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Biscuit from Alexander Seleznev. Cake "fairy tale" from Alexander Seleznev

Recipe from the program "Culinary Star" from 07/18/2015

You will need:

Roll biscuit:

Sugar Syrup:

sugar 100 g
water 100 ml.
cognac 2 tbsp. spoons

Cream "Charlotte":

milk 125 ml.
eggs 2 yolks
sugar 185 g.
butter 200 g
cognac 2 tbsp. spoons
vanilla sugar 1/2 teaspoon


apricot jam 100 g
cocoa 10 g
fresh berries and fruits

Cake "Fairy Tale" recipe:

For biscuit dough beat the eggs with sugar and salt until the mass has increased in volume by 8 times.

Add warm water, sifted flour and mix. Ready dough pour into a silicone mold.

Bake for 7 minutes at 210 degrees.

Cool the finished biscuit to room temperature.

For milk syrup, mix milk with yolks and sugar and bring to a boil. Boil for 2 minutes and cool to room temperature.

Whisk softened until white butter with the addition of cognac, vanilla sugar and chilled milk syrup.

Divide the resulting cream in half and add cocoa to one part.

Soak the biscuit with sugar syrup, after adding brandy there.

Then put a layer on top white cream and apricot jam and roll up with silicone mold(roll may crack slightly).

Lubricate the roll with chocolate cream.

Sprinkle with biscuit crumbs.

Maestro Alexander Seleznev is sure that the main mistake in the preparation of biscuit dough is unfinished eggs. Bake classic biscuit It's easy, but there are some subtleties. And their mistakes, of which the most common badly beaten eggs. First, the eggs with sugar need to be slightly warmed up in a water bath, and then beat them for at least ten minutes: although it seems to you that everything is perfectly whipped in two minutes, in fact it is not.

Unfinished eggs will lead to the fact that the biscuit in the oven rises beautifully, but once it is removed from there, all beauty will immediately fall off. Properly beaten eggs should have the consistency of good shaving foam.

You can check the degree of readiness of the eggs by running your finger over their surface: if your pattern gradually disappears, beat further, if it remains unchanged, then the eggs with sugar are suitable for further consumption.

Biscuit from Alexander Seleznev

To cook the simplest, but perfect biscuit, we need 4 eggs, 100 g of sugar, 100 g of flour and a mixer.

  1. Carefully, for 10 minutes, beat with a mixer eggs with sugar, preheated in a water bath.
  2. Slowly, little by little, in no case thumping all at once, we mix the previously sifted flour into the resulting mousse. Here the mixer can no longer be used, otherwise the splendor will disappear. Mix the flour with a silicone spatula, in slow circular motions and not for too long.
  3. Carefully transfer the resulting dough into a baking dish, filling it no more than ¾, so that the biscuit has a place to understand. If the form is silicone, it is not necessary to lubricate it. Other baking dishes can be greased with butter or vegetable oil or sprinkle with breadcrumbs.
  4. We heat the oven to 180 degrees and put our biscuit there for thirty minutes.

As a result of all these manipulations, we will get the simplest biscuit - this is a classic white, the so-called kalabashka. You can eat it just like that, or you can turn it into the basis of a future cake. For this, the calabashka stands for eight hours at room temperature, after which it's time to cut the dough in layers and put between them the filler that you see fit.

Do you want to receive chocolate biscuit Pour a tablespoon of cocoa powder into the dough and mix everything gently. Dissolving cocoa powder with water to make it easier to mix is ​​another common mistake: it turns out watery and not so tasty.

To obtain honey biscuit, instead of sugar we take honey. Separately, beat the yolks, bring the honey to a boil and pour it into the yolks in a thin stream, stirring constantly. Beat the whites separately, mix them with the previously obtained honey-yolk mixture, add flour at the end, and then proceed in the same way as when preparing a classic biscuit.

To do butter biscuit. proceed in the same way as when preparing a regular biscuit dough, only at the very end add 70 g of boiling oil to it. The biscuit will turn out a little fatter and a bit like a cupcake, however, not as heavy as a real cupcake.

Now in France it is very fashionable to bake biscuits without flour at all, instead of it, 50 g of cocoa powder is taken. To be honest, I don’t really like this recipe, of course, it all turns out not so high-calorie, but not so tasty, and the dough is only suitable for a roll.

The preparation of this dough is almost no different from the classic one, only here you need to add 50-70 g to carefully beaten eggs with sugar hot water and mix everything gently. As a result, the dough will turn out to be liquid, it will spread and it can be carefully laid out in a layer of 5-7 mm on a baking sheet lined with parchment and placed in an oven preheated to 210 degrees for 7 minutes. As soon as the dough is baked, it must be immediately removed from the oven and removed from the baking sheet together with parchment, otherwise it will dry out, and put in a cold place for 3-4 hours. Well, then smear it with cream, jam or whatever you want, roll your biscuit roll ready.

And other, and other

To get a Geneva almond biscuit, melted butter and almonds are added to the dough. To prepare a bush biscuit, we beat the whites with sugar separately, the yolks with sugar separately, mix everything and at the end add flour and a little cornstarch and as a result we get cookies Lady fingers or Savoy sticks.

In a word, biscuit dough. depending on the ratio of eggs, sugar, flour and the presence of certain additives, it can turn into anything, you can add coffee to it, chocolate chips, raspberries, pistachios, apple slices, and in any case it will turn out delicious. However, I do not advise you to deviate too much from the recipe; you can even spoil such a simple thing as biscuit dough. And do not be lazy to beat the eggs longer!

Alexander Seleznev's home confectionery:

Alexander Seleznev tells what real French clafoutis is and offers an author's recipe for clafoutis with strawberries. See below.

Maestro Alexander Seleznev talks about why he does not cook croissants at home, and also gives advice to those who still want a Parisian breakfast. See below.

The kitchen is half littered with apples, so you can't get through, the smell is fantastic, mom, maneuvering among the apple mountains, spins around the stove, bakes charlotte. See below.

Biscuit, bis cuit - in French it means twice baked, and why, now it’s not very clear, because we bake today’s biscuit once. However, biscuit dough is not only the simplest, but also the most ancient, and how do you know what they did with it hundreds of years ago? Maybe they really baked twice, because the first written mention of biscuits is more than five hundred years old, and we find them in English ship's logs.

British sailors took biscuits with them, but only dried ones, and then they called them ship biscuits or sea biscuits. Here they are, probably, really baked twice, that is, first baked, and then dried. They did not get moldy, did not spoil, and were so tasty that, in the end, they were noticed by quite land-based culinary specialists.

Maestro Alexander Seleznev I am sure that the main mistake in the preparation of biscuit dough is unbeaten eggs. Bake classic biscuit It's easy, but there are some subtleties. And their mistakes, of which the most common is poorly beaten eggs. First, the eggs with sugar need to be slightly warmed up in a water bath, and then beat them for at least ten minutes: although it seems to you that everything is perfectly whipped in two minutes, in fact it is not.

« Unfinished"Eggs will cause the biscuit to rise beautifully in the oven, but as soon as you take it out of there, all the beauty will immediately fall off. Properly beaten eggs should have the consistency of good shaving foam.

We check the quality of the whipped mass and continue to whip it further

You can check the degree of readiness of the eggs by running your finger over their surface: if your pattern gradually disappears, beat further, if it remains unchanged, then the eggs with sugar are suitable for further consumption.

Biscuit from Alexander Seleznev

To prepare the simplest but perfect biscuit, we need 4 eggs, 100 g of sugar, 100 g of flour and a mixer.

Product layout for a classic biscuit

Carefully, for 10 minutes, beat with a mixer eggs with sugar, preheated in a water bath.

Beat eggs with sugar in a water bath

Slowly, little by little, in no case thumping all at once, we mix the previously sifted flour into the resulting mousse. Here the mixer can no longer be used, otherwise the splendor will disappear. Mix the flour with a silicone spatula, in slow circular motions and not for too long.

With a silicone spatula, mix the dough, stirring the remaining flour

Carefully transfer the resulting dough into a baking dish, filling it no more than ¾, so that the biscuit has a place to understand. If the form is silicone, it is not necessary to lubricate it. Other baking dishes can be greased with butter or vegetable oil or sprinkled with breadcrumbs.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and put our biscuit there for 30 minutes.

We send the form with the biscuit to the preheated oven

As a result of all these manipulations, we get the simplest biscuit- this is a classic white, the so-called "kalabashka". You can eat it just like that, or you can turn it into the basis of a future cake. To do this, the calabash stands at room temperature for eight hours, after which it is time to cut the dough in layers and put between them the filler that you deem necessary.

Finished classic biscuit

chocolate biscuit

If you want to get a chocolate biscuit - pour a tablespoon of cocoa powder into the dough and mix everything gently. Dissolving cocoa powder with water to make it easier to mix is ​​another common mistake: it turns out watery and not so tasty.

chocolate biscuit

honey biscuit

To get a honey biscuit, we take honey instead of sugar. Separately, beat the yolks, bring the honey to a boil and pour it into the yolks in a thin stream, stirring constantly. Beat the whites separately, mix them with the previously obtained honey-yolk mixture, add flour at the end, and then proceed in the same way as when preparing a classic biscuit.

honey biscuit

butter biscuit

To make butter biscuit, proceed in the same way as when preparing a regular biscuit dough, only at the very end add 70 g of boiling oil to it. The biscuit will turn out a little fatter and a bit like a cupcake, however, not as heavy as a real cupcake.

butter biscuit

Biscuit without flour

Now in France it is very fashionable to bake biscuits without flour at all - 50 g of cocoa powder is taken instead. To be honest, I don’t really like this recipe - of course, all this turns out to be not so high-calorie, but not so tasty, and the dough is only suitable for a roll.

Biscuit without flour

Roll biscuit

The preparation of this dough is almost no different from the classic one, only here you need to add 50-70 g of hot water to carefully beaten eggs with sugar and mix everything gently. As a result, the dough will turn out to be liquid, it will spread and it can be carefully laid out in a layer of 5-7 mm on a baking sheet lined with parchment and placed in an oven preheated to 210 degrees for 7 minutes.

Pour the dough onto a baking sheet for making a biscuit roll

As soon as the dough is baked, it must be immediately removed from the oven and removed from the baking sheet together with parchment, otherwise it will dry out, and put in a cold place for 3-4 hours. Well, then smear it with cream, jam or whatever you want, roll it into a tube - your biscuit roll ready.

Rolling the biscuit into a roll

And so on and so forth...

To obtain Geneva almond cake, melted butter and almonds are added to the dough. For cooking biscuit "bushe" we beat separately the proteins with sugar, separately the yolks with sugar, mix everything and at the end add flour and a little cornstarch - and as a result we get cookies " Lady fingers" or " savoy sticks».

Ladies wands

In a word, biscuit dough, depending on the ratio of eggs, sugar, flour and the presence of certain additives, it can turn into anything - you can add coffee, chocolate chips, raspberries, pistachios, apple slices to it, and in any case it will turn out delicious. However, I do not advise you to deviate too much from the recipe; you can even spoil such a simple thing as biscuit dough. And do not be lazy to beat the eggs longer!

A whole collection of biscuits from Alexander Seleznev

Alexander Seleznev's home confectionery:

See more...

Biscuit, bis cuit - in French it means "twice baked." Now it’s not very clear why, because we bake today’s biscuit once. However, biscuit dough is not only the simplest, but also the most ancient, and how do you know what they did with it hundreds of years ago? Maybe they really baked twice, because the first written mention of biscuits is more than five hundred years old, and we find them in English ship's logs.

British sailors took biscuits with them on a voyage, but only dried ones, and then they called them “ship biscuits” or “sea biscuits”. Here they are, probably, really baked twice - that is, they were first baked, and then dried. They did not get moldy, did not spoil, and were so tasty that, in the end, they were noticed by quite land-based culinary specialists.

Cake "Log" is very tasty and will appeal to all the sweet tooth. It prepares very quickly. The biscuit is baked in just five minutes! It turns out tender, juicy, fragrant, tasty and very beautiful. Cooking time 45 minutes. Belongs to the biscuit type.

For the biscuit take:

  1. 4 eggs;
  2. 100 grams of sugar;
  3. 100 grams of flour;
  4. a pinch of salt;
  5. Four tablespoons sugar syrup(for impregnation).

For sugar syrup, take:

  1. 100 grams of sugar;
  2. 100 grams of water;
  3. A couple of spoons of rum, liqueur or cognac.

For chocolate cream would need:

  1. Half a liter of heavy cream;
  2. Half a kilo of chocolate.

For the filling, take:

  1. A little powdered sugar;
  2. 250 grams of sour cream;
  3. 50 grams of dried apricots, raisins and any nuts.

We will decorate the log cake with anise, cinnamon sticks, candied fruits.

Cooking process:

  1. Beat white warm eggs with sugar and a pinch of salt. To check readiness egg mass look at the volume. If the mass has increased five times, then it is already ready for further action;
  2. Sift flour into egg mixture. Stir with a wooden spoon from the bottom up to break up any lumps, but at the same time not knock down the splendor of the eggs;
  3. Put a silicone mat into the mold and spread the dough evenly over its surface;
  4. Place the mold in the preheated oven. Bake four to five minutes at 210 degrees;
  5. Remove the finished biscuit from the oven and cool.

Preparation of chocolate cream:

  1. Melt the chocolate in a cup in the microwave;
  2. Then add cream to the chocolate mass;
  3. Cream is best added in portions, whipping the cream well.

Preparing sugar syrup:

  1. Pour sugar with water and boil on the stove;
  2. After boiling a little, add an alcoholic drink to it.

Cake shaping:

  1. Turn the biscuit over and soak it thoroughly with sugar syrup;
  2. Whip sour cream with powdered sugar, and spread the resulting cream in an even layer over the entire surface of the biscuit;
  3. Sprinkle diced dried apricots, raisins and crushed nuts on top of the cream;
  4. Then, using the mat, roll the biscuit with the filling into a roll;
  5. Put rolled roll in the refrigerator for at least an hour. So that it is well saturated, it is better to let it stand for five to six hours;
  6. After a while, spread the chocolate cream over the entire surface of the roll;
  7. Cut a couple of pieces from the roll and place them on the side and on top of it. Thus, you will form a real cut log;
  8. Transfer the log to a pretty plate;
  9. Decorate the cake with cinnamon sticks, anise stars, candied fruits.

Let the cake stand for a while, and then cut it into portions. Brew tasty tea and invite your friends over for tea.