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A simple chocolate cake for two or three times. Chocolate cake for one, two, three - step by step recipes for cooking at home with a photo

I took the original recipe here

Flour - 250 gr.
Soda - 1.5 tsp
Salt - 1 tsp
Cocoa - 55 gr.
Sugar - 300 gr.
Eggs - 2 pcs.
Butter - 60 gr.
Olive oil - 60 gr.
Vanilla extract - 2 tsp
Milk - 280 ml.
Wine vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.
The composition of the products is generally surprising, there is nothing that you would not store daily in your refrigerator or closet. And there are no requirements at all for the process of kneading the dough - all the ingredients are thrown into one bowl, whipped for about three minutes and you're done. No wonder I repeated this cake three times, and my only regret is that I did not do it a couple more times.
Oh yes, this is generally an indecently generous bonus, but from this amount of ingredients you can get 1 thick cake per 20 cm (height will be about 4-5 cm) or two of the same 16 each. The dough literally doubles in volume!
As I said, there are no techniques here, the only condition is that we add vinegar at the very end. Go. Combine flour (250 gr.), Soda (1.5 tsp), salt (teaspoon), sugar (300 gr.) And cocoa (55 gr.).
Stir with a whisk, lightly, to somehow pretend that we are serious cooks, and the recipe requires skill
Next we send two eggs, soft butter(60 gr.), olive oil(60 ml.), vanilla extract (a couple of teaspoons, if there is no extract, do not replace with anything, just skip), milk (280 ml.) and vinegar(1 tablespoon). You can use any other vinegar that you use in salad dressings, the main thing is not super strong (take up to 6%).
Now all we need is to mix all the ingredients well with a mixer. At first, lumps, stains of oil stains will appear, but after 3-4 minutes the mass will become smooth, uniform and glossy.
As I already wrote, we make in the form of 16 to 20 cm. IMPORTANT! The dough will double in volume, so don't try to fill the dough more than half way. Grease the mold with oil. I always put parchment at the bottom, it's just that you don't have to suffer for a long time with taking out the cake.
Bake at 175 degrees for about 50-60 minutes. At first, the cake will grow actively, then it will calm down. A tubercle may appear on top, and it may even crack - do not be alarmed, this is good, we get a porous structure.
As usual, check with a wooden skewer. It should come out dry. That is, after 40 minutes, we begin to check every 5 minutes. Finished cake almost immediately will go out of shape. Carefully place it upside down on the wire rack. And take off the parchment.
Can you believe that I poured only 2 centimeters of dough into the mold, and the cake turned out to be more than 4 cm at the end?! And once again, be sure to keep the cooled cakes in an airtight container (or film) for at least a couple of hours. If at first it may seem to you that the outside of the cakes is a bit dry, then later they will become just as wet and porous.
If the cakes survive until the cake is assembled, use any cream, I just poured ganache on top.

For the layer, I prepared sour cream custard"Cream"
- 500 gr. sour cream the fatter the better
- a little lemon zest
- 2 eggs
- 3 tbsp. l. flour
- 180 gr. Sahara
- 2 gr. vanilla
- 250 gr. room temperature oils
Mix sour cream, eggs, vanilla, zest, flour and sugar, place on water bath and cook until thickened, cool completely.
Beat the butter and continue to beat to add the cooled cream.

My findings and impressions:
SODA, as soon as I took the cakes out of the oven, it was felt. But when I wrapped it in parchment and left the cakes to "ripen", the smell of soda disappeared. I may also take less than the above recipe.
SALT. 1.5 tsp as it tastes, too much. Perhaps I have sea ​​salt gave such a feeling, but next time I will take only 1 tsp.
TASTE. cakes really get a rich, chocolate flavor. It's like adding chocolate to the dough.
Vegetable oil gives the dough moisture and does not shrink it at all. Bright and decent taste.
PROCESS It's really simple as hell. Everything was mixed and got an excellent result.
EXIT I got 2 cakes with a diameter of 20 cm, a height of about 4-4.5 cm. The cake turned out to be quite decent in size.

There are probably very few people who would not love chocolate chip cookies, cakes or pastries. We present to your attention the recipe of the famous blogger Andy Chef - a cake that is made very quickly, for one, two or three, the taste of which will be appreciated by everyone. To prepare such a cake is incredibly simple, it will require ingredients that can be found in every home.

Andy Chef's One-Two-Three Cake Recipe

According to this recipe, the cakes are incredibly tasty and slightly moist with a rich chocolate flavor. The finished cooled cake must be wrapped in cling film and in just a few hours it will become even softer and more elastic.

No special cooking techniques are required, the only rule is that you need to add vinegar at the very end.

For cooking, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

Chicken eggs - 2 pcs;

Milk - 550 ml;

Sugar - 200-300 grams;

Flour - 260 grams;

Butter - 120 grams;

Cocoa - 100 grams;

Vanilla extract - 2 teaspoons;

Salt - a pinch;

Soda - 1.5 tsp;

Olive oil - 3 tablespoons;

Apple cider vinegar - 1 tbsp;

Chocolate and fruits for decoration.

Stages of making a one-two-three cake from Andy Chef

  1. Sift wheat flour into a deep container, add salt, soda, sugar and cocoa powder. Everything is well mixed with a whisk.
  2. Next, two are driven into the resulting dry mixture. chicken eggs, olive oil and melted butter (70 grams). Next, add milk (280 ml), vanilla extract, and only then apple or wine vinegar. It is worth noting that if there is no vanilla extract, then you do not need to add vanilla sugar or vanilla, just exclude this ingredient from the recipe.
  3. All ingredients are mixed properly until smooth.
  4. Grease a baking dish well with butter and line the bottom with parchment paper. Received chocolate dough poured into a mold.
  5. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees and bake the cake for an hour. You do not need to constantly open the oven, as the cake may fall.
  6. When the cake is ready, it is taken out of the mold and left to cool.
  7. While the cake is cooling, you can prepare the chocolate icing (ganache). For cooking, pour 3 tablespoons of sugar, cocoa into the pan and pour the rest of the milk. Mix everything thoroughly, add butter and put on fire.
  8. The mixture is stirred all the time and brought to a boil, not allowing to boil. Remove from fire and let cool slightly.
  9. When chocolate cake cool, it can be cut into two parts and smeared with any cream. And you can leave it like that and just cover with chocolate icing, and decorate with a mix of fresh berries on top.

Serve such a cake 1 2 3 cooled down, you can leave it in the refrigerator for several hours.

Hummingbird Cake by Andy Chef

If you really love cakes, but have already tried everything, then we suggest trying an unusual and very tasty dessert - Hummingbird cake, which is different from all other cakes.

During cooking, not butterfat is used, but vegetable oil and it consists for the most part not of flour, but of fruit. Beating the dough is not required, just mix well with a spatula.

After tasting this dessert, many say that the cake is incredibly beautiful and amazingly delicious. Hummingbird will not leave anyone indifferent.


Canned or fresh pineapples - 250 g;

Banana - 1 pc;

Flour - 390 g;

Sugar - 400 g;

Soda - 1 tsp;

Cinnamon - 1 tsp;

Nutmeg - 1 tsp;

Eggs - 3 pcs;

Vegetable oil - 180 ml;

Vanilla extract - 1 tsp

Cooking process

  1. First you need to finely chop the pineapples.
  2. In a dry container combine sugar, flour, soda, nutmeg and cinnamon. If it seems to you that there is too much sugar, then you can add only 300 grams. However, despite this amount, the cake in the end is not very sweet.
  3. In another bowl, mash the banana. It is best to take firm bananas, not overripe ones.
  4. Sliced ​​pineapples and three eggs are added to the bananas.
  5. Next pour vegetable oil. It is worth noting that vegetable oil does not mean sunflower oil, any other can be used instead, for example, olive, corn or grape seed oil. Thanks to vegetable oil, the cakes will turn out moist and soft.
  6. Now add vanilla extract. If there is no extract, then we simply exclude this ingredient, there is no need to replace it with anything.
  7. All liquid ingredients are mixed and dry are added. The resulting mass is well mixed with a spatula.
  8. If you take a 16 cm baking dish, you will get 4 cakes, respectively, the larger the form, the fewer cakes.
  9. The oven is heated to 180 degrees and each cake is baked for 30 minutes. However, it is necessary to check with a skewer, because different ovens have different power, so baking will take either less or more time.
  10. The finished cake is removed from the mold and left to cool on a wire rack. After cooling, each cake must be wrapped in cling film for at least an hour.
As for the cream, that is various recipes creams that are perfect for Hummingbird cake, but cream cheese cream is the most ideal.

Video on the topic of the article


  • 280 g of premium flour;
  • 1 teaspoon (heaping) of baking soda;
  • 1 teaspoon (without top) salt;
  • 60 g natural cocoa powder;
  • 320 g of sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 70 g butter 82%;
  • 70 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 1.5 teaspoons of vanilla extract;
  • 300 ml of milk;
  • 2 teaspoons of apple or wine vinegar.

One, two, three... done!

A successful and quick chocolate cake recipe at home is always a godsend, because the time to create culinary masterpieces modern women have less and less. But how to make a chocolate cake no worse than in a store, while spending quite a bit of time and not splurge on a lot of expensive ingredients?

That's right, all you need is:

Time - to collect the most elementary set of products that is in every kitchen;

Two - mix everything and bake;

Three - make any cream that you always do well. Or you can do nothing, just open a jar of boiled condensed milk and a delicious chocolate cake is ready!

Chocolate cake"One two three" is not just at the peak of popularity for more than one year. Wet, literally breathing biscuit of this most delicious chocolate cake, with delicate impregnation, and a subtle hint of sweet vanilla, will not suit those who count calories for one reason - when you start eating this seemingly simple chocolate cake, it is simply impossible to stop at one piece!

How to make chocolate cake step by step

  1. The dough for a one, two, three chocolate cake is prepared very quickly - therefore, before you start mixing the ingredients, turn on the oven to warm up. Immediately set the temperature to 1800 and start preparing the food;
  2. Combine all the bulk elements of the recipe in one container and beat the dry mixture very carefully with a whisk;
  3. It is advisable to get the oil out of the refrigerator in advance so that it softens, but if you didn’t have time to do this, then dissolve it in the microwave or in a water bath, but in no case bring it to a boil. Then it must be cooled (to room temperature) and mixed into dry ingredients;
  4. Add eggs, extract and sunflower oil. Milk, before pouring it into the forming dough, needs to be slightly warmed up - at most, up to 270, otherwise the eggs will “cook”;
  5. This simple chocolate cake recipe does not involve whipping with a mixer or by hand, this will have the opposite effect, and the creamy mass that will form with us in the end will not bake at all. Therefore, we arm ourselves with a fork or a wooden baking spoon and well, raking the dough from the bottom, mix everything;
  6. When there are no unmixed lumps left in the mass, carefully (from a spoon, and not directly from the bottle “by eye”), add vinegar and continue stirring the dough for about a minute in the same way, at a leisurely pace. In principle, if none of the named types of vinegar is at home, you can use any other, except for strongly flavored ones.

Whichever type of mold you prefer for baking chocolate cake at home, its diameter should not exceed 21 cm or be less than 17 cm (based on our proportions). For the subsequent convenient removal of the cakes, use the method that is more familiar to you - lubricating the form with oil, or lining it with parchment.

The initial ingredients listed above are enough for two full-fledged high biscuit, therefore, it is good if there are two identical molds. However, if this is not the case, the process will stretch somewhat over two bookmarks in the oven. Very important! If it is planned to divide the dough into several bookmarks, we do not pour vinegar into the entire volume of the mass, but first into the mass prepared for the first baking, then into the dough for the second.

Fill the mold with chocolate mixture and place in the oven for approximately 45-50 minutes. Depending on the type oven, it may take less time, but, in order to avoid falling off the dough, you can open the door to check the readiness of the biscuit no earlier than after 35 minutes.

After the cake is ready, it is advisable to shake it out of the mold immediately, without waiting until it cools down. Do not worry if the biscuit cracks during the removal - after assembling the cake, such a defect is completely invisible.

Of course, if you are in a hurry to please your loved ones with a “one, two, three” chocolate cake, the recipe does not prohibit immediately after the cakes have cooled, cut them along the thread and start smearing with cream.

But for the perfect result, which is really surprising, both cooked biscuits should be completely cooled, wrapped with cling film and put in the refrigerator (on the bottom shelf) for 5-6 hours. Such chilled biscuits, by the way, will be much easier to cut - their structure will “settle”, become more moist and plastic;

Cream for chocolate cake "for one, two, three" you can think of any, or buy ready-made. Many are helped out by thick condensed milk, whipped to a stable foam with good, fatty butter - with such a cream, even a separate impregnation is not required, so the cake turns out to be juicy.

Any fruit sounds great in the layer, and most the best decoration for a one, two, three chocolate cake cooked in the oven, this is a dark chocolate glaze according to your favorite recipe.

Bon appetit!

What scares us in making cakes? That's right, the complexity of the process. Some recipes suggest starting cooking the day before dessert is served. Beating eggs, kneading dough, cooking cream ... And then also clean the kitchen from traces of your culinary activities.

Yes, and this is a costly business - cakes. Cream, butter, condensed milk, chocolate are not cheap products. But there is a cake recipe that won't breach family budget. And it is prepared very quickly and simply, literally for one, two, three. The cook who invented this recipe did not think long about the name for the dessert. It's called "Chocolate cake for one, two, three." The recipe for this miracle can be found below.

It should not be thought that instant cooking from the most basic products you will get a simple and tasteless shortcake "for every day". No, the biscuit turns out to be lush, tender, slightly moist and surprisingly chocolatey. Such a cake will successfully decorate and festive table. So, are you ready to get to work? It will take you half an hour at the most.

There are several recipes for this. delicious dessert. But they all use a similar composition of products. Sometimes olive oil is replaced with sunflower oil, wine vinegar with apple cider vinegar, and vanilla extract with powder. The recipe only tells how to make the cake.

Everyone invents creams himself. Chocolate, cream, and condensed milk will do. You can simply soak the cake with rum or wine and pour ganache. But the dessert is delicious and just like that. By the way, you can bake "Chocolate cake for one, two" in the oven, or you can also in a slow cooker. The proportions of the ingredients in different recipes differ slightly. So what do we need for a cake?


  • This Wheat flour top quality - 235 grams.
  • 65 g cocoa powder.
  • 7 g soda to make the dough rise
  • sugar will take about 300 grams, its amount can be varied to your taste, but it is better not to overdo it.
  • 260 milliliters of milk and
  • two eggs,
  • 60 grams of butter and olive oils.
  • a pinch of salt,
  • one tablespoon of wine vinegar and
  • two teaspoons - vanilla extract.


  1. We suggest doing everything according to the recipe, which gives famous culinary specialist Andy Chief. "Chocolate cake for one, two, three" in his interpretation is extremely easy to prepare.
  2. Butter must be kept at room temperature before use. room temperature to make it soft. Place the dry ingredients in a deep bowl. Sift flour and cocoa powder. This will prevent lumps and the dough won't take long to knead. We also put salt, sugar and soda. Stir lightly until smooth.
  3. Next, we introduce eggs, butter and olive oils, milk, vanilla extract. Vinegar must be added at the end. It can be apple, but not balsamic. And, most importantly, vinegar should not be very concentrated - up to six percent.

What should be the bookmark sequence when changing the composition of products

  1. If you are making One, Two, Three Chocolate Cake using vanilla sugar, you should add it at the very beginning, along with dry ingredients. Some recipes suggest using cookie powder instead of baking soda. It would be wrong to think that in this case vinegar is not needed.
  2. Some chefs recommend warming milk a little - so the kneading process will be even easier. If possible, take brown, cane sugar instead of white (beet) sugar. It has a different structure and the taste of the cake will turn out even more chocolate.
  3. If you decide to use some other vegetable oil, and not olive, take refined varieties so that the dessert does not smell of seeds, corn or rapeseed.

Dough kneading and baking

  1. If you have an electric mixer at your disposal, then this process will not take you even ten minutes. Just beat all the ingredients of the One, Two, Three Chocolate Cake with whisks. Oil stains and lumps of flour and cocoa powder will appear first. Don't be scared. In five minutes they will disappear, and the mass will become homogeneous, smooth and, as it were, glossy.
  2. Unlike other cakes, we do not need to defend the dough under a damp cloth, in the refrigerator or, conversely, in a warm place. We also don't need to be in a big hurry. Although our dough is characterized as biscuit, it will not fall off if it stands for ten minutes. And in addition to a simple recipe, we also get an additional bonus.
  3. The dough doubles in size during baking. So what we whipped from the indicated ingredients is enough for one large cake with a diameter of 20 centimeters (it will turn out to be 5 cm high) or two smaller ones.
  4. Unlike other holiday desserts, we don’t need a detachable form to make One, Two Chocolate Cake. Suitable and cauldron with thick walls. Be sure to put a piece of baking paper on its bottom. Lubricate the entire inner surface of the dish with butter or margarine. Do not forget that the dough doubles during baking. Therefore, the form is filled only to half.
  5. We bake in the oven at 175-180 degrees. At first, the dough will begin to rise rapidly. A small bump may appear on the surface of the biscuit. It might even crack. There is nothing unusual about this. So, the biscuit will turn out to be porous. After forty minutes of baking, you can already check the cake for readiness. If the splinter comes out dry, you can turn off the stove.

"Chocolate cake for one, two" in a slow cooker

We already wrote above that you can cook this amazing dessert not only in the oven. If you have a slow cooker, then the cake will not need to be constantly monitored. The machine will bake the biscuit itself.


The dough for the cake is made in exactly the same way as for cooking in the oven. Is it possible to give a spoon or two more flour, since the slow cooker, unlike the oven, does not allow moisture to evaporate. But you need to add it at the end, in the whipping phase. And even then if you see that the dough comes out too liquid.


Grease the multicooker bowl with oil. At the bottom, you can put a cut-out circle of baking paper. Pour the dough up to half of the bowl. We cover with a lid. We put the "Baking" mode. Time - approximately 40 minutes (focus on the power of your unit).

Baked "Chocolate cake for one, two, three" reviews recommend not immediately pulling out of the slow cooker. Let the cake stand under the lid for a quarter of an hour. Then you should remove the bowl from the unit and leave for another 15 minutes.

little secrets

  • The same should be done with cakes baked in the oven. Let them first stand with the door closed, then in the form. Only then should they be taken out, turned upside down, removed parchment paper and let cool on a wire rack.
  • If you baked one large cake, do not rush to cut it into pieces. It is better to roll the completely cooled biscuit in cling film and leave for two hours at room temperature. During this time, “Chocolate Cake for One, Two” will become moderately moist, even if immediately after baking the cakes seemed too dry to you. In general, the biscuit should be removed from the film only before assembly, when the cream is already ready. Now let's talk about him. After all, we do not have a cake, but a cake. And for him, impregnation and a layer are needed.

Cream Cake Ideas

  • Chocolate taste is in harmony with many products. And the porous structure of the biscuit makes it possible to soak it well and cover the cake with any icing. However, as for creams, you should avoid honey and condensed milk, because the overall impression of the dessert will be “too sugary”.
  • "Chocolate cake for one, two" is good with whipped cream. Also, a banana or "drunk cherry" will come in handy here. Can do curd cream, mixing 250 grams of mascarpone with 100 g of powdered sugar.
  • When using a sweet coating, be sure to add sourness. It can be fresh berries- raspberries, blueberries. We use them to decorate the surface. You can acidify the cake itself by soaking the cakes. TO chocolate dough cognac, Masala wine or fruit (and even better, citrus) jam will do.

Glaze. cake decoration

  • If you really like chocolate, then choose ganache from all possible options. And do not be embarrassed that brown cakes will be interspersed with dark icing. However, what prevents us from making white chocolate ganache?
  • If you have a microwave on hand, making this frosting is a breeze. Just break chocolate into suitable dishes, pour cream (33 percent fat) and set for 15 seconds at full power. Remove, mix and give the unit the same command again. And then add butter to the hot mass.
  • What are the proportions? If the chocolate is white, then it should be taken twice as much as cream. If black, bitter, then equally. Oil is added to taste to make the ganache more tender and not brittle. If there is no microwave oven, melt the chocolate in a water bath, gradually adding cream. But just breaking a bar into hot milk is a bad idea. The chocolate will curl up and you won't get a smooth, glossy glaze.
  • “Chocolate cake for one, two, three” can not only be decorated with slightly cooled ganache, but also soak the cakes hot. When the icing has completely hardened, you can continue to decorate the dessert: lay out the berries, plant flowers from whipped cream from a pastry bag, or simply sprinkle with coconut flakes.

"If you are reading this recipe now, consider yourself very lucky. Such simple recipe you probably haven't met yet. This is despite the fact that everyone who tried this cake of mine rolled their eyes and said - “God, how delicious, but I will never make this myself.”

This is one of my favorite moments when I made a dish from the simplest ingredients in 20 minutes, and to everyone who tries it seems like this is the most secret recipe. the best chefs world, which is disclosed once a century to three lucky ones on a moonlit night.

Well, and most importantly, the cakes according to this recipe turn out to be indecently tasty, here and saturated chocolate taste(moreover, chocolate) and moderate humidity. Since it so happened that in three days I cooked this cake three times, I had time to appreciate all its strengths. So, when the cake is ready and cooled down - just wrap it in cling film. In a couple of hours, you will have the softest, most elastic and moist cake you have ever seen. I just cut off pieces from it and ate it as an independent dessert, no impregnation or creams are needed at all. And in this form, he can lie for 3-4 days, getting better.

The composition of the products is generally surprising, there is nothing that you would not store daily in your refrigerator or closet. And there are no requirements at all for the process of kneading the dough - all the ingredients are thrown into one bowl, whipped for about three minutes and you're done. No wonder I repeated this cake three times, and my only regret is that I did not do it a couple more times.

Oh yes, this is generally an indecently generous bonus, but from this amount of ingredients you can get 1 thick cake per 20 cm (height will be about 4-5 cm) or two of the same 16 each. The dough literally doubles in volume!

As I said, there are no techniques here, the only condition is that we add vinegar at the very end. Go. Combine flour (250 gr.), Soda (1.5 tsp), salt (teaspoon), sugar (300 gr.) And cocoa (55 gr.).

Stir with a whisk, lightly, to somehow pretend that we are serious cooks, and the recipe requires skill;)

Next we send two eggs, soft butter (60 gr.), Olive oil (60 ml.), Vanilla extract (a couple of teaspoons), milk (280 ml.) And wine vinegar (1 tablespoon). You can use any other vinegar that you use in salad dressings, the main thing is not super strong (take up to 6%).

Now all we need is to mix all the ingredients well with a mixer. At first, lumps, stains of oil stains will appear, but after 3-4 minutes the mass will become smooth, uniform and glossy.

As I already wrote, we make in the form of 16 to 20 cm. IMPORTANT! The dough will double in volume, so don't try to fill the dough more than half way. Grease the mold with oil. I always put parchment at the bottom, it's just that you don't have to suffer for a long time with taking out the cake.

Bake at 175 degrees for about 50-60 minutes. At first, the cake will grow actively, then it will calm down. A tubercle may appear on top, and it may even crack - do not be alarmed, this is good, we get a porous structure.

As usual, check with a wooden skewer. It should come out dry. That is, after 40 minutes, we begin to check every 5 minutes.

The finished cake will almost immediately go out of shape. Carefully place it upside down on the wire rack. And take off the parchment.

Can you believe that I poured only 2 centimeters of dough into the mold, and the cake turned out to be more than 4 cm at the end?! And once again, be sure to keep the cooled cakes in an airtight container (or film) for at least a couple of hours. If at the beginning it may seem to you that the outside of the cakes is a bit dry, then later they will become just as wet and porous.

If the cakes survive until the cake is assembled, use any cream, I just poured ganache on top."