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Gummi bears. How to make gummy bears

The world-famous Gummi Bears are gummy figurines, beautiful and delicious treat, and made from natural juices of berries, fruits and vegetables - also useful.

Children will be delighted with these colorful sweets, and adults will not remain indifferent - low-calorie, healthy, pleasing to the eye, and making these wonderful light sweets is as easy as shelling pears!

We offer you 3 recipes for making chewing marmalade.

Juice Gummi Bears


  • 1.5 cups fruit juice or fresh vegetable juice
  • 4 tbsp. l. gelatin
  • 2–4 tbsp. l. honey (depending on how sweet you want the marmalade)
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract (optional)

Cooking process:

Pour juice into a small saucepan.
Add gelatin and let stand for a few minutes.
When the gelatin swells, stir.
Put the saucepan on medium heat. Heat up without bringing to a boil. The gelatin should completely dissolve and the juice should thicken a bit.
Add honey and vanilla extract.
Pour the mixture into molds and refrigerate for 2-3 hours.
All! Enjoy beautiful treats.

Ready marmalade can be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for 2-3 weeks.

Juice palette

Fruit and vegetable juices are the basis of such marmalade. They give the delicacy not only a special taste, but also a rich color.

Pink: beets, strawberries, carrots and a little lemon juice.

Orange: Carrots, oranges, ginger and some mango juice.

Yellow: yellow peppers, yellow beets, yellow pears, yellow apple and a little lemon juice.

Green: cabbage, kiwi, cucumber, green apple, Green grapes.

Violet: purple cabbage, blackberries, blueberries, some types of beets and apples, dark grapes.

Chewing marmalade on natural milk


1 glass of milk
1 st. l. sugar or honey
3 tsp gelatin
vanilla powder
Optionally, for color, you can add a little natural dyes.


Mix 1/2 cup milk with gelatin.
Bring to a boil, stirring constantly, until the gelatin is completely dissolved.
Remove from heat, add the remaining milk, sugar or honey, vanilla and, if you want a more intense color, a drop of food coloring.
Mix until smooth, pour into molds and cool for 25 minutes.
Milk marmalade is ready!

It can be stored in a sealed jar in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

Marmalade with fruit pulp


  • 2 cups fruit (1 cup - 240 ml)
  • 1 glass of natural juice
  • stevia (3 sachets, depending on how sweet you want the marmalade)
  • 5 sachets of gelatin

Delicious proven fruit and juice combinations

  • 1 cup apple juice and 2 cups chopped strawberries and banana
  • 1 cup pineapple juice and 2 cups mango and banana cubes
  • 1 cup apple juice and 2 cups strawberries and blueberries


Dice 2 cups of fruit.
Boil the juice and fruit over low heat until the fruit is very soft. Add stevia.
Place the mixture in a blender and blend until smooth.
Let cool for 5-7 minutes.
Add gelatin and stir well.
Pour the mixture into molds and leave in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Helpful advice:

For the formation of goodies, it is best to use silicone molds. Plastic molds are also suitable if they are pre-coated with oil. You can also cool the marmalade on a plate, and then cut into cubes.

You can make a multi-layered delicacy: carefully pour milk and fruit marmalade in layers into a mold, let it cool and cut into figures.

And you can decorate the cake with this dessert like this:

Fantasize with combinations of juices and berries, surprise your friends with light sweets. Using various molds, you can create not only an independent delicacy, but also delicious marmalade decorations for cakes or pastries. And figurines in the form of bears are classics of the genre, they should definitely please loved ones!

It is considered a popular product for both children and adults. Reasons are not only pleasant taste and the original consistency, but also benefits for the body. Experts do not advise giving chocolate or caramel to young children in order to avoid damage to the teeth, and high-quality gummies are allowed and safe. One of the best chewing products is Haribo marmalade, which is a strong competitor to domestic counterparts.

Composition of marmalade

Chewing marmalade of the brand in question is produced in different volumes and with a variety of flavors, and the forms of the product are striking in their diversity. Marmalade "Haribo" can be in the form of bears, bottles, strawberries, smurfs, long tubes, cherries, fish and much more. There are large packages of 500 g, where the child will find a whole collection of different marmalades.

100 g of the product contains 1 g of proteins and 84 g of carbohydrates. Gummy "bears" do not contain fat, which makes it acceptable to use the product if you want to maintain a slim figure. A variety of tastes allows everyone to find their favorite option.

Main Ingredients

Marmalade "Haribo", the composition of which will satisfy even the most demanding consumer, is considered one of the best in its price segment. Since the early 80s, HARIBO has replaced the previously used gum arabic (some manufacturers still add it to make sweets) with gelatin, which is free of carbohydrates and fats.

The golden colored gummy bears that Haribo has been famous for since the beginning were multi-coloured over 30 years ago with the addition of vegetable and fruit-based concentrates. The required shades were obtained from the following dyes of natural origin (mixtures):

  • Grapes and elderberry.
  • Blackcurrant and nettle.
  • Lemon and spinach.
  • Orange and kiwi.
  • Red currant and apple.
  • Aronia and mango.
  • Grapes and carrots.

The main stages of manufacture

Chewing marmalade "Haribo", each of its types, goes through several stages of production before going on sale. At the beginning of each variety is the creative, carefully thought-out work of designers. Each novelty begins with a hand sketch on a regular sheet of paper: from the shape of the candy to the palette of colors.

The second stage is saving the drawing on a computer, where professionals turn the idea into a three-dimensional 3d model. All results are transferred to a special milling machine, where a plaster mold of the future marmalade product is obtained. Further, a mold is made according to the sample for repeated use at further stages of production. With this, you can make countless plaster stamps.

The stage of making sweets begins with the supply to the conveyor of special containers filled with finely ground starch to the brim, after which prepared plaster stamps (more than a hundred at once) are lowered from above. Form imprints remain on the bulk product. The last stage is filling the "samples" with a hot liquid mixture, which is a chewing marmalade.

Ready-made delicious marmalades are kept in special drying chambers for a long time, after which each of them is covered with a special wax composition (carnauba and bee). Because of this, sweets become so attractive and shiny, plus they do not stick together with each other. Before packing the sweets, they must be weighed, after which Haribo is delivered all over the world.

Useful properties and harm

Marmalade "Haribo" - benefit or harm to the body? Almost every industrial product has its drawbacks. However, the sweetness in question has almost none. A special substance called agar-agar (Barris series) is added to obtain a jelly-like state of the product. It is produced from seaweed, which indicates a high content of iron, calcium and iodine. Benefits for the body - normalization of the digestive tract, cleansing of various harmful substances, including toxins. A positive effect was noted for nails and hair follicles.

All the harm of the sweetness in question lies in the content of glazing agents, flavors and, of course, sugar. It is worth remembering that too much gummies cannot be eaten in order to avoid stomach problems.

Should I add gummy bears to my diet?

Marmalade "Haribo", reviews of which can be seen in most positive, is ideal as a treat for adults and children. It is based on such natural ingredients, like berries and fruits, the product is rich in vitamins of groups B, A, K and E. In addition, chewing gummies contain important elements: sodium, phosphorus, potassium and many others. Experts advise it is better to give preference to high-quality marmalade than to lean heavily on milk chocolate or

Calorie content and effect on the body

Marmalade "Haribo", the calorie content of which does not exceed 300 kcal, is perfect for those who follow their figure and constantly try to keep themselves in shape. Experts note the special benefits of this marmalade for the body due to the pectin included in the composition, which is obtained from sunflower, fresh apples and various citrus fruits. The positive effect of the substance is as follows:

  • Normalization of blood circulation.
  • Prevention of such a dangerous disease as atherosclerosis.
  • Normalization of carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Significant reduction in cholesterol levels.
  • Normalization of deviations in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Impact on the natural excretion of various hazardous substances from the body.

Thanks to the vegetable fats that are part of the sweetness, the oral cavity is well cleaned when using the product.

Who Should Limit Marmalade

Particular attention should be paid to the composition of marmalade sweets for people suffering from various forms of diabetes, as sugary sweets can cause serious harm to health. Moreover, the product on fructose does not contribute to the set of extra pounds.

Despite the fact that "Haribo" differ in quality composition, do not forget that "bears", "sticks" and "bottles" are also sweets, overuse which can lead to caries.

Choice of goodies

Marmalades of the world-famous company "Haribo" are rich in vitamins, this is a real and incredibly tasty source of energy for people of any age. Thanks to the gelatin included in the composition, the marmalade in question is advised to be used by workers in factories and factories, since the binding effect of the main component helps to remove all toxins and toxins.

When choosing sweets, be sure to pay attention to the composition, since a product saturated with “chemistry” can lead to dangerous consequences: an allergic reaction, bloating and food poisoning. You can not opt ​​for very bright sweets - a real high-quality marmalade should not stand out with a bright palette. The composition should not contain preservatives, stabilizers and sweeteners. A sticky product should also be avoided. For example, if you press with two fingers on a product from Haribo, then the marmalade will quickly take on its original shape, which distinguishes these candies from many analogues.

- small fruit gummies, usually about 2 cm long, made in the shape of little bears. Gummy bears are just one of the many varieties of gummies available on the world market in a huge variety of shapes, sizes and flavors.

History of gummy bears

gummy bears first appeared in Germany, where they originally had the name "Gummibär" (chewing, rubber bear " gummi ber”) or, in a more affectionate version, “Gummibärchen”, which in the Russian equivalent can be translated as “little chewing bears, bears, bears”. The basis for the first gummies was gum arabic, hence the "gum" in original name gummy bears, - in German "gum" - rubber, chewing gum.

Hans Riegel, a confectioner from Bonn, founded the Haribo candy factory in 1920, and in 1922, inspired by street tame bears, a popular attraction at many European fairs, Hans invented his first Dancing Bear, a small, inexpensive fruit gummies for adults and children; the next candy invented by Hans - the Golden Bear - however, was slightly smaller in size.

Even during the time of hyperinflation in Germany, which plunged the country into poverty, dancing gummy bears remained available to the consumer and were sold at a variety of food stalls for about 1 Pfennig per pair. Invented after them, the Golden Bears were a resounding success as best candies Haribo 1967.

Variety of shapes and flavors of gummies

The success of gummi bears gave rise to the production of many other chewing gummies in the form of animals and not only: today, the chewing gum market, in addition to the traditional, well-known gummi bears, is represented by such forms as rings, straws, cola bottles, gummies, frogs, snakes, hamburgers, sharks, penguins, hippos, octopuses, apples, peaches, cherries, raspberries and other berries, oranges and even traffic lights, gummy smurfs, chewing spiders, centipedes and large gummy bears. Moreover, manufacturers also offer products that differ from the standard size of gummies - there are gummies on the market (for example, big gummy bear) weighing several kilograms!

Traditionally gummy bearsHaribo available in the following flavors: red (raspberry flavor), orange (orange), strawberry (green), pineapple (colorless) and lemon (yellow). Trolli, in general, have the same tastes with a slight difference: the red Trolli has a strawberry flavor, while the green has a lime flavor, and the colorless has a grape flavor. Other gummy bear makers tend to repeat or combine the flavors of Haribo and Trolli.

Brands that prioritize healthy food often use only natural dyes and flavorings, often without stopping at traditional tastes; for example, bears from Sunflower and Newflower Markets offer grape, pineapple-coconut, peach, and a few other flavors.

Production and composition of gummies

The traditional composition of both large and regular gummy bears is a mixture of sugar, glucose syrup, starch, flavorings, citric acid and gelatin. However, the recipes different manufacturers may vary to meet the specific preferences of vegetarians or people with special dietary or religious requirements.

In production gummy bears and chewing sweets of other forms, a special machine is used - a starch press. The image of a gummy bear is imprinted into a special tray filled with powdered starch, after which a hot liquid mixture is poured into the resulting recesses and left to cool for several hours. After the mixture hardens, the candy is removed from the mold and packaged. The casting molds have an open top, so during the manufacturing process, only the front part is formed in the bears, while the back remains flat.

The design for each candy is developed by the artist from plaster in full size, after which the created design is duplicated by the machine, and the latter is ready for mass production of candies on the conveyor line.

Neither big nor small gummy bears those made with beef, pork or fish gelatin are generally not suitable for vegetarians and vegans. Pig gelatin candies are also against the religious dietary norms of halal and kashrut. At its factory in Turkey, Haribo produces gummies from beef gelatin, which is halal-compliant. Some gummies even replace gelatin with pectin or starch, making them suitable for both vegetarians and vegans.

Big gummy bears tend to be sourer and thinner than their traditional counterparts, have a more delicate texture and have a small amount of fumaric acid or other acids in their composition, which give them a tart taste. sour taste. Some manufacturers produce large gummy bears that replace gelatin with starch, a candy made from which is easier to bite off and easier to chew.

At the moment, in our virtual showcases, gummy bears and chewing gummies of other forms are presented by manufacturers Haribo(in packages) and Albanese(by weight) - please check out the range of our online sweets store; we are sure you will definitely find something incredibly tasty for yourself, friends, relatives or your kids! Thank you for choosing! We also remind you that it is easy on our pages!

With the birth of our daughter, we were puzzled by the question of how to make Arisha and store “snacks” antonyms. For a long time we were able to explain by persuasion and fairy tales that this is not useful, and in some places even harmful. But, from the keen eye of the sociable Arina, sweets and cookies in the shops and the hands of her girlfriends could not escape. Therefore, we began to look for recipes for the same, but “with mother-of-pearl buttons”, i.e. useful.

I'll show you how we coped with the temptation of Haribo gummy bears. I will show two recipes for making chewing bears. One using agar-agar, the second using gelatin. If you really want gummy bears, aha-agar is the best bet. I buy it at the Zakvaskin store. A good store where you can safely take in addition a variety of sourdough.

If you want to achieve a chewy resemblance to bears from the manufacturer Haribo, it is better to take gelatin. Of course, these are far from Kharibov bears, but there is something similar (probably all the magic is in the molds).

How can you not praise the Chinese. The Chinese, you are great! I bought the molds from Aliexpress. I bought three things, each with 40 teddy bears. The size of the bears is absolutely identical to the original.

Method 1. Bears from agar-agar.

  1. Agar-agar - 7-8g
  2. 4-5 oranges (makes a glass of juice)
  3. Sugar (add to taste) You can use honey
  4. Molds-bears


Cut oranges into halves.

We squeeze out the juice. I use the folk way with a fork * . From 4 oranges I get a glass of juice.

Pour the juice into a saucepan, pour agar-agar and sugar into it. Let everything stand for about 10 minutes. We put it on fire. Heat it up until it's about to boil. We don't boil! We turn it off and immediately begin to quickly fill out the forms using a special pipette or a disposable syringe.

Marmalade mass thickens quickly, so you need to hurry.

When all the molds are filled, we send them to the refrigerator on the shelf. After 30 minutes they are ready to eat. But, it is better that they stand, for example, the night. We store in the refrigerator.

Method 2. Gelatin gummy bears.

  • Gelatin - 30g (two bags of 15)
  • 4-5 oranges
  • Sugar (add to taste)
  • Molds-bears
  • Metal saucepan / ladle for making marmalade.

The recipe for making Haribo gummy bears from gelatin differs from the previous recipe only in the presence of gelatin. We also squeeze the juice, pour gelatin into it. Be sure to let the gelatin swell a little. It may take him about 10 minutes to do this. Add sugar and bring to the state “it should boil just about”. We don't boil! Quickly pour into molds.

A few words about useful savings. Aromatic peel. How can you throw away this beauty? I make candied fruits for adults out of it, which complement the pleasure of drinking tea, “hovering” over an interesting book or at the monitor screen with a gastronomic explosion.

Candied orange peels

Peel, previously thoroughly washed (before squeezing the juice) and peeled from the pulp * cut into strips. Drop into boiling water. Cook for 10 minutes. Drain the water, and wash the peel itself under cold water. So we repeat three times. Cook for the fourth time in syrup (10 tablespoons of sugar and 8 tablespoons of water).

Cook, stirring constantly, until all the liquid has evaporated.

Then spread on parchment and dry. It is best to do this in the oven or dry. Sprinkle with powdered sugar.

* I do not throw away the pulp left after trimming the peel. I put it in bags and put it in the freezer. Then it can be added to marinades for poultry dishes or just when frying meat. We get very refined taste and aroma of the finished dish.

* Pens in disposable gloves, a fork in one pen, half an orange in the other. We insert the fork into the middle of the orange and begin to scroll over the glass. That's how easy it is to get orange juice.

The world-famous Gummi Bears are marmalade figurines, a beautiful and tasty delicacy, and made from natural juices of berries, fruits and vegetables, it is also healthy.

Children will be delighted with these colorful sweets, and adults will not remain indifferent - low-calorie, healthy, pleasing to the eye, and making these wonderful light sweets is as easy as shelling pears!

We share with you three simple recipes production of chewing marmalade.

Gummi Bears


  • 1.5 cups fruit juice or fresh vegetable juice
  • 4 tbsp. l. gelatin
  • 2–4 tbsp. l. honey (depending on how sweet you want the marmalade)
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract (optional)

Cooking process:

  • Pour juice into a small saucepan.
  • Add gelatin and let stand for a few minutes.
    When the gelatin swells, stir.
  • Put the saucepan on medium heat. Heat up without bringing to a boil. The gelatin should completely dissolve and the juice should thicken a bit.
  • Add honey and vanilla extract.
  • Pour the mixture into molds and refrigerate for 2-3 hours.
  • All! Enjoy beautiful treats.

Ready marmalade can be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for 2-3 weeks.

Juice palette
Fruit and vegetable juices are the basis of such marmalade. They give the delicacy not only a special taste, but also a rich color.
Pink: beets, strawberries, carrots and a little lemon juice.
Orange: carrots, oranges, ginger and some mango juice.
Yellow: yellow peppers, yellow beets, yellow pears, yellow apple and a little lemon juice.
Green: cabbage, kiwi, cucumber, green apple, green grapes.
Violet: purple cabbage, blackberries, blueberries, some types of beets and apples, dark grapes.

Chewing marmalade on natural milk


  • 1 glass of milk
  • 1 st. l. sugar or honey
  • 3 tsp gelatin
  • vanilla powder
  • Optionally, for color, you can add a little natural dyes.


  • Mix 1/2 cup milk with gelatin.
  • Bring to a boil, stirring constantly, until the gelatin is completely dissolved.
  • Remove from heat, add the remaining milk, sugar or honey, vanilla and, if you want a more intense color, a drop of food coloring.
  • Mix until smooth, pour into molds and cool for 25 minutes.
  • Milk marmalade is ready!

It can be stored in a sealed jar in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

Marmalade with fruit pulp


  • 2 cups fruit (1 cup - 240 ml)
  • 1 glass of natural juice
  • stevia (3 sachets, depending on how sweet you want the marmalade)
  • 5 sachets of gelatin

Delicious proven fruit and juice combinations

1 cup apple juice and 2 cups chopped strawberries and banana
1 cup pineapple juice and 2 cups mango and banana cubes
1 cup apple juice and 2 cups strawberries and blueberries


  • Dice 2 cups of fruit.
  • Boil the juice and fruit over low heat until the fruit is very soft. Add stevia.
  • Place the mixture in a blender and blend until smooth.
  • Let cool for 5-7 minutes.
  • Add gelatin and stir well.
  • Pour the mixture into molds and leave in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
  • Bon appetit!

It is best to use silicone molds to form treats. Plastic molds are also suitable if they are pre-coated with oil. You can also cool the marmalade on a plate, and then cut into cubes.

You can make a multi-layered delicacy: carefully pour milk and fruit marmalade in layers into a mold, let it cool and cut into figures.

Fantasize with combinations of juices and berries, surprise your friends with light sweets. Using various molds, you can create not only an independent delicacy, but also delicious marmalade decorations for cakes or pastries. And figurines in the form of bears are classics of the genre, they should definitely please loved ones!