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Whole wheat porridge. Whole wheat porridge benefits and harms

Ecology of consumption. Food and Recipes: The apparently good advice of many nutritionists to eat grains the way our ancestors consumed them, rather than refined flour and polished rice, is misleading and often backfires. Our ancestors consumed whole grains, but they never prepared them in the way that is presented in modern cookbooks: in the form of quick-fit bread, granola (muesli) and other quick-cooking casseroles and dishes.

The undeniably good advice of many nutritionists to consume grains as our ancestors consumed them, rather than refined flour and polished rice, is misleading and often backfires.

Our ancestors consumed whole grains, but they never prepared them the way modern cookbooks present them in the form of quick-fit breads, granola (muesli), and other quick-cooking casseroles and meals.

Our ancestors and all uncivilized people soaked or fermented grains before cooking cereals, bread, pies and cereal dishes. One look at the recipes of the peoples of the world is enough to confirm this point of view.

In India, rice and lentils are fermented for at least 2 days before being made into idli and dosas. In Africa, locals soak coarsely ground corn overnight before adding it to soups and broths, and they also ferment corn and millet for days to make a porridge called orgi. A similar dish, but made from oats, was traditional among the natives of Wales.

In some Eastern and Latin American countries, it is customary to ferment rice for a long time before cooking it. Ethiopians make their famous injera bread by fermenting grains called teff for several days. Mexican corn tortillas, called pozol, are fermented in banana leaves, sometimes for up to two weeks.

Before invention fast yeast Europeans made their bread with fermented sourdough. America's first settlers were famous for their bread, pancakes, and sourdough baked goods. And, finally, throughout Europe, the grains were pre-soaked overnight, and sometimes for several days, in water or sour milk, before making porridge or mush from them. (Many older people probably remember that earlier on the package with oatmeal was written about pre-soaking overnight).

It makes no sense to speculate what kind of intuitive feeling led our ancestors to soak and ferment grains before consuming them. More importantly, this ancient technique is in good agreement with what modern grain science has discovered in recent times.

All grains contain phytic acid (an organic acid that binds phosphorus) in the outer shell of the grain. Phytic acid that is not neutralized can combine with calcium, magnesium, copper, iron, and especially zinc in the intestines and thereby interfere with their absorption.

This is why a diet that includes consumption of unfermented whole grains can lead to severe mineral deficiencies and bone loss. The fashionable and incorrect practice of consuming large amounts of raw bran often improves digestion and relieves constipation at first, but can later lead to irritable bowel syndrome and, over time, other undesirable effects.

Soaking allows enzymes, lactobacilli and other friendly microorganisms to break down and neutralize phytic acid. Just 7 hours of soaking in a warm, slightly acidic environment neutralizes most of the phytic acid in the grains. Simply soaking ground cereals and flakes overnight improves them greatly. nutritional value.

soaking in warm water also neutralizes enzyme inhibitors that are present in all seeds and promotes additional production of a number of enzymes. The action of these enzymes, in turn, increases the amount of vitamins, especially B vitamins.

Scientists have discovered that proteins in grains, especially gluten, are very difficult to digest. A diet high in gluten-free, unfermented whole grains, such as wheat, places a heavy strain on the digestive tract.

When the digestive process is disturbed due to age or heavy load, painful conditions develop in the form of allergies, celiac disease, mental disorders, chronic gastrointestinal diseases and the growth of candida albicanis. Recent studies have linked gluten intolerance to multiple sclerosis. During the soaking and fermentation process, gluten and other indigestible proteins are broken down into simpler components and are better absorbed.

Animals that feed mainly on cereals and other plants have as many as 4 stomachs (4 stomach sections). Their intestines are longer, as is the overall digestion time. Humans have only one stomach and, compared to herbivores, have much shorter intestines.

This feature of the human anatomy allows animal products to enter the intestines before the decomposition process begins in them, but makes a person less adapted to the consumption of grains - unless, of course, he allows the bacteria from the microcosm in the plate to do some of the work of digestion for him, since it is these lactobacilli that work on digestion in the first and second stomach of herbivores.

Grains can be divided into two categories. Those that contain gluten, such as oats, rye, barley, and especially wheat, should never be consumed without first being soaked or fermented; buckwheat, rice and millet do not contain gluten and are generally much better digested.

Whole rice and whole millet contain the least amount of phytates compared to other grains and therefore do not need to be soaked. However, they should be boiled for at least 2 hours in a highly nutritious gelatin broth. This will break down the phytates they contain and replenish the minerals that are still bound, and the gelatin in the broth will greatly aid digestion. We do not recommend pressure cookers for cooking grains as they cook them too quickly.

There are several types of grains that are new to Western ears. One of them - spelled(spelt), an ancient variety of wheat, which was valued by the medieval sage Saint Hildgard because it greatly helped the sick and people with a weak constitution.

Spelled contains gluten and is very suitable for baking sourdough bread. Some studies show that spelled gluten is easily broken down during fermentation, making it easier to digest than modern wheat varieties. Spelled can replace modern wheat in most bread and pastry recipes. (Recall that in Pushkin's fairy tale, Balda demanded from the priest: "Give me some boiled spelt.").

Another ancient non-hybrid variety of wheat - kamut, the first mention of which dates back to the early Egyptian era. Some people who are allergic to modern wheat varieties feel better if they use spelled or kamut instead.

teff- a grain crop from North Africa, which must be fermented before baking bread from it.

Quinoa came to us from the South American Andes and was first described in Western literature by Dr. Weston Price. He noted that women in the Andes valued quinoa for its ability to influence the production of breast milk. Botanically, quinoa is not a grain, but the seeds of a plant in the haze family, which has a high nutritional value. All types of quinoa should be soaked - the Andean Indians recognized that antinutrients are neutralized in this way.

Amaranth is another grain from South America that can be used in many recipes later in the book.

Buckwheat- another forgotten cereal - is valued for its high content of amygdalin (laetrile, vitamin B17, nitrilosides), which prevent cancer. Like quinoa, botanically buckwheat grain is not a grain. It is the seed of a plant related to rhubarb.

If you buy ground grains or flakes, then you should buy them only if they are in the package, and do not take them by weight, as then they quickly become rancid. It's much better to buy organic or biodynamic (biodynamically grown) whole grains and grind or flake them at home using a grain mill.You can also add a small amount of ground flaxseed to start the day with a head start. fatty acids omega 3.

These porridges pair very well with cream or butter, whose fat-soluble activators are a necessary catalyst for mineral absorption. Usually, people with milk allergies can tolerate a small amount of cream in their porridge, or they can eat porridge with butter - a magical combination. We do not recommend soy milk, which contains many antinutrients.

We also don't recommend granola (muesli), a popular "healthy" meal made from dry-heated grains only and therefore very difficult to digest. Granola, like all industrially modified breakfast cereals, shouldn't take up shelf space in the kitchen. Cereals are made using an extrusion process, where small flakes and different shapes are formed using intense heat and pressure.

The extrusion process destroys many of the valuable substances in the grain, renders unstable oils rancid, and makes some proteins toxic. To raise a healthy generation of children, we must go back to our ancestors' breakfast of pre-soaked porridge and mush.

A few words about corn: traditional recipes talk about soaking corn and cornmeal in lime water, which allows the release of nicotinamide (vitamin B3, PP), which otherwise remains bound in the grain. Soaking also improves the amino acid composition of the germ.

If you often use corn in your cooking, the simple practice of soaking corn in lime water will help you avoid pellagra, a vitamin B3 (PP) deficiency disease that causes inflamed skin, fatigue, and mental disturbances.

This will be of interest to you:

To make lime water, place 1 ounce (28 grams) of pickled lime in 2 liter jar. Fill the jar with filtered water, mix well, close tightly and leave overnight. A precipitate will fall overnight, and the remaining clear liquid is lime water. Keep the jar in a cool place (not necessarily the refrigerator) and use to soak the corn, draining some of the water from the jar. published

First wheat the ancient Egyptians began to grow more than 5-6 thousand years ago. By the beginning of our era, this plant was successfully cultivated in Africa and Asia. Ancient Russia revered this grain, it symbolized wealth and prosperity. The healing qualities of wheat have been studied by people for centuries. Wheat has become a cure for many diseases, is widely used for cosmetic purposes, and is considered a product for longevity. A person has learned to process grains into flour, while the most valuable elements remain in an unused shell. Whole wheat grains are the foundation of a healthy diet. Whole wheat is used to cook porridge, soups, add to dry breakfast mixes, but these grains are most valuable in sprouted form.

The benefits of wheat:

Whole grains of wheat are the main building material for cellular tissue. This is a product with complex carbohydrates (up to 75%) and many useful trace elements that are very useful for the human body. The most valuable part of the grain is its germ, which is why it is believed that during germination, wheat carries the maximum amount of useful properties. The fiber of this cereal does not allow fats to be deposited in our body and is very effective in losing weight. A decoction of this plant is an excellent remedy for restoring vitality. Favorably affects the intestinal mucosa, absorbs all harmful substances from it.

Harm and contraindications:

The use of wheat is not recommended for diabetes, colitis, endocrine system disorders. Wheat, due to its high content of gluten, is known to be highly allergenic. It is not recommended to eat whole grains for children under 3 years old, pregnant and lactating women.

Wheat is the most demanded grain crop in the world: flour and bioproducts, cereals, pasta, animal feed, bedding and heating briquettes are made from it. Grain is grown on all continents except Antarctica, but the crop shows the highest yield in temperate zones.

The cereal crop is unpretentious, and breeding varieties are resistant to diseases, pests, drought or high humidity, frost and various soil features. However, the optimal conditions for the natural growth of cereals are: temperature from +2 to + 25`C and air humidity from 55% to 65%. For this reason, in temperate climates, wheat shows good yields with the same planting per square meter, and grains are high in nutrients and protein.

Based on climatic conditions, the world's largest wheat producers are:

  • Russia;
  • China;
  • India;
  • France;
  • Canada;
  • Ukraine.

All varieties of grain are divided according to the vegetative type into winter and spring, and according to the structure of the grain - into hard and soft varieties.

Durum wheat is called durum (Latin meaning triticum turgidum). It is distinguished by a high content of protein and carotenoids, which are responsible for the yellow color of the ear. Thanks to the formation of high-quality gluten, durum flour is used to make bread and pasta elite varieties, bulgur, semolina. It also improves gluten-poor types of soft flour.

Soft varieties of wheat (the Latin name of the species is triticum aestivum) are characterized by a lower amount of protein. The flour from them has a finer and more delicate grinding, is distinguished by whiteness and lightness. Many bakeries and confectionery, sauces.

Wheat groats

The most famous cereal product is wheat bread, but it is not only made from cereal. What other wheat products exist:

  • Cereals;
  • Flour;
  • Pasta;
  • Alcohol;
  • Starch.

At the end of 2017, more than 1.75 million tons of wheat groats were sold in Russia, and almost every region of the Russian Federation has own production cereal products. In total, the industry has about 250 enterprises. Most of them specialize in the production of semolina. The second place in popularity is occupied by buckwheat, followed by pearl barley, millet, yachka, oatmeal and rice.

Some of the largest producers of wheat groats in the Russian Federation are:

  • Moscow Combine of Bakery Products;
  • Firm Agroalliance and Angstrem, St. Petersburg;
  • Makfa, Chelyabinsk;
  • Kaliningrad Russian Groats Company;
  • Meta-RV, Voronezh.

For production, crushed grain is used: the type of cereal and its quality depend on its size.

So semolina is made from the smallest, floury grains, and wheat is obtained from grains of a larger fraction. Wholemeal cereals contain more minerals, vitamins and useful fiber, while those prepared from floury raw materials are better absorbed.

whole wheat

The benefits of whole grains are in complex carbohydrates, which account for up to 75% of the total composition. Whole wheat porridge is prepared simply: the washed grain is poured into boiling water, covered with a lid, a little salt and sugar are added. Boil for about 30 minutes, then leave warm for 1.5 hours.

The presence of fiber in the composition of the grain improves digestion and stimulates the natural removal of toxins. Vitamins and minerals have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, metabolism, the state of the nervous and endocrine systems. This is all good, and the harm is explained by the content of gluten in wheat, which implies its contraindication for diabetics and colitis, thyroid diseases. For patients with gastritis with high acidity, stomach ulcers and those who are prone to flatulence, it is better to limit the amount of porridge from whole grains in the diet.


Wheat semolina is made from finely ground and thoroughly cleaned. The average grain size is about 0.5 mm. Also produce semolina from durum varieties wheat (durum) at mills. It is both healthier than soft wheat semolina and higher in calories (100 g of cereal contains about 330 kcal).

Semolina made from durum or soft wheat contains many essential and essential minerals, amino acids and vitamins, but it has almost no fiber.

The cereal is divided into three classes.

  1. Class M contains a minimum of fiber, ash, protein, but a lot of starch. It takes no more than 7 minutes to prepare it.
  2. The Tk class is characterized by high ash content, a high percentage of fiber and proteins, but a lower starch content. It cooks for 10-15 minutes.
  3. The MT class has average levels of proteins, fiber and starch, but does not have good taste. Usually semolina of this type is used in the preparation of muffins, desserts, sauces, pies and other dishes.

It is wheat groats, ground polished grains without germs and with a small amount of fruit shells. What kind of grain is produced: from durum wheat or from high breeding soft wheat, rich in gluten and fiber.

It is subdivided into Artek and Poltava. Poltava wheat groats differ from artek in the size of the grains. It contains a lot of protein, sucrose and raffinose, monosaccharides and pure starch. It also contains minerals such as iron and potassium, zinc and selenium, vitamins thiamine, riboflavin.

The taste of artek is higher than that of Poltava and even semolina. In Greece, the word artos, consonant with artek, called bread. Grains of artek are slightly larger than those of semolina, have the same color and are boiled for about 15-20 minutes.

The use of porridge from wheat cereals helps to increase immunity. It is recommended for diseases of the stomach and digestive system, with impaired metabolism, diseases of the blood, heart and blood vessels. In the absence of allergies during pregnancy, it can be included in the diet up to 3 times a week.

At breastfeeding doctors advise eating wheat porridge no earlier than two months after childbirth. The high content of fiber and protein components can provoke an allergy in a newborn.

Spelled is a Russian traditional and healthy food. These are unique varieties of soft wheat with a non-threshing shell. Its composition is superior in nutritional qualities to many hard varieties of cereals. The protein content in the grain reaches 40%. Before cooking, it is recommended to germinate, dry, grind the cereal. This will keep the maximum useful substances and improve the digestibility of cereals.

Spelled is actively used in various diets, and its average glycemic index is 45 units. Carbohydrates that enter the body along with spelled are absorbed gradually and completely converted into energy. Regular use of spelt favorably affects the state of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, bone and muscle tissue. Caution should be taken with cereals for people with allergies to gluten, as well as those suffering from celiac disease.

Bulgur is made from crushed grain, which is previously subjected to a short-term heat treatment. After threshing, the wheat is cleaned and boiled until soft. The water is drained, the grain is dried on baking sheets at high temperature. During processing, the wheat darkens and hardens. The next stage of preparation is soaking and beating, during which the grain shell breaks. Dry the grain again with hot air. The grinding is freed from the husk and is subjected to the last threshing. After that, the cereal is sorted by size.

List of vitamins in bulgur:

  • Thiamine;
  • Riboflavin;
  • Pyridoxine;
  • Tocopherol;
  • Phylloquinone;
  • Choline;
  • beta carotene;
  • Pantheonic acid;
  • Folic acid.

Regular consumption of bulgur has a positive effect on the state of the nervous, circulatory and digestive systems. Nutrients contribute to the restoration of normal metabolic processes improve the condition of the skin, hair, nails. Bulgur is one of the cereals that are easily absorbed by the body, therefore it is recommended during diets, the recovery period after operations, childbirth, stress and depression. The only contraindication is gluten or fiber intolerance.

Couscous is made from semolina, which is moistened and ground with durum wheat flour. Couscous has all the qualities of semolina, and its inclusion in the diet helps to normalize metabolism, increase tone and strengthen immunity. Vitamins help to overcome chronic fatigue and depression, insomnia. Regular consumption of couscous porridge restores water-salt metabolism and improves brain function.

The restriction in use is only for people with allergies to gluten.

This cereal is made from milky wheat. In this phase, the grain has already gained all the necessary nutrients, but did not have time to harden. After mowing, wheat is formed into sheaves and left to dry under the sun. Then the ears are burned on fire: the straw must burn together with the grain shell, leaving the grain itself intact.

Next, the grain is threshed, peeled, aged under the sun and crushed. Thanks to the production technology, freekeh contains 4 times more dietary fiber than other cereals. It contains a large amount of minerals and essential amino acids. Croup is recommended for those who want to lose weight quickly, as well as for diabetics, people with diseases of the stomach, heart, blood and organs of vision.

List of GOSTs for wheat groats

The all-Russian classifier OKPD 2 is designed for different types products, including whole and broken wheat products. It is valid from 01/01/2014 along with additions and clarifications. The state standard (GOST) is a sample that is used when comparing similar products. It is developed for all types of goods as a norm, rule and quality requirement.

GOST for semolina

GOST 7022-97 provides for 3 types of white or cream-colored semolina. The letter M corresponds to semolina from soft grains, T - from hard grains, MT - a mixture containing no more than 20% durum. The smell of cereals should be clean and fresh, the taste should be pleasant, without a hint of acidity or bitterness. The ash content index is associated with a careful separation of the grain shell, and the maximum is equal to:

  • 0.6 for soft grains;
  • 0.85 for durum wheat semolina;
  • 0.7 for a mixed composition.

Flour content is allowed in class M cereals. Mixed semolina can be non-uniform in color, while durum semolina contain glassy and hard particles. The requirements of this GOST are used for couscous.

Wheat groats standard

GOST 276-60 defines the requirements for wheat groats. Depending on the type of processing and the size of the fraction, Poltava groats are divided into large, medium, small. Groats are produced from hard varieties of 1-3 classes. A lower class may be used subject to the following conditions:

  • The amount of weed impurities - no more than 2%;
  • The amount of grain impurities - no more than 5%, including up to 3% of sprouted grain;
  • The amount of wheat of other types is up to 15%.

The main characteristics of Poltava groats:

  • 1 - large (polished grain of an elongated shape, freed from germs);
  • 2 - medium (polished oval grain);
  • 3 and 4 - medium (may contain larger particles, with a small inclusion of fruit or seed coats).

Artek is polished small crushed grains. They must not contain germs, but the presence of outer shells is acceptable. The smell of cereals is fresh, the color is even, without obvious dark blotches. The requirements of this GOST are also accepted for bulgur and freekeh.


Inexpensive cost wheat groats and the ease of obtaining explains its popularity all over the world. The product is included in many traditional dishes Mediterranean and Asian cuisine, cuisines of North Africa and the Middle East. The benefits of whole grains and cereals from it are enormous: vitamins and minerals strengthen the nervous system, improve the functioning of the digestive system, heart and thyroid gland, and help increase concentration and efficiency. The only drawback is the calorie content, if boiled in milk and with the addition of sugar. Keep this in mind when preparing wheat porridge for breakfast or as a side dish to a main course.

Among the many cereal crops that man has been using since time immemorial, wheat has come into use relatively recently. Now, perhaps, it is already difficult for us to imagine our diet without products from this grain.

They make flour out of it different varieties, which is used in the bakery industry, for the manufacture of pasta, cakes, pastries. Dry breakfast cereals and muesli are prepared from a unique grain with many useful properties. Wheat porridges are also very popular.

For porridge, mainly cereals from crushed grain are used. Moreover, the variety of wheat groats also depends on the size of the grains. For example, if the grains are several tens of millimeters in diameter, then the product is called semolina. If the grains are not crushed so finely, then this cereal is offered to the consumer under the name "Wheat". Used for cooking cereals and whole grains.

Useful properties of wheat porridge

  1. The coarser the grinding, the more useful elements are stored in wheat groats, from which porridge is prepared. This includes fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
  2. Thanks to fiber, wheat porridge is indicated for the digestive tract. It promotes normal digestion, is an excellent means of combating dysbacteriosis, preventing constipation, other problems and diseases of the intestines and stomach.
  3. Restores fiber found in wheat porridge and fat metabolism in cells, if it is disturbed. Cleanses the body of toxins and waste. Thanks to the regular use of this dish, you can be calm for the condition of the vessels. Elasticity and elasticity will provide them with those components that wheat is rich in.
  4. Wheat porridge is considered an excellent product for the prevention of diseases of the heart, as well as the nervous system. It also helps to restore immunity, improve metabolism.
  5. There are also substances in this dish that affect the level of red blood cells in the blood, such as vitamins of group B. Other vitamins, or rather the whole complex, as well as minerals, help improve vision, strengthen the skeletal system. They also have a beneficial effect on the skin and hair.
  6. The low glycemic index and the ability to regulate glucose levels make wheat porridge suitable for diabetic patients, as well as in the diet of people who are trying to lose weight.


  • The dish should not be introduced into the diet of people suffering from a serious illness called celiac disease. With this disease, the diet should not contain products made from cereals, including wheat porridge.
  • This dish is not recommended for patients with a diagnosis of gastritis. But here, too, there is a peculiarity. Gastritis with low acidity. Wheat porridge is not indicated for flatulence, as well as immediately after operations, especially on internal organs.
  • Despite a certain benefit, it is impossible to abuse wheat porridge, after all, as, perhaps, any other product. The diet should be balanced and include dishes from cereals, vegetables, fruits, meat, fish.
  1. When buying cereals for wheat porridge, certain rules must be observed. Try to purchase a factory-packaged product. On the packaging, be sure to find indications of the expiration date, as well as the date of manufacture.
  2. Wheat groats are recommended to be stored for up to ten months. Do not use expired products, because the useful substances in them are unlikely to be preserved. In addition, mold and fungal growths may appear. This changes the taste of porridge and is harmful to health.
  3. Croup in which bugs are wound up, or other impurities are also considered to be of poor quality. Porridge from such a product can cause allergic reactions, disorders of the digestive system.
  4. Before cooking, the cereal must be washed. Even if it is hermetically sealed. This can avoid unpleasant nuances in the form of pebbles crackling on the teeth or insects that can start in the croup.
  5. By the way, so that these same insects do not spoil the taste of your future porridge, do not buy cereals for the future. If it is stored for a long time, then pests and mold may appear, and its usefulness will decrease.
  6. To make porridge tasty and beneficial, you must also be able to properly store cereals. It is best to do this in a dry and, moreover, well-ventilated area. If this is just a kitchen cabinet, then the cereal should be poured into a hermetically sealed container. Can be used glass jar, ceramic dishes, earthenware, as well as plastic and metal.

Cooking wheat porridge

To make the most of all the usefulness of wheat cereals, you should know how to cook wheat porridge. First of all, decide on the consistency of the dish. If you like crumbly porridge, then you should pour the cereal into boiling water. After waiting for the whole mixture to boil well, reduce the fire and evaporate the porridge. Ready dish It will be about twenty minutes after boiling.

We also choose the proportion of cereals and water. For this option, take one part of the cereal and two water. For viscous porridge, you will need more water. But the cooking process is the same.

The water in which the cereal is poured must be slightly salted. But after the wheat porridge is ready, you can add various goodies and usefulness to it. fit fresh fruits, berries, dried fruits, honey,

You can add just butter or any other fat. Served with such porridge and meat sauce. It all depends on the preferences of each and on the quality in which wheat porridge is needed.

For example, as a dietary dish, it is cooked on water. Already in the finished porridge, you can add a little vegetable oil, which contains a minimum amount of calories. It is better to use, of course,


And if you like sweets, and there are no contraindications in the form of extra pounds, then you can cook delicious wheat porridge with sugar and cream. Sometimes try and experiment. In any form, wheat porridge, unless, of course, it is abused and high-quality cereals are used for cooking, will be beneficial.

Be healthy!

Wheat porridge - health benefits and harms, how to cook porridge from wheat groats, its beneficial properties, low calorie content makes it the product of choice for weight loss, in diet food, we will talk about this on the new page of the site

About wheat products

Wheat as a cereal plant, it was known to the ancient peoples as early as 4 thousand years BC. and in many religions was considered a sacred plant.

Wheat appeared on the territory of our country about 5 thousand years ago. Initially, a wild type of wheat, from which spelt was obtained, became widespread, later more productive and soft varieties of wheat appeared. Wheat has always been a symbol of wealth and abundance for a Russian person.

Modern wheat has more than 4 thousand species and is distributed throughout the world and, as in antiquity, is the most important crop, without which it is impossible to imagine the existence of mankind.

Now wheat and semolina, wheat flakes, flour are produced from wheat in Russia. After processing, bran remains, which are also used for health benefits in traditional medicine.

Semolina obtained by finely grinding wheat grains to a certain size.

Wheat groats It is obtained by processing, mainly, durum wheat varieties (less often soft varieties) by incomplete grinding and crushing. Depending on the size of the grains, two types of groats are obtained: "Poltava" and "Artek".

  • Poltava groats are divided into groats No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4. The number depends on the size of the grains, No. 1 - the largest grains, No. 4 - the smallest grains.
  • Groats "Artek" are polished finely crushed wheat grains.
  • Wheat flakes are obtained by flattening polished and cooked wheat grains.

Wheat porridge - what is it

Wheat porridge is a dish of Russian cuisine, known in Russia since ancient times. Wheat porridge, evaporated in a Russian stove, was on the table both on weekdays and on holidays.

Nowadays, porridge is not as popular as it used to be, but, nevertheless, it occupies a worthy place in the diet.

Wheat porridge is prepared from wheat groats or wheat flakes. For cooking crumbly porridge coarse or medium crushed groats are taken, for more viscous porridge - fine crushed groats or flakes.

Composition, calorie content of wheat porridge

Grain processing (incomplete grinding, crushing) allows you to save in the cereal a lot of useful substances that are needed for the operation of all organs and systems in the human body.

Composition of wheat groats:

  • vitamins: C, E, A, PP, F, vitamins of group B;
  • cellulose;
  • trace elements: calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, zinc, potassium;
  • amino acids;
  • fats;
  • proteins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • Sahara;
  • starch.

Caloric content of wheat groats in dry form - 316 kcal per 100 g, cereals cooked in water - 90 kcal per 100 g.

Useful properties of wheat porridge

The beneficial properties of porridge are due to the substances in the composition of wheat groats:

  • vitamin B4 is involved in the functioning of the liver, helps to maintain normal cholesterol levels (with high cholesterol - to reduce it);
  • vitamin B2 is needed for the retina, helps maintain normal vision;
  • vitamin B5 is involved in the work of the nervous system, improves brain activity;
  • vitamins E, A help to improve the functioning of the immune system, maintain skin tone, protect against the formation of blood clots;
  • has a general strengthening effect on the whole body;
  • participates in the regulation of metabolic processes;
  • helps to maintain normal sugar levels or reduce in case of an increase;
  • due to fiber, it improves bowel activity and helps regulate stools;
  • helps maintain normal blood pressure;
  • improves the condition of hair, nails;
  • has a positive effect on fat metabolism in cells.

All these useful properties make it possible to include porridge in the diet of sick and healthy people, people who lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right, in various diets and treatment tables.

Wheat porridge for nursing mothers and pregnant women

The introduction of any dish into the nutrition of pregnant and lactating mothers should be justified: ignorance of the properties of the product can lead to undesirable conditions.

Wheat porridge, if there is no individual intolerance due to the presence of gluten and diseases gastrointestinal tract(ulcer, gastritis) must be present in the diet of pregnant women, because:

  • B vitamins are necessary for metabolic processes;
  • fiber helps with constipation, which is often affected by pregnant women;
  • helps the nervous system cope with irritation, fatigue;
  • saturates the body with nutrients.

When eating porridge, you should not take it in large quantities and often, so as not to lead to a malfunction of the digestive system. It is good to combine porridge with boiled and raw vegetables, try not to use with fatty foods. Porridge is better to cook viscous and not too thick.

The first month after giving birth, mothers usually follow a strict diet so as not to harm the baby, then they gradually begin to introduce various foods into their diet.

Wheat is introduced into the nutrition of a nursing mother 2-3 months after childbirth: first, porridge is boiled in water, a test is carried out in small portions and, if the child does not have negative reactions, portions can be increased to 100-200 grams. After a few months, you can cook porridge in milk diluted with water.

A contraindication to the use of porridge by a mother is the presence of an allergy in a child and intolerance to gluten.

The harm of wheat porridge

Along with useful properties, wheat porridge also has indications when it should not be consumed:

  • low acidity of the stomach;
  • flatulence;
  • period after the operation.

Wheat porridge - how to cook, recipes

Wheat porridge can be cooked in water, milk, broth. Classic recipe This is a water based recipe.
For cooking, it is better to use dishes with a thick bottom.

  • Recipe for wheat porridge on the water.

Rinse 1 part of the cereal under running water, add 2.5 parts of water and bring to a boil, salt, reduce heat and cook for 15 minutes. After that, wrap the porridge and let it brew for another 15-20 minutes. In such proportions, thick porridge is cooked. For liquid porridge a ratio of 1:4 is taken.

  • Recipe for wheat porridge for a slow cooker.

Washed and dried cereals (1 tbsp.) Pour into a bowl, add 2 measuring cups (multi-cooker) of water, salt, cook in the “Croats” mode. After that, add butter or vegetable oil and hold the porridge in the "Heating" mode for another 10 minutes.

  • Porridge with milk is cooked in the same way, only after water has been absorbed into the cereal, milk is added (depending on the desired consistency) and boiled until tender.

Wheat porridge - at what age can children

Wheat groats contain gluten, so it is worth introducing porridge from this groats into complementary foods after other porridges (rice, buckwheat) are introduced into complementary foods.

Pediatricians are advised to start feeding wheat porridge at 8-9 months if the child has no allergies. In the presence of allergies, porridge is undesirable to use for up to a year.

  • porridge (liquid consistency) is boiled in water;
  • no spices are added;
  • the first portion - 0.5-1 teaspoon;
  • in the presence of negative reactions, stop taking porridge;
  • if no negative reactions are observed, double the portion at each dose;
  • it is better to introduce a new product in the first half of the day.
  • In the child's menu, wheat porridge should be present 1-2 times a week.

Wheat porridge, benefits and harms for weight loss

When choosing a product that promotes weight loss, pay attention to the calorie content of this product, get acquainted with its beneficial properties and contraindications, comparing all this with the characteristics of your body.

Wheat porridge is approved by nutritionists for use in dietary nutrition, in nutrition for weight loss, because it has the qualities necessary for a healthy diet and in the process of losing weight:

  • boiled in water has a low calorie content (90 cal per 100 g);
  • quickly saturates and maintains a feeling of satiety for a long time;
  • participates in the process of fat metabolism in cells, which is important in reducing and maintaining weight;
  • participates in the normalization of metabolic processes in the body;
  • helps to establish the rhythm of digestion;
  • regulates the work of the intestines, contributing to the rapid emptying, removal of toxins and toxins from the body.
  • it is better to include in the morning diet;
  • you can spend a fasting day on wheat porridge cooked in water (200 g per day);
  • use a special diet on wheat porridge;
  • combine with low-calorie vegetables, vegetable oils, spices, low-fat cottage cheese;
    use only freshly prepared porridge (do not store in the refrigerator).

With a diet based on the weekly consumption of wheat porridge, only vegetables, fruits, and sour-milk products are allowed in the diet.

In the article Bulgur - what kind of cereal is it, photos, benefits and harms, how to cook porridge, you can read about another variety of wheat porridge.

Wheat and millet porridge - the difference

Wheat groats and millet groats are two completely different cereals, since they are made from different cereals: wheat groats are made from wheat, and millet groats are made from millet.

Wheat grains are partially polished and crushed, millet grains are polished. In appearance, the groats are different: millet is small round grains of yellow color, wheat groats consist of grains of various shapes of a grayish-brown color.

Millet porridge is also valued for its qualities in nutrition, in healthy eating, in clinical nutrition.

How to choose wheat groats

  • The product should not contain impurities of litter, sticky lumps (an indicator of either mold, or the presence of food moths);
  • it is better if the cereal is of a uniform color;
  • produced from durum wheat;
  • We pay attention to the expiration date, the fresher, the more substances useful for your health are preserved.

It is worth storing cereals in dry conditions, no more than a year from the date of manufacture, in a whole package or sealed container.

Wheat porridge and bread are products from the same cereal, but radically different from each other. And it's not about taste or appearance. During the processing and grinding of grain into flour, the product loses its main value. But all the benefits remain in the porridge. In the production of cereals, a lazy technology is used, proven over the years - crushing. It allows you to save everything valuable that nature has given, and use it for the benefit of the human body.

  • Main useful properties
  • Contraindications and harm
  • Features of the choice of cereals for porridge
  • cooking secrets
  • Wheat porridge for weight loss
  • Use in baby food
  • Wheat porridge during pregnancy

Main useful properties

The value of wheat groats is the abundance of fiber. The dish is useful for people who want to normalize the digestive tract, get rid of constipation, improve digestion. Coarse fibers help cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, prevent narrowing of the gaps in the vessels and disruption of blood circulation. Properly prepared meals will be a wonderful prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

What are the other benefits of wheat porridge:

  1. The product has a low glycemic index, therefore, does not cause sharp fluctuations in blood sugar levels, can be used for weight loss, saturates for a long time and suppresses hunger well.
  2. The dish contains a lot of choline. This substance helps to establish fat metabolism, which is also important in reducing and maintaining weight.
  3. Normalizes acid-base balance.
  4. The dish gives energy and strength, increases the endurance of the body.
  5. Wheat porridge accelerates blood clotting, promotes rapid healing of wounds.
  6. The dish is useful for people who have had serious illnesses, treatment with antibiotics and other chemical preparations. Porridge will restore the body, increase immunity, remove the remnants of medicines from the body.
  7. Wheat porridge will help to cope with constipation, as well as relieve the unpleasant consequences of dysbacteriosis, restore microflora.

Wheat porridge contains many vitamins, various minerals, proteins. It is useful for men and women of any age, can be used for general health improvement and prevention of various diseases.

Video: Healthy wheat porridge with vegetables

Contraindications and harm

Any product will lose its value if the preparation technology or terms of use are violated. Only fresh porridge is considered tasty and healthy. Even in the refrigerator, you should not store it for more than 12 hours. But even under certain conditions, not all of them can be introduced into the diet.

Main contraindications:

  • celiac disease;
  • digestive disorders;
  • gastritis with low acidity;
  • flatulence;
  • postoperative period.

The harm of wheat porridge is a relative and individual concept. In many ways, it depends on the quantity of the dish, the frequency of use, the method of preparation. If I refuel butter, add sugar or jam, then it will be contraindicated in overweight, obesity, there can be no talk of any dietary properties. A dish cooked in milk should not be consumed with lactose intolerance.

Features of the choice of cereals for porridge

The highest value for a person is groats from spring wheat. But it is not always available for sale, especially in the autumn. At this time, the new crop has not yet been harvested or processed, and the old product has lost its former quality. At this time, it is wiser to buy winter wheat groats than those produced last year.

What to look for:

  1. Production date. It may differ from the packing time. Sometimes old cereals are packaged.
  2. Best before date. It should not exceed 12-14 months, but for porridge it is advisable to choose wheat groats no older than 8 months.
  3. Flowability. Grains do not stick together in lumps.

In stores, cereals are presented in several forms. The most popular are Artek, Poltavskaya, Bulgur, Arnautka. The polished product is distinguished by the grinding size from 1 to 4. The higher the number, the finer the grains. You can also find cereal for sale. fast food. Remembering all the features, names and characteristics is optional. It is enough to know that large crushed grain is of great value. The most useless cereals (flakes) are those that do not require cooking.

By the way! known to all semolina also made from wheat. But a high degree of purification, a changed appearance, taste, a completely different composition of substances do not allow it to be attributed to this category.

cooking secrets

The taste and benefits of porridge largely depend on additional ingredients, as well as proper cooking. The amount of water may vary depending on the grind. On average, 1 part of cereal is 3 parts of liquid. The dish is never prepared with pure milk, it is always diluted.

A few cooking secrets:

  1. Groats need to be washed regardless of grinding. Flour dust makes wheat porridge slimy and tasteless.
  2. If you add 3-4 tablespoons of milk during cooking, the dish will be tastier.
  3. It is not necessary to stir the porridge during cooking.
  4. As soon as “funnel” appears on top of the dish, the stove can be turned off.

Sweet cereals are seasoned with fruits, sugar, jam, syrups, condensed milk and cream. Boiled dishes are added to salty dishes, fried vegetables, meat and fish products, mushrooms, use all kinds of sauces, oils, spices.

Video: Tricks of cooking "Artek" wheat porridge

Wheat porridge for weight loss

Dry wheat groats contain 340 kcal. If the dish is cooked in milk, seasoned with butter and sugar, then it the energy value will range from 200 to 250 kcal per 100 g. Viscous porridge cooked in water contains only 65 kcal, and crumbly 100. It is the latter types that can be used for weight loss. In combination with boiled and raw vegetables, the dish will help to reduce weight, cleanse the intestines, while giving satiety, will delight you with taste.

How to use porridge for weight loss:

  1. Consume for breakfast. This method is suitable for weight loss proper nutrition, counting calories.
  2. Have an unloading day. For a day, use a dish cooked on water from 200 g of cereals.
  3. Use in combination with other cereals, that is, follow a special diet on cereals.

Regardless of the method chosen, any fatty and sweet additives are excluded; it is not recommended to cook on the basis of wheat groats complex dishes from a large number of ingredients.

Use in baby food

Wheat porridge will be a good source of protein and fiber, give the child energy, be a hearty and healthy meal, improve stool, but it is not suitable for everyone. In some cases, the dish will bring great harm to the children's body. Groats have many features and require caution, in no case should wheat be used for the first complementary foods.

Main contraindications:

  • gluten intolerance, tendency or presence of celiac disease;
  • diseases of the stomach;
  • stool disorders, bloating and other bowel problems.

It is not recommended to introduce wheat porridge to children in the diet before 12 months. In the presence of any food allergies, the period is shifted to 1.5-2 years. You can not give a dish in in large numbers and often, you need to carefully monitor the reaction of the body, since intolerance to the product may not appear immediately.

Wheat porridge during pregnancy

You should not get carried away with the dish during pregnancy if a woman is tormented by increased gas formation, stool is broken, or there are problems with digestion. In this case, porridge will only aggravate the situation. Increased intestinal activity can provoke uterine tone, cause premature birth or threat of miscarriage.

If the pregnancy proceeds calmly and all indicators are normal, wheat porridge can be introduced into the diet, but not more than 2-3 times a week. To avoid unpleasant manifestations from the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to cook the dish on the water, avoid complex combinations with meat, butter, full-fat milk.

Entire generations grew up on it, and today it disappears from our diet, giving way to new-fangled foreign delicacies - bulgur and couscous. It's time to correct this injustice. Let's talk about wheat porridge. What are its benefits and harms, how does it affect weight, who better not even think about such a dish?

Why should wheat porridge be on everyone's menu?

It is obtained from durum wheat. It is a crushed wheat seed, freed from germs, seed and fruit coats, and polished.

What is on our plate along with a portion of such a porridge? We get a rich vitamin supply - A, E, C, H, PP, group-B. It's simple and hearty meal will supply the body with essential amino acids and a whole range of important micro and macro elements: potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, iodine, zinc, manganese and much more.

Wheat porridge contains 90 mg of choline (it regulates fat metabolism), 0.3 g of dietary fiber, 50 g of starch, 2 g of ash. And the main trump card of such a cereal is fiber.

This dish is quickly and easily digested, since all the grains are of the same size, and the porridge is evenly boiled. Nutritionists consider it the most "correct" breakfast. This cereal has a low glycemic index, so you can not be afraid that it will lead to a sharp increase in sugar. Moreover, wheat porridge has many healing properties.

The effect of wheat porridge on health:

  • increases resistance to infections;
  • normalizes acid-base balance;
  • puts in order the work of the digestive organs;
  • serves to prevent dysbacteriosis;
  • crumbly porridge stops diarrhea, and "slurry" relieves constipation;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • frees the body from toxins and toxic compounds;
  • cleans vessels from dangerous deposits;
  • slightly reduces pressure;
  • slows down aging (due to the presence of antioxidants);
  • enhances bone strength;
  • accelerates blood clotting;
  • increases physical endurance, energizes (such porridge is indicated for athletes and those who experience increased stress);
  • has a general strengthening effect;
  • improves appearance and the condition of the skin, hair, nail plates;
  • suitable for children's menu, as it includes many vitamins and substances that ensure the harmonious development and growth of the child.

To whom is it capable of “spoiling” health?

The benefits of wheat porridge for the body today are not even discussed. This fact has long been recognized by nutritionists. Doctors do not object to it, but they warn: such a natural and familiar product is also capable of side effects. Who should not include it in the diet?

Conditions in which wheat porridge should be excluded from the menu:

  • Celiac disease is gluten intolerance. People with such a diagnosis are generally prohibited from any cereals, because this is fraught with the development of inflammation of the intestinal mucosa in them.
  • Gastritis with low acidity of gastric juice, as well as flatulence.
  • The postoperative period, especially if an operation was performed on the digestive tract.
  • Breast-feeding. Before the baby reaches the age of four months, it is better for a woman to refuse such a dish so as not to provoke intestinal colic in the newborn.
  • Children's age is less than one and a half to two years.

The benefits and harms of eating wheat porridge for a future mother are a moot point. It contains folic acid, which is necessary for a woman "in position." But due to the increased fiber content, intestinal peristalsis will increase. This can tone the uterus.

If a pregnant woman does not suffer from excessive gas formation, then she can afford such a dish, but not more than twice a week. If she is often worried about bloating, then it is better to temporarily refuse wheat porridge.

For diets - better not? Will this dish help you get a "podium" figure?

The benefits of wheat porridge on the water are especially appreciated by those who want to reduce their weight. This is the number one food for those who want to quickly lose those extra pounds. But being overweight is considered a relative contraindication to its use.

The problem is not in the porridge itself, but in what components it is made of. “Empty” porridge can (and should) be eaten by obese people, but if it contains sugar, butter, jam, they will have to say “no!” to it.

Although one hundred grams of cereal contains 335.5 Kcal, ready-made she "pulls" already at 200-250 Kcal. Viscous slurry (without "heavy" ingredients) contains only 65 Kcal, and crumbly - 90-100 Kcal per 100 gram serving. Given such information, it is easy to determine from which food there is the least risk of gaining weight.

Important! Low calorie content is typical only for cereals made from durum wheat. They are low in starch and high in protein.

The optimal duration of the wheat diet is one week. Since it is a nutritious product, you will not have to suffer from hunger. It is allowed to eat porridge up to 5 times a day (in small volumes), combining it with vegetables, fruits and herbs. And be sure to drink a lot! Adhering to such a diet, in a short time you can become 5 kg lighter.

How to cook porridge "lick your fingers" and dietary?

Its recipe is so simple that even those who do not know how to cook can cope with this task. Before sending the cereal (including packaged) to the pan, it should be washed. If it contains foreign fractions (pebbles, cake), then it is recommended to sort it out.

To get a crumbly porridge, you need to use 2.5 tbsp. liquid for 1 tbsp. cereals. It must be poured into boiling water.

In order for the porridge to acquire a semi-liquid consistency, grain and water are taken in a ratio of 1: 4. Pour cereal into cold water. After boiling, remove the foam and simmer the porridge over low heat for 15 minutes. Then she should spend another 40 minutes under the lid (for swelling).

For weight loss, this recipe is most suitable: do not boil the cereal, but steam it in a thermos in the evening (for 1 tbsp - 3 tbsp boiling water). Leave overnight. In the morning it is ready for use.

To make the porridge tender and tasty, you can use milk diluted with water and appetizing additives - fruits, berries, dried fruits. If the problem of weight is not relevant for you, then add sugar (2 tbsp.), Salt, butter (in the finished porridge) or eat it with meat and gravy.

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