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Cream 20 percent what to cook. What cream is best for whipping

Cream 20% fat- a liquid of dense consistency, painted white with a pronounced beige tint. This option is the most popular, as it has a medium fat content.

Beneficial features

The benefits of 20% fat cream are due to the internal composition. For example, this product contains a lot of vitamin A, which is necessary to maintain visual acuity. It is recommended to include this product in your diet for people of any age. There is also lecithin in this cream, which considered an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis.

It is part of the cream with 20% fat content and phosphorus, which takes part in protein synthesis and in the formation of bone and muscle tissue. Thanks to calcium, the condition of hair, nails and bones improves significantly. This product also contains potassium, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, and it also reduces the risk of heart attack, stroke and other heart problems.

Use in cooking

Most often cream 20% fat in cooking used for making various sauces, creams, dressings and mousses. This product is included in the recipes of numerous desserts and pastries. In addition, cream of this fat content is added to various hot drinks, for example, to tea and coffee. This product is also put in puree soups, due to which the final product acquires a more delicate and creamy texture.

Harm of cream 20% fat and contraindications

Harm cream 20% fat can bring people with individual intolerance to the product. It is worth refusing to use this product for obesity, as well as during weight loss. Limiting the amount of cream used to 20% fat is for people with high blood cholesterol, as well as with serious gastrointestinal problems.

Cream is characterized by rich mineral and vitamin composition. They contain many vitamins of groups B, A, PP, C, H, E, D, minerals sodium, calcium, chlorine, potassium, molybdenum, cobalt, fluorine, copper, iodine, zinc, phosphorus, selenium.

Calorie cream 20 percent per 100 grams 206 kcal. In 100 g of product:

  • 2.78 g protein;
  • 20 g fat;
  • 3.65 g of carbohydrates.

Cream of medium fat is extremely useful. This product is recommended to be included in the diet to restore strength during heavy physical and mental stress. With regular use of 20% cream, the nervous system normalizes, the condition of nails, hair, bones, and blood vessel walls improves.

Calorie cream 33 percent per 100 grams

Calorie cream 33 percent per 100 grams 323 kcal. 100 g of cream contains:

  • 2.21 g proteins;
  • 33 g fat;
  • 3.9 g of carbohydrates.

Despite the high calorie and fat content, this product It is not recommended to completely exclude from the diet. Cream 33% contains a lot of calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, copper, zinc, fluorine, folic acid.

Calorie homemade cream per 100 grams

Calorie homemade cream per 100 grams 265 kcal. 100 gram serving contains:

  • 2.7 g protein;
  • 21.4 g fat;
  • 13.7 g of carbohydrates.

Whipped cream calories per 100 grams

Calorie content of whipped cream per 100 grams 256 kcal. In 100 g of product:

  • 3.22 g protein;
  • 22.1 g fat;
  • 12.6 g of carbohydrates.

For the production of whipped cream, special centrifuges are used. Only whole milk is used for cooking. The composition of the product should not contain dyes, stabilizing additives and powdered milk.

Contraindications to the use of whipped cream are exacerbations of diseases of the stomach, intestines, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, high cholesterol, vascular and heart disease, overweight. If you cannot completely give up whipped cream, you should eat them in small quantities in the morning.

Calorie coffee with cream and sugar per 100 grams

Calorie coffee with cream and sugar per 100 grams 66 kcal. The 100-gram serving of the drink contains:

  • 0.61 g protein;
  • 5.58 g fat;
  • 3.7 g of carbohydrates.

Cream coffee recipe:

  • in 250 ml hot water dissolve 5 g of instant coffee;
  • add 10 g of sugar and 50 ml of cream;
  • all components of the drink are mixed.

Calorie content of coffee with cream without sugar per 100 grams

Calorie coffee with cream without sugar per 100 grams 47 kcal. 100 g of drink contains:

  • 1.7 g protein;
  • 3.9 g fat;
  • 1.7 g of carbohydrates.

The benefits of cream

The following benefits of cream are known:

  • the product is saturated with lecithin, which has a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels, normalizes blood cholesterol levels;
  • cream fats are quickly absorbed, saturating the body with energy during heavy mental and physical stress;
  • proven benefits of cream to improve mood, prevent stress;
  • the vitamins of the product are shown to maintain the health of hair, nails, skin;
  • with regular consumption of cream, swelling is prevented.

Harm cream

Cream is a fairly high-calorie and fatty product, so they should be discarded when losing weight and dieting. because of a large number fat cream is contraindicated in exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases, high cholesterol.

In some people, this product provokes flatulence, bloating. Cream should not be included in the diet of young children: it is a rather heavy product that is difficult to digest for a child's stomach.

It is necessary to exclude such dairy products in case of allergic reactions to dairy products.

It's difficult to imagine recipe, which will be missing everyone's favorite whipped cream. The most delicate texture, magnificent forms, amazing taste give completeness confectionery. Like any other business, whipping cream involves a number of certain features. If the technology is violated, the product will turn into oil or, on the contrary, become liquid. Consider important aspects in order.

Whipping cream selection

  1. The first thing you should pay attention to is the fat content of the product. To make the final composition lush and dense, give preference to cream with a fat content of 27% or more. The store version is 33% composition, its consistency is similar to a homemade product.
  2. If there is no possibility of purchasing 27-33% cream, buy a composition with an indicator lower than stated. However, in this case, you will have to add food stabilizers to thicken it. They can be lemon juice, gelatin, egg or quail protein, a special confectionery thickener (sold in the seasonings and spices, confectionery additives, etc. departments).
  3. In cases where homemade cream is used for whipping, dilute it with filtered melt water or whole milk. Stick to the proportion: 275 ml. cream accounts for 110 ml. liquids.
  4. In addition to the fat content, pay attention to the origin of the cream. They can be animal or vegetable. The first option assumes the presence of natural milk in the composition, they are sold in the markets or in stores healthy eating. The second option includes Palm oil, additional preservatives, stabilizers and thickeners. Cream of this kind is called "powder".
  5. For girls who follow the figure, cream of vegetable origin is suitable. When choosing a product, you should not choose the highest fat content, 10-15% will be enough. This type is great for making low-calorie desserts.

Preparing cream for whipping

  1. Before you start whipping, place the cream in the refrigerator for 1-1.5 hours. In addition, send a container in which the composition will be whipped and a whisk into the chamber. If you want to speed up the process, send kitchen tools to the freezer for a quarter of an hour, but cream cannot be cooled in this way. Otherwise, they will delaminate after beating.
  2. After the milk product has cooled, remove the pack from the refrigerator and shake well. The same applies to milk if homemade cream is diluted with it. Such manipulations must be done in order for the fat accumulated on top to mix with the main part. As a result, the cream will turn out homogeneous, lush and thick.
  3. The best bowl for whipping is a bowl with wide sides, which must be held at an angle. The whisk or mixer must be completely immersed in the creamy mass, otherwise the technology will be violated.

How to whip cream

  1. It is important to remember forever that a blender is an absolutely useless thing in terms of whipping cream. For such purposes, a mixer or whisk is suitable for you. Perfect option involves step-by-step whipping, first automatically, then mechanically (manually).
  2. Whip the cream in stages, do not try to process the entire composition at a time. Whipping 250-300 ml is considered optimal. In cases where the cream requires more cream, prepare them in 2-3 approaches.
  3. Always start whipping with a mixer at minimum power, gradually increase the speed to an average mark. Then reduce the speed of the mixer again, preparing the device to turn off. Finish the procedure with a manual whisk so as not to miss the moment of the final preparation of the cream.
  4. The consistency will tell you about readiness. The first thing you will notice is that the product will stop circulating, but will still hold its shape and have a thick texture. It is important to remember: turn off the mixer in advance, then bring the mass to readiness with a whisk. Otherwise, you risk getting a mixture that looks like butter. As a rule, heavy cream (about 30%) will take about 5-7 minutes of whipping.
  5. If you notice that the cream will soon turn into butter, pour some full-fat milk into it. room temperature, then beat with a whisk until desired consistency.
  6. Not everyone has a whisk or a mixer, consider whipping without these devices. Prepare a plastic storage container food products or heating in the microwave, place 33% fat cream and powdered sugar in it, cover with a lid. When the container is hermetically sealed, start shaking it in different directions for 5-7 minutes.

Natural sweeteners for cream

  1. In addition to the correct choice of cream, you will also need granulated sugar. Due to its absorbent properties, it absorbs some of the liquid, making the final product thick and fluffy.
  2. As a result, you will get a syrup of increased viscosity with elastic walls and small air bubbles. Optionally, you can use both beet and cane sugar, as well as powder based on these products.
  3. Confectioners recommend sweetening the cream with powdered sugar, while it must first be sifted in order to increase the volume of the final composition by 1.5-2 times. Powder is added in the middle of the whipping process.
  4. In cases where cream is sweetened with sugar, it must be mixed in at the initial stage. Such a move will allow the crystals to dissolve quickly, as a result of which the granules will not crunch on the teeth.
  5. Professionals in their field unanimously say that date and coconut sugar should not be added to whipping cream. If you violate this recommendation, the mixture will turn out to be heterogeneous, aesthetically ugly.
  6. Can be used as a sweetener liquid honey. In this case, mix it well before whipping (3-4 hours). Honey is added to cream preheated to room temperature, then the composition is stirred until smooth and put in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Only after that you can start whipping.
  7. As for wedge syrup, it should be added in moderation. Initially, the composition will not seem too sweet to you, but after a certain period of infusion, it will acquire a cloying shade. The product interferes already after whipping the cream with a spatula, the amount depends on individual preferences (usually 3 teaspoons per 100 g of the composition is enough).

It is not uncommon for cream to be whipped for unknown reasons. Natural thickeners will come to the rescue, which can be lemon juice, a special bulk composition, gelatin, protein (quail or chicken, it does not matter).

The product is added in the amount of 5-7 gr. for 250 ml. cream. Prepare before mixing in gelatin. Pour the composition with purified water in a ratio of 1: 1, wait for the granules to swell, heat in the microwave or in a water bath until completely dissolved. Next, strain in a convenient way, start slowly pouring into the cream, while whipping the mixture with a mixer at minimum power.

Optionally, you can dissolve the gelatin directly in dairy product. To do this, separate 1/3 of the cream, add gelatin to them, wait for the swelling. After that, combine the composition with the two previous sections, beat with a mixer into a homogeneous mass. It is important to remember that the lower the fat content of the cream, the more gelatin you will need to thicken it. Experiment.

Lemon juice
The main advantage of this method is that the composition thickens even those creams that have a low fat content (10-25%). The main thing is not to break the proportions: 225 ml. cream accounts for 1 tablespoon lemon juice, which must first be filtered.

Add squeezed liquid directly in the process of whipping, while constantly working with a whisk / mixer. Do not try to pour the juice all at once, work gradually.

Cream thickener

In the "Grocery" section you will find a special bulk composition that will help thicken the cream. Typically, the product is released in paper packaging weighing 10-12 gr. The thickener is composed of starch and powdered sugar. According to the manufacturer 10 gr. the mixture is enough to beat 250 ml. cream with a fat content of 23-33%.

The technology of use is quite simple: pour the product in small portions, simultaneously beat the mass with a mixer or whisk. At the end of the procedure, leave the container to infuse for 5-10 minutes, use as directed.

If low-fat cream is used for whipping, the amount of bulk thickener should be increased to 15 g. for 250 ml. milk composition.

Separate the chicken or quail protein from the yolk, place it in a bowl and refrigerate, let stand for about a quarter of an hour. Beat in a convenient way, add to pre-whipped cream, process the mixture by hand for 1-2 minutes, making the mass homogeneous.

To get the perfect whipped cream, it is necessary, first of all, to choose the initial composition. It should be bold (20-35%) and fresh. Sweeten the mass with powdered sugar, thicken with natural ingredients (lemon, protein, gelatin).

Video: 3 options for whipping cream

It turns out that even experienced hostesses are not immune from failures in this difficult process. Here are some tips on how to avoid cream separation when whipping into butter and whey.

Made some cake, late. It's time for whipping cream. I look at the recipe, repeat all the steps indicated in it, and suddenly a nuisance! instead of cream, butter magically turned out. The time is 2 a.m., a 2-year-old baby is sleeping behind the wall, and not only is it too late to look for new cream, it’s also not possible (the child wakes up very often at night). The cream had to be postponed until the morning, but the question of the cream almost dreamed of me all night! In the morning, barely waiting for the stores to open (we are early birds), I ran for a new portion of the spoiled product, thinking along the way, what did I do wrong? And how to do so!?

Cream must be taken at least 30% fat, otherwise it will not go astray. Can you whip 20% cream? How to whip cream 10%? Such cream does not whip, they are too liquid. Theoretically, you can whip cream with a lower fat content (20%), but the volume and taste suffer greatly. You can add gelatin or eggs to such cream, but it will no longer be pure whipped cream. 30% come across as thick as sour cream, and quite pourable and outwardly not much thicker than 20%. According to some observations, thinner heavy cream is whipped better.

The cream should be cold, very cold, but not icy and certainly not frozen! If the cream is frozen or warm, then separation will occur during whipping. Serum and oil are obtained! You can’t do anything with this, you can throw it away (Do not put the cream to the far wall of the refrigerator - it can freeze and the result will be deplorable (Although some recommend sending the cream to the freezer for 15 minutes before whipping. As well as the dishes in which they will be whipped and the whisk there Alternatively, put the bowl of cream into a large bowl filled with ice.

If you beat with a mixer then: no more than 200 - 300 g at a time. You need to start with the minimum speed, gradually increasing the speed. Turn the mixer on and off gradually, increasing or decreasing the speed. If you immediately turn on the mixer at high speeds, in addition to fireworks in a single kitchen, butter may whip. Tilt the bowl of cream so that the rotating blades of the mixer are at the bottom and beat. Do not drive the mixer around the container, let the cream circulate by itself.

Disputes do not stop, how to beat - with a mixer or, nevertheless, to achieve best result, the old fashioned way - with a whisk and by hand. Everyone is absolutely sure of one thing - you should not whip the cream with a blender.

The readiness of whipped cream is determined by eye when noticeable circulation stops. Properly whipped cream should retain its shape, and not spread into a cake. However, don't overdo it. Whipping the cream too long can again end up with whey and butter instead of whipped cream. The average whipping time for 33% Petmolovsky cream is 5 minutes, for 38% Valio - 1-2 minutes.

Sugar, gelatin or cream fixer are added after whipping the cream a little. If whipping cream with sugar, it is better to add powdered sugar. 33-35% cream is whipped quickly and the sugar does not have time to melt. For 250 ml of 33% cream, 30 g of powdered sugar is needed. If you add powder before whipping, the cream may not whip. Gelatin must first swell, then heat until gelatin granules dissolve, cool and mix with cream. You can also add lemon juice. Juice of 1/4 lemon in 200 ml cream and whisk. There will be no foam, but there will be such a thick mass, the cream thickens from acid. Some even recommend buying homemade cream from the grandmothers in the market and diluting it with water and then whipping it. For thick 300 g of cream, about 120 ml of very cold water.

Everything I found, I wrote, I hope it will be useful to someone. Once again, these are not my personal observations! I didn’t check everything myself - I didn’t have time (yet!), Only some points. But, as you know, they learn from mistakes, and until you try it yourself, see and touch it, you won’t learn anything. The mistakes of others will only help you to stumble less, and your own - to gain experience! I wish you all success and new victories!

P.S. I whipped a new batch of cream the first time, taking into account the points listed above !!!

Coffee has long been an integral part of the life of almost every person. Different people prefer to drink it in different ways. Someone makes coffee bitter and strong, like a stone, while someone likes a gentle combination of sweet milky taste and coffee bitterness. But a varied approach to the use of this ancient drink does not at all diminish its importance and the need for constant development of cooking methods.

One of the recipes for deliciously brewed coffee is coffee with cream. Many lovers of latte, cappuccino are ready for a lot for the sake of foam, which should be thick, rich, so as not to fall after the first small movement of the cup, but to hold on with dignity until the last sip. Restaurant specialists, who have already got their hands on this very well, surprise not only with the structure of the foam, but also with the forms that come out of it. Excellent foam is also obtained in coffee machines, where special programs are laid down for such a result.

But what about ordinary connoisseurs of properly prepared cappuccino, latte, who do not have enough time or money to constantly enjoy these drinks in entertainment places and catering? An excellent way out will be knowledge, in thick foam on its own home cooking. Then you can not only please yourself, but also amuse the invited guests, who will also share the pleasure of taste.

The right choice of foam cream

To obtain the expected result in the form of thick foam, there are several rules that should be followed when choosing cream:

  • You need to buy raw materials for thick foam in the store, after checking the shelf life and production time, since the cream must be fresh.
  • You need to choose cream of the highest possible fat content, but not less than 30%, because otherwise the foam will not work or will fall almost immediately. The most suitable option is this product with a fat content of 33-36%. You can also take special cream, which indicates that they are made "For whipping foam."
  • In order for the foam to turn out to be thick, not to exfoliate during whipping, it is necessary to cool the cream, but it is also worth remembering that it should not be frozen or too cold. The most optimal cream temperature for whipping and foaming is 3-4 degrees Celsius.
  • It is impossible to allow freezing and thawing of the cream that will be used to prepare the foam, since during the whipping process there will be separation into two products: butter and whey.
  • You should not buy homemade cream for making thick foam, as the whole result of the work will disappear within a few minutes, that is, the foam will fall.

How to increase the fat content of cream

If the store did not find required product, do not despair. Cream less than the required fat content, in any case, will always be found in the supermarket refrigerator. There are a few secrets that will help bring them to the condition of more fat content, which is so necessary for getting a thick foam. Our grandmothers used the first method. It is very simple, but will take some time. It consists in boiling the existing cream a little in a water bath. In this way, excess water will evaporate. The cream will become much fatter. Another option, which no longer requires almost no effort, is the method of adding a small amount to low-fat cream butter. It in itself has a large percentage of fat content, which will increase it in cream. In addition to these two methods, you can also use a special powder that helps to evaporate moisture. This is a thickener that also has the features of increasing the fat content in cream.

Methods for whipping cream for foam

There are several options for whipping cream into a thick foam. Among them are:

  1. Whipping with a mixer.
  2. Whipping by hand.
  3. Whipping with a blender.

Although the latter option is used extremely rarely, since a blender is not suitable for this process. It’s better not to look for a way to whip cream into a thick foam with a blender.

Preparing dishes

To learn how to whip cream into a thick foam with a mixer, the first step is to cool not only the cream itself, but also all the dishes. The whisks from the mixer, as well as the dishes in which the foam will be whipped and stored, should be put in the refrigerator for several minutes. When everything is ready, you need to shift it for a minute or two in the freezer. After completing all the preparatory processes, when the dishes and cream are cooled, you can proceed to the very moment of whipping.

Making thick foam with a mixer

First of all, you need to remember that you should not make any sharp and quick body movements. After pouring the cream into a container, you need to start whipping at the minimum speed, very slowly increasing it to the maximum. It is best to do this every 3-4 minutes. When the cream begins to thicken and turn into foam, the speed must be reduced back to a complete stop, but just as slowly and gradually.

To obtain a thick foam from cream, do not beat them in large portions. The most optimal parameter would be a glass. It is also important to stop properly. It is best to do this when, when the mixer is taken out, a small patch, spout is formed, and the base itself no longer spreads even when tilted to the side. Whisking further, you can get them a little richer and thicker. Then they will resemble those that are bought in the store in banks, ready-made. If you do not stop at this stage, then in the end you will get oil.

How to whip cream into a thick foam by hand

Learning another way to cook delicious dessert. Those who know how to whip cream into a thick foam with a mixer can easily cope with a whisk. The processes are very similar, as the devices themselves are very similar. The only difference is that you have to do everything by hand, and this may take a little longer, but there is less chance of whipping to the consistency of a butter. So, how to whip cream into a thick foam without a mixer. In this option, it is also worth cooling all the ingredients and getting to work, slowly moving the whisk over the plate with cream, gradually increasing the speed. Only here it is imperative to ensure that the whisk moves only in one direction during the whipping process. After gaining experience on how to whip cream into a thick foam without a mixer, you no longer want to use the technique the next time. After all, it is by doing it manually that you feel and completely control the process.

Is it worth using a blender to get a thick foam

A blender is not at all suitable for such a procedure as whipping cream into a thick foam for coffee. The only option would be to change it to the standard cutting attachment for the whisk. Or, if there is none, and it is necessary to achieve the desired result desperately, you just need to do all the movements at the lowest speed. The attachment of the blender is made up of cutting blades that simply exfoliate the cream. After that, the foam obtained by whipping in this way can be quite inhomogeneous. It also crashes very soon. Therefore, do not waste effort and use equipment for other purposes.

Foam Secrets

The resulting foam is very strong and can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three days. It will be very tasty and beautiful to use it with coffee.

After it has stood in the refrigerator for a while, with the help of ordinary spoons it will be possible to form even different figures on your favorite drink, which will certainly please relatives and friends.