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Lemon nougat recipe. nougat recipe at home

delicious dessert, which is liked by many gourmets and not only them, is known as nougat. This dish came from the Middle East as early as the 15th century. Delicacy has become an essential attribute of Christmas in European countries.

There are a lot of recipes by which you can cook nougat at home naturally. Nougat can be easily prepared by every housewife.

traditional recipe

To prepare nougat, it is enough to have the following products on hand at home:

  • sugar - 300 g;
  • water - 50 ml;
  • almonds - 300 g;
  • egg whites - 2 pcs.;
  • liquid honey - 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 pack;
  • lemon juice - 1 teaspoon;
  • waffle cakes - 6 pcs.

The cooking process to get real nougat consists of the following steps. Almonds must be soaked for ten minutes in boiling water, then remove the skin, carefully spread in an even layer on a baking sheet and roast the nuts in the oven. Next, turning off the oven, leave the nuts there for a while so that they are warm. In the meantime, sugar must be poured with water, and then put on a small fire. At the time of its boiling, add more honey.

Important: in the process in which nougat is prepared, the most responsible is the strict adherence to the required temperature regime.

If the sweetness does not warm up very much, the nougat may not harden, although palatability turn out great. sweet syrup should be brought to 140 degrees - for this you should use a thermometer in the kitchen to control the temperature. If this is not observed, you can trust your intuition - you need to catch the moment at which the syrup begins to thicken, but does not yet have time to become caramel. To prevent this, you need to add fire as much as possible, and then cook, stirring constantly.

Immediately after preparing the syrup, start whipping the proteins. During this process, vanilla sugar is added and lemon juice without stopping whipping. Then pour in the syrup in a thin stream. The mass, with its proper manufacture, will increase in volume and become viscous and thick. Next, add more nuts to the mixture, if desired, you can also dry fruits. Mix everything thoroughly with a spoon.

Spread a third of the nougat on the waffle cake in an even layer and cover with the second cake. So do it twice. Press down with something and refrigerate overnight. In the morning, pulling out of the cold, cut into portioned pieces with a damp and warm knife. Store nougat preferably in the refrigerator.

Dark nougat with nuts

You can cook nougat with chocolate and hazelnuts. For this you will need the following ingredients:

  • hazelnuts - 300 g;
  • milk chocolate - 300 g;
  • powdered sugar - 300 g.

The preparation steps are as follows. Nuts need to be fried a little in a dry frying pan, let cool, and then grind. Powdered sugar should be dissolved over low heat, mixed with hazelnuts and put on parchment the resulting mass. After solidification, grind everything in a blender - this is about 15 minutes, until the viscosity. Next, pour in the melted chocolate, and then beat. Put the resulting sweetness on parchment, where it is carefully leveled. After cooling, you can divide with a hot knife into pieces.

simple recipe

Most simple recipe considered next. It consists of the following components:

  • glass of sugar
  • 150 g light honey
  • half a glass of water.

Cook all the listed ingredients after bringing to a boil for about 10 minutes over high heat. In parallel, beat a couple of egg whites until fluffy, then gradually pour into the hot syrup. Be sure to stir, you can send nuts there, although it will turn out delicious without them.

Important: put the finished mixture on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper cover with parchment paper and leave to cool. After the frozen nougat, cut into pieces with a wet knife, sprinkle powdered sugar.

white nougat

It will be interesting to cook white nougat for many housewives. You will need:

  • 1/2 cup of water;
  • 2 egg whites;
  • 2 tablespoons of honey or molasses;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • 4 tablespoons of powdered milk or cream.

Mix water with honey and sugar in a non-stick saucepan, put the mixture to cook until viscous. If you can already make “threads” from the composition, then the process is completed. Separately, beat the whites until thick and very slowly and carefully pour the foam of proteins into the boiled mixture with a thin stream. Whisk everything well and slowly add powdered milk. On this, one can say, the white nougat is ready.

It remains only to put the product on confectionery paper and let it cool. Then cut into pieces - the dish is ready.

For dessert, we want to invite you to cook an exquisite delicacy today. Honey nougat with peanuts will please even the pickiest sweet tooth. Delicate honey aroma is combined with a rich nutty taste. The structure turns out to be quite viscous and, having prepared this sweet according to our recipe, you will forever abandon the store version.
Nougat with nuts will appeal to both adults and young sweet tooth. For the first time I tried this dessert in Spain, I didn’t even expect it to be so tasty. We use peanuts in our recipe, you can use any other nuts or nut mix: shelled almonds or flaked almonds, cashews, pine nuts and carefully shelled walnuts.

TIME: 8 hours


Servings: 6


  • sugar - 400 g;
  • honey (you should choose a candied product) - 130 g;
  • water - 50 ml;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • peanuts (already slightly roasted) - 250-300 g.


In a metal bowl or small saucepan, mix water, candied honey, and sugar.

Set the fire to the highest level on the stove and, stirring with a wooden spoon or spatula, cook honey syrup. This will take exactly ten minutes from the moment the stove is turned on.

In parallel with this action, we separate the whites from two medium-sized eggs. In a deep bowl, beat them with a mixer at maximum speed. We should get stable peaks.

We will pour hot honey syrup in a thin stream to whipped proteins, while the mixer continues to work. The mass noticeably begins to thicken.

Let's add peanuts. Mix vigorously with a spoon.

It remains only to arrange the future nougat with nuts according to the forms. For this purpose, you can choose absolutely any dish, but it is advisable to cover it with foil (of course, food) so that you can remove the finished nougat. We use special disposable foil molds. Having spread the sweet mass into molds (by the way, we got two of them), we put them on the free shelf of the refrigerator.

After an hour and a half, we will get the finished nougat and remove it on a flat surface.

Now you need to carefully cut it into cubes and you can brew your favorite drink: strong tea or flavored coffee.
Keep nut nougat I prefer it in the fridge, where it keeps its shape better.

Today we will cook such a delicious and nutritious dish like homemade nougat. There is no need to overpay when with your own hands you can easily reach the coveted standard.

This product is a confectionery, traditionally it is prepared from honey and sugar and various nuts. nuts must-have product in nougat.

Nougat has been loved in Europe since the 15th century and is still an attribute of all Christmas holidays. And nougat came to Europe from the Middle East.

How to make nougat with your own hands?

We don't need much.


  • 250 g whole almonds
  • 1 egg white
  • 60 g sugar
  • citric acid 1/4 tsp,
  • thin glass of honey
  • 0.3 kg sugar, water 1/4 cup,
  • vanilla extract 1 tsp,
  • unsalted butter 60 g.

On the one hand, it may seem that nougat is very difficult to cook. However, starting the actual preparation of nougat at home, you will see that there is absolutely nothing complicated, you just need to remember a couple of basic points.

Nougat often contains nuts. You can use any nuts in our sweets that you can find. We have almonds and it must first be roasted. Unroasted nuts will have a certain softness, which will negatively affect the quality of the product. Roasted nuts under the influence of temperature give off their aroma very intensively.

Spread on a sheet or pan and fry until golden brown for 10 minutes. Honey in no case should be candied and old. Pour honey into a saucepan and bring almost to a boil. The honey helps the nougat to be perfectly soft and prevents the sugar from crystallizing. Plus, honey is also known to be very fragrant.

In addition, one more important pointLet's make sugar syrup. When cooking syrup, you need to take into account that before the syrup begins to boil, the sugar must be completely dissolved. Stir the sweet solution and heat.

So that sugar crystals do not form along the walls of the vessel, experienced confectioners take an ordinary kitchen brush, dip it in water and run it along the walls of the saucepan, as if collecting sugar.

Also, in order for the sugar not to crystallize, a little lemon juice is added to the syrup.

As soon as the syrup boils, stop stirring, and no longer disturb it. Let the syrup warm up. up to 148 degrees, this is the stage soft caramel. It looks very similar, doesn't it?

To control the temperature, a special caramel thermometer is used. If you plan to cook nougat or caramel in the future, then such a device is a must.

In the meantime, separate the yolk and protein, add sugar to the protein, citric acid, vanilla extract and beat. Then we combine hot honey and sugar syrup. Continuing to beat the protein, slowly add caramel(a mixture of honey and sugar). Caramel is very hot, beat for 5-7 minutes, and achieve the formation of splendor. Then we put butter.

Butter can be replaced with chocolate, any (dark, white) just take a little more than the volume of butter.

We mix. The mass for the nougat is ready. Pour the roasted walnuts into it. You can chop the nuts coarsely, but in nougat they look great whole. Mix and transfer to a mold to set. Any shape is suitable which one you like and which one is on hand. We cool for about an hour. Then we put the form with nougat in the refrigerator for complete solidification, cut into portions.

Our yummy is ready! Bon appetit!

Homemade Nougat Recipes

The holidays are coming soon, I am collecting sweet recipes, and not only do I want sweets for the holiday, just for tea - it's always nice. So, nougat recipes - and a description of what it is.

Nougat Recipe Describes confectionery differing in texture, color and taste. But they are united by a similar cooking process and composition. The nougat recipe necessarily includes sugar and nuts.

Nougat, recipe 1

90 g butter
65 g sugar
30 g nuts
65 g powdered sugar
25 g cocoa

Pour sugar into 25 g of butter and heat. When the mass turns light brown, add chopped nuts. Put the mass on a greased vegetable oil plate. Stir the remaining butter, add the rest of the products. If the prepared mass crumbles, add a few drops of cognac. If the mass is too wet, add grated nuts. Form various figures from the resulting mass and roll them in grated nuts or sprinkle with cocoa.

Nougat, recipe 2

First you need to mix 25 g of butter with sugar and heat. When the mass turns light brown, add chopped nuts.

Put the mass on a plate greased with vegetable oil and level it. Grind after drying. Beat the remaining butter - about 50-60 g, then add powdered sugar to it, about the same weight, cocoa and chopped nut mass, about 100 g. Mix. You can add a few drops of cognac.

Blind sweets of various shapes and roll them in grated nuts or sprinkle with cocoa.

How nougat was prepared in the East

In the countries of the Arab East, nougat was especially revered - this delicacy in ancient sources is called "the heavenly delight of the padishahs."

And they prepared the “delight” like this: they drove into thick sugar syrup egg whites, boiled the mixture, poured candied fruits and nuts into it, thoroughly mixed the viscous mass, flavored it lemon zest or vanilla and immediately poured on a marble board smeared with oil.

Then the nougat was leveled with wooden spatulas, allowed to harden and cut into small pieces, which were rolled in powdered sugar.

AND talian recipetorrone (nougat)
400 g of powdered sugar; 300 g of honey; 700 g of peeled hazelnuts;
300 g creamy chocolate; 3 egg whites.

Put the honey in a saucepan and cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until a drop of honey solidifies in cold water(when checking). Separately, boil the powdered sugar with a little water until it turns brown.

Now add sugar to honey. Put this pan in another with hot water and continue to cook already for a couple, adding previously well-whipped egg whites, peeled nuts (it is better if they are also peeled), and melted chocolate (to melt it, add to 250 g chocolate 50 g sugar and 50 g water and put everything on a low fire).

Cook the torrone for a short time. Lay out on a marble board. Smooth with a buttered knife and set aside. Ideally, you need to have ostie - thin, tissue-paper-like plates. They are edible. They are wrapped around the top and bottom of the torrone. But you can do without them. When the torrone has cooled slightly, sprinkle with powdered sugar and cut with a knife.

Addition: Ready torrone can be doused chocolate icing whole or cut into pieces.

Ancient Roman nougat (koskhalva)
Italian recipe

The dish is called Torrone, reminiscent of koshalva (nougat) and belongs to the traditional Christmas sweets.

Egg whites are whipped into a stiff foam, honey or sugar, toasted almonds, hazelnuts or pistachios are added, sometimes a little candied fruit is added. Italian torrone is very similar to the Arabic delicacy, which includes honey and sesame nuts.

The official mention of the torrone was recorded in 1441. It was served at the wedding table by Francesco Sforza and Bianca Maria Visconti, and here it got its name in honor of the highest bell tower (Torrazzo) of the Dome Cathedral in the city of Cremona.

Torrone was rightfully considered a royal dessert, although it could be easily prepared in any home. It is a festive meal for the rich and the poor.

Currently, this nougat continues to enjoy great popularity throughout Italy. There are a huge number of options for a theme. Torrone with chocolate icing, rum, coffee, lemon and orange slices.

In the city of Cremona you will find the famous torrone Marrakesh, which includes - cream, chocolate, butter, sugar, dates, dried figs, almonds and pink pepper.

nougat ice cream

200 g of a mixture of any nuts (for example, walnuts, hazelnuts and peanuts), 100 g of dark chocolate, 100 g of various candied fruits (for example, cherries, papaya, pineapple), 3 egg yolks, 75 g of sugar, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 1/4 tsp cardamom, ginger, nutmeg, 0.5 liters of heavy cream (33-35%).

Coarsely chop the nuts and lightly fry in a pan without oil. If you use chocolate-covered peanuts, then of course you don’t need to fry them.

Pour nuts into a bowl, add chopped chocolate. It's better to chop it up. Finely chop the candied fruits, you can put the whole cherry. Mix. In a separate bowl, mix sugar and yolks. Beat with a mixer until creamy, add all the spices. Pour in a mixture of nuts, chocolate and candied fruit. Separately, beat the cream with a mixer until thick. Combine cream and mixture with yolks. Form (capacity ~ 1 l) evenly cover cling film so that the ends hang down. Pour mixture into mold. Cover with foil.

Place in the freezer for at least 12 hours. 20 minutes before serving, take the dessert out of the freezer. Turning over, pull out of the form. And leave for 4-5 minutes. Remove the film and leave for another 5 minutes. It is better to cut with a knife dipped in hot water, then the nougat will not break. The remaining dessert can be removed again in the freezer, it can be stored for 3-4 weeks.

Therefore, it can be done in advance.

Garnish with berries or fruit when serving.

Nougat with pistachios

Ingredients :

3 squirrels
150 g peeled almonds
300 g shelled pistachios
300 g liquid honey
200 ml water
500 g granulated sugar


1. Toast pistachios and almonds in a dry frying pan.
2. Heat honey in a saucepan until cooked. Check readiness. dropping some honey into a cup of cold water. Ready honey in cold water turns into a soft ball.
3. Prepare sugar syrup. To do this, pour 200 ml of water into a saucepan or some kind of saucepan. Heat syrup until tender. A drop of ready-made syrup in cold water should crystallize.
4. Beat the cooled proteins with a mixer into a strong foam. Then, without stopping whisking, pour honey in a thin stream, and then sugar syrup.
5. Beat the mixture until it is shiny and smooth.
6. Add nuts to the mixture and mix.
7. Spread nougat on aluminum foil in a 1 cm layer, let cool and cut into squares.


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Turron is a sweet, firstly, Italian, and secondly, Christmas. There is a third: dessert with beautiful name"torrono" is nothing more than just nougat. Delicious, beloved since childhood nougat, which we will cook at home, just on the eve of Catholic Christmas.
To the uninitiated, it may seem that nougat at home is impossible. But it's not. The technology is simple and clear, as you will see right now.

Cooking time: 40 minutes.
Curing time: 5-7 hours.


To make homemade nougat you will need:

  • honey 1.5 cups
  • sugar 350 g
  • vanilla sugar 1 sachet
  • egg whites 2 pcs.
  • juice of 1/4 lemon (or zest)
  • almonds 100 g
  • peanuts 100 g
  • walnut 100 g
  • pinch of sea salt
  • water 3 tbsp. l.
  • butter 2 tbsp. l.


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    To prepare this dessert, you need a nut. As a rule, almonds are taken, but other nuts can be added.
    Pour the nuts into a deep frying pan and lightly brown over low heat. Instead of a frying pan, you can use the oven - lightly bake the nuts for 15 minutes at a temperature of 170 degrees.

    Pour honey into a ladle, add water and melt to a state of bubbles (to a boil).

    This process will not take much time, but you should constantly stir the honey with a spatula.

    After 5 minutes, add vanilla and regular sugar to the honey.

    Cook the sweet mixture over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. This will take you about 10 minutes.

    At the same time, beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt until stiff peaks form.

    Gently, slowly, start pouring ready caramel thin stream into proteins, whipping the mixture with a mixer.

    You will begin to get a delicate plastic mass.

    Pour all the nuts into it (previously crush into medium-sized pieces). Add lemon juice (or zest) to it.

    Mix the mass with a spatula.

    Line a suitable baking sheet with parchment or foil (I tried foil and I can say that nougat sticks to it a little), grease with oil.

    Pour the nougat into a mold, then place in a cool room for several hours.

    Cut the finished nougat into cubes, serve as a sweet for tea, store in the refrigerator.

Here you go. Is homemade nougat difficult? No! This is a very simple and very tasty thing.