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Interesting facts about vodka and consumers. The best-selling vodkas in the world - Absolut and Smirnov

Vodka is one of the favorite alcoholic drinks among Russians, which at the same time causes love and hatred for oneself. Sometimes under the influence of such strong alcohol there are cheerful friendly gatherings. And after that comes the moment of a terrible morning hangover. Vodka makes you want to drink it and at the same time every drunk person regrets it in the morning. Despite such a double feeling, it is one of the most popular in the world. alcoholic beverages with a great history. In addition to the pleasure of drinking vodka, it also has other properties, becoming a real lifesaver in other situations.

It is worth noting that it is vodka that is considered the purest alcoholic drink. It does not cause poisoning, a feeling of heaviness, as after drinking beer, does not leave an unpleasant aftertaste, like cognac or whiskey. If a person is engaged in controlling his own weight, then vodka will be the ideal alcohol. There are many options for drinking this 40-degree alcohol - someone uses it in its pure form, someone mixes it with ice, someone with juice, etc. A martini is a vodka-based cocktail made famous by the James Bond film series. Ed Hardy is a sought-after drink in clubs. All these unique drinks would not exist if it were not for vodka, so you can see such alcohol on almost every holiday table. In addition to excellent taste, vodka is used for medical purposes. There are many interesting facts about strong alcohol that every vodka connoisseur should know.

Perhaps for many this will come as a surprise, because each of us was mistaken, believing that vodka can be stored for many years. But this strong alcohol has a shelf life and certain storage conditions. And to preserve all the properties of the drink, it is not enough just to put the bottle in the freezer.

According to the rules, vodka must be consumed within 12 months from the date of its release. After this time, the strength of vodka decreases, it becomes less and less alcoholic, but this does not mean that it deteriorates. The only way to fully preserve the taste, aroma, alcohol level is not to open the bottle.

If there is a strange or pungent smell in vodka, an unpleasant taste, if the structure of the drink itself is violated, you should stop drinking it. Otherwise, you will be poisoned. In addition, the quality of alcohol will be significantly reduced, characteristic taste qualities. A closed cap on an open bottle is not a guarantee of the safety of the drink, given the fact that liquids are constantly evaporating.

Vodka is an effective cleanser

Every housewife can forever forget about buying Mr. Proper and other cleaning products if she uses vodka at least once. Such a tool can be used as a disinfectant that eliminates mold substances. In addition, vodka perfectly fights rust, which will keep razors and other metal objects in perfect condition.

According to historical data, in Poland vodka used to be used instead of cologne. Aromatic substances were added to it and used as an aftershave. If you mix vodka with water, then in such a simple way it will be possible to clean white clothes from persistent dirt and unpleasant odors that have eaten into the fabric. It is worth remembering that the paint cannot be wiped off by this method.

In addition, vodka is used as a cleaning agent if you or your household are allergic to chemicals or simply intolerant of strong odors.

Vodka is gluten free

Increasingly, you can meet people who have an allergic reaction to gluten. Unfortunately, such people constantly have to follow a strict diet. It must be not only diet foods in the diet, but also gluten-free drinks. It's no secret that gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye grains. Vodka is often made from such components, which include at least one of the above.

Despite this, some vodka producers favor potatoes or grapes as the main ingredient. Such strong drinks can be drunk for allergy sufferers. The main thing is to carefully read the composition. For example, on the label of Blue Ice vodka it says “gluten-free”.

Expensive vodka on store shelves

Despite the fact that vodka is considered the most affordable alcoholic drink, there are expensive trade marks this alcohol. The most expensive bottle of this liquor is now valued at $3.75 million. This is Billionaire Vodka, created by designer Mr. Leon Verres. What is special about this vodka? It lies in the method of production and bottling of the drink.

Unique alcohol is distilled three times through ice, birch charcoal from Scandinavia, diamond sand. The bottles themselves, where the drink is poured, are far from simple glass, but a real work of art, considered the rarest collector's item. The container is made of platinum and rhodium, after which the container is placed in a casing encrusted with diamonds. The bottle itself is also decorated with gold and crystal. This fragile thing is delivered with the utmost care, and it is handed over to the buyer by a courier in snow-white gloves.

Double classification of vodka

In total, there are two forms of vodka - natural and seasoned. It is no secret that the aroma of vodka is quite specific and can cause not very pleasant feelings while drinking. Therefore, many manufacturers of strong alcohol have recently begun to add seasonings that clog the original aroma and transparency of the drink. This allows you to partially or completely get rid of the characteristic bitter taste of vodka.

Most of the drinks have a different preparation technology, which complicates the process of their classification. Despite this, we can confidently say that vodka is flavored and clear. For example, dried lemon and orange are added to the Kubanskaya brand products. In Okhotnichya vodka, ginger, cloves, coffee beans, anise, lemon peel, sugar. But "Zubrovka" got its name in honor of the grass that bison and bison eat.

Vodka customs

You can meet this alcoholic drink almost anywhere in the world. And everywhere there are their own customs associated with its use. For example, during the reign of Peter the Great, there was a custom associated with foreign ambassadors. In the courtyard, the ambassadors were offered to drink a cup of white eagle, the total volume of which was 1.5 liters of the purest vodka. Such an amount of alcohol should have intoxicated everyone, but this was a traditional rite.

If the guest refused to drink the proposed drink, then in Russia this was regarded as disrespect. It's no secret that Russian tables are always bursting not only with snacks, but also with alcohol poured into glasses. Each guest is required to taste the drink from their own glass. Another tradition that has spread all over the world is drinking alcohol to the bottom, which will amuse the pride of any hospitable host. This tradition says that the person who came to visit shows his respect.

Vodka is good for health

Believe it or not, but in certain doses, vodka is not only harmless, but also beneficial to the human body. The main benefit is that vodka relieves stress. A similar study was carried out in the last century, and its results were published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology. The conducted test confirmed that to relieve stress where easier vodka than wine or sedatives.

The essence of the experiment was that all female subjects drank one glass of a 40-degree drink, and men - 2 glasses each. As a result, a decrease in the mortality rate, an improvement in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and a decrease in the risk of developing a stroke.

In addition, we must not forget that many medicines include vodka. Plant leaves, stems, flowers are infused with vodka, which allows you to extract the maximum amount of aromatic oils with medicinal properties from them. With the help of vodka, you can also cure colds, headaches, flu.

Weight loss with vodka

Each serving of 40-degree alcohol, equal to one and a half ounces, contains about 90 kilocalories. It is this alcoholic drink that is considered the lowest calorie. Having given up beer, sweet alcohol in favor of banal vodka, you can throw off a couple of kilograms without much effort.

According to the US Department of Agriculture, one can of beer contains approximately 152 calories. At the same time, the same amount of vodka will contain about 64 calories. But you can’t rely only on vodka when losing weight, because it doesn’t always help. If you combine strong native Russian alcohol with soda, then the weight will most likely gain, not decrease.

Vodka as a cosmetic

There are many tricks used by women when it comes to beauty. Vodka can become a universal component for various cleansers, allowing your skin to always remain beautiful. The use of vodka has a positive effect on the condition of the hair. It is enough to add a few ounces of vodka to a shampoo bottle and such a combined remedy will help to cleanse the scalp of toxins, dirt, and dandruff as effectively as possible. In addition, this cleansing stimulates hair growth.

Often, on the basis of vodka, tonics are made at home that narrow pores and cleanse the face. It is enough to mix purified water with vodka in a ratio of 1: 1 and wash your face with this mixture twice a day. As a result, cleansing of impurities, elimination of bacteria, removal of excess fat from the skin of the face. In addition, vodka acts as an excellent disinfectant for the oral cavity. It can be used as a mouth rinse.

Reducing the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease

Recently, studies have been conducted that have shown that moderate consumption of vodka can prevent the development of Alzheimer's disease or completely eradicate the prerequisites for it by eliminating the cause of the appearance. Since 1977, Loyola University Chicago Medical School has been conducting numerous experiments. During this time, about 365 thousand people who had anything to do with this disease took part in the studies.

During the experiments, it was proved that a small but regular use of vodka reduces the risk of developing the disease by 23%. But these indicators have nothing to do with people who abuse alcohol.

It is worth noting that similar studies conducted in other countries showed a decrease in the risk of dementia (14 countries out of 19 studied). In addition, you need to stick to a diet, lead a healthy lifestyle, play sports, get enough sleep, not experience stressful situations, concentrate on social life. This suggests that the periodic drinking of vodka in nature, recreation, on holidays is not a disaster at all, but a way to protect yourself from the development of numerous serious diseases.

On December 31, 1863, a very significant event took place in Russia - drinking farms were canceled, which meant the introduction of a state monopoly on the alcohol trade. This reform, according to historians, had several goals. Firstly, fiscal, since the state wanted to increase the revenues of the treasury, secondly, it was necessary to improve the quality of strong drinks, and thirdly, to improve the culture of their consumption. However, all this is still relevant today, and vodka itself has acquired a lot of interesting facts throughout its Russian history, without losing its popularity.

127 years have passed since the official appearance of vodka in Russia

In the 40-degree state familiar to modern man, vodka officially appeared on December 6, 1886. It was then that the norm of the fortress was fixed in the Charter on drinking fees. It is worth noting that the word "vodka" did not exist then. In state acts of that time and in trade statements in the Russian Empire, vodka was called “simple strong table wine”, “polugar”, “foam” and “moonshine”. Vodka finally became vodka only under the Soviets, when the trade name was registered in GOST.

Under Catherine II, vodka was sold only in buckets

The first drinking establishment in Moscow was opened during the reign of Catherine II in 1533. At that time, vodka was considered the most elite drink in the world.
It is worth noting that it was from that time in Russia that the popular expression “drink vodka in buckets” remained. The thing is that before 1885, people did not hear about "half-liters". Vodka was sold only in buckets - 12.3 liters each. A bottle familiar to a modern person as a container for vodka began to be used only in 1894.

The heaviest medal in the history of Russia - the medal "For drunkenness"

The medal "For drunkenness" was established in 1714. He decided that it would be a panacea for drunkenness. Probably, the first Russian emperor relied on the accusatory inscription, which betrayed a drunkard in a person, and on the weight of the medal. Together with the collar and chains, the medal weighed 8 kg. They “awarded” a medal at the police station and fastened it in such a way that it was impossible to remove it. It took a week to wear the medal.

In the middle of the 18th century, distilling was a privilege of the nobility.

In the second half of the 18th century in Russia, all vodka was only "home" production. And all thanks to the decree of March 31, 1755, which ordered the confiscation of all distilleries that were kept by merchants under the guise of nobles or on shares with nobles. However, this guaranteed the high quality of the product, since it was assumed that vodka was a drink intended for the privileged sections of society. Vodka was purified from fusel oils only with natural animal coagulant proteins, although it was extremely expensive: half a bucket of egg whites or a bucket of milk was put on 6 buckets of vodka of the first race.

Mendeleev was not the "father" of Russian vodka

The great Russian scientist Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev at one time presented his doctoral dissertation “On the combination of alcohol with water” to the court of his colleagues, which has nothing to do with vodka and the establishment of a strength standard at the level of 40%. The fact is that until 1886, the basic standard for the strength of this strong drink was 38.3%. And just for the convenience of calculations, taking into account the “shrinkage” margin and in order to ensure that 38 degrees are guaranteed to reach the consumer in any case, the strength standard was rounded up to 40.

Prohibition in Russia was introduced several times

In 1914, a tsarist decree was issued in Russia prohibiting the production of all types of alcohol throughout Russia. At first, the sale of alcohol was banned for a month - at the beginning of the First World War, for the duration of mobilization. Then extended for the duration of the war.
At that time, alcohol was only available in restaurants. And even taking into account the fact that there were numerous ways to circumvent the law, the average alcohol consumption in Russia per 1 person has decreased by 10 times. The country returned to the level of 1914 only in the 1960s. According to the statistics of 1914 in St. Petersburg, the number of those arrested while intoxicated decreased by 70%, the number of those who sobered up by 29 times, the number of suicides motivated by alcoholism decreased by 50%, and deposits in savings banks increased by 1.3 billion rubles. True, the consumption of surrogates and secret moonshine began to flourish in the country.

With the advent of the Soviets, the fight against alcoholism continued, extending the ban on the sale of vodka in 1917. In 1919, a decree signed by Lenin prohibited the manufacture and sale of alcohol, strong drinks and non-alcoholic beverages, and violation of the norms provided for the confiscation of property and a prison term of up to 5 years. They resumed the production and trade of alcohol only in 1923.

The queue for vodka in the USSR.

It is worth noting that today the regional law banning the sale of alcohol on Saturdays and Sundays, as well as after 20:00 every day, is in force in the Ulyanovsk region. In April 2013, Dagestan approved a bill banning the sale of alcohol on certain days, in particular on Children's Day, Knowledge Day and during the month of Ramadan. The most stringent anti-alcohol measures have been taken in the Republic of Yakutia. There, the sale of vodka is prohibited from 20:00 to 14:00 the next day.

The largest vodka museum is located in Moscow

The Museum of the History of Vodka is located in Moscow on Izmailovsky Highway. The museum's collection allows you to get acquainted with the 500-year history of vodka. The museum exposition contains more than 600 varieties of this drink, as well as photographs, posters, royal and presidential decrees, old vodka recipes of the 18th century, historical types of bottles and labels. The museum has several sectors: the Old Russian era, the Russian Empire, the Great Patriotic War, the USSR, modern Russia. The most valuable collections are the collection of vodka bottles by N.L. Shustov and the bottle of the Supplier of the Court of His Imperial Majesty P.A. Smirnov (1900).

Vodka "Voroshilovsky ration" was issued in the Red Army

In January 1940, during the Soviet-Finnish War, the Red Army began to receive vodka rations, which they called "Voroshilov ration" or "People's Commissar's 100 grams." Since May 1942, vodka has been distributed daily to soldiers on the front lines. Moreover, later the norm was increased to 200 grams. On the Transcaucasian front, they did not give out vodka, but 300 grams of dry wine or 200 grams of port wine.

Do not drink royal vodka

Aqua regia is a mixture of concentrated hydrochloric and nitric acids and can dissolve gold. Freshly made aqua regia has no color, but quickly acquires an orange color. Another one distinguishing feature- strong smell of chlorine and nitrogen dioxide.

The vodka dispute between the USSR and Poland was resolved by international arbitration

From 1977 to 1982, Poland and the USSR argued in court over the priority of vodka production as the Russian national drink. The case was won by the Soviet Union by international arbitration.

And further…

Vodka is an expensive drink that requires expensive accompaniments: smoked and salted red fish, caviar, sturgeon, salmon, pickled mushrooms, dumplings or pancakes. Without a hearty and salty snack, it is impossible to reveal the taste of this drink. By the way, a good effect is given by fresh green onion, pickles and herring with boiled potatoes.

Vodka is a drink that we love and hate at the same time. Sometimes with her, you may have spent good nights with friends, but the next day you regretted it and thought about how to get rid of the hangover. Vodka is one of the most popular drinks in the world. This product has a very long history. In addition to enjoying its use, it can help in many other situations.

Unlike many other alcoholic drinks, vodka is the purest. It won't leave you feeling poisoned or heavy, like after a beer. Vodka is the best solution if you control your weight. There are many various ways its consumption, some like it neat, some with ice, and someone mixes it in cocktails. The classic vodka martini is a popular version thanks to the James Bond 007 films. There is the traditional Ed Hardy, they love to drink it in nightclubs, they mix vodka and Red Bull. To each his own, but no one denies that this drink is always present on the festive table.

Next time you will appreciate vodka even more. Not only does she have great taste, it is also used for various medical purposes. Learn a little more about this popular drink by simply reading this article.

10. Vodka has an expiration date.

This may be new to many, but vodka has an expiration date. Keeping your bottle in the freezer won't be enough to save it, as we all think. It must be consumed within 12 months from the time it was made. After its expiration, it is considered a weaker drink, but not necessarily that it becomes bad. The only way to save vodka is to never open it. If you smell a strange and pungent odor, a difference in the texture of the liquid, or an unpleasant aftertaste, it would be wise to discard the bottle. Not only will it poison you, but the quality will not be what you expect. By storing vodka for a long time, its taste will slowly change. Liquids have a habit of evaporating through a corked lid. This, of course, takes place over a very long period of time and will not change the taste drastically.

9. Vodka is a good cleaner

You can forget about Mr. Clean because Mr. Vodka will replace it completely. Vodka can be used as a disinfectant and is also one of the best mold killers. It prevents rust and will prolong the life of your razors. In Poland, when vodka first appeared, it was reportedly used as an aftershave and was flavored. If you dilute it in water and treat clothes with this solution, it will remove an unpleasant odor. This, unfortunately, does not remove the dye from the fabric, but it does get rid of the nasty odors that the clothes absorb. Vodka can also be used instead of cleaning products if you don't like using chemicals. It will keep your home and wardrobe looking new and won't do any harm.

8. Vodka can be gluten-free

We often hear about people who are allergic to gluten. Unfortunately, people who suffer from this allergy have to control their diet, and this includes not only food, but also drinks. Gluten is a protein that is found in grains such as wheat, barley and rye. Vodka is usually made with them, but many companies have started using potatoes and grapes as an alternative. It is important to know which drinks are made with this or that product in order not to suffer from allergies. Blue Ice Vodka is clearly labeled "gluten-free" and is made with potatoes. Daddy's Ciroc vodka company started making it from grapes in four different flavors.

7 Vodka Can Be Incredibly Expensive

The most expensive bottle of vodka in the world has so far been valued at around $3.75 million. Billionaire vodka was created by luxury designer, Mr. Leon Verres. What makes Billionaire vodka so special? This is the way in which the drink is produced and bottled. It is thrice distilled through ice, Scandinavian birch charcoal and crushed diamond and gemstone sand. The bottle is also a work of art and is known as a rare piece of the collection. It is made of platinum and rhodium, encased in a diamond encrusted crystal bottle with gold markings and a collar encrusted with many diamonds. Not only does the bottle cost a lot of money, but when you buy it, you are handed this precious prize by a white-gloved courier.

6. Vodka has two classifications

Vodka comes in two forms, natural and flavored. Flavored vodkas began to appear to mask the original flavor or clarity. This can sometimes completely eliminate its bitter taste. Clear vodka gives the drinker a real taste experience. Most drinks are made differently, so we can't classify them all, but they are all clear or flavored. Kubanskaya vodka uses dried lemon and orange peel. Okhotnichya includes a mixture of ginger, cloves, coffee, anise, lemon peel and mixed with sugar and wine. Animals also play a role in the production of vodka, such as Zubrovka, which uses grass eaten by bison as its main ingredient. The grass is favored by herds of the rare bison.

5. There are many customs with vodka

Not only is vodka available all over the world, everywhere there are customs associated with it. During the reign of Tsar Peter there was a custom related to foreign ambassadors. In the courtyard one was expected to drink a ‘white eagle cup’ which was essentially 1.5 L of pure vodka. Such a quantity will intoxicate anyone, but it was a tradition. In Russia, it was considered especially suspicious if you refused the offered drink. Russian tables are always set with alcohol and glasses, and it is widely known that the guest must drink from his own glass. Another tradition came from Russia, vodka must be drunk to the bottom so as not to offend the owner's pride. It was a tradition that means you pay respect.

4. Vodka is good for your health

Believe it or not, vodka has amazing health benefits. Maybe you will feel less guilty when you drink it. The main health benefit of this drink is that it helps reduce stress. A study in the Journal of Psychopharmacology found that vodka was more effective at reducing stress than red wine, for example. Experiences in which women drank one glass of vodka and men two each showed lower mortality, increased cardiovascular health, and decreased risk of stroke, according to Dr. David, who works at the State University of New York. Vodka is also used with vegetable medicines. Leaves, stems, and flowers are soaked in vodka to draw out more of the oil, which contains medicinal properties. It is also used to treat colds, headaches and the flu.

3. Vodka can help you lose weight

Each serving of vodka (1.5 ounces) contains 90 calories. Vodka is one of several alcoholic beverages that contain a low amount of calories. If you give up beer and sugary alcoholic drinks in favor of vodka, you can even throw off a few pounds. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, a can of beer is about 153 calories compared to vodka, which measures roughly 64 calories. But this doesn't always help. Combining vodka with high-calorie sodas will likely make you gain weight. If you still hope for the opposite result, then prefer the most ordinary vodka without additives.

2. Vodka is one of the best beauty products.

There are plenty of tricks when it comes to beauty all over the world. Luckily, we have found one product that can keep you beautiful forever. It seems crazy to use vodka for such a purpose, but just give it a try. Adding a few ounces of vodka to your shampoo bottle will help cleanse your scalp, remove toxins from your hair, and encourage hair growth. It can also be used to shrink pores and cleanse your face. By mixing equal amounts of water and vodka, you can wipe your face with this mixture. This way you will firm up your skin, kill any bacteria and remove excess oil. Vodka also kills bad breath when used as a mouthwash. It also eliminates unpleasant foot odor.

1. Vodka may help reduce the risk of Alzheimer's

Recent studies have proven that moderate drinking can help reduce the cause of Alzheimer's disease. Since 1977, Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine has conducted 143 studies of 365,000 people with this disease. It has been proven that moderate consumption of vodka reduces the development of this disease by 23%. But these figures are not relevant to alcoholics who consume this drink 3 to 5 times more. In 14 out of 19 countries, the risk reduction for dementia was significant. To keep your brain in order, it is recommended to exercise regularly, maintain a healthy diet, get enough sleep, manage stress properly, keep your mind focused, and maintain an active social life. So drinking your favorite vodka somewhere on vacation is not so bad.

Vodka is the purest drink in the world. Compared to other alcoholic beverages, it contains less fusel oils.

Vodka is 40% alcohol and 60% water.

Classical vodka is made from grain.

January 31, 2010 the classic Russian vodka celebrated 145 years since its creation. It was on this day in 1865 that the famous Russian chemist Dmitry Mendeleev defended his doctoral dissertation "On the combination of alcohol with water." Mendeleev's colleagues believe that it was this work that became the basis for the recipe for the classic 40-degree drink, and the chemist received the popular title of "father" of traditional Russian vodka. However, according to some researchers, in reality, Mendeleev considered perfect strength drink at 38 degrees. This figure was simply rounded up to 40, because it was probably easier to calculate the tax on alcohol that way.

A liter of vodka weighs exactly 953 grams.

100 gr. vodka contains 235 kcal.

The better the vodka is purified, the more toxic it is.

Vodka is more toxic than cognac and whiskey in some respects.

Vodka is more addictive than other alcoholic beverages.

A lethal dose for the average person is a quick intake of a liter of vodka, or four liters of wine, or a bucket of beer.

The first drinking establishment in Moscow was opened in 1533.

In terms of profitability, vodka can be compared with oil. At times, the income from it filled the state treasury by a third.

During the reign of Catherine II in 1775, vodka was considered the most elite drink in the world.

Until 1885, vodka was sold to take away only in buckets (12.3 liters).

The standard for vodka was introduced in 1894-1896.

The branded vodka bottle (“Moscow Special”) was patented in 1894.

Decree of the State Defense Committee No. 56200 on the famous "front hundred grams" was adopted on August 22, 1941.

In the days of developed socialism, the cost of a check of the “Moscow Special” (1.49 rubles) to the extent of the cost of a half-liter bottle (2.87 rubles) with an error of less than one thousandth was equal to the number π (3.14 ...).

From August to November 2004, an illegal "water pipeline" operated on the border between Estonia and Russia.

The best flavors for vodka are lemon and orange peel, as well as St. John's wort. They are the best to emphasize the taste of the drink.

Despite the huge number of flavorings, it is the absence of taste that is valued in vodka. The most best vodka should be drunk like water.

In modern French, there are two spellings of the word "vodka": wodka and vodka. The first stands for Polish vodka, and the second for Russian.

The strongest vodka in the world is produced by a Scottish distillery Pincer. The percentage of alcohol in it was 88.8 (!) degrees. New Product- it is almost pure alcohol, but, nevertheless, it is not alcohol, but vodka. It is made by Chinese order. Therefore, three eights appear. The Chinese, who believe in numerology, consider the number eight to be a lucky number.

The strongest vodka in the world is bottled in elite black bottles with gold engraving and its retail price is $140.

Very expensive are Faberge Imperial Collection vodkas at $1,000 per bottle and Kauffman Private Collection Luxury 2002 at $150. A fundamentally new technology has been developed for the production of Kauffman Private Collection vodka: it is bottled only once a year in one limited batch. Thus, Kauffman Private Collection became the world's first vintage vodka, the year of bottling of which is indicated on the bottle.

Diva is considered the most expensive vodka in the world. It is prepared by Scottish masters. This vodka is filtered through northern birch charcoal, as well as through sand and crushed diamonds and other precious stones. The standard bottle is decorated with cubic zirconia. They can be replaced by any other gems at the request of the customer. Depending on the cost of jewelry, the price of a bottle varies - 4,000-100,000 dollars.

Bloody Mary cocktail recipe, the main ingredients of which are vodka and tomato juice, was created in the 1920s by a French bartender. The drink got its name in honor of the legendary silent film actress Mary Pickford.

The head of marketing agency Rose, John Rose, uses vodka for cooking and even wrote a book about it, The Vodka Cookbook. His passion for vodka cooking comes from the early 2000s, when his agency participated in a tender in Russia for advertising company one vodka producer. Then he offered to publish a culinary booklet, where each dish would include vodka as one of the ingredients. The agency lost the tender, but John had the idea and, not finding similar books, he decided to write it himself.

In 2005, the first edition of The Vodka Cookbook was published in the UK, followed by the US and Germany. Its total circulation exceeded 50 thousand copies.

Shelf life of vodka - 12 months