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Wheat porridge with pumpkin and apples. Delicious wheat porridge with pumpkin

Wheat porridge on milk - very useful and hearty meal. And if you add pieces of fragrant pumpkin to it, and simmer in the oven - you get an incredibly mouth-watering breakfast!

As a rule, wheat groats are prepared at the rate of three parts of liquid to one part of groats. But since we are preparing a dish with juicy pumpkin, we will take a little less milk. Spices in the form of cinnamon or vanilla can be used to taste - for an amateur.

It is better to cook wheat porridge with pumpkin in the oven in ceramic or cast-iron thick-walled dishes, which tend to keep heat well. We will cook porridge in a pot, then the taste of porridge is very rich, as if it was cooked in a rustic oven. It is very important that the dishes are only one third filled with cereals, otherwise the porridge may “run away” during the cooking process.


  • Wheat groats - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • Milk - 1 tbsp.;
  • Pumpkin - 150 g;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • Salt - on the tip of a knife;
  • Butter -15 g.


Carefully sort out wheat groats, remove spoiled grains and debris. Rinse in cold water several times to remove the remaining husk, dust and dirt.

Remove the skin from the pumpkin and cut it into small cubes.

Then a pumpkin.

The next turn of wheat groats. Add salt, sugar, spices as desired.

Put a piece in the pot butter and fill the dish with cold milk.

Cover the pot with a lid and send it to the oven, preferably cold - this will help increase the life of ceramic dishes.

There are several ways to cook porridge. The tastiest thing will turn out if you simmer the dish for 2-3 hours at a temperature of 150 degrees. If you want to cook porridge faster, then set the temperature to 180 degrees, and after 35 minutes the fragrant porridge will be ready!

Wheat porridge with pumpkin in milk, cooked in the oven, is ready, serve the porridge hot, decorating it with berries or fruits.

It's no secret that porridge is a source of minerals, useful substances and vitamins that are responsible for the health and vitality of the human body. Wheat porridge is no exception. It is the main component of a healthy, balanced diet. This porridge goes well with all vegetables, especially with. There are a lot of cooking recipes. Wheat porridge with pumpkin is a great breakfast idea that everyone in the household will love. This dish will cause a special delight if you add a little light, dietary meat.

The recipe for such a culinary masterpiece is popular among women who watch their figure, but love to eat deliciously. Wheat porridge is not only delicious, but also very healthy. It contains vitamins, amino acids, trace elements. It is rich in protein, thanks to which a person is charged with vivacity and energy for the whole day.


1. Wash the pumpkin, peel, seeds and fibers. Cut into small pieces. Put the pan on the stove, pour water, salt and add half the pumpkin. Bring to a boil.

2. chicken breast cut into large pieces. Heat the oil in a frying pan, add the chicken, fry on all sides for 5 minutes. Cut the onion into half rings and add to the meat. Fry for 3 more minutes.

3. Then add the remaining pumpkin. Mix thoroughly and simmer for 5 minutes.

4. Mash the boiled pumpkin into a puree. Add to her wheat groats. Stir. Boil for 15 minutes over low heat.

5. Thanks to the pumpkin, the porridge will acquire a bright, sunny, saturated color. Add pumpkin stew to pot, stir. After 5 minutes, add the bay leaf. Remove from stove.

6. Wheat pumpkin porridge according to a unique recipe is ready. You can serve it to the table and delight your household with the next culinary masterpiece. Decorate the finished dish with herbs. An excellent addition to such a breakfast would be a cup of hot tea or coffee.

stick detailed description in the recipe, show imagination, then you will get very delicious porridge. This amount of ingredients makes 4 servings. ready meal. The calorie content of 100 grams of the product will be 370 kilocalories.

Video recipe

  1. Use quality products.
  2. Porridge will be tastier if it is cooked in a cast-iron cauldron.
  3. You can cook it in milk with the addition of pumpkin, honey, dried fruits. So you get a great dessert.

Beneficial features

Few people think how much good is contained in one plate of such an ordinary, inconspicuous porridge. In fact, it has a tremendous impact on the health and development of a person from birth.

  • The most valuable advantage of wheat porridge is that it is saturated with fiber, which is very useful for normal life. If you add such a dish to your diet at least three times a week, then you will normalize the work. digestive system. Fiber will help remove all toxins, toxins, harmful substances. Thanks to it, metabolism will improve, intestinal motility will increase, internal microflora will improve. It will effectively cleanse your intestines, which will help you lose those extra pounds.
  • Wheat porridge is rich in vitamins: C, PP, A, E. Contains minerals: potassium and calcium, iron, silver, zirconium. The composition of this wonderful dish includes starch, carbohydrates, proteins, fats.
  • Helps fight viral diseases, strengthens the immune system and heart muscle, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Normalizes sleep, improves appetite and has a positive effect on the general condition of the body.


Such a useful and valuable porridge has certain contraindications for use.

Good morning girls!
Yesterday I went to a meeting, a seminar "To Raise a Human Child" and talked with one mother, she also has a small child, about relative methods of education. And so, in a conversation, she mentioned situations when completely intelligent parents grow up scum children who then do not respect anyone, commit crimes or become drug addicts. Is this a social protest or the bad influence of friends?

I just take my family, my mother had three of us, why it was, the older brother (my mother's son) died. So he was, I don’t know how to put it mildly, and he was ashamed, but he wasn’t, he was a drug addict and he was in jail, his younger brother is also now. But we are not intelligentsia, of course, I have already written many times about my problems in the family before. So, I’m very scared to the point of missing something in raising a child, sometimes I think, but suddenly, maybe I shouldn’t have gotten involved in it.

Well, here's a topic. I will be glad to advice!



good afternoon. daughter is 12 years old. yesterday afternoon the head teacher for educational work called and called to the school urgently, announcing that her daughter was rude to the teacher. I call my daughter, she is crying in hysterics. the teacher asked her name and class. The bell rang. We went to the lesson. On the next break, the social teacher flies into the class and starts yelling at her. That she is boorish. on the window sill of the window in the corridor. the daughter said that she was not rude to anyone and began to sob. ". Classmates began to intercede that this did not happen. Yes, they were spinning near the toilet. But there were boys and girls nearby. She came. The daughter tells how it was. That teacher says: "Everything is clear, the girl sincerely believes that everything was so I have no words. I am mature and I will not make excuses ". And she went to the exit. I asked her to voice her version of what happened, but what did she repeat that she would not voice anything. And she left! The social worker said that her daughter was running, did not respond to remarks. Which was made three times. The daughter says that she did not hear. She heard only when she asked her last name, she answered. I asked: "What was the rudeness?". The answer was emotional that there are 10 steps of rudeness. and the daughter is boorish. due to the fact that she did not respond to remarks .. which she did not hear. Yes, she is not right that she ran. but there were 50 people there, and I can imagine the noise. With a window in general .. The window sill is at the level of her chin. She physically showed me that she couldn’t climb on it, and classmates said that she didn’t climb, but the social teacher saw it with her own eyes, so it was. .maybe someone was in a similar situation when they slandered a child. how did they do it?. I scolded that I was running.


Hello People

And let's remember and laugh (if we can). Tell us about your ridiculous black eyes and other injuries.

I'll start with myself.
the husband on the eve of the wedding bit his cheek and could not cover it up, because it was hot and raining and the cosmetics "flowed". But he rules Photoshop lovingly) but many giggled at our passion at the wedding))

And my son slapped me in the eye with his heel, I was lying in bed, he was spinning nearby. Proudly went to work without explaining the reasons and fed on the energy of curiosity and intrigue from colleagues)



So ... if you remember, I have two children, a loving husband, and I was a fool interested in an employee who was recently accepted to us ... I wanted to forget everything, live as a family again (we didn’t have anything, I just silently fell in love), I wanted to do everything to make everything calm down, and then ... damn it, well, even a blind man can see that he cares about me. He also has a child, a wife ... Well, what can you do, it probably happens in life. Again I will write here - I will never cheat on my husband, never! And I'm not going to get divorced because of someone and leave the children without a dad. It’s just that sin lies on my soul, I can’t forgive myself for this ... no, love is love, but! I can't deceive my husband, well, I can't. Yesterday I wanted to confess to him that I liked someone, and I wanted him to save me from this situation. Yes, I am like that, I can’t lie, I hate it when I look my husband in the eyes and another is spinning in my mind. I have a great husband, and I can’t say that I don’t have feelings for him. Yes, I liked the other one, so what ... For the fact that my husband will not have anyone else, and sits with the children, and helps at home, and brings money home and everything for me ... In short, I don’t even understand why I’m writing here, probably I want to free my thoughts. I don’t want to do something secretly, well, I don’t want to, that’s all, then I won’t forgive myself for deceiving my husband, he’s a saint, he does everything for me, and I’m happy with him. Flirt ... I don’t know ... Yes, we see each other, we smile at each other and everything passes, and again I’m waiting for him to come, just to smile at him. I don't see a way out....



Not fake. Not fairy tales. I write everything as it is. They constantly post ads in the kindergarten's Internet group, where they try to put pressure on their conscience and cause guilt in their parents. This applies to everything: from those who do not attend subbotniks to organizing a holiday and knowledge gaps in children. If someone did not come to wash the windows, paint the veranda, wash the dishes and the floor in kindergarten, surnames are laid out in a group and they write "Everyone has work and everyone has no time, but why do they come the same? The rest of the payroll?" Excuse me, but where, according to the law, do we have forced unpaid labor of parents in kindergarten? Further, they ask a lot of homework and often make a note that the children are weak in mathematics or literacy (excuse me, is this a school?), while noting that these are the gaps of the parents, that the child does not know something. And here they asked their parents for the roles of New Year's characters, but no one agrees. So the teachers wrote: "Urgently agree or will you (that is, we, parents) leave the children WITHOUT a holiday?" Yes, my topic is not the first and every week is more fun. Here's how he treats all this and with whom to swear, not to swear? After all, there is direct pressure on parents. In the hope that naoi or other educators will read this and think about it. How do you say it to your face? After all, you will recoup on children (not all educators apply, of course). Do not forget that there is a department, prosecutor's office, etc.


Wheat porridge with pumpkin - one of the variations of a number of pumpkin porridge which are familiar to many from childhood. Wheat porridge itself is a common healthy dish both Russian and European cuisines. It is, first of all, a source of fiber, so it improves digestion and is shown in children's and diet food. In addition, it contains a number of vitamins, including A, C, E, B vitamins, etc., which improve vision, skin and hair condition.

The addition of pumpkin makes wheat porridge even more useful: along with the benefits of the vitamin-mineral complex contained in this vegetable, pumpkin has been proven to lower blood cholesterol levels.

I think that now no one doubts the benefits of wheat porridge with pumpkin? Let's cook it!

We will prepare the products according to the list.

I used chopped freshly frozen pumpkin. If you have fresh, then it must be peeled and seeds, cut into small pieces and placed in a saucepan.

Add prepared cereal. I used 1 bag of PROSTO wheat porridge to make 3 servings of porridge.

Grains with pumpkin pour a glass of water and cook over low heat until the liquid evaporates.

Then add milk and cook until done. Pumpkin cubes can be crushed with a pestle or a spoon, you can leave them whole - this is not for everybody.

Serve hot pumpkin wheat porridge with a dollop of butter for breakfast.

Delicious and healthy breakfast ready!

Invite the kids to the table for a delicious and healthy breakfast.