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How to open a liquor store from scratch. Business idea: wine boutique Draft wine trade where to start

Finding yourself in a luxurious hotel with a stunning view from the window, what else can you dream of on your birthday. Is it about the bottle chilled champagne in bed. Such a crazy idea inspired Greg Williams to create his own business.

What started to

In general, the service of delivering champagne to customers is not very expensive, somewhere from forty to seventy pounds sterling. Catering for the party will cost 200 pounds. And for this money, four bottles of champagne, a bouquet of flowers with a congratulatory letter and chocolate will be delivered to all guests.

So, having celebrated his thirtieth birthday in Las Vegas, the city of entertainment, as well as the eternal holiday, Greg was so inspired business idea to deliver chilled champagne to the room that he started organizing his own business immediately upon arrival home, namely in Billerick. He quit his job as an accountant at the well-known Ford company and, together with a friend named Gavin Cooper, started a Champagne Waiter cold champagne delivery company.

Their customers were simply delighted when, upon opening the door, they saw a waiter with magnificent champagne. Champagne Waiter offers its unusual services, as a rule, to well-to-do residents of Billerick, Shenfield, Brentwood and Hutton, who are interested in something unusual and special.

Friends themselves are big fans of such a sparkling drink and are very well versed in its varieties, as well as the "subtleties of drinking." Friends participate in all tastings organized by wine companies. They also conduct such tastings themselves, trying completely new varieties of champagne also at dinner. Very soon, the stage of development of their business will come when friends will be able to offer their customers the whole variety of this drink. However, while the tastes of friends do not quite match. So Greg Williams prefers Veuve Clicquot, his friend Gavin Cooper prefers Dom Perignon.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Wine is considered one of the noblest alcoholic beverages. Good wine- this is a small luxury that almost anyone can afford, say the Italians. At the same time, wine is one of the most popular alcoholic beverages. And every year the number of his fans around the world increases significantly. Thus, a business related to the sale of wine can become very profitable. However, opening your own wine shop is not as easy as it seems at first glance.

According to experienced entrepreneurs, there are three main conditions for a successful retail business: assortment, quality of products sold and level of service. These three simple success rules apply to the liquor store as well. Obviously, the wider the assortment of a specialized store, the better. If you are going to specialize exclusively in wines, then be prepared to provide several hundred different wines from different countries peace. In this case, we are not talking about a small company store, where the products of one manufacturer are presented. A wide range of products will become one of your main competitive advantages. The main thing is not to copy the assortment of other liquor stores in your city. The coincidence of the assortment should not exceed 30% of the total number of wines.

However, high quality is equally important. If you claim to be an expert on wines, keep your brand: make sure that only the best goods of international quality are presented in your store.

As for the level of service, no matter how good, high-quality and unique wines you sell, you cannot do without experienced specialists who can advise buyers on any issue related to a particular variety, storage requirements, usage patterns, etc. You can find ready-made professional sales consultants or teach them all the tricks from scratch. Large companies send their employees to sommelier courses. This training is quite lengthy and expensive, so this option is hardly suitable for an ordinary liquor store. But if you are thinking about the concept of a "wine boutique", then such expenses will be fully justified.

We draw up a business plan for a liquor store

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It is necessary to start work on opening your own store by drawing up a detailed business plan. A business plan is also required if you do not plan to take borrowed funds for business development. However, it is unlikely that you will be able to manage solely on your own savings. Like any business related to alcohol products, a liquor store is a costly enterprise that requires a lot of investment.

Do not save on the services of marketers. Order marketing research before proceeding with the search for premises for the store. Study the activities of your direct and indirect competitors, decide on the range and price category. You can open a small shop with quality but inexpensive wines, or a real wine boutique with additional services. It all depends on demand, competition and, of course, the capital that you have. It is recommended to open a small store in a densely populated area with a well-developed transport infrastructure. This may be a sleeping area, but the store itself should not be located in the courtyards, where only residents of nearby houses can see it, but on a busy street. Attractive façade finishes, large well-lit showcases, appropriate interior design and eye-catching signage are excellent advertising in themselves and will attract customers. A boutique of elite wines is best opened in the city center. But in both cases, it is necessary to strictly comply with the requirements for the location of alcoholic beverage stores.

Requirements for stationary trading facilities for the sale of alcohol

In accordance with paragraph 6 of Art. 16 of the Federal Law of November 22, 1995 No. 171-FZ "On the state regulation of production and turnover ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and on limiting the consumption (drinking) of alcoholic products", organizations engaged in the retail sale of any alcoholic products (with the exception of beer and beer drinks) in the city must have in ownership, economic management, operational management or lease, a period which is determined by the contract and is one year or more, stationary retail facilities and warehouses with a total area of ​​at least 50 sq. m, as well as cash registers. The requirements for shops in rural settlements are more modest. According to par. 2 p. 6 art. 16 of this Law, in this case, the ownership, economic management, operational management or lease, the term of which is determined by the contract and is one year or more, must have stationary retail facilities and warehouses with a total area of ​​at least 25 sq. m, as well as cash registers, unless otherwise provided by federal law.

All these requirements for stationary trade facilities and warehouses are established by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation - Rosalkogolregulirovanie. Non-compliance of the applicant with the requirements established, inter alia, by Art. 16 of Federal Law No. 171-FZ, is the basis for refusing to issue a license for the retail sale of alcoholic products (clause 6, clause 9, article 19 of this law).

However, the law imposes requirements not only on the location and area of ​​​​an alcoholic beverage store, but also on the duration of its lease agreement. At a minimum, it must be determined, otherwise the applicant will be denied a license for the retail sale of alcoholic products (clause 12 of the Letter of Rosalkogolregulirovanie No. 8977 / 03-04). According to paragraph 2 of Art. 609 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a real estate lease agreement is subject to state registration, unless otherwise provided by law. A lease agreement for a building or structure concluded for a period of at least a year is subject to state registration and is considered concluded from the moment of such registration (clause 2, article 651 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

So businesses Catering wishing to obtain a license for the retail sale of alcoholic products must comply with the requirements established by paragraph 6 of Art. 16 of Federal Law No. 171-FZ for stationary retail facilities: in relation to the area, composition of the required premises, the term of the lease agreement and its registration. As the experience of other entrepreneurs shows, obtaining or renewing a license can be a problem if:

    the applicant has only stationary trading facilities and no warehouses;

    a stationary trading facility (trading floor) and a warehouse are located in different places of the building with different entrances;

    the area of ​​stationary trade facilities and warehouses with a total area of ​​less than 50 sq. m - in urban settlements (less than 25 sq. m - in rural settlements);

    the lease agreement for a stationary retail facility does not specify its term;

    the lease agreement has not passed the state registration.

All possible obstacles to obtaining a license to sell alcoholic beverages should preferably be prevented or eliminated before applying. Since when submitting a new application to the licensing authority for a license for the retail sale of alcoholic products, if it was previously refused to issue it, you will have to pay the state fee again (Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated March 27, 2013 No. 03-05-06-03 / 9655) . If you have any questions, please contact your city government's sales department. Local authorities in a given region may interpret the requirements of the law in different ways and often adopt provisions that, in fact, differ significantly from each other in many respects.

Requirements for the organization of storage of wine products

Quite stringent requirements are imposed not only on the area of ​​the store and warehouse, but also on the arrangement of the latter. All alcoholic products must be stored in stationary, structurally separate premises intended solely for the acceptance, storage, dispensing and accounting of products that meet the following requirements:

    are located in buildings (structures) that meet the requirements established by the Federal Law of December 30, 2009 No. 384-FZ "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2010, No. 1, art. 5);

    isolated from office, utility and other premises by solid walls or temporary building structures (partitions) from the floor to the ceiling of the warehouse;

    equipped with mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation;

    provided with central heating, or equipped with individual heat generators that have a certificate for compliance with safety requirements and permission from the authorized federal executive body to use them on the territory of the Russian Federation;

    equipped with measuring devices for monitoring the temperature and humidity conditions of storage of products (hygrometers-thermometers, psychrometric hygrometers, psychrometers, thermometers, other measuring devices that allow monitoring temperature and humidity in the warehouse). The serviceability of such devices must be confirmed by the corresponding marks on the verification of measuring instruments in the passports for the devices. If the storage room consists of adjacent rooms, these devices must be located in each such room;

    equipped with racks and (or) pallets at least 15 cm high from the floor, located at a distance of at least 1 m from heating systems, water and sewer pipes;

    equipped with luminaires with protective shades to prevent damage to the luminaire lamps;

    window openings (if any) are equipped with protective devices (blinds, cornices, other protective devices) to protect surfaces and spaces from exposure to direct sunlight;

    have an arrangement of building structures that corresponds to the design documentation for the building (structure);

    have a fire safety system, including those equipped with fire alarms, primary fire extinguishing equipment. If the warehouse does not have an internal fire water supply and automatic fire extinguishing installations, or the warehouse building is located at a distance of more than 100 m from external fire sources of water, the warehouse must be equipped with a fire shield.

On the area of ​​the warehouse is not allowed:

    storage of products that are not alcoholic and alcohol-containing food products packaged in consumer packaging;

    placement on one pallet different types products;

    placement of products that do not provide free access to stored products.

Storage of products, depending on their types, must be subject to certain conditions regarding temperature regime and air humidity:

    Russian cognacs and brandy - at a temperature of 5°C to 25°C and relative humidity not higher than 85%;

    alcoholic beverages - at a temperature of 10°C to 25°C and relative humidity not higher than 85%;

    wines and natural wines - at a temperature of 5°C to 20°C and a relative humidity of no more than 85%;

    wine drinks - at a temperature of 5°C to 20°C and relative humidity not higher than 85%;

    champagnes, sparkling and carbonated wines - at a temperature of 5°C to 20°C and a relative humidity of not more than 85%;

    champagne "Soviet" - at a temperature of 8°C to 16°C and relative humidity not higher than 85%;

    wine cocktails - at temperatures from 0°C to 20°C and relative humidity not higher than 85%.

Obtaining a license to retail wine

Please note: only a legal entity (LLC, OJSC, CJSC, etc.) can obtain a license for the retail sale of alcohol. An individual entrepreneur does not have such a right.

To obtain a license for the retail sale of alcoholic beverages, you must submit the following documents to the appropriate department (it may be called differently in different cities):

    an application for a license indicating the full and (or) abbreviated name and organizational and legal form of the organization, its location, its e-mail address, through which the department carries out correspondence, sending decisions, notices, notifications using an electronic signature, locations of its separate divisions engaged in the retail sale of alcoholic products, the name of the bank and the number of the bank account, the licensed type of activity that the organization intends to carry out, the type of product (in accordance with paragraphs 3 and 4 of Article 18 of the Federal Law "On State Regulation of the Production and Turnover of Ethyl Alcohol, alcohol and alcohol-containing products and on limiting the consumption (drinking) of alcoholic products”), the period for which a license is issued;

    copies of constituent documents (if copies of documents are not certified by a notary, then you will need to present the originals);

    a copy of the document on state registration of the organization. If the specified document is not submitted by the applicant, the authorized agency receives information confirming the fact that information about the license applicant has been entered in the unified state register of legal entities, upon an interdepartmental request from the federal executive body that carries out state registration of legal entities, individuals as individual entrepreneurs and peasant (farm) households;

    a copy of the document on the organization's registration with the tax authority. If the specified document is not submitted by the applicant, the department receives information confirming the fact that the applicant for a license has been registered for tax accounting upon an interdepartmental request from the federal executive body exercising the functions of monitoring and supervising compliance with the legislation on taxes and fees;

    a copy of the document confirming payment of the state fee for granting a license;

    a document confirming that the applicant has an authorized capital (authorized fund);

    documents confirming that the applicant has stationary trading facilities and warehouses in the property, economic management, operational management or lease, the term of which is determined by the agreement and is one year or more.

After the documents are accepted, they are carefully examined. The term of its implementation is 30 days, after which a decision is made to issue or refuse to issue a license. True, sometimes an additional examination may be required, which increases the time for consideration, but not more than 30 days.

The license is issued for a period specified by the organization, but not more than five years.

The validity period of the license is extended at the request of the organization on the basis of a written application submitted by it for the extension of the validity period and a copy of the document confirming the payment of the state fee, as well as on the basis of information submitted by the tax authority at the interdepartmental request of the department on the absence of arrears in the payment of taxes and fees for a period, specified by the organization (but not more than five years).

Ready-made ideas for your business

Within 30 days from the date of receipt of the application for renewal of the license, the agency considers this application, makes a decision on the extension of the license or on refusal to extend this period in the manner established for the issuance of a license, and within three working days after the adoption of the relevant decision informs the organization in writing about its decision, and in case of a decision to refuse to renew such a license, and about the reasons for the refusal.

Re-issuance of a license in case of reorganization of the organization is carried out in the manner established for its receipt, at the request of the organization or its successor. In the event of a change in the name of the organization (without its reorganization), a change in its location or the locations of its separate subdivisions specified in the license, the expiration of the lease term for a warehouse, a stationary trading facility used for the retail sale of alcoholic products, a change in other information specified in the license, and also in case of loss of a license, re-issuance of a license is carried out on the basis of an application from the organization with the attachment of documents confirming the indicated changes or loss of a license.

For the provision of a license, the extension of the term of such a license and its reissuance, a state fee is paid in the amount and in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees.

The state duty for granting a license for the retail sale of alcoholic products is 60 thousand rubles for each year of the license.

The rules for obtaining a license and the amount of fees may vary depending on the region. Therefore, check the procedure for issuing a license in the Administration of your city.

Please note: simultaneously with obtaining a license, you will also need to issue a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, registration of a fire service, an agreement for garbage collection and disposal of fluorescent lamps.

Store decoration

So, the premises for the liquor store have been found, the documents are under consideration, and it's time to start decorating your boutique. The interior design of such a store should be handled by a specialist. Ask for help from a designer who specializes in the interior of commercial establishments. What matters is not only the choice of colors (as a rule, beige and brown tones are most often used with a predominance of natural materials - wood and stone), but, above all, competent zoning of space.

You will need special commercial equipment - the so-called wine racks. As a rule, they are wall-mounted. On the one hand, this allows you to save space, leaving room for the passage of customers. On the other hand, glass bottles with wine have considerable weight, but at the same time they are fragile products, so placing racks against the walls reduces the risk of accidental tipping. Only in large supermarkets, where self-service is supposed, alcoholic products are placed on island racks.

A wine rack needs to be the right height and width – stable enough not to tip over, yet not too bulky. When choosing a rack, put yourself in the place of the buyer. Can he freely examine the goods, will he not have to bend over too much or reach for the bottle he is interested in?

Give preference to racks with a shallow depth and shelf width, especially if expensive wines will be laid out on them. In this case, you can lay out each bottle separately, and not side by side. The optimal number of shelves is no more than five. At the same time, the following rule is followed: the lower shelves of the wine rack are used as storage or cheaper wines are laid out on them.

Finally, pay attention to the material from which the racks are made. It must match the interior of the room. Best of all look wood and glass shelving with backlighting, which helps to highlight the goods.

Determine the target audience for your store. According to statistics, quality wine is most in demand among middle-aged and older people with a high level of income. With an eye on this audience, advertising media are also selected. This can be either radio or television advertising, or advertising in print media (mainly expensive glossy magazines), outdoor advertising, advertising on the Internet, etc. Advertising costs make up about 20-25% of total costs.

The purchase of champagne and the purchase of sparkling wine are undoubtedly among the priorities of our work on. This is always a drink for a bright holiday. Often, after the celebration, at least one bottle of good champagne remains, which at certain points in life turns out to be unclaimed. Your bottle can prove to be a good asset - we are collectors and will be able to offer a good price - quick cash on the day of circulation. The transaction can take place most quickly and profitably for you in Moscow and the Moscow region.

We will be able to buy champagne of any country of origin, in any quantity. You can be the owner of one bottle or an entire collection and live in any city in Russia and neighboring countries. With the greatest profit, you can sell us Veuve Clicquot (Veuve Clicquot), Moët & Chandon (Moët and Chandon), Dom Perignon (Dom Perignon), Louis Roederer (Louis Roederer), Crystal, Krug, Ruinart Brut, as well as sell a bottle of name unknown to you.

In our experience, the most common reason to sell a sparkling drink is the lack of understanding of the value of a particular bottle, especially if it was inherited or given as a gift. Indeed, if you do not understand sparkling wine or do not feel the difference of a bottle for 50,000 rubles. or for 1,000 rubles, then the most rational solution is to contact ours, especially if you need money urgently. We will always give an adequate and competent assessment of the cost, taking into account the rating, the safety of the drink and the bottle.

Given that this drink is very capricious and demanding on storage conditions, it is far from always possible to conclude that the contents of the bottle have retained their consumer qualities and high cost. The main pricing factors are the storage conditions of the bottle, the year of harvest, the condition of the labels and capping.

We take a personal approach even in cases where the sparkling drink in the bottle has long expired and it has only a certain value due to its rarity, when you need to sell champagne only as a collectible.

We are always ready to consider any options, and we will be able to carry out a buyout transaction as quickly as possible.

Champagne Dom Perignon

One of our favorites is a luxury brand from the famous French winery Moët et Chandon.

Sometimes this brand is mistakenly called not Dom, but Don Pérignon, but still the correct name is Dom Pérignon. "House" is a French term for priests and clergy.

Champagne is named after the monk Pierre Perignon, who lived in the province of Champagne in northern France, who first began to mix different varieties grapes in the production of sparkling wines. Being a sophisticated winemaker, it was Pierre Perignon who began bottling wines in thick glass bottles and using tree bark corks as corks.

Wake up in a luxurious Las Vegas hotel with a view of the famous Strip, what else you can dream about on your birthday. About a bottle of cold champagne in bed! This crazy thought inspired Greg Williams ( Greg Williams) to start your own business.

After celebrating his thirtieth birthday in Las Vegas, the city of entertainment and celebration, Greg was so inspired by the champagne room service business idea that he set up his own business as soon as he arrived home in Billerick. After quitting his job as an accountant at Ford, Greg and his friend Gavin Cooper ( Gavin Cooper) organized a Champagne Waiter champagne delivery company.

“Our customers were truly delighted when they saw a waiter with champagne at their door. Despite the economic crisis, our business is booming. People love to give gifts, especially unusual, unique gifts,” beginner entrepreneurs say. The fact is that Champagne Waiter offers its unusual services to wealthy residents of Billerick, Brentwood, Shenfield and Hutton who are interested in something unusual, special. “Delivery of cold champagne to your doorstep on your birthday is what you need,” friends are sure.

The friends themselves are big fans of the sparkling drink and are well versed in its many varieties and "subtleties of drinking". They participate in all tastings conducted by wine companies. They hold such tastings themselves, trying new varieties of champagne at dinner. “The stage of development of our business will soon come when we will be able to offer our customers all the variety of this drink,” friends say. In the meantime, the tastes of friends do not match - Greg Williams prefers Veuve Clicquot, and his friend Gavin Cooper prefers Dom Perignon. But both would be absolutely happy to get a bottle of cold sparkling champagne of any brand in their bed.

By the way, the champagne home delivery service is not very expensive for customers - from 40 to 75 pounds, depending on the set of gifts included (chocolate, flowers, etc.). Catering a party costs 200 pounds. For this money, guests will receive 4 bottles of champagne, chocolate and a bouquet of flowers with a greeting card.

No matter how hackneyed it may sound, the main trend of modern business is creativity. And the basis of this phenomenon is not the ability to “give out something like that”, but the ability to ask. The ability to ask questions.

Let's talk about how to open a wine store from scratch and what you need for this. After all, even an experienced entrepreneur is not always able to deal with all the intricacies of this business. There are many nuances and bureaucratic complexities here. It should be remembered that the implementation of such a project will require significant capital investments.

But do not be afraid of the following difficulties. After all, if you provide customers with high-quality goods, a diverse assortment and the highest service, you can count on a quick payback and stable high profits. All your efforts and expenses will return a hundredfold.

Business Features

A distinctive feature of this area is the constant high demand for alcoholic products. Even with the economic crisis, people continue to indulge themselves in affordable and pleasant luxury in the form of sparkling, sweet, semi-sweet wine. Moreover, the existing range of this drink in the world makes it possible to choose the right product for any category of the population.

But since you decided to open not just, but offer a specialized product, it must be of high quality. With all the variety of prices, one should not forget the main thing - it is better to provide customers with a simple drink at a low cost, but only natural and authentic, than focus on a cheap fake of elite brands.

In order to promote the business as quickly as possible and return the initial investment, you should prepare in advance. Before opening a wine store, you will have to draw up a competent business plan with all the calculations, as well as conduct marketing research within the city or region.

Experienced specialists pay attention to the fact that in settlements with a low number of inhabitants, it makes no sense to focus on a specialized wine market, since in this case it is enough to sell different types of alcoholic beverages. But in the metropolis you will find more connoisseurs of this particular product.

Do not think that only women drink wine. Very often, men prefer its elite varieties, and also use such a product as a prestigious gift. Sales in this area of ​​business are constantly growing and do not fall even in times of economic crisis.

Having successfully selected a range of drinks, and setting adequate prices, it is possible to form a permanent customer base in a year. If we add some unique offers to this, then the success of the store is guaranteed.

The documents

The most difficult thing for start-up entrepreneurs is the correct paperwork. Let's briefly list what it takes to open a wine store:

  1. Create an LLC or other form of legal entity. At the same time, be sure to prepare all internal documentation and pledge the authorized capital of at least 1 million rubles. Please note that an individual entrepreneur is not issued a license to sell alcoholic beverages.
  2. Submit the papers of the organization to the tax office, pay the state duty and go through the registration procedure. You should immediately indicate the OKVED code (47.25 Retail sales of drinks in a specialized outlet) and select a taxation system (single or simplified).
  3. More on preparatory stage you will have to find a suitable room and buy it out or enter into a long-term lease agreement (at least 1 year as required by law).
  4. The trading floor and warehouse should be equipped as indicated in the relevant regulatory documents of the SES and the fire inspection. This is the only way to get their permission to operate.
  5. Also conclude an agreement on garbage collection and recycling of fluorescent lamps.
  6. Only after that, having collected all the listed papers, you can apply for a license to sell alcoholic beverages. This procedure will take about 1-2 months, and will also be quite expensive. But you will receive a document for a period of 5 years.

When creating a wine store as a business, you need to remember that the controlling state bodies impose increased and strict requirements on this area. Any violation will lead to the revocation of the license, which will end with the closure of the institution.

Pay attention to the basic rules that you will have to follow strictly:

  • The premises for the store must be registered in the ownership of the entrepreneur or rented for at least a year. It is important to specify this point separately in the contract, and the document itself undergoes special state registration.
  • The size of the trading floor is not less than 50 sq. m. for the city or 25 sq. m. in the countryside. A warehouse for storing products is equipped separately.
  • The rules and regulations of the sanitary and epidemiological service and the fire inspection in each city may differ from each other. Therefore, check the list of instructions in the selected region for doing business.
  • The minimum amount of the authorized capital is 1 million rubles, but it can be more.

Remember about other nuances - it is strictly forbidden to sell alcoholic beverages to children under the age of 18. For this, not only high fines can be imposed, but also licenses can be revoked. If you decide to sell wine made at home, then initially you will receive the necessary documents for the production of this drink, otherwise such an activity is considered illegal.

Requirements for product storage conditions

Wine is a specific drink that must be kept in certain rooms to maintain its quality. To do this, the trading floor and, in particular, the warehouse are equipped properly:

  1. They are located in the buildings listed in the document Federal Law No. 384, which refers to technical regulations and safety of such establishments.
  2. The wine storage area is isolated by solid walls from the trading floor and service premises.
  3. Be sure to install a ventilation system with forced exhaust.
  4. Due to central heating or an individual heat generator, maintenance is maintained desired temperatures. So, wine drinks should be stored at 5°-20° and 85% humidity.
  5. They also install a climate control system to constantly maintain the desired parameters in the warehouse.
  6. All communications, devices and measuring sensors must comply with safety standards and undergo a separate check.
  7. Racks and trays for storing drinks are located at a distance of 1 m from the heating system, and the products themselves are installed at a height of 15 cm from the floor and above.
  8. Each shelf holds one type of wine. In this case, no other foreign products are allowed nearby.
  9. Convenient passages for personnel should be provided to the racks.
  10. Windows must be protected from sunlight, which can lead to damage to products.
  11. Don't forget about fire safety regulations.

If it is too difficult or difficult to deal with all bureaucratic issues, then you can use the services of special law firms that will take care of this moment for a fee.


Regardless of the direction of the business, a preliminary market analysis is always required. At the same time, they study not only the tastes and capabilities of potential customers, but more importantly, the activities of competitive firms. In this segment, the main competitors are:

  • The same specialized outlets for the sale of wine and other spirits.
  • Shops where they sell various products and goods, but at the same time alcohol is also represented.
  • Supermarkets in which there is a fairly wide range of alcoholic products.
  • Wine cellars, if there are any in the region.

But do not be afraid of competition. By providing high service, a quality product and getting people interested in a unique offer, you will soon ensure that customers become regular customers of your establishment. Use modern marketing strategies:

  1. The assortment of the store should include collection, rare and elite varieties of wines.
  2. Create a unique format outlet, positioning it on the market as a guarantor of the quality of the products provided.
  3. Offer interesting wine tours to your regular customers.
  4. Organize sommelier courses for beginners or professionals.
  5. Hold themed parties and other exciting events.

Immediately upon opening a store, try not to overprice the goods, at least for popular and popular items, also provided in other markets.

One of the most important points in the implementation of wine is the selection of competent staff. After all, in order to sell a variety of drinks, you need to be well versed in the subject and be able to advise the buyer exactly what he will like or suit a specific occasion, dish, mood.

Setting up a trading floor

It is better that the liquor store be a separate room or occupy the first floor in any building. Alternatively, try renting a hall in mall. It is worth noting that the opening of such an institution in a residential building may be accompanied by conflicts with neighbors, dissatisfaction with residents and excessive requirements of the SES.

Experienced entrepreneurs say that it is best to locate such a store somewhere on crowded streets. The advantage is given to the city center. But even if you decide to open a wine market in a residential area, the main thing is that it be visible from afar. Do not hide the entrance anywhere in the yard. Showcase and signboard must be visible from a distance.

The area of ​​​​the institution is at least 50 square meters. m. This is a requirement of law and logic. It is on such a space that you will be able to arrange the entire range of products in the most convenient and the best way. Make sure that there is parking near the store, as wealthy customers will want to come with their own transport.

Pay attention to the interior. He should be discreet, but speak of respectability. Natural materials are used - wood and stone, and all racks are selected in the same style. The color scheme is preferably soft, warm (beige and brown shades). With all the thoughtfulness of the design, you should not distract the attention of buyers from the product itself.

Choose your equipment carefully. The wine is distinguished by its fragility, value and significant weight. Therefore, special racks are used, located along the walls. So, they will be less likely to tip over. Choose special models of shelves with an inclination, where you can place all the bottles one at a time, but do not stack them on top of each other. It should be convenient for customers to consider each type of drink separately.

Both in the warehouse and on the sales floor, be sure to pay special attention to climatic parameters for perfect storage of products. This is the only way to guarantee the quality of the goods and not spoil the expensive wine.

If the store is supposed to serve a drink bottling service, then, in addition to racks, shelves and display cases, you will also have to purchase a refrigerator, barrels with dispensers and empty containers of various sizes for customers. Providing the possibility of tasting individual varieties, it is advisable to set up several tables.

Product range

Wine differs from any other product in that the longer it is stored (but only under optimal conditions!), the better and more expensive it becomes. Therefore, do not worry that any type of drink you have chosen is not sold quickly enough. The main thing is to ensure the correct climatic storage parameters.

In order to get around competitors and attract as many buyers as possible, special attention should be paid to the offered assortment. This is one of the most important things in this business.

First you need to study what is on the shelves of similar stores in your city. And only after that proceed to the selection of purchased brands. It is believed that coincidences with other institutions should not exceed 25-30%. Everything else is exclusive varieties that only you have in your store.

Many countries of the world are engaged in the production of wine and it is different for each winemaker. Therefore, it is worth presenting in the store not only domestic manufacturers but also foreign ones. In this case, even on the shelves, drinks are located depending on the country from which they were brought.

You should also diversify the price range so that representatives of different segments of the population can find suitable goods in such a store. Basically, people with medium and high incomes become customers of the wine market. But try to offer products in a variety of price categories.

Remember that wine can be white, red, rose, sweet, semi-sweet, dessert, dry, etc. This category of goods also includes various variations drinks, cocktails, champagne. Sometimes liqueurs are also sold in such an institution.

In order to more accurately navigate which brands and brands it is better to give preference to, try to find out the tastes of consumers. For this, polls are often conducted on the Internet, ratings of popular drinks are compiled, etc. It would be useful to study them.

According to statistics, about 70% of sales in such establishments are semi-sweet table wines. And in second place are sparkling drinks (champagne). Therefore, such a product should form the basis of the assortment. A much smaller amount is required for elite varieties of expensive brands.

When choosing the right product, also pay attention to the holidays. So, before the New Year and March 8, it is better to buy more sparkling wines and liquors.

In this business, it is very important to find responsible and trusted suppliers. This is the only way to guarantee the quality of the product being sold. Try to conclude an agreement with those who have been on the market for a long time, work directly with factories and winery owners, and can also provide all certificates and quality guarantees for the product.


Another very important point- selection of qualified personnel. Profits and growth of a permanent customer base will depend on their work. Sales consultants can be hired by experienced, versed in wine, or you can independently teach all the intricacies of the work of beginners. Often the owners send them to sommelier courses, as this investment will quickly pay off.

In addition, to conduct business and solve many small issues, you will need in the state:

  • accountant;
  • security guard;
  • cleaning woman;
  • loader.

Additional income

In order to stand out from competitors, you can provide various unique services or products:

  1. Sell ​​related products - snacks suitable for wine (expensive cheeses, sausages, sweets).
  2. Expand the range with special accessories and utensils - corkscrews, glasses, etc.
  3. Organize sommelier courses.
  4. Arrange various parties, master classes and other events that can unite wine lovers on any occasion.
  5. Sell ​​a drink on tap.
  6. Create a tasting opportunity, set tables and bar counters.

Over time, in order to expand the business, offer a franchise to aspiring entrepreneurs or independently open other points in neighboring cities and regions. In the modern world, online sales are also very popular. To do this, it is enough just to create an online store, with the help of which it will be possible to sell more goods and spread the fame of your own wine market throughout the country.

How to attract clients?

Such an institution does not need intensive advertising. All you have to do is choose a good location, make a noticeable sign, provide a wide and interesting selection of wines, and provide high-quality service. Nevertheless, in the presence of high competition, it is desirable to use other available methods:

  • place ads in expensive printed publications;
  • redeem advertising space (billboards, public transport);
  • use the Internet, popularize your own resource;
  • offer profitable cooperation to restaurants, cafes, hotels;
  • leave booklets and flyers in different places that your potential customers visit.


Some aspiring entrepreneurs are afraid to take on such a project, as they are afraid of some difficulties:

  1. Difficulties in the registration process, bureaucratic obstacles - it is enough to fulfill all the conditions of state bodies and be patient. But you can solve this issue differently - contact a special company that will take care of all the nuances of paperwork.
  2. High competition in the city - if it is a large metropolis, then it is enough to choose a good place for a store and invest part of the funds in development and advertising.
  3. Increased requirements for this line of business - here you should constantly monitor the smallest details, since regulatory authorities really check stores with alcohol products often and carefully. You, as the owner, will only have to monitor compliance with all rules and regulations.
  4. Population - always keep in mind that cities of different sizes have their own priorities. For example, in a small region it does not make sense to sell a rare vintage vintage wine. And in megacities, buyers are too spoiled and need a unique product that they have not yet tried.
  5. Large investments - will be required to set up a business and purchase a range of products. But after a year of vigorous activity, any investment will pay off.
  6. Changes in exchange rates and the unstable economic situation in the country lead to an unexpected rise in the price of foreign drinks. In this case, you will have to skillfully adjust the pricing policy. Sometimes it makes sense to give preference to cheaper varieties of wine in order to provide customers with the opportunity to treat themselves to a delicious drink even in times of crisis.

Here you can download for free as a sample.

Financial questions

The initial investment in the business will be large. But the specific figure depends on how much the rent of the selected premises costs, what range of products you decide to offer to customers, etc. According to average estimates, after a year of the store’s operation, you can fully return all investments, since the profitability of the project is quite high.

Starting costs Amount, in rubles
1 Rent for the period of business organization 45 000
2 Repair and arrangement of the store 180 000
3 Registration and authorized capital 1 030 000
4 License 80 000
5 Shop equipment 250 000
6 First batch of goods 2 500 000
7 Advertising campaign 80 000
Total: 4 165 000

In addition, you will have to spend money on the maintenance of the store and the constant replenishment of stocks of goods.

Of course, at first, the profit will not be stable. But with a competent approach, the client base should grow every month, and hence the income. After a year of activity, you can achieve a monthly profit of 1.5-2 million rubles. And even with gradual and slow development, in 2-3 years it will be possible to reach full payback.

But under more favorable circumstances, it is possible to return the initial investment in a year. Here, much depends on the chosen approach and other factors.

Video: wine shop as a business.