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Baba. How to bake rum baba at home: recipe

For sponges.
In warm milk (38 degrees), dissolve 1 teaspoon of sugar, salt, add yeast and stir well until the yeast is completely dissolved.
Gradually add 1.5-2 cups of flour and mix well. The dough should have a consistency similar to pancakes.
Put the resulting dough in a warm place without drafts for 40-60 minutes, until the dough goes and increases in volume by 2-2.5 times.
The dough will be ready when it doubles in size and then starts to fall off.

Advice. The dough for the approach is very convenient to put in the oven. It needs to be slightly (!) heated for 1 minute at the lowest temperature (I set the temperature to 40-50 degrees) inside oven should not be hot, but only a little warm (from hot air yeast dough can't fit).

While the dough is coming up, you can prepare the muffin.
Melt butter and set aside. Combine butter and vegetable oil.
Break the eggs, separating the yolks from the proteins (proteins are added to the dough last).
Rub the yolks with sugar.

In the photo: approached dough, yolks pounded with sugar,
melted butter and whipped egg whites

Introduce the yolks pounded with sugar into the approached dough and mix the dough well.
Then add melted butter and vegetable oil. Add 1 tablespoon brandy to the dough.
Mix the dough well again until smooth.
Lastly, add the egg whites whipped into the foam, gently mix the dough.
Gradually add the sifted flour and knead a soft dough.
Place the dough on a floured surface and knead with your hands for about 20 minutes, until it becomes soft and elastic and does not easily fall behind your hands.
Transfer the kneaded dough to a large bowl and leave to rise in a warm place for 1.5-2 hours - the dough should increase in volume several times.

The risen dough needs to be kneaded a little with your hands on the table, about 2-3 minutes.

Ready dough for rum women.

Roll the dough into a thick rope.
Cut the tourniquet into small pieces and roll the pieces of dough into balls.

Advice. In order to roll a piece of dough into a ball, you need not just roll a round ball between your palms, but do the following: flatten a piece of dough a little into a cake with your hands, then bend the edges of the cake to the very center of the cake - thus bend all the edges of the cake inward, to middle.
The seam which has turned out in the center of a cake is called - "castle". The resulting balls must be placed "lock" down.

Grease the baking molds (corrugated) with oil, put the prepared balls, "lock" down, and put the molds in a warm place so that the dough rises a little. Forms must be filled with dough no more than 1/3 of the height.

When the dough has risen to 3/4 of the height, put the molds with the dough in the oven, heated to 180? C and bake for about 30 minutes.
Readiness can be checked with a wooden stick.

Remove the finished "women" from the oven and cool without removing from the molds.

Then shake the form slightly, carefully remove the "women" from the form and place them with a wide part on a wooden surface or a clean towel.
Keep the finished baba from 6 to 12 hours, depending on the size, in a saucepan, closed with a lid or in a plastic bag.
Then pierce each "woman" with a wooden stick to the middle, from the narrow end and dip into warm syrup with the narrow end for 10-12 seconds.

After soaking (with syrup), put the women with the narrow part up so that the syrup penetrates into all pores.

Ready "women" to glaze sugar fondant.
To do this, lower the baba with a narrow end into the lipstick heated to 40-45 degrees, and removing it from the lipstick, raise and lower the "baba" 3-4 times with a hand movement to reduce smudges (you can glaze the baba with a teaspoon or confectionery brush).

Interesting, but the history of the origin of this dessert is very controversial. Some sources consider it to be primordially Slavic: a woman is a grandmother, and they put the stress on the first syllable. Other sources attribute an eastern origin to her and recommend pronouncing the name with an accent on the second syllable, as in the name Alibaba. But in the kitchen, no matter who calls it what. Here's how to cook rum baba at home. My recipe does not pretend to the high title of "classic", but we like it and also leaves some room for imagination.

For impregnation, a syrup is usually prepared with the addition of rum, as the name implies. We don’t have rum, and we don’t have it, we are small connoisseurs of alcohol. There was cognac and I added it to the protica. Again, if you have small children, then you can not add alcohol to the impregnation, a big impact on the taste finished product it won't work. The syrup in my recipe is strawberry. One day I'll show you how to cook it at home. But today I will give you a recipe for regular sugar, which can serve as the basis for impregnation. Add any berry or Orange juice and it will be delicious. Usually, after soaking, the baba is covered with sugar icing on top, its recipe will be below. If you want - please, I limited myself to only sprinkled powdered sugar and garnished with fresh strawberries.

Step by step rum baba recipe

Rum woman is yeast baking, the dough is rich, heavy, kneaded with liquid, so that it bakes well, it is better to bake it either in molds for portioned muffins, or in the form of a ring. I have one, but with a large diameter, so I took a small detachable cake pan and put culinary rings in the center.


  • flour - 1.5 cups * (220g);
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. (50gr);
  • dry fast-acting yeast - 2.5 tsp. (20g);
  • milk - 0.5 cups (125 ml);
  • eggs - 2pcs;
  • butter - 80g;
  • cognac (or rum) - 1 tablespoon;
  • sugar for syrup - 1 cup and 2 tbsp. (250gr);
  • water - 1.5 cups (300 ml).


  1. For yeast dough, you first need to prepare the dough. Let the milk warm up a little - so that it is a little warmer than body temperature. Put a pinch of sugar, yeast and 1 tablespoon of flour. Stir and leave in a warm place for 10 minutes to rise the dough.
  2. While the dough is rising, melt the butter, which should cool slightly.
  3. After 10 minutes, you will see such a risen dough in a bowl.
  4. The dough for rum baba can be kneaded both manually and with the help of a combine with a hook attachment. It's easier with a combine. Add all the remaining flour and 2 tablespoons of sugar to the dough. We knead.
  5. When the added ingredients are mixed, break the eggs one at a time into a bowl, stirring after each addition.
  6. Pour in the butter, knead for 10 minutes and as a result we get sticky, batter.
  7. We need it to rise. We cover the bowl cling film and keep warm for 1 hour. During this time, it will increase in size, but remain sticky.
  8. As I wrote above, for baking a rum woman, I used a detachable cake mold, its diameter is 18 centimeters, and the height of the sides is 6.5 centimeters. She needs to be lubed butter. In the oven, baking will rise well and take up almost the entire volume. We leave the dough to rest for 40 minutes after we have disturbed it.
  9. In the meantime, preheat the oven to 190°C. Bake in preheated oven for 25-30 minutes. If you notice that the outside starts to burn, cover with foil. After half an hour, check the readiness with a wooden skewer or toothpick. We first cool the finished one in the form for 10 minutes, then take it out, but we do not remove the form, we still need it.
  10. Now let's move on to impregnation. My syrup was ready, you need to bring it almost to a boil, pour in cognac or rum. If you don't have it ready, you can cook it. It's fast and easy. Pour sugar in the amount indicated in the list of ingredients into a small saucepan with a thick bottom, add water and, stirring constantly, heat until the sand dissolves and the liquid begins to boil. At this stage, you can add fruit or berry juice for flavoring. A few spoonfuls will suffice. Simmer further on low heat for another 10 minutes.
  11. Pour the hot syrup into the mold in which the grandmother was baked. We lower the grandmother upside down into it, bottom up. Leave in this position until everything is absorbed. Then we turn it over onto a dish, decorate with berries or fruits (strawberries in my version), sprinkle with powdered sugar and you can drink tea with delicious, soft and well-soaked rum baba! Save yourself step by step recipe with a photo and try.

Rum woman according to GOST

I'll talk right away. Everything that is positioned on the modern Internet as a recipe according to the GOST of the former Soviet Union is not a fact that it is. GOST is a complex document intended for industry, but not for use in everyday life. Therefore, all these pastries for them are either a figment of fantasy, or at best a recipe from the old cookbook. I will offer you exactly this one, from a book published in 1960.

Grandmother dough and baking

  • flour - 369g;
  • sugar - 94g;
  • butter - 92g;
  • eggs - 74g;
  • yeast - 18g;
  • salt - 1g;
  • water (or milk) - 120g;
  • raisins - 46g;
  • vanillin - 2g.

Yes, these are the numbers. Let's try to translate incomprehensible to us into a modern manner:

  • 100 grams of water equals approximately 98.88 ml. For our baking, we take 120 ml and do not bother;
  • milk weighs more than the same volume of water and 100 g is equal to 97 ml, i.e. 120 gr is about 116 ml. I think in our case we take 120 ml;
  • the average weight of 1 egg is 60 g, which means 74 g of eggs is 1 with a little bit, so we take 1 large one.

The specified amount is enough for a large headstock weighing about 1 kg.

  1. Since the dough is very rich, you need to cook it in a sponge way. We heat water (or milk) to a temperature of 30-35 ° C, dilute it into yeast. It is worth noting that in this case we are talking about live yeast, and not about their fast-acting relatives. Sift half of the flour into a bowl. We get a batter similar to sour cream in its consistency. Sprinkle flour on top, cover with a towel or film and leave for 3.5-4 hours in a warm place.
  2. Yeast will work, carbon dioxide will be released, bubbles will appear on the surface of the dough and it will increase in volume, but by the end of the specified time it will settle and this is a signal to add the rest of the ingredients (except raisins and vanillin).
  3. Then leave for another 1-2 hours. During this period, we crush 1 time.
  4. We mix raisins (if necessary, you must first soak in water) and vanilla.
  5. We lay out the forms. The classic for the headstock is a conical truncated corrugated with a tube in the middle. Not every housewife has this, so we take any one to choose from. You can silicone or non-stick with cells for muffins, muffins, cupcakes or Easter cake, or do as in the recipe above. Be sure to grease the molds with butter.
  6. Let it expand and double in size. We put in an oven heated to 220 ° C for 45-50 minutes.
  7. When the grandmother is baked, first take it out of the oven, cool in the mold for 10 minutes and take it out.
  8. Oddly enough, but GOST advises impregnating confectionery not immediately, but after "ripening", after 12-14 hours. But this is good, because we still need a lot of time for impregnation and fudge. Let's start with the second.

fondant recipe

  • sugar - 207g;
  • molasses - 21g;
  • water - 65g (65 ml).

Molasses ... there is none, right? Replace with an equivalent amount granulated sugar and increase the amount of water to 100 gr (100 ml).

  1. Pour sugar into hot water, mix and wait for dissolution. We put it on the stove, cook the syrup. When foam forms on the surface, remove from heat and remove, then return again.
  2. Increase the fire to the maximum, cover with a lid. A lid is necessary, a greenhouse effect forms under it and splashes falling from boiling syrup onto the walls of the pan do not crystallize.
  3. Cooking up to a temperature of 110°C. If you don't have a thermometer, do a ball test (read more in the recipe).
  4. Now the syrup needs to be cooled quickly. Why put the container in cold water with ice. While it cools, sprinkle the surface with water so that crystals do not form. Cool down to 30-40°C.
  5. Take a mixer and beat. After 10 minutes of whipping, it should turn white and turn into a lump. If this does not happen, add powdered sugar.
  6. You can’t immediately cover a rum woman with lipstick. She, too, will ripen for 12-24 hours in cling film or a damp cloth. After aging, the consistency will change, it will become tender and viscous.

By the end of the aging time of the lipstick, we are preparing the impregnation.

Impregnation recipe

  • sugar - 40g;
  • cognac - 4g;
  • rum essence - 0.8 g;
  • water - 44g (44 ml).

The last step and we are at the goal.

  1. Bring the water to a boil, add sugar, bring to a boil again, remove the foam and turn off. We are waiting for cooling to warm (20 ° C). Add rum and/or cognac.
  2. We dip our product into the impregnation "head" down. Leave it in such a position that the syrup is absorbed.
  3. To cover pastries with fondant, separate a small piece, heat to a state of liquid sour cream. But don't overheat! She can melt away!
  4. We take out the attendants from the syrup and dip them into the fudge with the same side. And finally everything is ready!

What can I say ... If you came to this page in search of a GOST recipe, then I have a question for you: do you still want to cook rum baba at home using it? Or maybe the first, at home, in a simple way, huh?

In any case, bon appetit!

Baking is made from yeast dough in milk and butter. Raisins, vanillin, lemon or orange zest are added to it.

The five most commonly used ingredients in rum baba recipes are:

Ready cupcakes are soaked in sugar syrup with the addition of rum or cognac. Decorate the treat with white icing or fudge.

Rum woman: cooking secrets

There is a legend that the Polish king, who lived in the 17th century, became the creator of a new type of baking. He soaked a dry cake in wine and was pleased with the result. French chefs appreciated the original dessert and based on it they created their own version of the rum baba. The savarin pie, made in the form of a ring, is soaked in red wine and spice syrup. The filling for him is fresh fruits, but decoration icing. Apricot jam is spread on top of it.

The five lowest calorie rum baba recipes:

  1. Baking is prepared in the form small cupcakes or one large biscuit.

  2. Dough dough is kneaded from a small amount of warm milk, pressed or dry yeast. When the base rises, butter, eggs, sugar, vanillin are added to it. The remaining flour and salt are added to the products.

  3. The dough is kneaded with wet hands for at least 15 minutes. It is best to do this according to French technology: stretching and folding. At the end, steamed raisins and zest are added to it.

  4. The dough for the rum baba is transferred to a greased bowl and covered with cling film. Put it not in heat, but in the refrigerator. After 1 hour, the workpiece is crushed and returned to the cold. It will be possible to start baking in 1.5-2 hours.

  5. The dough is divided into balls of the same size and laid out in cupcake molds. The blanks are covered with cling film and left in an oven preheated to 30 ° C for 1.5 hours.

  6. The surface of the risen dough is smeared with a beaten egg and sent to the oven for 20 minutes. The temperature in the oven should be 200 °C.

  7. Ready cupcakes are cooled on a wire rack for 6-8 hours, then they are pierced with a toothpick and dipped in sugar syrup for 10 seconds. Strong alcohol and lemon juice are added to the impregnation.

  8. The surface of the dessert is decorated with creamy or chocolate fudge.

The treat is served at the table with tea or coffee.

If desired, the dessert can be decorated with melted chocolate, citrus slices or chopped nuts.

Secrets of a Butter French Dessert - Rum Baba + Fudge Secrets

Fragrant, luxurious, soaked in syrup and covered in fudge, the rum baba causes an indefatigable appetite just by looking at it. Only not a woman, but a woman. These are not just sweet buns, but an exquisite dessert that crowned the meals of kings and emperors. Rum baba covered with sugar syrup and rum is the magic of taste and aroma!Rum baba is topped with icing, whipped cream, chocolate or custard

Our beloved and cozy rum women, as it turned out, are not even ours at all! And not women, but women. And these are not just sweet buns, but an exquisite dessert that crowned the meals of kings and emperors. Oozing with sugar syrup, they are something akin to oriental sweets, if not for ... rum! It is he who creates the harmony of taste, balances the sweetness, turns even a very rich and fragrant, but still a bun, into a work of confectionery art.

Covering rum baba chocolate glaze- not at all mandatory and far from final form, in which, according to the plan French confectioners a rum-baba should appear: she is also entitled to a hat of chantilly or custard.

Rum baba recipe

Ingredients: 300 g flour, 15 g fresh yeast, 30 ml milk, 4 eggs, 5 g salt, 30 g sugar, 80 g butter, 1 tsp. orange water

Preparation: This dough must be kneaded with a mixer!

Melt the butter, mix with sugar and cool again until thickened. This is done to give the dough a more intense yellow color. Also used for this is saffron.

Dilute yeast in warm milk, stir eggs with salt (also for color). Pour everything into the sifted flour and mix thoroughly. Knead for 5 minutes. at low speed. Add a spoonful of orange water and knead at medium speed until a homogeneous elastic dough is obtained, about 10 more minutes.


Continuing to mix, add a little butter and sugar until the whole mixture is added. Knead for about 10 more minutes, until the dough is smooth and shiny and starts to pull away from the sides of the bowl. Put the dough in the same bowl, covered with a film, in a warm place to rise for 1.5-2 hours - until the volume increases by 2-2.5 times.

Turn the risen dough out onto a well-floured board, knead lightly, quickly shape into a ball and place in a clean, dry bowl. Cover with cling film and refrigerate for 12-24 hours to rise. Lubricate molds (including silicone molds) with butter. Divide the dough into 10-12 pieces, form into balls, place them in the molds and press them down slightly so that the dough fills the molds well. There are special forms for rum babs with a diameter of 7.5 cm and a height of 1.5 cm, but if they are not available, you can use muffin forms.

Cover and put in a warm place to proof (let stand) for 45 minutes. For syrup, bring sugar and water to a boil. glucose remove the foam, boil over low heat for about 3 minutes, cool slightly. Syrup can be boiled simply from water and sugar, but then it must be boiled for a long time until it thickens. With glucose, the syrup is prepared faster: literally in 5 minutes. Preheat oven to 180°C. Bake baba for 20 minutes. After removing from the oven, immediately remove from the molds and place upside down on a wire rack. Ready!

Rum baba recipe - 2

Let's prepare the steam. In warm milk, dissolve 1 teaspoon of sugar, salt, add yeast and stir well until the yeast is completely dissolved. Gradually add ~ 1.5-2 cups of flour and mix well. The dough should have the consistency of pancakes. We put the resulting dough in a warm place without drafts for 40-60 minutes, until the dough goes and increases in volume by 2-2.5 times. The dough will be ready when it doubles in size and then starts to fall off.

Grind the yolks with the remaining sugar until white. In the approached dough, we introduce the yolks pounded with sugar and mix the dough well. Then add melted butter, vegetable oil and margarine. Add 1 tablespoon brandy to the dough. Mix the dough well again until smooth. Lastly, add the egg whites whipped into the foam, gently mix the dough. Add washed raisins. Gradually add the sifted flour and knead the uncooked dough.

Knead the dough well and let it rise (about 2 hours). Now divide the dough into balls the size of Walnut and put in greased sunflower oil forms. Let's run for 30 minutes. Bake for 25-30 minutes at 180 degrees. Let cool for 2 hours in the molds. We leave blanks for "women" for the night. If this is not done, the crumb will fall apart when wet.

Cooking syrup: boil 1 cup of sugar and 1.5 cups of water after boiling for 10-15 minutes. We make several punctures from the curly part of each woman and send it to warm syrup for 15 seconds. Take it out and put it upside down. Now fudge, without which rum women are not rum women!

Sugar - 250 g, water - 150 ml, solution citric acid, - 12 drops, 3 tbsp. l. Roma.

Pour sugar into a saucepan, pour hot water and stir until sugar dissolves. Add rum. With a brush or gauze dipped in water, we wash off the adhering sugar from the edges of the pan, put it on a strong fire and cook without stirring. As soon as the syrup begins to boil, remove the foam. Again, wash off the splashes from the edges of the pan sugar syrup, cover the pan with a lid and cook the syrup until the sample is on a soft ball.

Cool to 40 degrees and start beating (nozzle for dough). The mass begins to gradually turn white and turn into a fine-grained mass. We stop, take a wooden spatula and begin, as it were, to knead the mass. We put the saucepan on the fire and bring it to the state of fudge (like thick sour cream). Dip the tops of the rum babs in fondant and let dry. If the fondant still remains hard (thick) when heated, feel free to add a little water.

Rum Baba Ingredients:

Egg - 4 pcs

Margarine (for baking) - 175 g

Vegetable oil - 70 ml

Sugar - 0.75 stack.

Wheat flour (sifted) - about 1 kg

Salt (a pinch)

Rum (white) - 4 tbsp. l.

Milk - incomplete 2 stack.

Yeast (pressed) - 50 g

Fudge Secrets

how to cook fondant for icing
Boil sugar with water into a syrup and then knead the cooled syrup into a white creamy mass.
Sugar is boiled with water and either
- citric acid (instead of citric acid crystals, you can take lemon juice or vinegar)
- invert syrup
- glucose
- starch syrup (Russia)
- corn syrup (USA, Canada)
Syrup is boiled to a soft ball test (up to a temperature of 114-115C). Any of these substances will not allow the syrup to crystallize during cooling into a coarse sugar mass of a matte color, part of the syrup will remain cold syrup and the lipstick will be soft, creamy, with a radiant surface.
Pour the finished syrup into the bowl of the combine and leave it at rest until the syrup T drops from 114-115C to 60C (about half an hour). Cover the combine with a lid and turn on for 2-3 minutes. The clear syrup will mix into a white creamy liquid - an ultra-microcrystalline lipstick. Lipstick is ready. You can immediately glaze confectionery products with it - rum women, cakes, buns, cookies, etc.
Pour lipstick into a bowl, close tightly and store for up to a day at room temperature, then in the refrigerator for up to a month. If the lipstick turned out to be too thick for glazing even when heated, then after churning, dilute it with warm syrup for soaking to the desired density (thickness of heavy cream or a little thicker).
if there is glucose, then lipstick syrup is boiled like this
1 kg sugar
300g water
250g glucose

if there is invert syrup or starch syrup (also available in McCall's store), then the recipe for lipstick syrup is
1 kg sugar
100g invert syrup or molasses

if there is corn syrup on hand, then the syrup is boiled in such proportions
1 kg sugar
170g corn syrup
240g water

if there is citric acid, lemon juice or plain white vinegar, then the recipe for lipstick syrup is
1 kg sugar
4 g citric acid or 1 g acetic acid
330g water

Pour sugar with water and boil over high heat to 108C. Pour in a solution of citric acid, lemon juice or vinegar. Continue to boil the syrup until it reaches T 115-117C (weak ball test).
Note: lemon juice contains 5% citric acid, so if you want to cook syrup not with citric acid, but with lemon juice, instead of 4 g of citric acid powder, you will need to take 80 g of strained lemon juice per 1 kg of sugar in syrup. In America, vinegars come in a wide variety of acidity, in ordinary white vinegar 5% acetic acid. So for syrup, instead of 4 g of citric acid, you will need to take 20 g of white vinegar.

There are absolutely no difficulties in cooking a woman. The dough is exceptionally easy and quick to prepare in a food processor, in one and a half minutes. In a food processor, you can make lipstick in a couple of minutes. The only thing is that to prepare lipstick and syrup for impregnation, you need a thermometer for syrups or the ability to determine the readiness of the syrup “to the touch” (I don’t know how, I check with a thermometer).

In this article, I will show step by step how I cook rum baba and recipes for French rum baba, both our ancestors and their today's second cousins.

Recipe for rum babs according to GOST for 1 kg of products

  • 260 g of dough or slightly acid sourdough (130 g of water 130 g of flour w.s., 30 C, 2 hours of fermentation)
  • 282 gr flour w.s.
  • 1/4 tsp salt (1.24 gr)
  • 10-21 gr pressed yeast
  • 103 gr sugar
  • 103 g unsalted butter
  • 82 gr eggs
  • 52 gr raisins in the dough
  • a couple of tablespoons of natural vanilla extract

Knead the dough until well-developed gluten is obtained (1 min 30 sec in a food processor with a special dough spatula), knead the raisins by hand. The dough at the end of kneading should be very warm, about 35 C. Let the dough ferment in a very warm place (35-40 s), making two punches: each time the dough has increased in volume by 1.5-2 times, punching it in succession.

Divide the dough into pieces of such size that they fill the forms by 1/3 or 1/4 and pull the pieces of dough into balls. Lay them in greased with oil or non-stick grease forms with a knot (tuck) up. Large baba can be baked in conical brioche, kugelhopf or savarin pans, with a smooth or corrugated side surface, preferably in molds with a tube in the center. If the baba is baked in the form of a pie, then roll the dough into a layer, place it in a greased baking sheet and chop. Cover the molds or baking sheet with cling film.

Prove in a very warm place for 40-60 minutes (the billets will grow in volume by 2-3 times), brush with egg and bake at 180 degrees for 25 minutes, for small and medium-sized women (from pieces of dough weighing 25-50 g ) or bab-pies or longer for large babs weighing up to 1 kg. Large women weighing 0.5 - 1 kg will have to be covered with foil in the second half of baking so as not to burn.

While the dough is fermenting, prepare the syrup for impregnation and sugar fondant. After the babas have cooled in the molds, take them out and lay them with the narrow end up. Let them dry well and ripen for a few hours. They will become dry and hard to the touch. Pour cognac, rum or cognac essence into the syrup cooled to 20 ° C, mix. Heat the lipstick to 55 C until it flows or keep it warm and liquid. Prick the narrow end of each baba several times with a thin stick, piercing the crumb approximately to the middle of the cake. If the baba was baked in the form of a pie, then often prick the pie itself.

First, soak the baba in the syrup by dipping the product into the syrup with the narrow end and lightly squeezing the baba so that it sucks the syrup. The smaller the baba, the more it is soaked in syrup. Very large women are soaked in syrup only slightly, otherwise they will then sag under the weight of a very heavy syrupy top. Lay the soaked babas with the narrow end up so that the syrup can penetrate into the thickness of the crumb, under its own weight. The pie in the pan is simply poured over with syrup and allowed to penetrate into the crumb of the product before thickly pouring fondant on top of the pie.

To glaze a baba with lipstick, take the wide end of the baba and lower its narrow end into a cup or saucepan with warm pouring lipstick. You can glaze only the very top of the woman, or glaze everything - both the top and the sides. Remove, swirl to evenly distribute the fondant over the top or top and sides, and place the cake on a wire rack or baking sheet, narrow end up. The surface of glazed rum babs is decorated with raisins, candied fruit and fresh or canned fruits, a net of colored lipstick, etc. After a while, the lipstick will cool down and become dry to the touch and creamy like a candy inside. Such a woman can already be served. She's ready.

Syrup for impregnation of rum babs

  • 510 gr sugar
  • 560 gr water
  • a few drops of rum essence
  • 50 gr cognac or rum

Sugar and water are boiled, stirring constantly, to 103.1-103.5 C (medium syrup, density 1.22-1.25), that is, until it boils down from a weight of 1070 g to a weight of 950 g. Cool the syrup to 20 C and add rum essence, cognac or rum.

Lipstick for glazing rum babs

We already sell sugar fondant in ready-made, in dry powder form. It is enough just to add water and knead into a lump of plastic white mass. But you can also make lipstick at home by boiling sugar and water into syrup and then kneading the cooled syrup into a white creamy mass.

Sugar is boiled with water with the addition of:

  • citric acid (instead of citric acid crystals, you can take lemon juice or vinegar)
  • invert syrup
  • glucose
  • molasses
  • corn syrup

Syrup is boiled to a soft ball test (up to a temperature of 114-115 C). Any of these substances will not allow the syrup to crystallize during cooling into a coarse sugar mass of a matte color, part of the syrup will remain cold syrup and the lipstick will be soft, creamy, with a radiant surface.

Pour the prepared syrup into the bowl of the food processor and leave it at rest until the temperature of the syrup drops from 114-115 C to 60 C (about half an hour). Cover the combine with a lid and turn it on for 2-3 minutes. The clear syrup will mix into a white creamy liquid, an ultra-microcrystalline lipstick. Lipstick is ready. You can immediately glaze confectionery products with it - rum women, cakes, buns, cookies and the like.

Pour the lipstick into a bowl, seal tightly and store for up to a day at room temperature, then in the refrigerator for up to a month. If the lipstick turned out to be too thick for glazing even when heated, then after churning, dilute it with warm syrup for impregnation to the desired density (thickness of heavy cream or a little thicker).

If there is liquid glucose, then lipstick syrup is boiled like this

  • 1 kg sugar
  • 300 g water
  • 250 g glucose

If there is invert syrup or starch syrup, then the recipe for lipstick syrup is

  • 1 kg sugar
  • 100 g invert syrup or molasses

If there is corn syrup on hand, then the syrup is boiled in such proportions

  • 1 kg sugar
  • 170 g corn syrup
  • 240 g water

If there is citric acid, lemon juice or plain white vinegar, then the recipe for lipstick syrup is

  • 1 kg sugar
  • 4 g citric acid or 1 g acetic acid
  • 330 g water

Pour sugar with water and boil over high heat to 108 C. Pour in a solution of citric acid, lemon juice or vinegar. Continue to cook the syrup until you reach a temperature of 115-117 C (weak ball test).

Note: lemon juice contains 5% citric acid, so if you want to cook syrup not with citric acid, but with lemon juice, instead of 4 g of citric acid powder, you will need to take 80 g of strained lemon juice per 1 kg of sugar in syrup. In Europe, vinegars come in a wide variety of acidity, in ordinary white vinegar 5% acetic acid. So for syrup, instead of 4 g of citric acid, you will need to take 20 g of white vinegar

  1. Pour the kneaded dough onto the table or into a bowl and knead the raisins with your hands. If the raisins are mixed on the table, do not dust the table or the dough with flour. Knead as well as possible and then use a scraper to collect the dough stuck to the table into a ball. The dough will be neither soft nor runny, and this makes our rum babas different from French rum babas, whose brioche dough is so light creamy that it is poured into molds using a piping bag. Our rum dough is a very elastic dough, it sits on the table in a high ball.
  2. During fermentation, it is not necessary to allow the dough to increase by more than 1.5-2 r in volume. My fermentation with two knockdowns was over in 40 minutes!
  3. The fermented dough is laid out in molds or on a baking sheet, filling them no more than 1/4-1/3. I took pieces of dough weighing 25 g for small babs (ready-made products weighing 50-60 g) and 55 g for medium-sized molds (ready-made babas weighing about 100 g). Remember that the dough is laid with a knot up, because. ready-made women are turned upside down after baking, and therefore, in their forms, the bottom of the dough should be smooth. Forms or baking sheets can be taken silicone, steel or aluminum, even glass. Doesn't matter. Only in black metal forms do not bake - they will burn terribly. Small forms are placed on a large baking sheet.
  4. My proofing took about 35-40 minutes. Brush tops with egg before baking.
  5. I have it all baked in 25 minutes. The first 15 minutes at 180 with convection, then I lower the oven temperature to 165 and finish baking so that they do not burn, but are baked through.
  6. Allow the products to cool completely in the molds and then place upside down on a baking sheet or wire rack.
  7. Let it dry properly for several hours. Large women (0.5-1 kg) will be ready for impregnation and glazing a day after baking. Small and medium - after 2-8 hours
  8. Syrup for soaking women is the simplest and most ingenuous: sugar and water in equal proportions, thoroughly boiled. If it is boiled according to science, then it is boiled at a temperature of 103.1 C, a maximum of 103.5 C. It is flavored and mixed with rum or cognac only when cold, after the syrup has cooled to 20 C.
  9. Before soaking in syrup room temperature(20-40 C), the narrow end of each woman is pierced in several places with a stick. Pierce approximately to the middle of the product so that the syrup freely penetrates inside.
  10. Put the soaked women upside down. While they wait for their turn to be glazed with fondant, the syrup will penetrate inside, soaking the crumb as it should.
  11. Then the narrow end of the baba is lowered into lipstick warmed up and diluted with syrup (if necessary). They lower it only with the tip or “I don’t want it at all”. Whoever likes it. When cooled, the surface of the lipstick will be dry and not sticky, so you can not be afraid and glaze completely. The main thing is that the fingers do not bite off while eating.)