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Summary of the lesson “Such different fruits. Lexical theme "Garden

Recently, people have begun to appreciate the gifts of nature more and more. Drinks from instant concentrates have sunk into oblivion. They were replaced natural products, and Fruit Garden juice is just one of them.

People's brand

Among the variety of non-alcoholic products on the shelves, the Fruktovy Sad juice stands out. It began to be produced in 2000 by the Lebedinsky joint-stock company (Lipetsk city). The drink replaced the previous rather popular brand of this enterprise called "Tonus". New Product immediately attracted the attention of consumers. Its undeniable advantages are:

  • a wide range of,
  • convenient packaging,
  • attractive price.

All this has led to the fact that Fruit Garden juice has by now entered the top three most popular products in its segment. Television is full of bright advertisements, the company arranges various promotions, which helps to make the juice "Orchard" a real national treasure. Technologists aren't left out either. There are new types of products that can satisfy a variety of tastes of customers.

National recognition

"Orchard" - high quality juice. This is confirmed not only by ordinary users, but also by respected experts. After appearing on the market, the company's products constantly win at various competitions and exhibitions. There are a lot of silver coins in her piggy bank and the fame of the new drink went far beyond the borders of Russia. He is loved in Ukraine and Belarus, and in Uzbekistan in 2006 he even received a special award "Choice of the Year", he was noted as the best among quite a large number applicants. In addition, leading Western companies began to pay attention to the drink. Orchard is a juice that PepsiCo is interested in. And she already knows a lot about drinks. The owners of the world-famous company plan to further promote the promising brand. Since 2012, the famous juice has a new slogan, which perfectly reflects the attitude of a huge number of consumers towards their favorite drink.

At the beginning of the journey

Among all the products called "Orchard" apple juice appeared one of the first. It was he who, together with tomato juice, began the victorious procession of a new brand in the early 2000s. The drink has its own secret, which allowed him to become a favorite for many. The fact is that completely different regions grow in Russia. But how to make one juice remind many people of their native land? The technologists of the plant found a way out. They decided to combine the flavors and created a kind of fruity mix from different varieties. Both sour and sweet apples are used for production. The heterogeneous composition allows each buyer to guess the aroma of their favorite variety in the drink. This further increased the popularity of the juice. In addition, there is nothing superfluous in it. Only apple juice, sugar (or fructose-glucose syrup), and also as an acidity regulator and natural preservative. This makes "Orchard" perfect drink not only for adults, but even for the smallest children.

Bright advertising

Now, probably, there will no longer be such a person who has never tried Fruit Garden juice in his entire life. Photos on billboards and catchy videos grab people's attention. There is a completely natural desire to try the proposed product. Feeling the present, they involuntarily again reach for the shelf with the familiar packaging. The choice has been made. The company's management constantly studies customer reviews and strives to take into account all possible wishes. Basically they concern the range. Going to meet the requests of people, the company creates new types of products that immediately appear on store shelves. Such attention captivates and makes each consumer once again establish himself in his choice. Among other things, the company constantly establishes seasonal and holiday discounts for some types of products. This allows even more people to join the good quality and replenish the army of lovers of the famous drink.

Tkachenko Alexandra
Summary of the lesson “Such different fruits»

Lesson summary for cognitive development (significant/environment)on the topic: « Such different fruits»

Target: continue to introduce children to fruits. continue to enrich and consolidate children's knowledge about fruits, fruit trees, the labor of people in the garden; develop the ability to use simple common and complex sentences in speech; mental operations Key words: analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification and conclusions. to formulate in children the ability to draw conclusions in the course of research activities;

vocabulary work: fruit, garden, gardener.

Demo Material:

fruit(lemon, tangerine, banana);

Litmus paper, 2 pipettes, bandage;

Paper napkins;

seeds fruits for each child;

panel « Fruit» (puzzles).

1. Organizational moment.

Children, have any of you ever seen Orchard? Tell me what you saw there? (Children talk about their observations.) Imagine yourself fruity a tree with ripe fruits, pouring in the sun, show it. Misha, what tree are you? And Tigran, Arina? (Children's answers.) Here's what we have varied orchard.

Do you want to play? You need to clap your hands when you hear the name of any fruit.Listen carefully: turnip, onion, pear, eggplant, orange; banana, jam, peach, compote, plum, salad, juice.

2. Introduction to the topic

Children, tell me to fruit trees have grown ripe and juicy fruits, what do trees need? (Children's answers, and for each correct answer throughout lessons, the children are given a piece of the puzzle from the panel.) That's right, trees need the sun, water, good land.

Who takes care of the trees in the garden? (Children's answers: people, gardener, person.)

What does a gardener do? (Children's answers.)

The teacher completes the answers: Cuts off old dried branches, sprays trees from various pests, waters fruity trees in a dry summer, fertilizes the soil, loosens the ground and, if necessary, heals tree trunks. The better a person takes care of the trees, the richer the harvest will be. fruits.

What do you think fruitbetter for human health: raw or canned? Why? (Children's answers.)

caregiver: What can be cooked from fruits? (Children's answers.) That's right, from fruits you can cook a lot variety of dishes.

3. Physical Minute. Finger gymnastics "We cook compote".

Get your hands ready - we will "cook compote".

We will cook compote, (Hold your left palm "ladle" index finger of the right hand "interfere".)

Need a lot of fruit. (Fingers are bent one at a time, starting with the big one.)

Here: let's chop apples (mimic all movements: crumble.)

We will chop the pear (Cut.)

Let's wring out lemon juice (Press.)

Drain put and sand (Imitate movements.)

We cook, we cook compote ( "Cook" and "interfere".)

Let's treat honest people. (Treat).

4. Main body

let's play: I will say the first word, and you the second.

Plum. (juice, apple. (jam, apricot jam. (apricot, plum compote. (plum).

caregiver: And now, stand in a circle, I will stand in its center, and you turn your back on me and put your hands behind your back. Each of you I will put in the hands of a seed fruit. You need to guess by touch from which fruit this seed and tell about it. (Children guess and make up short stories.)

Research activity.

The goal is to find out why some fruits spoil faster and others are slower?

Do you have children fruit that grow only in hot climates, name them. (Children's answers.)

How are lemon, banana and tangerine similar? (Children's answers.)

What do they have in common? (Children's answers.) That's right, pulp and skin.

What do you think the skin protects against? fruit? (Children's answers.) That's right, in order not to spoil.

A week ago we reviewed these fruit: tangerine, banana and lemon. They were all fresh and beautiful looking. We left them lying on the closet in the group. Let's look at them now. Have they changed in some way? (Children's answers.)

You and I know that they all have a peel - it protects fruits from spoilage.

And what do we see? The lemon did not spoil at all, the tangerine began to deteriorate a little, and the banana turned black and completely deteriorated. Why did this happen? (The teacher listens to all the suggestions of the children.)

Do you want to know why this happened?

I have a special paper, it changes its color if it gets sour water or sour juice. Let's check it out. (Children from different pipettes drop water and sour juice onto the paper.) What happened to the paper? (Children's answers.) That's right, one paper remained the same, the other became pink.

Let's drop a drop of juice from the pulp of each fruit. (Children perform the action - alternately dripping on various litmus test lemon, tangerine and banana juice (in gauze pulp).)

Now compare the color of the paper. What happened to her? (Children's answers.) Where has the paper color changed the most? (Children's answers.)

So where is the most sour juice? (In a lemon.) Where is the least? (In a banana.)

So why did the banana go bad the fastest? (children's answers, correct, because it is the sweetest. Why didn't the lemon go bad? (Children's answers.)Now we can all answer the difficult question together.: why alone fruits spoil faster and others are slower? (The teacher listens to the children's answers, then helps the children to draw a general conclusion - sweet fruits spoil faster than sour.)

You are my smartest!

5. Bottom line lessons.

caregiver: What did you like on lesson? What new did you learn? What else would you like to know about fruits? (Answers and questions of children.)

After lessons collective collection of a common panel « Fruit» .

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Last night I felt that the corners of my lips were chapped. Thought it was from the wind. I woke up in the morning with a terrible sore throat. Decided to catch a cold.

All day (and the previous evening) I drank apple juice "Orchard" - this one here. And I'm getting worse and worse. By evening - irritation of the oral mucosa, swollen lips.

I drink suprastin, my throat hurts terribly, especially if you sneeze, swallow and yawn.

From the article by A. Tikhonenko “Falsh Juices” magazine “Home Encyclopedia for You” ():

“At the initiative of the State Inspectorate for the Quality of Agricultural Products, Raw Materials and Foodstuffs of the Government of Moscow, selective tests of various nectars and juices were carried out at the Soeks-Test testing center of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation. A drink from cherries "Orchard" did not even turn out to be nectar - it was tinted with azorubine (E-122). The addition of such chemical dyes to nectars is completely unacceptable by GOST, which regulates their production.

To anyone who calls not to be afraid of the letter "E" in food, I would not recommend trying E-122 on your children. Various allergies occur in 90-99% of urban children. And the Austrian consumer society "Konsument" includes azorubine, along with additives such as tartrazine and sulfur dioxide, in the list of the most dangerous allergens for patients with bronchial asthma. When cherry (!) nectar is dyed red, it inspires suspicion about its quality. Which, in general, was confirmed. Cherry juice in the nectar "Orchard" was less than required by GOST, but apple juice was found in it.

The strawberry nectar "Orchard" struck with its composition; its 15% apple juice was dyed as much as "two colors" - azorubine and even more dangerous crimson dye (E-142). They are prohibited from being used in many countries, including the United States.

"The dye azorubine (E 122) turned out to be in cherry and blackcurrant nectars of the Fruktovy Sad brand, as well as in apple-cherry and apple-blackcurrant juices" Tonus ". But all the records were broken by" Orchard "containing strawberry nectar with pulp. E 122 also turned out to be E 124 - crimson dye 4 R. The producers of these drinks, and they are made at the Lebedyansky plant in the Lipetsk region, chose not the best dyes... They cannot be added to products in the USA, Sweden, Austria and Norway .

Both dyes are suspected of being able to cause the pseudo-allergic reactions mentioned above. And E 124 in animal tests has even demonstrated carcinogenic properties. It is clear that the negative effects of dyes should not be underestimated, even if they have been demonstrated in animals. This is enough to exclude foods with such additives from your diet. This is exactly what the experts of CSPI, the most famous American consumer organization, are calling for. Unfortunately, these dyes are not banned in Russia, and manufacturers who secretly add them to drinks officially recommend giving their products even to children from 2 years old.

But besides "chemistry" in juices and nectars, a lot of other violations were revealed. The most typical of them is underfilling of juice. Different nectars, depending on the type of berries, should contain 25-50% juice. In reality, it was almost always less. Records were set by cherry and blackcurrant nectars of the Dobry brand, the juice in them was 3.5-5 times less than necessary. So, buying such drinks, you will receive less vitamins and other useful substances.

And finishing this study in red-chemical tones, we cannot keep silent about one more "crown trick" of producers - the addition of a fair portion of apple juice to nectars instead of berry juice. It was found in all the above drinks from Lebedyan, as well as in the cherry nectars "Ya" (made in the same place) and "Champion" (JV LLC "Nidan-Ecofruct"). The nectar from strawberries, blackberries, currants "Gifts of Summer" also sins with this. Like Dobry, it is made in St. Petersburg at the Multon enterprise. The drinks of these two brands were also tinted with grape skin dye. Probably to hide their pale appearance."

A joke on the subject.

Late evening, the husband returns home. The wife warmed up the pie in the microwave and gives it to him.
- Well, honey, is it delicious?
- Yes, very much, I want more! Can you bake this yourself?
- What are you, dear! We have apples, flour, sugar and milk in our house, but where can I find nutritional supplements E-122, E-430 at night?

We enrich and activate vocabulary. We consolidate knowledge nouns: apple, pear, lemon, orange, tangerine, cherry, peach, apricot, plum, persimmon, banana, palm, pulp, seeds, fruit, stone, peel, peel, apple tree, tree, branch, garden, gardener, tree, leaves , fruit, fruits, harvest, vitamins, watering, compote, jam, jam, juice;
adjectives: fruity, red, green, yellow, ripe, tasty, sweet, sour, juicy, ripe, healthy, large, small, round, oval, elongated, mature unripe, wormy, light, heavy, fresh, large, small, rough, beautiful, tasty, sugary, delicate, smooth, rough, soft, hard, fragrant, fragrant; verbs: plant, grow, water, care for, mature, collect, harvest, cook, preserve, squeeze, dry, ripen, wash, cut, take out, dig in; adverbs: high, low, tasty, tasteless, useful, harmful.

The use of the pronouns "my", "mine", "mine" with a noun(my apple, my plum)

"One - many" (children 4-8 years old). Up to 5 years, the version of the game is shortened (without the word a lot).
Apple - apples - apples
pear - pear - pear
plum - plums - plums
peach - peaches - peaches
apricot - apricots - apricots
persimmon - persimmon - a lot of persimmon
cherries - cherries - many cherries (several cherries)
orange - oranges - oranges
lemon - lemons - lemons
fruit - fruit - fruit
garden - gardens - gardens
bone - bones - bones
tree - trees - trees
branch - branches - branches
palm tree - palm trees - palm trees
seed (seed) - seeds - many seeds
juice - juices - lots of juices, lots of juice

"Call it affectionately" (children from 4 years old)

apple - apple - apples
pear - pear - pear
lemon - lemon - lemons
orange - orange - oranges
tangerine - tangerine - tangerines
apricot - apricot - apricots
cherry - cherry - cherries
banana - banana - bananas
tree - tree - trees
garden - garden - gardens
twig - twig - twigs

Formation of relative adjectives "Name what tree?" (children 6-8 years old)

Tree with apples - apple tree - apple tree
... pear - pear - pear
... plums - plum - plum
... peaches - peach - peach
... apricots - apricot - apricot;

Formation of relative adjectives "What kind of juice?"
(children from 5 years old)
Apple juice - apple
... pear - pear
... plum - plum
... cherries - cherry
... lemons - lemon
... apricot - apricot
... oranges - orange
... peaches - peach
... fruits - fruity
... tangerines - tangerines

The game "Count" (children from 5 years old)
We learn to coordinate the names of vegetables with numerals.

One apple - two apples - five apples
one pear - two pears - five pears
one banana - two bananas - five bananas, etc.

"Count fruits" (children 6-8 years old)
one red apple - two red apples - five red apples
one green pear - two green pears - five green pears
one yellow banana - two yellow bananas - five yellow bananas.

Game "Guess" (children from 5 years old)
We train in recognizing the fruit by its part.
Slice (of what?) tangerine, orange...
Bone (of what?) cherries, plums, apples, pears...
A bunch of (what?) grapes
Peel (what?) of an apple, pear, orange ...

The game "Beautiful words" (children from 5 years old)
Practice choosing adjectives.
Apple(what?) (delicious, sweet, fragrant, tender, juicy, liquid, Ruddy, red, yellow, golden, striped, ripe, soft, hard, (not) big, small...)
Apples(what?) (large, dried, baked, summer, autumn, winter, late, southern, Antonov ...)
Pear(what?) (sweet, tasty, fragrant, fragrant, juicy, soft, hard, yellow, green, green-brown...)

Game "Guess the fruit by description"
1. Yellow, sour, oval, ripe, fragrant, grows on a tree. (Lemon.)
2. Round, juicy, sweet, red, ripe, firm, tasty, ruddy. (Apple.)
Work continues on the selection of epithets with other fruits.

The game "What's wrong?"
We learn to highlight a common feature in words, develop the ability to generalize.
Pear, apple, tomato, peach (tomato)
Pomegranate, orange, banana, apple (banana)
Cabbage, pumpkin, kiwi, zucchini (kiwi)
Apricot, lemon, banana, peach (lemon)

Game yes and no
If the child agrees, then he must say "yes", if he does not agree - "no".
Growing in the garden: potatoes, cabbage, apples, pears, beets, carrots.
In the garden they plant: carrots, cucumbers, apples, parsley, plums.
In the garden grow: pears, raspberries, zucchini, potatoes, rolls, apples, currants.

"Say the opposite"
The peach is big and the apricot is..........small;
an apple has a lot of seeds, and a plum has one seed;
an orange is round, and a banana .................... long;
lemon is sour and peach is sweet;
orange more, and tangerine .............. less

Game "Tell me a word"
We develop a sense of rhythm. It is good if the child draws or blinds the guess word.
He is important as a master
This juicy ... (orange).

Sour - very sour!
He asks us for tea ... (lemon).

Here, on a beautiful tree
They beckon in blue ... (plums).

Finger gymnastics

We went to the market

(connecting the fingers with pads, starting with the little fingers, one pair of fingers for each poetic line; while the palms do not touch each other).

We went to the market, little fingers
Many pears there and persimmons, nameless
There are lemons, oranges, medium
Melons, plums, tangerines, index
But we bought a watermelon - large
This is the most delicious load! fingers are clenched into a fist, and the thumb is retracted up

Like our Zina
There are fruits in the basket: Children make their hands a “basket”.
apples and pears,
For the kids to eat
Peaches and plums -
How beautiful!
Look at the runet! Bend fingers, starting with the little finger.
There is no tastier fruit than ours! Stroking the belly.

fruit palm
This finger is an orange,
He is certainly not alone.
This finger is a plum
Delicious, beautiful.
This finger is an apricot,
It grew high on a branch.
This finger is a pear
He asks: "Come on, eat!"
This finger is a pineapple. The fingers are unbent from the cam one by one, starting with the big one.
Fruit for you and for us. They point with their palms around and at themselves.


We raise our hands, pick apples. Children repeat the movements.
We lower our hands. We collect in the basket. Children sit down.
We raise our hands and put them in the basket.
Now guys get up
Raise your hands slowly, Children repeat the movements.
Squeeze your fingers, then unclench,
Hands down and so stand.
Lean right, left
And get back to work.


The sun rose over the mountain
An apple fell from the sky
Through the azure meadows
Rolled right to us!
It rolled, it rolled
Fell off the bridge into the river.
Who saw - do not sleep,
Hurry up and catch him!
Whoever caught, well done, -
After all, the counting is over!

Poems for memorizing and automating delivered sounds:


apricot, apricot,

You grew up in the sultry south.

The sun caressed you

Sweet juices were poured

The wind was blowing you

Gives a fruity aroma.

The dew washed you

Passed through the storm.

So the apricot grew -

Softer color than roses

With hard, smooth bone

Fragrant, delicious, sweet!

Red, ripe apricot

Red, ripe apricot

He brought us a surprise

He's got a bone inside

If you take and split

Then we find the core

Very tasty and smart

Like a box of miracles -

Eat with and without kernels!

Fragrant sweet melon

Fragrant sweet melon

It lies in pieces on the table.

Here's a slice for little Dina

And this one will be mine.

The flesh comes off the crust

Full of amber juice.

The eye from the melon and the pussy does not take,

But does she love melon?

I am her fragrant piece

Cut off and offered

But Murka does not want to try,

And I put a slice in my mouth.


On fire in the garden

Miraculous miracle of nature -

gray-yellow in appearance

Melon-melon lies!

And above it - a wasp is circling,

On it - a bee sits down:

Everything that buzzes here

Appetite awakened.

And if so - she has matured ...

So you get down to business!

Take it off quickly

Cut into pieces...

All around: both old and young -

Hurry for flavor!

I'm just dying of happiness -

Eat ... But I regret a little

What a terribly small mouth

And a very small belly!

They brought me a pineapple

I remember the first time

They brought me a pineapple.

There was a mood

I have spring.

Everyone started asking me

At least take a bite.

He's prickly - I don't want to.

Stand back. I'll scream.

It's only been an hour,

And only a piece remained.

I decided to try.

Well guys, what happened.

It made me feel very sad,

On your birthday, by the way!

What is so delicious

Snatched up on the fly.

I clearly understood then

That at least sometimes

Mom needs to listen

What they told you to eat.

Hurry up pineapple

Pineapple grows in the garden -

All the guys know this;

The juice is poured

To please us

And dream quickly

Be helpful to people.

Hurry up, pineapple, -

Delight for us!

Lemon yellow sides

Lemon yellow sides

Warmed up in the sun

It is warm and alive in the hands

And he sang very, very well!

We will cut it now

Add sugar -

And there will be a treat for us

For the whole evening!

orange as the sun shines

Orange like the sun shines

It's on a platter!

He is about the sea and summer,

Tells all the kids!

Eat orange kids

It's the sunshine vitamin!

It is radiant and fragrant

And it tastes very good!

Orange juice is good

When it's hot, drink it!

You get courage

Drink and relax!

How the plum changes

Fashionista - plum,

while ripe,

dress after dress

so it changed.

Was green

satin dress,

no, didn't like it

chose red.

That's also tired of this, -

dressed in blue.

And the blue dress

failed to change:

our Katya came

and ate a plum.

The most important sweet fruit

It grows in our garden.

It is amber and fragrant,

Sweet and sour, golden.

Large, round and crispy

The king is real!

There is with a ruddy barrel,

And with a funny worm.

Our apple tree is amazing

Gave a lot of apples:

very sweet, fragrant,

And taste so good.

Ruddy apple filled with juice

A ruddy apple filled with juice,

It climbed a tree high, high.

A fidget wind flew in from afar.

He immediately noticed a beautiful apple.

Strongly shook the branch: maybe it will break.

And it lies in the grass - it laughs merrily.

To date, Fruit Garden juice is one of the top three most popular juices in Russia. Recommended for children from two years old. Does not contain preservatives food additives and various dyes. Produced exclusively on the basis of natural vegetables and fruits. Juice "Orchard" (manufacturer - plant "Lebedyansky") is produced in the city of Lebedyansk, Lipetsk region.

Juice assortment

There are only a few types of juice in the assortment of Fruktovoy Sad, the production of which is approached with all responsibility at the plant. Packaging is carried out in bags ranging in size from 0.2 to 2 liters. And since 2004, the juice began to be packaged in plastic bottles, which are convenient to carry, size 0.385 l. And already in 2010, Magic Style Creative Design Bureau developed a new packaging design specifically for the release of a new seasonal juice flavor - Assorted Berries and Fruits. The article presents juice "Orchard", photos show the most popular range of products.

Properties and calorie content of juice

In tomato juice "Orchard" per hundred grams of the product there are 22.38 kcal, which is one percent of the total daily allowance, 0.11 g of protein. Most of all, the juice contains carbohydrates - 5.51 grams, which is more than two percent of the total daily intake.

Apple juice contains 44.13 kcal per hundred grams of the product and almost twice as many carbohydrates as tomato juice, which is about 11 grams. There are no proteins in this juice at all.

Buying juice "Orchard", you can be sure about your figure.

Juice production technology

After the research, it was found that mostly buyers prefer orange, apple and tomato juice. It is the raw materials that are used to make these juices that are the basis for all the others.

Juice "Orchard" is obtained with the help of recovery technology. Reconstituted juices, in turn, are obtained from concentrated ones. In order to obtain concentrated juice, it is necessary to remove most of the water from natural juice. There are several ways to remove water. The most common method is evaporation. To do this, the juice is heated in special vacuums, but not brought to a boil. After a few hours, a mass is obtained that resembles honey or syrup in consistency. In second place is the freezing method. In its technology, it is very similar to the evaporation method, only the water is removed under the influence of freezing. The membrane method is less commonly used - the juice is passed through a membrane with small holes. AT concentrated juices No sugar or any other sweeteners are added. In order to obtain reconstituted juices, concentrated juices must be heated to a temperature of 100 degrees in half a minute. Then it must be held for no more than 3-4 seconds and cooled to room temperature. After that, pure filtered water is added to the juice in the amount in which it was evaporated. When adding a liquid, it is important to consider the concentration method. For example, if the juice was concentrated using the evaporation method in three cycles, then it must be restored in three stages.

As a result, one hundred percent juice "Orchard" is obtained, which, in its own way, palatability and the characteristics are in no way inferior to freshly squeezed.