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How to fry crucian carp with a crispy crust. Fried crucian - recipes with photos

Greetings, friends! Which fish do you cook the most? Especially when the husband is fond of fishing. I won’t be surprised if I hear in response - crucian carp. Therefore, I decided to devote today's article to this fish. I will tell you how to fry carp in a pan. And of course I will share simple recipes incredibly delicious dishes that you can cook from them.

Not everyone has husbands who are fishermen. Therefore, if you buy carp, then I will share some of the nuances of choice. Like any other fish, crucians lose their juiciness a little after a long freeze. Therefore, we will take chilled.

To choose the right fish, I advise:

  1. Inspect the fish carefully. The carcass should be elastic, and the scales on it should be clean and shiny. A bloated belly and cloudy, dull scales are signs of a stale product. Also look at the eyes: they should not be cloudy.
  2. Look at the gills. They should be pink or scarlet.
  3. Smell the fish. There should not be any foreign aroma, except for the smell of the fish itself.

Nutritional value of carp

Karasik can be gold or silver. Most often, you can buy the latter on the market. Its maximum size reaches 40 cm, and its weight is 2 kg.

The energy value carp is only 87 kcal. At the same time, there are practically no carbohydrates here. Yes, and the indicator of fat is small: 1.8 gr. But there are much more proteins - 17.7 gr.

At the same time, the meat of this fish is rich in vitamins B, C, F and PP. It also contains a lot of magnesium, molybdenum, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and other valuable elements.

Thanks to this amazing composition, crucians are often prescribed for therapeutic diets. Read more about types of low-fat fish.

By the way, the crucian carp that was caught in June or July is considered the most delicious. At this time, he was already spawning. Fishermen say that it is easier to catch it during these months.

How to prepare a fish

Before frying, the fish must be cleaned and gutted. Start by removing the scales. It is large in carp and is removed quite easily. To prevent the fish from “running away” during cleaning, dip wet fingers in salt. No, no, she doesn’t need to do peeling 🙂 Just grab the tail of the fish with your fingers. This will stop her from slipping.

Start cleaning the scales from the tail, gradually moving towards the head. To clean a small fish, you can use a knife or a tablespoon.

Next, you can remove the tail, head and fins. Of course, if you want, you can leave these parts. When frying, the fins with the tail will become crispy, like crackers. But if you leave the head, be sure to remove the gills. They give bitterness.

Gut the fish. Watch out, don't puncture your gallbladder. If bile spills, it will be impossible to eat such fish. Also remove the black film that runs along the costal bones. If you leave it, it will also be bitter. Rinse the crucians well.

And now the most interesting. I will reveal to you the secret of frying carp. Each felling must be cut across the body. With strong pressure, make frequent (every 5-7 mm) incisions. These incisions should be deep - reach the abdomen. So you can grind the small bones, which are so many in this river fish. Do not worry, from such notches on the body, crucian carp will not fall apart. The fish will remain intact.

In small individuals, such incisions are not made. After frying, it is easier to get the bones in them with your hands.

How much to fry crucian carp in a pan

The frying time depends on the size of the fish. Medium-sized carp is usually fried in vegetable oil for 5 minutes on each side. The total time is 10 minutes.

Remember, if you overdo it with heat treatment and fry the fish for too long, it will turn out to be harsh. Here is the recipe with photos. Yes, not one, but several options at once 🙂 Choose.

How to cook crucian carp in a pan in sour cream

Since this fish is found mainly in swampy lakes, its meat often smells like mud. To remove such an aroma, carp are stewed in sour cream.

You need to prepare the following products:

  • 4-5 crucians;
  • 1 large or 2 small onions;
  • half a liter of sour cream;
  • 3 tbsp lemon freshly squeezed juice;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 6-7 tablespoons breadcrumbs;
  • 2 tsp salt;
  • half a bunch of dill or parsley;
  • vegetable oil.

Salt the prepared fish, sprinkle with lemon juice and leave for 15-20 minutes. With this time, clean the onion, rinse it and chop it into half rings.

Place the skillet over medium heat and heat up. Pour 2 tbsp. oil and put the onion here. Fry the onion for about 10 minutes, stirring constantly. After the golden onion, transfer to a small bowl. Next - beat the fried onion with eggs. And set it aside for now.

Put the washed pan on a strong fire and heat it up. Pour oil into a bowl. Roll carp in egg-onion batter, then in breadcrumbs. Put the fish in the skillet. Fry over medium heat with the lid open.

After pour sour cream into the bowl, wait for it to boil and reduce the heat to low. Simmer the fish under the lid for about 4-5 minutes. Before serving the finished fish, sprinkle it with herbs. Something I'm already drooling from writing the recipe 🙂

How to fry crucian carp in a pan with a crust without flour

Products to stock up on:

  • kilogram carp;
  • salt to taste;
  • a couple of cloves of garlic;
  • 2-3 slices of ginger root;
  • vegetable oil;
  • Sesame oil;
  • lime juice.

First, salt the fish and leave for 7-10 minutes. Get a cast iron or non-stick skillet. Heat it up, pour in the oil and heat it up. As soon as you see that a light haze forms above the surface, it's time to act.

Add crushed garlic cloves and ginger slices to a bowl. These products will give the oil spicy aromas, and it will transfer them to the fish. Now carefully place the fish in a bowl and fry until crispy.

Put the finished carp on a flat plate. Drizzle lightly with lime juice and sesame oil. Take 5-6 drops of sesame oil per tablespoon of juice.

This fragrant fried fish with a crust will give your dinner an Asian touch 🙂

How to fry crucian carp in a pan in flour

Prepare these items:

  • 2-3 fish;
  • salt and spices to taste;
  • 1-2 tbsp wheat flour;
  • vegetable oil.

To cook this dish, use a thick-bottomed dish or a non-stick Teflon-coated pan. Pour oil into a heated frying pan and heat it up.

Pour flour into a plate, add salt and spices. Then mix these ingredients well. Roll the prepared fish in flour and send it to the pan. Fry the carp until golden crispy.

Serve the finished fish with vegetables, rice or other side dish. Before serving the carp, garnish the fish with lemon slices and herbs. It comes out incredibly delicious! Don't believe? And you cook and then share your impressions in the comments 🙂

How to fry carp in a pan - an important addition

Want to give sour cream sauce piquancy? Then mix sour cream with garlic and herbs(spices to your taste). But I want to note that crucians really “love” paprika, nutmeg and greens. By the way, greens can be used both fresh and dried.

If desired, you can cook fish with onions. To do this, fry the carp. Then separately fry the onion chopped into cubes or half rings. And put it on top of the finished fish. My grandmother always did this.

And finally, I want to say that a great addition to fried crucians can become cold foamy beer. You can also serve this dish with dry white wine. I wish you bon appetit. And I tell you: see you again, my dear readers!

Only after that we salt and roll the carcasses in flour.

Cut the onion into half rings. It is not necessary to pre-cook it - it will be fried along with the fish. I must say, fried crucian carp is especially tasty with onions - the taste is not the same without it.

At this time, we should already have a frying pan with heated oil on the stove. By the way, the whole process of fried crucian carp recipe with photos can be viewed here.

How to fry carp? Yes, simple. We put the carcasses with onions in the pan - not too tight so that the crucian carp can be well fried on all sides. Turn on the fire harder and start frying. At both sides. How long to fry? Until a golden crust forms.

But this is only half the story. While the carp are fried, chop the greens. Sprinkle it with our fried beauties and. After that, cover with a lid and put on the smallest fire - to reach the condition. It's 10-15 minutes.

The total cooking time will depend on the size of the fish. It will take 10-15 minutes for a small one - no more.

Fried carp in sour cream will turn out - you will lick your fingers!

Karasi Asian style with ginger

Grandma's recipe for carp in sour cream is good, but I want something like that. Please. Here's a fried crucian recipe with ginger!

Ginger "horned root" - once came to us from the East, forever conquered European culinary specialists with its amazing properties. Suffice it to say that it is considered a healing root. Well, we love ginger for its unusual taste.

In addition to carp, we will need:

  1. Ginger root - 20 g.
  2. Sunflower oil 300 g
  3. Garlic - 1 tooth.
  4. Salt - 1 tsp
  5. Sesame oil - 5 ml
  6. Lime (juice) - 2 tbsp. spoons

We already know how to fry crucian carp - having previously made incisions on the sides. It must be understood that fish prepared in this way requires much less salt than whole fried. So be careful with salt.

Fried crucian carp will acquire Asian notes if, before starting frying, put a few slices of ginger and a finely chopped garlic clove into the oil heated in a deep frying pan. So the fish fried next will acquire a delicious spicy oriental flavor.

Guys, that's not all! Now - our secret ingredients. We make a mixture of lime juice with sesame oil (five to six drops of oil per tablespoon of juice). After thorough frying, put the carp on a dish and sprinkle with this mixture. The aroma is indescribable!

You have viewed fried crucian recipe with photo. Do not be afraid to experiment and you will be generously rewarded!

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This recipe is for those who love fresh river fish. If cooked properly, it turns out to be a delicious fish with a crispy golden rind. For frying, it is better to take crucian carp up to 20 cm in size. Thus, it will completely fit in the pan and fry well. The fish will taste better if it is fresh or alive. This dish is easy to prepare, every fisherman and young housewife can handle it. It will take quite a bit of time to prepare it.


For frying carp you will need:
  • fresh crucian carp - 3 pieces.
  • flour - 100 g.
  • oil for frying fish - 140 ml.
  • greens - a few branches.
  • salt - 20 g.

How to fry crucian carp, step by step cooking process

simple and quick recipe cooking fish without any overseas frills, the ingredients are available to everyone.
1. Remove the scales from the fish, starting from the tail and moving gradually towards the head.

2. Carefully cut the abdomen so as not to pierce the gallbladder with a knife and take out the insides. If we fry the fish with the head, then we cut out the gills. We wash the carcass from the outside and inside the abdomen. Be sure to remove the black film from the inner wall of the abdomen.

3. In order for the carp to be well fried, we make shallow notches on the sides of the carcass. Then we rub them on all sides with salt. Leave for 5 minutes so that the meat is well salted.

4. Pour flour into a plate and roll the fish in it.

5. In a frying pan, heat up the oil and lay out the prepared carp. Fry for about 5 minutes until a brown crust forms.

6. Turn over and continue to fry the same amount on the other side.

7. When the crucian is cooked, put it on a plate, add greens and serve.

Fried crucians will delight your loved ones and guests with their appearance and unusual taste. I just love this fish. The recipe, you see, is very simple and relatively quick. I only use them and do not need anything else. Enjoy your meal, friends!

My husband sometimes likes to eat small carp, which should be fried until crispy. And just small ones! Well, they also have bones, and a lot. Here I will share a little secret on how to fry small crucian carp so as not to be afraid of small bones, and so that they cannot be choked on.

1. So, we take crucian carp, clean, wash, cut off the head and tail, remove all the insides through the hole when removing the head and wash the abdomen. I leave the fins for the crunch.
2. Sprinkle the carp with salt.

3. You can also add black ground pepper taste. Rub the fish with salt and pepper.

4. And here is a little secret! We make cross cuts of crucian carp along the entire length with a knife through each centimeter. We bring the incision to the ridge, but we do not cut the ridge itself, only the pulp. We make cuts on both sides. Thus we cut everything small bones, they will no longer be able to make you choke on them. Yes, and when frying through the cuts, these bones are so fried that they seem to dissolve, and some just crunch, becoming brittle, and they no longer need to be removed. Of the bones, only the spine and ribs will remain.

5. We make breading. Break an egg into one bowl.
6. Shake it lightly with a fork.

7. Pour flour into the second plate.

7. In the third - semolina.

8. Pour frying oil into the pan, heat it up.

9. Our breading consists of three stages: roll the fish in flour,

then we send it to the egg,

and then it is the turn of the semolina, roll it well in it!

10. I'll tell you honestly, I only recently discovered the option of such a triple breading, and I can say one thing: PERFECT! At least for fish. I don’t know, maybe my hands don’t grow from the same place, but the options for both flour breading and breadcrumbs turned out to be unimportant for me. Somehow the remnants of the breading settled in the oil after frying, there was a slightly rancid smell from this, it was necessary to constantly change the oil. Yes, and pieces of breading fell off the fish during frying, the view was not the most appetizing. And here - everything is whole, nothing sticks out, the crust is crispy!

11. We send crucians breaded in hot oil, fry on both sides for 7 minutes until golden brown.

12. I just didn’t have time to beautifully serve this simple dinner option, my husband ate them straight from the pan! I managed to photograph only one batch in a common container. Enjoy your meal!

Time for preparing: PT00H45M 45 min.

Approximate cost per serving: 40 rub.

Many men are engaged in fishing, and crucian fish always become their main catch. Not all housewives know how to properly cook such fish. How to fry crucian carp in a pan so that it becomes the main dish of the table? Such a product should be prepared according to the recipe. Many eminent culinary specialists know a significant number of the secrets of its preparation.

How to choose a fish

Fish is a very healthy and nutritious food, vital for the human body. It contains a huge amount useful substances and trace elements that improve human health.

The choice of fish is milestone when preparing a meal. Not every person knows what an individual should be in order to get a real one. cooking masterpiece. Like all products, crucian carp after a long freeze can completely lose its juiciness and lose its taste. Therefore, cooks are advised to take a chilled product.

Tips for choosing the right individual:

  1. The appearance of a marine product is the main criterion for its selection. Crucian carp should be elastic, scales shiny and clean. A product that has a bloated belly and dull scales will be stale. In addition, cloudy eyes of an individual may indicate this.
  2. The gills are pink or scarlet.
  3. Smell - it should have a pleasant aroma and no additional odors should appear.
  4. Signs of life - very often the fish is sold in a semi-dead state, such an individual is considered the most preferred product.

How to clean carp from scales quickly

Any fish needs to be cleaned. It is recommended to clean crucian carp, like other fish products, immediately after its purchase or capture. If there is no time to clean them, then the main thing is not to put the fish in the refrigerator. Cooks recommend wrapping the fish in polyethylene and putting it in the freezer. This method will retain moisture and juiciness, and will also allow her to get rid of scales much faster.

Before answering the question of how to fry crucian carp in a pan, it is recommended to properly prepare the fish for frying. Admirers of crucian carp need to acquire a special cutting board to simplify the task. It must have a clip applied to the tail. Since the product is very slippery, it is recommended to purchase cloth gloves.

Important! If a live fish fell into your hands, then it must be hit several times with a hammer. After that, an incision is made between the fins and the head, which will remove excess blood.

Removing scales is a rather lengthy stage in cleaning fish. Its duration can be shortened by following the instructions below:

  1. At the first stage, the fins are carefully cut off with scissors so that they do not interfere with the process of cutting the fish.
  2. Scales can be removed from a large individual without the use of certain devices. When cleaning the abdomen, you can use a knife.
  3. A small individual is conveniently cleaned with an ordinary fork. The process should be carried out from the tail to the head.

How much to fry crucian carp in a pan

Fish of this type are fried for 5 minutes on each side. In this case, it is necessary to cook the individual over medium heat, without covering the pan with a lid. In this case, the fish will be fried, not stewed. The process of frying the product averages from 10 to 12 minutes. During this time, the fish will be fully cooked.

In order to speed up the frying process, small cuts can be made in the product. The fish should be placed in a preheated pan with sunflower oil. Such a dish is quite simple to prepare, but it turns out very tasty and healthy for the human body. At the end of the preparation of the fish, a culinary masterpiece is obtained, which can act as an everyday meal or a festive dish.

How to fry large carp in a pan with a crust

Not all cooks know how to fry crucian carp with a crispy crust. It's not that hard if you stick to the suggested recipe. Garlic will add a piquant taste to the dish. The cloves of this vegetable will add an amazing taste to the food.

To prepare a crispy dish, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 2-3 crucian carp in a purified form;
  • 50 milliliters vegetable oil;
  • 100 grams of corn flour;
  • salt and pepper to taste.
  1. A purchased or caught individual should be cleaned from the top layer. The main place from which the scales should be cleaned most carefully is along the growth of the fins.
  2. After that, it is recommended to make a small longitudinal incision, and remove all the insides of the fish. If there is caviar inside the crucian, then it can be fried along with the individual. Inside the belly of the fish is a dark film. It must be removed from the fish, as it can add bitterness.
  3. Corn flour should be poured onto a cup, each carcass should be salted from the outside and from the inside. You can also pour salt into the pulp of crucian carp. Flour can be made from corn grits.
  4. Carp fried in a pan according to this recipe is very tasty. It is recommended to roll the fish in flour on both sides. The head, tail and whole body of the crucian must be plentifully showered with such flour.
  5. A certain amount of vegetable oil is poured into the pan, and then it is put on fire, heated to a certain temperature. The product is fried on both sides for about 5 minutes each side.
  6. Then you need to close the pan and simmer the dish for another 3 minutes, this will lead to the appearance of a beautiful crust on the carcass.

And how to fry small carp in a pan? You need to do the same steps as detailed above. If desired, sour cream and herbs can be added to the prepared food.

Ask the chef!

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How to fry crucian without bones

Many people like to eat tender fish meat. However, many are stopped by the bones, which are very difficult to remove from it. How to cook fried crucians so that the bones in the cooked food are not felt?

The main components for frying fish:

At the first stage, it is necessary to clean the product from scales and internal parts. We cut off the fins of the fish, and leave the head for a while. You can completely get rid of the bones by passing heat treatment carcasses. This is one of better ways showing how to fry crucian carp so that there are no bones. On the body of the fish, it is necessary to make incisions that will help a person get to the bones of the product as quickly as possible.

In large individuals, the incisions should be large and deep. They should reach the crucian ridge. In this case, it is recommended to do them at an angle to the spine. All cuts must be parallel. It is worth making sure that the fish remains at the same time a single carcass.

Mix the flour with salt, dip the main ingredient in such a mixture and send it to the pan. We carry out frying until a brown crust appears on both sides. After the fish has cooled down a bit, it can be served directly from the pan.

How to fry crucian carp in sour cream

How to cook crucian carp in sour cream in a pan to make it very tasty dish? There are a lot of recipes for cooking crucian carp in sour cream. Each of them has a special zest. In all instructions for cooking fish to full readiness, carp are brought in hot sour cream.

Ingredients needed for the dish:

  • crucian carp - 1 kilogram;
  • sunflower oil - 150 milliliters;
  • sour cream - 4 tablespoons;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

This dish will cook no more than 45 minutes.

Step-by-step instructions for cooking fried carp in sour cream, a recipe in a pan:

  1. We clean the carcass from scales and entrails, rub the product with salt, dry the pieces on a napkin.
  2. Fry until a beautiful brown crust appears.
  3. We spread the fried onion, bay leaf and sour cream in the pan, simmer the dish for 4 minutes.

You can serve fish on the table with vegetables and herbs.

How to fry crucian carp in a pan in flour

Most cooks prepare the product in flour. To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:

  • crucian carp - 1 kilogram;
  • salt - 1 tablespoon;
  • vegetable oil -20 milliliters;
  • pepper;
  • lemon juice - 1 tablespoon;
  • flour - 200 grams.

Fish cooking sequence:

  1. The carcass should be thoroughly cleaned, salted and watered. lemon juice leave it in water for 10 minutes.
  2. Roll the individual in flour on both sides, put it on a preheated pan. It is recommended to use an odorless oil so that it is not absorbed into the body of the crucian.
  3. Frying is carried out for 2-3 minutes on each side.

It is better to put the product fried in flour from the pan on the table while hot.

Carp: calories

The calorie content of individuals called crucian increases after heat treatment exactly as much as the calories in the oil. The energy value of 100 grams of the product contains about 87 kilocalories, while sunflower oil has a calorie content of 899. It takes 50 milliliters of oil to fry it, which means that based on the calculations, we can conclude that the calorie content of the resulting product will be 132.

These are fairly normal numbers. The product is often used during diets, it contributes to rapid weight loss. Pretty crucian useful product, containing a lot of useful substances, it is able to replenish the human body and enrich it with useful microelements.


Crucian carp is not only affordable and delicious fish but also very useful, enriched with vitamins and microelements. You can prepare such a product most in a different way: fry, stew, boil, bake.

The most popular way is to fry it in a pan. to make it low-calorie and tasty? Following recipes famous chefs, the cooking process will become more enjoyable and interesting. Even gourmets will be able to choose the right recipe for themselves and cook a truly delicious dish.