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Oak barrels. Stewed cabbage for the winter table: secrets and recipes How to stew cabbage with beef in a cauldron

fried on butter- delicious. But most of all I like cabbage stewed in a cauldron with meat. So juicy, moderately sour and salty, soaked in meaty aroma ... mmm, you just lick your fingers. It comes out so tasty only in a cauldron, in an ordinary frying pan it doesn’t get the proper taste, even if you follow all the cooking steps and add the same ingredients. Therefore, my old cauldron is an indispensable assistant in the preparation of stewed cabbage and pilaf.

Recipe for stewed cabbage with meat


  1. sauerkraut - 1 cup
  2. Fresh cabbage - 1.5 - 2 cups,
  3. Meat (pork or chicken is best) - 350 - 400 gr.,
  4. Tomato paste - 2 tbsp. spoons or tomato juice- 2 stacks,
  5. Onion - 1 head,
  6. Rust. oil.

In a cauldron, fry for growing. butter until the meat is browned.

Fry meat in a cauldron (I have chicken)

Then add the chopped onion and fry everything together for another 5 minutes.

Now add sauerkraut. I do not pre-wash it so that the salty-sour taste is preserved.

Cover with a lid, leaving a small hole, fry everything together for about twenty minutes, after which we add fresh cabbage. It should be 1.5 - 2 times more than sauerkraut. Fresh cabbage will give juice, in which all the contents of the cauldron will languish. Simmer under a slightly ajar lid over low heat, stirring occasionally.

After about half an hour, when all the natural juice has boiled away, fresh cabbage will noticeably decrease in volume and become a little golden. Now we need to add tomato paste diluted in a glass warm water, or tomato juice (very thick and tasty).

Simmer for another 30 minutes, remembering to stir from time to time. We do not need to salt our dish, just the salt that was in sauerkraut is enough. When the cabbage is golden and soft, you can turn off the fire. We close all this yummy with a lid and let it brew for a quarter of an hour.

Serve stewed cabbage with mashed potatoes, fresh vegetables I won't be redundant either. Enjoy your meal!

Do you think that there is nothing complicated in cooking? Covered yourself with a lid and mascara? Then why does one housewife have delicious, tender and soft cabbage, while another turns out to be too watery, burns or crunches on her teeth? Of course, this business has its own nuances and small culinary tricks. We will tell you about them.

Braised cabbage with meat, recipe with photo

Most housewives are sure that cabbage stewed with pork is the most successful. And this is true, meat with a layer of fat gives juiciness and goes well with vegetables. But no less tasty will be a dish with beef or chicken.

Any cut will do: shoulder blade, thigh, ribs, and so on. Cabbage can be taken fresh or half with sauerkraut. If you don’t like tomato paste, you can use prunes - scald it with boiling water and add 10 minutes before the end of cooking along with a finely chopped clove of garlic, it will be delicious!

Total cooking time: 60 minutes
Cooking time: 50 minutes
Yield: 6 servings


  • white cabbage - 1 kg
  • medium fat pork - 400 g
  • large onion - 2 pcs.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • tomato paste - 1-2 tbsp. l.
  • salt, sugar and black pepper - to taste
  • bay leaf - 1-2 pcs.
  • coriander seeds - 0.5 tsp.
  • sunflower oil- 4 tbsp. l.

How to cook stewed cabbage with pork

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    I cut a piece of pork pulp into a 3x3 cm cube. I removed the top leaves from the cabbage head, and then chopped it finely. I cut the onion into cubes (take a lot, the dish will be tastier and juicier with onions), chopped the carrots on a medium grater.

    I heated a large frying pan (dry, without oil) and laid out the pieces of pork in it - the fat layer down. I fried over high heat until a crust was obtained, so that each piece “sealed” the meat juices inside. If the pork is lean, then pour 1-2 tablespoons of sunflower oil into the pan before frying.

    To the meat fried on all sides laid out onions and carrots. Sauteed until soft for several minutes (do not fry too much, otherwise they will burn when stewing). Seasoned with pepper and salt, you can add your favorite spices for pork. If there is little fat in the pan, then it is allowed to add a couple of tablespoons of oil.

    I sprinkled the shredded cabbage with salt (2-3 pinches), crushed it with my hands so that it would give juice. I sent it to the pan - you can pour it with a slide, it will still settle when stewing.

    Stirred, fried for 8-10 minutes over medium heat. As a result, the cabbage should go limp and settle, become transparent or a pleasant pinkish hue.

    Now you can reduce the heat, cover with a lid (tightly) and simmer for about 30-40 minutes. To prevent burning, do not forget to stir with a spoon or spatula. There is no need to add water. After we crushed the cabbage with our hands, it will let a lot own juice. The cooking time I indicated is approximate, it all depends on your taste preferences, someone likes it softer, others, on the contrary, prefer it to be a little crunchy. Much depends on the variety, summer and spring are prepared faster than winter ones. This is what happened in the end, after half an hour of stewing, the vegetables went limp and decreased in volume, changed color to darker.

    It remains to pour in the tomato sauce. I diluted the paste in water (100 ml is enough), you can replace it with fresh mashed tomatoes if you wish. I also added coriander seeds and a few black peppercorns, ground in a mortar, threw in a couple of bay leaves.

    Stir and simmer for another 8-10 minutes. The finished dish was removed from the fire and immediately removed the bay leaves so that they would not be bitter.

    Best served hot, alone or with mashed potatoes, buckwheat or rice. Enjoy your meal!

In what dish to stew cabbage?

The dishes should be taken thick-walled, then the heating will be uniform and long-lasting, it will provide stewing, and not just frying. In a thin aluminum pan, the moisture will quickly evaporate, the cabbage will turn out dry and will burn from below, as a result, you will spoil the dish. A cast-iron frying pan, a duckling, a cauldron, a cast-iron or ceramic grill pan, a pan with a thick bottom and a non-stick coating are suitable. If there is no such dish, then you will first have to fry the meat, onions and carrots in a pan, then mix with cabbage and simmer in a large saucepan (with a thicker bottom) until tender. Choose a large volume, because you need to fit a whole hill of shredded cabbage, pieces of meat / sausages / mushrooms / cereals, as well as carrots and onions, perhaps some other vegetables and sauce.

To cook cabbage in the oven, you will need a cast-iron brazier, special ceramic or glassware (heat-resistant). Instead of a "native" lid, the container can be covered with foil.

  1. Cabbage will turn out much tastier if it is first fried in hot oil, and then stewed until tender.
  2. If, 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add a little flour dried in a dry frying pan (1 tablespoon of flour per 1 kg of white cabbage), then the sauce will turn out thicker, and the dish will acquire a smoky flavor.
  3. Try to stew cabbage in unrefined oil, you will be surprised how tasty it will turn out. The main thing is that sunflower oil is fresh and not bitter.
  4. Wishing to give vegetable dish sour-sweet taste, add a little sugar 10 minutes before the end of cooking and table vinegar, literally 1 teaspoon for every kilogram of cabbage. The same technique works if sauerkraut is too sour - of course, you don’t need to add vinegar, but sugar will balance the taste.
  5. A very tender dish will turn out if mixed with tomato sauce a spoonful of fat rustic sour cream.
  6. peroxide sauerkraut rinse cold water. Of course, some of the vitamin C will be lost, but you will not spoil the dish.
  7. Advice for those who can not stand the smell of boiled cabbage. Place in a cauldron where vegetables will be stewed, a large chunk of stale rye bread. It will absorb all the smell, and you will have to remove the softened bread at the end of cooking with a slotted spoon.

What to cook for vegetarians?

Finally, I suggest trying recipes for stewed cabbage without meat (suitable for vegetarian and lean meals): with prunes, beans or mushrooms. Do not forget to pre-soak the legumes, then boil until tender and add at the final stage of stewing. Any mushrooms are suitable, and be sure to take prunes with the smell of smoke, “smoked”, resiliently soft. Add it at the end of cooking and enjoy a full hot dish.

And finally the most main secret stewed cabbage - cook with pleasure, then it will definitely be delicious!

Cabbage stew with meat is considered a nutritious and easy-to-cook dish. At the same time, in diet food it occupies a leading position due to right combination ingredients. The dish acquires a piquant, unique taste, if you add to it sausages, mushrooms, smoked meats or minced meat.

Classically cooked stewed cabbage with meat is a food that comes from a Soviet-era canteen. Prepare a vegetable in a saucepan with a thick bottom or a cauldron.


  • white cabbage - 1 kg;
  • lean meat - 0.5 kg;
  • onion turnip - 2 pcs.;
  • tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vinegar 6% - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • wheat flour - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • spices (pepper, bay leaf);
  • salt to taste.

Cooking algorithm step by step:

  1. Rinse the meat and pat dry.
  2. Chop onion and cabbage. Use a special knife for shredding.
  3. Cut the meat into small pieces and fry until a crust forms in oil. Then add the onion and cook for 5 minutes.
  4. Place shredded cabbage on top. Pour in half a glass of broth, if not, then water. Cook on low heat for 45 minutes.
  5. Put the tomato paste in a small bowl, add the flour and mix. Then add vinegar, salt, sugar.
  6. Add everything to the pot along with the spices.
  7. Stir and continue to simmer for another 10 minutes.

The classic recipe is ready.

Braised cabbage with meat and potatoes

The dish is prepared in a cauldron or you can use a large saucepan. Stewed cabbage with meat and potatoes is considered an all-season dish, it is prepared all year round.

Required products:

  • meat - 500 g;
  • cabbage - 500 g;
  • potatoes - medium 5 pcs.;
  • tomato paste - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • bulb;
  • carrot;
  • peppercorns;
  • salt.

Cooking steps:

  1. Wash and then cut the meat into small cubes. Pour oil into a saucepan, fry the product until medium doneness.
  2. Cut the onion into half rings, and the carrots into strips.
  3. Combine vegetables with meat. Cook for 15 minutes.
  4. Peel and then cut the potatoes.
  5. Pour the potato cubes into a saucepan and cook for 5 minutes.
  6. Chop cabbage forks, add to vegetables. Close the lid and then cook for 10 minutes.
  7. Dilute in 100 gr. water paste, add salt. Pour into a cauldron, put bay leaf and pepper.
  8. Simmer until done.

If the cabbage turns dry during cooking, you can add half a glass of broth or water.

Sausage Recipe

Cooking stewed cabbage with sausages is easy.

This will require:

  • medium sized cabbage;
  • sausages - 2 pcs.;
  • carrot;
  • large tomato;
  • olive or sunflower oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt;
  • spices.

Let's start cooking:

  1. Chop the cabbage, cut the onion into half rings, and pass the carrot through a grater.
  2. Pour oil into the bottom of the pan.
  3. Fry onion half rings over low heat until golden brown.
  4. Add carrots, and after 3 minutes pour chopped forks.
  5. Simmer for 25 minutes and stir.
  6. Chop the tomato and place in a bowl with vegetables.
  7. Peel the sausages, finely chop and pour into the cooking dish.
  8. Add salt with spices.
  9. Continue simmering for another 20 minutes.

The dish cooked according to this recipe is low-calorie.

Sauerkraut stewed with meat

Before cooking, sauerkraut is squeezed out and tasted. If the taste is sour, then pour cold water and rinse. If it does not help, then it is allowed to boil for 10 minutes. Then drain the liquid and squeeze out.


  • sauerkraut - 700 gr.;
  • meat - 500 gr.;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • tomatoes 2 pcs. can be replaced with tomato paste - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil- 4 tbsp. l.;
  • spices (cumin seeds, fragrant with hot pepper);
  • salt.

Start cooking:

  1. Cut the meat into medium sized pieces.
  2. Chop the onion, then fry a little.
  3. Fry the meat with cumin until it turns white, about 10 minutes.
  4. Add tomatoes and pour hot water. The liquid should just cover the contents of the pan.
  5. Add sauerkraut to the rest of the ingredients and simmer for 60 minutes. Salt shortly before being ready.

Garlic lovers can add it at the end of cooking.

Cauliflower stew with meat

For cooking, you need a frying pan with a lid.

You will also need:

  • cauliflower - 0.2 kg;
  • pork - 0.5 kg;
  • sour cream - 0.5 kg;
  • water - 1 l.;
  • dry, ground spices(paprika, coriander, ginger and garlic) - 0.5 tsp;
  • salt.

Cooking steps:

  1. Divide the cabbage into inflorescences. Dip them in salted boiling water. Withstand no more than 6 minutes. Then separate from the water and let the liquid drain.
  2. Cut pork, chicken or young beef into pieces.
  3. Put the meat on the bottom of the container and pour it with low-fat sour cream.
  4. Pour cool water, sprinkle with dry spices, as well as salt. Cover with a lid and cook for 20 minutes over low heat.
  5. Add inflorescences, simmer for 15 minutes, not forgetting to stir. At the end, sprinkle with herbs.

A little liquid will remain in the cooked dish, this is a mixture of sour cream and meat broth.

with rice

How to stew cabbage with rice, what would be delicious? It's really easy.

For cooking you will need:

  • cabbage - 0.5 kg;
  • rice - 150 gr.;
  • tomato juice - 100 gr.;
  • water - no more than 1 liter;
  • carrots and onions 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • ground pepper;
  • salt.

Cooking progress:

  1. Chop the cabbage, better not finely.
  2. Rinse rice well.
  3. Put the cabbage in a saucepan, pour 2 tbsp. l. oil and fry a little while stirring.
  4. Add washed rice.
  5. Pour the contents of the saucepan with water, it should cover everything completely.
  6. Put to simmer over moderate heat.
  7. Fry onion half rings in a pan until golden brown in the remaining oil.
  8. Add the carrots passed through a coarse grater and fry for another 3 minutes.
  9. Pour in the tomato juice and cook for 5 minutes.
  10. Attach the contents of the pan to the cabbage and rice. Add salt and pepper, mix.
  11. Simmer over moderate heat until done.

With meat and buckwheat

It turns out a wonderful dish when cabbage is stewed with meat and buckwheat.

To cook you need:

  • cabbage - 400 gr.;
  • buckwheat - 200 gr.;
  • pork - 700 gr.;
  • onion - 50 gr.

Step by step description:

  • Cut the onion into half rings, cut the meat into medium cubes and chop the cabbage.
  • Fry the meat until white, then add the onion and after 5 minutes add the cabbage. Simmer everything for 20 minutes.
  • Boil buckwheat separately.
  • Mix everything, salt and simmer until tender.

It takes 50 minutes for the hostess to prepare this wonderful and original dish.

With meat and mushrooms

This recipe for cabbage with meat in a slow cooker will turn out to be unusually tender.


  • mushrooms (champignons) - 200 gr.;
  • meat - 400 gr.;
  • cabbage - 700 gr.;
  • sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 1 glass;
  • carrot;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • ground pepper;
  • salt.

Where to begin:

  1. Cut the meat into medium pieces, chop the cabbage forks. Mushrooms cut in the form of plastics, and the onion in half rings. Grate the carrots, drive the garlic through the press.
  2. Pour oil into the capacity of the multicooker and fry the onion in the “Frying” mode.
  3. Add mushrooms and continue frying for another 10 minutes.
  4. Then it was the turn of meat with carrots. Fry for a quarter of an hour.
  5. Add chopped cabbage, salt, add spices, as well as water.

Features of cooking stewed cabbage

The taste of the finished dish depends not only on the quality of the products and the cooking technology, but also on the container in which the stewing process will take place.

in a frying pan

To stew cabbage, you need to choose a suitable frying pan. A pan with a non-stick coating and standard sides is best suited. Perfectly cope with the task and a cast-iron frying pan. A cooked vegetable in a pan is something between a stew and fried dish. It is necessary to ensure that the liquid in the pan does not completely evaporate, otherwise the cabbage may fry and then burn.

In a slow cooker

The multicooker is firmly established in modern kitchen. Stewed cabbage in it turns out to be very tender, since the entire cooking process takes place at a constant low temperature.

In the oven

Cabbage cooked in the oven is delicious and tender.

But you need to know a few points in cooking:

  1. Bake only ripe, dense heads of cabbage.
  2. The weight of the fork is not less than 1 kg.
  3. The head of cabbage should not have extraneous odors, otherwise they will intensify during baking.
  4. The baked vegetable goes well with cheese, with white fish.
  5. It is not recommended to finely chop the cabbage, otherwise it will resemble porridge.

No matter what technology cabbage is cooked, it is always dietary product. It contains a large number of vitamins, as well as micro and macro elements useful for humans.

Braised cabbage with meat helps us out at any time of the year. This unpretentious dish is prepared simply and quickly. Fresh or pickled, it is best stewed in a cauldron or deep frying pan. Metal utensils with a thick bottom are well suited for stewing cabbage. The most delicious stewed cabbage with meat and potatoes was cooked by my grandmother in a Russian stove, in cast iron. I can't do that.

When preparing this a simple dish the main thing is to withstand the time of stewing the cabbage itself. Throw cabbage when the meat is ready and make sure that it does not overcook. I also like how tasty cabbage with meat is steamed in a slow cooker, in the “stewing” mode. Today I have collected the most popular ways to stew cabbage with meat.

In the article:

Stewed cabbage with meat in a cauldron - step by step recipe with photo

In any country, cabbage with meat is on the menu. Call this food in Russian - hodgepodge, or beautifully in European - bigus. Still, it's delicious and homemade food. I have pork today. Although the type of meat is unprincipled. Cabbage goes wonderfully with beef, lamb, and poultry. I also use spices that my family loves. You can change the set of spices to your liking.

I add sauerkraut solely in order to ready meal was not sweetish, it gives a spicy sourness. If you do not want to use sauerkraut, then put a little more salt and tomato paste.

What you need:

How to cook:

  1. I pour two tablespoons of oil into a cauldron or saucepan with a thick bottom and put it on fire. I cut the meat into not too large (2 cm each) pieces, pour it into a cauldron and fry for 5 minutes over high heat.
    2. When the pieces of meat are browned, add half a glass of boiling water. And I add sauerkraut. Let simmer for 10 minutes until all the water has evaporated. At this time we are preparing vegetables. I cut the onion into half rings, and the carrot into a large grater. The water boiled away. I add two more tablespoons of oil and pour onions and carrots. Now salt, add all the spices, squeeze the garlic through the press and add the tomato paste.
  2. Now I stir everything and put shredded cabbage in a cauldron. To stew the cabbage, you do not need to finely chop, let the pieces be larger.
  3. At this stage, I don’t interfere with anything, because the cauldron is full. Cover with a lid and let it settle down a bit. When steam poured out from under the lid, I lowered the fire to medium and gently mixed the cabbage with meat and spices. If all the cabbage did not fit right away, then at this stage add the rest.
  4. Cover with a lid and simmer until done. This dish takes me about 15 minutes to prepare. If you take beef or lamb meat, then stew longer so that the meat becomes softer.

Serve generously on the table, pouring chopped greens into the plates. Help yourself! Write in the comments if my recipe turned out to be useful and what you would like to add to it.

For those who like to cook in a slow cooker, a video recipe from the Mama-Nyama channel

Stewed cabbage with meat in a slow cooker - video recipe

It's just lovely how easily and quickly everything is stewed in a slow cooker!

Now consider a more common version of this dish. With potatoes and tastier and more satisfying.

Braised cabbage with meat and potatoes - recipe with beef

Such a meat and vegetable hot dish will be a noble dinner for our hard-working men. Although they say that in the army they are tired of bigus, they always eat with pleasure. And they praise: - "With such a bigus, I would still serve"

What you need:

Step by step cooking recipe:

  1. I am preparing the vegetables. I rub the carrots on a grater, cut the peeled potatoes into large pieces, cut the onion arbitrarily. Shred the cabbage more.
  2. I put on fire a cauldron with vegetable oil (3 tablespoons). I cut the beef into small pieces (2 cm each) and send it to the hot oil. Constantly stir with a wooden spoon until the meat is browned.
  3. I pour carrots and onions into a cauldron and add more vegetable oil (3 tablespoons). Lightly fry until yellow.
  4. I add spices, salt and two tablespoons of tomato paste. I fry for another two minutes so that the tomato paste is fried.
  5. I pour out the potatoes and cabbage, mix and pour about 1 liter of boiling water. The water should be level with the cabbage. I do not close the lid, I wait for it to boil. When it boils, it boils, I let it boil for another five minutes, close the lid and put it on a very small fire to stew.
  6. I turn it off after 20 minutes. Another half an hour you need to let it brew, then the potatoes will be soft, steamed.

I serve it on the table with sour cream or. Pour the chopped greens directly into the plates.

And another such interesting bigus with rice will be shown to us by the channel "Simple and tasty recipes"

Braised cabbage with meat and rice - video recipe

Get very lazy cabbage rolls- cabbage, meat and rice. Although they are lazy, but overeating - you will swallow your tongue!

For today, I have everything about stewed cabbage with meat. Thanks to everyone who cooked with me!

If you like the recipes, click on the buttons of social networks and save on your page.

Fast and very tasty dish from white cabbage you can cook in just half an hour, no, this is not a salad, as you immediately thought. This is the usual one with tomato paste. Such a dish will be relevant both in fasting and in the everyday menu for lunch or dinner. Well, if you still want to cook stewed cabbage with meat, then just add half a kilogram fried pieces meat to cabbage and simmer everything together.

Ingredients for cooking stewed cabbage:

  • White cabbage - 500 - 600 grams,
  • Carrots - 200 grams,
  • Onion - 100 grams,
  • Salt (Adyghe in our case) and spices to taste,
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • Sugar -1/2 teaspoon,
  • Water - 50 ml,
  • Tomato paste (good quality) - 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • Fresh herbs for serving.

How to cook stewed cabbage in a cauldron, a recipe with a photo step by step

Put the cauldron on fire. Chop the cabbage arbitrarily, it can be diced, cubed or striped. Put the cabbage in a cauldron and fill with water. Cover and simmer over medium heat for 10 minutes.

Peel carrots and onions. Grate the carrot on a medium grater, and chop the onion randomly. Put the vegetables to the cabbage, simmer the vegetables without a lid for another 5 minutes. Pour in vegetable oil and mix all the ingredients again.

Then add salt, sugar and spices to taste. If you use fragrant Adyghe salt, then you will no longer need spices. Stir.

Add tomato paste to the cauldron, mix the ingredients, close the lid and simmer the vegetables for another 10-15 minutes. This cooking time is designed for young cabbage or white cabbage, but if you have late varieties of cabbage, then you will have to stew longer, by about 20-30 minutes.

Ready-made cabbage is good both hot and cold. Do not forget when serving, sprinkle the dish with fresh herbs.

Enjoy your meal!