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Dishes from minced beef recipes in the oven. What can be cooked from ground beef? Hearty mince pie

Everyone knows that inside every human body there is a special microflora, in other words, bacteria. Once upon a time, all bacteria were obviously considered destructive, but not so long ago, scientists found out that special beneficial bacteria live in the intestines, which contribute to digestion, normal metabolism and the health of the body as a whole. “What does kefir have to do with it?”, you ask. The fact is that it is in kefir that the so-called prebiotic lactic cultures are contained, which act as the best "fertilizer" for the intestinal microflora and normalize the work digestive system. According to some physiologists, the more powerful the microflora in a person, the higher his immunity. That is, in fact, kefir can be safely attributed to the means to increase and maintain. Now you can treat the flu not only with nasty medicines and hot teas, but also with ordinary natural yogurt!

Kefir is a great remedy for. As a rule, overweight people have serious problems with. Kefir is simply created in order to regulate the speed of digestion and ensure a normal metabolism. In stores, you can even find fat-free kefir, which will not add a single extra calorie, but will bring exactly the same benefit as the classic fermented milk counterpart!

Edema is tormenting - get used to drinking a glass of kefir after dinner. It has a mild diuretic effect and helps to remove excess fluid from the body.

What is the healthiest kefir?

The usefulness of kefir is not evaluated by its manufacturer, cost or fat content. How fresh product, the more benefits kefir will bring to your body. But in order to be completely sure that the kefir you drink will have a maximum positive effect on the microflora, pay attention to its shelf life. Ideal kefir should not be stored longer than a week! Therefore, it makes sense to buy products from local dairies, and not support overseas producers, the delivery of products from which takes much more than 7 days. In kefir, the shelf life of which is a month or longer, starch and thickeners are added, which are difficult to consider beneficial to the body.

If you nevertheless purchased one of these foreign "long-livers", MirSovetov recommends fermenting milk with this kefir. Only 200 grams of the product is enough to prepare the most useful yogurt. Mix kefir and 1 liter of fresh milk in a saucepan and leave overnight. In the morning you can enjoy delicious and rich curdled milk!

The benefits of fat-free kefir - illusion or reality

Many nutritionists categorically deny the existence useful properties fat-free kefir. Say, dairy products must contain at least some percentage of fat, otherwise they cannot be called natural, and therefore healthy.

Others dig deeper, saying that skimmed milk contains virtually no protein, and skimmed kefir is often homogenized. This means that manufacturers use starch, starch-based thickeners, agar and other tricks of the modern food industry to add thickness.

Both of them are wrong. In fact, fat-free kefir, which in its appearance resembles kefir or whey diluted with water, contains exactly the same proteins and lactocultures as in regular kefir. The only thing that changes is the percentage of fat and calories. If your diet includes red meat, nuts, vegetable and butter, cheese and eggs, then you should not worry too much about the fat content of kefir - in any case, your body will receive the amount of fat it needs.

Helpful Hint: If you want to maximum benefit from kefir and improve the intestinal microflora, MirSovetov recommends drinking a glass of kefir on a completely empty stomach. small portion will be a great snack, "freeze the worm" and even help you lose weight!

Night "kefir magic"

Eating at night is strongly not recommended, drinking is also not recommended, but as for kefir, the situation is completely different here. With the onset of darkness, the real "kefir magic" begins to happen. In a figurative sense, of course. The fact is that a glass of kefir at night can save you a lot of inconvenience. We have already said above that with its help you can say goodbye to swelling in the morning. Kefir also contributes to strong, thanks to the tryptophan (a special amino acid) contained in it. Therefore, if you suffer from insomnia, you should try the miraculous effects of this fermented milk product.

Those who are trying to get rid of extra pounds know that the hardest time to fight the temptation to delve into the refrigerator is in the evening. As they say, the main thing is to go to bed on time. But if you feel that the temptation to snack is about to win, drink a glass of kefir in small, measured sips. The slower and more “thoughtfully” you drink kefir, the more effective the result will be - the feeling of hunger will go away, and extra pounds will disappear forever!

Unloading kefir day

Many people think that fasting days contribute to faster weight loss. In some cases, this is true, but as for kefir, fasting days with its participation are designed to speed up digestion. Naturally, as a result, you will become a couple of kilograms lighter, but a lot of pleasant “long-lasting” bonuses will be added. So, kefir unloading will help stabilize the work gastrointestinal tract, will improve the condition of the skin, and indeed will give vivacity and good!

Caution: if you suffer from overeating, fasting kefir days can provoke a sharp increase in appetite. To avoid this, immediately after unloading, eat a meal rich in protein and animal fats.


No matter how useful and wonderful kefir is, there are a number of contraindications for its use. So, in no case is it recommended to give kefir and any other fermented milk products to children under one year old. At such an early age, the intestinal microflora has not yet had time to form, so the product will not be absorbed.

Do not use kefir for people with lactose intolerance. But if you really want to, you can find special lactose-free milk in the store and ferment kefir yourself.

If you often experience or have increased acidity of the gastric juice, make sure that your kefir is as fresh as possible.

Well, if you do not have any of the above problems, delicious and healthy kefir will delight you every day!

Today, the secret of making homemade fermented milk products has become available to every ordinary consumer. It is based on the banal fermentation process provoked by specific "kefir fungi". Modern fermented milk drinks amaze with the variety of their tastes, aromas and fat content. But the most popular product was and remains fat-free kefir.

Why is that? And how justified is such justification? Is it based on the human factor, or justified scientifically? Read all this below.

Useful qualities of kefir with zero fat content

To begin with, the calorie content of such a product is really scanty, and it is only 28 Kcal per 100 g of liquid, 16 of which are carbohydrates, and the remaining 12 are proteins.

In principle, everything that is useful for fresh food is based on these indicators. fat-free kefir, namely:

  • zero fat content makes it ideal for people on a dietary or healthy diet;
  • It is useful for the intestines, as it improves its peristalsis;
  • Normalizes all metabolic processes;
  • Removes the feeling of heaviness in the stomach and helps food to be digested faster;
  • Stimulates the protective functions of the human body;
  • Its regular consumption will ensure the body with almost all important trace elements and vitamins;
  • It prevents the occurrence and development of atherosclerosis and helps to get rid of toxins and toxins;
  • The benefits of low-fat fermented milk products are the ability to normalize the activity of the heart, blood vessels and the entire genitourinary system;
  • Kefir can be the basis for making homemade hair and skin care products;
  • Acts as a natural antioxidant that prolongs youth and provides healthy and sound sleep;
  • Contributes to the speedy recovery after surgery and dysbacteriosis of varying degrees of complexity.

Which kefir is more useful: fatty or not?

The degree of usefulness of this product does not depend at all on the level of its fat content, but on how fresh it is. It is because of this that before buying a new package, pay attention to the expiration dates indicated by the manufacturer. The most useful will be the product, the storage period of which does not exceed one week. Therefore, it will be logical to purchase kefir from a local manufacturer, and not from its overseas competitor. The fact is that a long storage period is the result of the use of starch and thickeners, which simply cannot be called useful.

In the event that you nevertheless purchased a "foreign" product, it is better not to consume it in fresh and use as a starter for fresh milk. To do this, you need to mix a liter of milk and 200 g of a fermented milk product in a bowl, put it all overnight in a warm place, and in the morning enjoy yogurt enriched with prebiotics.

It is worth noting that nutritionists still have doubts about whether which kefir is healthier, fatty or completely fat free. In some cases, the “victory” is won by the fatty version, since only it can be called natural, and, therefore, beneficial to the human body.

More meticulous specialists in healthy eating claim that skimmed milk has no protein in its composition, and zero-fat kefir is a completely homogenized food.

The density of the latter is achieved by attracting starch, agar, thickeners and other delights of the current food industry.

In reality, low-fat kefir does minimal harm, since it is just as saturated with lacto-cultures and proteins as its usual, fatty counterpart. The only difference is the concentration of calories and fat.

Again, if your regular diet contains meat, eggs, cheeses, nuts and oils, then there is no point in worrying about fat content and the benefits of kefir - the body already receives all the amount of fat it needs.

Kefir "night magic"

As you already know, you should not drink and eat before going to bed. But to consume low fat kefir the coming night is a little different, as it helps to cope with morning puffiness, sleep problems and excess weight.

In the latter case, drinking gives a long-lasting feeling of fullness, without burdening the body with extra calories and the need to work all night on digesting food.

Fasting days can be added to the nightly "kefir" sessions, during which it is permissible to eat only this product.

In addition to a noticeable feeling of lightness and getting rid of a couple of hated kilograms, you can improve the condition of the skin, improve the activity of the digestive system and recharge your batteries the next day.

Harm and contraindications

Having become acquainted with the benefits of zero-fat sour milk, it will be logical to study the probable the harm of fat-free kefir. And it lies in the fact that this product contains lactose, which is contraindicated for people with intolerance to this ingredient. Moreover, he cannot enter proper nutrition people suffering from alcohol intolerance, since zero-fat kefir contains 0.2% -0.6% alcohol.

Children under the age of one year should also not consume low-fat or full-fat kefir. For the weak body products with their "personal" bacteria should not be at all, otherwise the unformed microflora of the children's intestines simply cannot cope with them. This is where infant indigestion and dysbacteriosis in a mild form come from.

The fat content of kefir is one of the most important criteria for choosing this product. It is determined by the quality of the milk used for manufacturing. Naturally, using fat milk, you can get quite fatty kefir.

In general, the fat content of kefir can reach 6 percent, although the average and most common figures are 3.2 percent.

Making kefir

When kefir is produced, it is necessary to go through the following steps:

* Normalization of milk in terms of fat content, purification.
* The implementation of a heat treatment called pasteurization under temperature conditions reaching 87 degrees, after which it is kept for 10 minutes (if the temperature conditions reach 92 degrees, it should be kept no more than 3 minutes).
* Homogenization associated with the crushing of fat globules so that the fat does not settle during storage.
* Cooling to ripening temperatures reaching 25 degrees.
* Introduction of sourdough and fermentation.
* Cooling to 12 degrees, after which the product matures for 16 hours.
* Additional cooling of kefir up to 6 degrees.

Due to the fact that sourdough made with the participation of kefir fungi is used, fermentation is mixed (lactic acid and alcohol). The results of this fermentation are lactic acid with alcohol. However, the alcohol content is scanty (the exact figure is determined by the ripening time). A one-day product contains 0.2 percent alcohol, a three-day product contains 0.6 percent.

Fat content of kefir

In terms of fat content, kefir is fat-free, as well as fatty (maximum rates reach 8.9 percent). Most often, fat content is 1.5-3 percent. The required fat content can be achieved by normalizing this product. You can add cream or skimmed milk to milk. milk product. To reduce fat content, separation is required.

Biological kefir (biokefir) is quite similar to ordinary kefir, however, cells of bifidobacteria, as well as strains of other probiotic organisms, are added to it. Bifidokefir is a product to which bifidobacteria have been added along with a sourdough prepared with the participation of kefir fungi. If we talk about a kefir product, its manufacturing technology is similar to the production of kefir, however, heat treatment is carried out or various technological additives are required, which are represented by stabilizers or dry sourdough.