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How to remove bitterness from daikon radish. Radish is a useful product with a difficult character

"There are five dishes (that is, meals) in a radish: a tricht radish, a sliced ​​radish, a radish with butter, a radish with kvass, a radish like that." old russian joke

And in fact, in Russia has been bred since time immemorial and, along with turnips, was a daily meal in peasant families. By the way, the radish was part of one of the oldest dishes of Russian cuisine - tyuri.

The radish was popular with Belarusian and Ukrainian peasants who have also grown this plant for a long time. The most common varieties are, perhaps, winter varieties of black and white radish, which can be used in nutrition throughout the entire winter period and store until spring.

Rural residents know that radish should not be planted in early spring, otherwise the plant will begin to shoot and there will be no sense from it. Therefore, radishes are sown at the end of May or in June in order to obtain fruits that will enrich our body with useful substances during the long winter. And the radish is harvested in September - early October before the start of autumn frosts. Frozen radish does not store well. Radish is stored in a cool room at a temperature of about zero (but not lower). Radish, laid in clean, dry sand, will lie until spring if healthy, undamaged root crops are selected for storage.

Yes, the radish has been known in Russia since antiquity, so maybe it is our plant? Disputes about where and when this root crop began to be cultivated continue to this day. Some researchers suggest that the birthplace of the radish is the Mediterranean coast. But there is a lot of reliable information that the radish was grown and used as food as a common cultivated plant throughout the ancient world.

So, on the wall of the ancient Karnak temple of Amon-Ra in Egypt preserved image of a radish. Radish, which was grown on the banks of the Nile, was watered with a solution of saltpeter; grown Egyptian radish was famous for its unique taste. By the way, the radish was included in the food ration, which was given to the builders of the famous pyramid of Cheops.

AT Ancient Greece radish also enjoyed special honor. In the Delphic temple, it was served on a golden platter, and as a gift to Apollo, the Greeks usually cast and brought golden radish, silver beets and tin. Dioscorides, the famous Greek physician of the time, recommended radish to improve digestion, improve vision, and soothe coughs.

Growing radishes and ancient romans, who considered this root vegetable to be very useful for the stomach, and also used it as an antidote for poisoning. The great Roman scientist and writer Pliny the Elder wrote in his Natural History in 37 Books that radish dissolves kidney stones and stops hemoptysis.

ancient jews included radish in the composition of bitter herbs that were supposed to be eaten with Easter lambs.

In the Middle Ages, radish with honey was considered the best medicine for many diseases.

The radish was also known to the ancient peoples China and Japan. In the East, it is still a popular root crop today. Sweet varieties of Chinese radish are famous all over the world, which are considered a delicacy. And the Japanese Daikon radish also tastes good, its root crops are very large, sometimes their weight reaches 16 kilograms.

It is not for nothing that radish was prescribed so much useful qualities, it is full of life-giving substances. It contains a lot of vitamin C, various sugars. There is iodine in radish, biologically active compounds and substances that have a detrimental effect on microbes. Of all vegetables, radish ranks first in the content of potassium, magnesium and calcium salts, it contains iron and phosphorus. Alkaline salts cleanse the human body of toxic metabolic products.

The fiber of this root crop enhances intestinal motility, helps to empty it when. In addition, radish accelerates the process of removing cholesterol from the body, thereby providing a preventive and therapeutic effect in atherosclerosis.

Radish is also useful in diseases of the cardiovascular system, since the potassium contained in this plant helps to remove water and salt from the body.

But no matter how useful the radish is, it is still not useful for everyone. Radish is contraindicated in peptic ulcer, inflammatory processes in the stomach, small and large intestines. It is not recommended to consume radish with gout, liver and kidney diseases, as purine compounds and essential oils radishes can exacerbate the disease.

Well, for those who can eat radish, I will say that it is mainly used for cooking spicy, appetizing and healthy snacks. They improve digestion and have a beneficial effect on metabolism. In winter and early spring, when we all lack vitamins, the radish successfully complements the vitamin menu. You can just finely chop it, pour vegetable oil, sprinkle with salt and eat before breakfast or lunch. Radish is good not only with vegetable oil, but also with sour cream, as well as with honey.

And today we have some delicious and mouth-watering radish snacks with you.

Radish with honey

It will take 100 g of radish and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey

Peel and wash the radish, grate. To remove bitterness, soak it in milk, then squeeze and season with honey, mix and serve in a salad bowl.

Salad "Male"

You will need 1 beet, 1 radish, 1 carrot, 1 onion, 1 clove of garlic, some cheese, sour cream, mayonnaise, salt.

Garlic, cheese grate on a fine grater, finely chop the onion. Sprinkle everything with salt, if desired, pepper, pour with a mixture of sour cream and mayonnaise and mix. The salad is ready to eat, but it is better to let it stand in the refrigerator for a while.

Salad with radish "Refreshing"

You will need 1 radish, 1 carrot, 1 apple, 4 garlic cloves, 1/4 lemon, 1/2 teaspoon lemon zest.

Thoroughly wash the radish, carrot and apple with a brush, peel, wash again and grate on a fine grater. Mix everything, add chopped garlic and lemon peel. Squeeze the lemon juice into the salad, mix again and add a little salt.

Radish with cheese

You will need 1 radish, 100 g of cheese, 100 g of sour cream, salt and garlic to taste.

Peel, wash and grate the radish along with the cheese. Put everything in a bowl, add chopped garlic and salt to taste, season with salt.

Radish with raisins

It will take 2 tbsp. tablespoons chopped radish, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped radish leaves and vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon of honey and raisins, 1 onion.

Mix washed and chopped radish leaves with washed, peeled, finely grated radish, chopped onion. Add thoroughly washed and scalded raisins, honey and season with vegetable oil. Put in a salad bowl and serve.

If you boil or steam a radish, turnip or radish, then the bitterness will disappear.
But the vegetables will be already boiled or steamed. And this is not always what you need.

But to remove the bitterness, and in order for the radish or radish to remain fresh, you will have to try.
The best remedy is soaking.
To make it go faster, it is best to grate the radish (radish) and fill it with water. Stir, strain, drain the water, pour new. Leave for a while. Try it in half an hour or an hour. If you still feel bitterness, change the water again.
Eventually the bitterness will go away. Only a specific smell from a radish can remain (a little).
If grated radish (radish) is not needed, then it can be cut into thin slices and also soaked in water. It will take more time here.
If the bitterness, nevertheless, still remains a little, then here you can kill it already in the dish. For example, mix with sour cream, or vegetable oil, or with some kind of whipping sauce (ketchup).
The main thing is to go to the dish.

Although the taste of radish is that it is bitter. I like to eat just such a radish.)) And especially to make radish with kvass. You can read how it's done:
Enjoy your meal!))

What to add to radishes or radishes if they have a pronounced bitter taste to remove bitterness? It is to add, and not soak or evaporate?

The easiest way to remove bitterness from radishes and radishes is to pour boiling water over them, after cutting or rubbing, as the author of the previous answer calls for. However, with this method, along with the bitterness of the radish and radish, the beneficial substances contained in them will also leave, not to mention the taste.

Also, green radish and red radish should not be bitter. And if, nevertheless, this is so, then this fact signals that the root crops are of poor quality and were grown in violation of technology. Therefore, I personally do not eat bitter radishes and green radishes.

However, the use of excessively bitter radishes and radishes for food is possible and even without much loss. useful substances that they contain.

What can compensate for the excessive bitterness in root vegetables (and in any other food)?

They are sugar and acid. If you chop or grate bitter radishes and radishes, and then pour lemon juice over them and sweeten them with sugar or honey, you will not feel any bitterness in them.

For example, grate bitter radish or radish on a coarse grater or cut into thin circles, transfer to a salad bowl and salt. Radishes will give juice, which we drain, wash the radishes under running water and pour over lemon juice. The bitterness goes away, and we use the radish to prepare various salads.

In addition, bitter radish and radish salads should not be salted and seasoned. vegetable oil, especially unrefined, which, like salt, will only emphasize the bitterness of the final product. Instead of butter, use sour cream or yogurt with a small amount added. granulated sugar(or honey). Sour cream will beat off the bitterness and give the salad a piquant taste.

If you boil or steam a radish, turnip or radish, then the bitterness will disappear.
But the vegetables will be already boiled or steamed. And this is not always what you need.

But to remove the bitterness, and in order for the radish or radish to remain fresh, you will have to try.
The best remedy is soaking.
To make it go faster, it is best to grate the radish (radish) and fill it with water. Stir, strain, drain the water, pour new. Leave for a while. Try it in half an hour or an hour. If you still feel bitterness, change the water again.
Eventually the bitterness will go away. Only a specific smell from a radish can remain (a little).
If grated radish (radish) is not needed, then it can be cut into thin slices and also soaked in water. It will take more time here.
If the bitterness, nevertheless, still remains a little, then here you can kill it already in the dish. For example, mix with sour cream, or vegetable oil, or with some kind of whipping sauce (ketchup).
The main thing is to go to the dish.

Although the taste of radish is that it is bitter. I like to eat just such a radish.)) And especially to make radish with kvass. You can read how it's done:
Enjoy your meal!))

What to add to radishes or radishes if they have a pronounced bitter taste to remove bitterness? It is to add, and not soak or evaporate?

The easiest way to remove bitterness from radishes and radishes is to pour boiling water over them, after cutting or rubbing, as the author of the previous answer calls for. However, with this method, along with the bitterness of the radish and radish, the beneficial substances contained in them will also leave, not to mention the taste.

Also, green radish and red radish should not be bitter. And if, nevertheless, this is so, then this fact signals that the root crops are of poor quality and were grown in violation of technology. Therefore, I personally do not eat bitter radishes and green radishes.

However, the use of excessively bitter radishes and radishes for food is possible and even without much loss of nutrients that they contain.

What can compensate for the excessive bitterness in root vegetables (and in any other food)?

They are sugar and acid. If you chop or grate bitter radishes and radishes, and then pour lemon juice over them and sweeten them with sugar or honey, you will not feel any bitterness in them.

For example, grate bitter radish or radish on a coarse grater or cut into thin circles, transfer to a salad bowl and salt. Radishes will give juice, which we drain, wash the radishes under running water and pour over lemon juice. The bitterness goes away, and we use the radish to prepare various salads.

In addition, bitter radish and radish salads should not be salted and seasoned with vegetable oil, especially unrefined oil, which, like salt, will only emphasize the bitterness of the final product. Instead of butter, use sour cream or yogurt with a small amount of granulated sugar (or honey). Sour cream will beat off the bitterness and give the salad a piquant taste.

How to remove bitterness from radish?

  1. Grate, blanch and squeeze. And if you then pour lemon juice over it, then there will be no bitterness.
  2. fill with water and let stand for 5 hours
  3. The radish needs to be cut thinner and salted. After 5 minutes the bitterness will go away.
  4. Rub or cut, salt, let stand for 20-30 minutes. Drain juice or squeeze lightly. The radish becomes softer, the bitterness goes away, but the spicy spicy taste remains. Delicious with herbs and sour cream. It is better to take Margelan radish.
  5. Why then a radish? The whole taste is bitter. Take the daikon, it's sweet.
  6. Take a carrot.
  7. Vinegar, lemon juice, pomegranate juice - some kind of acid. I prefer vinegar and fruity is better.
  8. put in a bowl sprinkle with salt, but not very much, let it stand for 10-15 minutes, then squeeze the juice and that's it. you can eat
  9. Personal experience - grate redb = bku, put in a colander or other utensils. and shake for 3 minutes....bitterness and "spirit" go away...
  10. of course, you can also rinse the grated radish, or you can add grated carrots, a little grated apple, and add sour cream, in extreme cases, mayonnaise. delicious!!!
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Radish is a very useful product. However, many cooks have a biased attitude towards this vegetable due to its specific aroma and bitter taste. Solving such a problem is easy. If you know how to remove bitterness from radish, you can diversify your daily diet with healthy dishes from this root crop.

Useful properties of a unique vegetable are determined by its unique composition. Root crops are rich in:

Under the influence of the beneficial properties of vegetables in the human body:

  • metabolic processes are improved;
  • digestion is normalized;
  • immunity increases;
  • choleretic effect is stimulated;
  • the level of cholesterol in the blood is normalized;
  • increases appetite.

In addition, the root crop is an excellent prophylactic against atherosclerosis, it is used to treat diseases of the respiratory system (in particular, bronchitis). The vegetable is widely used in cosmetology. Usually, a hair product is prepared on its basis, which can improve their condition and accelerate growth.

Getting rid of bitterness

The bitterness of the product can cause a lot of inconvenience to housewives. Many tend to think that it is due to bitterness that the root crop is so useful. In fact, this is not the case, and if we rid this product of a specific tart taste, beneficial features won't go anywhere.

There are several ways to remove bitterness:

Salads made on the basis of bitter radish should not be poured with vegetable oil and added, as these products can only increase the bitterness of the vegetable. Instead of butter, it is recommended to take sour cream or yogurt, since it is these components that can beat off the bitter taste and add a touch of piquancy.

Root crop in cooking and folk medicine

Radishes are great for making a range of delicious and healthy meals, you can cook, for example.