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Apple cakes. Prepared instantly - eaten even faster! Fluffy cakes on kefir with apples Cakes on kefir with apples

apple cakes

Required: 300 g rice flour, 100 g wheat flour, 1/2 l milk (or water) 150 g fresh apples, 20 g yeast, salt.

Cooking method. Knead a stiff dough and keep warm. Peel the apples and grate on a coarse grater. Then mix the apple mass with the dough, roll it out in the form of a cake and bake in the oven until a pink crust forms. Serve apple tortilla with apple jelly or any fruit juice.

Cooking Tricks

Rice flour cakes should be stored separately from rye and wheat flour products.

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These are not apple pancakes, namely flat cakes from apple dough. Very tasty. Try it!

On the very day when there was suddenly almost no food left in the house (I'm afraid this phrase will soon be relevant in many homes), I managed to invent apple tortillas for breakfast. Why did it hurt? Because now the house is full of products, and I continue to fry these cakes not only for breakfast, but also for lunch, for an afternoon snack and for dinner (hereinafter with all the stops). Because everyone liked them at home, and they are made very simply.

apple cake recipe

4 apples
1 egg
½ cup flour
½ cup milk
½ teaspoon soda
4 tablespoons of sugar
A pinch of salt
Vegetable oil for frying and sour cream for eating 🙂

How to make apple cakes

Whisk the egg with sugar. We remove the peel from the apples and three them on a coarse grater in a bowl until there is no core left in the hands. We throw away the stubs, and grated apples mix with soda and let stand for 3 minutes. Beat the egg and add it to the apples, as well as flour, sugar, salt and milk. (This is what distinguishes cakes and: cakes are baked on water or milk, and pancakes on yogurt or kefir).

Heat up vegetable oil in a frying pan. Carefully place in heaps apple dough and knead each pile with a spatula into a flat cake. Like this:

Fry apple pies on both sides until golden brown. We fry everything else in the same way.

We spread the ready-made fried apple cakes on a plate in a pile and eat with sour cream.

The cake turned out amazingly tasty, I did not even expect such a result.
It doesn't look like regular apple pies. The dough is fluffy and crumbly, not at all as rubbery as yeast dough. The dough after frying easily breaks and crumbles. Juicy sweet and sour filling refreshes the taste of the cake itself, making it more harmonious.
When preparing this cake, there are two difficult moments - transferring the collected cake to the pan and turning it over to the other side.


2 tbsp vegetable oil for frying (~35g)

2 eggs ,
2 tbsp sugar (50g),
2 tbsp vegetable oil (~35g),
50g sour cream,
1 tsp baking powder,
a pinch of salt ,
1.5 cups flour (240g)


150~200g peeled apples,
20g sugar
if desired - 1 teaspoon lemon juice

Wash the apples, cut in half and cut out the seed box.
Grate on a coarse grater starting from the cut point - in this case, the pulp will pass through the grater, and the skin will remain outside.

Mix apple chips with sugar and leave for the preparation of the dough.

Beat eggs with sugar in a mixer.
Continuing to beat under the rotating blades of the mixer, pour in the vegetable oil.

Add sour cream and 1 cup flour mixed with salt and baking powder.

Then stir in another half cup of flour with a spoon.
You should have a soft sticky dough.

Divide the dough into two parts and sprinkle liberally with flour.
Roll out both balls with a rolling pin or knead with your hand into circles with a diameter of 22 centimeters.
Roll out one ball of dough on a table sprinkled with flour, and the second - on a cutting board.

Drain the juice from the apple chips.
If apples are sweet varieties, then if desired, you can add lemon juice.

Put the filling on the dough, which is on the cutting board, and spread it evenly, not reaching 1 centimeter from the edge.

Top with the second layer of dough and press the edges together.

Pour vegetable oil into the pan.
Shake the tortilla from the board into the pan. If the dough was rolled out on flour, then it will easily move off the board into the pan.

Close the pan with a lid and put on a minimum fire.
Fry the tortilla for 3 minutes, until the bottom side is browned.
Using two spatulas, turn the cake over to the other side.

Cook covered for 2 more minutes.
Remove the pan from the heat and let the tortilla rest for another 5 minutes.
Transfer the cake to a platter.

Kefir cakes with caramelized apples are cooked very quickly, but eaten even faster. Cakes are light, airy, fragrant. Just great!


  • kefir 250 ml
  • vegetable oil - two tablespoons
  • baking soda - half a teaspoon
  • wheat flour - 300 or 350 grams
  • chicken eggs - one egg
  • apples - five medium apples
  • butter - 50 grams
  • sugar two or three tablespoons
  • cinnamon - a couple of tablespoons. You can do without it.

Cooking cakes on kefir with apples

Peel the apples from the core and cut into small cubes. Shop apples are best peeled and peeled.

Put the pan on the fire. Heat up the butter and add the chopped apples. Simmer apples until almost soft. Add sugar, mix. Turn up the heat a bit and caramelize the apples. The sugar should dissolve and the apples should caramelize. Cool the cooked apples. The filling for the cakes is ready. You can add cinnamon to it and mix.

To prepare the dough, pour kefir into a bowl. Add salt, soda, break an egg, pour vegetable oil. Mix everything thoroughly.

Introduce the pre-sifted flour into the dough in parts, mixing each time. Knead the dough. It should be very soft and slightly sticky. Do not score with flour! Leave the kneaded dough to rest for fifteen minutes.

Knead the rested dough a little, roll it into a sausage and divide into four parts.

Knead the pieces of dough with your hands or roll into a cake about 1 cm thick. Place a large portion in the middle of the cake apple filling. Connect the edges of the cake in the middle. Knead the cake with your hands on both sides and let it lie down for five minutes. thus prepare all the other cakes with apples.

Put the pan on the fire, heat a little vegetable oil and put the cake. Reduce the heat, close the lid and fry the cakes on both sides. They fry pretty quickly.

Put the finished cakes on a plate and grease with butter. Such cakes can be made with any filling, for example, with cheese, herbs, potatoes.

Now is the time for juicy, bright apples! And how many delicious recipes where you can use apples! Today, wonderful tortillas stuffed with caramelized apples! Sounds delicious and tastes amazing! Prepare instantly!

The recipe is very simple, you will need a minimum of products.

kefir 250 ml
flour 300 - 350 gr
soda 1\2 tsp
eggs 1 pc
vegetable oil 2 tablespoons
pinch of salt
apples 3-4 pcs
sugar 2-3 tablespoons
butter 30-50 gr
cinnamon 1-2 teaspoons

The dough cooks quickly, so let's start with the filling. We cut the apples into cubes. If the apples are store-bought, peel them (I have local apples).

Fry on butter(20-30 gr) and add sugar, a couple more minutes, so that the apples caramelize.

The apples are cooling, let's do the dough. In kefir, add a pinch of salt, soda and an egg. Mix well and gradually add flour.

kneading soft dough(it will stick a little). Let the dough stand under the cup for a while, let it rest.

We divide the finished dough into equal parts (the number of cakes). We stretch the blanks (roll out) in the center, add a few tablespoons of cooled apples, cinnamon.

We collect all the edges, pinch. Now we carefully align and stretch the cake, the main thing is that the filling does not leak out.

Let the cake lie on the table for 5 minutes while we make the rest. And fry in a small amount of vegetable oil over low heat.
Fry on both sides and under the lid.