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Making chocolate is a business idea. Requirements for the premises

In Russia, the chocolate market is developing rapidly. From 2013 to 2019, chocolate consumption increased from 6 to 8 kg per person per year. Despite the trend towards proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, they continue to buy sweets and candies: for themselves and their families, as a gift for the holiday. The chocolate production business pays off in a matter of months and brings stable profits to the owners.

Chocolate Making Business Ideas

There are two models of the organization of the technological process: home or industrial production chocolate.

By choosing the first option, you can start a business at home in the kitchen, investing a minimum of money in equipment. But it will not be possible to officially register such a business, so the responsibility for working without registration with the Federal Tax Service and paying taxes will lie with you.

In the second case, you will have to comply with the requirements of the inspection authorities, rent and prepare a workshop, hire employees and set up a streaming production of chocolate products.

Making handmade chocolate

"Chocolate boutique" is a concept that came to Russia in 2016. The boutique sells elite handmade chocolate made according to home recipes. The owners of such establishments rely on the uniqueness of products, yielding to large workshops in production volumes.

The range of chocolate boutique includes:

  • dark, white and milk chocolate bars;
  • chocolate with fillers - fruit and berry;
  • truffles;
  • sweets with non-standard fillings;
  • gift sets of different types of chocolate.

Customers can order custom sets, chocolate fountains and even engraved sweets.

The fashion trend of gourmet boutiques is a combination of incongruous tastes. High-end chocolate manufacturers offer ginger, chili, candied fruit, and even bacon as fillings. They sell fragrant sweets exclusively in original packaging.

Handmade chocolate is a delight for gourmets, so it will always find its buyer

Making fruits in chocolate

Strawberries, apples and bananas are fruits in demand all year round. Combined with chocolate, they form a unique delicacy. The advantage of the fruit dipped chocolate business is that there is minimal competition for Russian market. The disadvantage is a pronounced seasonality. In winter, the cost of fruit increases, and the demand of buyers falls.

A possible way out of the situation is to rent an area in a city shopping center in order to work even in the cold season, in a place with maximum traffic. In advertising, you can focus on the saturation of products with vitamins.

There is nothing tastier than fruits in chocolate: neither children nor adults can resist this delicacy

Making figurines from chocolate

The technology for making chocolate figurines is simple - pour into molds hot chocolate, then cool until hardened and take out the halves. The edges of each are carefully heated and glued together. Cakes and pastries are decorated with figurines, they are given for holidays to children and adults.

To prepare a chocolate butterfly or openwork lace, you need:

  • melted chocolate;
  • glass bowl for heating;
  • Silicone forms.

Instead of molds, you can use any objects: cups, stacks, spoons, paper sheets and others. Combining different types chocolate and adding food colorings, confectioners give the figurines a unique design. Show your imagination and an unprecedented result will not keep you waiting.

Chocolate figurines are ordered to decorate wedding and anniversary cakes.

Where to start: registering a business

Chocolate production is Food Industry, so be prepared for numerous checks by the SES and Rospotrebnadzor. Register a business before starting work by choosing one of the forms - LLC or IP.

Advantages of the status of an individual entrepreneur:

  • registration within 5 working days;
  • minimum state duty when registering a business;
  • minimum documents.

The main disadvantage of IP is the responsibility to creditors with all property. If you own an apartment, and your business has accumulated debts, be prepared for the property to be put up for sale.

Advantages of opening an LLC:

  • financial responsibility within the authorized capital;
  • a participant in a legal entity can withdraw from it by alienating a share of the company;
  • the company can be sold or donated if necessary;
  • in case of suspension of activities, the organization does not transfer contributions to pension and insurance funds.

The disadvantages of an LLC are a complicated registration procedure and the need to deposit an authorized capital of 10 thousand rubles, as well as a state duty of 4 thousand rubles. for setting up a company.

When registering, choose the tax system that is comfortable for you. Small businesses should consider a simplified regime (USN 6 or 15%). When planning to open a large-scale production, think about UTII (fixed tax on imputed income). The amount and procedure for paying taxes depends on the system chosen.

Table: comparison of tax regimes

tax regime Limits
Revenue Average number of employees Average annual value of funds Kind of activity Capital structure
BASIC Without Borders
ESHN Without Borders Without Borders Without Borders Agriculture Without Borders
UTII Without Borders 100 people Without Borders The share of participation of other organizations is not more than 25%
USNO 6% 60 million rubles 100 million rubles Except for some activities
USNO 15%
PSN 60 million rubles 15 people Without Borders There is a list of activities For IP only

Obtain permits from Rospotrebnadzor and Pozhnadzor, as well as the conclusion of the SES on the possibility of starting work. Issue a health book, even if you make sweets in minimal quantities.

Organization of home production of chocolate

An exclusive home confectionery can compete with large-scale productions due to the quality of products, the use of natural ingredients and proven chocolate recipes. When working on your own, pay close attention to the quality of the product. Experiment with flavor combinations, offer customers a variety of products. The disadvantage of a home business is the inability to officially register a company. This is due to the fact that the kitchen room must be removed from the housing stock in order to organize food production. All the risks associated with informal entrepreneurship, in this case, you take on yourself.

Recipe and manufacturing technology

Follow the recipe and the technological process in the manufacture of chocolate - the taste and shelf life of the finished product depends on this.

The simplest chocolate recipe at home:

  1. Mix 5 tbsp. spoons of cocoa, 7 tbsp. spoons of sugar and 150 ml of milk in a bowl. Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat, stirring constantly.
  2. Gradually add 1 teaspoon flour and 50 g butter. Continue to stir the composition until a homogeneous mass.
  3. Pour hot chocolate into molds, after pouring the filling into it (wafer crumbs, nuts, raisins).

When choosing chocolate, customers first of all pay attention to the appearance and taste.

Once the chocolate has cooled, it can be eaten. Keep homemade candy can be 2-6 months at temperatures up to 17 degrees. Transportation of chocolate is allowed only in vehicles equipped with cooling systems.

The weight of the candy should not exceed 3–6 g, so that the client can put it in his mouth as a whole and taste it without biting.

Requirements for the premises

Technical conditions for the production of chocolate are determined by GOST 31721–2012. In the document you will find information on the quantity of ingredients for the manufacture of various types of cocoa-based products, as well as requirements for equipment and workshop. Despite the lack of registration and checks, try to comply with the maximum requirements of the standard. The room should be ventilated, with an artificial temperature regime and a low level of humidity. The optimum temperature for storing chocolate is up to 17 degrees.

Purchase of equipment and raw materials

A home bakery can be opened with minimal investment if you work to order and use kitchen equipment. Purchase raw materials for chocolate production:

  • chocolate mass or cocoa;
  • cacao butter;
  • sugar;
  • vanilla;
  • emulsifiers;
  • milk or cream.

Buy quality ingredients. To save money, replacing cocoa butter with palm, and cocoa with carob, you risk the taste of future chocolate.

At home, use a coffee grinder to grind cocoa beans into powder.

As your business develops, start purchasing professional equipment:

  • high power juicer for cocoa butter;
  • grinder to remove excess moisture;
  • tamper for quick crystallization of chocolate;
  • various shapes and stencils.

The cost of a home kit for the production of elite sweets does not exceed 150 thousand rubles.

Sales and advertising company

At first, sell candy directly to customers. To do this, create groups on social networks, take attractive product photos and place ads. Invite friends and acquaintances to groups, set up targeted advertising for members of competing groups.

When you develop the business and open a kitchen outside the home, having received permits from the SES, negotiate with retail chains and coffee houses that do not have cooking and supply sweets for sale. The main thing is to comply with the terms of delivery and storage of goods.

Financial calculations

Home production does not require special costs and pays off within a few months.

Table: business start-up costs

Table: systematic costs

Planned income

The cost of one bar of exclusive handmade chocolate is 200 rubles, the cost of making it is 25–35 rubles, depending on the filling. On average, 200 tiles can be sold per month, the total income is 40 thousand rubles. Net profit per month - 15 thousand rubles, the payback period for a home business is 5 months.

Business plan for the production of chocolate on an industrial scale

Industrial production is different from domestic production. You will not be able to cope with the volume of production alone, you will need to attract employees. Equipment for a full-fledged workshop costs dozens of times more, and manufacturing technology is more complicated than homemade.

First of all, hire a technologist for the enterprise. He will be responsible for the process of making chocolate and working out recipes. Buy raw materials only after working out each recipe.

To obtain chocolate, cocoa beans are roasted, ground and mixed with the remaining ingredients in a conche machine, and then cooled and formed into bars.

The process of making chocolate in the workshop is automated and includes the following steps:

  • dosing of components;
  • initial mixing;
  • mixing in a conche machine up to 3 days;
  • heating the chocolate mass to 50 degrees;
  • filling in forms;
  • cooling to 33 degrees and holding for 40 minutes;

Production different varieties chocolate differs in the initial set of ingredients and technology adjustments. To make aerated chocolate, it is enough to add air when loading raw materials for conching, and for bitter one, you will have to use more cocoa powder.

Room selection

For organization chocolate shop a room of 60 sq. m. Requirements for the workshop:

  • not part of the housing stock;
  • equipped with ventilation;
  • there are sinks with cold and hot water;
  • the walls are tiled up to 1.5 m from the floor;
  • the rest of the walls are painted.

To make tiles and sweets perfectly even, buy a molding machine in the workshop

Indoors, equip a place for a product warehouse with an optimal temperature, as well as an office and a workshop with equipment directly.

Purchase of equipment

The cost of purchasing equipment ranges from 1 to 10 million rubles. Industrial equipment for the chocolate shop:

  • ball mill for mixing ingredients;
  • boiler for kindling oil;
  • conche mixing machine;
  • refrigeration equipment;
  • tamper for crystallization of chocolate.

In conche machines, the chocolate mass is kept under constant stirring for 24–72 hours.

Auxiliary equipment:

  • conveyors;
  • ventilation system;
  • thermostats;
  • planetary pumps;
  • hoods;
  • molding equipment;
  • packaging unit;
  • printing press for wrapping.

Purchase of raw materials

Chocolate is made from cocoa beans, which can be purchased in Africa, Australia, and Asia. There are three varieties of beans suitable for chocolate production:

  • "Creole" - selected beans of the highest class;
  • "Foreigner" - medium quality;
  • "Pumpkin" - low-grade beans.

Cocoa beans go through three stages before turning into powder:

  • frying at a temperature of 150 degrees;
  • separation of liquid and husks;
  • grinding into powder.

In addition to the powder, buy cocoa butter, sugar and milk, as well as filling ingredients if you plan to make candies.

Do not save on ingredients: the more natural ingredients, the higher the quality of chocolate


For the normal functioning of the workshop, hire employees. Make sure everyone has a valid health book.

Composition of employees:

  • manager;
  • accountant;
  • technologist;
  • confectioners;
  • driver;
  • cleaner.

Sign non-disclosure agreements with the company's recipes with employees.

Formation of the assortment

Large confectionery factories use a similar recipe, and their production volumes do not allow producing exclusive chocolate in small batches. In a small workshop, you can make chocolate according to original recipes, varying the composition of the components and fillings.

Together with the technologist, evaluate the possibilities of production, calculate the expected volumes of output. Develop your own specifications. Based on the planned purchases of raw materials, make a menu. Design them and post them on the company's website or in a group in social networks.

The range of high-end chocolate boutiques usually includes handmade sweets and cakes, as well as beautifully packaged gift sets.

Possible distribution channels and advertising

Chocolate lovers (82%) buy their favorite product in supermarkets at the same time they buy other goods. At the same time, 21% of them are ready to specifically go to the store for chocolate. More often than others, milk tiles are chosen, less often - bitter ones. White chocolate love only 4% of buyers. Gaining momentum "chocolate boutiques" with exclusive varieties of your favorite product.

Possible sales channels for products:

  • supermarkets;
  • grocery stores outside the chains;
  • stalls, tents;
  • coffee houses, cafes;
  • fairs, exhibitions.
  • shops, coffee houses;
  • Internet, social networks;
  • city ​​magazines;
  • issue of own catalogues;
  • sponsoring events.

So that your product does not get lost on the shelves of the store, do not skimp on the original packaging and catchy advertising.

Business calculations

The calculations are given on the example of a workshop with an area of ​​60 sq. m., equipped with everything necessary and operating under a license.

Table: opening costs

Table: recurring costs

Expected income

The cost of one chocolate bar is 100 rubles, the cost of making it is 20–35 rubles. On average, only through retail chains per month you can sell 5200 tiles, the total income is 520 thousand rubles. Net profit per month - 260 thousand rubles, the payback period for a home business is 2 years.

Business profitability reaches 200% even when using natural ingredients. If you replace cocoa powder and cocoa butter with cheap analogues, it will increase by another 1.5 times.

Franchise or own brand

You will need an impressive amount of capital to start your chocolate business from scratch. There is an exit. If you doubt your abilities, buy a franchise. Notable franchised chocolate factories:

  • "Chantimel";
  • Podarilli;
  • Frade.

Franchise Benefits:

  • work under a well-known brand;
  • proven production technology;
  • the opportunity to buy equipment at a discount/leasing;
  • consulting assistance;
  • business mechanics;
  • feeling of teamwork.

Franchising Disadvantages:

  • the need to pay the franchise seller a monthly remuneration - royalties;
  • high cost of business;
  • excessive requirements for the incoming partner;
  • the need to comply with the conditions of the franchisor.

A franchise buyer always runs the risk of running into an unscrupulous company that, instead of the existing mechanisms for effective work, gives only a couple of instructions for doing business.

Franchise "Konfael" allows you to ensure stable turnover and gives you the opportunity to get higher profitability compared to a business created from scratch

Rookie Mistakes

Beginners in chocolate business are often wrong. The key problem is the underestimation of consumer requests. Manufacturers in small towns are especially guilty of this. They rely on the uniqueness of the product, not paying attention to consumer qualities. As a result, the client receives an exclusive candy in an expensive package, but it turns out to be obscene in taste. Naturally, the client does not come again. In general, in provincial towns, people make excessive demands on the quality of food products, compliance with which is the key task of an entrepreneur.

Having decided to start a chocolate production business and having enough funds, do not hesitate. Assess the market in your city, analyze the demand of potential buyers. Calculate your expenses and income and get started. If you doubt your abilities, choose a popular franchise and follow the proven methods of professionals.

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* Calculations use average data for Russia

From 410 000 ₽


1 000 ₽

Average check

80 000 - 200 000 ₽

Net profit

3-6 months

Payback period

If you dreamed of getting a golden ticket to chocolate factory Willy Wonka, then this business idea is for you. A chocolate shop is a business for the soul, which brings a good income at minimal cost.

Chocolate is one of the most popular treats in the world. In Russia, the love for chocolate is growing every year. From 2013 to 2017, chocolate consumption increased from 6 to 8 kg per person per year. Since 2012, there has been a trend around the world called "life's little pleasures": goods and products that are advertised as stress relievers are gaining popularity. And chocolate, of course, in the forefront.

Professional kit for creating business ideas

trending product 2019..

Thanks to such a demand for chocolate, the business of selling it pays off in a matter of months and brings stable profits to the owners. The main thing in this business is an interesting assortment. After all, who will you surprise now with ordinary tiles? milk chocolate? The chocolate market is very saturated. It is important to stand out from the crowd. Now beautiful packaging, figured chocolate, handmade sweets and original combinations of flavors are relevant. Chocolate manufacturers offer ginger, candied fruit, chili and even bacon as fillings.

And we offer you to open your own chocolate boutique. This is a great startup idea that has its challenges, but with the right approach to business, you can achieve huge results: not only make good money, but also enjoy it.

How to open a chocolate shop from scratch

The initial stage of the implementation of any startup should be an assessment of all the advantages and disadvantages of the business. According to experts, entrepreneurs in this area can count on a profit of 200%.

Advantages and disadvantages of the chocolate business



    High profitability and profit

    Relatively small initial investment

    Belonging to the infrastructure of the holiday and entertainment (gifts, souvenirs, desserts)

    Seasonal shopping explosions. Especially on holidays and events.

    Constant demand

    Fast payback

    Opportunity to develop multiple product lines

    Perishable products

    Difficulties in finding reliable suppliers of products

    High competition

    Mandatory product certification

    Narrow specialization in chocolate products

First you need to decide on the format of the chocolate store. If the starting capital allows, you can open your own small production. Then you can offer customers exclusive products and the creation of chocolate products to order. To implement this idea, you will need to rent a room for production and purchase the appropriate equipment. In addition, you will need to issue permits.

A simpler business format is to open a chocolate store where products from different manufacturers. In this case, the entrepreneur is faced with the task of finding reliable suppliers

You should also indicate the price category of goods. It is desirable that the sale was a wide range at different prices. This will attract more customers to the store.

The concept of the project involves the opening of a figured chocolate shop. Today, figured chocolate is very popular. Chocolate figures are an invariable attribute of any holiday and a suitable gift for various occasions. Today, this type of sweets has stepped much further than the New Year's figurines of Santa Claus and Snow Maidens. Some products can rightly be considered a work of art.

However, in chocolate, the appearance is not so much important, but also the taste. Therefore, at first it is necessary to learn as much as possible about chocolate, the method of its preparation, various recipes. To engage in such a business, you need to love chocolate and understand it at least a little. In the future, this knowledge will allow you to choose the right assortment and create the appropriate atmosphere in the store. It is desirable (but not required) to master the principles home cooking chocolate. For clarity and easy assimilation of information, it is best to start by watching video tutorials on YouTube - there are enough handmade channels for making chocolate. For example, the basics of working with chocolate and its application are described on the nastia_chocolatier channel, you can see about the production of chocolate truffles on the TruffleBro channel, and the features of making chocolate letters and Belgian chocolates are revealed on the Konffetki handmade channel. This knowledge can be useful not only for general development, but if in the future you plan to expand the range of services, for example, by conducting your own chocolate-making workshops. You should also study the manufacturers and suppliers of chocolate. It is worth considering foreign manufacturers who are open to cooperation in the Russian market. Having studied the theory, you can safely move on to practice.

Define a chocolate shop concept

Market analysis should lead you to an idea for your store. A promising idea will be such a model of a figured chocolate shop, which will combine the idea of ​​original sweets and unusual gifts. The product itself can be described as "unusual chocolate gifts." At the same time, the store will only sell chocolate products, without being engaged in its production.

The assortment range of a gift chocolate shop may include:

  • themed souvenir figurines for various holidays;
  • unusual curly handmade sweets;
  • chocolate of exclusive forms under the order (for example, company logos, etc.);
  • chocolate cards;
  • chocolate on sticks;
  • fruits in chocolate;
  • chocolate portraits.

This is only a small part of the range of products. Today, the market offers many original solutions. Once you have a clear idea of ​​how exactly you and your store fit into the current market situation, you should make preliminary financial calculations.

Choose assortment and suppliers of chocolate

Chocolate can be presented in various price categories - from luxury to budget. And there is an interesting detail here: Russian chocolate, according to the firm conviction of consumers, cannot be expensive, but imported chocolate is easy. Therefore, sales in the store will also depend on how much the seller can convey to the buyer the subtleties of the recipe and the quality of chocolate products. Handmade chocolate is especially appreciated. In this case, the focus is on a unique recipe, custom-made chocolate and exclusivity. This service can be a good competitive advantage as people like to give personalized gifts.

When deciding on the assortment, it should be remembered that each type of product requires special storage conditions. For example, natural exclusive chocolate can be stored for no more than 15 days at a temperature of 16 to 20 degrees. To do this, you need to purchase special equipment, which is not cheap.

In addition, additional services can be offered to customers. For example, packaging and delivery of chocolate gifts. These options are convenient for customers and profitable for the entrepreneur, and can be a significant competitive advantage. You can also rent chocolate fountains. You can organize popular entertainment at various celebrations. The equipment for the chocolate fountain itself will cost about 50 thousand rubles. But these investments can pay off in 1-2 months. It is also possible to open a mini-coffee shop at the boutique, which will give an additional impetus to sales, because these two products complement each other perfectly.

Among the major chocolate manufacturers, you can find sponsors who will agree to partially offset your costs if you purchase their products. There are several producers of premium chocolate in Russia. "Konfael" specializes in artistic and sculptural decoration. And for a figured chocolate shop, this is the most suitable option. You can consider cooperation with manufacturers “ chocolate house”, Gabor, Couverture, etc. There are also small chocolate workshops and even individual masters on the market, where you can find quality products at competitive prices.

The first purchase should be as diverse as possible. Better to buy a little of everything. First, a wide range will attract more buyers. Secondly, it will allow you to determine what products can be imported in the future. During the first months of work, it will become clear which products are the most popular. It will become the basis of the assortment. The rest of the goods can be purchased at a minimum, only for the assortment range.

Ready-made ideas for your business

When choosing a supplier and purchasing goods, you should immediately discuss all the conditions for cooperation and possible risks. Chocolate figurines are rather fragile goods; sales depend on their integrity. Therefore, it is recommended to find out in advance how the goods are packed and delivered, what is the percentage of damage, what are the conditions for compensation for non-conformity. For the initial purchase of goods, funds in the amount of 100-120 thousand rubles will be required.

Select store location and premises

Choosing the right location is very important for a chocolate shop. Chocolate is bought on emotions, and therefore the ideal place to sell it is shopping centers with a large flow of people. Of course the rental shopping malls it costs more, but 12 m2 of retail space will be enough for a chocolate shop. You will spend 15-20 thousand rubles per month on renting premises in small shopping centers, in large cities and regional centers the amount will increase significantly. For example, in Rostov-on-Don, where the average price per square meter in a shopping center is 2.9 thousand rubles, renting a room in a less popular shopping center will cost 35-40 thousand rubles.

When choosing a place, pay attention to the neighborhood of competitors. Products are quite specific and narrowly focused, so it is not recommended to open your store next to competitors. More advantageous proximity to outlets with a similar theme. For example, a gift shop or a coffee shop.

Decorate the retail space of a chocolate shop

Practice shows that an attractive design of the store activates sales. Therefore, you need to take this point seriously.

Looking for inspiration and original ideas? Refer to the internet. See what interesting chips various chocolate shops come up with for their interiors. different countries. In Japan, for example, they came up with a design with the effect of hot chocolate dripping from the ceiling, which, as it were, flows down the walls of the store. Perhaps you will take some idea and adapt it to your store.

Also, a couple of tables can be an excellent solution, which will provide visitors with an opportunity to drink coffee and taste chocolate. It is recommended to define your corporate identity - choose your colors, logo and catchy name. Based on this, the design concept will be determined. About 70 thousand rubles will have to be spent on design and branding.

Buy equipment

Since the production of chocolate is not planned, the entire list of equipment is associated with the organization of the trading space. These are showcases, special refrigerated display cases, equipment for storing products, a cash register, a counter, etc. Particular attention should be paid here to the equipment intended for storage. The specificity of the products obliges to comply with a certain temperature regime and the shelf life of chocolate. Temperature fluctuations can greatly affect not only appearance products, but also on their quality. It is recommended to use a showcase-refrigerator or a refrigerated chest for displaying products on a showcase. In general, about 150 thousand rubles should be invested in equipment.

Register your business

Before you open a figured chocolate shop, you will need to complete all the documents and obtain a trade permit. First of all, you will need:

    arrange a legal person or individual entrepreneur;

    choose the right OKVED for retail chocolate. 47.24.22 - Retail sale of confectionery, including chocolate, in specialized stores. It should be remembered that if you plan to provide additional services (for example, open a mini-coffee shop, rent a chocolate fountain, etc.), then you must indicate the relevant activity codes during registration;

    for all goods to have quality certificates;

    obtain permits from the SES and the fire service to work in the rented premises;

    arrange a corner of the consumer.

About 20 thousand rubles will have to be spent on registering a business and obtaining all permits.

Pick store staff

Now that almost everything is ready, it is necessary to select the staff of the store. Girls are perfect for the role of sellers. They must know the types of chocolate, be able to brew coffee, advise customers, be polite and friendly. For the operation of a small store, one salesperson per shift is enough. Since shift work is expected, there should be two salespeople on staff. Perhaps, with the development of business and growth in sales, it will be necessary to hire two more employees. But at the initial stage, this will not lead to anything other than additional expenses. The average salary of sellers is 23 thousand rubles. As a motivation, a bonus part of the salary, which is calculated on the basis of sales volumes, can be provided.

In addition, the store may need a merchandiser who will be responsible for the supply of products, the organization of their storage, trade control, etc. If an entrepreneur has such skills, then he can save money by independently dealing with this issue. The same goes for accounting. There is no point in hiring an accountant on a permanent staff. There is not much work for an accountant in a figured chocolate shop. Therefore, outsourcing is the best option.

It is recommended to train employees so that they fully know all the goods and their features. Some chocolate suppliers offer a staff training service. Employees must have a sanitary book.

Define an advertising strategy for a chocolate shop

The buyers of the figured chocolate shop can be both individuals and corporate clients. Recently, more and more companies are choosing chocolate gifts as corporate gifts.

When opening a store, you should carefully consider promotion channels in order to reach the entire target audience. A good advertisement for the store will be its own website or social media account. Prepare flyers and business cards - they can be flavored with chocolate flavor. Attractive design and bright signage is also an advertisement. If the rented space allows, design a shop window. Practice shows that people go to stores with beautiful windows much more willingly.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Another promotion tool can be “aroma advertising”. Delicious smells attract customers and stimulate purchases: this tool has long been practiced in marketing. And coffee aroma is on the lists of leaders in terms of effectiveness. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase a special machine for cooking different types of chocolate. The delicious smell of a freshly prepared chocolate drink will attract customers and serve as an excellent additional advertisement. And you can generally treat the first visitors with hot chocolate for free when making a purchase.

Advertising can be monthly product tastings, various discounts and promotions, a bonus program for regular customers, etc. It is also possible to organize a chocolate tasting on the opening day of the store. It is recommended to plan your project so that the opening of the store takes place on the eve of any holiday. So you will be able to provide a good volume of sales in the first month of work. In total, about 50 thousand rubles will have to be spent on advertising the store.

We consider costs and profits

Summing up how much money you need to open a chocolate shop. An example list of costs looks like this:

    business registration - 20 thousand rubles;

    design of the store and rent of retail space (deposit for 2 months) - 90 thousand rubles;

    initial purchase of goods - 100 thousand rubles;

    purchase of equipment - 150 thousand rubles

In total, the opening of a figured chocolate store will require from 410 thousand rubles. This figure may vary depending on the scale of the business and the city in which it is implemented. At the same time, do not forget about monthly expenses, which include the payroll fund, renting premises, additional purchases of goods, etc. On average, monthly expenses for these items will amount to 80 thousand rubles.

Now let's calculate how much you can earn in the chocolate business. The cost of one chocolate figurine is from 150 rubles and can reach up to 2 thousand rubles - it all depends on the scale of the product. The average price of a finished gift is 1 thousand rubles. To work “to zero”, you will need to sell at least 3-4 gift sets. Every month, a store can bring in 200 thousand rubles a month or more. Thus, the initial investment can pay off in the first months of operation. This will be possible if you choose the right assortment and plan advertising promotion.

We calculate the risks

Like any business, a figure chocolate shop can come with risks.

    Risks associated with the quality of chocolate. The main threat is related to the fact that the products are very fragile and perishable. Therefore, any error during delivery or storage can lead to damage to the goods. To avoid this, you should choose reliable suppliers and discuss with them the issue of compensation for non-conformity in advance.

    Technological risks. You should also choose good equipment for storing chocolate and correctly calculate the required volume of purchases so as not to store too much. And here it is worth mentioning the technological risk that may arise due to equipment failure. To avoid this, you should not only choose high-quality equipment, but also establish those. maintenance, including preventive inspection and repair.

    Competition. Another risk is high competition in the market. Indeed, today chocolate is very popular - and many entrepreneurs open a business related to it. It will not be easy for a new market participant in such conditions, but high-quality products, an active advertising campaign and an original offer can improve the situation in your favor.

    The costs of the wrong purchasing strategy. The next risk is associated with errors in planning the volume of purchases. If you buy a lot of goods, it may deteriorate; if you buy a little - lose part of the profits. Particular attention should be paid to the volume of purchases before various holidays, when sales increase significantly. Therefore, it is recommended to take care of the purchase of goods in advance in order to fill the warehouse completely.

Checklist for opening a figured chocolate shop

Key figures:

    The starting threshold for entering the business is 410 thousand rubles.

    Net profit - 80 - 200 thousand rubles.

    Payback period - 3-6 months.

    The average check is 1 thousand rubles.

Basic steps:

    Study of the topic and analysis of the chocolate market

    Defining the chocolate shop concept

    Carrying out preliminary financial calculations

    Selection of assortment and suppliers of chocolate

    Shop location selection

    Design of the retail space of the store

    Purchase of commercial equipment

    Business registration

    Recruitment of vendors and other personnel

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As you know, currently in the Russian market confectionery there are a sufficient number of chocolate producers (including chocolates, bars, bars, etc.). However, this situation is far from being an obstacle for new manufacturers to enter the market.

Moreover, despite the apparent abundance of confectionery (and in particular, chocolate) products, the emergence of new manufacturers, especially those producing high-quality and so-called. "premium" brands are strongly welcomed.

Many novice businessmen are reluctant to start a business with food, and even more so confectionery production. Chocolate and other sweets are not considered essential goods, releasing which can quickly turn around the invested capital, and the food and light industries in general are traditionally considered not very profitable.

In addition, many are confused by the need for repeated sanitary and epidemiological checks, both of the products themselves and of production facilities, because the relevant authorities always give manufacturers food products increased attention.

However, having considered the arguments and counterarguments in some detail, it is easy to see that they are untenable.

Chocolate, although formally not a commodity, does not lose significantly in sales even during a crisis. It is one of the favorite products of the population: children, like any sweet, love it, and adults, by and large, are only big children in this regard - they consume chocolate very actively, for example, with tea or coffee, instead of a full meal or just for fun.

A box of chocolates is the most common "bribe", ie. a thing given in gratitude to petty officials, kindergarten teachers, school and university teachers, doctors and (or) nurses in a polyclinic, etc., not to mention chocolates as one of the attributes of a romantic date.

So the fears of a novice entrepreneur regarding finding a sales market and payback are in vain.

As for the increased attention from the authorities that control the quality of products and their compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards, many people forget that any production (even not only food production) is still considered by them in this regard.

So attention is paid to everyone without exception: for example, manufacturers of many building materials (paint and varnish products, any products related to woodworking, etc.) are subject to increased fire safety requirements. Do not be afraid of the excessive captiousness of sanitary officials - if everything is really all right with you, no one will do anything to you.

Summing up all of the above, we can safely say that the production of chocolate and chocolate products is one of the most interesting and profitable business areas.

Description of technology and specifics of chocolate production

By and large, there is nothing complicated in the technology of chocolate production. Yes, raw materials - cocoa beans require a carefully selected warehouse: a well-ventilated, but dry room with an artificially maintained temperature of 16 ° C. But this is where the special requirements for chocolate production are limited. The rest - the workshop, the availability of sanitary books for the staff, etc. comply with normal food production requirements.

The main stage of chocolate production is conching. It is a continuous mixing of the heated chocolate mass until it turns into a homogeneous (homogenized) mass. Conching is done in special conches (or, as they are also called, conche machines).

Pre-mixed chocolate mass (consisting of cocoa mass, powdered sugar, cocoa butter and additives), subjected to rolling - preliminary grinding in special mills.

The main secret conching - the duration of mixing. It has been found that prolonged mixing significantly improves the quality of the chocolate mass. Therefore, many elite varieties of chocolate are subjected to conching for 360 hours, or 5 days.

The duration of this process is about 72 hours (3 days). For cheaper varieties, one day of conching is enough.

The conching itself is carried out in three stages: first, the dry mixture (cocoa powder and powdered sugar), on the second, excess moisture is evaporated from the mixture, and on the third, cocoa butter (or its substitute) is added to the dry mixture.

Of course, the taste and quality of chocolate is influenced by various flavoring and aromatic additives (flavorings, alcohol, wines, and the like), and the percentage of natural ingredients (for example, palm, coconut, peanut, milk fat is often added instead of rather expensive cocoa butter). or combine these components with each other; instead of cocoa powder, carob, carob powder, is sometimes used). But ultimately, the recipe for the resulting chocolate is usually a company secret.

The second most important stage in the production of chocolate is molding, i.e. giving the chocolate mass an appropriate shape (slabs, sweets, bars, etc.) and filling (if, of course, it is provided by the manufacturer) with crushed nuts, candied fruits, wafers, etc.

The prepared chocolate mass with a temperature of +40 to +45 ° C is poured into special molds (moulds). Then it is quickly cooled to 33°C, and kept at this temperature for 30-40 minutes, constantly mixed. This allows the cocoa butter to crystallize properly. This process is called tempering.

Cost of equipment and profitability of chocolate production

Of course, the list of equipment for the production of chocolate is not limited to a conche machine and a set of molds. For the normal functioning of the line for the production of chocolate, much more different equipment is required.

For example, for kindling fat (cocoa butter) a special fat-burning boiler is required (at a price of about a third of a million rubles - for a boiler with a capacity, i.e. a working volume of 200 kg of butter); the primary mixing of the components (rolling) is carried out in ball mills filled with special steel balls like bearings, with the help of which the mixing process takes place.

Such a mill costs about one and a half million rubles. It comes with 1 conche, but taking into account the technology - the chocolate mass should be mixed for at least a day - you will have to purchase additional conches (each of which costs about 8000-9000 €) so as not to stop the conveyor.

In addition, you will also need a tempering machine (about 1 million rubles) and a vertical refrigeration tunnel that produces rapid cooling of molded products, which is required according to the technology. Such a tunnel will cost about 2.5 million rubles.

This is just the basic technique needed to make chocolate. Additional - hoods and thermostats for the warehouse finished products, conveyor belts, aeration plants, special planetary pumps and heated pipelines for moving liquid chocolate mass from unit to unit, molds and a stamping machine for their manufacture, packaging and other machines will pull in total no less than 4-5 million tons. rub.

As you can see, the total costs are not too high - something around 10 million rubles, but quite sensitive for a novice businessman.

But these costs pay off very quickly if we consider in more detail the ratio of the cost of chocolate and its selling price, i.e. calculate profitability.

If we consider ordinary - bitter - chocolate, without the addition of soy, palm oil and other cheap substitutes (namely, it is the least profitable), then it consists of about 60% (by weight) of cocoa powder (about $ 1870-2010 per 1 ton), and 40% of powdered sugar (about $ 1000 per 1 ton), we get the cost of 1 ton of chocolate (taking into account a small percentage of cocoa butter) at about $ 1500-1600, or $ 15-16 (less than 500 rubles) per 1 kg.

Even considering, for simplicity, 1 kg of dark chocolate equal in cost to 500 rubles. (with labor costs, taxes, depreciation and other costs), and the price of a bar of such chocolate equal to 100 rubles, we get a minimum profitability of 200%.

This is the lowest limit. Adding various additives that reduce the cost of the cost to the chocolate recipe leads to an increase in profitability literally at times.

Compare: carob, carob powder costs about 50-67 rubles. for 1 kg against $18.7-20.1 (565-608 rubles) of real cocoa powder. Adding even 5% carob will help save about 8-10% ($120-160$) per ton of chocolate.

Chocolate production video

If you want to open your own small business in the future and compete with store-bought sweets with preservatives, emulsifiers, flavors and other chemical components of unknown origin, try making natural sweets.

For those who cannot live without chocolate, or simply love it, it will be interesting to learn the basics of the profession that makes sweets, tiles, decor and other miracles from chocolate. Even if you do not make sweets for sale, the issue of an unusual handmade gift for all occasions will be resolved for you.
What is the best place to start?

Step 1 Tools

Cooking thermometer.

You will definitely need a tool for the job:

  1. The bowl in which you will melt the chocolate is better to use a plastic one.
  2. Cooking thermometer with measuring range up to 200 degrees Celsius. Chocolate does not need to be heated above 45 degrees, but if you get carried away with the process, you may want to make caramel and other sweets. This is where such a thermometer is indispensable and it is better to stock up on it right away. Now there are many offers of inexpensive Chinese thermometers on the Internet, they are quite suitable for a start, although you can also use alcohol with the desired measurement range.
  3. Spatula for tempering chocolate (we will talk about this process later). A medium-width stainless steel spatula can be selected at a hardware store.
  4. A microwave oven or a small marble (granite) slab, which will also be needed for tempering.
  5. Parchment, ready-made sweets are laid out on it until the chocolate is completely solidified and crystallized.
  6. As you gain experience and want to make a variety of candies, you will need chocolate forks, pallets (narrow long spatulas), chocolate molds, disposable pastry bags, and many other tools.

Step 2. Choice of chocolate

The next step is choosing the chocolate to work with. If you want to make exclusive sweets, try different types of professional Belgian, Italian, French chocolate, which are now easy to order via the Internet. This chocolate is sold in blocks or small tablets that are easy to work with and can cost more than bars found in stores. Since you are still a novice chocolatier and you are afraid to ruin expensive products, try melting a few shop tiles first.

Step 3. Making chocolate

Step 3.1. Introduction

Chocolate is loved by adults and children. It's no secret that a store-bought chocolate bar contains various additives: preservatives, dyes, hardeners, etc. Favorite delicacy can be prepared at home. True, it takes a little effort. There are several varieties of chocolate: milk and bitter. You can add nuts, cookies, it all depends on your preference and taste.

The Indians learned about chocolate thousands of years before our era, later the Mayan tribes considered cocoa fruits to be the “food of the gods” and drank chocolate during various rituals. The first European was Columbus, who tried this drink, and the Spanish monarchs rated it with the highest score. Joseph Fry in the 20th century prepared the first chocolate bar, which: improved mood, stabilized blood cholesterol, had a positive effect on the skin of the face and body, pancreas, heart muscle, strengthened the immune system. So far, bitter chocolate has clearly performed its functions.

Step 3.2. Master class for home

Let's start, without further ado, making chocolate, for which you need: butter, honey or sugar and of course cocoa. To make chocolate, you should not be stingy, buy quality products, and the result will please. We decided on the products, the mold for chocolate can be silicone (for sweets and marmalade) or you can pour it into a mold for ice. Now about proportions. Have to take:

  • 100 g cocoa or cocoa butter (if you can find it!);
  • butter-50 g.
  • three tablespoons of sugar;
  • 5 tablespoons of water;
  • 15 g of vanillin;
  • two tablespoons of any liqueur (optional).

  1. water is mixed with cocoa and sugar;
  2. then put it on a small fire;
  3. stir this mixture all the time until it boils;
  4. add butter, stir, bring to a state of thick sour cream;
  5. cook for another 1-2 minutes;
  6. pour the finished mixture into prepared molds, greased with butter;

  1. then put in the refrigerator until completely cooled. If there is a desire to add nuts, raisins, cookies, lemon or orange zest, liquor, cognac, then you need to add this at the stage of pouring into the mold. Top with any chopped nuts.
  2. The chocolate poured into the mold is placed in the freezer, when frozen it will be hard, and if it is simply put in the refrigerator, it will be soft.

At home, real dark chocolate cannot be made, due to the lack of cocoa butter or grated cocoa. But it doesn’t matter, in any case, we got a tasty and healthy dessert.

Step 4. Glazing fresh fruits, nuts

You have prepared chocolate for work, what to do with it next. First, try icing in chocolate. fresh fruits, candied fruits, nuts, apple chips. To do this, you can simply dip them in chocolate with a fork, let the remaining chocolate drain and put on parchment. Candied fruits look beautiful, partially dipped in chocolate, when their tip is visible (in this case, forks are not needed). French chocolates - mediants also look spectacular. To prepare them, you need to pour a small amount of chocolate (a tea or dessert spoon) onto parchment and decorate with nuts, pieces of candied fruits, raisins, let it harden and start tasting. All together it is very impressive, delicious in taste and makes it possible to create chocolate delights.

Now you are no longer afraid to work with chocolate, you want to learn new types of sweets, do not be afraid, experiment, look for new information, purchase literature, come up with your own recipes.

Chocolate has always been and will be in great demand even in the difficult times of the crisis. Chocolate is the most popular gift for any occasion, be it a “bribe”, gratitude or just a sign of attention.

It is safe to say that chocolate production is a profitable business.

To organize a full-fledged workshop, you will need to spend a significant amount of money on equipment, the purchase of raw materials, and a room for a confectionery workshop, so this option is not suitable for everyone.

Business idea - chocolate production, where to start - watch the video:

It is difficult for some novice businessmen to immediately understand all the intricacies of chocolate production, so you can start with.

The most well-known companies offering this opportunity are Frade, “Chocolate House“ vonKluschke ”, FrenchKis, COUVERTURE, Chantimel, Confael, BaccaratChocolatier, Podarilli and others.

The benefits of buying a franchise are as follows:

  • famous brand;
  • production technique that has passed the test;
  • well-established technique of sales and display of products;
  • good equipment;
  • cooperation with reliable suppliers;
  • assistance and advice;

Creating your own lumber business, features and nuances -.

It is important to remember that this method requires mandatory compliance with company standards.
Another direction will be the opening of a mini-production and boutique of elite chocolate.

A mono-product store is a popular format all over the world, and the opportunity to buy chocolate right at the place of its production looks very tempting for the buyer.

Another worthy business option would be a homemade handmade chocolate shop. This direction is very promising today, you can get really exclusive and very tasty chocolate.

Recipes for its manufacture can be found on the Internet, and equipment for such production is available to a large circle of people.

Chocolate production technology

The technology for each type of chocolate differs slightly. Whichever type of chocolate production you choose, it will necessarily include the following steps:

  1. Conching- continuous stirring of the chocolate mass (cocoa mass, powdered sugar, cocoa bean butter, flavorings and additives) until it becomes homogeneous.
    Produced in special conches for a long time (up to 5 days). Elite chocolate is conched longer, and regular chocolate, as a rule, 72 hours.
  2. molding- giving the chocolate the desired shape (slabs, sweets, bars) and adding filler.
    The conched mass is poured into molds (moulds) at a temperature of 40-45 degrees, then it is cooled to 33 degrees, left for 30-40 minutes while maintaining the temperature (tempering), while stirring.
    Next, the molds are cooled and the finished tiles or sweets are removed from them.

Technological process chocolate production. Photo:

As you can see, chocolate production technology is not particularly difficult.

Instructions for opening a chocolate production

If you still decide to open production on your own, it is recommended to visit a chocolatier school before that, where they provide valuable knowledge about chocolate and the production process.

It is very important to understand that such raw materials as cocoa beans have their own characteristics:

  • temperature in the room for storing the product - 16 C;
  • shelf life and sale of goods - from 2 to 6 months;
  • availability of special equipment for transporting the product;
  • availability of health books for staff.

An approximate action plan before opening a chocolate production looks like this:

  1. Company registration.
  2. Obtaining a certificate, which gives the right to produce food products, in Rospotrebnadzor.
  3. There you will need to provide a production plan to agree on sanitary conditions.
  4. Drafting technological map for each type of product.
  5. Laboratory research of samples of raw materials, necessary for obtaining a license for the production of chocolate.
  6. Conclusion of an agreement on agreement with periodic inspections.

Organization of the workshop

Equipment cost and business profitability

If we're talking about big production shop with expensive equipment, it will require a lot of capital to open it.

Equipment for the production of chocolate. Photo: idea-small-business.rf

Consider the example of a workshop with an area of ​​​​100 square meters:

  • rent or purchase of premises will cost 20,000-1,000,000 rubles, respectively;
  • subsequent repairs of about 400,000 rubles;
  • purchase of equipment in the amount of 5.7 million rubles;
  • decor required documents at 20,000 rubles;
  • advertising costs of 100,000 rubles;
  • salary of employees in 180,000 rubles;
  • raw materials, provision of building communications in the amount of 250,000 rubles.

Special attention should be paid to the prices of raw materials and equipment:

  • cocoa powder - 120,000 rubles / ton;
  • cocoa butter - 66,000 rubles / ton;
  • powdered sugar - 55,000 rubles / ton;
  • fat burning boiler - from 300,000 rubles;
  • ball mill - from 1.5 million rubles;
  • tepiruyushchy machine - from 1 million rubles;
  • refrigeration tunnel - from 2.5 million rubles;
  • conches - from 400,000 rubles apiece.

Prices for raw materials and equipment depend on the manufacturer and product quality. Moreover, you should also purchase hoods, thermostats, a conveyor, pipelines.

Summarizing, we can conclude that to create a full-fledged chocolate-making workshop, at least 10 million rubles will be required. The figure is frightening, but considering the ratio of the cost of chocolate to its selling price (profitability), you can see how quickly this production pays off.

Calculation of the cost of 1 kg of dark chocolate

The cost of 1 kg of dark chocolate is approximately 600 rubles. At the same time, a bar weighing 100 g of such chocolate in the store costs at least 100 rubles. Even including the costs of the enterprise in the calculation, we get a minimum profitability of 200%.

And this despite the fact that dark chocolate was created without the use of cheapening components.

Experienced manufacturers add components to the composition of chocolate that significantly reduce its cost. For example, carob, a grated mixture of carob fruits, costs about 60-70 rubles per 1 kg, while 1 kg of real cocoa powder costs about 600 rubles per kg.

By adding a small amount of carob to chocolate, manufacturers save up to 10% per ton of chocolate.

Basically, such a business pays off in 1.5 - 2 years.

Calculating the price of handmade chocolate

Now consider this business using the example of a mini-workshop for the production of handmade chocolate in Moscow.

The purchase of the necessary equipment for a small production will require at least 150,000 rubles. It is not necessary to purchase a full-fledged production line; you can get by with similar machines designed to produce 5-20 kg of products.

Such equipment can be purchased in specialized stores or on the Internet. Renting a room for a mini-production will cost at least 20,000 rubles (depending on location).

It is quite possible to create your own mini-shop for the production of chocolate by spending 2-3 million rubles. Even taking into account the rental of premises, salaries of employees, equipment, taxes, and so on, the profitability of the business is at least 200%.

And with the use of cheaper additives, this figure can be higher.

If you have your own mini-production, you can reach an income of 2,000,000 rubles per month.

Sales market and customers

The sale of products directly affects the income from the business. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately determine who will be your buyer.

If you have a large production, Establish profitable cooperation with stores to which you plan to supply products.

4 promising ideas for starting your own garage business - details.


In order to organize a business in the field chocolate production You don't have to have outstanding culinary skills.

First of all, this is a highly profitable and profitable business, but only a company that produces really high-quality and tasty products can succeed in it.