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Apricot compote for the winter. Simple recipes for compote with and without seeds

Fruits and berries


Canned apricot compote- beautiful simple blank for the winter from tasty and full of various useful substances fruit.

cook healthy drink can be from fruits of any variety, however, attention should be paid to the fact that they should not have too soft inside, which happens if the fruit is overripe, or a very dense and ugly peel, which in the process of sterilizing the compote will take on a wrinkled appearance and become very dense. In addition, apricots with a dense skin are bitter, which will be transferred to the drink, and no matter how much sugar you add to the liquid, the apricot drink will still remain tasteless.

You should not be afraid of warnings, on the contrary, listen to them - and success will be guaranteed! Choose the most beautiful fruits you like, without traces of blows and bruises, With delicate taste and fragrant aroma and save them beneficial features, having prepared compote from apricots, but in essence, apricots in own juice with added sugar.

Ease of preparation will surely attract the attention of not experienced housewives, but detailed recipe, with clear step-by-step explanations and photos will help everyone, without exception, cooks to cook this amazingly tasty and fragrant compote do it yourself at home and provide yourself with a charge of summer mood for a long winter, right up to a new crop of apricots.



    Prepare the necessary for cooking canned compote from apricots ingredients: apricots, citric acid, granulated sugar and ordinary clean water. The number of apricots needed for harvesting is determined based on the number of whole fruits that completely fill the jars. We sort the apricots, wash them well in running water and divide them into halves, removing the stone along the way. If the apricots do not peel very well, then help yourself with a sharp short knife, making cuts along the line of fusion of the halves, and then continue them along the opposite side of the fruit. Apricots evenly divided into halves in a jar look more appetizing, but it is impractical to prepare such a compote without taking out the seeds - the drink will taste like seeds and can be stored for less time, like any other compote with seeds.

    In warm water with soda, thoroughly rinse the lids and liter jars (or any other jars of a convenient volume), and then rinse them in running water. Each jar must be steamed for five minutes, separately for two minutes you need to boil the lids. Of these, before boiling, be sure to remove the rubber ring seal so that it does not lose its properties when heated. We put the steamed jars on a towel made of natural fibers to allow excess steam to drain, which has turned into water. Sterile lids are also laid out to dry. Don't forget to put the rubber bands in them when they cool down a bit and you can hold them with your hands.

    We put the apricots divided into halves into the jars warmed up for a couple, trying not to crush, but at the same time laying it quite tightly, because during the subsequent processing the fruits will soften a little, decrease in size and float to the surface of the syrup.

    From the sugar of water and citric acid, we will prepare a syrup for pouring a sunny fruit: stir the bulk components in water until they are completely dissolved, and then move the pan with the filling to the stove and, choosing medium heat, bring the syrup to a boil. After boiling, reduce the heating power and boil the solution for three minutes. For one liter jar of well-packed apricots, approximately four hundred milliliters of syrup will be required, the indicated amount of water will be enough for pouring three liter jars.

    To the bottom of a deep pot that is taller than liter jar, lay a silicone mat or a folded cotton or linen towel. On top of it, put jars of apricots, which are filled with boiling syrup and covered with sterile lids. When all the jars are placed in the pan, carefully move it to the stove, and then we begin to slowly fill the gaps between the jars with hot, but not boiling water. The level of water in the pan should cover the jars to the base of the necks. Cover the pot with a lid and light a medium-high fire. Bring the water to a boil, and then, reducing the heating power, leave the jars of apricots to be sterilized. Fifteen minutes for cans with a volume of one liter will be enough.

    After the time has elapsed, turn off the stove and, using a special grip for hot cans, or just with a towel, we take out the cans one by one on a table covered with a towel in several additions. We immediately roll up the jars and check for leaks by laying the jar wiped dry on the outside on its side and rolling it on a clean, dry table, revealing possible leaks. When the last can is rolled up, we turn all the cans upside down and leave to cool on the table, without wrapping or covering - during the sterilization process, the fruits warmed up and softened enough, and they do not need subsequent wrapping at all.

    Cold apricot compote, canned at home, is taken out for further storage in a cool room or pantry. The main condition is that the temperature in storage places should not exceed 20 degrees Celsius, and direct sunlight should not penetrate into the room. Apricot compote is ready and during the calendar year you can enjoy its amazing taste and aroma!

    Enjoy your meal!

Among the large abundance of fruits, one of the most summer and long-awaited fruits, perhaps, are apricots. They are so similar to the warm summer sun, and everyone is waiting for their appearance not only in order to enjoy these sweet berries to their heart's content, but also to prepare apricot compote for the winter. Thin sweet taste this drink with hints of sourness and enchanting aroma simply cannot but be liked.

Apricot compote for the winter is a great way to saturate the body with vitamins and nutrients in the cold season, and believe me, there are plenty of benefits in apricots! They contain a whole complex of vitamins (A, B vitamins, E, C, PP and H), as well as micro and macro elements such as potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium, fluorine, sodium, iodine and zinc. The rich nutritional composition allows apricots to effectively strengthen the immune system, improve work gastrointestinal tract, cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, reduce arterial pressure and the level of cholesterol in the blood, restore the nervous system, increase the level of hemoglobin, improve the condition of the skin and hair, improve metabolic processes and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, brain, liver and kidneys. Apricot compote for the winter perfectly quenches thirst and has excellent palatability, partially retaining the benefits of fresh fruits. Well, how to choose the right fruits for compote, read on.

To prepare compote from apricots, you should take ripe juicy apricots, which have a bright orange color. The smell of apricots must be pronounced so that it is subsequently transferred to the finished compote. The more aromatic the fruit, the tastier the compote will be. Try to choose dense and not overripe fruits, otherwise, during heat treatment, they may lose their shape and turn into porridge. Spoiled fruits for compote are also not suitable, otherwise the workpiece may ferment. A favorable time for collecting and processing fruits is the period from June to July.

Apricot compote for the winter can be prepared both from fruits with seeds and without them, dividing the apricots into halves. Keep in mind that apricot kernels contain hydrocyanic acid, which can accumulate in fruits a year after storage of compote and pose a health hazard. In this regard, try to consume the rolled up drink throughout the year. When preparing compote, apricots can be boiled for some time or immediately poured with boiling water. Most in a good way cooking apricot compote, culinary experts consider pouring boiling water twice over the fruits - such a minimum heat treatment allows the fruit to retain its shape and make the compote transparent. Also, apricot compote for the winter can be prepared both with and without sterilization.

No less fragrant spices, such as cinnamon, cloves, ginger, anise and vanilla, perfectly complement the aroma of apricots, but you should not overdo it so as not to interrupt the delicate fruity taste. Also, apricot compote can be prepared with mint and other fruits such as apples, pears and oranges. It is worth noting that apricot compote for the winter turns out to be very high-calorie, so you should not get carried away with it - everything is good in moderation. It should also be used with caution in people with diabetes.

Apricot compote for the winter is perfect as a refreshing and thirst-quenching drink, it will be an excellent end to a meal, and can also be used as a base for desserts - for example, you can make jelly out of it. In addition, you can soak a biscuit with sweet apricot compote, and add the remaining fruits to the filling for pies. Be sure to prepare apricot compote for the winter so that in the cold, by opening a jar of a drink prepared by yourself, you can feel the taste and aroma of summer!

Pitted apricot compote

For one 3 liter jar:
500 g pitted apricots
200 g sugar
a pinch of citric acid
2.5-2.7 liters of water.

Sterilized jars fill a third with halves of pitted apricots. To get a more concentrated taste of compote, jars can be half filled with fruit. Add sugar and citric acid. Pour boiling water into the jars until it reaches the very neck. Cover jars with sterilized lids and leave for 20 minutes. After that, drain the liquid back into the pan, bring to a boil and boil for several minutes. Pour the liquid into jars and roll up the lids. Turn the jars upside down, wrap in a blanket and let cool completely.

Apricot compote concentrated (with sterilization)

For one liter jar:
600 g apricots,
200 g sugar
350 ml of water.

Fill sterilized jars with apricots up to their shoulders (the seeds in the fruits can be removed or left by pricking the apricots with a toothpick). Boil syrup by dissolving sugar in water, and pour boiling syrup over apricots in jars. Put a towel at the bottom of a large saucepan, put jars on it and cover with sterilized lids. Pour in warm water to the shoulders of the cans and let it boil. Sterilize jars for 15-20 minutes, then seal tightly. Then the jars should be turned upside down, wrapped in a blanket, cooled and put away for storage. Compote prepared according to this recipe must be diluted with water 1:2 or 1:3 before use.

Apricot compote with mint for the winter

For one 3 liter jar:
500 g apricots,
200 g sugar
5-6 mint leaves
1/2 teaspoon citric acid
2.6 liters of water.

Sterilize jars with lids. Cut thoroughly washed apricots in half, open and remove the seeds. Rinse the mint leaves well and dry them on a towel. Arrange apricots in jars, put mint leaves on top and pour boiling water to the top. Cover the jars with lids, wrap them in a blanket and let stand for half an hour. After that, using a special lid with holes, drain the liquid into a saucepan, add sugar and boil for 2-3 minutes until the sugar dissolves. Mix sugar syrup with citric acid and pour into jars. Roll up the jars with lids and cool under the covers, turning the jars upside down.

Compote of apricots with apples

For one 3 liter jar:
300 g apricots,
300 g apples
500 g sugar.

Arrange in sterilized jars carefully washed whole apricots and apples, which must be cut into four parts, removing the core. Pour in boiling water, cover the jars with sterilized lids and let stand for 15-20 minutes, covering the jars with a blanket. Then drain the liquid from the jars into a saucepan and heat, adding sugar before boiling. Boil for a few minutes until the sugar dissolves. Pour sugar syrup into jars and roll up. Turn the jars upside down and let cool under a blanket, then remove the compote for storage.

Apricot compote with spices for the winter

For one 2 liter jar:
250 g apricots,
200 g sugar
1/4 teaspoon ground anise
1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
3-4 cloves.

Put the apricots in sterilized jars so that they occupy two-thirds of the volume. Add spices (their quantity can be changed to your taste) and pour sugar. You can increase the amount of sugar for a sweeter taste. Pour boiling water into jars to the top. Put the jars in a wide saucepan, on the bottom of which you need to put a towel or wire rack. Cover jars with sterilized lids. Pour warm water into the pan so that it reaches the shoulders of the jars. Bring the water in a saucepan to a boil and sterilize the jars for 20 minutes. After that, the jars must be hermetically sealed, turned upside down, wrapped in a blanket and allowed to cool.

Apricot compote with rhubarb

For one 3 liter jar:
700 g apricots,
200 g rhubarb
500 g sugar
2 liters of water.

Using a toothpick, prick the apricots in several places. Rhubarb cut into pieces. Arrange apricots and rhubarb in jars and pour boiling syrup made from sugar dissolved in water. Cover jars with lids and let cool. After that, pour the syrup back into the pan, bring to a boil and again pour into jars. When the contents of the jars have cooled, repeat this step again, and then roll up the jars.

Apricot compote for the winter is an incredibly fragrant and very tasty drink that you and your loved ones will definitely enjoy! Good luck with your preparations!

Apricot compote is a delicious and healthy drink. It is very fragrant. It is impossible to resist him. It should be noted that for its preparation for the winter, you need to use ripe fruits, and not ripened or overripe. Then it will not be cloudy, the apricots will not fall apart.

I propose to consider some varieties of compote with apricots. There are many recipes for preparing it for winter. I offer proven recipes. You will get the most delicious, pleasant in taste, aroma drinks with fruits and berries. One of the main components is a ripe, juicy apricot.

Now any person, after reading this article, will cope with the preparation of compote for the winter. Do not postpone the preparation of compote for later. Rather, choose the recipe that you like. Start brewing a wonderful drink for the winter. All success!

1. Cut the fruit in half, remove the stone, put in containers.

3. Cover with a lid and let it brew for 25 - 30 minutes.

4. After the allotted time, it is necessary to drain the soaked water into a container, dilute citric acid in it, bring to a boil.

5. In parallel with this process, sprinkle the apricot slices remaining in the jar with sugar.

6. Put the mint leaves pre-washed in cold water on top of the sugar.

7. Pour boiling water with citric acid over the remaining fruits in jars. Roll up the jars with lids using a special tool.

8. Put the jar upside down. After making sure that there are no smudges, wrap it with dense material for a day, after which the workpiece is moved to storage in a cooler place.

Enjoy your meal.

2. Apricot compote with raspberries for the winter

Often, in order to prepare summer fruits for the winter, they prepare all kinds of canned foods. For example, apricot and raspberry can be easily found on the market. You can harvest your own. To cook compote from them, which will help to freshen up with a pleasant, slightly sour taste all year round. Everyone can cook it to their taste. Simply by changing the proportions of sugar when cooking.

For cooking we need:

  • Apricots - 1 kg
  • Raspberry - 250 g
  • Water - 2 l
  • Sugar - to taste from 50 g to 200 g


1. Pre-washed apricots must be cut and seeds removed. Can be cut in half or quarters.

2. Gently rinse ripe but not overripe raspberries with cold water. Make sure that there is no spoiled berry, otherwise the workpiece may be lost.

3. Place fruits and berries in a pre-sterilized container, about a third of the container.

4. Pour boiling water over half the volume, cover and leave to infuse for about 10 minutes.

5. Pour the boiled water into a container, put on the stove.

6. Add granulated sugar and bring to a boil again, this will take a few minutes. The end result is syrup.

7. Pour the syrup into jars so that there is no free space left in them.

8. Close the preservation lids using the rolling key. Turn the lid down and cover with a towel or bedspread for a day. After a day, you can move the jars to the cellar or other cool place for further storage. Pieces of fruit will not lose their density and can later be used to decorate dishes.

Happy preparation!

3. Recipe for pitted apricot compote for the winter

When time permits, why not tinker with the fruits. For example, do not remove the bones from them? After all, much more pleasant without them. However, I do not advise you to immediately throw them away as an unnecessary element. After all, you can chop kernels from them, which are great as an addition to jam.

It is necessary to prepare:

  • Apricots - 300 gr.
  • Sugar sand - 150 gr.


1. First step, prepare a perfectly clean jar. Rinse it with boiling water. Just gently and gradually. So that it does not burst from a sharp change in temperature. Do the same with the lid. You can also sterilize them.

2. Rinse fruits very conscientiously. Divide each in half and remove the bones from them. Don't rush at this stage. After all, the main thing is to keep a beautiful appearance.

3. Fill the prepared container with fruit slices no more and no less than 1/3 of the part.

4. Gradually pour boiling water over the apricots. Fill the jar to the very brim with it. Cover tightly with a lid, leave to cool to the temperature that your hand tolerates.

5. Having changed the lid to a special one for draining, with holes, drain all the liquid into the pan. If there is no such device, then carefully slide the one that is available and perform the necessary action.

6. Place the saucepan over medium heat and bring to a boil. To save time, cover the dish tightly with a lid.

7. Repeat the procedure for filling the jar with boiling water again. Leave to cool again and then drain into the same pan.

8. Pour sugar into the liquid drained again. Stir and bring to a boil. It turns out a syrup, which will eventually be used in compote.

9. At the end, pour the jar of fruit to the very edge with the finished syrup. Roll up under a metal cover.

10. To make sure the lid is well sealed, turn the jar upside down. Leave it in this position to cool down room temperature. Then transfer to the refrigerator or immerse in the cellar for long-term storage.

I hope you will not regret choosing this recipe.

Good thirst quenching and pleasant moments!


It is very pleasant to drink a glass of refreshing compote with a hint of apricots, orange and lemon in winter. I recommend you use this recipe when creating compote for the winter!

To get a 3 liter jar of compote you will need:

  • Ripe elastic apricots - 20-25 pieces
  • Orange - 1 quarter
  • Lemon - 1 quarter
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp

Workpiece sequence:

1. Clean the juicy and fragrant apricots from impurities with water. Remove the seeds from the fruit, cutting them to the center, that is, keeping the shape.

2. Rinse a quarter of a lemon and an orange, cut each of them across after about 1 cm.

So that the compote does not taste bitter, it is better to use a lemon with a thin crust.

3. Place citrus slices in sterilized jars.

4. Put the previously prepared apricots in the same place.

6. Sprinkle fruit with sugar. Boil water, pour boiling water to the top of the neck container with apricots, orange and lemon. Close tightly jars tin lids with a locking key. Turn the container with the drink upside down, wrap it in a thick warm cloth. After complete cooling, the workpiece is moved to the basement or to any other cool place for permanent storage.

Good luck to all! cook with good mood and peace of mind! You will definitely succeed in everything!

5. Compote - assorted apricots and berries

Apricots, raspberries, cherries are an amazing combination for making compote - assorted. I advise you to try the drink according to the recipe below. You won't be disappointed for sure!

For a 3 liter container:

  • Apricots - 300 g
  • Cherry - 200 g
  • Raspberries - 100 g
  • Sugar - 7 tbsp. l


1. Clean the berries and fruits from dirt, put everything in a saucepan. Pour prepared apricots, raspberries, cherries with warm water.

2. Boil everything, removing the foam. From the moment of boiling, cook for 2-3 minutes, put right amount granulated sugar, mix everything. Remove from heat.

3. Pour the cooked compote into sterile jars, evenly distributing syrup and fruits with berries over all containers. Roll up under the lid using a special tool.

4. Turn jars with compote upside down. Wrap with warm material for a day until complete slow cooling. Then store in a cold place.

Good luck preparing compotes for the winter!

5. Video - assorted compote recipe for the winter

Why not make a more vitamin drink? Apricot is combined with fruits and berries. I propose to consider in this video - material. I present assorted apricot, peach, plum and pear. How fragrant, insanely appetizing and delicious! But how to prepare such an amazing drink, perhaps not everyone knows. Therefore, I suggest you watch this video, which clearly displays all the stages of cooking compote - assorted for the winter.

Don't miss out on this recipe. You will never regret!

It's simple, right? I'm sure you agree with me. Making compote with apricots for the winter is a task that any beginner in this business can handle. I wish everyone easy process harvesting and good preservation of the results of labor!

One of the most delicious winter preparations is apricot compote, but sometimes you want the drink to turn out to be both healthy and beautiful. In this case, a compote of apricots with pits is boiled to preserve whole fruits. In winter, you can decorate cakes with apricots from compote, you can bake pies with them and add them to desserts.

Classic recipe

This recipe for pitted apricot compote, for sure, can be found in your mother's or grandmother's cookbook - in the old days, compotes were often cooked in this way.


  • filtered water - about 12 liters;
  • domestic white sugar - 5-7 glasses;
  • citric acid - 15 g;
  • ripe apricots - 5 kg.


The most important thing is that the compote of apricots with pits turns out to be really tasty and beautiful, choose the right fruits. Too ripe - soft, with bruises, with a thin skin, they will burst and the syrup will turn out cloudy, and the fruits themselves will look unpresentable. Unripe apricots will not steam, so the compote may not work out, “explode”. Therefore, we choose ripe apricots, not damaged, not wrinkled, but firm, with dense skin and elastic pulp. We wash them thoroughly and let them drain. While the apricots are slightly dry, wash the jars, preferably with baking soda, to remove dirt and degrease, rinse well and leave to drain. Next, we sterilize the jars for 5 minutes over hot steam. We lay out apricots in them, fill the containers almost to half. However, if you want to get a stronger compote, you can fill the jars to the top. Filling the sterilization tank hot water, after laying the bottom with a towel or putting a special grill. Cook syrup from water, acid and sugar. Let it boil for about 6-8 minutes, then pour it into jars with apricots. We put the jars in the tank, cover them tightly with metal lids and sterilize after boiling water in the tank for at least 20 minutes. After that, we roll up the compote, turn the jars over, wrap them up and let them cool. Apricot compote for the winter, cooked with seeds, is better to drink first.

Compote without sterilization

It is possible to roll up a compote of apricots with pits without sterilization, however, some dexterity will be required when draining hot syrup from jars, so it is better to prepare a special lid for this procedure in advance with holes into which the berries will not pass.


  • hard medium-sized apricots - 4 kg;
  • white sugar produced in the CIS countries - 4.5-5 glasses;
  • - about 8-10 g;
  • cherry late varieties - 2 kg;
  • water - 8-12 l;
  • - 1 small bunch.


Depending on the desired concentration of the drink, you can take less or more water, and the amount of sugar is calculated based on the sweetness of the berries. We sort out the fruits and wash, of course, remove twigs and leaves, crumpled and damaged berries. While the cherries and apricots are draining, we are engaged in jars: they must be thoroughly washed and sterilized. It is most convenient to do this over a pot of boiling water, in which the lids are sterilized at the same time. We put apricots and cherries in a container, we distribute them equally, at least half filling the jars. Cook the syrup: put mint in boiled water and add sugar and citric acid. Cook on minimum heat for about 5 minutes, filter, let it boil, pour into jars. Cover tightly with lids (do not roll up) and leave for about a quarter of an hour. Carefully drain the syrup back (at this stage, you need to be as careful as possible so as not to burn yourself and not spill the syrup) and let it boil. Boil the syrup for about 2 minutes, pour it into jars again and immediately twist. We get a rich cherry-apricot compote with a stone for the winter, the recipe can be modified by adding other berries to taste: dogwood, raspberries, black or red currants, gooseberries.