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Banana ryazhenka kefir gelatin recipe. Summer dessert of fermented baked milk instead of ice cream for children and not only

This milk soufflé is made from fermented baked milk if you want it to taste like creme brulee, or from kefir to get the taste of ice cream. Condition delicious soufflé one thing - both ryazhenka and kefir should be fresh, not sour. The recipe is simple, and everyone likes the dessert, especially children.

I prepared this milk soufflé from both fermented baked milk and kefir. I like it more from ryazhenka, and I recommend it.


  • 450 ml ryazhenka
  • 2 tbsp. l. sour cream 15% fat
  • 100 g sugar
  • 1 sachet of gelatin (10 g)
  • 1 sachet of vanilla sugar (8-10 g)

450 ml of ryazhenka or kefir is a standard cardboard package, for example, "House in the village", which says "net weight 515 g".


First, prepare the gelatin.
Pour a bag of instant gelatin into 100 ml of hot water (but not boiling water!) And stir until completely dissolved. Then cool and filter through a fine sieve.

I use this one whenever possible instant gelatin, its sachet (10 g) is designed for 0.5 l of liquid:

If you have regular gelatin, follow the instructions on the package.
In a small bowl for whipping, we combine fermented baked milk, sour cream, sugar, vanilla sugar and beat with a mixer at medium speed for about three minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved.
If desired, part of the sugar can be replaced with condensed milk, I do this sometimes, it is also delicious.

Without ceasing to beat, pour in the prepared gelatin in a thin stream and continue to beat for another 2-3 minutes. The resulting milk mixture is immediately poured into bowls or glasses. By volume, the result is approximately 800 ml of whipped milk mixture.

We remove the creamers in the refrigerator for 3 hours until completely solidified. The frozen milk soufflé is delicious on its own, but you can decorate it if you wish - with grated chocolate, cookies or its crumbs, berries, nuts, etc.

Cream soufflé from ryazhenka

Recipe from Sasha : Well, just unrealistically delicious and tender recipe I've made it about 5 times already, almost every day. Better than any cheesecake cottage cheese casseroles, honestly. I recommend to all.
The recipe is taken from the povarenok website, and second GadenKa
recommends adding chocolate and strawberries, I advise not adding anything - the dessert is perfect. Below is the author's recipe.

Description: Baked ryazhenka, delicious? It turns out that it’s not just delicious, it’s magically delicious, the ryazhenka cream itself is incredibly tender, the velvety structure just melts in your mouth, you can leave everything like that, honestly, it’s delicious without everything, but I didn’t know this until now)) therefore I made it with the most fragrant wild berry - wild strawberries, which I flavored with a little dark chocolate. What happened in the end is a great dessert after light dinner, but for me it was breakfast and I was just happy.
Directly for cooking, it will take only 10 minutes, the longest is to wait for the time before cooking + after, for cooling))


Ryazhenka (you can use kefir from 3.2% fat) - 500 ml
Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
Corn flour (you can use potato starch or plain flour) - 1 tsp
Quail eggs (or 1 chicken) - 4 pcs
Dark chocolate (can be white)
Strawberries (any berries, fruits)

The dessert is designed for my favorite one, i.e. for 2 molds of 125 ml))))
We are preparing the "soil" for making dessert in 2, 3 days, but all you need is patience, no effort and effort.
Once, in a conversation with a good man about addictions to dairy products, she said that she freezes regular kefir, then throws it on a sieve, and only then enjoys the most delicate cream.
Natasha (Nata_kz), thank you, dear, for this wonderful idea, I successfully used it, I decided to try it anyway. The result was above all praise. True, I used melted kefir, which gave the dessert a special delicate taste and tint.
I was distracted here a little, but sometimes I want so much)))
Put a package (tetropack) with fermented baked milk in the freezer for the night, a day, or for as long as you like ... the main thing for us is to freeze it.
Fold a piece of gauze in several layers to make a dense layer of fabric, line a colander or sieve.
Get our frozen ryazhenka, dip into a bowl with hot water, cut the bag and pull out a monolithic bar of fermented baked milk on gauze. Cover with a lid, put in the refrigerator and forget for another 2 days. You can remove it for a day, then pull it out of the refrigerator and let it completely thaw and drain the whey. There is not enough days in the refrigerator, you need at least 2, or even three. At room temperature strained, but the consistency is better when completely drained and thawed in the refrigerator, it is better to wait. When all the serum is gone. It remains such a gentle and thick cream.

But now you have to work a little to enjoy later)))
Grease molds with oil.
Grate the chocolate or cut into small cubes.
Berries can be taken any to your taste.
Put berries on the bottom of the molds, the thickness of the layer depends on your taste, but it doesn’t cost much either, because. the berries will give juice and the cream will float in the juice and may crack when baking.
The best option is about 1.5 layers)))
Place chocolate chips over the berries. Chocolate can be taken white, it will be more creamy and delicate taste. In general, I like bitter, but in combination with the sourness of berries, this is more for me than I would like)))

We mix the eggs with sugar, vanilla, a pinch of salt with a hand whisk, you do not need to beat anything into foam. If you beat the eggs, then the cream will rise during baking, and we need a homogeneous creamy structure of the dessert))
Add a teaspoon to the eggs cornmeal, can be replaced with starch or plain flour, mix.
Add cream of fermented baked milk and gently mix everything into a homogeneous mass.

Pour the mass into molds over the berries.

Bake in a preheated oven at 130-150 ° C for about 25-30 minutes. Depending on the oven, the time is approximate. The readiness of the dessert is checked in this way, if the cream has already seized along the edges, and slightly rattles in the middle, then it's ready. Touch with a fingertip, it does not stick along the edge, and in the middle the cream sticks to your finger.
Turn off the oven and leave in it for 30 minutes. Remove, cool and refrigerate for 2-4 hours or even overnight.

You can decorate any way you like. fresh berries, grated chocolate, etc. I crumbled sesame cookies on top, well, very tasty.
There is nothing superfluous in the cream itself, it does not need any additives, everything is very simple and tasty, the full image is complemented by fragrant strawberries and pieces of chocolate, everything is harmonious and just perfect for a light dessert or breakfast.
By the way, the cream keeps its shape perfectly, if you run it along the walls with a sharp knife and turn it on a plate, it will look great.
You can also make it in a large form, there will be something like a dessert casserole. Then the baking time will increase to 50-60 minutes, and put a bowl with boiling water on the bottom of the oven and bake at 160-170 ° C.


- Very soft and delicious!!!

And I tried kefir and although I like ryazhenka more, I liked the kefir cream soufflé much more, I also added mulberries and if last time the ryazhenka soufflé with chocolate was very tasty, then the kefir soufflé with berries turned out amazingly tasty ! Sashenka, thank you very much for this wonderful idea with freezing.

- very tasty and gentle cream turned out

Sweetener - to taste


Ryazhenka, pour on cheesecloth, folded several times and put on a sieve. Leave in the refrigerator overnight. Get a thick and pasty cheese from ryazhenka.
Separate the whites from the yolks. Add sweetener to the yolks, grind until white. Whip the whites into a strong foam.
Add yolks with sweetener to the cheese mass and mix well. Gradually add the proteins and mix gently so that the mass does not settle and remains airy.
Lubricate ceramic baking dishes with oil and put our soufflé in them. Put on a baking sheet with a napkin and pour hot water so that it reaches the middle of the molds. Put to bake in a preheated oven 160 C for 30 minutes.

Enjoy your meal!

To prepare a dessert from ryazhenka "Plombir" you need to soak instant gelatin in water (about 5-10 minutes). It is enough to take 50-60 ml of water for 1 tablespoon.

Put the gelatin with water in the microwave for 3-4 seconds. Do not let the liquid boil, otherwise the gelatin will lose its properties. Stir the swollen gelatin well with a spoon until completely dissolved.

For cooking healthy dessert both purchased ryazhenka and home-made sourdough are suitable.

In a bowl, mix fermented baked milk, sour cream (15-20%), sugar and vanillin. Beat with a hand whisk or mixer at low speed.

Add cooled gelatin to the mass and beat well again with a whisk.

Cut bananas into slices.

Pour a teaspoon of sugar into the pan, heat it and put the bananas. Fry banana slices in sugar on both sides until golden brown.

Put a few rings of fried banana on the bottom of cups, small jars or bowls...

Pour over the milk mass and send it to the refrigerator so that the dessert thickens well.

As a rule, 2-3 hours are enough to solidify a small amount of dessert, you can leave it overnight. It is better to tighten the top of bowls or cups cling film, to milk dessert did not absorb odors, and close the jars with lids.

Dessert from fermented baked milk with gelatin is a delicate taste and pleasant associations... With what? With ice cream! That is why this yummy got the famous saying "instead of ice cream." Indeed, such a dessert - perfect option for children who constantly ask to buy ice cream for them in the summer. Everything would be fine, but in our time, if you read the composition of ice cream, that is, you don’t want it at all ... And even more so if you give it to a child! Therefore, it is better to pamper both children, and yourself, and all your loved ones by preparing a dessert from fermented baked milk and gelatin with your own hands and from proven products.

By the way, fermented baked milk can be safely replaced with kefir. It will be delicious too! But I still prefer today's version. Probably because in its pure form I like ryazhenka inexpressibly more than kefir. More precisely, I do not use kefir as a drink at all - the stomach does not perceive it. Several attempts ended unsuccessfully, I do not try again. In addition, with ryazhenka, in my opinion, it still turns out more tender. Today's ryazhenka dessert with gelatin and sour cream, although there is not much of the latter here - 10 times less than sour milk. However, it also gives the finished dish tenderness, taste and smoothness of the structure.

As for gelatin, I used the most common, powdered one, which can be found in the culinary department of almost any supermarket. However, to prepare this dessert from ryazhenka, you can also take agar-agar. Just do not forget that it will take less. As a standard, unless otherwise provided by the recipe, agar-agar should be taken 3 times less than gelatin. That is, if you apply these proportions to today's recipe, you get 0.5 tbsp. agar.

I made a dessert of ryazhenka with gelatin in chocolate version by adding traditional cocoa powder. But you can cook it light - creamy, without additives. Or experiment. As a coffee lover, of course, the coffee option immediately came to mind for me. It will be interesting to try various spices - cinnamon, vanilla, star anise ...

Of course, a dessert of ryazhenka with gelatin and sour cream can have the level of sweetness that you personally like. I added 3 tablespoons per 750 ml of fermented baked milk. Considering that I got 5 servings of dessert, it turns out that 0.6 tbsp. sugar per serving. It seemed to me enough. You are guided by your taste. Nobody bothers to take a sample. You can even add sugar after adding gelatin. Just beat well so that the grains disperse, and the mass becomes homogeneous.

So, let's take a closer look at how to make a milk dessert for kids instead of ice cream! Well, for adults with a sweet tooth, of course, too))


  • ryazhenka (or kefir) - 750 ml
  • sour cream - 70 g
  • gelatin - 1.5 tbsp.
  • classic cocoa powder- 3 tablespoons
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. or to taste (or sahzam)
  • cold boiled water - 100 ml

Dessert from fermented baked milk with gelatin - a step-by-step cooking process:

If it comes to gelatin, then you need to start with it. I filled it with cold boiled water and left it to swell for 40 minutes. Gelatin different manufacturers different, so it may take less time. For example, 20 or 30 minutes. Look - if all the water has been absorbed, then you can proceed further.

I soaked the gelatin immediately in a ladle in which you can put the mass on gas. It is more comfortable. The swollen gelatin was put on fire. Warmed well until boiling point. Without letting it boil, removed from the fire. Let it cool down to lukewarm temperature. Strained through a fine sieve. In principle, this procedure can be ignored. But I wanted the ryazhenka dessert with gelatin to be as homogeneous as possible, and so that gelatin lumps would not suddenly meet there. Usually this is not very pleasant.

I poured ryazhenka into a dish convenient for whipping. She sent sour cream, sugar and cocoa to her. The optimal fat content of sour cream in this case is from 15 to 25%.

Thoroughly whisk all the combined ingredients for two minutes. Then poured barely warm strained gelatin.

And I whipped this mass for 2 minutes too.

I immediately poured it into glasses and put it in the fridge. In it, a dessert of fermented baked milk and gelatin stood with me all night and morning. But it is usually ready in 2 hours. To determine readiness, you can gently touch it from above. If frozen - you can serve!

I decorated each serving with figured chocolate, white and dark, in the form of hearts. And you can grate chocolate, waffle, cookies or lay out ground nuts on top. However, even without these additions, the dessert will not lose.

cook this delicious dessert from ryazhenka and on hot days, and on cloudy ones. It creates a wonderful mood in any weather! ;)

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Ryazhenka jelly - milky diet recipe, prepared quickly and simply, but it turns out a real delicacy for children and adults. This is a delicious and, most importantly, natural, milk soufflé. The tenderness of baked milk is enlivened by the sourness of sour cream, and the most delicate texture gives no less pleasure than the taste.


  • ryazhenka - 0.5 l,
  • low-fat (10%) - 1/3 st.,
  • sugar - 1/4 tbsp.,
  • gelatin - 1 tbsp.


Soak gelatin in a small amount of water (80-100 ml) for 10-20 minutes or more (as indicated on the package). After swelling, heat with constant stirring to a high temperature until the gelatin dissolves (but do not boil). Then put it to cool down.

Combine fermented baked milk, sour cream, sugar and beat them with a mixer for about 3 minutes until the sugar dissolves. Without stopping whisking, pour the cooled gelatin into the milk mass and continue to beat for another 3 minutes. Gelatin should not be hot so that dairy products do not curdle. Immediately pour the resulting mass into glasses, vases or molds and refrigerate them until set (usually 2-4 hours).

Ryazhenka jelly

The finished jelly can then be decorated at your discretion with berries, nuts, grated chocolate and served as a dessert to the table.

More fatty raw materials yield less diet dessert, but more airy, with bubbles.