

Treat your employees with respect. Demonstrating a respectful attitude towards subordinates is the key to a good reputation, and the trust of your customers. If your visitors see that you care about the comfort of your employees, then they will know that due attention will be paid to them.

Technology is at every turn, and we are increasingly dependent on it in our daily lives. 70% of restaurant goers have free Wi-Fi very important aspect when choosing an institution. The more modern technologies you engage in your own restaurant, the better. Waiters with tablets instead of a paper menu will not only speed up the work of the entire institution as a whole, but will also be adequately appreciated by your guests - the speed and quality of service will be fully in line with modern trends.

Restaurant owners want to get a high income from their business. The difficulty lies in the fact that all revenue depends only on the client.

How to increase sales in a restaurant? What tricks will help increase restaurant attendance and average bill? Read about it right now!

Increasing restaurant revenue: quantity or quality?

To raise the profit of the restaurant will have to make a lot of effort. No need to wait for guests to come to you and order a dinner for a large amount. It is necessary to constantly work on business development.

How to increase the profit of the restaurant? The first way - increase attendance. This method is used in economy-class establishments where the cost of food and drinks is low. To keep prices at the same level, but increase sales, you need to attract as many guests as possible.

The second option is increasing the average check in a restaurant. For this, a whole range of measures is used. You need to push the visitor to buy either more or more expensive.

How to increase restaurant revenue with attendance

Do you want the number of guests to grow every day? Get ready for the fight. Moscow has thousands of restaurants and fierce competition. To attract new customers, your business must be competitive.

To achieve competitiveness, attract new visitors, expand the menu range, engage in an advertising campaign, improve the quality and speed of service, develop a single concept. The main thing is to offer guests something original. This way you can attract more new visitors.

It is easier to work with regular guests. They need to come more often. Only high-quality service will help, treating the visitor not as a client, but as a good friend.

How to increase the average bill in a restaurant: effective sales techniques

Average check is a common the amount of the restaurant's revenue divided by the number of customers. You can calculate the average check for any period of time. It is not difficult to do this, especially if you use systems for automatic accounting of catering turnover.

An increase in the average check in a restaurant is possible only with an increase in the total cost of the order per person. Easiest but not the most effective method increase profits - raise prices for key items on the menu. It is rarely used, because the risk of losing visitors is very high. The only case when it is possible and necessary to raise the markup is a change in the target audience. For example, when an economy class restaurant is being rebranded. The interior is changing, service is improving, more quality products. The institution outgrows the "economy" category and can claim more affluent visitors.

Other ways to increase revenue in a restaurant do not require large investments. The main thing is management skills and knowledge in the field of sales.

Menu that sells

Menu design is just as important as the quality of the food. Due to errors in the text, unattractive design, visitors may refuse to visit the institution. A well-designed menu takes into account the psychological characteristics of a person:

  • When planning your menu, keep in mind laws of attention. The upper right part of the page is the focus point of the person's gaze. Place the most profitable positions there.
  • Specify prices under the names and descriptions of dishes, use the same font size.
  • Use decorative elements(frames, underlines, pictures), but do not overload the menu with them. Focus the attention of guests on the most advantageous positions for you.
  • The description of the ingredients will not tell the visitor much. If desired, he can ask the waiter for the ingredients. Better describe the taste of the dish or give a brief history prescription.

Increasing sales in a restaurant: basic techniques

There are two sales techniques that are actively used in catering. One of them is upselling. It is aimed at increasing the cost of dishes. Another - cross-selling - to increase positions in the menu.

Upselling(upselling) is an offer of a more expensive option. For example, a pizza of a larger diameter is offered, or a double portion of the dish. You can add an author's recipe from the chef or branded coffee to the menu at a price higher than analogues.

Methodology cross-selling(cross selling) helps to increase positions in the check. This is a sale additional ingredients, sauces, syrups. If you have to wait a long time for the main dish ordered, offer guests light snacks. It is common in Europe for drinks to be served before guests have chosen their meals.

How to increase turnover in a restaurant: the secrets of a profitable service

Are your employees pleasant in communication, courteous, but do not know how to sell? This needs to be fixed. Waiters, bartenders are your main source of sales.

How to improve the level of service in a restaurant? Use these tips:

  • Develop service standards. Literally write down how your employees should greet visitors, when to offer dessert, how often to approach the table.
  • To sell, you need to know your product. Knowledge of the menu, ingredients, cooking method is a must for every waiter. Make an extended menu, fully describe the composition, the nuances of cooking, taste characteristics. If necessary, arrange a tasting for employees. They must represent what they offer.
  • Learn the principles of active selling. Make up scripts, indicate which phrases are better to offer additional products to the client, which is not allowed. In particular, it is not recommended to use negations or interrogative sentences.
  • Create "Order Extension Tables". In it, indicate which products can be recommended for which dishes. For example, for soups - branded bread, for pizza - double cheese, beer, juices.

Traditionally, the salary of waiters is a rate and tea. It is beneficial for them to please the guest. If you add to the bet also percentage of sales, your employees will make efforts to increase the average check.

One of the forms of employee motivation is contests. Announce the dish of the day, let the one who sold the most portions receive a small bonus.

Sales in a restaurant: increasing profits in proven ways

Restaurant business in Moscow is in the stage of active development. New establishments are constantly opening, new "chips" are being invented. To keep up with trends, study your competitors.

Pay attention to all the details of the service, because they bring profit. How the waiter greets the guest, what the menu consists of and how it is designed, what is offered in addition to the dishes. Do not copy other establishments, but consider their working methods.

Think about increasing sales in a restaurant while preparing for the opening. If you decide to buy a restaurant, conduct a detailed analysis of the work of the previous owner. In order not to lose regular visitors to the establishment, innovate gradually.

In most cases, how increase restaurant sales the waiter thinks.

We are all familiar with this. We arrive at a restaurant. We take the menu to order. And run into a waiter who has a clear intention increase our check size.

Perhaps the focus is shifting towards specials. Or, for example, you order cocktails, although a minute ago you were going to take beer or wine. Sometimes these attempts to increase sales can seem quite tactless - "Yes, Caesar salad is a great choice, but you look more like someone who would like a rib eye steak."

Restaurants with small margin always forced to look for ways to increase the average check of visitors. But no visitor likes to feel booty passing through the door. This process requires a very subtle and extremely delicate approach.

Increase in the average check- an achievable goal, but it will require some effort from you. Below are a few proven methods increase restaurant sales without rejection from visitors.

How to teach waiters to sell?

Many restaurateurs who dream of increasing sales often find that the waiters in their restaurants are not good at selling. The problem most often lies in the lack of a systematic approach to sales. For a waiter to sell, a continuous process of learning and motivation is needed.

1. Preparatory internships and trainings

Introduce written tests for knowledge of the menu during the adaptation of new employees and repeat them periodically in the future.

2. Conducting tastings

Give employees the opportunity to taste the dishes. Their communication with customers should be based on personal experience. When the waiter does not know the dish, it is very striking. This is especially important when it comes to specialties and special offers. Present to your employees every new dish on the menu at tastings and educational trainings.

3. Enthusiasm is the key to everything

Happy employees admiring the dishes they sell will inspire confidence and encourage guests. Agree, why spend money on buying a dish if a sour mine is read on the face of the waiter?

4. Knowledge of the menu inside and out

More important than enthusiasm may be perhaps the knowledge of the menu. If the waiter stumbles when presenting specials or fails to answer a question about a dish, diners may question their choice. This means that the sale will not take place. And, a waiter will be perceived in a completely different way, who easily answers all questions, gives detailed explanations for dishes and gives arguments to his recommendations. Such waiters will always be trusted and their advice will be heeded. So the amount of the average check will be increased.

5. Share wealth

Give waiters a percentage of weekly/monthly sales. This will motivate them to work on increasing the average check.

6. Segment visitors

Making sales is always very difficult without having enough information. Train waiters to get answers from visitors that shed light on questions - why did they come to your restaurant and what are their goals? Guided by this knowledge, it will be easier for waiters to upsell and cross-sell dishes. By building friendly relationships with visitors, it will be easier for waiters to give the right recommendations that are suitable for a particular person.

It is imperative to increase restaurant sales through upsell and cross-sell. But the trick is to do it in a way that makes the visitor feel valued and heard, rather than realizing that you're chasing their hard-earned money. Here are some proven sales methods for waiters that will help you achieve this.

7. Use the power of positive language

If you want your upsell to work, then use the well-known waiter sales method known as positive language. It's always better to say "Would you like a glass of wine with this appetizer?" rather than "What would you like to drink?" Add details and make affirmative sentences like, "I recommend you try our new dish, baked salmon, I've tried it before and it was just delicious."

Upselling doesn't mean trying to get customers to buy the most expensive item on the menu. Instead, tell the waiters to recommend the most profitable positions for you. An average-priced dish that costs next to nothing can generate a much larger increase in sales for a restaurant than trying to sell an expensive one. Analyze your menu by highlighting such items and make sure that the waiters have learned this information well. Statistically, it is dishes with a low price that tend to be more likely to be accepted with a bang as a recommendation.

9. Smoothen the corners

Fact: When the waiters try to upsell, the diners are well aware of what is going on. They will quickly figure out what's what when they hear recommendations to buy something more expensive. The way out is to advise the waiters to make sales, to use the soft power method: to recommend something a little more expensive than the visitor chose. For example, did the customer order a steak? Mention a slightly better cut. The order consists of four glasses of wine - ask if it would be more appropriate to bring a bottle. Etc.

10. Don't be pushy

When trying to upsell, it is extremely important to capture the mood of visitors and refrain from being overly intrusive. If the guest is not interested in recommendations, it is in the order of things not to give them at all. If your customers don't drink, don't try to sell them expensive cocktails. No matter how strong the desire to increase the average check, the negative reaction of the client will never pay for this momentary benefit. In the short term, the waiter will make a sale and you will win, but in the long term you will lose a customer and the restaurant will not increase sales.

11. Voice special offers right away

This method of selling waiters has already managed to establish itself as one of the most effective. It's always a good idea to take a quick look at current promotions before ordering, especially when it comes to drinks. Many patrons will want a drink right after they have taken their seats, so as soon as the waiter comes to the table, he must tell about the drinks on the promotion even before the preferences are formulated by the guests themselves. It is likely that the proposed cocktail will be able to attract the attention of the guests and they will end up spending a little more money on this mysterious drink, which was presented with such enthusiasm. Besides than faster drinks will be on the table, the faster they will be drunk. This means that by the time of cooking, visitors will need to order at least one more. Even this additional drink alone will already significantly increase the average bill and will positively affect the increase in restaurant sales.

12. Offer to share the dish for two

This method may seem somewhat counterintuitive, but if the waiter sees that the table is not going to order any appetizers or desserts at all, he should be advised to take one portion and divide it equally. This will seem like a good deal to guests. each will pay only half the cost, and you will receive one more position in the check.

13. Offer dessert to go

Portion sizes in restaurants are often much larger than a diner is willing to eat – this contributes to a sense of value for money that will lead to repeat visits. But if the end of dinner crept up unnoticed, and at the table they say that they are too full to order dessert, offer to wrap it up to eat later at home. If there are sweet teeth among the guests, it will be difficult for them to resist such an offer and the check will be replenished with one more line with a position that they would have refused under other circumstances.

We increase revenue in the restaurant using the menu

14. Add Premium Menu Items

To increase revenue in a restaurant, such a way as adding a premium position to the menu will help. There is a correlation between prices and how much customers are willing to spend. When you offer premium products at a much higher price than all other items on the menu, this automatically increases the value of cheaper items in the eyes of the visitor. This effect is also known as anchoring. This means that if you raise the prices of these items a little, visitors won't even move their eyes.

15. Offer kits

It may not be the most sophisticated sales boost method on this list, but multi-dish or cocktail combos are a great way to get guests to buy more than they actually want. This also includes stocks from the category "2 for the price of 1". The desire to get a lot for a small price will outweigh all reasonable arguments and will positively affect the restaurant's revenue.

This is probably the largest material of its kind on the Internet. I recommend bookmarking it and sometimes reviewing it, perhaps while reading, there will be interesting ideas. I will make a reservation right away. Do not take all advice literally. It is worth considering the format of the institution and the type of visitors. Some methods can be taken as they are and immediately implemented, some will not work in any form. Think about it, perhaps some of the tips can be reworked a little. Or maybe some combination of the above methods will work for your establishment.

The more reasons to visit your establishment, the better.

If your institution does not have an entertainment component, be sure to add it. What it will be depends on the subject. It can be live music, board games, a host or a creative team with a show program.

Themed parties to attract visitors

Now the Halloween holiday is very popular, adults are happy to dress up and apply various drawings on their faces. But don't limit yourself to this holiday. Here is a small list of ideas that are already being used in establishments and attracting visitors: a masquerade, a gangster party, a superhero evening, a musical. It is not necessary to come up with a scenario on your own, you can invite a host of holidays who has experience in holding such events. And if the event is held on weekdays, you can get an impressive discount.

Use simple and clear promotions to increase restaurant revenue

Promotions must be specific and attractive, so that the client immediately understands what benefits it will bring to him. "Two for the price of one" or "Three for the price of two" works great just about anywhere. The following tips can also be attributed to promotions, but these are more specific examples.

Increasing the average check in the institution using "Wholesale prices"

The principle is this. When buying a certain amount, give the visitor a gift. For example, a visitor made an order for 1500 rubles. Depending on what he chose, tell me that if you order more than 2000 rubles, you will get a beer set, fruit slices, a bottle of champagne, etc. as a gift.

Offer something else that goes with the current order

Depending on what the client purchases, you can offer an additional product that goes well with the order. Croutons for beer, dessert for tea, etc. But be careful. This must be done in a non-intrusive manner. In some places, the staff strongly insists or makes a displeased face in case of refusal and such behavior spoils the mood of the guests.

"Ready Sets" to simplify selection and increase profits

This method is very successfully used in the sale of sushi and rolls. In a cafe, bar or restaurant, this can also work. For example, a beer set includes four glasses of beer and nuts, while the client saves 200 rubles. Similarly, you can collect sets of food, snacks and spirits.

offer more expensive

Implementation of the loyalty program

Give discount cards to regular customers or for a check with a large order amount.

Collect contacts of existing clients

It is much easier and cheaper to attract a person who has already been with you and was satisfied than to attract new visitors. There are several ways:

  • Completion by visitors of a small questionnaire for a fee or to provide a discount
  • An offer to join your group on a social network or subscribe to an account
  • If you have a website, you need to install counters on it. For starters, at least Google. Analytics and Yandex.Metrika. They will collect all visitors to your site and, if necessary, you can make them an offer.

Working with existing clients

  • Announcements of events in the social network
  • SMS-mailing with information about discounts, events, etc.
  • Retargeting is a way to show an ad to customers who have already visited your site. More this method will be analyzed below

Free WiFi

There are people who do not let go of their gadgets. Many sitting in an institution, take pictures and post photos on social networks. Someone needs to send an important letter at work. Fast and stable internet will be a big plus.


To find out what specific smells to use, it is better to contact specialists. They can be used both indoors to create a pleasant atmosphere. So and outside, to attract those who pass by.

Educational master classes

If your establishment cooks delicious steaks, give a master class on cooking steaks. If you have a dance club, give club dance lessons. If it's a karaoke bar, organize vocal courses.

Banquets and corporate events

If you don't offer banqueting services, you lose most of your profits. You can read more about attracting customers to corporate evenings at.

Outdoor advertising

Signboards, banners, pillars. It is more expedient to do this in your area or where there is a large concentration of your target audience.

Bright appearance of the institution

Attract the attention of passers-by different ways. Bright facade, signboard, illuminated advertising, video screen. It's not just about getting attention. You need to make people want to go to your establishment. Demonstrate profitable offers, beautifully set tables, mouth-watering dishes, attractive drinks.

Handing out flyers to attract new customers to the cafe

Leaflets should be with a specific interesting offer. Do not just use the name of your cafe in advertising - tell about promotions, raisins, discounts, unique dishes, theme parties, new cocktails, etc.

Make targeted offers

For example, Wednesday "Student's Day" and advertise the event among students. Or "Driver's Day" - a discount upon presentation of the rights. It will appeal exactly to the target audience, advertising on social networks allows you to see what placement formats exist, which will be discussed below.

word of mouth

In order for a person to start talking about your institution, you need to exceed his expectations or surprise him very strongly.

  • Make promotional gifts and discounts that are not expected from you. For example, a free cocktail for the seventh client, etc.
  • Unusual, uneven prices
  • Products not found anywhere
  • Unusual interior design

Business lunch

During the daytime, offer inexpensive meals. On the tables you can place information about themed parties, promotions and discounts.

Affiliate Marketing to Attract New Customers to a Restaurant

Collaboration with companies located near the institution

Conducting various lottery competitions

People love to receive gifts. Conduct various drawings through social networks or directly at your institution.

"Cross Pollination"

Lotteries and promotions can be held in conjunction with some other business, beauty salon, photo studio, taxi company, etc. The principle is this. You offer them to hold a promotion and give them, for example, three coupons for 1000 rubles in your establishment, and you take coupons for a free haircut, 5 free taxi rides, a free photo session, etc. from them. The more prizes, the more willingly people participate in the draw. Plus, you can agree to jointly advertise this promotion, and the advertising budget will be multiplied by the number of participants.

Copy successful models

  • Copy competitors by modifying it a little. Pay attention to the menu, the behavior of the waiter, administrator. Enter in Yandex or Google "restaurant and the name of your city." Open the first 10 sites, see what ideas you can adopt
  • Think of a business that you consider very difficult and competitive. Open 5-10 sites representing this business and find interesting ideas that can be adapted to advertise your establishment

Goods "locomotive"

Sell ​​some drink or dish very cheaply (at cost price or even lower), so that it is very conspicuous and sets you apart from other establishments. Tell about this product in promotional materials.

"Attraction of unprecedented generosity"

Make a certain day very cheap for customers. Pick a time when you usually don't have clients. Make it a publicity day. Such offers are very effective to advertise through coupon services, the most popular of them will be listed below.

Create a website for your institution

The simplest site is better than none. It is not necessary to invest a lot of money to create a website. A simple business card can be created for 3000-5000 rubles or even for free. Your client does not need a unique design. Post photos of your establishment, menu, promotions, map, contact details. In most cases, this is sufficient. There are a large number of free constructors, in my opinion the simplest.

Maps and reference books

Register on these services, it's free and can bring additional customers:

  • Yandex.Directory
  • Google.Addresses
  • Foursquare
  • Yarmap

Thematic portals

Register your establishment on all sites:

Review Portals

Create communities and accounts on popular social networks

Actively invite people there, especially your visitors, and reward those who join with discounts or gifts. You can inform group members and subscribers about your offers free of charge. The main thing is not to bother them. Do not make more than two commercial entries a day.

Advertising in the social network "Vkontakte" to attract visitors to the institution

At the time of this writing, this is the most visited site in Runet. In second place is the resource classmates. Compared to other social networks, advertising here is quite simple. The most popular advertising methods

  • Posts in thematic communities
  • Ads in the user feed
  • teaser advertising


A very curious way. People take pictures in places they visit and post photos on social networks. When a photo is sent to the Internet, it marks where this place is located on the map. With the help of advertising on social networks, you can make an offer to these people. For example, those who are marked in the establishments of competitors or in any other places near you.

Propose to birthday people how many days before their birthday

  • If you collect contacts and actively promote your institution, you will have an impressive base in a few months. You can send them a message with a special offer for birthdays
  • Social networks allow you to show an offer to people who have a birthday soon

Search Engine Optimization

Many are looking for cafes and bars in the search engines Yandex, Google, Mile. People enter their queries into the search bar. Search engine optimization is aimed at ensuring that your offer is shown in the first places. This is a rather long and laborious process, but if you get into the “top”, you will receive a hot, interested audience for free. There is a faster and easier way to get to the first places of search engines, but it is paid.

Contextual advertising of bars, cafes, restaurants

It allows you to show ads in the first positions of search engines in a shorter time. With proper configuration, you can fully provide an institution from this one channel of attraction. If you want to get the first customers from the Internet this week, get acquainted with.

Thematic contextual advertising

Unlike search engines, it is shown not at the time of the search, but to people who could potentially be interested in your offer.


Determine a certain percentage of the profit that you will invest monthly in testing new customer acquisition channels. There is such a strategy "Gold Digger". You test different channels and collect the ones that work best for you.