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Apple marshmallow with protein at home. Apple marshmallow for the winter - simple delicious homemade recipes

    700 g thick applesauce

    preferably from baked antonovka

    500 g sugar

    1 egg white

    powdered sugar for sprinkling

  • For syrup:

  • 7 g powdered agar-agar

    150 g water

    300 g sugar


If you like pastila famous confectionery factory"Udarnitsa" and I would like to cook the same, but at home, then this recipe is just for you! Try it!


agar-agar pour cold water and let it swell. The time depends on the manufacturer of the agar and can vary from 20–30 minutes to several hours. In Soviet recipes, for example, agar-agar was recommended to be soaked for a whole day. Personally, I soak the agar for 1-2 hours, or even less.

For the preparation of marshmallows, I usually use mashed potatoes from baked Antonov apples, since such mashed potatoes do not require additional evaporation, the introduction of dry pectin and other actions, it is enough to simply bake Antonovka, rub it through a sieve and the puree turns out exactly as it should. If there is no antonovka, you can make marshmallow from other varieties of apples, but in this case you need to control the consistency and gelling: leave the puree in the refrigerator for several hours and see if the completely cooled puree does not thicken and does not hold its shape well, then, most likely, in it has too much water and/or not enough pectin. This puree needs to be additionally evaporated on the stove (cook over low heat with the lid open) and, perhaps, a little dry pectin should be mixed into the puree. Pectin is sold in grocery stores and pharmacies. Unfortunately, I won’t tell you exactly what amount of pectin to add, since I practically don’t work with it, I leave it to your decision, and I also advise you to focus on the instructions for pectin and the consistency of applesauce.
For applesauce, bake antonovka until soft. Antonovka is baked for about 20-30 minutes at 180-200°C.

Blend the baked apples with an immersion blender.

Wipe through a sieve.

As a result, you should get a very uniform, smooth and thick applesauce.

Next, we will need to beat the apple mass and cook sugar syrup. It is highly desirable that by the time the syrup is cooked, the apple mixture is already well whipped.
So. For the sugar syrup, place a saucepan of swollen agar-agar over medium heat and heat until completely dissolved. When the agar is completely dissolved, pour in the sugar and, stirring vigorously, achieve complete dissolution. It is very important that by the beginning of the boil all the sugar has completely gone into solution. After boiling, boil the syrup until a test for a thick thread or a temperature of 106–110 ° C. If you don't have a thermometer, you can just simmer the syrup for 1-2 minutes over medium-high heat and that will be enough.

In the bowl of a stand mixer, beat the applesauce until light and slightly fluffy. Add egg white and beat until light and fluffy. Gradually add sugar, vanilla sugar and beat until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved and a white airy mass is formed. In a thin stream, without stopping whipping, add hot sugar syrup. Reduce the mixer speed slightly and beat the mixture for another 2-3 minutes.

Pour the prepared apple mass onto a baking sheet covered with baking paper. For this purpose, I usually use a deep baking sheet from the oven measuring 30 by 40 cm.

Smooth it out to make a layer about 3 cm thick. Put the baking sheet in the refrigerator for 20 minutes so that the apple mass freezes, and then remove the baking sheet and leave it open for room temperature for 6-8 hours to form a crust on top. Sprinkle the layer powdered sugar, turn over and carefully remove the paper. Cut.

Divide the cut marshmallow into individual pastilles and spread freely on 2 baking sheets.

Put the baking sheets with marshmallow in the oven and dry at a temperature of 50 C (+/-) and a slightly ajar door (just put a thin pencil under the door) for 5-6 hours until a crust forms on all sides. I usually also turn on convection when drying.

Remove the baking sheet with the dried marshmallow from the oven and leave it on the table for 1.5 hours to cool the marshmallow. Carefully remove the marshmallow from the paper and roll in powdered sugar.

Happy tea drinking!


  • 1 kg. apples (300 ml puree)
  • 10 gr. gelatin
  • 300 gr. Sahara
  • Powdered sugar
  • 1 protein
  • Cuisine: Russian. Cooking time: - min. Servings Per Container: -

    Pastila is a dish of exclusively Russian cuisine. Traditionally pasta is made from sour apples Antonovka varieties.

    In addition, marshmallow can be made from blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, lingonberries, etc.

    In Russia, marshmallow was made from apple puree and honey. Cooked mashed potatoes, added to 1 kg. apples 200 gr. honey and boil the mixture to a jelly-like state. Then spread the marshmallow in the sun and dried for 2-3 days. A little later, they began to cook marshmallow with sugar, and only then add protein to give it airiness. In autumn, pastila was dried in a Russian oven, the temperature of which was 40-50 degrees.

    Today it can be done in the oven. Drying the marshmallow thus takes 12 hours. How does the process take place?

    Applesauce with sugar is boiled down, and then spread on baking paper, the layer thickness is not more than 7 mm. Well, then dried for 12 hours. By the way, it is not necessary to add sugar if the apples are sweet.

    This is how I cook it, it turns out very tasty)

    AT Soviet time a white marshmallow appeared, which tasted very much like marshmallows. As a matter of fact, today we will cook it. Protein marshmallow dries for a very long time, which is why we will use gelatin as a thickener.

    1. Wash, peel the apples from the skin and seeds. Cut into two parts and put in the oven, bake for a few minutes. Check readiness with a wooden stick, inside the apples should be soft, we need mashed potatoes.

    3. Mix puree with sugar and beat. At this stage, you can stop and send the marshmallow to dry in the oven at a temperature of 30-40 degrees for 12 hours. You need to spread the marshmallow on a sheet of baking paper, it is better to grease it with oil, otherwise it will stick. When the marshmallow is ready, it should be dry and not sticky to your hands. Well, if you decide to cook a white porous marshmallow, proceed to the next step.

    4. Add protein and beat until white thick foam.

    5. Put the pre-soaked gelatin on fire and dissolve completely. We wait until it cools down, and add to the apple-protein mass. Mix, you can use a mixer.

    6. Spread on paper, a layer 1 cm thick and leave to harden.

    7. When the marshmallow has frozen for 1-2 days (in the fresh air, on a balcony, etc.), put it on a table strewn with powdered sugar. Cut, sprinkle with powder again and put on a wire rack to dry for another 1 day.

    As a result, pastille acquires thin crust and inside is soft like a marshmallow.
    Enjoy your meal!


    In Russia, in the city of Kolomna, a museum factory of marshmallow "Kolomenskaya pastila" was opened, which presents a wide variety of types of marshmallow, including poppy, apple, etc.

    Entrance to the museum, which includes a tea party with marshmallow, costs only 250 rubles. Here you can learn the history of the old delicacy, as well as buy marshmallows for your loved ones. True, such a pleasure will cost you a lot, because a box of marshmallows here costs 350 rubles.

    Video Homemade apple marshmallow: white and classic

    An excellent video recipe that will help you better understand the process of preparing this delicious, satisfying and healthy dish.

    New video will be uploaded soon. Thanks for waiting!

    Thank you for your attention and bon appetit!

    With the purchase of a mixer, I began to make marshmallows, especially now it is the apple season, and it is better to make marshmallows from antonovka, although I also made pear. I also liked my pear. I always wanted to get white marshmallow, airy, like a store-bought one, and not dried mashed potatoes, you can’t force mine to eat like that. After several attempts (although what turned out was also eaten or given away), it turned out what we wanted.

    This over-dried one turned out like a meringue with a fruity taste. Of course, they crunched it, but now I am careful in drying. You can overdry to meringue.
    Closer view:

    Experiments continued...

    I also received this after drying. She's softer. It can be torn by hand.

    Closer view:

    Before drying appearance pastille was the same. It was fluffy and white, but I have an ordinary oven and it is problematic to achieve a temperature of less than 100 ° C, although I dried it with the door ajar.
    Each time it turned out different. Here's one I rolled into a roll:

    Closer view and in the fault:

    Finally got what I wanted.

    We begin the process of making pasta. White and airy, like in a store, but without chemicals.

    Wash apples, peel the core, cut in half and place on a baking sheet.

    Bake at 200°C for 20 minutes.

    Puree with an immersion blender and pass through a sieve.

    I have a powerful 750W blender and there is practically nothing left on the sieve, but for the purity of the experiment, you need to wipe the puree through a sieve.

    The puree is very thick.

    We need 250 grams so two scoops will go to make ice cream my ice cream recipe. By the way, even from 250 grams of puree, a whole vat of lush mass is obtained, and if you take more, then there is a possibility that the mass will go beyond the maximum mark on the mixer bowl.

    Necessary products for pastille:

    Muddy water is soaked agar-agar, to the left of the whites of three eggs.

    Beat the puree at speed 3 for about three minutes, then add the proteins and sugar

    You can add less sugar if the puree is pear or sweet apples. I have Antonovka, but it is ripe and not sour. I put one glass in mashed potatoes, and I will need two glasses for syrup.

    Everything is spinning in the mixer at speed 3, but for now you need to do the syrup.
    Pour the soaked agar into the ladle and dissolve it.
    It is IMPORTANT that the agar dissolves. It will be visible. The solution becomes like jelly. Then we add sugar and bring to a boil.

    With this boiling, two minutes is enough. Or if there is a special thermometer, then it is necessary to bring the syrup to 110 ° C.

    In the meantime, as soon as the agar with sugar begins to heat up, increase the mixer speed to the 6th (this is the maximum in mine, the power is 1000 watts). The mass greatly increases in volume, becomes white.

    Whisking constantly, pour in the syrup and beat a little more, maybe one minute. The whole whipping process takes 10 minutes.
    The finished mass is very thick and tasty. Such a mass can be used in this form, or it can be squeezed into molds and frozen. The mass does not freeze, it just waits for the desire to eat it.

    We spread the mass on a silicone mat. it The best way. I tried to lay it on baking paper, so it barely peeled off.

    The mass can be leveled with a culinary spatula or something else suitable.

    Sprinkle with powdered sugar, cover with silicone mat and baking sheet. Flip design:

    Silicone mats are easy to remove, no sticking

    Sprinkle with powdered sugar. Cut neatly into sticks. It is important not to cut the silicone mat with a knife. Leave for a few days to dry. I left for 4 days and everything dried up well.

    Separate the bars from each other and roll the side parts with powdered sugar. Lay the marshmallow on a large dish for further drying. The photo was above.
    You can eat marshmallow already, but you won’t eat everything right away, so let it dry a little more.

    Fault view:

    I do not know how long it can be stored, it is rented or treated. And now I can make a new one.

    The time indicated does not include drying. The price is absolutely ridiculous. Apples are their own, and sugar and proteins are cheap. The only thing that is expensive here is agar. Almost 50 rubles. In a pack of 10 grams. It's 3.5 teaspoons. I used all of it. I have agar agar like this:

    Agar agar is made from algae.

    From 250 grams of puree and three proteins, a whole dish of marshmallow was obtained. Low calorie and tasty. Without chemistry.

    You can also dry faster. In the oven with the door ajar. Check every hour.
    I liked to dry without an oven, albeit longer.

    Hi all!

    Time for preparing: PT00H10M 10 min.

    Approximate cost per serving: 80 rub.

    Irina Kamshilina

    Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than for yourself))


    Sweet tooth transition to proper nutrition is particularly difficult because finding healthy treats it’s hard in stores: some dangerous “ingredient” will break the harmonious composition. Professionals advise lovers of sweets to figure out how to make marshmallows at home, and ease the complexity of a proper diet with this step.

    How to make apple marshmallow at home

    One of the most famous factories that produced such a delicacy was and remains Belevskaya: apple marshmallow, which was prepared according to the old technology, was delivered even to Europe. To this day, this technology is an unspoken quality standard. Such an apple marshmallow is a full-fledged dessert, similar to a small cake. A few of its features:

    • The most dietary homemade marshmallow is dark, thin, dense. Such a dessert is dried in the sun, so it can only be prepared in summer.
    • An airy dessert, familiar to most from factory sweets, is protein: it is sweeter and more difficult to prepare, but you can start creating it at any time of the year.
    • If your oven has a minimum temperature of 100 degrees, it is better not to use it - the delicacy will burn.
    • The owners of the fruit dryer are very lucky - they can cook the traditional apple "clean" marshmallow: it will be dried in a day.
    • The pan for cooking fruit should not be enameled, otherwise the food will burn.
    • If you intend to cook a protein pastille from heat-treated apples, keep in mind that the product will greatly decrease in size, losing moisture. Make a thick layer (1-1.5 cm), otherwise the marshmallow will simply dry out.
    • Traditional apple marshmallow at home for drying in the open air is laid out in a layer of 5-6 mm.

    Pastila from apples in a slow cooker

    The recipe is slightly different from the classic additional ingredient in the form of nuts - it is best to use pine nuts. The calorie content of such marshmallow increases, but with moderate use, the dessert continues to be considered dietary. If you are afraid for the figure, remove the nuts from the list of ingredients: this will not affect the consistency of the working mass.

    Composition of the product:

    • green apples - 1.5 kg;
    • sugar - 300 g;
    • nuts - 75 g;
    • lemon juice - 1/5 cup.

    How to cook marshmallow at home using a slow cooker? Act like this:

    1. Chop the washed and cut apples with the liquidated middle, pour into a blender, scroll until puree.
    2. Pour the mass into a slow cooker, add sugar, mix. Close the lid, set the "cooking" mode.
    3. An hour later, add lemon juice, crushed kernels of nuts. Mix again.
    4. If the mass is too liquid, cook it for another half an hour.
    5. When excess water has evaporated, spread the thick puree over the paper, smoothing it well. Put on the windowsill, dry for 4-5 days (depending on the climatic conditions of the room).

    Pastila in the oven

    Most fast way get a delicious natural treat, for which you can use the previous recipe, changing only the last stages of work. After the apples are evaporated and mashed, you need to follow these steps:

    1. Line a baking sheet with parchment.
    2. Pour thick puree, spread with a spatula. Approximate thickness - 7 mm.
    3. Dry at a temperature of 50 degrees for 6 hours, check: if the sheet lags behind the parchment easily, you can remove the marshmallow. If not, continue drying.
    4. Cut the finished delicacy into strips, twist into tubes, remove.

    How to cook marshmallow outdoors

    This recipe is recommended to use in the summer, when the sun is very active. The composition of the classic marshmallow consists only of apples, so the list of ingredients is not given: only the technology of cooking at home deserves attention. The calorie content of such a marshmallow is equal to the calorie content of apples: remember the initial volume of the product, weigh what happened at the output, and calculate the moisture loss.

    Technology for making traditional pastille:

    1. Wash the apples, peel, cut into several pieces, focusing on the size of the fruit: large by 8, small by 3-4.
    2. Put the slices in a saucepan with thick walls. Pour in boiled water to make a layer 1-1.5 cm thick.
    3. Boil apples until they are soft: large ones will cook for about two hours, small ones can take half an hour.
    4. Give the puree another quarter of an hour to lose some of the moisture without a lid, decant the remains through a sieve. The thick mass that has gathered in it is the basis of the marshmallow. It should be laid out on a baking sheet with parchment in a very dense layer, exposed to the sun.
    5. It will take 3-5 days to dry using this technology; at night, marshmallows are brought into the house. After you need to turn it over and hold it for a few more hours in the sun.

    How to make apple marshmallow without sugar

    In addition to the previous traditional recipe, there are ways to do without the most harmful sweetener, replacing it with a more natural one. Professionals suggest using liquid honey: flower or buckwheat is ideal. The set of ingredients for such a marshmallow at home is simple:

    • ground cinnamon;
    • apples.

    Cooking principle:

    1. The volume of each ingredient is not indicated on purpose, as it is chosen individually: the main product is apples. Honey and cinnamon are only responsible for the taste.
    2. Wash the main fruit, peel and chop. Evaporate until soft in a saucepan.
    3. Grind with a grater or make it with a blender, add warmed honey, cinnamon. Mix carefully.
    4. Distribute the puree on the tray, send it to the dryer for 10-12 hours. After taking it out in the sun, cook for a few more days in the air.

    Homemade pastille with egg white

    An old recipe from the Belevskaya manufactory, which any housewife can use. A simple composition, a short algorithm of actions - such an apple marshmallow is prepared at home for 6-7 hours and requires accuracy when working with each product. A natural treat can be stored for a long time if it is hermetically sealed, but the marshmallow is so tasty that it is eaten faster than it has time to get into the refrigerator.

    For Belevsky homemade dessert you will need:

    • unsweetened apples (preferably Antonov) - 2 kg;
    • granulated sugar - 260 g;
    • eggs - 3 pcs.;
    • powdered sugar - for sprinkling.

    Cooking pastille at home looks like this:

    1. Wash and peel the apples, cut out the stalk and the seed part. Put in a small saucepan, send to hot oven. Bake until soft, the waiting time depends on the size and variety of apples.
    2. Cool the baked fruit, chop it with a blender, then rub it through a colander with very small cells: the mass should look like baby puree.
    3. Pour half the sugar, beat with a mixer until the color changes and the volume of the apple mass increases.
    4. Break the eggs into a dry (this is important!) bowl, eliminate the yolks. Beat the whites, gently introducing the rest of the sugar with teaspoons. When they take the form of a thick dense foam, you can proceed to the next step.
    5. Separate about 3 tablespoons with the top of whipped protein, mix the rest in the smallest portions with applesauce.
    6. Cover Teflon baking sheets of the same size (preferably small) with paper, making sides about 2.5-3 cm. Pour a layer of puree to this height, carefully level with a wooden spatula. Sprinkle with powdered sugar.
    7. Dry at the middle level of the oven for 5 hours, temperature - 85-90 degrees.
    8. Cover with previously set aside whipped protein, fold the marshmallow layers on top of each other, dry for another couple of hours.
    9. Turn over, hold in the oven for an hour, remove. Cool, divide into portions.