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How long to cook the horns after boiling. How to cook pasta so it doesn't stick together

Pasta has been an indispensable side dish for many housewives for several decades in a row. Such a simple ingredient is added to the most fine dining, which are cooked in world-famous restaurants. But in order for the pasta to turn out really tasty, not stick together and not burnt, you need to know some rules for cooking them. If you still do not know how to cook pasta in a saucepan, then this article is for you.

Here you will find only useful and necessary information. Believe me, after applying the knowledge gained in practice, you will become just a chef in your home kitchen.

How much to cook pasta in a saucepan and how to cook them correctly: culinary tips

Perhaps, many of the fair sex have now thought that cooking pasta is very simple. No advice or advice is needed here. But it is not so. Take a closer look at your finished dish: if the pasta turned out to be stuck together and sticky, falling apart and not looking aesthetically pleasing, then check out the advice of experienced chefs. Next time you will surprise everyone with delicious pasta with sauce or meat.

What do we advise experienced chefs? Let's get to know their secrets:

  • best to choose quality pasta made from durum and high quality wheat;
  • you need to lower the pasta only in well-boiling water;
  • before immersing pasta in water, it must be salted;
  • cook pasta in certain proportions with water: as a rule, 1 liter of water should be used for 100 g of pasta;
  • do not forget that in the process of cooking pasta increases several times in volume, so use only large pots so that you do not flood the stove;
  • after immersing the pasta in a boiling liquid, they should be covered with a lid so that the water boils again;
  • during the cooking process, the water should constantly boil, but in no case should it foam;
  • so that the pasta does not stick together, you can add a little to the liquid sunflower oil;
  • not all pasta should be washed under running water, as a rule, only those that have been overcooked are washed;
  • cooked pasta must be thrown into a colander to get rid of excess liquid;
  • do not drain all the water in which the pasta was cooked: leave about 3-4 tbsp. l., then you can pour this broth into a saucepan and mix with a ready-made dish;
  • pasta goes very well with cheese and sauces;
  • in the preparation of each type of pasta has its own characteristics;
  • cooking time varies from 7 to 12 minutes, but no more;
  • before use, it is recommended to warm the colander well so that its walls do not take away heat from the cooked pasta.

Cooking spaghetti: a classic recipe

Spaghetti is perhaps one of the favorite delicacies of many. Just imagine the taste of cooked spaghetti with the addition of cream or cheese sauce! In order for spaghetti to cook correctly, not stick to the bottom of the dish and not stick together, you need to take into account some features of their cooking. First of all, choose only quality spaghetti, and then go to the stove and start creating your culinary masterpiece. Do not forget that for 100 g raw spaghetti Approximately 1 liter of water is required. And 100 g is enough for a serving for one adult.


  • spaghetti;
  • filtered or mineral water;
  • table salt;
  • sunflower oil - 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Take a thick-walled deep saucepan and pour into it required amount filtered or mineral water keeping proportions.
  2. Place the container on the stove and bring the water to a boil over moderate heat.
  3. After the water boils, salt it at the rate of about 1 tsp. table salt per 1 liter of liquid. Add some sunflower oil and mix well.
  4. If the spaghetti is too long, you can break it in half. Place standard spaghetti whole in a saucepan.

  5. After a while, the spaghetti will begin to soften. Take a spatula or spoon and gently flatten them so that they are completely covered with water.
  6. Cover the container with a lid and after 30 seconds remove it by reducing the heat.
  7. Continue cooking spaghetti over moderate heat for 7-9 minutes.
  8. Drain the cooked spaghetti in a colander and leave for a while until excess liquid drains.
  9. Properly cooked, that is, not sticky spaghetti, do not need to be washed.
  10. Put them in a container and pour over the sauce or lightly melted butter.

Pasta is in the kitchen of any housewife. Even if you like to pamper your family with culinary delights, from time to time there comes a moment when there is either not enough time or not enough food for serious cooking. You can, of course, hastily bungled up a few sausage sandwiches, but what kind of dry food is this! Then boil the horns - it's more satisfying, and the food is hot, and it's cooked by you personally.

A delicious pasta dish is prepared in several stages. First you need to buy the most a good product. If you already know the quality of the products of a particular manufacturer, then this is good, but if you are buying pasta for the first time, do not save on the quality of the goods: expensive pasta is both better and tastier. If you buy cheap products, instead of a crumbly dish, you can cook pasta porridge as a result.

How long to cook horns

Pasta today is presented in a wide range. So, to boil the horns, a lot of time and effort will not be required. Depending on the type of product, the dish is prepared from 5 minutes to a quarter of an hour.

To choose the right cooking time, check the instructions that the manufacturers of a particular pasta offer. They are usually printed on the packaging.

How to cook horns in a saucepan on the stove

According to the recipe you will need: for 1 liter of water - 1 glass of horns, salt - to taste, a piece butter, greens.

So, the pasta is picked up and bought. You can get cooking. Pour water into a saucepan, turn on the stove and bring the liquid to a boil. When the water boils, pour the pasta into the saucepan and do not forget to stir constantly. Note that salt can be added both before and after filling the pasta.

When the cooking time has expired (from 5 to 15 minutes, depending on the type of pasta), we throw the product into a colander and rinse thoroughly with boiling water. We return clean pasta back to the pan (or other container for serving), season with butter and herbs.

That's all - traditional boiled horns are ready. Some hostesses in conventional prescription use additives: sauces, seasonings, cheese chips, sausages and meat products, vegetables, mushrooms and so on.

We cook horns in a slow cooker

To prepare the dish, we need: 1 liter of water, 100 grams of pasta, a little butter and a pinch of salt.

We put all the products in the slow cooker: pasta, water, salt and oil. You need just enough water to cover the pasta by a couple of centimeters. Oil will need no more than 1-2 tablespoons.

Now we set the “pilaf” or “steaming” mode on the device, set the timer for 10-12 minutes and that’s all, it remains only to wait for the end of the cooking process.

Cooking horns in a microwave oven

If you are only using the microwave for heating ready meals, then we hasten to please you - you can safely cook in a microwave oven. To boil the horns in this way, the following ingredients are required: 200 milliliters of water, 100 grams of pasta, a pinch of salt and a piece of butter.

Take a special container for a microwave oven of such depth that the horns are completely filled with water. Next, add the remaining ingredients (oil, salt) to the saucepan.

Now we select the operating mode of the furnace: power - 500 W, timer for 10 minutes. After turning off the device, the pasta is cooked and ready to eat.

First tip - buy pasta from durum varieties wheat. True, the cooking time will increase, but you will definitely cook pasta, not jelly.

Not so much advice as a recommendation: for cooking some pasta dishes, the horns are needed, so to speak, a little undercooked. Although there is an average cooking time for the product, everyone has different tastes - some people like soft horns, others like hard ones. In Italian cuisine, there is such a recipe where pasta is just needed undercooked: it looks like it’s ready, but when you bite it, it crunches.

And finally. Don't stop your culinary fantasy with naked pasta. You can add a bunch of different products to this side dish: stewed, fried and boiled vegetables, vegetable caviar, meat in any form, sauces and pastas, frying, fish products, cottage cheese, milk, greens - yes, anything. Highly tasty dish- horns with tomatoes, basil and cheese chips.

It would seem that on each pack it is written how to cook horns, but not all men and women cook horns as it is written on the package, they are guided by their own methods.

Experiments in the kitchen - it's just wonderful! But as for how much and how to cook horns, here you need to be careful in this matter. It is better to use time-tested advice.

A long time ago, when there were only a couple of types of horns, they were cooked according to a certain unified scheme, so to speak, and washed after they were cooked, and washed with plain running water. And today in stores there is just a huge number and a huge selection of horns, whatever you want, buy those, but again you need to know which horns to choose. Often, horns are bought from durum wheat, they are low-calorie, very tasty, healthy, etc.

But how to cook horns correctly, everything should be indicated on the package. It all depends on what shape the pasta is. In this case, horns. If you bought thick horns, then they will cook longer than horns that are thin. But it is best to check with the time indicated on the package. And also if you want to know how to cook horns with some kind of side dish. You also need to take care of the water, in which water you lower the horns, so they will be. The cleaner and filtered the water is, the tastier and healthier the horns will be. This is the ideal option.

Rules for making horns

Let's go directly to the process, how and how much to cook the horns:

First you need to pour clean, filtered water into a saucepan. Next, salt the water. We put the pot on the fire and wait until the water boils. But as soon as the water boils, immediately pour the horns into boiling water. But how much you need to cook the horns, you already need to look at the horns. Whether they welded or not. You can find out only by pulling out one horn and tasting it.

But it must be said that if the lid is closed when cooking the horns, then uniform cooking can hardly be achieved. When the water boils, it will pour through the pan. Therefore, when cooking horns, you need to lift the lid of the pan and cook over low heat. But you can not close the lid at all. Cook without it.

And how much do you need to cook the horns? Well, on average, somewhere you need to cook them for about 15 minutes. But, in general, in the news and in cookbooks it is written that after 5 minutes you need to pull out one horn and try it, is it ready. But there are some people who love undercooked horns, but you still need to pull them out in a minute and taste them. But, on average, the horns are cooked for 15 minutes, but 20 is the maximum.

You also need to consider what you want to cook with the horns. What, i.e. dish. If you want to mix the horns with meat or stew, then of course the horns need to be cooked for only 5 minutes. already together with the stew or meat, the horns themselves will reach.

There was already a conversation about the fact that it was already said above that it is not at all necessary to rinse the horns, it is enough to pour them with a drushlak and shake them a little. Serve them hot, do not let them dry, otherwise they will stick together. All kinds of spices, sauces and ketchups will help to make the horns as one independent dish, you can also cook sausages or boil meat to the horns. An excellent side dish that goes well with horns.

And in conclusion, we can say that you can learn a lot of new and useful things from this article. How and how much to cook pasta. And how to cook them quickly and tasty. There is a great variety of how to cook and with what to cook horns. You can find good and tasty recipes both on the Internet and in any cookbooks. Horns and pasta are a product that suits absolutely everyone, and almost everyone loves them.

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pasta horns- this is flour product, which has gained great popularity due to the ease of preparation and relatively low cost. Due to the fact that the product was widely available and cheap in Soviet times, society has the impression that pasta is the food of the poor, who cannot afford other side dishes. But in fact, with the help of pasta horns, you can cook many delicious dishes. We will talk about this a little later.

There are several varieties of pasta, the difference of which is the quality of flour. There are the following product types:

  • pasta premium, which are made from durum wheat;
  • medium-grade pasta made from flour of the first and second grade;
  • pasta of the second grade, which is prepared from wholemeal flour.

In addition to the quality of the flour from which pasta horns are made, the product can also vary in size.. Small horns are best suited for preparing side dishes and first courses, while large flour products can be used as a stuffing product.

When buying pasta in a store, you should take into account the fact that the cooking time for the horns directly depends on the variety chosen. For example, durum wheat products take ten to twenty minutes to cook, while lower-grade products can be ready in as little as five minutes.

Pasta horns can be cooked both in a regular saucepan and in a slow cooker or double boiler. We will tell you how to do this in our article.

How to cook?

There are several ways to cook pasta horns at home. You can choose the most convenient and fastest. We will tell you how to cook pasta in a saucepan and slow cooker at home.

in a saucepan

Cooking pasta horns in a saucepan is very simple. Pre-inspect the packaging and determine which grade this flour product can be attributed to, since the cooking time of the product depends on this.

  • In a clean saucepan, collect the required amount of water, based on the following proportion: for one hundred grams of pasta, you need to take one liter of water. Place the saucepan over medium heat and cover it with a lid.
  • When the liquid boils, you need to add about one teaspoon of salt per liter of water.
  • To prevent the horns from sticking together during cooking, add one tablespoon of refined vegetable oil to the water, let the mixture boil for one to two minutes and pour the pasta into the pan.
  • Small, high-quality horns need to be boiled for seven minutes, large ones for fifteen. Stir the contents of the pot constantly to keep them from sticking to the bottom.
  • Be sure to taste the pasta by the tooth to determine if it's done. If the product is cooked, turn off the heat and pour the contents of the pan into a colander.
  • If the pasta is of good quality, then it is not necessary to wash it. This can be determined by their consistency: if the horns are slippery and stick together, then it is better to rinse them thoroughly and return them to the pan.
  • If desired, you can add butter to the container, after which you can serve the dish to the table.

Cooking pasta horns in a saucepan is very simple. It is very important to remember to constantly stir the product during the cooking process so that the ingredients do not stick to the bottom of the pan. Cooled pasta can be reheated in the microwave or fried in a pan, seasoned with sauce and served.

In a slow cooker

Cooking pasta horns in a slow cooker is even easier than in a saucepan, as you just need to pour the ingredients into the bowl of the device, fill them with water so that it covers them at least four centimeters, and add a little butter and salt to taste.

You need to turn on the multicooker in the “Pilaf” or “Steaming” mode. After ten to fifteen minutes, your pasta horns will be ready to eat. You can fill them delicious sauce and serve as a delicious side dish.

We draw your attention to the fact that the calorie content of pasta is very high: 500 kilocalories per hundred grams of the product. Because of this, it is not recommended to use this dish often, as there is a risk of gaining extra pounds.


The use of pasta horns takes place not only in cooking. Various crafts are very often made of them, and they are also used as bait for fishing.

Small-sized Shebekinsky pasta is often used as a side dish, as they are of high quality and relatively low price, according to the reviews of the hostesses.

They have great popularity stuffed pasta. For the filling, minced meat from chicken, beef, pork or vegetables is usually used. At the same time, pasta horns should be large enough to fit the filling. They are pre-boiled, minced meat is fried, pasta is stuffed and baked in the oven with cheese.

Also, many fishermen practice fishing for pasta horns. For this, small products are used. They are pre-boiled and put on a hook, and then thrown into the water. You can learn more about this from the video.

Among other things, you can make delicious crafts from pasta, and you can easily find master classes for making them on the Internet.

Thus, having stocks of horns at hand at home, you can not only cook delicious and hearty meal, but also decorate the interior, as well as catch big fish!

Pasta is an integral part of not only Italian cuisine, but also a traditional product of many eastern countries. Today they are popular everywhere: served as an independent side dish with various sauces and serve as an ingredient for more complex dishes. In cooking, the main thing is to know how to cook pasta. Compliance with simple rules guarantees that the dish will turn out delicious.

How to cook pasta so it doesn't stick together

Original pasta is prepared by combining two components: durum wheat flour and water. If the products are made according to a different recipe (with the addition of eggs, other products), then they quickly boil soft, become too soft and spoil taste qualities dishes. In addition, such a product, unlike classic pasta, contributes to the appearance of extra pounds on the body. To prevent pasta from falling apart, you should choose a durum wheat product that is made in compliance with all production technologies.

Since such products contain complex carbohydrates, they do not make you fat. The starch, which is in their composition, is not destroyed during heat treatment, transforming into protein. Thanks to the wide variety of forms with pasta, you can cook any dish. Large products are stuffed, shells, long pasta, spirals are prepared as an independent side dish. Small bows beautifully complement salads, and short tubules are ideal for casseroles. Below are tips for housewives who do not know how to cook pasta properly:

  • For cooking pasta, you should use the formula invented by the Italians: 1000-100-10 (100 g of vermicelli and 10 g of salt are taken per liter of water).
  • How long to cook pasta after boiling? Observe the cooking time indicated on the package. As a rule, 10-12 minutes are enough. To check if the dish is ready, they try it. Vermicelli should lose firmness, but remain dense.
  • Pasta must be thrown into salted boiling water. In the first 2 minutes of cooking, they should be constantly stirred, if you ignore this item, the dish will be spoiled.
  • If you are making pasta for later use in another dish that involves heat treatment (for example, a casserole), it is worth draining the water until the product is fully cooked.
  • Do not wash spaghetti, noodles, horns cold water because the dish loses its taste. Leave them for 2-3 minutes in a colander to allow the water to drain naturally.
  • It is better to melt the butter first, and then add it to the pan.

How to cook spaghetti in a pot

The package indicates how long it takes to cook pasta. This indicator depends on the size of the products and products that are part of the spaghetti. As a rule, the cooking process takes no longer than 10 minutes, but during cooking it is better to check the dish for readiness. This will help avoid overcooking the product. Below is an easy way to cook delicious pasta in a saucepan.


  • spaghetti - about 500 g;
  • water (or milk) - 3 l;
  • salt - 1.5 tsp.

How to cook pasta:

  1. When the water in the pot starts to boil, salt it.
  2. Pour in the pasta, turn off the gas when the water boils again. Stir the spaghetti vigorously to keep it from sticking to the bottom and sides. If you want to make a dairy dish, use milk instead of water.
  3. Check the softness of the dish every 3 minutes. When the spaghetti is firm but soft, turn off the oven.
  4. Drain the water into a colander, shaking the pasta well. Rinse them under hot running water to remove starch residue.
  5. Fill the dish with oil.

How to cook delicious noodles in a slow cooker

Many housewives believe that cooking pasta is easiest in a slow cooker. Cooking time is reduced due to the absence of the need to wait until the water boils, and then rinse finished product water. A saucepan and a steamer do not exempt you from performing these actions, so for busy women cooking in a slow cooker ideal option. Polaris, Panasonic, Redmond, Philips devices are popular, but any others are also suitable for instant pasta.

How to cook pasta:

  1. Place shells or horns in a special container (volumetric grill or mesh), fill them with water so that it is a couple of centimeters higher than the product.
  2. Immediately add some butter.
  3. Turn on the cooking mode "Steam" or "Pilaf" for 12 minutes.
  4. The dish can be served with meat, meatballs, cutlets or salad.

How to boil horns or shells in the microwave

Cereal dishes and potatoes taste better when cooked at medium or low microwave power, but pasta should be cooked at the maximum setting. The big advantage of their preparation in the microwave is the simplicity of the process. In addition, pasta does not stick together during the process, does not lose its elasticity and flavor. Cooking time should be selected depending on the type of product. So, large spirals or shells require longer cooking, and 10-15 minutes are enough for cobwebs or spaghetti.


  • boiling water - 0.4 l;
  • horns or shells Makf - 0.2 kg;
  • vegetable oil- 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt.

How to cook pasta:

  1. Fill a deep glass container with boiling water (use an electric kettle for quick heating), add salt and oil.
  2. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and send to the oven for 15-20 minutes at a power of about 350-500 watts. The more powerful the mode is selected, the less time it will take to cook.
  3. Remove the dish from the microwave, rinse with water and you can serve.

How to cook gossamer vermicelli

This type of pasta looks like thin, short sticks made from lean test. Vermicelli got its name "cobweb" because of its shape, and the Italians dubbed it "worms". Pasta contains almost no fat, so there is no risk of gaining excess weight when eating them. As a rule, Russian housewives put the cobweb in the soup, but, in addition, it can serve delicious side dish to vegetables, poultry and meat.

How to cook:

  1. Pour 200 g of vermicelli into salted boiling water. Stir the product for a couple of minutes.
  2. Add 1 tbsp. l. sunflower oil so that the dish does not stick together.
  3. After 5-6 minutes, turn off the stove and drain the water.
  4. Fill the cobweb with butter.

Do I need to rinse pasta after cooking?

Italian chefs They consider rinsing pasta with cold water to be barbaric, since this removes starch from the surface of the product, which is intended for good absorption of the sauce. However, when rinsing, spaghetti cools quickly, does not boil soft and does not stick together. Rinse or not, it's up to you. It is worth starting from how the product will be used in the future. Rinse pasta should be in two cases:

  1. If they will be used to make a salad.
  2. If the pasta is already cooked, but the sauce is not yet ready and there is a risk that the product will stick together.

Video: how much time to cook pasta

Pasta cannot be called a bachelor's food, because this is not an ordinary dish that can be made "in haste". If the product is cooked correctly, it will become an exquisite side dish for meat, poultry, salad. How much to cook vermicelli after boiling and should it be washed? For each variety of pasta, you need to select an individual approach, so it is impossible to answer the questions posed unambiguously. Watch the video below to learn the secrets to making delicious pasta.

Master class from chef Ilya Lazerson

How many minutes to cook durum pasta

What can be cooked from pasta

Pasta, spaghetti, and other pasta are versatile products. You can cook a huge amount with them. different dishes, including soups, cold and hot salads, casseroles. Pasta will be delicious even as an independent side dish, if you make spicy cheese, tomato or mushroom sauce. How you cook your pasta depends on what you end up cooking. Busy housewives should try fast food: spaghetti fritters, pasta with champignons, fettuccine. Gourmets will like tagliatelle, lasagna, tagliolini.

Naval pasta with minced meat or stew

Many people think that there is no difficulty in cooking naval vermicelli, but this is not so. To make delicious unusual dish, it is worth considering several important nuances. For example, pasta is better to choose with large holes. This will allow the stuffing to evenly fill the dish. You will learn about other secrets of making naval pasta after watching the videos below.

Soup with vermicelli and potatoes

In Japan, Australia, Korea, Brazil and even Jamaica, vermicelli soup is very popular. In Russia, housewives prefer to add potatoes to the first dish to make it more satisfying. However, it is not always possible to achieve perfect uniformity when cooking these two ingredients: the potatoes remain somewhat hard, and the vermicelli, on the contrary, boil soft. Learn how to cook the dish properly by watching the video below.

Delicious recipe with cheese in a mug

If you don't have time to prepare a full meal, quick recipe macaroni in a mug with cheese will be a great solution. The dish is cooked in the microwave in just 15-20 minutes and does not require any effort. It does not even have to be supplemented with meat or poultry, the recipe itself is satisfying. Watch the video below to learn how to delicious pasta very fast with cheese.