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Opening a restaurant supply business. Supply of catering products

If it is important for you to choose food supplier companies that you can fully trust in setting prices and maintaining the quality of goods, contact the Apricot online store. Our online food store strives to meet all the requirements of customers and we understand that no matter where the products go - restaurants, cafes, hotels - they must always be fresh and healthy and at the same time have a reasonable price that allows you to make purchases affordable for everyone. different categories of clients.

HoReCa food products

Not everyone knows the term HoReCa - it is known mainly to the owners restaurant business, food and equipment suppliers. The principle of food products included in this category is as follows: only the highest quality and the freshest. The list of suppliers offering food products should be carefully selected - when choosing them, special attention should be paid to the quality of the goods, especially if you want to be included in the category the best restaurants cities.

Turning to us, you will be completely satisfied with our cooperation. Our company is a reliable supplier of food products in Moscow. Choosing HoReCa quality products, you can cook any dish, satisfy the most demanding customers, make your restaurant unique by creating an unusual menu for true gourmets.

Delivery of HoReCa products

The company "Apricot" offers a daily supply of products to the kitchen of your cafe or restaurant. Meat products, fruits, vegetables, milk, sauces and mayonnaise - all this will allow your chefs to cook specialties. We will collect and deliver your order at the agreed time, and the work of your establishment will be uninterrupted. We are the largest food supplier in Moscow with over 20 years of experience in the market. Our experts are well versed in the selection of fresh and high-quality products. In addition to food products, we supply all the groups of goods necessary for restaurants: tea, coffee, confectionery, conservation, disposable tableware and much more.

Favorable prices, fast delivery, the best quality of goods and a huge range - all this can be obtained by making us suppliers of products to your restaurant. We value our customers and always keep them up to date with new arrivals and discounts.

The company "Apricot" supplies food products in large and small wholesale in Moscow and the Moscow region. Our catalog with more than 2 thousand items will allow you to select all the necessary products for cooking and serving dishes. We are ready to process the order of any volume and deliver it at the agreed time. For 20 years of successful work, we have thoroughly studied all the "pains" and needs of our customers, we know all the nuances and details, so you can always be sure that your product supplier will not let you down.

Free rental of a coffee machine for HoReCa

Benefits of ordering HoReCa products in our online store

Large range of goods

In our catalog you will find all the necessary products to ensure the correct operation of the institution. Grocery, frozen and fresh berries, dairy products, household chemicals.

High quality

We are suppliers of exceptionally high quality food products. All products have passed quality control and are registered according to the Mercury system.

Delivery 24/7

We accept and deliver orders around the clock. This allows you to quickly order and receive goods at the time you need.


You can pick up your order yourself. Our warehouse is equipped with convenient access and is located near the Rokossovsky Boulevard metro station.

Rational organization of the supply of enterprises Catering raw materials, semi-finished products, products and material and technical means is the most important prerequisite for the efficient and rhythmic work of production. The following requirements are imposed on the organization and food supply of public catering establishments: providing a wide range of goods in sufficient quantity and proper quality throughout the year; timeliness and rhythm of the delivery of goods subject to the delivery schedule; reduction of links in the promotion of goods; the optimal choice of suppliers and the timely conclusion of contracts with them for the supply of goods. For efficient and rhythmic work of the enterprise, it is necessary to organize the importation of goods from different sources. The main sources of food are manufacturers.

Manufacturers food products of various forms of ownership: state-owned enterprises Food Industry, joint-stock companies, associations, private firms that manufacture food products. Producers of agricultural products make a great contribution to the organization of food supply: collective farms, state farms, many of which have been transformed into joint-stock companies; farms, private traders offering surplus agricultural products. Public catering enterprises can purchase products in the markets, wholesale depots, in shops, from private traders; in the season of vegetables and fruits, many enterprises are engaged in self-procurement (salting, pickling, canning, etc.) to expand the range of products. Large firms, enterprises, factories can organize subsidiary farms (greenhouses, small pig fattening stations, etc.).

Many types of products are supplied to enterprises through intermediaries - wholesale depots:

  • wholesale depots and refrigerators supplying meat, butter, fish and gastronomic products;
  • wholesale depots supplying groceries;
  • wholesale fruit and vegetable bases.

The need to resort to the services of intermediaries arises in cases where the accumulation of products is required and the enterprise has the conditions necessary for storage. In these cases, the intermediary must take over the functions associated with the promotion of goods from the manufacturer to the consumer.

Wholesale bases purchase goods from manufacturers for their subsequent sale to retail trade enterprises and public catering enterprises.

output bases located directly at large industrial enterprises. Their main function is to organize the process of goods movement from points of production to points of consumption. They organize the wholesale sale of goods in large quantities to wholesalers and retailers.

Trade and purchasing bases are located in areas where many manufacturers accumulate goods to sell them to places of consumption.

Trading bases located at the point of consumption. They purchase goods from manufacturers, outlets, wholesalers, and other intermediaries and sell them to retailers and catering establishments.

Brokers and sales agents can act as intermediaries between the manufacturer and the consumer.

The activities of these intermediaries differ from the functions of wholesale depots in the following ways:

  • they do not take ownership of the goods;
  • perform a limited number of functions.

Their main function is to promote the sale and purchase. They receive a commission for their services; the main task is to find a buyer and a seller, to bring them together, to help agree on the terms of sale, delivery.

The supply contract is the main document that defines the rights and obligations of the parties for the supply of all types of products. When drawing up contracts, it is necessary to be guided by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, laws and other legislative acts of the Russian Federation. If you intend to conclude a contract, you should clearly know what goals need to be achieved during its implementation, and clarify the most important points related to its execution, signing and execution.

In large firms, catering establishments, regardless of the type of ownership, supply departments are created, in small enterprises an employee is appointed responsible for organizing the supply. The supply department, as a rule, works independently, performing its specific functions. With a logistic approach to the work of an enterprise, the supply service is an element of the micrologistics system that ensures the passage of the material flow in the chain supply - production - sales.Logistics is the planning, organization and control of all types of activities for the movement of material flow from the point of purchase of raw materials to the point of the final consumer. Ensuring a high degree of consistency in the management of material flows between the supply service and the production and marketing services is the task of the logistics organization of the enterprise as a whole.

To provide the enterprise with food products, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

  • what to buy;
  • how much to buy;
  • from whom to buy;
  • under what conditions to buy.
  • enter into a contract;
  • control the execution of the contract;
  • organize delivery;
  • organize warehousing and storage.

At catering establishments, a list of potential suppliers should be formed, which is constantly updated and supplemented. The compiled list of suppliers is analyzed on the basis of special criteria. Often they are limited by the price and quality of the supplied products, as well as the reliability of supplies. Other criteria to consider when choosing a supplier include:

  • remoteness of the supplier from the consumer;
  • terms of execution of orders;
  • organization of quality management at the supplier;
  • financial position of the supplier, its creditworthiness, etc.

Each enterprise must increase the efficiency of commodity circulation (the movement of material flow).

Merchandising is the transport of goods from their places of production to their places of consumption. The number of operations with goods depends on the scheme of goods movement.

Basic principles of commodity circulation:

  • optimal links of goods distribution;
  • efficient use of vehicles;
  • efficient use of trade and technological equipment;
  • reduction in the number of transactions with goods.

There is such a thing as a warehouse link, i.e., through how many warehouses a product passes on its way from production to the consumer. For example: the goods from the manufacturer's warehouse are transported to the warehouses of the output bases, then to the trading and purchasing bases, then the goods are transported to the warehouses of the trading bases, then to the consumer's warehouses. With this scheme, the goods pass through at least four warehouses, which can lead to a deterioration in the quality of the goods. This form of supply is called warehouse. With the warehouse form of supply, the best completeness of incoming raw materials and goods is ensured. transit form supply involves direct "supplier-enterprise" links, bypassing intermediate wholesale bases. For perishable, as well as for bulky goods (flour, sugar, pasta etc.) a transit form is used, for non-perishables - a storage form, and in most cases a mixed form of supply is used. Delivery of products is carried out in a centralized and decentralized way. Centralized delivery of goods to enterprises is carried out by forces and means of suppliers. With centralized delivery, the enterprise is exempted from the need to have its own transport. With decentralized delivery the export of goods from suppliers is provided directly by the enterprise itself, using its own transport.

Delivery routes are closely related to food delivery routes. With decentralized delivery, products are delivered to the enterprise only by linear (pendulum) routes, and with centralized delivery, products are delivered mainly along ring routes, i.e., on one machine, the goods are delivered to several enterprises along the ring in accordance with the schedule and designed itinerary. For large enterprises, pendulum flights are also used. The circular route makes it possible to use the carrying capacity of transport more fully, reduce transportation costs, and speed up the return of containers. Transport plays an important role in the movement of goods. Transport organizations in the process of movement of goods must ensure:

  • safety of cargo during transportation;
  • timely delivery of cargo;
  • compliance with the rules for loading and transporting cargo;
  • efficient use of vehicles.

The term HoReCa refers to the hospitality industry market. This acronym comes from the initial letters of the English words Hotel (hotel), Restaurant (restaurant), Catering (catering) or Cafe (cafe).

With the popular word HoReCa today, experts designate the business sector, which includes catering establishments (restaurants, cafes, bars) and the hotel industry (hotels and hotels), as well as food and equipment suppliers in this area. HoReCa is a true specialized service market with its own traditions and strict rules by which it operates.

Features of doing business

The main condition of HoReCa is the obligatory presence of the brand in the interior design, in the equipment used, in all menu items. Literally everything is taken into account, including napkins, textiles and advertising stands. Establishments belonging to the HoReCa category are a convenient place for advertising campaigns, as visitors are already accustomed to its presence and treat it quite favorably.

As a rule, such institutions are accessible to the majority - their pricing policy is democratic. This greatly facilitates communication with the target audience.

However, in the ferret segment, there are also elite establishments that supply exclusive expensive products. For this reason, it cannot be said that HoReCa is an exceptionally inexpensive service sector.

Food for establishments

Eateries, bistros, pizzerias and cafes are among the most accessible and frequently encountered HoReCa catering establishments.

As a rule, such enterprises do not have a kitchen equipped enough to prepare a wide variety of dishes. The menu is limited to foods that do not require long cooking. These are pizza, canapes, cheeseburgers, hamburgers, various sandwiches and salads. The most commonly served drinks are tea and coffee. requires the presence on the menu of several types of sauces, seasonings and additional snacks. Such an establishment should have refrigeration equipment for storage.

Inexpensive establishments such as a diner or cafe are designed for quick breakfast, lunch, dinner or snack during a work break. They often serve dishes from semi-finished products. For example, ready-made and heated main courses.

Restaurants are at a higher level of service. Even a small and not very expensive restaurant should be distinguished by the variety of dishes offered on the menu. The restaurant has a good equipped kitchen and a chef carefully selected by the owners. The menu includes several items: hot and cold appetizers, salads, first and second courses, exotic or signature dishes. Desserts are a must alcoholic drinks.

Today, specialized restaurants offering dishes of national cuisines are very popular. But such establishments can hardly be classified as inexpensive. Luxurious furniture, expensive dishes, unusual lighting and interior, many exotic dishes, drinks and gourmet snacks- this is the main difference between a specialized restaurant and other, more accessible to the middle class, catering establishments.

Purchase of products

The purchase of products is a responsible process, which the owners of the establishment need to start by involving the chef in the process of choosing.

The task of the cook is to draw up costing and technological maps. The guideline is the list of ingredients needed to prepare the dishes included in the daily menu.

But buying products with a margin can lead to serious financial losses. Young institutions are usually visited poorly. It should take some time before your restaurant or any other catering establishment becomes known to potential visitors.

The volumes of purchases of products should be based on the actual attendance and demand from visitors for certain menu items. The list of dishes is adjusted as the business develops. “Working on mistakes” and taking into account the smallest nuances is the basis of success.

Looking for high-quality and reliable packaging for products? Useful information link.

How to find suppliers

Even popular establishments have problems with food suppliers.

Not a single entrepreneur is insured against the so-called human factor when purchasing products!

Ideally, a good supplier is:

  • service reliability;
  • constancy;
  • relatively low prices;
  • the quality of the products provided.

As practice shows, quickly finding such a supplier is not an easy task. However, already in the first months of the institution’s work, everything is put in its place. Usually, the owners of the opened catering enterprise are addressed immediately several providers offering their services. It remains only to make the right choice.

The best option would be a well-known brand. At first, cooperation with such a supplier is fraught with some difficulties. In particular, a strict check of all documentation and solvency may follow. In the future, these "troubles" will more than pay off by acquiring a reliable and long-term partnership with a company that has already earned the trust of consumers.

Certain difficulties may be represented by violations of contracts for the supply of products. In this case, it is necessary to put some pressure on the supplier, reminding him of the timing and volume of delivery. All employees of the establishment accepting the goods should make it a rule to carefully check the entire batch. Sometimes the supplier makes a mistake in the name or quantity of the goods. In most cases, this misunderstanding just refers to the notorious human factor, from which there is no escape.

Our company supplies products for catering and various organizations of the restaurant business. We offer our customers a wide range of products, which includes - meat, poultry, fish, vegetables and fruits, groceries and much more.

All Food Service - reliable supplier

Today, dozens, if not hundreds of HoReCa companies are engaged in wholesale food sales in the capital. The competition is so strong that a potential customer can easily get confused in the abundance of offers. Choosing a truly reliable supplier of catering products is a rather difficult task.

Despite the high competition, only our company is distinguished by such a number of positive aspects. For example, we have our own fleet of vehicles, and all our vehicles are equipped with the most modern equipment, allowing you to deliver products to you in a fresh and attractive appearance. For your convenience, there is a variety of payment schemes and an attractive system of discounts. We not only work with well-known and reliable suppliers, but also additionally check the quality of the products sent to you. Our prices are stable and acceptable for a buyer with any budget.

Supply of products for catering wholesale

The supply of products to public catering is, first of all, stability. We will quickly form an order and deliver it at a convenient time for you. Our advantages are not only in reasonable prices and prompt delivery, but also in consistently high quality and freshness of products.

A wide range of our company will allow you to purchase everything necessary products in one place, and as a result, save time and money. We make the delivery of food to public catering - simple and enjoyable. Among the benefits we offer:

Our managers will carefully treat each client and offer the most optimal terms of delivery.

A wide range of

All Food Service is a reliable supplier of products to restaurants, and we offer only the freshest, most quality products, which will become the basis of success for your institution. Our product range includes a huge number of food products and household goods:

Products for Japanese cuisine Products for oriental cuisine Frozen food
Vegetables and fruits