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How delicious to salt mixed mushrooms. Cold pickling mushrooms for the winter - homemade recipes for how to pickle mushrooms in a cold way

Hello dear mushroom hunters! So the fertile time has come, when warm rains start the process of growth of mycelium and you can go on a quiet hunt. And having collected full baskets of gifts of nature, one has to quickly decide how to save the "catch" for the winter. This is where mushroom pickling recipes come in handy!

I used to pickle mushrooms more, but after tasting pickles from a friend, I realized that I missed a lot in my life. Indeed, in a salty form, this nutritious product is not only a separate dish, but also the main one for soups, casseroles, even your favorite fried potatoes. It's time to learn how to use salting recipes!

It should be noted that almost all types of mushrooms are suitable for conservation. Gourmets, on the other hand, prefer to take exclusively lamellar varieties (mushrooms, volnushki, honey mushrooms, valui, russula), although true lovers also harvest tubular ones (boletus, white).

In principle, it is forbidden to harvest only poisonous mushrooms in this way for obvious reasons, the rest is a matter of taste.

Stages of preparing mushrooms for salting

So how to salt a valuable forest product so as not to spoil it? Mushroom pickers conditionally divide the whole process into several stages, we will consider them in more detail.


Naturally, in order to preserve something, you need to prepare a product. That is, you have to go straight into the forest. But I won’t teach you how to pick mushrooms - everyone has their own secrets and favorite places. As an option, go to the market and buy raw materials there, but this is not so interesting!

As I have already said, lamellar species lend themselves best to salting, but in their absence, everyone will do, since choosing the perfect mushrooms can be difficult.


Next, the raw materials must be sorted, best of all by varieties - mushrooms to mushrooms, mushrooms to mushrooms, chanterelles to chanterelles. Some picky mushroom pickers dump everything in one heap. The main thing is that their taste is not much different.

But I still advise you to spend a little time and do everything honestly, dividing the varieties and types of mushrooms. It is especially important to separate the raw materials according to the salting method. So, you can salt mushrooms and russula in a dry way. Whites, whites, volnushki, podgruzdki, russula, valui and fiddlers cold, and the rest - hot.


After sorting, the product should be cleaned of dirt, adhering leaves and needles, debris, and oily and other species with an outer crust - and from it.

The easiest way to clean russula and mushrooms, they are basically enough to wipe with a damp cloth or brush. In rare cases, the product is washed under running water, but then dried thoroughly.

The rest of the varieties are washed in a colander or in basins with water, but not for long, very quickly. The fact is that some mushrooms, especially old ones, are easily saturated with water and lose their taste.

Dirty legs are cut off from mushrooms, in some varieties - up to half the length.

cutting mushrooms

Some types of mushrooms are distinguished by a large amount of easily oxidizing substances (champignons, saffron mushrooms, boletus, boletus), so they quickly darken in the air. To preserve their beauty, you need to prepare a solution (1 liter of water, 10 g of salt and 2 g of citric acid) and, after cleaning, throw mushrooms into it.


Many varieties need soaking before salting, while the period of such preparation is different. For example:

  • for valuable species (champignon, white, boletus, oak, boletus) - night;
  • for volnushki, russula, milk mushrooms about 5 hours;
  • violins, black milk mushrooms, valui, bitters, characterized by the presence of a large amount of bitterness, will have to be kept in water for up to 5 days, but not less than three.

Naturally, during this time you need to regularly change the water, ideally every 3 hours. But this is not always possible, especially with long soaking and at night.

If the product is very dirty, you can first keep it in salted water (3% of the total salt) for 3-4 hours, and then use clean water for the remaining time.

Methods for salting mushrooms

At home, you can pickle mushrooms with three different ways dry, cold and hot. Each has its own characteristics, I advise you to rely on the type of mushrooms when choosing (I mentioned this in paragraph 2.2).

Salting mushrooms in a hot way - recipes

The hot salting method involves heating the raw material. There are two applications. Both there and there the composition is approximately the same - mushrooms, salt at the rate of 40-50 grams per kilogram, horseradish, garlic, dill, tarragon, onion.

Recipe #1

After soaking and washing, put the raw materials in boiling salt water, boil for 20-25 minutes. You can navigate by the product itself, when ready, the mushrooms sink to the bottom.

Then they are caught with a slotted spoon, washed with cold water, allowed to drain, placed in a prepared container, sprinkled with salt and spices. A load is laid out on top so that the product does not float. The treat will be ready in about a week.

Recipe #2

Suitable for boletus, dubovik, butter, flywheels, white, honey mushrooms. They are boiled in salt water at the rate of 45 grams of salt and a glass of water for each kilogram of raw materials. I will add that initially the marinade should only cover the product a little, since the mushrooms will soon release juice abundantly.

After that, the boiled product is laid out in sterile jars and filled with boiled vegetable oil. The neck of the container is tied with wax paper and lowered into the cellar. At this method mushrooms can be fried, stewed, boiled and even pickled!

I will add that when cooking a large amount of product in several visits, the water must be constantly changed, otherwise the last portion will be bitter.


Cold salted mushrooms

The cold salting process is a little easier and faster. For him you need:

  • soak the mushrooms according to their type (saffron milk mushrooms can not be soaked, but simply rubbed);
  • take a glass, enameled or wooden container with a large neck, so that it is convenient to put oppression;
  • wash it, clean it;
  • pour salt on the bottom, lay cherry leaves, currants, horseradish, dill inflorescences on top;
  • lay the mushrooms of the first layer with their hats down, then pour in salt (at the rate of 40 grams per kg of raw materials), spices (peppercorns, garlic, lavrushka), lay out a layer again;
  • in this way decompose all raw materials;
  • lay another layer of salt and the remaining leaves on top;
  • cover everything with clean matter;
  • cover with a plate or wooden circle;
  • put oppression on top - a special disk filled with water in a jar so that the mushrooms do not float up, but also do not choke beyond measure. More information about this method of salting is described in the video.

If all the points are correctly followed, after a couple of days the mushrooms will release juice, and the brine will cover them. In the case when there is little liquid, you need to either increase the load, or add a little boiled water.

Pickles will be ready for use only after 1.5-2 months, keep the container in the cold.

Dry salted mushrooms

The dry salting method is suitable only for russula and mushrooms, since these varieties do not have bitterness and are safe. But it allows you to quickly prepare a “catch” with almost no hassle, and you can eat such a pickle in just 1-1.5 weeks!

  • Ryzhik or russula should be cleaned, wiped with a cloth from dirt, and if they still have to be washed, it is important to dry everything well in a colander and a towel;
  • Next, the raw materials are placed in jars or ceramic dishes with hats down, pouring layers of salt at the rate of 40 grams per kilogram of product;
  • From above, the container is pressed down with a light load, after three to four days juice is released and, if desired, a new portion of mushrooms can be added. By the way, the beauty of this method is that you can add all the new portions of russula or mushrooms to one container all season until we fill it completely.

Salting recipes for different types of mushrooms

Each hostess has her own secret recipes pickling mushrooms for the winter, I offer a few interesting options considering the variety.

How to pickle milk mushrooms

Salting mushroom mushrooms is quite popular, since with this method of harvesting the product is very juicy, fleshy, and crispy. There are two ways to close raw materials - cold and hot.

How to pickle milk mushrooms in a hot way

At hot salting mushrooms do not need to be soaked. The product is simply boiled for 20-25 minutes, and then washed under running water and strained with a colander.

Then the raw materials are laid out in jars or other containers, sprinkled with salt from the already familiar proportion of 40 grams. per kilogram of product. If desired, you can add spices - dill, garlic, horseradish leaves. In a week, pickles can be tasted.

How to pickle milk mushrooms in a cold way - a step by step recipe

Salting consists of the following items:

  • soak the raw materials to clean water, periodically changing the water;
  • take a clean container with a wide neck;
  • put salt on the bottom (in total it should be taken at the rate of 50 grams per kilogram of product), lay currant leaves, horseradish, cherries, dill rosettes on top;
  • then lay out a layer of milk mushrooms 6-10 cm thick;
  • above - part of the salt from the total volume;
  • again a new layer of fungus, and again salt;
  • this is how the whole product is laid out;
  • the top is again sprinkled with leaves of fragrant plants;
  • then a plate or a wooden circle wrapped in gauze is placed, and oppression is placed on it.

How to pickle boletus

Salted boletus in a cold and hot way. And if the first, in fact, is no different from what was said earlier, then the second has some features.

So, we need 1 kg. raw materials, 1 l. water, 45 gr. salt, 2 bay leaves, 6 currant leaves, 50 grams of dill inflorescences.

  • Mushrooms need to be cleaned, boiled in salted water (1 tsp per liter of liquid) for 30 minutes, removing the foam;
  • Then recline in a colander, cool, arrange in sterile jars along with spices;
  • Each layer of mushrooms is sprinkled with 1 tbsp. salt;
  • When all the boletus mushrooms are distributed, the containers should be filled up to the neck with filtered and boiled solution in which the mushrooms were boiled;
  • Then it remains to roll up the jars, wrap them up and let them cool slowly, then transfer them to the cold. In this way, boletus will be ready in 1.5 months.

Salting oil

I just love pickled butternuts, and I only recently learned how to salt them. It turns out that in salty form, these mushrooms are very tasty.

The recipe is simple - for 1 kg of raw materials you need 2 tbsp. salt, 4 bay leaves, 5-6 peppercorns, 2 cloves of garlic, dill in umbrellas or seeds, a few currant leaves.

  • The butterflies are cleaned, washed, boiled for 20-30 minutes in salted water, leaned back in a colander;
  • AT enamelware salt is laid, on top - a layer is oiled on hats, spices, salt again and a new same layer. All the mushrooms are laid out in this way, and on top is a flat plate and oppression from a bottle or jar filled with water.

It is more convenient to store the product in jars, so after a day, when the mushrooms secrete juice, they are laid out in these containers and poured with brine so that it completely covers the product. On top, you can still pour a little vegetable oil for better storage. And after a couple of weeks in the cold, the pickle will be ready!

Salting waves

You can pickle volnushki both cold and hot.

It's more interesting here cold version, with it:

  • you should take 7 kilograms of waves, 200 gr. salt, 12 gr. citric acid, 50 gr. dill seeds, 20 gr. cumin seeds, a couple of cabbage leaves;
  • it is necessary to soak the raw materials in salted and acidified water for three days, periodically changing the liquid;
  • combine salt with seasonings;
  • put in a tub or other container of a wave with hats down in layers of about 6 cm, sprinkling with salt and seeds;
  • lay on top cabbage leaf so that it covers the entire area;
  • press down with a disk and a load;
  • leave in the cold for a month or two.

Storage of salted mushrooms

It is not enough to know how to make salted mushrooms correctly, you also need to be able to store and use them.

  • So, you need to keep pickles at a temperature of 0 to 6 degrees Celsius. In case of frost, the product begins to crumble, and when heated, the fermentation process starts, and the workpiece will deteriorate;
  • It is necessary to constantly monitor the presence of brine in the container, otherwise the mushrooms may dry out and lose their taste qualities. To avoid this, if necessary, salted boiled water can be added to the container;
  • When mold appears, the fabric covering the pickle is changed, and the oppression is washed, after removing all traces of mold with a dry, clean rag;
  • Well, before cooking, salted mushrooms should be washed with clean water to remove excess salt, some varieties should even be soaked.

Recipes for salting mushrooms are varied and not too complicated. So the main thing here is to be patient and collect, and then clean all this wealth at home, so that in winter you can enjoy pickles with pleasure to the delight of relatives and friends. I wish you a successful “quiet hunt”, and look for new recipes and tips on our blog!

The arrival of autumn is the most favorite time for all fans of "silent hunting". Armed with long sticks and baskets, mushroom pickers all over the country go for their long-awaited catch - fragrant forest mushrooms. A rich harvest of porcini mushrooms, milk mushrooms, honey mushrooms, chanterelles, boletus, saffron mushrooms, volnushki allows you not only to eat plenty in the season, but also to stock up on dried and salted preparations for the winter. In particular, simple and tasty recipes for salting mushrooms at home in hot and cold ways are popular. Such salt preparations are made in small jars in which they can be stored for more than one winter. You can also pickle and "home" mushrooms - oyster mushrooms and champignons. Read more about how to salt mushrooms for the winter with your own hands in step-by-step recipes with photos and videos below.

How to salt mushrooms in jars in a hot way - a simple step-by-step recipe for the winter with a photo

In a hot way, salting mushrooms in jars, in particular milk mushrooms, even according to a simple step-by-step recipe for the winter, is longer and more difficult than cold ones. But on the other hand, the taste of mushrooms salted in this way is more saturated and rich. Therefore, if you are not afraid of small difficulties, then be sure to master the following simple step by step recipe for the winter with a photo of how to salt mushrooms in jars in a hot way.

The necessary ingredients for pickling mushrooms in hot jars for the winter

  • milk mushrooms
  • dill umbrellas
  • garlic
  • currant leaves
  • Bay leaf

Step-by-step instructions on how to salt milk mushrooms hot in jars for the winter

How to salt wild mushrooms for the winter in jars - a quick and easy recipe step by step

Ways to properly salt Forest mushrooms for the winter in banks, a lot, but we offer further one of the fastest and simple options- dry salting. Unlike salting with water, this method does not require special manipulations. In order to properly salt wild mushrooms for the winter in jars in a simple and quick recipe mushrooms and russula are best suited.

The necessary ingredients to properly pickle wild mushrooms in jars for the winter according to a quick recipe

  • mushrooms or russula

Step-by-step instructions on how to properly salt wild mushrooms in jars for the winter according to a simple recipe

  1. If you have mushrooms, then for this method of salting they can not even be washed. It is enough to wipe the mushrooms with a damp soft cloth to remove all excess dirt. But it is better to wash the russula and be sure to remove the skin from the hats, as it gives bitterness when salted.
  2. Put a layer of mushrooms in a deep container (caps down) and sprinkle with salt on top. For 1 kg of mushrooms, you need to take about 40 grams of salt.
  3. We alternate layers of mushrooms and salt until we completely fill the selected container.
  4. We cover the top layer of mushrooms with gauze folded several times. We put a wide plate or lid on top, put oppression. As oppression, you can use the full three-liter jar, granite stone, etc.
  5. We leave the mushrooms under oppression for about 3-4 days. When they release enough juice, we transfer the finished salty snack to clean jars along with the brine and cork with nylon lids.

How to salt boletus mushrooms in jars - a simple recipe for the winter step by step

Boletus in banks simple recipe it is easy to salt below for the winter. The main thing is to properly prepare the mushrooms for salting so that they do not give unnecessary bitterness. Read more about how to salt boletus mushrooms in jars for the winter in a simple recipe below.

The necessary ingredients to pickle boletus mushrooms for the winter according to a simple recipe

  • boletus - 2 kg
  • salt -100 gr.
  • currant leaves
  • dill
  • horseradish leaves
  • garlic
  • carnation
  • Bay leaf

Step-by-step instructions on how to salt boletus nazimu in jars according to a simple recipe

  1. Before proceeding with salting, it is very important to properly process the boletus. To do this, they must first be soaked for a couple of hours in water, then rinsed thoroughly and remove the top layer from the hats and legs. For salting for the winter, it is best to take small boletus, and large specimens should be cut into small pieces.
  2. Put a layer of dill umbrellas and currant leaves, horseradish on the bottom of the pan. Add finely chopped garlic, a little cloves, bay leaf. The amount of spices and herbs must be determined "by eye".
  3. Put a layer of mushrooms on top of a layer of herbs and spices, sprinkle with coarse non-iodized salt.
  4. Lay out a layer of herbs and seasonings again, then mushrooms again.
  5. Cover the top layer with cloth or gauze. Cover with a smaller diameter lid and put oppression.
  6. Leave the mushrooms under oppression for 3-4 days, then, together with the brine, pack them in sterile jars and close with lids.

How to pickle volnushki mushrooms in jars - a simple and tasty recipe for the winter

simple and delicious recipe how to pickle mushrooms in a jar, which you will find below, has a number of important features. It is important to observe all of them, otherwise ready-made salty waves may disappoint you with their taste. The subtleties of how you can pickle mushrooms in jars in a simple and tasty recipe for the winter.

Necessary ingredients, how to salt volushki mushrooms in a jar according to a delicious recipe

  • waves
  • currant leaves
  • dill umbrellas
  • coarse salt

Step-by-step instructions on how to pickle jars in jars according to a simple and tasty recipe

  1. Freshly picked volnushki before salting should be thoroughly washed and cleaned from the top layer of the skin. Then put the mushrooms in a deep container and pour cold water for a day. During this time, the water will need to be changed about 1 time in 4-5 hours so that the waves do not turn sour.
  2. Drain the water and put the mushrooms in a colander.
  3. In parallel, in an enamel pan, bring salted water to a boil and put the mushrooms into it. Boil for 15-20 minutes over medium heat.
  4. Take the mushrooms out of the brine. Put a layer of herbs and spices in a sterile jar, then mushrooms and salt. We fill the jar in this way almost to the top.
  5. We cover the mushrooms with a leaf of horseradish from above and press them with wooden skewers so that the brine rises to the top.
  6. We wrap the neck of the jar with gauze and send it to a cold place for storage.

How to salt oyster mushrooms at home in a hot way - a step by step recipe

Oyster mushrooms are one of the most affordable mushrooms for salting at home, which are equally well prepared both cold and hot. In addition, they do not require special pre-treatment with soaking and cleaning. Read more about how to salt oyster mushrooms hot at home in a step-by-step recipe below.

Necessary ingredients for salting oyster mushrooms at home in a hot way

  • oyster mushrooms
  • garlic
  • Bay leaf
  • carnation
  • black pepper

Step-by-step instructions on how to salt oyster mushrooms in a hot way at home for the winter

  1. We wash the oyster mushrooms under running water and divide the bunch into separate mushrooms. Particularly large specimens are cut into small pieces.
  2. Boil the mushrooms in salted water for about 15 minutes after boiling.
  3. Separately, we make a brine: for 2 liters of water 200 grams coarse salt, spices and herbs to taste. Bring to a boil and boil for literally 5 minutes.
  4. Arrange in sterile jars of oyster mushrooms and fill with hot brine.
  5. We cork with lids and send to a cool place for a week, after which the pickles are ready for use.

How to salt porcini mushrooms for the winter in jars in a hot way - a simple recipe step by step

Porcini mushrooms are ideal for hot pickling in jars at home. Especially if you use such a simple and delicious recipe as step by step below. It describes in such an accessible way how to salt porcini mushrooms in jars in a hot way for the winter that even an inexperienced hostess can handle the recipe.

The necessary ingredients to salt porcini mushrooms in jars for the winter in a hot way

  • white mushrooms - 2 kg
  • salt - 4 tbsp. l. with a slide
  • cloves - 2-3 pcs.
  • garlic - 1 head
  • coriander to taste

Step-by-step instructions on how to salt porcini mushrooms for the winter in hot jars with your own hands

  1. Wash the mushrooms and carefully remove the top layer. Cut into pieces of equal size.
  2. Peel the garlic and cut into thin slices.
  3. Bring salted water to a boil and after 3-5 minutes add chopped porcini mushrooms.
  4. After boiling, remove the foam with a slotted spoon, reduce the heat to medium and cook the mushrooms for 15 minutes.
  5. Approximately 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add spices and, if necessary, increase the amount of salt.
  6. Arrange porcini mushrooms in sterile jars, alternating mushroom layers with garlic.
  7. Pour the mushrooms with hot brine filtered through gauze, leave to cool.
  8. Cover jars with lids and store in a dark, cool place.

How to salt milk mushrooms at home in a cold way - step by step recipe, video

From the following step-by-step video recipe, you will learn how to salt mushrooms at home in a cold way using the example of milk mushrooms. This method is also suitable for salting champignons, oyster mushrooms, mushrooms, whites, boletus. But it is better to harvest volnushki and honey mushrooms for the winter in jars in a hot salting way. Read more about how you can salt mushrooms at home in a cold way according to a simple recipe in the video below.

Step 1. We prepare dishes for salting.

For salting mushrooms, it is better to choose a wooden tub, enamel pan or glass jar. The selected dishes are thoroughly washed in water. Then wipe dry with a towel.

Step 2. Prepare the mushrooms.

Mushrooms (boletus, boletus, moss mushrooms, honey mushrooms, chanterelles, nigella, valui, champignons) thoroughly clean from the ground, rinse, put in an enamel pan.

Step 3. Cook the mushrooms.

Pour water into a saucepan with mushrooms, put on fire and lightly salt. Bring to a boil and cook, stirring with a wooden spoon and skimming off the foam. Russula is boiled 5 -6 minutes; milk mushrooms, volnushki, whites and grays - 8 - 10 minutes; porcini mushrooms, aspen mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, mossiness mushrooms, boletus and champignons - 10-15 minutes; mushrooms, chanterelles, valui, rubella and other mushrooms containing bitterness - 25-30 minutes. Then drain the water in which they were boiled, and rinse the mushrooms in cold water, leaning back in a colander to glass the water.

Step 4. Mix the ingredients.

Mushrooms prepared in this way should be placed in dishes (tubs, jars, pans) and salted at the rate of 45-60 grams of salt on the 1 kg boiled mushrooms and cover with a wooden circle with oppression. Garlic, onion, horseradish, tarragon or dill can be put in mushrooms as a seasoning. It is better to chop the onion into small cubes beforehand. You can either squeeze the garlic through the garlic press, or cut it into small pieces, or even throw it whole. but this is on condition that the teeth are small. I cut the garlic into slices so that the mushrooms were better saturated with the aroma of garlic when salted, but garlic was squeezed into a couple of cans for the experiment in a couple of cans with the help of a garlic maker. After all the mushrooms have been salted, they can be put in jars and corked with plastic lids. Mushrooms salted in this way can be eaten through six - eight days.

Step 5 Serve salted boiled mushrooms.

Can be served as cold appetizer placed in a deep bowl. You can season with vegetable oil and add onion, cut into rings or slices. Enjoy your meal!

Autumn among fans of "quiet hunting" is associated mainly with the forest, clean air and the opportunity to harvest a good harvest. They know many ways to keep their prey from going to waste, how to pickle a wide variety of mushrooms, creating a tasty food supply for the winter. Then households, friends and good acquaintances will treat themselves to a delicacy.

For salting, as well as for food in general, only mushrooms that grow in the depths of the forest are suitable. It is better to leave specimens near the roads, because, thanks to the porous structure, they absorb, like a sponge, toxins, heavy metals that have appeared due to the large amount of exhaust gases.

It is also better to leave too large, clearly aging mushrooms, the caps of which will be full of wormholes, to feed the forest dwellers. After cleaning, almost nothing will remain of them - it is better to find only a recently sprouted family. It is recommended to start searching in the early morning, at 5 o'clock. Collected at such a time, they will retain their elasticity and will be stored longer.

Is it possible to salt mushrooms in a plastic bowl?

It is not recommended to use plastic dishes for salting. But if you need to deal with mushrooms immediately, and there is no other free container, you can use barrels or containers designed for hot and cold food. The walls of such containers will withstand for some time the influence of an aggressive environment, which is a strong brine.

Then, at the end of salting, the stocks must be transferred to a wooden, enameled or glass container.

Preparatory stage of salting

Arriving home, you need to distribute the time so that the processing begins throughout the day, ideally immediately. If urgent matters await, it is recommended to soak the mushrooms in cool water. So it will be possible to extend the preservation time by 10-12 hours, no more. Postponed until the evening, simply dry, the crop will begin to dry, worms will become active in it.


The first stage of work is sorting, during which:

  • mushrooms are divided by type;
  • suspicious specimens are thrown out;
  • spoiled ones are selected;
  • leaves, fragments of twigs are removed.

If the gifts of the forest are not enough, you can pickle a kind of assortment by choosing the most suitable recipe for this.


Processing is impossible without the second stage - cleaning of adhering dirt, mucous coating on some types of hats. To do this, it is enough to use water, preferably running. The stagnant liquid will have to be changed until it becomes absolutely clean. The smallest amount of time for cleansing will require mushrooms, which are sometimes enough just to wipe.


Peeled mushrooms need to be chopped, especially large specimens. The pieces should be at least approximately the same size so that, in the end, the salting has the same, excellent taste. Initially, the legs are cut off at a distance of 5 millimeters from the bottom of the cap, then, if desired, the remains are additionally crushed.


A significant number of mushrooms have a bitter taste, which can be removed by soaking. In a container with cool water, they are kept for various times.

For example:

  1. Milk mushrooms - about 5 days.
  2. Waves - 3 days.
  3. Loading - 2 days.
  4. Bitter - 4 days.

The water used for soaking must be changed daily 2 times. But white mushrooms, russula, mushrooms do not need to remove bitterness. They are immersed in salted water for a short time only for the remaining worms to surface.

Methods for salting mushrooms

Due to its simplicity, salting mushrooms is popular, which has given rise to a lot of ways. These include fast, hot, cold, dry salting. Recipes have been created for similar processing of not only fresh, but also frozen crops.

Quick salting

For quick salting, mainly cans are used, the portioning of which simplifies storage possibilities. The method is simple and affordable, to implement it, you need to put hats on the bottom of the container, then legs, and fill them with salt, without sparing. After the appearance of a brown liquid, the delicacy can be consumed.

Quick salting is not used for long-term storage, but the method is excellent for creating a delicacy in the shortest possible time.

hot way

The hot method is also simple, as it does not require much effort. It is necessary to prepare an enameled pan, in which half a glass of salted water is poured into 1 kilogram of mushrooms, spices are added. Cooking, with frequent stirring, lasts 10-25 minutes; as soon as the pieces begin to settle, and the brine has become transparent, the fire is turned off. Hot-cooked delicacies are ready to eat only for 40-45 days.

cold way

Mushrooms that do not need to be pre-boiled can be salted in a cold way. After soaking, raw hats are laid, alternating in layers no thicker than 5-6 centimeters, with salt in a barrel or a large saucepan.

To improve the taste are also used:

  • dill umbrellas;
  • cherry leaves;
  • sprigs of currant;
  • cumin seeds.

Oppression is laid on top, the dishes are covered with a natural cloth and taken out to the utility room.

Dry salting

The dry salting method is suitable mainly for pods, saffron milk caps, and sometimes russula. The blanks are placed, sprinkled with coarse-grained salt, into a barrel and pressed down with oppression. The juice that comes out should be enough to cover the mushrooms. It is forbidden to add water, the product with its own spicy aftertaste does not need aromatic herbs, spices. To create stocks, it is not recommended to buy iodized salt, because because of it, the workpiece quickly turns sour.

in a barrel

Mushrooms in a wooden barrel, and even better, made of oak, are salted in the standard way using a load. However, before work, the container must be prepared - tarred, and then check the quality of work by filling it with water.

Fluid must not seep through cracks. Also, the barrel must be sterilized by washing with a brush, dousing with boiling water or fumigating with juniper.

without vinegar

Preferring to use a minimum of auxiliary ingredients, mushroom pickers often refuse to use vinegar. You can replace it with red currants, which is highly recommended for people with gastrointestinal problems and just gourmets. For salting, blackcurrant leaves are harvested, giving the workpiece a pleasant aroma and flavor.

Salting frozen mushrooms

Since mushrooms are frozen only after full preparation, their pickling becomes very simple. Such changes are resorted to if you need free space in the freezer, for the holiday. Defrost should be done naturally, without additional heating. As soon as they drain, you can start layering (with salt and spices) laying in glass jars. Products of this kind should be used within 2-3 weeks.

Recipes for salting mushrooms at home

Salting of mushrooms is recognized as correct, depending on the type. Thanks to it, it will be possible to emphasize the taste, extend the shelf life of the product.

Milk mushrooms

For salting 1 kilogram of breasts in a cold way, you will need several ingredients:

  • 80-100 grams of salt;
  • 3-4 umbrellas of dill;
  • 5 black peas and the same amount of allspice;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic.

You can also, focusing on your own taste, add a bay leaf. Spruce milk mushrooms are placed in a container, at the bottom of which there is already salt. After filling, it is placed in the refrigerator for 3.5-4 weeks.


Preparation of mushrooms consists in cleaning and removing the legs, since only hats are used for salting. For 1 kilogram of raw materials, salt and at least 5-7 cloves of garlic will be required. Hats are kept in water for literally 5-10 minutes, then they need to be poured over with boiling water and placed in a colander.

While the workpiece is draining, the garlic should be finely chopped. At the end, the ingredients are mixed, placed in a container and hermetically sealed. Salted mushrooms are kept cool.

Honey mushrooms

For salting mushrooms, you will need a standard set of spices and other ingredients to your own taste: black pepper, bay leaf, dill umbrellas, black currant. Already peeled mushrooms must be kept in salted water, and then they are tightly packed in layers in a pan and pressed down with oppression. So the mushrooms should stand for 4-5 days, after which the resulting liquid must be poured out.

oyster mushrooms

Preparing oyster mushrooms is not too different from working with mushrooms or mushrooms. You also need to remove the hard legs and rinse healthy hats. Mushrooms will need to be blanched for about 6-7 minutes.

During this time, the liquid is re-prepared, in which you need to add spices, all the ingredients and salt. After welding, the brine is filtered, boiled again and used to fill jars with already laid mushrooms. It is allowed to include blanks in the diet after 5-6 days.


If you do not remove the sticky layer on the oil cap, the workpiece will become unpleasant in taste. And since this type of mushroom only swells from water, it is better to dry it a little before processing, and only then proceed to cleaning using a rag or knife.

The oil is salted as follows:

  1. Boil 20 minutes.
  2. Let drain using a colander.
  3. Lay in layers in a barrel.
  4. For 1-2 days they press down with a load.

Then the mushrooms can be moved to a glass container, poured with brine and rolled up. The product is ready for use already in the third week.

White mushrooms

Porcini mushrooms for salting are used whole or chopped. For the brine, you will need a standard set of ingredients, consisting of currant leaves, salt, black pepper, dill umbrellas, and garlic. Mushrooms are added to already boiling water and boiled for 25-30 minutes. During this time, they need to be stirred, carefully remove the resulting foam. Further, the whites can be placed in jars, poured with brine and rolled up.


Chanterelles retain their taste and aroma well after cold pickling, preparation for which consists in soaking for 24 hours. The brine should be sour-salty, for which a little citric acid is added to the water. Chanterelles are stacked in jars in layers; on top of the pickles, to improve the taste, they often pour a little vegetable oil.


The bitter taste of gobies is a signal that they need to be soaked before creating a winter harvest. The procedure lasts several days, during which the water must be changed. After a while, the mushrooms can be boiled for 20-25 minutes, cooled and transferred in layers to jars. The ambassador is poured at the end, just before closing the container with lids.


Due to the presence of several preparatory stages working with pigs will require some patience. After soaking the mushrooms for a day, you need:

  • boil for 6-7 minutes;
  • Rinse;
  • boil again for 25-30 minutes;
  • rinse again.

Now the blanks are transferred to salt water, where they are processed for 35 minutes. After that, it remains to put the pigs in jars, pour, press down with oppression. These mushrooms are salted until fully cooked, at least 1.5 months.


The salting of the waves lasts 1.5-2 months, and all this time they need to provide a temperature in the storage place of 0-10 degrees. Soaking mushrooms takes 2.5-3 days. Otherwise, the cold ambassador does not differ in special nuances.


The soaking time of cowsheds is limited to three days, then they can be boiled (30 minutes) and drained. The brine for pouring into jars is prepared separately, it is used only after laying the mushrooms, which were additionally boiled in it.

Storage of salted mushrooms

Mushroom stocks are recommended to be kept cool, otherwise the product will deteriorate, start to mold, “run away”. In some cases, it can still be saved, but the taste from such manipulations will certainly suffer. If the pickles are in the right conditions, they stay good until spring. After the arrival of a new mushroom season it is not recommended to include an expired product in the diet. ( 1 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Previously, mushrooms were mainly salted in large wooden barrels and used a method called cold salting. It is possible to harvest mushrooms in this way if it is possible to collect them in the forest in sufficient in large numbers and one variety. Salting mushrooms in a cold way is only suitable for such species: russula, smoothies, milk mushrooms, volnushki, mushrooms, pigs and other similar ones with fragile lamellar pulp.

Soak mushrooms cleaned of debris and dust in cold water for one or two days. At the same time, every day several times change the water to fresh. For mushrooms with bitter pulp, use not pure water, but slightly salted and acidified (for one liter of liquid, take 2 grams of citric acid and 10 grams table salt). Refresh it several times a day too. Some mushrooms have a very strong bitter taste, soak them in salted water for more days. This time is different for different types:

- bitter and valui - 3-4 days;

- breasts and breasts - 2-3 days;

- waves and whites - 1-2 days.

Mushrooms with neutral pulp (russula and mushrooms) can not be soaked at all, but simply washed well under running water.

Blanching mushrooms before salting.

Any mushrooms can be blanched in salted water instead of soaking. To do this, add 10 grams of salt to one liter of it and boil the brine. Keep mushrooms in hot liquid for a different amount of time:

- waves and whites - up to one hour;

- valui, chanterelles, loaders and bitters - up to twenty minutes;

- milk mushrooms - up to six minutes.

How to salt mushrooms for the winter at home using salting in a cold way.

Prepared by any of the methods described above, lay the mushrooms in six centimeter layers in big barrel. Sprinkle the bottom of the barrel with dry salt and salt each layer, too. For every kilogram of soaked or blanched and cooled mushrooms, take salt:

- for mushrooms - 40 grams;

- for waves, russula, milk mushrooms and others - 50 grams.

Together with salt, place chopped garlic, cumin seeds, currant and cherry leaves between the mushrooms, and, if desired, fresh horseradish.

Cover the barrel filled with mushrooms with a canvas napkin and press down the pickles with oppression. Keep the mushrooms for a couple of days in a warm place so that they release their juice. After that, transfer the barrel to a cold basement. Salting mushrooms in a cold way is good because over time they will compact in a barrel and the container can be filled to the top with freshly picked and soaked mushrooms.

Store barrels with mushrooms at a temperature of minus one to plus seven degrees and make sure that there is always brine above the mushrooms. If it is not enough, then add it freshly prepared: take 20 grams of salt per 1 liter of water.

See also video: Collecting and salting milk mushrooms

See also: Salting mushrooms. Part 1

Salting milk mushrooms. Part 2.