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Tea bags as fertilizer. Sleeping tea as a fertilizer for flowers and vegetables

One of the cheap and useful fertilizers for tomatoes is used tea leaves. This is an effective, safe, natural top dressing that does not require additional financial costs - kitchen waste is easy to accumulate throughout the year.

Preparing and fertilizing tea leaves is easy, but there are a few things you need to know to get the most out of your fertilization and avoid harm to your plant.

The benefits of tea leaves for tomatoes

The value of tea leaves, as a fertilizer for tomatoes, is associated with its mineral composition, rich in substances necessary for the plant to grow and form fruits.

100 g of tea leaves contains:

Element Proportion of substance (in grams) Significance for tomatoes
Potassium 1,79 Provides high sugar content and large fruit sizes. Increases immunity and resistance to weather influences, promotes the survival of seedlings.
Calcium 0,47 Stimulates seed germination, growth of shoots and roots, affects the number of ovaries and fruit size.
Magnesium 0,22 Participates in photosynthesis, providing nutrition to cells. The deficiency of the element is reflected in the weak formation of ovaries, small sizes and sour taste fruits.
Iron 0,2 Required to build green mass and form ovaries.
Manganese 0,083 Delivers nutrients to the organs of the plant, ensuring the growth of roots, aerial parts and fruits. Increases the concentration of vitamin C in fruits.
Bor 0,0095 Stimulates flowering and ovary formation.
Zinc 0,0023 Promotes the accumulation of sugars in the pulp and the growth of fruits.
Copper 0,0011 Stimulates flowering and growth of roots and shoots.
Sulfur 0,065 Provides sugar content of fruits and a large number of ovaries.
Molybdenum 0,00004
Iodine 0,00001


Tea leaves have the ability to slightly increase the acidity of the soil. Slightly acidic soil is considered suitable for tomatoes, so this feature will be useful on alkaline soils, but it is undesirable to apply fertilizer to acidic soils.

Tea brewing improves soil structure, making it lighter and looser. This is especially true when cultivating tomatoes on clay soils that are too heavy for the crop.

Selection and preparation of raw materials

As a fertilizer for tomatoes, you should choose large-leaf tea that retains a maximum useful substances. It is necessary to pay attention to the quality of the product - the tea should not contain dyes or aromatic additives, these substances can harm plants.

For tomatoes, only dormant tea leaves should be taken, because after use, the raw material loses some of the substances, which prevents excess nutrition. In addition, after brewing tea leaf aluminum harmful to plants is washed out.

The volume of raw materials necessary for fertilizing the beds will have to be accumulated, therefore, after use, the tea leaves must be dried to prevent the formation of mold. For drying, you can use a sieve or hang it in a gauze bag in a draft - it is important to ensure good air access. Dried tea leaves should be stored in a dry place using a glass or plastic, not metal container with a tight lid. Moldy tea leaves should not be used to feed tomatoes.

Fertilizer Application Methods

There are several options for using tea leaves to feed tomatoes, the choice of which depends on the specific goals of the gardener.

  1. Introducing into the ground. Welding can be used to improve the quality of the soil - as a baking powder and organic fertilizer. When digging in spring or autumn, tea leaves must be embedded in the ground at the rate of 5 kg of raw materials per 1 hundred square meters of beds.
  2. for seedlings. A high concentration of potassium, which increases the endurance and adaptive qualities of plants, makes tea brewing useful for seedlings. 100 g of fertilizer should be placed in each well, mixed with wood ash.
  3. Watering infusion. You can give liquid top dressing at any phase of the growing season of tomatoes. 250 g of tea leaves should be poured with 3 liters of boiling water and left to infuse until cool. The volume of infusion poured under the bush is determined by the age of the plant - it must correspond to the usual amount of water for a single irrigation.
  4. Mulch. During the summer, tea leaves can be poured onto the tomato bed immediately after use, without drying. Welding well retains soil moisture and inhibits the growth of weeds, decomposing, nourishes the soil.

There are many types of plant fertilizer available at any grocery store. The range of specialized tools sometimes confuses even experienced ordinary people. But it is used only by a few, and completely in vain. Units know which fertilizer is suitable for growing. In this context, it is preferable to use folk methods, time-tested recipes. The best remedy is tea leaves.

After making tea, in almost every home there is enough recyclable material, in the form of used tea leaves. Experts believe that large-leaf tea is characterized by the best chemical and nutritional characteristics. This is due to the structural features of a solid sheet plate without any damage. It accumulates a lot of nutrients and useful substances.

The mass particle of useful mineral elements in the dried leaf reaches a value of 7%.

Arranging in descending order mass fractions elements, you can get the following values:

  • Potassium. Tea contains the most of this microelement. In the process of fruit ripening, plants require a huge amount of potassium. Even if you use tea leaves as a fertilizer in the country during the year, it does not accumulate in the soil.
  • Calcium. An invariable component in carbohydrate and protein metabolism.
  • Magnesium is an integral part of chlorophyll. A deficiency of a substance can disrupt photosynthesis, while the green pigment is actively removed from the leaf plates.
  • Aluminum. In excess, this element is harmful not only to the plant, but also to the soil. In order to level the effect of accumulation in the soil, experts advise fertilizing plants with tea leaves.
  • Manganese. An important component of oxidative and reduction reactions. They are used primarily to increase the volume of green mass, as well as to activate the growth of the root system.
  • Sodium. Tea leaves as a fertilizer always contains sodium. The element is an important part of the transport of sugar in the plant body.
  • Iron. Respiratory enzymes also require iron, which affects the growth rate of various crops.

There are other elements in tea brewing, nutrients, however, their concentration is minimal and they are not able to affect the development of crops. A distinctive feature of the trace elements found in tea brewing is easily dissolved in water. Dried tea leaves contain a minimum of nutrients.

Tea leaves as a fertilizer for the soil and its effect

Each substance is an organic fertilizer and has a special effect on the growth and development of a particular plant. This aspect must be taken into account when combining several types of make-up. In the context of this, it is necessary to follow a few simple rules:

  • tea brewing as a fertilizer contains tannins (they are concentrated in the leaves) and at a high concentration in the soil they form an acidic environment. In conditions open ground fertilizers are not as dangerous for plants as for flowers, which have to be content with closed pots. Experienced gardeners strongly recommend taking short breaks when feeding houseplants;
  • small particles of tea leaves remain in the soil, due to which the soil becomes looser, which favorably affects air and moisture exchange. In excess, tea leaves as a fertilizer can provoke the death of the plant, due to the presence of catechins;
  • experts strongly recommend using tea leaves for fertilizer only in a dried state. Thanks to this, it is possible to eliminate the danger of the formation and development of pathogenic bacteria, harmful microorganisms, and the development of midges.

Features of the use of tea leaves as a fertilizer for flowers

Tea leaves contain many micro and macro elements. It is necessary to introduce them into the soil correctly, only in this case the plant will be able to absorb the whole complex of useful substances. There are several ways to prepare fertilizers:

A distinctive feature of tea brewing is that it contains a minimum of useful substances, therefore, it simply cannot harm plants. When using it, you should take care of additional feeding with various compositions, due to the fact that the tea composition is simply not intended to feed plants in the required volume.

Brewing from high-quality tea leaves, or the so-called sleeping tea, actively garden and indoor plants. About whether this fertilizer can really be beneficial, agricultural professionals are actively arguing even today. However, proper use of the leaves can have a beneficial effect on many types of plants.

Conventional ways brewing, even multiple, cannot completely wash out all the substances that make them useful from the leaves of the tea bush. In large quantities, they retain tannin compounds, especially useful in gardening. At the same time, carefully dried raw materials are able to gradually release microelements into the soil or plant roots for a long time.

On a note!

Only tea brewed without the addition of sugar, honey or spices can be used for such purposes. Otherwise, midges will start in the ground, the site will attract entire colonies of ants.

The effect of tea on plants

Welding is useful with tannins, which:

  • make it more resistant to disease and cold;
  • regulate the acid-base balance of the soil;
  • prevent root rot.

Dry leaves contain:

  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • iron.

Boron, aluminum, manganese are found in small quantities. All of them contribute to the active formation and strengthening of roots, leaves, buds and inflorescences. As a result, the plant becomes stronger, gives a much larger yield in the presence of other favorable factors. Large-leaf tea, namely it is recommended to use it, when added to the soil, it will make it looser, lighter, softer, will help natural ventilation, which is also very useful for most crops.

What plants to use

Organic fertilizer in the form of tea leaves or compost from them will have a good effect on vegetable crops, berry bushes, aromatic herbs. All plants that need strong green shoots, active photosynthesis and formation a large number fruit ovaries, will respond positively to top dressing.

Fertilizer is not used for root crops, crops that grow well in dense and heavy soil. Top dressing is also undesirable for crops that can “fat”, that is, actively grow above-ground foliage and stems to the detriment of the fruits or the underground part, which is harvested as a crop.

The question of using used loose leaf tea as a fertilizer causes lively debate among gardeners and gardeners.

Some argue that many plants produce larger and tastier fruits if the contents of a teapot are regularly spread under them. Others claim that tea, as a fertilizer, does not bring any particular benefit. There is one consolation: no one has yet stated that tea brewing harms plants or is dangerous to human health.

What is useful tea brewing in the garden?

  1. Tea leaves brewed with boiling water rot in the soil much faster than just fallen leaves from trees. In this sense, it is more useful to introduce tea leaves into the soil than to throw them in the trash.
  1. Dried used tea is used by many gardeners as a mulch. Dry tea leaves are easily carried by the wind. Therefore, spring crops can be mulched with tea in vegetable gardens, but not in the garden next to the recreation area, where this will result in endless sweeping of paths. But mulching with sleeping tea gives excellent results for winter plantings. True, it will still be possible to mulch in this way only one or two beds. There is simply no time to collect more dry tea leaves over the summer.

Important: tea must be without sugar. Mulching a bed with sweet tea leaves is the surest way to breed insects on it.

  1. Sleeping tea added to the soil makes it lighter, slightly neutralizes the increased alkalinity, and allows you to retain moisture longer.

Thus, tea leaves, as a fertilizer, can and should be used in the garden. However, do not count on its high efficiency. Plants also need other fertilizers.

How to use sleeping tea leaves in the garden?

  • Dried tea leaves, as a fertilizer, are good to add to the holes when planting cucumbers, beans, gladioli and tulips.
  • Re-brewed and chilled tea can be used to water houseplants instead of plain water. Flower beds respond well to such watering.
  • It is possible to bring dried sleeping tea into the surface layer of the soil when loosening. It is important that the tea is well mixed with the soil.

People who are independently engaged in growing crops in vegetable gardens and gardens often use food, herbs, coffee and seasonings as top dressings. Used black tea as a fertilizer is used to feed a variety of plants: flowers, fruit bushes, vegetables. And there are reasons for this, hidden in the benefits of tea leaves.

Large-leaf tea brewing as a fertilizer is used more often, since it consists of a larger number of important substances:

  • Potassium. The record holder in the composition of tea leaves is necessary for the proper nutrition of plants.
  • Manganese. Keeps redox reactions within normal limits, stimulating the development of the root system of plantings.
  • Sodium. Participates in the metabolism of sugars.
  • Calcium. Improves intracellular metabolism.
  • Iron. The mineral is necessary for the normal respiration of living cultures.
  • Magnesium. Takes part in the process of photosynthesis. If there is too little of it, cultures wither.

In a lower concentration, sleeping and fresh tea contains tannins and vitamins.

Features of the use of tea as a fertilizer

When using tea leaves as a fertilizer, you need to remember that the maximum amount of useful components is contained in the active - liquid - form.

For processing seedlings, garden and indoor plants, large- and medium-leaf tea is chosen. Bags are used only in extreme cases.

Nutrient tea should not contain excess substances. Even if the composition includes lemon zest, then there is a high probability that such a product also contains flavoring.

If it is planned to make sleeping tea during planting, then the leaves are dried first by throwing them on a sieve. For storage, the fertilizer is placed in a container and cleaned in a dry place. Indoor flowers are fertilized with a small amount of semi-dry matter: excessive moisture provokes soil infection, mold formation and the reproduction of black midges.

The effect of welding on plants and soil

When using tea as a fertilizer, you can achieve the following effect:

  • increasing soil acidity;
  • loosening of clay soils;
  • compost activation;
  • increased air permeability in the upper soil layer;
  • substrate enrichment;
  • improved composition for mulching.

Flowers and vegetables react very well to fertilizing with tea leaves: green manure, azalea, hydrangea, sorrel, cucumbers, simple radish, pumpkin fruits, carrots.

If tea leaves are used to fertilize flowers in an apartment, then it retains moisture in pots during the heating season, when the air is dry. You can use the leaf product as a drain.

Before introducing tea leaves into the soil, it is necessary to determine the level of soil acidity. If the indicator is high, then it is not recommended to water the ground or apply the dry version of the substance.

The use of tea in the garden and in the garden

The scope of the sleeping product is quite wide. You can use tea leaves as a fertilizer for the following purposes:

  1. Soil improvement for small seeds. The product stimulates the growth of most edible greens and some root vegetables. For planting take 1 tsp. seeds of carrots, parsley or basil, mixed with a glass of dry tea leaves.
  2. Mulching. As a mulch, tea leaves are used only on the surface of open ground, which is regularly ventilated and warmed by the sun. The old mixture, prepared in advance, is distributed among the beds.
  3. Improving the quality of the soil. To increase fertility, use 500 g of used tea per 1 m2.
  4. Fertilizer. To improve the germination of plants, a special microflora is created in the upper soil layer with the help of tea. The remains of the tea leaves are mixed with ash, placed around bushes and tree trunks, mixed. As a result, the effect of the tea is prolonged, and plantings receive more useful substances. This method of application is ideal for tomatoes, cucumbers, gladioli and beans.
  5. Compost. The brewed tea is taken out into a rotting heap, mixed with what is already in the fertilizer harvest. As a result, nitrogen production begins, and the fermentation of organic products is accelerated. It is important to first remove any artificial and metallic elements from the brewed product.
  6. Top dressing infusion. Freshly brewed tea as a fertilizer can also be used in liquid form. For 1 st. leaves take 3 liters of boiling water. Pour warm broth under the roots of plants. Fertilize with this crop product in the country or in the garden. The ground may be open or closed.

Experienced growers within their garden find new combinations for sleeping leaves and other organic fertilizers.

Using tea bags

Tea bags can be used as seedling tablets. They easily replace peat analogues. Sequencing:

  • open the top of the paper packaging;
  • pour universal soil;
  • put seeds inside;
  • wait until the plants reach the picking phase;
  • transplant them into pots or open ground.

The advantage of this growing method is the ability to transfer crops directly with bags. After a while, the paper will dissolve into the soil. It is good to use this method of growing seedlings on pick-sensitive products ( bell peppers, eggplant

How to fertilize indoor flowers with tea?

If you put semi-moist leaves in a flower pot at the height of the heating season, they will prevent moisture from evaporating. Such a fertilizer will be useful when using saline soil during planting.

In order to improve the composition of the earth, only tea leaves that were steamed without sugar can be used.

You can also use a tea solution prepared from 3 liters of boiling water and 1 cup of tea leaves. In a cold state, it is applied under the roots instead of regular watering. It is important to observe proportions so as not to overfeed indoor flowers.

The use of liquid tea or used tea leaves as a fertilizer for garden, garden or house plants is justified only if alkalization of the soil is observed. Too acidic soil will react negatively to such top dressing. As for crops, nutrition is best reflected in those vegetables, berries and flowers that are not demanding on the composition of the earth or prefer acidic soils.