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How to save on food without anyone noticing. List of necessary products for the month

The first thing financial experts will say when trying to save on food is to stop eating in cafes and start cooking your own meals. But sometimes this is easier said than done. Not only does cooking take time, effort, and creativity, but menu planning does. This is good for budget planning. Meal planning should be done before you go to the grocery store to buy exactly what you need.

A meal planning strategy is an important way to help cut down on food costs. Not only does this method help you save money, it can also cut down on kitchen waste from unused produce or forgotten leftovers. Shopping from the supermarket is a significant expense for most families and households, but there are ways to make it more affordable.

Lots of loopholes, deals, discount coupons, new deals, and simple common sense exist to save more. Whether a person is in short-term financial instability or just looking to save up for something big, there are many ways to save money. If a person is not making a lot of money, or if the rising cost of gas and food is limiting the budget, they may be looking for ways to save money on groceries. It is important to really start to consider the difference between necessity and luxury. You can also rethink your spending habits just to get out of debt or save more. One of the easiest ways to save money on food is to reduce the amount you spend at the grocery store. If you find yourself in a situation where you need to save money, you can try certain ways to organize your diet economically.

Making a shopping plan

Saving money on food starts before going to the store. Tips to consider before you go grocery shopping:

  • Write a shopping list. You can keep a notepad and pen in the kitchen or a phone close at hand to write a shopping list. During the week you need to add to this list when thinking about the products you need. Don't forget to take the list with you when you go shopping so you don't forget anything. You need to buy only what is on the list - this will simplify the budget.
  • Meal planning. Plan your meals in advance and add ingredients to your shopping list.
  • Use the app. To get an idea of ​​how much is actually spent on groceries, you can use a weekly shopping counting app to get a real picture of food spending. You can then try to cut back on your expenses and create a reasonable budget to stick to.
  • Leave children at home. You can ask a friend to look after the children and go shopping without them. There will be more time to compare prices. However, the occasional presence of children in the supermarket can be a good way to teach them how to save money.
  • Don't starve in the store. You need to eat food or snacks before going to the supermarket. When a person is hungry, he tends to buy more food.
  • Make a budget and use only cash. You need to set a budget for your shopping trip, withdraw cash from an ATM, and only take money with you when you go shopping. No need to take any cash or cards with you so you can only spend what you have. This old school way of budgeting worked well for previous generations before they had access to credit cards.

Save money at the supermarket

Armed with a budget and a shopping list, it's time to maximize your income. Here are some ideas to save money at the checkout:

  • Buy in bulk. Buying in bulk should be done when things are cheaper. Buy large portions of meat in small packages so you only use what you need and freeze the rest to use later. One of the easiest ways to save money on groceries is to buy items that sell out every week. If you know that a certain product is used quite often, then you need to stock up on it. You can freeze more meat, at least three. Some products have a much longer shelf life. It may be necessary to carefully consider the quantity of products that are purchased.
  • Use blanks. Prepare a large portion of meals at the beginning of the week and freeze them for use as a quick and easy snack. This can help avoid the temptations of going out during the week. Stock up on your favorite products when they go on sale.
  • Add your blanks to your meal plan so you don't forget you have them.
  • Go to the store less often. If you usually go grocery shopping every week, you should try shopping once every two weeks. This will help you get used to using all the food in the fridge before buying more.
  • Buy products made in your country. The difference will probably not be significant, but the cost savings can indeed be significant.

It is important to understand that many products different manufacturers manufactured and packaged in the same factories and plants.

  • Check alternatives. Before you reach a brand that has always been bought, you need to check if it can be replaced with a cheaper alternative.
  • Check expiration dates. Check the "use by" and "from" dates on the packaging so you don't waste money buying short-lived products.
  • Try vegetarian food. Meat can be expensive, so you can buy less meat and try to make more meals without using it. Lentils and chicken peas are healthy alternatives that fill you up when you want to cook a vegetarian meal.
  • Reducing junk food. There's nothing wrong with casual indulgence, but putting chocolates, cookies, chips, and alcoholic drinks into your shopping cart every week will be detrimental to your wallet and waistline.
  • Check all supermarket shelves. Supermarkets carefully plan where they place products around the store. Items that are more expensive are usually at eye level, so take the time to check the shelves above and below for any cheaper alternatives. It takes a little more work, but it can make a big difference to a personal account.
  • Avoid impulsive purchases. Some grocery stores have special impulse shopping aisles that a person will never think about unless they see it. If you can't trust yourself to walk out of a store without buying a few of them, you should avoid these stalls entirely so you don't get tempted to buy unnecessary items. One thing to remember is that just because they are cheap does not mean they are needed.
  • A price book can help you save money on products by tracking sales patterns and the lowest possible item price so you know the best time to stock. Also, sales are in a cycle, and you need to be aware of when to buy before the product goes on sale again. You can make your own price book. Write the product at the top of the piece of paper. Then write down the price. List the price per serving instead of the price per unit. This will help determine how much to really save. After creating a price book, you can go through your notes every week and record the items that are sold, and then the cost of each item. You can use this to see the lowest price of an item in any store.
  • You can save a lot of money on items if you have a shopping list. It's important to stick to the list and make sure everything is purchased. This will prevent impulse buying and help avoid return trips to the store. A trip to the store to pick up what wasn't bought usually means buying a few items that aren't needed. A list can really save you money and time.

Just making a few simple changes is all it takes to save money on food.

Healthy food at low wages

The phrase has already been uttered more than once: "Healthy food is expensive." You can eat healthy on a budget with a few tricks:

  • Frozen berries. fresh berries often very expensive, especially when they are out of season. Frozen berries are much cheaper and they are just as healthy. Plus, with frozen berries, you don't have to worry about eating them before they go bad.
  • Oatmeal. Quick-cooking oatmeal is great for an inexpensive meal, but buying a huge container of regular oats is a much more economical option. If you compare the unit price of two packages, it is much more profitable to buy standard oats. For an on-the-go option, you can take 1/2 cup oats, place them in a container, and add hot water. Plus packets of instant oatmeal are often filled with added sugar. It's best to sweeten your plate with more natural options, like thawed frozen berries.
  • Canned fish. Everyone understands that you need to eat more fish, as it is rich in omega-3s, but buying fresh fish is not always affordable. Instead, you can trade in fresh salmon for canned salmon, which is much cheaper and can still provide those healthy omega-3s in your diet.

Canned Salmon Salad - delicious option afternoon tea.

  • Tofu as a protein option. Tofu sometimes gets a bad rap for its bland texture and taste, but choosing it over expensive animal protein can save you a lot of money. As a healthy source of protein, tofu is great at providing all the vitamins for its low cost.
  • Nuts and dried fruits. Protein bars are a good snack, but buying them every week definitely hits the budget. Instead, you can eat dried fruits like dates, prunes, nuts and save your bars for a special treat. Eating dried fruit and nuts makes a small snack very satisfying.

Before you visit the supermarket, you need to look at your calendar. You need to plan a meal for each evening and be sure to take into account dishes with a lot of leftovers - for example, casseroles or homemade pizza.

Budget menu for the week

Sticking to a budget, meal planning and cooking at home can help save some serious money. The 7-Day Meal Plan recipes use cheap and readily available ingredients to create delicious meals at a fraction of the cost. You can combine this lunch plan with cheap breakfast and lunch recipes to save even more during the week.

  • Monday. Vegetarian spaghetti. Eating meat-free several times a week is good for your health, wallet, and environment. This vegetarian lasagna spaghetti with 18 grams of protein is a great budget recipe for regular use.
  • Tuesday. Easy chicken fried rice. Fried rice with lots of vegetables and meat is the obvious choice for a quick and healthy dinner. If there is a little extra onion or half of the remaining zucchini that you want to use, all the better: just add any vegetarian options. Being versatile and using what you have helps save money and minimize food waste.
  • Wednesday. Bean lunch. Canned beans are an affordable, healthy and convenient ingredient and add protein and fiber to meals. Here, canned chickpeas take the place of expensive chicken, but still deliver a satisfying flavor. Gone with beans when they go on sale and use them in salads, soups, and more for a healthy and cheap plant-based protein.
  • Thursday. Vegetarian risotto. Canned black beans, pre-cooked rice is all it takes to create this quick and tasty snack.
  • Friday. creamy chicken, Brussels sprouts and mushrooms. Chicken often goes on sale, so when it does, you can stock up and keep it in the freezer. Potted Pasta Uses Less Expensive chicken thighs paired with vegetables, dried herbs and cheese for a delicious and creamy one-dish lunch.
  • Saturday. Beef stew. Tougher cuts of meat are affordable options that simply require more cooking time to become tender and juicy, making them ideal for slow cooking.
  • Sunday. Tuna tomato dish. canned fish Budget-friendly options like tuna and salmon are cheap and convenient options for a quick and healthy dinner. You can get the same health benefits from canned foods. Frozen fish can be the best option, as it is often cheaper and you can defrost it when you need to cook.


Whether you want to make your life healthier or just want to save money, here's how to use a simple meal planning strategy that works:

  • Draw a two-column template that leaves room for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for each day of the week on the left, and a grocery list on the right.
  • Complete all meals that have already been accounted for, such as lunch with a friend or free breakfasts.
  • Get to know your refrigerator and pantry. Fill in as many dishes as possible that can be made from ingredients already in the fridge, such as oatmeal for breakfast or pasta with sauce for dinner. If there are leftovers from the previous week, you need to include them too.
  • Fill in as many dishes as possible, which can be created using the products that are already there, plus one or two new ingredients. For example, if you have leftover chicken and a bag of rice, you can add vegetables to your list and schedule a stir-fry. Remember to keep track of any products you need in the right column.
  • Complete your plan with any other tricks as needed.
  • Buy ingredients that can be used for more than one meal.
  • Be honest about how much you plan to cook.
  • Follow the menu. If those vegetables are planned to be cooked as coleslaw for lunch this week, then this week you need to eat coleslaw for lunch - no exceptions.

TOP 10 ways to save more

Saving money on groceries starts before you go to the supermarket. You need to spend time before shopping to prepare for the trip - the time invested will really pay off.

  1. Create a menu. While it may sound funny, especially if the person is the spontaneous type when it comes to dining out, creating a menu for what you plan to eat between groceries is one of the best ways to save money on groceries. Creating a menu ensures that you have the right ingredients to cook healthy meals at home instead of going out to eat or order pizza. In addition, creating a menu and creating a list of necessary items in grocery stores will allow you to buy everything you need in one trip.
  2. Create a standardized list. In addition to the items needed for lunch, you will have to buy items for breakfast, lunch, snacks and cleaning at the grocery store. Often a person is so focused on getting what they need to cook their meals that important items are forgotten. If I don't follow the list, I can buy a lot more than I need. To avoid this problem, you need to make a standardized list of what you buy on a regular basis, such as a few boxes of cereal, a loaf of bread, diapers, and laundry detergents. This is a great time saver as the product list will always be partially completed before you start purchasing.
  3. Sales check. Grocery stores place their weekly advertisement in the local newspaper. They also post them online and leave a stack of ads at the front door. You can take the ad when it comes out and use it to put together a grocery list. Every week, you need to go through the grocery store circulars before you create your menus and take notes on what's on sale. If the chicken is on sale, you need to make a meal plan for chicken dinner recipes. If it's pork, then you need to cook pork. If nothing you need is on sale, you can focus your meals on rice and beans, which are an affordable alternative to meat. By looking at the circulars, you can also see if there are any items to stock up on while the price is low. Products usually go on sale within 6-8 week cycles, so if a certain item is on sale this week, you need to remember that it is unlikely to be sold again for another two months.
  4. Buying seasonal vegetables and fruits. One way to stay healthy is to eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Unfortunately, fresh food can be expensive. To keep your food costs down, you should try to stick to fruits and vegetables that are in season. For example, pears are less expensive in November and December than during the rest of the year. Thus, pears are more relevant and also tasty.
  5. Use of coupons, auction discounts, etc. Whether a person is an extreme discount aficionado or a coupon user, they are of immense value to any shopper. While the savings may be small, they do make a difference. It is important, however, to exercise caution when using shares. While they can save money, it can also make you spend on impulse purchases. Don't forget to make your shopping list before using coupons or promotions. This ensures that a person does not buy products just because they have a discount. These additional purchases add up quickly and may end up costing more than you save.
  6. Remember prices. If coupons and discounts are used, the goal should be to always buy each item at its low price. To do this, you need to remember the minimum price of the product after the sale and promotions, and not just the reduced price. It can take a while to figure out the prices, so it's a good idea to write down what's planned until the prices are in memory. Once you remember what items can be purchased inexpensively, you will no longer want to pay more.
  7. Know store rules. Checking that a store is doing well against the competition is just one aspect of knowing the store's policies.
  8. Shop monthly. The alternative to the combination of promotions and savings is fewer supermarket visits. The more a person buys, the more they will succumb to impulse buying. To save yourself from the grocery store and spend less, you should try to shop only once a month and only buy from two stores. Although the use of shares will be more difficult, you can still take them into account. However, the main focus of this method is to simply avoid stores.
  9. Choose budget shops. If it feels like time is running out and you can't afford to spend it looking for stocks, you need to focus more on shopping in stores that will save you money with their lower prices.
  10. Shopping time planning. First of all, you should never buy foods on an empty stomach. It is better to try to shop around 10 am to avoid not only hunger but also the afternoon crowds. In addition, you can visit grocery stores and bakery bakeries if they throw off bread on a certain day of the week.

Trophic ulcer on the lower extremities develops gradually. Its appearance is often preceded by swelling, a feeling of heaviness or weakness in the legs, a change in the appearance of the skin - it becomes thinner, loses pigment or, conversely, is over-pigmented, becomes painful with any touch.

The cause of trophic ulcers is a violation of blood supply or venous outflow in the lower extremities. The location and shape of the ulcer may indicate a likely cause:

  • with violations of the venous outflow (thrombophlebitis) - ulcers are located on the lower third of the lower leg, on its inner surface. They are oval in shape, with jagged edges, around them there is a patch of dark skin. Small in size, increase slowly or retain their original size;
  • in violation of the arterial blood supply, ulcers occur on the fingers or near the metatarsophalangeal joints, and can be located in groups. Small in size, tend to slowly increase and merge. The skin around them is pale, thinned;
  • neurotrophic ulcers occur due to a combination of circulatory and innervation disorders. Permanent localization - areas of high load (heel, plantar side of the metatarsus and fingers). In appearance, they resemble bedsores, occupy most of the skin area, are practically painless;
  • with diabetes, ulcers are located on the heel and first toe;
  • trophic ulcers in connective tissue diseases occur on the legs, are symmetrical, painless, the skin around them is practically unchanged.

A sedentary lifestyle, diseases of the heart, kidneys, nervous, endocrine systems, overweight, smoking, and alcohol abuse can affect the occurrence of trophic ulcers.

Symptoms of the initial stage

It is important to understand and know the symptoms of the disease. How soon you express the problem depends on the complexity and duration of treatment.

But do not forget that eczema or varicose dermatitis is already a consequence of chronic inflammation against the background of varicose veins. The first symptoms of the disease depend on the disease, which will result in an ulcer.

  • external manifestations of inflammation (the skin will change color);
  • pulsation on the feet, on the heel;
  • increased skin sensitivity;
  • that the skin is dry and shiny;
  • a wound with pus and a white spot in the center;
  • dermatitis or eczema;
  • a very weeping wound or crack.

If you notice a crack or see a constantly wet wound that is festering, does not heal for a couple of weeks, then immediately seek help. Don't delay treatment.

Healing ointment for trophic ulcers

There are several types of topical preparations:

  1. Antibacterial: Furacilin, Streptomycin, Steptocid, Miramistin, ASD 1, 2 or 3 (Dorogov's Antiseptic Stimulator).
  2. Restoring: Actovegin, Solcoseryl.
  3. Anti-inflammatory: Panthenol spray, Curiosin, Chlorhexidine, Dioxidine, Levomycetin.
  4. Painkillers: Argosulfan, Sulfargin.
  5. Healing: Vundehil, Thiotriazolin
  6. Combined: Levosin, Levomekol, Olazol, Curiosin, Iruxol, Tetracycline, Panthenol spray and others.

In choosing, it is better to consult a doctor. At each stage of healing, different abilities of external agents are required. During long-term treatment, you can change about 10 funds.

Wounds and cracks on the skin of the legs accompany the patient with diabetes in 70% of cases. It is important that the healing of wounds, cracks, even scratches in this disease is significantly hampered due to thickening of the blood.

Special treatment for this chronic disease is simply necessary, since ulcers have specific external signs:

  • small size;
  • even when detected and treated in the early stages, they do not heal;
  • the skin around them is dry and thin.

It is interesting to know: Treatment of a trophic ulcer: causes, symptoms, stages, photos, patient reviews

The difficulty is that from a small sore to gangrene of the leg is one step. It is important to consult a doctor at the first stage.

Treatment Tips:

  1. Normalize sugar levels.
  2. Improve blood circulation.
  3. Diet.
  4. Compression underwear and even bed rest (if needed).
  5. Surgical treatment.
  6. Physiotherapy.
  7. Sorbent dressings, compresses and ointments.

Further treatment depends on the stage and neglect of the ulcer.

  1. Levomikol.
  2. Wundehill.
  3. Streptolaven.
  4. Solcoseryl.
  5. Actovegin.

And many others, depending on the characteristics of education.

When a person has thrombophlebitis or diabetes, a good antiseptic and healing ointment should always be on hand. If the leg is injured or festering, it should be treated immediately using a mixture of ointments to relieve inflammation, disinfect and heal.

The best healing ointments for trophic problems:

  • Levomikol;
  • Solcoseryl;
  • Eplan;
  • Rescuer;
  • Panthenol;
  • Actovegin and others.

How to anesthetize a trophic ulcer

A trophic ulcer causes a lot of inconvenience and pain. For pain relief often used:

  1. Aerosol or spray: Olazol, Panthenol, Lidocaine Asept.
  2. Solution: Dimexide.
  3. Ointment: Propoceum, Anestezin.


Good ointment for ulcers Stellanin. Appointed by doctors in the Russian cities of Yekaterinburg, Moscow, in St. Petersburg. Ukraine (Kyiv, Kharkov), Belarus and other CIS countries also use it.

Not cheap but affordable. In online pharmacies in Russia, the cost does not exceed 500 rubles. You can order home delivery or call by phone and order delivery to the nearest post office. Delivery within the city is usually free.

Nobody argues about the effectiveness of the ointment. In the reviews they write that they coped well with pressure sores of the third degree, with a boil and diabetic ulcers.


Every doctor knows that Solcoseryl regenerates tissues well. Assign for ulcers, erosions, conjunctivitis, wounds and other skin defects. Release form: ointment or jelly, ampoules and bottles with injection solution, eye gel.

To improve the effect, the drug is administered intramuscularly and an ointment or jelly is applied. The doctor will prescribe the daily rate: 5-4 ampoules and an ointment a couple of times. The course of treatment depends on the stage of the disease.


Based on silver, it has anti-inflammatory and wound healing abilities. Assign for defects in the skin. Apply a couple of times a day. The course of treatment is determined by the doctor.


The antimicrobial method of treatment is not complete without Streptocide. Pour into the wound from 5 to 15 gr. powder. It kills harmful bacteria and disinfects the wound.

The most popular powder preparations in the medical market:

  • Streptomycin;
  • Tricillin;
  • Streptocid.

They disinfect an open ulcer. They keep the antibacterial microflora until the infection is killed.

Even if the patient has not been found to have pathogenic microflora, he is still prescribed a short course of antibacterial agents for prevention. In this case, ointments are effective for trophic ulcers:

  • "Levomekol";
  • "Argosulfan";
  • heparin ointment;
  • "Bepanthen".

These agents have an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and adsorbing effect. Ointments cleanse the wound surface of pus and help strengthen local immunity. Active ingredients stop the reproduction of pathogenic microbes, remove decay products of damaged tissues, reduce swelling and accelerate the healing process.

The ointment should be applied as a compress. To do this, apply a thin layer of ointment on a sterile napkin or gauze and apply a compress to the affected area for 1 hour. Wounds should be treated every day. An overdose of ointment is unlikely. The course of treatment is prescribed depending on the degree of damage.

In case of lower extremity disease, it is forbidden to use antibacterial ointments on your own (without doctor's recommendations), as this can lead to sensitization of the body. Treatment with potent ointments in this case will not only not bring the expected result, but will also lead to serious complications.

With such a disease, an infection always joins. Therefore, it is necessary to use antibiotics in patients with a trophic ulcer on the leg in order to eliminate the source of infection.

Note that if pathogenic microflora is not found in the patient's body, then all the same, doctors prescribe antibiotics as a prophylaxis.

Name of the drug Operating principle Instructions for use Contraindications
Argosulfan (cream) Disinfects a trophic ulcer, destroys microbes, promotes wound healing. Before use, the wound is treated with a solution of Iodopyrine. After applying a small amount of cream. Multiplicity - 2-3 times a day. Organic intolerance to the composition of the drug and lactation.
Levomekol (ointment) Stops the inflammatory process, destroys gram () and gram (-) microbes. Has a regenerative property. With varicose veins, the ointment is applied to a trophic ulcer, fixed on top with a sterile napkin, an elastic bandage. Multiplicity - 1-2 times a day. Fungal pathologies, eczema, psoriatic lesions at the sites of use.
Ointment Tetracycline It inhibits the reproduction of bacteria, acts as a wound healing agent. Apply to a trophic ulcer twice a day. Liver disorders, fungal infections, leukopenia, hypersensitivity to the composition. Children under 8 years old, third trimester of pregnancy.

Treatment of trophic ulcers with antibiotics

The development of an ulcer of the lower extremities always accompanies secondary infection, antibiotics are an effective means of eliminating the pathological process.

Broad-spectrum antibiotics are used when disease-causing microbes show resistance to narrowly targeted drugs.

Often, fluoroquinolone drugs (tarivid, cyprobay, tsifran) are used for treatment. The drug is administered intramuscularly or intravenously by drip. Topical application of fluoroquinolone antibiotics in the form of sprays is possible.

The second widely used group of antibacterial drugs are cephalosporins (kefzol, mandol, duracef).

The drugs have a pronounced bacteriostatic effect due to the suppression of DNA synthesis of pathogens. Good tolerance, minimal impact on the body of microbial decay products and high efficiency to a number of pathogens are recognized as a feature.

A bacterial infection often appears in combination with fungal infections and invasions of unicellular bacteroids; an antifungal agent (nizoral or diflucan) and substances derived from nitroimidazole are added to the complex of therapeutic drugs.

The group of drugs has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, antipyretic and analgesic effects.

The drugs of the group include diclofenac, ketorol, nimesulide and a number of others. Although the drugs do not require prescriptions, it is recommended to take only under the direction of a doctor.

Do not use several analgesics at the same time. The action will not enhance the analgesic effect, but will adversely affect the gastric mucosa.

Remember, the course of taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is supposed to be short in order to avoid the development of serious complications. It is recommended to use local analgesic sprays to treat the surface of the trophic ulcer of the lower extremities.

If there is a need to take non-narcotic analgesics, doctors often additionally prescribe a remedy that protects the mucous membrane of the digestive tract (for example, omeprazole).

Treatment of trophic ulcers is a long and difficult process that requires a balanced and detailed analysis of the cause of the disease. The art of the doctor is the right combination therapy of the underlying disease that caused the weakening of the body with the treatment of a skin defect.

A single cure for trophic ulcers (such a miracle pill or super ointment) does not exist, and it is unlikely that it will appear in the foreseeable future, so the skill of a doctor is to correctly combine the already available powerful medicines.

phlebotonics, which are used to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improve blood supply and oxygen supply to tissues;

antithrombotic drugs for the treatment of trophic ulcers, making the blood less capable of clotting;

anticoagulants that thin the blood;

antispasmodics, anesthetize by relieving vasospasm and improving blood flow, analgesics;

anti-inflammatory drugs from the group of non-steroidal;

means to improve metabolism;

drugs that remove cholesterol and pancreatic enzymes from the blood.

For the treatment of wound formations of a trophic type that have arisen in a patient on the lower extremities or other parts of the body, drugs belonging to the category of antibacterial are used.

They are used in cases where an infection has entered the open wound surface and an acute inflammatory process has begun, threatening the health of the patient and preventing further healing of the ulcer.

In most cases, without the timely inclusion of antibiotics in the therapeutic course, it is impossible to carry out further effective treatment. Antibacterial medicines are produced in tablet form, or in the form of injections for intramuscular injection.

Antibacterial therapy for trophic ulcers against the background of varicose veins provides the following effects:

  • Inhibition of the progression of the pathological process. Prevention of secondary infection, which is the prevention of complications;
  • Acceleration of regeneration processes - the wound heals faster;
  • Strengthening the local immune status;
  • Reduction of pain syndrome;
  • Cleansing the wound surface from purulent masses.

The disadvantages of antibiotic therapy include the risk of developing allergies, the occurrence of dysbacteriosis, and a decrease in general immunity. Pathogenic microorganisms can also develop resistance to certain drugs.

Therapy of trophic ulcers should be carried out with constant monitoring of the microflora in the wound.

Amoxicillin is an antibacterial drug that provides a wide range of effects; belongs to the group of semi-artificial penicillins. Principle of action: the drug disrupts the metabolism of bacteria, which leads to their subsequent death. The drug is prescribed only for pathogens that are susceptible to the effects of penicillins.

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Amoxicillin does not help if the infection is due to the activity of microbes that produce penicillinase. In this case, the use of combined tablets, for example, Amoxiclav, is recommended. Amoxicillin for trophic ulcers is prescribed in tablets.

You can not take pills if you have a history of allergy to the penicillin series, gastrointestinal pathologies, infectious mononucleosis, lymphocytic leukemia. It is forbidden to use in severe liver pathologies. Carefully taken during the period of bearing a child, with kidney disease. With varicose veins, Amoxicillin is prescribed.

Tablets for the treatment of trophic ulcers:

  1. Doxycycline is often included in the treatment of trophic ulcers with varicose veins. It has a wide spectrum of action, gives a bacteriostatic effect. It disrupts the production of bacterial proteins, which destroys the infection. Release form - capsules. Take 200 mg on the first day, the next days, 100 mg each.

In the presence of medical contraindications, the patient is recommended injection of antibacterial drugs. The use of Tricillin for humans with trophic ulcers is sometimes advisable, despite the fact that the remedy is a veterinary drug.

Tricillin is administered intramuscularly. There is a high efficiency of treatment for infectious inflammation of ulcers, infection with microbes sensitive to penicillins. The course of treatment varies from 7 to 10 days.

An increase in the course is allowed, but only on the recommendation of a medical specialist. Tricillin in most pictures is used in combination with other medicines that promote rapid wound healing.

Antibiotics for varicose veins for intramuscular injection:

  • Actovegin destroys pathogenic microflora, accelerates tissue regeneration, improves blood circulation. Improvements in patients are observed 5-8 hours after the first injection. Contraindications: diabetes mellitus, pregnancy, breastfeeding, children's age;
  • Chymotrypsin. Release form - powder, which is intended for the preparation of a solution for intramuscular injection. Diluted with saline. The therapeutic effect is based on antibacterial and antimicrobial effects. Especially effective remedy for varicose veins and deep vein thrombosis, thrombophlebitis in patients.

Injectable forms of antibiotics for trophic ulcers are prescribed when the pathological process has become generalized.

Dioxidine - a solution for the treatment of blood vessels at home. The drug is very effective for trophic ulcers with varicose veins. The tool has been used in medical practice for more than 30 years, it is highly effective in the treatment of purulent and inflammatory processes. Used externally. The active active ingredient is hydroxymethylquinoxylindioxide.

Treatment of a trophic ulcer with Dioxidine proceeds as follows: a small piece of bandage is moistened in a solution, applied to the affected area. The wound is pre-cleaned of pus, treated with an antiseptic, for example, Miramistin.

Dioxidin contraindications: pathology of the adrenal glands, breastfeeding, childbearing period, children under 18 years of age. Side effects from the application do not develop.

Any defect of the skin is the entrance gate for infection, so bacterial inflammation is the most common complication of trophic ulcers. This can lead to an increase in the size of the ulcer, erysipelas, pyoderma, inflammation of the subcutaneous fatty tissue, and in especially severe cases, to gangrene of the lower extremities. Symptoms of a bacterial infection:

  • discoloration of the tissues at the bottom of the ulcer and the skin around it;
  • increased or appearance of soreness when touched, pain at rest;
  • the appearance of purulent discharge from the ulcer;
  • increased local temperature, tissue swelling;
  • increase in body temperature, deterioration of health, headache;
  • with the addition of an anaerobic infection - an unpleasant putrefactive odor, a sharp cyanosis of the tissues around the ulcer;
  • The most alarming symptom is the appearance of crepitus (creaking) of the skin when pressed. He speaks of the onset of gas gangrene.

Antibacterial drugs in these cases are extremely important, sometimes their timely appointment allows you to do without surgery. A doctor should choose an antibiotic for a trophic ulcer.

  1. Oxacillin destroys gram-positive microbes and some types of gram-negative microorganisms. Produced in the form of tablets. Take up to 3000 mg per day. The duration of the course of treatment is 7-10 days. Do not prescribe for intolerance, bronchial asthma, pregnancy, chronic renal failure.
  2. Doxycycline is often included in the treatment of trophic ulcers with varicose veins. It has a wide spectrum of action, gives a bacteriostatic effect. It disrupts the production of bacterial proteins, which destroys the infection. Release form - capsules. Take 200 mg on the first day, the next days, 100 mg each.
  • Stopping the spread of pathogenic bacteria in the wound, blocking secondary infection. This leads to the prevention of complications.
  • Accelerating the recovery of damaged tissues.
  • Strengthening immunity.
  • Reducing pain in the area of ​​the ulcer.
  • Purification of the wound from the accumulation of pus.

Treatment of trophic ulcers of the lower extremities drugs

Antibiotics for the treatment of trophic ulcers are divided into groups:

  • ointments, creams, gels;
  • tablets, powders taken orally;
  • injections.

Which method is better to choose depends on how severe the suppuration is, which area of ​​the skin is affected, and the presence of concomitant pathologies.

Often, an external antibiotic is initially prescribed (bandage with Levomekol). Also common: Vishnevsky ointment, Diclofenac, Miramistin, Argosulfan. The wound is preliminarily treated with saline or an antiseptic, then a bandage is applied (twice a day).

If there are no results for a month, then injectables, tablets are used. The ointment must also be applied in parallel - an external agent will help reduce pain.

Heliomycin, Chlorhexidine (tablets) are popular representatives of this group of drugs. Droppers, intravenous injections of Reopoliglyukin, Pentoxifylline are also often used.

Only a doctor can prescribe antibiotics after appropriate allergic tests. There are many different groups of drugs, so it is impossible to choose the right remedy on your own.

You also need to remember: you need to take oral, injectable antibiotics together with Yoghurt, Laktovit or Linex to avoid the development of dysbacteriosis.

If one drug does not help, it is necessary that the doctor selects another remedy of this group.

A skin lesion that does not heal for six weeks, or tends to recur, is diagnosed as a trophic ulcer. It is not an independent disease, but occurs as a consequence of the underlying pathology of the body.

Skin lesions are localized mainly on the legs, rarely occurring on the arms, trunk and head. The main cause of an ulcer is a failure in tissue nutrition and their subsequent necrosis due to impaired blood flow and oxygen starvation. Pathology of the blood supply occurs due to:

  • vascular disorders;
  • pathologies of lymph outflow;
  • accession of infections;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • development of autoimmune processes.

When planning the treatment of an ulcer, the doctor proceeds from the fact that the underlying disease requires treatment in the first place, the very appearance of a long-term non-healing skin lesion indicates the severity of the course. The combination of the depth of the underlying disease, secondary pathologies and the ulcer itself poses different tasks for the doctor, the main goal of which is to achieve a tendency to wound healing, reduce its size, stop the possibility of opening new ulcers and alleviate the course of the underlying disease.

There are trophic ulcers:

  • venous or varicose, arising against the background of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis;
  • arterial and ischemic, arising against the background of lesions of the vessels of the lower extremities - obliterating atherosclerosis, obstruction of the arteries of the extremities, diabetes mellitus;
  • hypertensive (Martorell's ulcer), the causes of which are hypertension and vascular disorders;
  • neurotrophic - ulcers of the legs and feet due to diseases and injuries of the brain and spinal cord, peripheral nerves against the background of diabetes mellitus, infectious, toxic or congenital disorders of nervous sensitivity;
  • infectious or pyogenic - caused by the addition of an infectious agent;
  • caused by skin diseases - eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis;
  • post-traumatic, caused by fire, chemical and mechanical injuries, gunshot wounds, bites, disorders in the healing of postoperative sutures of the hands, arms, legs, shins, scars after operations, at the injection site of drug addicts;
  • caused by systemic diseases of the connective tissue, rheumatic lesions of the joints, lupus erythematosus;
  • caused by general diseases - severe pathologies of the heart (ischemia, defects, heart failure), renal and hepatic insufficiency; anemia and blood diseases, metabolic disease, beriberi and prolonged starvation.

In some cases, treatment can only restrain the development of an ulcer and has no prospect of healing a defect - such lesions include wounds caused by connective tissue diseases, malignant tumors, severe and extensive ulcers caused by age. The direction of treatment and the types of medications used by the doctor depends on the type of ulcer.

Treatment of trophic ulcers is complicated by the fact that all of them are infected.

Pathogenic flora supports the inflammatory process and necrosis in tissues, provoking complications. The most common wounds become infected:

  • staphylococci;
  • enterobacteria;
  • anaerobes;
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
  • pseudomonads;
  • Klebsiella.

Attachment of infection to wound processes is manifested by the release of pus and serous compartments, the development of additional inflammatory processes.

Complications of trophic ulcers are:

  • erysipelas;
  • phlegmon;
  • eczema;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • lymphadenitis;
  • inflammation of the joints;
  • malignant transformations;
  • bleeding;
  • tetanus.

The use of antibiotics for the treatment of trophic ulcers on the legs should be balanced and justified, their use in uncomplicated forms leads to bacteria mutations into new, especially resistant strains.

In practical treatment, physicians mainly encounter mainly venous (80%), ischemic and neuropathic (diabetic) ulcers or mixed ulcers.

For treatment apply:

  • conservative medical treatment;
  • local effect on trophic ulcers;
  • methods of surgical correction;
  • physiotherapy methods.

The goal of conservative treatment is to reduce the area of ​​wound lesions, relieve inflammation and heal the ulcer. The most effective is the use of drug treatment for wounds that have not yet penetrated to the tendons and joints.

How to cure trophic ulcers? Russian doctors are more inclined to surgical treatment of trophic ulcers, while noting a faster rehabilitation of the patient, while doctors in Europe and the USA mostly use conservative treatment at home.

In the conservative treatment of a patient with a trophic ulcer, the doctor starts from the main lesion that caused it.

Varicose ulcers occur against the background of thrombophlebitis or varicose veins, which is caused by stagnation and reverse flow of blood in large and small veins. Blood flow disorders depend on the weakness of the venous valves, which is caused by a number of different causes - from trauma to heredity. Ulcers of this type arise and develop quickly.

Martorell's ulcers and arterial ulcers are provoked primarily by hypertension, which is caused by a violation of blood flow through deformed arteries. As a result of a decrease in blood flow through small vessels, tissue trophism, cell death and ulceration are disrupted.

With diabetes, there are multiple disorders in the body - nervous and vascular, metabolic and hormonal, which result in insensitivity to injuries, inflammation and death of small vessels, a tendency to poor healing of all types of wounds.

The development of ulcers can take place against the background of traumatic injuries of various types.

antibiotics to destroy pathogenic flora; phlebotonics, which are used to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improve blood supply and oxygen supply to tissues; antithrombotic drugs for the treatment of trophic ulcers, which make blood less capable of clotting;

anticoagulants that thin the blood; antispasmodics, relieve pain by relieving vasospasm and improving blood flow, analgesics; anti-inflammatory drugs from the group of nonsteroidal drugs; drugs to improve metabolism; systemic enzymes; drugs that remove cholesterol and pancreatic enzymes from the blood.

Complex treatment of trophic ulcers is impossible without local therapy of the lesion. To treat them, the doctor uses general surgical practices used for all types of wounds, taking into account the peculiarities of their course in a particular patient.

A doctor treating a trophic ulcer must not only understand the processes that occur in the patient's body and in the wound, but also adequately respond to changes.

The right choice is important medicinal product for the treatment of trophic ulcers on the leg and dressing material to influence the wound.

To monitor the condition of the wound, a "color" scale is used, which corresponds to the cycles of development or healing of a skin lesion:

  • black and yellow (if there is a Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection - gray or green) wounds are the first phase of ulcer development;
  • red wound - the process moved to the second stage, dead masses began to be removed from the wound;
  • the wound becomes white in the process of healing and restoration of the skin.

Topical preparations for trophic ulcers help remove dead tissue from the wound, stop the infection and stop inflammation, and improve the nutrition of living tissue and their growth.

They are used for purulent varicose and venous ulcers, neurotrophic and ischemic skin lesions, post-traumatic and mixed ulcerative defects.

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To care for the wound surface use:

  • drugs based on antibiotics and biological substances - Levomekol, Actovegin, Solcoseryl;
  • disinfect the wound and, in combination with oral antibiotics, prevent re-inflammation;
  • ointments based on herbal remedies - Vulstimulin, used for current ulcers, relieves inflammation and reduces pain;
  • preparations for the rapid restoration of wound coverage and improvement of cell growth - Bepanten, Curiosin;
  • ointments for the fastest restoration of the skin, healing and pain relief - Solcoseryl.


Ointment for weeping and infected trophic ulcers, contains an extract of wheat germ, essential oils, phenoxyethanone, sorbitol. It has a wound-healing and anti-inflammatory property, applied around the wound no more than 2 times a day. The doctor prescribes.


Contains collagenase, not subject to long-term use. Clears the wound of dirt and infection.


It has an antibacterial effect, helps to regenerate areas of destroyed tissues. About negative side effects no information. Discomfort, tingling and burning in the wound is a consequence of the effective effect of the drug.

  • massage of the calf muscles and the entire surface of the leg in order to improve trophism;
  • performing a surgical operation under general anesthesia with cleansing the wound from purulent exudate and further suturing its edges (parallel removal of the destroyed vein or restoration of its walls is possible);
  • daily washing of the feet with cold water to stimulate local circulation and prevent venous congestion;
  • adherence to a therapeutic diet with a restriction in eating spicy, salty, pickled, smoked foods, as well as excessive consumption of vegetables and fruits containing an increased concentration of acidity;
  • excision of epithelial tissues that are already at the stage of necrosis using a laser.


Prevention measures

After a successful recovery, no one is immune from the reappearance of pathology.

In order to prevent recurrence, correction of venous pathologies is necessary.

  • examine the appearance of the vessels;
  • treat scars;
  • perform a special complex of physiotherapy exercises;
  • adjust labor activity by reducing static physical activity;
  • wear compression medical knitwear;
  • use nourishing creams and lotions, remove calluses in a timely manner and treat nails.

Getting rid of diseases that precede the formation of skin defects at an early stage is the most important preventive measure. People with chronic venous and arterial insufficiency need to protect themselves from injury, especially in predisposed areas. Shoes should be comfortable. If necessary, use an elastic bandage.

Having found the appearance of the first suspicious symptoms, you should immediately seek advice from a medical institution.

Methods of getting rid of the disease

Due to the fact that sores are generated by any pathology, ways to get rid of them depend on the fight against fundamental factors.

Incorrectly prescribed treatment will lead to a chronic process and further spread of the lesion

The therapeutic effect should affect the improvement of blood flow and metabolic processes in tissue cells. Several methods are used to eliminate ulcerative pathology. The choice is determined by the surgeon and depends on the degree of neglect:

  1. Conservative therapy (non-surgical). To get rid of the symptoms, medications are used that are prescribed by the doctor (antiplatelet agents, antibiotics, phlebotonics).
  2. local therapy. It is prescribed in the form of compresses or bandages. The composition of the ointments used includes antiseptics and enzymes, which have not only a healing effect, but also an analgesic.
  3. Surgery. This method is used only if it is necessary to restore blood circulation in the affected area.

The purulent-inflammatory process involves in the affected area, in addition to the skin, muscles and bones

Also, the doctor may recommend physiotherapy, such as laser therapy, magnetotherapy, ultraviolet irradiation, mud therapy, balneotherapy, and so on. They will eliminate pain, relieve inflammation, have anti-edematous and analgesic effects.

If the cause of a trophic ulcer on the leg lies in venous insufficiency, the patient needs to limit work. The use of compression underwear, as well as drugs that stimulate microcirculation, will benefit.

It is important for everyone suffering from diabetes to reconsider the diet in favor of natural products. It is important to give up bad habits. Shoes should be comfortable and warm to prevent hypothermia.

For regular dressings and taking medications, the patient must be in the hospital. In addition, he needs to reduce motor activity, as well as undergo non-drug therapy.

In case of damage to the toes or soles, spacer splints are used to reduce the rate of infection. Dying wounds must be removed and treated with antiseptic agents.

Without treatment of the underlying disease, it will not be possible to completely heal the ulcer. Even with successful treatment, relapse is inevitable.

Drug therapy is prescribed depending on the stage of the trophic ulcer:

  1. Weeping wound. Therapy includes the following pharmacological agents:
  • preventing thrombosis;
  • antibiotics;
  • antiallergic ("Tavegil") and anti-inflammatory drugs ("Diclofenac").
  1. Removal of dead tissue. Purification is performed by the following actions:
  • washing with potassium permanganate, furacilin, chlorhexidine (antiseptic solutions), as well as celandine, chamomile or string (herbal infusions);
  • using wound healing substances and sorption dressings.
  1. The subsequent therapeutic stage includes healing and scarring of the skin. During this period apply:
  • medicines that accelerate healing;
  • drugs that stop oxidation;
  • solutions for treatment and special wound dressings.
  1. The final stage involves the elimination of the main cause of the trophic ulcer on the leg.

After the ulcer has healed and a scar has formed, it is required to protect the affected area from mechanical damage.

Weeping or purulent nature requires cleansing manipulations with the use of substances containing proteolytic enzymes. If purulent discharge is present, Proteox-T or Proteox-TM is prescribed.

The treatment of trophic ulcers is several times faster due to the high-tech cellulose-based material contained in the preparations. Trypsin and mexidol, which are part of the composition, relieve inflammation and accelerate healing.

On weeping, strong trophic ulcers, it is recommended to apply absorbent dressings that allow absorbing wound fluid ("Biaten"). If there is little liquid or pus, Komfil Plus is used, which creates natural conditions for tightening the affected areas.

Ointments for trophic ulcers of the lower extremities are the most popular remedy, the use of which does not depend on the underlying disease. Most often, complex therapeutic measures are prescribed.

When applying ointments and gels, it should be borne in mind that the penetration of these agents through the skin is limited to its upper layers.

The composition of the therapeutic components is different, therefore, the action of each of them is different. 4 groups of ointment forms are determined:

  1. Means that stimulate regeneration. Are of animal or vegetable origin:
  • Solcoseryl. Contains blood extract of cattle.
  • "Actovegin". The composition is similar to Solcoseryl. Contraindications include individual hypersensitivity.
  • Comfrey. In addition to restoring the skin, it relieves the inflammatory process.
  • Rosehip or sea buckthorn oil. Accelerate healing and reduce inflammation.
  1. Immunomodulators that can normalize the immune system:
  • Methyluracil ointment. In addition to improving immunity, it stimulates the healing effect and relieves inflammation.
  1. Forms related to biological products:
  • "Stellanin". Activates the growth of blood vessels and restores blood flow. Purulent accumulations are also cleansed, tissue regeneration is underway.
  • Aloe liniment. biogenic drug. It is mainly prescribed in combination with other medicines.
  1. The fourth group includes all other substances used in the treatment of trophic ulcers of the lower limb.

Antibiotics for trophic ulcers of the lower extremities have an extensive spectrum of action. They not only stop the process of bacterial reproduction, but also block the attachment of a secondary infection, thereby protecting against complications.

In some cases, specialists prescribe antibiotic therapy. The choice of the dose of the drug is also the task of the doctor.

The patient's well-being and the stage of the underlying disease determine the method of taking antibacterial agents (intramuscularly or locally).

Ingestion is usually prescribed for an acute inflammatory process of soft tissues or with the appearance of initial signs.

The mechanism of action of antibiotics

Antibiotics - the literal translation is "against life." These drugs are aimed at the destruction of the pathological microflora that settles in the body and disrupts its functions. Antibacterial agents are of two types:

  • Bacteriostatic - stopping the vital activity of bacteria, but not destroying them;
  • Bactericidal - completely destroying the microflora.

Due to the suppression of the activity of microflora, the wound is cleansed of pus, the inflammatory process is stopped, pain is reduced, and tissues are healed. Therefore, antibiotics are the main treatment for infected trophic ulcers.

Folk remedies at home

First, blood purification is needed to treat the underlying disease. Dr. Malakhov advises using Sytin's mood to rejuvenate the body.

For the treatment of diabetic foot and trophic ulcers, you can use Vishnevsky's ointment, tar, Gum, celandine, lavender oil, sea buckthorn oil.

Scientist Neumyvakin made more than one video about the treatment of ulcers. He uses regular medicinal aloe. Gives advice on hardening. Treatment with hydrogen peroxide and streptocide is also known. Although this remedy is a pharmacy one, official medicine does not take it into account.

Known for his videos, Vitaly Ostrovsky gives many recipes on the treatment of varicose veins. One of them is suitable for blood thinning. Need to mix:

  • Art. l. flax seeds;
  • a couple of tablespoons of water;
  • a pinch of sea salt;
  • fish oil st. l.

Leave overnight. Sutra drink a couple of glasses of warm water, after half an hour have breakfast with sprouted flax seeds, chewing slowly.

It is also known the treatment of circular trophic ulcers according to the method of Andreev. For this he uses sea ​​buckthorn oil. Treatment with lavender oil gives a soothing effect.

Many resort to hirudotherapy - treatment with leeches. And this makes sense. Leeches spray an active substance into the bloodstream, which thins the blood.

Lilac tinctures with vodka will help get rid of inflammation of the veins. But in no case do not get into the wound.

Examine your body with a doctor before treatment folk methods. Check their effectiveness during treatment. Do not allow the appearance of irreversible processes.

salt treatment at home

Treatment of non-healing is to cure the root cause of their appearance. If you notice the first manifestations of varicose veins, then you can apply one effective folk method. For this you need:

  1. Make saline solution (water 90%, salt 10%).
  2. Fold gauze or cotton fabric 10 times.
  3. Soak the cloth in the solution.
  4. Attach to the problem area.
  5. When dry, you can take it off.

The course of the procedure is 7 days, then a 7-day break. And repeat until the condition improves.

Modern medicine has not found a better way to avoid vascular and endocrine diseases than a healthy lifestyle.

If you see the first signs of hypertension, varicose veins, diabetes, ischemia or other chronic diseases, immediately quit all bad habits.

With varicose diseases, the first rules of treatment are not medicines, but you need:

  1. Quit bad habits.
  2. Start eating right.
  3. Lead an active lifestyle.
  4. Engage in a healthy sport.
  5. More fresh air and natural vitamins.

The main thing that we must understand is that our health does not depend on doctors and clinics, but on ourselves. Everything is in our hands.

The use of soda

On the use of soda in the treatment, it can be said that the opinions of scientists differ on this issue. Some believe that soda baths are good for the skin and circulatory system, while others say they are harmful.

If you do not get carried away, but add a little soda to the bathroom and take it once every two weeks, then this will definitely not cause harm. But you will not feel any visible benefit either.

Based on starch

There is a good starch-based remedy. Recipe:

  • 1 tsp starch;
  • citric acid on the tip of a knife;
  • 50 ml. boiled water is not hot;
  • mix thoroughly;
  • pour in 150 ml. boiling water;
  • put on medium heat until it starts to thicken;
  • insist 2 hours;
  • add 1 tsp. iodine 5%.

A purulent ulcer is washed with a furatsilin solution, jelly and a gauze bandage are applied. The compress is changed every 4 hours, except at night. Do not touch at night.

At the initial stage

Wound healing at the initial stage is quite possible. For this you need to take:

  • 3 bottles of castor oil;
  • streptocide tablet;
  • 5 g of ichthyol ointment.

Grind the tablet, pour in the oil and add the ointment. The resulting mixture was heated in a water bath for 10 minutes. Let cool. At this time, the ulcer is washed with a solution of furacilin. Apply the mixture. Fix with a gauze bandage.

Why do you need bandages on your legs and how to apply them. When suppurating wounds form on the lower leg, the most convenient way to apply drugs is by impregnated dressings.

Aloe has the ability to draw out pus and relieve inflammation from tissues. Effective for purulent wounds. Need:

  1. Cut the aloe leaf lengthwise.
  2. Soak it in a solution of potassium permanganate.
  3. Apply to the sore spot.

Change the compress every day.

Laundry soap treatment

When treating with different herbs, allergies can occur. If this happens, I advise you to turn to the healing properties of laundry soap. It disinfects well and has antithrombotic properties. You can make a mixture of soap. At 50

No matter how much oil pours from TV screens (they say that the government controls the prices of goods from the food basket), statistics are a stubborn thing. The cost of conditional food is rising again The cost of a conditional (minimum) set of food products. If in October 2017 it was 3,715 rubles, then in May 2018 it is already at the level of 3,970 rubles.

Growth by 255 rubles in six months

According to experts, prices will continue to rise. So it's time to learn how to save money. We will show you how to spend a minimum of money on food.

In the shop

1. Make a shopping list and follow it strictly

To do this, develop a menu for the week: breakfast, lunch and dinner. Inspect the kitchen cabinets and refrigerator and add to the shopping list the ingredients that are missing for the preparation of the intended dishes. Nothing extra!

Mobile apps help you manage your shopping list.

2. Compare prices across stores

Buying everything in one supermarket is convenient. But sometimes, if you walk to the bakery around the corner, you can get tastier and cheaper bread.

If there is no time for monitoring, try to buy once a week. “Today I will buy cottage cheese, and tomorrow I will go and buy more eggs” - an approach that leads to unplanned expenses.

Well, use special applications.

3. Attend agricultural fairs

Usually they take place in autumn and spring, and there you can buy farm products at a very low price: potatoes, eggs, and others.

4. Avoid Impulse Buying

Do not buy products not from the list just because they are cheap or suddenly you want to: “Oh! Discount on Chinese cabbage! You have to take it, usually it is 10 rubles more expensive” (are you sure you will eat it?), “Mmm, a cake! Want! Want!" (but what about the diet?).

Do not take children to the store: their “want” is harder to resist. Willpower alone will not save.

5. Use discount cards

You may have to pay for its purchase, but this is a one-time expense, and discounts can be used every time you visit this store.

6. Shop in bulk

Flour, sugar, salt, pasta and spices are always needed. Plus they have a long shelf life. So, you can take it for the future. Moreover, prices in wholesale outlets are usually lower.

“Where do I need so much? I have nowhere to store it, ”- typical objections of housewives to the advice to buy products in large quantities. The solution is simple: shop with your friends. By purchasing a bag of rice and dividing it among yourselves, you will quickly see the benefits of this approach.

According to the rules of merchandising, the most expensive goods are placed on the shelves at the level of the buyer's eyes, and the cheapest - on the lower racks. Don't be lazy to bend over and study the range below.

Also, don't look into sections you don't need (separate the items on the list into groups: meats, vegetables, and so on). And do not forget that you should visit the store full.

8. Turn off "autopilot"

We often wander around the store, thinking about our own thoughts and automatically putting products in the basket. Remember how insulting it is when you find out at home that the apples are broken and the cookies in the pack are broken. Choose your products carefully.

9. Don't overpay for a name

Brand name products are more expensive. But this is not always a guarantee of quality and taste. Take a closer look at less famous, but cheaper counterparts. For example, trademarks of chain stores. As a rule, the taste characteristics of hot goods ( vegetable oil, groceries, etc.) do not differ from branded ones.

10. Don't overpay for packaging

Milk in a nondescript package can be tastier and cheaper than a drink in a bottle, and bulk products by weight are more profitable than those packaged in colorful boxes.

11. Pay attention to weight and volume

Often on the shelves there is the same product, but one is cheaper than the other, for example, by 5 rubles. Do not rush to grab what is cheaper. Compare the difference in weight or volume of these products. It is more profitable to take a "full" kilogram than 940 grams.

12. Don't buy convenience foods.

They are a priori more expensive than self-cooked (from "A" to "Z") dishes. Do not let yourself be lazy: cook, and yourself and store them in the freezer.

And further. Sliced ​​bread and sausage are always more expensive. Can't you cut the loaf yourself?

13. Don't be afraid of delinquency

The discount policy of chain grocery stores is a subject for a separate discussion. But when the product expires, sellers are ready to be really generous. As a rule, products "with a timer" are quite suitable. The main thing is to use them as soon as possible.

The exception is dairy products. It is easy to get food poisoning with them, so it is better to buy only fresh.

14. Don't splurge on bottled water

It is more profitable to buy once a filter for cleaning.

15. Keep receipts

In the kitchen

1. Adjust your diet

For example, include poultry meat in the menu instead of fresh fish that has noticeably risen in price. Swap ingredients for cheaper ones whenever possible (pink salmon instead of trout, Adyghe cheeses instead of mozzarella).

Nothing compares to a juicy tenderloin steak, but liver, heart and other offal can be cooked very tasty. Buy them from time to time instead of meat - save money and upgrade your culinary skills.

3. Don't overcook

There are housewives from whom "the hand does not take much." If you cook borsch, then in a large saucepan, if you fry cutlets, then a full frying pan. Such waste, as a rule, ends with the fact that half of the cooked flies into the trash can. Learn to cook exactly as much as you eat.

Alternatively, don't cook until you've eaten what's been cooked.

4. Follow Cooking Websites

There are often budget recipes. Keep them for yourself. They will help you create a weekly menu and shopping list.

5. Use seasonal vegetables and fruits

Salad of fresh tomatoes and cucumbers in winter can cost a pretty penny. Cabbage and carrots are much cheaper this time of year. Make a salad of them - it will come out just as tasty and healthy.

6. Cook yourself

It's about what you can do at home. For example, kvass. In the store, a one and a half liter bottle of this drink costs an average of 50 rubles. Three liters of homemade kvass will cost you only 20 rubles.

You can save even more on and.

7. Make blanks

It's not about three-liter jars with pickles. With the modern pace of life and urbanization, this is an amateur activity. But everyone can freeze greens and berries.

Finely chop parsley, dill and other favorite herbs, put in a container and send to the freezer. Fragrant seasoning is always at hand.

8. Eat Perishable Foods First

We bought yogurt, put it in the refrigerator, and five days later, when we remembered it and wanted to eat it, it turned out that it was expired. As a result, several tens of rubles are sent to the trash. Familiar?

In order not to get into such situations again, stick bright stickers on perishable products: “eat by Thursday”, “use by the end of the week”, and so on.

9. Store food properly

Compliance with storage conditions prevents premature spoilage of products. The more frugal you are about food, the less often you will have to replenish food supplies.

By the way, about thrift. Many products can be given a "second life". Is the bread starting to dry out? Make crackers and add to salads.

As you can see, to save on food, it is not necessary to be a pedant. Anyone can follow these guidelines. But most importantly, don't be fanatical. Sometimes you can and should allow yourself something tasty or favorite.

The purpose of the seller is to sell you more and more. Your goal as a buyer is to buy what you need inexpensively. You have opposite goals. This is war, baby!

When you go shopping, you enter enemy territory. The enemy army is hunting for your wallet: sellers, marketers, merchandisers. Everything works against you: the smell of fresh pastries and pleasant music in shopping malls, yellow labels and large fonts for discount labels, product placement on the shelves, and even a children's room so that no one bothers you to part with your money.

Be ready!

War plan: strategy and tactics

In Enemy Territory: Shop Shopping

Cold head, warm heart and calculator in hand

Decisive battle near the cash register

31. Have you ever wondered why even in a half-empty store there are always lines of at least 2-3 people? It's simple: in front of the cash register there are racks with various trifles: sweets, chocolates, napkins, chewing gum. While you are bored in line, your hands are reaching out for this bright trifle. Or your child will “gym you” (see point 6) Buy goods on the racks in front of the checkout only if they are on your list.

Promotions and discounts: trap or chance?

Victory is forged in the rear: cooking at home

  1. Gather a collection and include them in your menu.
  2. Study them as a basis, compiling your own.
  3. Sign up for the Savings Newsletter. The best one is from Menu of the week. If you often buy bottled water, it will be more profitable for you to buy a water filter.
  4. Cook in large quantities and freeze (canning) leftovers. For example, you can cook a large volume. Some can be eaten right away and some can be frozen. It will be cheaper than buying it in small jars in the store.
  5. Try to fry less, bake more. This will not only save oil, but also reduce the calorie content of the dish.
  6. Record the cost of products. Compare prices in different stores. Yes, it's boring. But thanks to this, you will know which store has the best prices for the products that you buy most often.
  7. To save on meat dishes, do not cook the meat separately and the garnish separately. Give preference to “two in one” dishes (like,), that is, combine meat with a side dish in one dish.
  8. In big cities, chain stores often offer free shipping on their products for the same price as on the trading floor. This is beneficial in that you can slowly compare all the goods (by weight and composition) at home, choose the most profitable ones and at the same time not waste time traveling and choosing in the store itself.
  9. Clean out your refrigerator regularly. Move food that can be stored for a long time to far corners. And in mind should be the products that need to be eaten first. This is especially true for small products such as a piece of cheese, sausage, cheese curds, which can “get lost” in the refrigerator and deteriorate.
  10. Take it. You can not cook it on purpose, but take part of breakfast or yesterday's dinner.
  11. in the summer, when vegetables, fruits, herbs and berries cost a penny. In winter, these reserves will turn into gold.
  12. Avoid shopping in convenience stores, buy in hypermarkets or small wholesale grocery stores. The larger the store or chain of stores, the lower the margin they can charge. The lower the markup, the cheaper the products for you.
  13. Buying in bulk is cheaper. Organize a joint purchase with neighbors, friends, relatives.
  14. Buy whole fish and her. From the head, fins and ridge can be welded. Fillets can be made in the oven, etc.
  15. Buy a whole chicken and make your own. An example of reasonable savings or how many dishes can be prepared from one chicken.
  16. In autumn and spring, at agricultural fairs, you can profitably buy potatoes, beets, carrots, cabbage, apples, etc.
  17. Greenery is expensive in winter. And you can grow it on the windowsill in a city apartment for free.
  18. For products or ready meals the expiration date and you do not have time to eat them? Don't throw away -
  19. Store perishable foods on a separate shelf in the refrigerator. That way you remember to eat them first. By the way, it is coldest on the third shelf of the refrigerator (+2 °C) and warmest in the door and drawers (+8-10°C).
  20. Try to keep eating out to a minimum. Homemade food is almost always cheaper than food in restaurants and cafes.
  21. Before placing an order in a cafe or restaurant, carefully study the menu. In almost every institution there is an opportunity to have lunch / dinner inexpensively. These are set meals (or business lunches), “2 for the price of one” promotions, special promotions for specific dishes, etc.
  22. Buying a bread maker is a good investment if you often eat baked goods. Homemade bread is about 20% cheaper than store bought.
  23. Install one of the home accounting programs (applications) on your phone and computer and record all expenses for at least 3 months. This is the most The best way find out where the money goes and how to keep it in your wallet.
  24. Summer day feeds all winter. Therefore, actively, pickle, in the summer to please yourself in the winter.
  25. Experiment with inexpensive products. , vegetables with, - how often do such inexpensive dishes appear on your table?


Master of replacement and substitution

What can be done at home

And finally: saving is a voluntary matter. Think of it not as a punishment, but as a sport that trains wit, discipline and culinary skills.

What savings methods do you use?

Text author Daria Chernenko, website

Do you like these recipes?


Natalia: | October 22nd, 2019 | 9:49 am

thanks for helpful tips. And the pictures are fun too.
Answer: Natalia, I hope you will like the cards and be useful!
If you have any questions about using the cards, please email me. I will be happy to help you!

Galina: | March 4th, 2019 | 3:09 dp

You can't skimp on food!

Having received a pension with my husband, yesterday we bought:

1) Meat 20 kg x 285 = 5700, 2) Chickens 12.200 x 160 = 1952. 3) Beef liver. 5.100 x 145 = 739.5. 4) Rust. oil 1l. 6 x 77 = 462. 5) Flour 12 kg x 25 = 300. 6) Egg 120 x 6.50 = 780. 7) Onions, potatoes = 420. 8) Sugar 10 kg = 470. 9) Cereals = 209.10) Cons . peas 15b x 50 = 750. 10) Milk 20l = 1000. Total: 12782.5. A lot of products are left from the last purchase, there are supplies from the garden. Cucumbers and tomatoes grow on the windowsill. And now I get this:

1) Bread and pastries. 2) Mayonnaise and other sauces. 3) Horns, vermicelli, noodles. 4) Sausages, boiled pork, dumplings, meatballs, etc. meat dishes. 5) Liver pate. 6) We buy alcohol, but I also make homemade wine. 7) There are also a lot of different chickens different dishes comes out. 8) Olivier - almost every other day. In short, I even make juice, 4 liters, from a couple of oranges, but I take small things in a magician. 9) Cottage cheese, kefir, cheese and sour cream. 10) Tea and chicory from the forest, mushrooms too. The store takes about 5 thousand. Of course, at the end of the month there are a lot of things left and then there is a purchase of other products for 4-5 thousand. If it weren’t for the hands, it would have been spent on food (and we love delicious food, and children and grandchildren too) somewhere under 40 thousand, if not more. For 2 months, good nutrition takes 22-25 thousand. We do not take pills, I collect herbs and roots for treatment. I take sea buckthorn in the forest - oil, syrups, my own wine. You will say that I have a lot of time, I do not work, but I did this even when I was not yet retired.

Do not look for low prices in stores, cook yourself and then you will not save on food. That's all.
Answer: Galina, thanks for sharing!

Tatiana: | February 19th, 2019 | 7:31 pm

It must be printed and handed to the brides at the wedding. The family budget will be under control and the mother-in-law will be pleased with the homely young woman
Answer: Tatyana, this is good advice. But I think you won't be forced to be nice. A young housewife should want to manage the household herself, become interested;). And so simply because it is necessary or someone wants it, but not her, then everything is useless.

Lydia: | February 14th, 2019 | 1:10 pp

Thanks for the interesting collection of photos! Laughed heartily! Thanks for the helpful tips and advice! Your article is very helpful and much needed! Thanks!!!
Answer: Lydia, please!

Anonymous: | February 9th, 2019 | 7:58 pm

The whole country lives on a promotion so that later they can go to the cinema and cafes

Elena: | January 14th, 2019 | 5:49 pm

When money became very bad, she introduced strict control over the refrigerator. I know exactly where and how much the products are. It's so entertaining! At the same time, I drive a good car and no one realizes that when I go to the store, I have 300 rubles in my wallet.

Elena: | October 10th, 2018 | 8:00 am

Everything is detailed, for a long time I want to start saving correctly and without harm, I will try to start sticking to it! Thanks
Answer: Elena, thanks for the comment!

Vladimir: | January 17th, 2018 | 9:18 pm

Bah, almost only women! And I'm a man, even though I'm 79 years old, but what Daria does is very interesting and useful!! Thank you, Dashenka! God bless you!
Answer: Vladimir, thanks for the comment! Exactly, you are in the female realm :). It's nice that men of such venerable age come to us!

Julia: | May 30th, 2017 | 1:57 pm

Great article! The only thing I can’t agree with is the replacement of beef with pork, after all, this is a completely different meat in quality, and especially in fat content.
Answer: Julia, thanks for the comment!

Julia: | May 25th, 2017 | 8:25 pm

I liked the article, it’s interesting and humorous. I’ll definitely use the advice. In general, I liked your site, there are a lot of interesting things. Yoghurts, cheeses, I didn’t even know that you can cook them so simply.
Answer: Julia, thanks for the comment!

Alpha: | April 25th, 2017 | 5:45 pm

Daria! Thank you very much for the advice, and special thanks for the photo. There was so much to collect!
Answer: Alpha, happy savings! Thanks for the feedback!

Yana: | February 8th, 2017 | 12:28 pm

Daria, a couple of times I ordered products from the Vera online store. But she abandoned this idea - they brought sluggish potatoes, rotten carrots ... and in which store do you buy? We moved to St. Petersburg, sometimes online stores are just a salvation!)))
Answer: Yana, I order from the OKEY online store.

Olga: | July 29th, 2016 | 8:18 dp

Hello Daria. Thank you for your hard work.
I read the comments, I was very surprised, people write about the amount of food per month. We live in Moscow, a family of 4 people. Two teenagers aged 15 and 17. I got 25,000 rubles only during Great Lent, when my husband did not eat meat. Although I buy products in the Metro, it doesn’t come out cheaper.
Yes, and I don’t buy potatoes to wash, I pricked, rot caught.
Answer: Olga, thanks for the comment! Of course, prices and incomes in different cities are different.

Marina: | June 16th, 2016 | 4:55 dp

Daria, thank you for your work! Let there be many obvious points, and everyone thinks that he is “armed” before going to the store, but often becomes unarmed in front of bright signs “promotion!!!” and other tricks of marketers :-) Especially on an empty stomach :-)) In this case, it will be useful to re-read your list from time to time!
Answer: Marina, thanks! :)

Olga: | February 1st, 2016 | 6:29 dp

Everything seems to be grammoto, with examples and technically. But here I have 2 small children - 3 years and 4 months. I have no time to go shopping, to look for when and on what products discounts, and you can’t even go to the surrounding shops like that. BUT to collect the leftovers of cereals, butcher huge fish, etc. - I just don’t have time for this! They have a completely different schedule - while one is sleeping, the other is awake, and vice versa. And despite the fact that the child is 3 years old, she also needs attention and care. And paragraph 51 is wonderful, but for such stocks you need at least an additional refrigerator, and at most, a second refrigerator ...
Answer: Olga, yes, sometimes time is more valuable than money.

Irina: | January 31st, 2016 | 5:35 am

Thank you for the article!
It is clear that not everyone accepts everything for themselves - but everyone can learn something. For me, the discovery is special applications about promotions on products.

Someone wrote that, they say, drying tea is generally “beyond”. I would like to object - it depends on what kind of tea and for what purpose. As a replacement for the usual black - it is hardly necessary, it is easier to buy an inexpensive one. And as a replacement for the purchased "Ivan-tea" - very much so. For the latter is on a par with the elite varieties of the ordinary, and the benefits are much greater. Seriously. Read. Russia used to drink it before. And all sorts of herbs and flowers (I dried thyme, linden, mint).
Even my husband, who treats my “healthy food” troubles with a slight irony, was upset when we ran out of Ivan tea. Now we are sitting on something incomprehensible (((And it’s not even about saving, but that you can’t buy it on any corner ...
Even the husband
Answer: Irina, thanks for the comment!

Natalia: | January 28th, 2016 | 11:07 am

Previously, it took 150 rubles a week for bread, but now I bake rye at home on soda in a slow cooker - it costs 70 rubles a week.
Answer: Natalia, thanks! A great example of savings.

Natalia: | January 22nd, 2016 | 12:21 pm

Very good article with good pictures. Each hostess comes to this with time, through trial and error. And here everything is laid out on the shelves.
I disagree a little with the bakery. The price for it is rather big, and it eats electricity decently. If you have an oven and a toasty-walled container (cauldron, duckling with a lid), then you can bake homebaked bread with the same success. The program “Honest Bread” helped me understand the technology of making bread.
Answer: Natalia, thanks! Yes, of course, you can do with the oven. The bread maker is convenient in that you can pour all the ingredients into it, and after a couple of hours you get ready-made bread.

Gulmira: | January 19th, 2016 | 10:18 am

I agree with almost everything Dasha, everything is described correctly! I do almost the same thing, determine the amount, the list of products ... .. I’ll just add from
I take products for a long time at wholesale, in large quantities, for example, condensed milk (I always need it at hand and serve it with pancakes, and make cream and bake a cake, etc.) the number of 10 cans does not suit me, I take, for example, a box and I forget about buying condensed milk for a year or even more, but with such purchases, you must definitely look at the shelf life

Svetlana: | January 19th, 2016 | 4:37 dp

I noticed that some people often throw away the leftovers of cereals. Children are often a little undernourished or cooked a little more than normal. I add any porridge to the dough for pancakes and it turns out very tasty. And if there is a blender, then the remains of rice and buckwheat can be used. If porridge is too much, then I cook pancakes! We like.
As for the savings, replacing meat .. I don’t know. Meat is different in value. Lamb, although expensive, is also necessary. And we also buy rural pork in the fall. a quarter of the carcass. at a price it comes out cheaper and it is not crammed with anything, BUT one problem is a lot of fat (although for some it is not a problem).
Answer: Svetlana, thanks for the rational advice!

Natalia: | January 18th, 2016 | 8:05 pm

Daria, I really like your site, there are a lot of good and simple recipes I often recommend it to my friends. And the compilation of menus and lists is competent, useful. But with savings, you sometimes overdo it. Although, perhaps you simply have no other choice, and this happens. But replacing products with cheaper ones often leads to lower quality. Health is also not iron, to eat products of unknown origin just because they are cheaper. And not products either. For example, in the same “Metro” half of the goods of their own production are quite worthy, but the second half ... What is the point of buying cheaper tablets for the dishwasher, so that later you can spend a huge amount on its repair? Or tea that tastes like a broom? From poverty, you can dry Ivan-tea in the summer, I agree, but this is completely the edge. And very little, in my opinion, you devote time to reducing cooking time, and this is very important for working women. You can, of course, when you come home, immediately get up to the stove and twist minced meat and sculpt pastries until late at night, but again, your health will not improve from this. I would like to know more about freezing. By the way, in order to freeze vegetables and herbs for the whole winter, and indeed normal quantities of food, you need to buy a giant freezer, and this is also expensive, it will eat up all the benefits of seasonal savings. How do you deal with the issue of space? My child loves green beans and spinach soup, it takes three kilograms of frozen beans a month and at least a kilogram of spinach. I can grow it, but how to save it?
Answer: Natalia, yes, of course, you need to save wisely, and only on those products that you consider it necessary to save on. We have a lot of quick recipes on our site.
It is very good to cook homemade semi-finished products to be sure of their quality. Probably, it is important to find a balance between monetary costs and time. And put the emphasis on what is important at this moment in time. For example, buy good meat, wind minced meat and freeze cutlets and dumplings. Or buy the same semi-finished products in the store. The cost and time will vary. And the quality, of course, too.
And regarding freezing, let me invite you to the training “Freezing: Cooking for the future”, where we learn how to properly freeze food and ready-made meals, as well as rationally use the storage space we have. And I will answer all your questions in detail.

Elena: | January 18th, 2016 | 11:32 am

Dasha, hello. I am very surprised and encouraged by your approach to housekeeping in general. it is reasonable. Truth. Most of us are very careless and uneconomical. there is room for thought. I suggest another way to save money. 4 days a month on potatoes in milk. in any form. This day will cost the family a maximum of 200 rubles. waiting for new stories.

Answer: Thanks, Elena!

Alena: | January 18th, 2016 | 4:41 dp

Thank you for the positive in the morning in the form of funny photos!

Marina: | January 17th, 2016 | 7:07 am

I would advise you to pay by card, because. Many banks provide cashback from 1% to 5%. This means that when paying with a card, a certain% is returned for all purchases. We have an average of 500 rubles per month additionally, without making large purchases, and we still accrue% on the balance of the account.
Anyway, you go to the store with a list, so you won’t take any more.
Another tip is to go to the store as little as possible, ideally once a month in a large shopping center, and then to the store nearby for small purchases (milk, bread, fruit), but also not every day;)

Olga: | January 16th, 2016 | 10:11 pm

Haven't read the article yet.
But comments are everything.
From mailing. I was surprised by the amount of 20 thousand! In principle, not much for 5 people, but also for St. Petersburg !!! And for some reason I thought that Daria lives in Ukraine ...

Ludmila Novitskaya:| January 16th, 2016 | 9:53 pm

Thank you, I have been doing a lot out of habit for a long time (at the beginning, and even in the middle of family life, life was not easy - 90 ((). Now we can afford not to save, but I don’t like to throw money away. My husband and I go to hypermarkets with a list once a month (there are discount cards of two supermarkets) Then I sort out the products (in bags).It was difficult to learn how to cook meat dishes in small portions (I don’t eat meat). I also cook it in advance for my husband and freeze it in containers.
I'm confused, I hope my experience will be useful. And - most importantly - cook only with pleasure and in good health!

Irina: | January 16th, 2016 | 7:11 pm

Dasha, thank you very much for the smart and funny article, your advice is very useful. Personally, I use something in my life, but I didn’t know some things. Thanks again!

Tatiana: | January 16th, 2016 | 6:16 pm

I like to make profitable purchases, for me it is also a hobby or sport. But I like to pay by credit card. Many banks give bonuses for purchases. A decent amount is obtained in a year - one can say out of thin air :) And at the same time, financial control, if you are too lazy to write down

Irina: | January 16th, 2016 | 4:35 pm

Dasha, thank you, very useful article. I enjoy your advice. Thanks for sharing!

Helen: | January 16th, 2016 | 3:59 pm

I tried to cope with the preparation of the menu for the week, but it turned out the opposite. Previously, it took a lot of nerves to quickly figure out what to cook urgently for dinner, etc. But everything was close and then an empty refrigerator - and the variability is great. Started planning the menu. I immediately began to spend more time on cooking (the dishes became more serious) and there were leftovers (I can’t set the norm in any way) and a headache - where to dispose of them - there are a lot of them, the volume of each leftover is small and they are different. And still I really like the idea, but I still don’t understand what I’m doing wrong?
Answer: Helen, something is going wrong in the planning phase. After all, planning is, among other things, preparing as much as you need. Just enough so that everyone is full and does not have to throw away the leftovers. The second is to plan so that the dishes on the menu overlap in terms of ingredients. For example, if you bought pickles for vinaigrette, and half a jar is left, then plan a pickle on the menu the same week to use the remaining cucumbers. And thirdly, you need to learn how to freeze without losing the quality of products and ready meals. Therefore, I invite you to a menu planning training, I will teach you how to organize it all -

Olga: | January 16th, 2016 | 3:32 pm

Thank you for the article. Although in my opinion, some points are highly controversial. I am now sitting at home with a child and I go to the market at different times, I agree that everything is more expensive on weekends, but on weekday evenings there will be only leftovers. The best time is weekday morning. Yes, a shopping list is convenient, I write so as not to forget something. But, often you come to the store and see that a certain product has a very good discount, and tomorrow it may not be. So it is better to buy now in reserve than later more expensive.

Annaa: | January 16th, 2016 | 3:15 pm

Thanks dear Daria!

Irina: | January 16th, 2016 | 6:01 dp

This number will not work with my husband. They are opposed to saving on food.

Hope: | January 15th, 2016 | 7:41 pm

Great article! Photos super! Only where there is rice, it is clear that this is a type of pasta, just the photo does not fully reflect the information.
Thank you, Dasha, for your work!

Marina Yarovaya: | January 15th, 2016 | 7:24 pm

Dasha, I'm sorry, but as far as I understand, your children are small, so it seems incorrect to me to compare your food costs with the expenses of other families, for example, I have a 19-year-old daughter and a 17-year-old son - he almost always wants to eat, and try not give meat :-). And he has a severe allergy to legumes - (And it’s scary to buy for frozen fish - you will defrost and get some biomass in a large amount of water (once I was not too lazy to weigh the separated liquid - 300 g per kilogram, i.e. 1/3. But in many ways Of course, you are right, reasonable savings are never superfluous, thanks for systematizing the methods of saving.

Answer: Marina, I agree that if you have all the adults in your family, then the cost of food will be higher than mine. By the way, in order to save money, I never buy frozen fish in the form of fillets. Only chilled, live or frozen whole. I don't want to pay for water.

Julia: | January 15th, 2016 | 7:23 pm

Disagree with this “Replace expensive meats with cheaper ones. Instead of beef - pork. Instead of turkey - chicken. Pork and chicken are two meats that are most often GMO ((

Anna: | January 15th, 2016 | 5:00 pm

Daria, thanks for the article! Many of the tips are very helpful, a few were quite new to me, I must try. But every third (or even second) advice in practice means that you will have to spend much more time both on the purchases themselves (price analysis, trips to a large store that is far from home) and on cooking (butchering chicken and fish yourself, baking , marinate). Of course, for those who can barely make ends meet, these tips are ideal. But for those who have the problem of time is no less acute, the opposite is true: it is better to buy semi-finished products near the house, and spend the free time on communication with family, self-development or hobbies. I would divide the list into two parts: tips for everyone and tips for those who want to save both money and time.
Nevertheless, the list is wonderful, and the selection of pictures creates a good mood.

Answer: Yes, Anna, if you eat ready-made food or order food at home in restaurants, it will be more expensive, but it will save time. I have found a balance between time and economy. I cook at home, but I don't spend time shopping. I order everything online. Menus and shopping lists are my biggest helpers.

Orleans: | January 15th, 2016 | 4:01 pm

thank you, I consider women who live by such rules REAL MISTRESSES I advise everyone especially to young people I live 51 years with my husband and it is by such rules that you imagine what retired doctors are

Eve: | January 15th, 2016 | 3:47 pm

Great article! I have been using most of the tips in practice for more than a year. For a family of 3, we spend no more than 10-12 tr per month on food.

Anonymous: | January 15th, 2016 | 2:45 pm

Thank you, Daria! Lots of simple and healthy recipes!

Ludmila: | January 15th, 2016 | 1:59 pm

Great tips, we use a lot.
I keep a magnetic board on the refrigerator, where I immediately put the ending or already finished products. Once a week on weekdays, a husband with a list is bought at the market, once a week at the hypermarket, the rest at the mini-market in the neighborhood and in local shops - bread, milk. But I demand only washed carrots from my husband. and stored better, and easier to process.
It’s a little easier for us, since we don’t buy meat - the menu is vegetarian. Own baking. I always bake silicone molds that do not need to be lubricated or sprinkled with anything. Carcass and fry in a ceramic-coated pan with a minimum of oil. For soups, I use water after cooking spaghetti or pasta.

Answer: Thanks for the addition!

Anna: | January 15th, 2016 | 1:48 pm

Daria, I want to thank you for the New Year's Eve marathon and your website, thank you so much!

Alex: | January 15th, 2016 | 1:41 pm

Everything would be fine, but there is a small but palpable BUT. You do not take into account the water that you use to wash the beets from dirt, electricity and / or gas for constant cooking and long. Divya in a European country, you have to take into account these moments. Therefore, the advice is good, but for the most part twofold.

Alina: | January 15th, 2016 | 1:40 pm

You can also wash dishes with soap instead of dishwashing detergent.

Laura: | January 15th, 2016 | 11:23 am

Dashenka, a very good article, I will put it into practice.

Irina: | January 15th, 2016 | 11:07 am

And for our family of three, for everything about everything a month, we have 14,000. And we live in Rostov-on-Don, and also there is no subsidiary farm, no relatives nearby, there is no one to help us. And about how to save, we also have already learned. We buy where it is cheaper and there is no chemistry, all kinds of E there (well, at least on the label, so that it is not written), all fast foods have been excluded for a long time. The maximum that we can afford to dine at IKEA in six months or a year :)

Andrew: | January 15th, 2016 | 10:40 am

Although I am not a housewife, I constantly visit the site. I admire Daria and consider this article probably the most valuable. The peak of utility, scale and care. Thanks a lot!
Answer: Andrew, thank you too! :)

Thank you Dasha for your advice! I read aloud with my husband with interest)). I apply almost all the advice in my household, but I have been married for a long time, and in 45 years I have learned a lot from my own experience. There are, of course, controversial points. You still need to buy a bread maker!)) And they are not cheap. And I try to eat less bread, and if I buy a bread machine, I will gain extra pounds again. I can handle a gas oven, and I don't bake bread very often. Lately I've been baking all my own pastries for tea. Precisely because purchased pastries (cookies, muffins, rolls, etc.) are not only more expensive, but also with unhealthy additives. The cookie just burns with a blue flame (it was set on fire, yes!). What do you think they add?…
I have been going to the store with a list for a long time, it really saves me from unnecessary purchases. So what if I missed something, I forgot to add it to the list. Take a little more money. Or make a list not before leaving the house, but ahead of time, even during the week! At one time, I even hung pieces of paper in different places of the apartment (bathroom, toilet, kitchen, rooms) in order, remembering, to add the necessary items to the shopping list. Then I just started making this list. You can also walk through the rooms with a list in your hands and imagine what you need to buy here)).
I now successfully freeze the leftovers from food, before, when there was no freezer, I just used it in new dishes - pancakes, cutlets, fillings, pies.
Well, there's a lot more to remember. But what can I say about the economy. Not all young housewives are ready to save and dispose of leftovers, simply because they consider it an occupation for the poor. And even if they themselves are not rich, they refuse “signs of poverty” in housekeeping. This is a psychological moment, few people take it into account. With age, you realize that all these “troubles” are complete nonsense! And besides, no one is forcing you to disclose your economical ways of housekeeping. Do what you think is right, and you will be happy!))
Dasha, thanks for your work. I really like your approach to food, to saving, and to creativity! Good luck to you in everything!

Anna: | January 15th, 2016 | 10:03 am

About kinder surprises and 20,300 rubles, you got excited :) 8,000 rubles maximum
Answer: Anna, 8000 is already a lot. I also have 3 kids :)

Anna: | January 15th, 2016 | 9:59 am

wonderful article! Once, thanks to this site, my husband and I were able to raise money for a down payment on a one-room apartment in St. Petersburg in six months, simply by following the rules of reasonable savings. Now we're getting ahead of ourselves in mortgage payments))

Olga: | January 15th, 2016 | 9:19 am

Dasha, thanks for the memo-guide for the thrifty. I am one of them and 85-90% of your advice and I use or they are well-known;) I did not know about the lowest price in the markets. I was very pleased with the service with promotions, I had not heard about it at all! People figured out how to make life easier for us;) There are only points that are suitable for the sake of economy, but affect the quality, in my opinion. For example, replace expensive meats with cheaper ones. Instead of beef - pork (different nutritional value). Instead of turkey - chicken (almost all on antibiotics). Thanks a lot! Share with friends;) P.s. I also don’t have the courage to make a menu for a month .. It seems so global and I don’t know which side to approach, maybe you will please us with some article on this topic?
Answer: Olga, you can start by compiling a menu for the week. And we also have such a useful article Read to the end - there are useful tips :)

Alina: | January 15th, 2016 | 8:54 dp

Dasha, useful advice, as always, but since we are so homely (and not at all greedy)), then I will allow myself to clarify a little about kinders at the beginning of the article - 52 weeks * 3 times \u003d 156 eggs. 156*47=7332 (not 20 thousand)

I do a lot of what is described in the article, but I don’t really focus on the cheapness of dishes when cooking, because. I think - the very fact that I cook at home is already a huge savings compared to the price of something like that in a cafe. The only thing I would like to know is where to find cheaper nuts, because. that in the market, that in hypermarkets, some golden prices have been established for them, and this is such a useful product ..

Hostess School Recipes everyday What to cook for the holiday

Hello dear readers! Recently I heard the phrase: “It is not the poor who save, but the smart!”. I don't know about you, but I completely agree with this statement. After all, the ability to spend money is as much an art as the ability to earn it. And this also needs to be learned. Some of us have been learning this all our lives. And someone lives life without understanding why the money that fell into their hands flows like water through their fingers.

As you probably already understood, today we will talk about how to save money on grocery shopping. And not just save, but save correctly.

So, what does it mean to "save on food"? Do you think it is possible to put the question in this way? Like it or not, buying food is the main item of family expenses. People cannot but eat and want to eat (for the most part) tasty and good.

It is impossible to call life pleasant and comfortable if you are starving. And the way to such a life (and not only to the heart of a man), alas, lies, including through the stomach. But, on the other hand, “live to eat” is also not quite the right position.

And here you need to find some kind of compromise and determine for yourself that saving on food is by no means a life of starvation. But rather, the ability to reasonably manage a household, make purchases of products correctly and use them no less rationally.

How to learn to save on food without compromising health, beauty and good mood?

Let's try to answer these questions. And experts, nutritionists and ordinary people will help us with this.

A small blitz survey was conducted among my acquaintances, relatives and friends. Everyone was asked the same question: “What do you prefer: to live without denying yourself anything, or to save on food? And is the concept acceptable to you: save on food?

And here are the answers I got:

  • "Why not? I prefer to eat simply (there are various cereals, soups, potatoes, vegetables), because I simply cannot imagine my life without traveling. This is how I save for my trips.”
  • “Of course, I don’t sit on porridge alone (although I have nothing against porridge - healthy food). But strict planning and cost control helps me save on products. Therefore, there is enough money to eat rationally and have a good rest.”
  • “And I save not by reducing the variety of products or their quantity, but because I like to cook myself (this is a very good savings) and I never buy semi-finished products”
  • “If there is a good motivation: rest, buying something very desirable, I save without problems. But, of course, I try to do it not at the expense of health. Mostly on those products and desserts that you can do without.”
  • “In principle, I don’t know how to save money and I don’t even know how to do it. Rather, I start saving (just not buying) only when I run out of money. I would like to learn how to do it"
  • “For me, this is unacceptable. I think that you don’t need to save on anything, and especially on food. I like to eat delicious food, then I am happy, cheerful and healthy.
  • “I definitely wouldn’t save money and eat like horrible food in order to go somewhere”

There are such different answers and different points of view.

Well, to save or not to save - everyone decides for himself. And yet, experts and nutritionists say that you can save on food, while absolutely no harm to health. Because an expensive product is not always a good and healthy product.

There are many myths about food. One of them is that healthy food cannot be cheap. Let's try with the help of experts to dispel this misconception.

We are all familiar with the situation when the same product costs completely different things, not only in different stores, but also in the same one.

The price depends on many factors: the manufacturer, quality, brand and packaging. And very often we overpay for the packaging, because this is a hidden advertisement of the product, and a lot of money is spent on it.

The human brain is designed in such a way that we choose a product on a subconscious level: like it or not. And, as a rule, we choose the most beautiful (and expensive) packages. And then we read the composition and lastly look at the price.

The product, which is in a simple cellophane bag or beautiful branded packaging, is of almost the same quality, but its price varies significantly.

When choosing a product, first look at its price, then at its composition, and only then at its packaging. The high cost of the product, unfortunately, in our country (unlike Europe) is not a guarantee of quality.

Before throwing a product into your shopping cart, don't be lazy and look at the shelves in the store: there may be the same product nearby, but in simple and unpretentious packaging, and it usually costs much less. And a product that is sold by weight costs even less. Therefore, try to buy food, not packaging.

Remember, our task is to buy a good and inexpensive product, and the task of marketers is to make us spend several times more.

Discount cards, promotions, bonuses and sales - is it possible to save on this?

discount cards

I know a case when a girl, saving on products with the help of promotions and discount cards, was able to raise money for a trip abroad.

But here, too, there are tricks and secrets. Shares shares strife.

Everyone knows what discount cards are. This card gives a real opportunity to get a discount on goods (3-10%). But it is desirable to know in which stores you can buy with a bigger discount and where it is more profitable to do it.

Each retail chain sets its own percentages (it depends on the amount in the check) and sometimes this discount is valid only for a certain product (for example, for goods produced by this retail chain).

Points or bonuses

The essence of this promotion is to collect a certain number of bonuses and get a prize. The effectiveness of this method for the buyer is low. You need to buy products for a large amount in order to gain right amount points. Often, what you collected bonuses for is missing.

This promotion is mainly beneficial only to the store. And with the help of a card, on which points / bonuses are awarded, you will not save much. Although, if you still buy products in this store, why not?

You can save money using promotions and sales every day. To do this, you need to go to the website of the trading network whose stores are located near you and which you usually visit.

The site always has information about ongoing promotions. Your task: to read, compare prices and decide which store you will go to today. Just keep in mind that on sale you may come across expired products or products that are about to expire.

Wholesale or retail?

How to buy products correctly? There are several ways. But basically there are two. One group of buyers goes shopping every day, the second one buys products for some long period (a week, 2 weeks, a month).

True, there is also a third option (extreme) - not to go to the store at all. But this is either from complete lack of money, or for the sake of experiment. I read somewhere about a young man who settled in the forest, was engaged in gathering and ate only what he found in the forest. Which is better is hard to say.

If you go to the store prepared, that is, with a shopping list, and take with you as much money as you may need to buy products on this list, the result will be about the same.

I haven't done this experiment myself yet. But I try not to visit the store every day. Because with daily purchases there is always a risk of not coping with your desires and emotions and buying something unplanned. In this case, the “iron” rule: if you can’t, but really want to, then you can - it works flawlessly.

With all the obvious advantages of purchasing products for a long period (saving not only money, but also time), there are also disadvantages.

Bread and milk still have to be bought often (we do this every day or every other day). In addition, products purchased for 2 weeks or a month need to be stored somewhere. And store it correctly so as not to throw some of them into the trash can. And with them our saved rubles and kopecks.

How to properly store food is a big topic. And we will talk about this and other wisdom of an economical life next time.

Most likely, they are known to you, but we will repeat them again:

  • The traditional advice is to make a shopping list and take a limited (about as much as you need for these purchases) amount of money.
  • Resist the temptation to buy something that you really want right now (especially difficult to resist if you are hungry). I usually go to the store after work, when I'm just dying of hunger, and I can hardly restrain myself from the desire to buy half the store
  • Go (if possible) to the store without children (it is much more difficult for children to refuse than to cope with their spontaneous desires)
  • Buy products at the bases and wholesale stores
  • Unite for joint purchases with relatives, friends, neighbors
  • Compare prices in nearby stores and choose stores with the lowest price
  • Do not ignore local products (cheaper and no worse than imported ones)
  • Do not forget that chopped, washed, packaged products are always more expensive.
  • Do not buy semi-finished products (it's more expensive)
  • Meat is better to buy fresh and in large quantities. In this case, you will receive a product not only for second courses, but also for first courses (for example, I immediately buy several kilograms of different meat: pork, beef, and 2-3 chickens and collect sets for different dishes: for first courses, for cutlets, goulash, chops, pilaf, separate wings, legs, breasts)
  • Replace expensive meats with cheaper ones (e.g. pork and beef for chicken)
  • Try not to buy yogurt, but kefir, fermented baked milk, snowball (as an option, you can make yogurt yourself - buy a yogurt maker)
  • Pasteurized milk in expensive bags can be replaced with regular milk that must be boiled.
  • A boiled or baked piece of meat is much healthier and cheaper than sausage
  • Beans, beans, peas, mushrooms can be used to cook low-fat broths instead of meat broth, as these products are rich in protein and partially replace the need for meat
  • Out of season, it is cheaper and healthier to buy frozen, canned, dried fruits and vegetables than fresh ones (they are no less nutritious, as they are processed fully ripe and with maximum vitamin saturation)
  • Buy a whole herring and cut it yourself (it is much cheaper than a herring cut into pieces in jars)
  • Salt any fish yourself (I especially like to use these two points. For salting, I buy a fresh whole carcass of a red fish and salt it. Then the whole family eats sandwiches with delicacies for a long time, and an excellent ear is obtained from the head and trimmings. I do the same with herring. We take a few herrings, cut them up, put them in a jar with onions and butter.It turns out - just overeating)
  • We replace expensive fish with cheap ones (hake, blue whiting, pollock, capelin, tilapia are perfect)
  • Instead of porridge in bags, we buy ordinary cereals and cook traditional porridge
  • We replace instant coffee with coffee beans (maybe not much cheaper, but tastier and healthier for sure)
  • Expensive tea and tea packaged in bags can be replaced with cheaper varieties of loose tea and its taste can be improved with healthy herbs.

  • Instead of expensive cheese, we buy domestic cottage cheese
  • Replace the purchase of juices (most of which are made from cheap concentrates) by making your own juices, fruit drinks, compotes from cheap fruits and berries in season
  • The best way to save on vegetables is to purchase them in season and then store them (if there is a place to store them)
  • We prepare for the future (jam, pickles, salads, dried fruits)
  • In season we eat more fruits, vegetables, berries
  • We make a menu for a week (month) and buy only those products that are necessary for the preparation of these dishes
  • Sometimes (if time permits and there is a desire) you can not buy bread at all (my neighbors bought a home bread machine, flour and bake bread themselves. In their opinion, this is more profitable. And the bread turns out tastier)
  • Distribute the planned monthly food spending exactly into 4 parts or in accordance with the menu for the week
  • Write down recipes for "thrifty" dishes that you know or like to cook (the list can be constantly updated). And you will not frantically go through your notes and leaflets every time and think that you can cook this quickly and cheaply.
  • Cooking on your own using our list of "thrifty" dishes
  • Always keep a small supply of non-perishable foods at home (cereals, sugar, salt, breadcrumbs) and supplies in case unexpected guests arrive (sweets, cookies, jam, dried fruits, nuts). This will save not only money, but also time and nerves.
  • Reduce waste (according to statistics, up to 25% of food is thrown away). Do not put large portions on the plate, buy products with a short shelf life in small quantities. Be imaginative - process excess cooked food, slightly wilted fruits, vegetables, herbs, stale bread, sour milk
  • Another tip - eat less! Organize your diet rationally and give up what is more likely to harm than benefit health. Sometimes this helps not only to keep money in your wallet, but also to improve your mood and gives you the opportunity to admire yourself in the mirror, thinner and prettier.

Of course, these are not all ways to learn how to save on food correctly. I hope that at least some of them will be useful for you and help you organize meals so that you have enough money not only for food, and at the same time your health does not suffer.

If you think about it, spending on food over a lifetime is a fortune. But following even these simple tips, it is quite possible to save money and stop wondering every time you leave the supermarket about the number of products in the package and the money spent on them.

So let's spend money wisely. After all, extra money never happens and it can be usefully spent on something very necessary and interesting.

I would like to know how you save money on grocery shopping.