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Very tasty rabbit stewed in sour cream. Rabbit stewed in sour cream step by step recipe

Rabbit meat is considered dietary product due to its low fat content and high protein content. The calorie content of rabbit meat is only 150 kilocalories per 100 grams of meat. Due to its low calorie content, rabbit meat is recommended for children from an early age.

Before cooking the rabbit classic recipe, it is necessary to divide the rabbit carcass into portions. To do this, you need to divide the carcass into two halves along the lumbar vertebra, and then each part into pieces of the desired size. After that, you can proceed to the most interesting - culinary processing.


  • 2 kg of rabbit meat;
  • one carrot;
  • one head of onion;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
  • half a liter of high-fat sour cream;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking time: 110 minutes.

The calorie content of stewed rabbit meat is 159 Kcal.

How to cook rabbit in sour cream:

Rabbit in sour cream with mushrooms in a pan

Stewed rabbit meat with mushrooms in sour cream - pretty gourmet dish that every member of your family will love. In order to prepare such unusual dish, it will take only 90 minutes, but in order to get the most tender meat, it must first be marinated. But you can cook without pre-marinating.


  • one rabbit carcass;
  • one glass of whole milk;
  • 0.25 liters of fat sour cream;
  • one stalk of leek, no more than 10 cm;
  • 2 pcs. onion;
  • 4 garlic cloves;
  • half a glass of dried mushrooms;
  • 1 tbsp dried rosemary;
  • 1 tbsp dried marjoram;
  • 1 tbsp salt;
  • a few peas of black pepper;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • a glass of white wine;
  • 2 large carrots;
  • sunflower oil- for frying meat and vegetables;
  • 2 bouillon cubes.

Cooking time: pickling - 10 hours, cooking itself - 90 minutes.

Calorie content is 181 Kcal.

Braised rabbit in sour cream with mushrooms in a pan is prepared as follows:

Rabbit in sour cream with vegetables, cooked in the oven

Rabbit Meat is Versatile meat product, which can not only be fried, stewed, but also baked in the oven with various vegetables, experimenting and getting more and more new dishes. Consider one of these recipes.


  • one rabbit carcass;
  • one zucchini;
  • kilogram of potatoes;
  • one large eggplant;
  • 4 heads of onions;
  • 5 fresh tomatoes;
  • 100 ml apple cider vinegar;
  • Half a liter of fat sour cream;
  • salt and black ground pepper added to taste.

Cooking time - 110 min.

Calorie content is 154 kcal.

Recipe for rabbit in sour cream with vegetables in the oven:

Rabbit in sour cream with potatoes: a recipe for cooking in a slow cooker


  • rabbit meat - half a kilogram;
  • potatoes - half a kilogram;
  • one large carrot;
  • one head of onion;
  • half a glass of fat sour cream;
  • ground black pepper and salt are added to taste.

Cooking time - 70 minutes.

Calorie content is 144 kcal.

This recipe for cooking rabbit meat is suitable for any multicooker, in the programs of which there is a wonderful “stewing” mode.

The process of cooking rabbit with sour cream in a slow cooker:

  1. Put the prepared rabbit meat on the bottom of the multicooker without closing the lid.
  2. Set the frying mode for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally the meat, fry it until golden brown. If there is not enough own fat from meat, then you can add sunflower oil so that it does not burn.
  3. While the meat is fried, you can do the vegetables. Cut the onion into as small pieces as possible, cut the potatoes into cubes or rhombuses, just grind the carrots.
  4. Then you need to prepare gravy from sour cream. To do this, mix sour cream with a glass of water, salt and pepper.
  5. At the 8th minute of roasting the meat, you need to lower the chopped onions and grated carrots into the slow cooker.
  6. As soon as the “frying” program turns off, it is necessary to lower the potatoes to the meat with vegetables and pour all the ingredients with the previously prepared sour cream sauce.
  7. Set the “quenching” mode in the multicooker for 60 minutes, provided that the multicooker has a power of 860 watts. If the slow cooker has a lower power, then the time for stewing the rabbit must be increased from 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the power.
  8. After the beep of the multicooker, the dish is ready. You can decorate with a leaf of some fresh herbs, for example, a lettuce leaf and a couple of slices of cherry tomatoes. Enjoy your meal!

Culinary Tips

Rabbit meat must always be marinated, so the meat is much tastier, richer and softer. Without pickling, it will always be a little tougher and not as fragrant as we would like.

Marinating can be different:

  1. Wine vinegar plus spices. Vinegar is diluted with water 1:1 and spices are added. The disadvantage is that the real meat flavor is lost. Rinse the meat before cooking.
  2. The most wonderful marinade is white wine. The meat after it turns out fragrant, tender and does not lose its beneficial properties.
  3. Whey also softens rabbit meat well and removes unpleasant odors.

Cooking a rabbit should always take place with the addition of various spices: ground black pepper, onions, salt and garlic.

All rabbit dishes are not at all difficult to prepare, but their taste and aroma are simply unique. Rabbit in sour cream can be served both in everyday life, in order to surprise relatives, and on holidays. Cook with pleasure and delight yourself and your loved ones!

In the next video - another recipe for rabbit stewed in sour cream.

Everyone remembers the catchphrase that rabbits are not only valuable fur, but also two to four kilograms of delicious dietary meat. And this is true. Rabbit meat has a high biological and nutritional value: it contains essential amino acids, iron, cobalt, phosphorus, and many vitamins. Moreover, their number exceeds the content in other types of meat. Rabbit meat is widely used in clinical nutrition, it is useful for people of all ages, especially children, the elderly and those on a diet, because. this meat is low-calorie, contains only 150kcal per 100g. It is also valuable that rabbit meat does not accumulate pesticides, herbicides and nuclear decay products, which means it is environmentally friendly.

Rabbit is recognized as a dietary and delicacy meat not only in Russian, but also in other countries. national cuisines peace. Crawl dishes are especially popular in the Mediterranean countries. It is fried, stuffed, baked, stewed in wine, cream, sour cream. Rabbit cooked in sour cream is the most beloved and one of the most common dishes, which can be briefly described as tasty, fast, healthy. Rabbit meat is simply stewed in sour cream, or mushrooms, apples, nuts, prunes, garlic, rosemary, white wine are added.

Rabbit in sour cream - food preparation

The meat of a young rabbit practically does not require preparation. But the rabbit meat of an adult can be harsh and have a specific smell. To make the meat fibers more tender and remove odors, it is pre-soaked for several hours, usually three to four is enough. For marinade, it is necessary to dilute water with vinegar in the ratio: for 1 liter of water - 1 small spoonful of vinegar (9%) or lemon juice. It is necessary that the liquid covers the carcass completely, so if the marinade is not enough, you will need to make a new portion. Sometimes the meat is soaked in milk for more tenderness or wine for piquancy.

To divide a whole rabbit into parts, experienced chefs recommend first cutting the carcass in half along the extreme lumbar vertebra, and then cutting these halves into portions. The bones of a rabbit, although hard, are fragile, so you need to try not to crush them, but cut them with one blow to avoid small fragments.

Rabbit in sour cream - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Rabbit stewed in sour cream

Rabbit cooked in sour cream. it just can't be delicious. Carrots, garlic and onions, used as auxiliary products for stewing, united in a single bouquet, endow the rabbit with a magical aroma and amazing taste.

Ingredients: a small rabbit carcass - 2 kg, one large carrot and onion each, 0.5 l of thick fat sour cream, 3 cloves of garlic, black pepper, salt, vegetable oil.

Grate the soaked rabbit pieces with chopped garlic and pepper. salt and leave to marinate for about an hour. Then heat the oil and fry the rabbit until beautiful crust. It is necessary to fry on high heat.

In the same oil, fry onion half rings and coarsely grated carrots. Put the meat in the dish, on top fried vegetables and pour sour cream. If it is too thick, it can be diluted with water. If necessary sour cream sauce salt extra.

When the contents boil, cover with a lid and reduce the heat as much as possible. Simmer for about forty minutes. If the rabbit is young, this time is usually enough. If the meat is tough, keep on fire until tender. Crawl in sour cream goes well with boiled rice, buckwheat, but even better with mashed potatoes. You can decorate the dish with sprigs of fresh herbs.

Recipe 2: Rabbit in sour cream with mushrooms

Rabbit fried in garlic oil is first stewed with onions in own juice, and then baked in the oven with mushrooms and sour cream. Unusual aromas hover at this time, therefore it is better to remove those who are especially hungry, for humane purposes, from the kitchen while cooking.

Ingredients. rabbit carcass - 3 kg, 2 large onions, 0.5 l of thick fat sour cream, 0.7 kg fresh champignons, 4 garlic cloves, salt, pepper, vegetable oil.

Cut the soaked rabbit carcass into large pieces. Flatten the garlic cloves and fry them in oil to release their flavor. The garlic is then removed and discarded. And the rabbit is fried in oil, not necessarily to a crust, the main thing is that it absorbs the garlic flavor. Transfer it to a stew dish. It is better if it is an ordinary cast-iron cauldron - it keeps heat well, and the dish in it will not burn.

In the oil where the rabbit was fried, fry onion half rings. It is not necessary to fry until golden, the main thing is that the onion softens. Transfer it to the cauldron to the crawl, sprinkle with pepper, salt, and simmer over low heat for about an hour. There is no need to add liquid, the rabbit will release the juice and it will be enough.

Coarsely chop the mushrooms, so that a piece is well felt on the teeth, and put in a frying pan, adding a little oil. It is not necessary to fry them for a long time, it is necessary to wait for them to give juice. It can be drained.

In the dish where the dish will be baked, transfer the pieces of the stewed rabbit with onions (without liquid), put the mushrooms on top, mix. Combine sour cream with the broth in which the meat was stewed, add salt, pepper, you can add some other seasonings at your discretion, and pour the meat with mushrooms over it. Cover and bake for about an hour (180C).

Recipe 3: Rabbit in sour cream with prunes

This delicious rabbit more suitable for holiday table. Unusual gravy envelops him with a gentle veil. Prunes added to the dish give it a piquancy, delicate aroma and a slight sourness, softened creamy taste sour cream.

Ingredients. rabbit - 2-2.5 kg, 4 garlic cloves, prunes - 1 handful (about ½ - 2/3 cup), 500 ml sour cream (15-20%), 2 large onions, 1 large carrot, vegetable oil, salt, spices ( any to taste - for game, french herbs, rosemary).

Mix chopped garlic, two tablespoons of oil, spices, salt and spread prepared pieces of meat. Leave to marinate for three to four hours. During this time, the pieces will need to be mixed several times.

Cut prunes into quarters and steam - i.e. Pour boiling water over and leave to swell and soften.

In a cauldron, fry onion half rings and grated carrots, add prunes and hold everything together for a little on fire. Then transfer for a while to another bowl, and fry the rabbit pieces in this oil (the marinade does not need to be washed off, fry directly with it) until almost all the liquid has boiled away.

Transfer the vegetables with prunes back to the cauldron with the meat, mix and pour over the sour cream. You can first add a little milk (1/3 cup) to it so that the sour cream does not curdle. Add salt, pepper if necessary, and simmer until the meat is tender, about an hour. The dish is cooked over low heat with the lid closed. Sometimes it is necessary to look into the cauldron to mix the contents, lifting the vegetables from the bottom so that they do not burn. Carrot, especially if it was finely grated, during this time it has time to boil, and gives the sauce the desired density.

- Rabbit meat has more nutritional value if the carcass has a large amount of muscle tissue. If the fibers contain insignificant fatty layers, then the animal was well fed, and its meat will be more tender.

- When buying a fresh chilled rabbit, you need to know that its meat must be bled, white, slightly pinkish in color, with a dense structure, and not have an unpleasant odor. It is believed that the younger the rabbit, the thinner its bones. An older individual has dark pink meat.

- The carcass should be sold with an ear or a tail, hair and claws are left on the paw, so that by these signs it can be made sure that this is a rabbit.

By right it is considered a tasty dietary product. Due to its low calorie content, rabbit meat is recommended for overweight people, as well as for children and allergy sufferers, because it is a recognized hypoallergenic product. How to cook rabbit in sour cream sauce? Rabbit meat is the leader in the content of vitamins and minerals. internal fat It is also very useful and is used not only for culinary, but also for medical purposes.

Rabbit meat does not have any special specific smell, but it is customary to pickle it to make it softer, more aromatic and juicier. Products containing acid can help with this - yogurt, kefir, wine, vinegar, lemon juice, etc. The vegetable oils that make up the marinade will soften the action of the acid and enhance the aroma of spices.

Place the rabbit carcass cut into portions in a container with marinade for 3-8 hours. If it is not possible to marinate the meat for several hours, it can be cooked immediately after processing. In any case, rabbit meat will turn out more fragrant.

Recipes for cooking rabbit in sour cream sauce

Braised rabbit in sour cream and garlic sauce


Rabbit meat;

2 pcs of onions;

200 gr sour cream;

2-3 cloves of garlic;

2 bay leaves;

1-2 glasses of water;

salt, pepper to taste.

How to cook:

    Roll each piece of meat in flour and fry in a saucepan until golden brown.

    Put the pieces in enamel pan or cauldron.

    Add sautéed onions and 1-2 cups of water. It is necessary that the water barely covers the meat.

    Close the lid and simmer over low heat for 40-45 minutes.

    After that, add sour cream, pepper, salt, bay leaf and garlic, passed through a garlic press, to the meat. Simmer another 10 minutes.

    A delicious and healthy dish is ready. You can serve potatoes or any cereals as a side dish.


The rabbit dish cooked in the oven is very popular.


rabbit meat;

lime juice;

200 gr sour cream;

5 st. spoons olive oil;

spices - to taste;

salt, pepper - to taste;

100 gr greens - parsley, cilantro.

How to cook:

    Marinate rabbit meat in a mixture of spices, herbs, olive oil and lime juice.

    Then put in a baking dish and put in the oven for half an hour at a temperature of about 160 ⁰С.

    While the meat is fried, it is necessary to prepare the sour cream and garlic sauce.

    For the sauce: put sour cream in a cup, 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil, add salt, pepper, cilantro, parsley and a clove of garlic passed through a garlic press.

    Remove the meat from the oven, pour over the sour cream sauce and bake for another 15 minutes.


You can cook dietary meat in sour cream sauce right in the pan.


rabbit meat;

3 pcs of onions;

1 bouillon cube;

200 gr sour cream;

50 gr of dry wine;

salt, pepper, spices - to taste.

How to cook:

    The meat, cut into portions, must be folded into a pan and fried in a creamy or vegetable oil until golden brown appears.

    Saute the chopped onion in a saucepan. After pour into the onion white dry wine and boil it out completely.

    Dilute with water in an amount of 1-1.5 cups. Stir the bouillon cube and sour cream into the sauce.

    Place the meat in the sauce, add pepper, salt to taste and simmer over low heat for about 40 minutes.

    Check doneness with a fork or knife.

What dishes can still be prepared from a rabbit, see the video:

Rabbit in sour cream - food preparation

Everyone remembers the popular expression that rabbits are not only valuable fur, but also two to four kilograms of delicious dietary meat. And this is true. Rabbit meat has a high biological and nutritional value: it contains essential amino acids, iron, cobalt, phosphorus, and many vitamins. Moreover, their number exceeds the content in other types of meat. Rabbit meat is widely used in clinical nutrition, it is useful for people of all ages, especially children, the elderly and those on a diet, because. this meat is low-calorie, contains only 150kcal per 100g. It is also valuable that rabbit meat does not accumulate pesticides, herbicides and nuclear decay products, which means it is environmentally friendly.

Rabbit meat is recognized as a dietary and delicacy meat not only in Russian, but also in other national cuisines of the world. Crawl dishes are especially popular in the Mediterranean countries. It is fried, stuffed, baked, stewed in wine, cream, sour cream. Rabbit cooked in sour cream is the most beloved and one of the most common dishes, which can be briefly described as tasty, fast, healthy. Rabbit meat is simply stewed in sour cream, or mushrooms, apples, nuts, prunes, garlic, rosemary, white wine are added.

Rabbit in sour cream - food preparation

The meat of a young rabbit practically does not require preparation. But the rabbit meat of an adult can be harsh and have a specific smell. To make the meat fibers more tender and remove odors, it is pre-soaked for several hours, usually three to four is enough. For marinade, it is necessary to dilute water with vinegar in the ratio: for 1 liter of water - 1 small spoonful of vinegar (9%) or lemon juice. It is necessary that the liquid covers the carcass completely, so if the marinade is not enough, you will need to make a new portion. Sometimes the meat is soaked in milk for more tenderness or wine for piquancy.

To divide a whole rabbit into parts, experienced chefs recommend first cutting the carcass in half along the extreme lumbar vertebra, and then cutting these halves into portions. The bones of a rabbit, although hard, are fragile, so you need to try not to crush them, but cut them with one blow to avoid small fragments.

Rabbit in sour cream - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Rabbit stewed in sour cream

Rabbit cooked in sour cream is simply delicious. Carrots, garlic and onions, used as auxiliary products for stewing, united in a single bouquet, endow the rabbit with a magical aroma and amazing taste.

Ingredients: small rabbit carcass - 2 kg, one large carrot and onion, 0.5 l of thick fat sour cream, 3 cloves of garlic, black pepper, salt, vegetable oil.

Cooking method

Grate the soaked rabbit pieces with chopped garlic, pepper, salt and leave to marinate for about an hour. Then heat the oil and fry the rabbit until a beautiful crust. It is necessary to fry on high heat.

In the same oil, fry onion half rings and coarsely grated carrots. Put the meat in a bowl, fried vegetables on top and pour sour cream. If it is too thick, it can be diluted with water. Season with additional salt if needed.

When the contents boil, cover with a lid and reduce the heat as much as possible. Simmer for about forty minutes. If the rabbit is young, this time is usually enough. If the meat is tough, keep on fire until tender. Crawl in sour cream goes well with boiled rice, buckwheat, but even better with mashed potatoes. You can decorate the dish with sprigs of fresh herbs.

Recipe 2: Rabbit in sour cream with mushrooms

The rabbit, fried in garlic oil, is first stewed with onions in its own juice, and then baked in the oven with mushrooms and sour cream. Unusual aromas hover at this time, therefore it is better to remove those who are especially hungry, for humane purposes, from the kitchen while cooking.

Ingredients: rabbit carcass - 3 kg, 2 large onions, 0.5 l of thick fat sour cream, 0.7 kg of fresh champignons, 4 cloves of garlic, salt, pepper, vegetable oil.

Cooking method

Cut the soaked rabbit carcass into large pieces. Flatten the garlic cloves and fry them in oil to release their flavor. The garlic is then removed and discarded. And the rabbit is fried in oil, not necessarily to a crust, the main thing is that it absorbs the garlic flavor. Transfer it to a stew dish. It is better if it is an ordinary cast-iron cauldron - it keeps heat well, and the dish in it will not burn.

In the oil where the rabbit was fried, fry onion half rings. It is not necessary to fry until golden, the main thing is that the onion softens. Transfer it to the cauldron to the crawl, sprinkle with pepper, salt, and simmer over low heat for about an hour. There is no need to add liquid, the rabbit will release the juice and it will be enough.

Coarsely chop the mushrooms, so that a piece is well felt on the teeth, and put in a frying pan, adding a little oil. It is not necessary to fry them for a long time, it is necessary to wait for them to give juice. It can be drained.

In the dish where the dish will be baked, transfer the pieces of the stewed rabbit with onions (without liquid), put the mushrooms on top, mix. Combine sour cream with the broth in which the meat was stewed, add salt, pepper, you can add some other seasonings at your discretion, and pour the meat with mushrooms over it. Cover and bake for about an hour (180C).

Recipe 3: Rabbit in sour cream with prunes

This delicious rabbit is more suitable for a festive table. Unusual gravy envelops him with a gentle veil. Prunes added to the dish give it a piquancy, delicate aroma and a slight sourness, softened by the creamy taste of sour cream.

Ingredients: rabbit - 2-2.5 kg, 4 garlic cloves, prunes - 1 handful (about ½ - 2/3 cup), 500 ml sour cream (15-20%), 2 large onions, 1 large carrot, vegetable oil, salt, spices (any to taste - for game, French herbs, rosemary).

Cooking method

Mix chopped garlic, two tablespoons of oil, spices, salt and spread prepared pieces of meat. Leave to marinate for three to four hours. During this time, the pieces will need to be mixed several times.

Cut prunes into quarters and steam - i.e. Pour boiling water over and leave to swell and soften.

In a cauldron, fry onion half rings and grated carrots, add prunes and hold everything together for a little on fire. Then transfer for a while to another bowl, and fry the rabbit pieces in this oil (the marinade does not need to be washed off, fry directly with it) until almost all the liquid has boiled away.

Transfer the vegetables with prunes back to the cauldron with the meat, mix and pour over the sour cream. You can first add a little milk (1/3 cup) to it so that the sour cream does not curdle. Add salt, pepper if necessary, and simmer until the meat is tender, about an hour. The dish is cooked over low heat with the lid closed. Sometimes it is necessary to look into the cauldron to mix the contents, lifting the vegetables from the bottom so that they do not burn. Carrot, especially if it was finely grated, during this time it has time to boil, and gives the sauce the desired density.

Rabbit in sour cream helpful tips experienced chefs

- Rabbit meat has more nutritional value if the carcass has a large amount of muscle tissue. If the fibers contain insignificant fatty layers, then the animal was well fed, and its meat will be more tender.

- When buying a fresh chilled rabbit, you need to know that its meat must be bled, white, slightly pinkish in color, with a dense structure, and not have an unpleasant odor. It is believed that the younger the rabbit, the thinner its bones. An older individual has dark pink meat.

- The carcass should be sold with an ear or a tail, hair and claws are left on the paw, so that by these signs it can be made sure that this is a rabbit.

Incredibly delicious! Rabbit stewed in sour cream comes to the table of true gourmets. But how to cook it right? What to do with meat so that it does not become tough? And how to choose a carcass? We will solve all issues together!

Rabbit is rarely on our tables. Unfortunately, since it, from the point of view of nutritionists, has a high nutritional value. A minimum of fat, a maximum of protein, an optimal complex of nutrients and only 150 calories per 100 grams of meat. It is no coincidence that recipes for preparing stewed rabbit are included in the medical and dietary menu, they are recommended for babies in the first years of life.

Carcass selection and preparation

  • So that the preparation of the rabbit stewed in sour cream goes smoothly, and the taste of the dish pleases with many pleasant facets, carefully approach the choice of the carcass. It must be bled and have "proof" that you have rabbit meat in front of you. Usually, a paw or a tail is left as it.
  • Ideally, if the meat is soft pink with slight fat streaks. This distinguishes a young rabbit, which, after cooking, will turn out soft and juicy. If you have meat of a saturated shade in front of you, then the animal was old and should be marinated well before cooking. Otherwise, the fibers will be stiff.

Carcass pickling

A mixture of water and vinegar is used as a marinade for rabbit stewed in cream and sour cream. Take them in the proportion of 1 liter cold water per teaspoon of vinegar. The latter can be replaced lemon juice in the same volume. If there is a lot of meat and the marinade does not cover the carcass, cook it in larger quantities, increasing all the ingredients by 2 times. Such a mixture will not only soften the fibers, but also eliminate the specific smell that old rabbit meat has. Soak the carcass in it for 3-4 hours.

Young meat does not need to be marinated. But if you want to give it special facets of taste, use:

  • milk - to make the carcass or rabbit legs stewed in sour cream more tender;
  • white wine - to give a spicy note.

You can prepare the dish in a way convenient for you. Taste qualities rabbit stewed in sour cream in a slow cooker, in a cauldron or oven will not differ. However, in a slow cooker, it will cook longer than on the stove. Keep this in mind if you plan to serve the dish for the arrival of guests.

Classic recipe

And now we will tell you how to put out a rabbit in sour cream. Before cooking, the carcass should be cut into portions. To do this, divide it in half along the lower lumbar vertebra. And divide into pieces of the required size. Chop the bones with one blow, because due to their fragility they can remain small fragments in the meat.

You will need:

  • rabbit - weighing 2 kg;
  • carrots and onions - 1 large vegetable each;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • high-fat sour cream - 0.5 l;
  • salt and pepper.


  1. Soak the pieces, rub them with garlic, sprinkle with pepper and marinate for an hour.
  2. Salt and fry in a hot pan until crispy.
  3. Remove the meat from the pan, turn off the gas. Put coarsely grated carrots and coarsely chopped onions there, fry.
  4. Prepare a deep cauldron, put meat down, vegetables on top. Pour the dish with sour cream (if the mass is thick, dilute it with water). Salt a little.
  5. Put the cauldron on the fire, let it boil. Cover with a lid and reduce the flame to a minimum. Stew a young rabbit for 40 minutes and until the meat is soft, if the carcass is tough.

With prunes

To cook rabbit stewed in sour cream with prunes, you will need:

  • rabbit - 2 kg;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • prunes - 2/3 cup;
  • fat sour cream - 500 ml;
  • bow - 2 large heads;
  • carrots - 1 large;
  • spices - rosemary, Provencal herbs, black pepper, salt.


  1. Grind the garlic, add 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, herbs. Lubricate with a mass of slices of meat, marinate for 4 hours.
  2. Rinse and cut the prunes, pour boiling water to swell.
  3. Fry the carrots and onions in a deep cauldron, lay out the dried prunes, remove the mass from the cauldron with a slotted spoon.
  4. Salt the rabbit, put it in a cauldron, fry.
  5. Add vegetables and prunes. Dilute sour cream with milk or water, add to meat. Simmer for 1 hour on low heat.

With mushrooms

For a rabbit stewed in sour cream with mushrooms, you will need:

  • rabbit - 2-3 kg;
  • onion - 2 large heads;
  • champignons - 0.7 kg;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • fat sour cream - 500 ml;
  • salt and pepper.


  1. Crush the garlic cloves, fry in oil. You will need not the garlic itself (we will throw it away), but fragrant oil, in which immediately fry the pieces of meat.
  2. Transfer them to a cauldron. In the remaining oil, fry the coarsely chopped onion, transfer to the meat. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, stew the rabbit in its own juice for 1 hour.
  3. Coarsely chop and quickly fry the mushrooms.
  4. Transfer the rabbit to a heat-resistant form, spread the mushrooms on top, pour sour cream mixed with milk or meat broth. Cover with foil or a lid, bake for an hour in the oven at 180°C.

With potato

To cook rabbit stewed in sour cream with potatoes, take:

  • rabbit - 2 kg;
  • fat sour cream - 200 ml;
  • large potatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • large onion - 1 pc.;
  • Italian herbs, salt.


  1. Chop coarsely and fry the onion. Transfer to a cauldron.
  2. Salt the rabbit pieces, pepper, fry in the same pan.
  3. Peel and coarsely chop the potatoes.
  4. Put the meat and potatoes in a cauldron on top of the onions. Add herbs, salt. Dilute sour cream with water, pour the contents of the cauldron. It is necessary that the potatoes are completely hidden under the sauce.
  5. Close the lid, let it boil, reduce the heat. Simmer for 30 minutes.