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Juice companies. Who produces juices in Russia

Juices are great alternative fresh vegetables and fruits, especially in spring and winter. In addition, it is the source of health. Today there is a wide world of drinks, various brands, with different composition and different taste. Among this extensive list of drinks, everyone will be able to choose what he really likes.

Juice "Hango"

Newest technologies, original recipe, special packaging and high-quality raw materials make it possible to create excellent natural gyn juice and bring to the buyer the preserved vitamin and flavor range of ripe vegetables and fruits in their original form. Many have already conquered the excellent quality, the widest range and the pleasant price of products.

Xango juice is obtained after processing the mangosteen fruit, which contains a huge amount of xanthones and various useful substances. It heals and strengthens the entire body. It's fresh, sweet and pleasant taste and aroma. It contains no artificial colors or flavors. In addition, you can buy xango juice at a very attractive price.


Jay seven juices and nectars are a storehouse of vitamins and microelements that help protect the body from harmful factors and increase resistance to various infections. J7 is rich taste and the most pleasant aroma of fresh fruits and vegetables. The j7 official website presents a wide range of juices and nectars, the price of which is pleasantly surprising.


Juices "Agusha" are produced with a high degree of grinding vegetables and fruits, which facilitates and speeds up the digestive process in babies. In the manufacture, only selected and natural raw materials are used, while artificial dyes and additives are completely excluded. Agush juices do not contain sugar and are additionally enriched with various essential vitamins.

Juice "Dario"

Dario juice absorbed only fresh and selected vegetables and fruits. Delightful aroma and great taste felt even from the first sip. These are natural juices, which do not contain preservatives and additives that could be harmful to health. Juice perfectly quenches thirst and has a positive effect on the body, improving its tone and performance.

"Gifts of the Kuban"

Juice "Gifts of Kuban" is inexpensive and very delicious juice. Natural products used in its manufacture enrich the juice with useful vitamins and minerals. "Gifts of Kuban" is health and strength. Juices contain a special complex of microelements and vitamins for health and strength, which helps to maintain the vital activity of the whole organism.


Dobry juice is a favorite drink of many families. It has an excellent rich taste of freshly squeezed juice and a wonderful aroma of ripe vegetables and fruits grown on Russian soil. Dobry juice contains only useful and fresh food, artificial preservatives, dyes, flavors and other food additives are excluded. In addition, juices are bottled in very convenient packages of 0.2, 0.5, 1 and 2 liters. For children - packaging with a straw, and for adults - packaging with a screw cap. Prices for Dobry juice can be found on the official website of the manufacturer.

Juices "Krasavchik"

Krasavchik juices are a rainbow of fruits that are collected from different parts of the Earth in order to bring joy to adults and children. Juices are made from Indonesian pineapples, Greek peaches, Brazilian oranges, Russian apples and Israeli grapes. High-quality raw materials and original recipes give an excellent taste of juicy juice.

"Favorite Garden"

Favorite garden is a useful and delicious nectar, striking in its diversity. It perfectly combines extraordinary benefits, great taste and delicious aroma. The juice "Lubimiy Sad" contains a lot of the most useful and necessary vitamins and microelements for the body, which generously give the whole family good health and excellent mood.

"My family"

Nectars and juices "My family" began to please and win the sympathy of customers since 2001. It is the taste of juicy ripe fruits and vegetables, the aroma of natural freshly squeezed juice. In the manufacture of juice, no additives and preservatives that adversely affect the body are used. In addition, juices my family can be purchased at very attractive prices.

Vegetable juices "Joy"

Fruit and vegetable nectars and juices "Joy", natural drinks and nectars with pulp are prepared from selected fruits and vegetables. They are rich in vitamins that strengthen the immune system and improve health. They also have a positive effect on skin condition and digestion. Juices perfectly quench your thirst and are a healthy and healthy snack.


Rich juice is a premium product. In the production of nectars and juices of this brand, only specially selected vegetables and fruits of the highest quality are used. Due to the content of vitamins and nutrients in them, Rich products have a beneficial effect on the body. You can buy juice at very reasonable prices. In addition, when buying in bulk, there are various promotions.

"Gifts of the Don"

Juices "Dary Pridonya" - a great taste, high technology and the highest quality. For the production of these natural drinks, environmentally friendly fruits of the Donskoy Garden are selected. Juices retain all the virtues and beneficial features juicy fresh fruit. Due to the quality of juices "Dary Pridonya", juices "Tropicana" and juices "Tonus" are recommended for baby food.

Lebedyansky beverage plant

Lebedyansky juice plant is located in the city of Lebedyan, where the black earth is rich in fruits and vegetables, and artesian water is of excellent quality. This allows you to produce drinks of the highest class, which in composition practically do not differ from natural ones. The assortment of the plant includes nectars and drinks. Orchard”, drinks “Frustyle”, juices “Frutonyanya”, premium brand “Ya”, which are distinguished by excellent taste, usefulness, wide choice and excellent efficiency. Contacts of the Lebedyansky juice factory can be found on the official website.


Fruit Island and Fruit Garden juices are produced at a modern plant. All drinks undergo high quality control and only 100% fruit juices and nectars. There are no dyes, flavors and preservatives in the products. It contains many vitamins and nutrients. Juices "Orchard" have excellent quality and price.


Frutonyanya juices are high-quality, tasty and natural food for young children. These products are manufactured with the recommendations and advice of pediatricians. Fruto Nyanya juices are made from specially selected safe products of the highest class and are controlled during the production process so that kids can get only the best.

Juices "I"

Juices "Ya" are high-quality premium 100% nectars and juices that have retained the aroma and taste of fresh fruits to the maximum. They do not contain artificial colors, preservatives, food additives, everything is natural. The high quality of nectars and juices is confirmed by their beneficial effects. The price of juices "I" also pleasantly surprises.

The following describes how to open a juice production plant, how to properly equip it and establish a stable sales.

When choosing between registering an individual entrepreneur and an LLC, it is worth giving preference to an LLC. This will give the company a name and establish cooperation with suppliers and distributors. Choose OKVED 15.32 Production of fruit and vegetable juices.

Register trademark in Rospatent. The company will not be able to start work without permission from Rospozhnadzor and the conclusion of the SES. Be sure to comply with the requirements in accordance with GOST R 53137-2008.

All documents will cost approximately $ 2,500.


The total floor area should be at least 200 square meters. Of these, 150 are allocated for the workshop, the rest of the area is for warehouses and administrative premises.

The plant must comply with the requirements:

  1. Ventilation, water supply, sewerage, heating;
  2. Electrical network 380 V;
  3. Ceiling height from three meters;
  4. Compliance with the rules of the fire regime: the presence of alarms, fire extinguishers, an evacuation plan.

Renting the premises costs about $1,500 per month, repairs and preparation for work - $1,000-1,200.

Juice production technology

Depending on the type (natural, nectar, reconstituted, juice-containing drink), the technological process also differs.

Stages of natural juice production

  • Inspection and selection of raw materials;
  • Washing, additional inspection;
  • Grinding of raw materials;
  • Getting juice under pressure;
  • Then comes the straining;
  • Lightening;
  • Preparation (packaging).

Flavorings, various herbs, salt and sugar, seasonings, and sometimes vinegar are added to vegetable juices. For each there are small nuances.

Eg, carrots first need to be well peeled, cut and steamed with hot steam, chopped, mixed with sugar syrup and send for processing on a homogenizer.

The tomato mass must first be heated to remove air. Fruit drink is a little easier to make.

The most common way to produce juice is from concentrate.. The result is a product that is almost identical to freshly squeezed. Reconstituted juice is produced like this:

  1. The concentrated product is heated for 30-40 seconds to 100-110 degrees, then it is kept in this form for 3-4 seconds;
  2. In 35-40 seconds, the juice is cooled to 23-30 degrees, pure water is added (as much as evaporated), minerals, vitamins.

Juice production equipment

Consider the equipment for the production of exactly reconstituted juice, as the most profitable. To organize a workshop, you will need:

  • Cleaning filters for water;
  • Homogenizer;
  • Special tanks for mixing raw materials and additives;
  • pumps;
  • Heat exchanger;
  • Containers for sterile storage of the product;
  • Pasteurizer;
  • Washing machines;
  • Filling machine;
  • Packing machine.

A new production line costs around $40,000-80,000. Used can be bought for 25-40 thousand.

The best equipment manufacturers

  2. Bertuzzi;
  3. AGRO-T Germany.

Quality filling and packaging machines can be purchased from AURORA PACK ENGINEERING, AVIS LLC, AKMALKO ENGINEERING.

Raw materials for juice production

For the manufacture of concentrate, water, sugar, additional ingredients like vitamins.

The concentrate is often imported from abroad. When purchasing raw materials, we proceed from the fact that the concentrate is diluted in a ratio of 1 to 10.


It is most profitable to sell products in TetraPak packaging. In it, drinks are stored longer, and vitamins do not break down under the influence of sunlight. Glass containers look more solid, but keep in mind that the weight of the product will increase.

Another option is PET, Doy Pack, Tetra Rex. Depending on the selected type of packaging, a conveyor line is selected.


A start-up enterprise should stop at the release of 8-10 flavors. For example, apple, tomato, orange, cherry, pineapple juices and a few more vegetable juices.

You can offer products to shops and kiosks in the neighborhood, cafes and restaurants, wholesale warehouses.

To get on the shelves of large chains and supermarkets, you need to lay out a round sum: the entrance threshold is usually from 20 thousand dollars (This is a one-time fee to put your product on the shelf).

Costs and profits

Documentation, renting a room for 2 months in advance and its repair will require an investment of $ 5,000.

Acquisition (used), its adjustment - 40-60 thousand dollars. To begin with, you need to purchase a barrel (about 250 kg) of concentrate of each taste, which will be produced at your plant.

For 10 flavors, this will be about $10,000-11,000. Add here the cost of packaging design and advertising - $ 1000-2000, wages for a staff of 10 people (4 workers, technologist, accountant, manager, mechanic, purchasing and sales manager, cleaner) - $ 4500-5000.

Total capital investments - 65-80 thousand dollars. Monthly expenses - approximately $10,000

To make a good profit, an important requirement is to work in two shifts. Equipment of average productivity is capable of producing 1000-4000 hp. juice per shift. Focusing on the average, we get 5000 liters per day.

Subject to the 100% sale of goods, the monthly income reaches 20-25 thousand dollars, and net profit - 7-12 thousand. Of course, it will not be possible to reach such indicators immediately, only after months.

You can produce juice and, gaining regular wholesale customers, gradually increase production volumes and expand the range. Over time, it is worth negotiating deliveries to supermarkets in order to firmly establish yourself in this business niche.

In this article:

The official date of the founding of the modern domestic market juices is considered to be 1992. It was at this time that the population saw colored cardboard packaging on store shelves. Manufacturers, in turn, began to master fundamentally new technologies at that time.

Based on statistical data, the Russian juice market today is one of the most dynamic. Despite a slight decrease in its growth rate in 2008, there is currently a positive trend.

Comparative volumes of juice consumption

According to some experts, the juice market is not saturated, since 24 liters per person per year is extremely low. For comparison, consumption volumes in European countries are presented in the following image.

In terms of production volumes, our country ranks 4th in the world after the USA, Germany and China. In 2012, our compatriots drank more than 2.5 billion liters of juice, which is about 2.5 billion dollars in monetary terms. Volume Russian market juice in 2013 in kind amounted to 3.4 billion liters. Recently, the level of demand has remained at the same level, consumers prefer cheaper substitute products or new mixed vegetable juices (celery, carrot, etc.)

Influence of household income on juice purchase decisions and preferences

The following photo shows the ratio of the volume of a one-time purchase and the income level of the population.

The per capita consumption of fruit juices by residents of the largest cities is almost identical to the European level. The demand for fortified drinks in the province is not as developed.

The preferences of domestic consumers are presented in the following diagram.

Juice producers in Russia and their market shares

One of distinctive features modern market is no absolute leader. Strong positions are occupied by Dobry (Multon), Fruit Garden (EKZ Lebedyansky), Moya Semya (Nidan), Lyubimy (Wimm-Bill-Dann) and others.

Structure of production of juice products as of 2013

Today, there is fierce competition on the market amid slow growth, so all its participants direct their main efforts to reduce costs and increase a number of profitability indicators without compromising product quality.

Healthy competition leads to positive changes in the market, manufacturers are constantly looking for new tastes, expanding their range and thereby attracting consumers.

Mixing popular tastes with not quite familiar exotic ones has become a good habit. Apple, orange and tomato juices have been the unchanging leaders for more than 10 years.

Production structure juice products shown in the following diagram.

Large manufacturers use imported finished concentrate in the production process. Few are engaged in independent processing. Already today, the fashion for juices has been developed, so the prospects for the development of the market are very encouraging.

Despite the positively proven classics, every year there are more and more new products. Currently, consumers appreciate the line of fortified juices. The taste palette of fruit drink, a favorite national drink, is also expanding. It is safe to classify cereal cocktails and fruit purees and juices for children with fundamentally new tastes as a kind of know-how.

Juices differ in the way they are produced. They are freshly squeezed, direct-pressed and reconstituted.

Freshly squeezed fresh juice is prepared immediately before use from fresh vegetables and fruits. It is the most expensive, but also the most useful, since it is not recycled or long-term storage and retains maximum useful properties. You can store it for no more than 48 hours at a temperature of +1 to +2 C °.

A direct-pressed drink is also made from fresh fruits and vegetables. It undergoes heat treatment - pasteurization or sterilization to prevent the development of microorganisms in it. Pasteurized juice can be stored from a month to three, and sterilized - up to a year. It is not subjected to any other processing, therefore it also retains the beneficial properties of vegetables and fruits.

Reconstituted juice is the most budget option, but also the least valuable. Usually the reconstituted drink is produced where fruits and vegetables grow. A concentrate is prepared from it by the evaporation method, and then this concentrate is transported to where it will be poured into packaging and diluted with water. When evaporating, the juice loses its beneficial properties, therefore, at the spill points, it is enriched with vitamins (in this case, “enriched” should be written on the packaging).

Not all fruits and vegetables are suitable for making juices. For example, undiluted pomace from cherries will be too acidic, while bananas can be more mashed. Fruit or vegetable nectar is produced from such raw materials - a drink in which from 25% to 50% is juice, and the rest is water. Nectar is usually made from a concentrate, so it is fortified with at least vitamin C. Ascorbic acid acts as a preservative, preventing the nectar from spoiling, so it can be stored for 12 months, unless otherwise indicated on the package.

Containers for packaging can be different - glass and plastic bottles, cardboard packages. But the quality of the drink does not depend on what package it is poured into. Preservatives (except ascorbic acid) and artificial colors are not added.

There are a lot of domestic producers of juices on the market. Our country produces juices, nectars, fruit drinks, juice products, as well as raw materials for their production. To date, such factories as Cherkizovsky, Ochakovsky, Ramensky, Ostankinsky, Lianozovsky and others are major producers. They were the first to pour drinks into Tetra pak packages.

The most famous brands of juices include: "Dobry", "Lubimy sad", "My family", "J 7", "Orchard", "Champion", "Tonus", "Amtel", "Troya", "Slice" , "2:0", "Vico", etc. There are drinks that are produced in glass containers. They are supplied from the Rostov Region, Krasnodar Territory and other regions.

Major juice producers

Wimm-Bill-Dann (Moscow) is one of the leaders in the production of natural drinks. Among its products are juices "J 7", "100% Gold". This company was recognized as the most upscale. Its products are environmentally friendly and of high quality. She became famous for the drinks "J 7", represented by a line of 7 juices (hence the name). It currently includes 22 natural juice and nectar, the shelf life of which is 1 year.

The next major company producing natural drinks is Multon (founded in St. Petersburg in 1995, and in 2005 became part of the Coca-Cola Corporation). It is she who produces the well-known drink "Dobry".

Lebedyansky Experimental Cannery, located in the Lipetsk region, is the manufacturer of the Tonus product.

If we divide the products into several categories in ascending order of prices, we get the following:

  • the lowest price category includes: "My family", "Kind", "Favorite garden";
  • the middle class includes: Amtel, Tonus, Nico, 100% Gold premium;
  • the highest category includes: "Champion", "Miracle Berry", "Sokos", "J 7", "Vico", "Sanpride";
  • the premium class includes: "Granin", "Rio Grande", "Santal".

Consider the criteria by which natural drinks are chosen. When choosing a product, pay attention to good taste qualities and affordability. Why, then, are Russian juices still included in the category of consumer goods? As it turned out, this is due to the relatively high price and low income of the population. The buyer should perceive the purchase of natural drinks as an additional source of essential vitamins, and not as a waste of money.

Manufacturers advertise their product as a source of essential vitamins. It cannot be denied that purchased drinks are almost completely absent useful material. For example, the content of simple carbohydrates in 100 ml of fruit and berry juices is approximately 10-15%, and in tomato - 3%.

Of the huge number of vitamins, only ascorbic acid (vitamin C) can be distinguished, which is actually contained in apricot juice, mango, tomato and carrot. The amount of B vitamins is so small that it can provide only 1% of the required daily dose. The lack of vitamins is associated with losses in their manufacture and low-quality raw materials. Vitamins are best stored in drinks containing pulp.

How do manufacturers get a natural product?

Consider how manufacturers get 100% natural product. After processing and sorting, liquid is squeezed out of ripe fruits. This happens with the help of the press. The resulting liquid is evaporated in a special vacuum device at a temperature of -40°C. The result is a thick mass resembling honey. This is a concentrate in which all useful substances and vitamins are preserved. It can be stored for a long time and transported over long distances.

It is from such ready-made concentrated compositions that manufacturers prepare natural drinks. To return them to their original moisture, the concentrate is diluted with clean water. It is important to return to the concentrated mass exactly the amount of moisture that was evaporated earlier.

The finished natural product is pasteurized or sterilized at high temperature for a few seconds, only after that it is packaged. After such processing, the drink can be stored for 12 months, without the use of preservatives. Without additional dyes and chemical additives, the result is 100% natural juice.