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Usefulness of pu-erh. health and beauty benefits of pu-erh tea

Puer tea is the oldest species Chinese tea, distinguished by its unique taste, as well as well-known healing properties. The leaves for this unique drink are harvested from ordinary tea trees in Yunnan province, where some trees are several thousand years old!
In ancient times, pu-erh was used exclusively for medicinal purposes, for example, to increase immunity and the general tone of the body. The people of ancient China drank this tea for healing and believed that it was a drink of beauty, youth and longevity. And already our contemporaries, without denying the speculations of their ancestors, say that pu-erh also improves metabolism, helps to lose weight and improve digestion.

This variety of tea, as already mentioned, is extracted from ordinary tea trees, only the largest leaves are chosen. Then they are dried and treated with steam to get rid of excess moisture. Then the leaves are crushed and continue to dry in the shade. And after all the special manipulations, you can start making the drink itself!

Pu-erh tea is a post-fermented tea. The manufacturing technology of the final product is similar to the creation of green tea, but pu-erh reaches the average consumer in a special form. On store shelves you can see pressed cubes, cakes, squares and other types of pressing.

Types of pu-erh

To learn more about this wonderful drink, you need to start your acquaintance with studying its classification by the raw material itself.

  • Green Pu-erh (Shen). It is obtained with classic way collection of tea leaves and their processing. The primary product is rather large and brown-green leaves. And the drink created from them will not have a pronounced smell of smoke and dried fruits.
  • Black tea (Shu). Created quickly from small dark leaves. The smell of the drink will turn out to be much more saturated, with pronounced earthy notes, the taste is harsh, which is called "an amateur". Initially, all pu-erh can be divided into two main types, but now a third variety of this tea is also distinguished separately.
  • white pu-erh. The harvesting technology is similar to Shen tea harvesting technology. The difference is in the presence of white bloom on the leaves and some taste aspects. White pu-erh has a more herbal smell with a slight hint of honey.

You can also divide pu-erh according to the types of its pressing.

  • Bowl;
  • Cake;
  • Pumpkin;
  • Square;
  • Mushroom;

It should be noted that the taste of pu-erh directly depends on what form it was pressed into.

Useful properties and contraindications

It has already been said that, from ancient times to the present day, unique healing properties pu-erh are a well-known fact. But it would be wrong not to learn more about them.

Acceleration of metabolism. This property you need to know all those who unsuccessfully try to fight excess weight, while killing their body with the strictest diets. The introduction of pu-erh tea into your diet will not only affect the body on its own, but will also help by reducing appetite. And yes, this tea is delicious!

Elimination of toxins and reducing the toxicity of harmful substances. This property will help normalize the work of the liver, which often suffers in the conditions of life of a modern person, as well as the work of the cardiovascular system and other organs. Of course, tobacco and alcoholic products in principle, harmful to the body, but pu-erh is able to minimize the risks from it.

Normalization of the digestive organs. With a love for fatty, heavy foods, drinking pu-erh tea minimizes the feeling of heaviness in the stomach and quickly removes harmful substances from the body. This has a positive effect on both the work of internal organs and the work of the sebaceous glands: the skin is transformed, it becomes clean, fresh and rested. Plus, pu-erh is recommended for people with diseases of the digestive tract.

Removal of inflammation. Thanks to pu-erh, inflammatory processes in the body slow down and the work of the adrenal glands is regulated.

Improving concentration development of memory and attention. Pu-erh is a well-known tonic drink, it relieves fatigue no worse than coffee. And with regular use, this tea helps to better absorb information, even in large volumes.

And in addition to everything, this tea contains various vitamins, such as A, B, C, E and P.

Despite all the already listed obvious advantages of drinking pu-erh, this tea still has some negative features. Of course, Pu-erh is unlikely to cause significant harm to the bulk of people, but pay attention to contraindications still worth it.

  • Of course, this tea is not recommended for those who have any problems with blood pressure. Pu-erh tones, as it increases blood and arterial pressure. You can occasionally treat yourself to a cup of this type of tea, but you still shouldn’t get carried away. In addition, it is not recommended to drink pu-erh if you are going to bed soon.
  • Certain negative effects may have tea bought in unverified stores. Since the “wrong” pu-erh may contain any impurities and additives, as well as waste from the production itself.
  • Do not drink this tea on an empty stomach.
  • Pay attention to proper storage of pu-erh. Avoid direct sunlight, dust, moisture, and keep the package sealed. If a white coating appears on tea leaves, with the exception of the white variety, this means that the product is unsuitable for further consumption.

And finally, you need to know how to brew this tea correctly. Then you can not only enjoy the amazing taste, but also feel all the healing properties of pu-erh.

How to brew pu-erh?

Puerh tea has distinguishing feature- intoxicating effect. Feeling relaxed and toned at the same time. This is not an alcoholic or narcotic effect of tea, but it is quite difficult to find a suitable allegory. The effect of pu-erh can be achieved by brewing strong tea.

Pu-erh can be brewed both in water and in milk.

  • It is recommended to use earthenware or purchase a special thermos specifically for tea ceremonies.
  • Fill the selected container with liquid and bring it to a boil three times. Sometimes it is advised to drain a third of the liquid after each boil to cool it, and then return it back. Although these manipulations are not mandatory, they will help to achieve the full sophistication of the taste of the final drink.
  • After the third boiling, it is necessary to create a funnel in the liquid using a special spatula or tongs, and then pour tea into this funnel.
  • It is necessary to bring the liquid to a high temperature (about 98 degrees), but do not wait for the boil! Next, the dishes from the fire must be removed.
  • The drink will be completely ready to drink when the tea leaves sink to the bottom of the dish.

Happy tea!

How to brew pressed pu-erh?

The ability to properly brew pu-erh will help you preserve all the beneficial properties of tea leaves.

  • First you need to scald the selected dishes with boiling water.
  • Next, you need to gently crush the tea tablet. Be careful not to damage the leaves!
  • Now you can pour the contents into a special teapot and pour hot water no more than half a minute. This procedure is needed to wash the tea leaves from dust.
  • After you have drained the dirty water, you need to fill the mixture with a new portion of water. (Infusion time and water temperature will vary depending on the type of pu-erh you are making.)
  • Now you can pour the tea, cool a little and finally drink. A nice bonus, the remaining tea leaves can be used up to ten times!

How to brew pu-erh at home?

The technology for making pu-erh at home is not much different from classic cooking.

  • Heat the water in the container to a temperature of about 90 degrees Celsius.
  • Pour pre-washed tea leaves into a teapot previously scalded with hot water.
  • The ratio of pu-erh is usually one teaspoon per person.
  • Pour about half of the hot water into the kettle. Pour after half a minute. Then fill the kettle with the amount of hot water you already need.
  • After a minute of waiting, you can already pour fragrant tea by the cups!

Puer - benefit and harm

Pu-erh tea leaves contain not only vitamin complexes, but also special microelements. They have not only tonic and other properties already described in the article, but also have strong antibacterial, antioxidant and even anti-cancer properties!

An amazing variety of tea also has a variety of amino acid complexes that regulate the work of not only individual organs, but in general allow the human body to work correctly.

As already mentioned, pu-erh tea is not capable of causing significant harm if you follow the tips for storing and preparing it. However, there are some negative side effects to consider:

Contraindications in the use of pu-erh with:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system (especially with urolithiasis);
  • people with insomnia;
  • people with hypertension;
  • people with glaucoma, as pu-erh can also increase intraocular pressure;
  • Pu-erh should not be consumed by children under 6-8 years of age.

Pu-erh is a tea that has long been famous all over the world. This drink has been valued for many generations, and its benefits have long been proven. If you follow all the recommendations and carefully consider the choice of the raw materials itself, then it will be simply impossible not to become a follower of this wonderful tea culture! Learn new varieties and ways of making pu-erh, improve your health and, of course, enjoy this unique taste!

About the legendary pu-erh tea everyone heard. Its unique properties have long been legendary. In China, it has long been used by healers, saying that it is a cure for a hundred ailments. Some varieties of pu-erh are so rare and valuable that they are forbidden to be exported outside the country. Why is it so popular, does it benefit or harm with regular use?

Pu-erh tea occupies a special niche among Chinese tea varieties. It is a dark variety, but does not apply to black teas, since its production is based on the influence of external factors, and not on the enzymes of the tea itself. tea leaf. It takes at least 12 months for the tea to reach its minimum maturity. Although the initial stages of pu-erh production resemble the process of preparing green tea leaves. Only the fermentation of pu-erh takes not several hours, but several months.

Pu-erh tea is the only tea that becomes stronger, tastier and more expensive over time. Currently, tea produced more than 100 years ago has a huge value, it can only be purchased at tea auctions. If someone, somewhere, offers you to buy 20-50 year old pu-erh at a bargain price, immediately refuse, this is a scam. Outside of China, this age is not sold.

Types of pu-erh

Those who are just starting to learn different varieties tea, may be faced with the choice of which pu-erh to try first: green or black. Indeed, what is the difference between these two types of Chinese drink? Everything is very simple.

Pu-erh refers to raw tea. Raw tea undergoes minimal processing. The leaves are dried, pressed, folded into special ceramic vessels, in which they accumulate their strength, like wine. With each year of aging, shen pu-erh changes its taste and color. Time improves pu-erh, reduces harm, reduces the amount of caffeine.

This type of tea has a green tint. If it is brewed, the infusion will be translucent, light, with a pleasant sweet aftertaste and slight sourness. The taste is fully revealed in the process of drinking tea. You can feel the notes of prunes, the aroma of raisins, sweet dates. Only when brewing you need to be careful not to overexpose the drink. Otherwise, an unpleasant bitterness will appear.

Shu pu-erh is a new development of Chinese tea makers. This is an artificially aged type of pu-erh. It is prepared according to the method of accelerated fermentation, which does not spoil the taste of tea at all. In one month, it is possible to achieve an effect that has been achieved for decades. The process of deep fermentation changes the structure of the leaf, averages the taste, breaks the integrity, you can see both petioles and autumn leaves in it.

Has a black infusion. It has an unusual woody aroma, a deep taste in which you can feel chocolate and nutty notes. Theine is less in it than in other teas, it helps to lose weight, has a beneficial effect on digestion, and relieves strong arousal. It is wrong to think that shu pu-erh tastes like earth or fish. This only says that the tea was stored in improper conditions. Pu-erh is stored away from extraneous odors, temperature changes, and high humidity.

The quality of tea is practically not affected by packaging. Just small nest bowls or tablets are pressed from smaller tea crumbs. Loose pu-erh is best suited for creating blends, including flavored ones. It goes well with rice grass, cherry, lavender.

Pu-erh: what does it contain

Since ancient times, pu-erh has been considered a wonderful tool for maintaining beauty, youth and health. It tones and invigorates, despite the minimal amount of caffeine. The drink has a natural taste and aroma; no synthetic flavor enhancers are added during its production.


  • saccharides;
  • amino acids;
  • alkaloids (theophylline and theine);
  • vitamins E, C, A, P;
  • manganese, zinc, fluorine, chromium, potassium;
  • phenolic compounds (anthocyanins, catechins, phenolic acids).

The total value of the drink is 152 calories. Pu-erh is produced in loose and pressed form. A variety of shapes can surprise tea gourmets: these are cakes, bricks, squares, nests, pancakes.

Useful component of pu-erh

It is believed that this drink has a unique property: to cause tea intoxication with sobriety. This is a state when the level of stress decreases, attention increases, the mind clears up, cheerfulness remains for a long time. Tea owes this effect to three of its components:

  • L-theanine;
  • theinu;
  • theophylline.

What are these substances? Theine is the same caffeine, only its harmful effects are softened by tannins. May stimulate brain function when combined with L-theanine. Neurotransmitters in tea improve mood, bring peace, relieve irritation. Theophylline has a mild effect on the central nervous system, respiratory tract. The concentration of oxygen increases, a feeling of lightness appears.

Since the whole process is gradual and smooth, a sharp increase in heart rate and pressure surge can be avoided. Tea alkaloids provide invaluable benefits in case of poisoning. Tannins and catechins normalize metabolism. Antioxidants strengthen blood vessels, reducing the risk of strokes, thrombosis, and heart attacks. Pectin blocks dangerous proteins well, polysaccharides reduce sugar levels.

Pu-erh properties

Chinese ethnoscience Pu-erh has long been used as an effective cure for many diseases. Scientists from France, after research, confirmed the fact that tea has beneficial properties, pu-erh is useful for lowering cholesterol levels, cleansing the body, and preventing diseases. Beneficial features pu-erh:

  1. Activates the liver.
  2. Normalizes the acidity of the stomach.
  3. Stimulates the digestion process
  4. Energizes and invigorates.
  5. Accelerates metabolism and metabolism.
  6. Normalizes blood sugar levels.
  7. Promotes weight loss.
  8. Cleanses the body of deposits of heavy metals.
  9. Blocks the growth of diseases.
  10. Helps manage low blood pressure.

This is the only type of tea allowed for consumption by people with stomach diseases without any consequences.

Who should not drink pu-erh

You can talk about the benefits of pu-erh for hours, but do not forget that they are also available. Harmful consequences can occur with improper use of tea, improper preparation. For example, severe heartburn and pain can occur when drinking a drink on an empty stomach.

Pu-erh requires caution in taking, because:

  • has a strong diuretic property;
  • may cause insomnia if taken before bed;
  • a strong drink can cause clouding of consciousness (tea intoxication);
  • overexposed tea can lead to vomiting, intestinal upset;
  • with glaucoma, urolithiasis, it is better not to drink pu-erh;
  • children under 12 years old, pregnant ladies need to exclude the drink from their diet.

If there are no contraindications, it is still not worth abusing tea, otherwise the state of health will worsen, the heartbeat will become more frequent. At high temperatures, drinking such tea is also not worth it.

Rules for making pu-erh

Compliance with the rules for preparing this amazing drink is necessary so that the properties of tea are preserved in it as much as possible. Only properly prepared pu-erh will reveal to you all the subtleties of its taste. You need to properly sustain the time in order to feel for yourself how useful it is.

  • To prepare a drink, they take a porcelain or clay small teapot, which is heated before use.
  • You need to be free of impurities drinking water, it must be boiled, and then wait until it cools down to 95 ° C. This is the optimal temperature for making pu-erh.
  • Pu-erh (1-2 teaspoons/150 ml of water) is placed in a teapot, poured with hot water. The first water must be drained, it is needed to clean the tea from tea dust, to help it open up.
  • Refill the tea with water. It is necessary to wait from 3 to 10 seconds. Since pu-erh can be brewed multiple times, the infusion time increases by 10 seconds with each brew.

The process of brewing loose tea and pressed tea is no different. If it is necessary to cut tea from a pressed cake, a special knife is inserted from the side, the leaves are carefully peeled off without damaging. Compressed tablets are best broken by hand rather than cut.

Drink pu-erh in small sips from small bowls. Sugar and honey are not served with this type of tea. During tea drinking, you need to relax, not being distracted by unpleasant thoughts, then tea will bring maximum benefit.

Aged tea that gives youth, energy and strength is Chinese Pu-erh. It is considered the true wealth of this country and is carefully stored in state granaries. There are legends about the unique properties of this drink, but not everyone can understand its taste and properties.

Description, production

In China, there is a tradition at the birth of a child to press into a cake of the highest quality and lay it in storage until the child grows up and enters an independent life. In 20-25 years, this cake, called Puer tea, will cost a lot of money, which will be enough for many undertakings of a young man.

This tradition is still observed among those people who are employed in tea production. Pu-erh is really an expensive product, and the longer it is aged, the higher the price. What is Puer tea and how is it produced?

Pu-erh is tea that has undergone a long 100% fermentation for at least 3 months. In general, this type of tea does not have an expiration date. The longer it is stored, the richer its composition, aroma and taste become.

Its production process includes the following steps:

  • collection;
  • sorting;
  • drying;
  • warming up;
  • steaming;
  • fermentation;
  • drying;
  • pressing;
  • re-fermentation.

For pu-erh, juicy large leaves are collected on a young shoot. Usually these are 2-4 leaves, and the larger and fleshier they are, the better. The main region where this tea is produced is Yunnan province in China. A special variety grows here, in the leaves of which there are fewer amino acids and more catechins. This property allows the fermentation process to almost never stop during the entire storage period. Under the influence of bacteria, temperature and other organic substances, catechins are converted into aromatic compounds, which give pu-erh such a multifaceted taste and aroma.

Long-term fermentation tea cakes

After collection, the leaves are sorted, torn and damaged are removed, laid out on flat surface for several hours so that the sheet loses some of the moisture and becomes softer. Then it is heated in the sun and kept over steam. After such preparation, the raw materials are placed for fermentation in a warm, dark room. Fermentation lasts about a month.

The next step is drying followed by pressing and storage for final fermentation. Such naturally produced pu-erh is called shen pu-erh, or raw. The term of its fermentation, as well as the period of storage, is unlimited.

There is another variety - shu pu-erh, or mature. Here, the oxidation process occurs with the direct participation of a person in a short period of time. In terms of properties, this type is similar to sheng pu-erh aged for years, but with a less multifaceted taste and aroma.

History indicates that this type of tea was known in China as early as the 3rd century BC. It can be said that tea pressing was an accidental way to preserve the quality of the product. So that during long-term transportation, tea leaves do not absorb moisture and do not rot, they were steamed and pressed in bags. In this form, tea was delivered safe and sound to the palace of the emperor and his nobles.

Today, pu-erh looks like a cake, a mushroom, a ball, a brick. The shape can be almost any, as well as weight. There are also crumbly types, which in terms of properties are no different from pressed ones and even in bags.


Yunnan is one of the largest provinces in China. There are many tea plantations and industries, each of which is famous for a certain tea. In general, about 120 varieties of pu-erh are known. They differ in the season of harvesting raw materials, leaf size, fermentation period and so on. There can be a lot of nuances in production technology. It is difficult to say which of the Pu-erh varieties is better. Each of them has subtle differences that are not always clear and perceptible to the layman.

In China, there are several factories that produce the best pu-erh - these are Menghai, Jinglong and Xia Guan. Of the varieties of tea produced here, the highest quality are Xia Guan Ji, Chatou and Menghai V93.

When brewing, the tangerine peel also falls into the teapot.

Recently appeared on the market New Product- pu-erh in mandarin. This is loose tea (shu pu-erh), which is placed in a mandarin peeled from pulp and sent to a special oven for drying. During drying, the tea leaves are saturated with the aroma of mandarin and acquire new notes in taste. The tangerine packaging itself also looks original.

The description of the product also indicates the method of brewing. Together with tea leaves, a piece of tangerine is also placed in the teapot to get a really rich drink.


The composition of pu-erh includes a huge amount of organic and mineral compounds. The most valuable of them are vitamins E, A, group B, bioflavonoids, tannins, alkaloids, essential oils, amino acids, enzymes, catechins, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, fluorine, iron, iodine, etc.

Useful properties of pu-erh tea:

  • lowers blood glucose levels;
  • thins the blood, lowers cholesterol;
  • lowers blood pressure, cleanses blood vessels;
  • improves digestion, promotes normal intestinal motility;
  • participates in lipid metabolism, promotes weight loss;
  • tones, increases mental performance;
  • removes waste and toxins.

Properly prepared drink will help to cope with a headache, bad mood, weakness. It helps to concentrate attention, gives clarity of mind, calms. The effect of pu-erh tea is a charge of vivacity and strength for the whole day, it is not for nothing that it is recommended to drink it before lunch in the first half of the day.

The properties of pu-erh tea allow it to be used as a means of combating fatigue, which does not burden the nervous system. The drink has little caffeine, so it acts gently. It can be used to prevent cancer. This is the only tea drink that can be consumed in the presence of stomach ulcers.

Pu-erh is not drunk often and in large quantities. You can not cook too strong infusion. All this is fraught with an overdose, as a result of which trembling appears, headache, nausea. The effect of such a drink can be described as intoxicating.

According to tonic properties of pu-erh stronger than coffee

Can pregnant women drink fermented black tea? Its use is undesirable due to its strong tonic and stimulating effect. During pregnancy, this is a threat to increase the tone of the uterus. It is contraindicated on an empty stomach and at bedtime. The product can be harmful at high temperatures, with eye diseases, in the presence of kidney stones and gallbladder. Hypertension with frequent pressure surges is also a reason to refuse the drink.

Contraindications also apply to people with frequent stool disorders and those who suffer from enterovirus infections. In this situation, the drink can provoke severe dehydration. Otherwise, the properties of Chinese Pu-erh tea will only benefit health.

How to brew

Most often, pu-erh can be bought in tablets of 15 grams or more. For one serving of the drink, a very small piece of the tablet is enough. Tea lovers purchase kits for its preparation, in which there is always a special knife for breaking off a portion of tea leaves from a pressed mold.

To properly brew pu-erh, it is better to use the strait method. It involves the following steps:

  • warming up the gaiwan and laying the tea leaves;
  • washing the tea leaves with boiling water for 2-5 seconds;
  • re-filling with boiling water, insisting 5-7 seconds.

After that, the drink is poured into cups or bowls and drunk. You can repeat the brewing up to 10 times, increasing the infusion time to 1-2 minutes. You can watch the video on how to cook pu-erh.

An invigorating fermented pressed tea is a product whose taste, aroma and benefits are difficult to understand and evaluate from the first time. In China, it is considered a drink from 100 diseases, which is why it is so highly valued.

The variety of tea in themed stores amazes its fans. Each one is unique and delicious in its own way. Pu-erh is distinguished not only by its special flavor notes - it contains a lot of irreplaceable effects. What are the benefits and harms of pu-erh tea waiting for you in the prepared drink? Let's become not only tea gourmets, but also specialists together premium similar hot drink.

The whole range of benefits

Tea gourmets know for sure that pu-erh is fraught with a huge plantation of benefits. And for those who are not yet aware of this, the whole range of benefits of this pressed tea variety will be described in detail. And it is so wide that not even every tea specialist from this field can know all this.

Medicinal benefits of pu-erh tea

They say that pu-erh tea can harm our priceless health. In fact, it really can only be so if this drink is significantly abused. With normalized consumption, this pressed dry plant simply contains the most important and necessary benefits that the body will perceive as a small bonus. And it consists in such moments:

  • Decrease in blood sugar levels
  • General cleansing of the body
  • Prevention of vascular and heart failure (prevention of strokes and heart attacks)
  • Improving digestion and general gastrointestinal function
  • Using this hot tea as one of the weight loss methods in the complex.

The general benefits are good, but would you like to learn more about them? How does pu-erh tea, for example, benefit excess body weight? Or thanks to what beneficial substances This drink is able to cleanse the body and even help to lose weight? Find out more about the health benefits of this tea.

Pectin, which is present in the brewed pressed plant, has a significant positive effect on high blood sugar levels in the results of the analysis. And this is the whole fault of the Gal3 protein, which also has benefits in the form of an obstacle to the onset of oncological diseases and contributes to their prevention. It is not for nothing that in their homeland such a drink is called "tea from a hundred diseases."

The benefit of this type of tea also lies in the general cleansing of the body from all sorts of nasty things in the form of toxins and toxins. The aforementioned pectin also carefully and efficiently helps the internal organs to cleanse themselves of harmful substances that interfere with their normal operation. And this in the future brings a lot of other benefits - thanks to the well-established work of the internal organs, your appearance takes on a healthy tone and it is reflected in everything. The result - you will look a little younger if you drink this tea in moderation and correctly.

There are about 5 kcal in a cup of pu-erh. Can you imagine? One cup of this tea will not affect the figure at all if you enjoy it even before going to bed. But this tea is not only low in calories - its beneficial components can improve skin color and even make it healthier. Therefore, you can safely drink it when losing weight and for the beauty of the skin.

Advice! Don't overdo the aforementioned hot drink before bed, as one of its powerful effects is that it can invigorate you better than morning coffee.

Harm pu-erh

No matter how useful this or that product is, it will certainly contain some kind of harm, because all our organisms are different and it is impossible to always generalize the picture. The harm of pu-erh tea is mostly minor and is often associated only with certain points. But still, all gourmets and lovers of such an ancient and special drink need to know about all the nuances so as not to harm their body.

Puer tea is good and bad at the same time. This drink can adversely affect the health and functioning of the body if it is not drunk correctly, namely in the morning on an empty stomach. Such a drink can be safely considered an aperitif, which means that it stimulates the stomach and thereby causes appetite. But not only with such effects, harm is terrible - if you constantly abuse Puer tea in the morning, you can provoke the appearance of an ulcer, stomach burns and even pain.

Harm from this world tea against a hundred diseases can also be if you use it excessively in the evenings. Remember that such a drink effectively invigorates, so do not prepare it for breakfast and dinner. Best time for such a tea party - this is the day. And then, no more than 2-3 cups per day. It is also impossible to arrange a Puer tea party for a long time - here the doctor should tell you about the scheme of drinking it so that you receive only benefit, and not harm.

Irreparable harm can also be caused by this drink if it is consumed at high body temperature, pregnancy, the age of children under 3 years old, hypertension and the use of diuretics. With an incorrect method of preparation, pu-erh tea also causes great harm - in such cases it can even have a narcotic effect, or as it is also called tea intoxication. Therefore, do not hesitate to ask the seller about all the nuances of interest, so that the harm from pu-erh tea is not inflicted on the body.


If you want to be present in tea pu-erh benefit, but not harm, then know how to properly brew it. The fact is that there are several types of such a pressed plant. It is a raw and cooked variety. The first is called Shen Puer, and the second is Shu Puer. Shen Pu-erh has a green shade of leaves, and Shu Pu-erh is dark. But the range of this drink is limited not only to two types, because it is also offered in the form of a flat pressed plate, brick, square and even loose. The brewing process for each type may vary slightly, so be sure to learn how to properly prepare it before buying your chosen tea leaves.

Proper preparation and use of the above tea variety is only half the success in obtaining benefits. To minimize harm, you should be aware of the nuances of proper storage of tea leaves. It should be in a tightly closed container out of sunlight and in the absence of high humidity. The best place for proper storage - this is a refrigerator or kitchen cabinet.

If you drink pu-erh tea in normal amounts, then the benefits of it will be obvious. First of all, you should remember this. Next, remember about other medical indications that may be taboo moments for drinking this drink. If in doubt about whether you will benefit or harm from pressed tea leaves, talk to your doctor. In general, everyone should try this tea, because its flavor notes are unique, inimitable and significantly different from the usual themed store products.

Pu-erh tea is known all over the world as the most expensive and high-quality drink. Its useful properties and contraindications are closely intertwined with each other, which is why raw materials must be studied in a comprehensive manner from all sides. True adherents of Pu-erh claim that it is similar good wine, which over the years acquires exquisite taste notes. But let's not get ahead of ourselves, let's open the cards in order.

Puer tea - what is it?

Pu-erh tea is grown in China, it is also cultivated in Vietnam and Thailand. What is it - exquisite large-leaf raw materials, the benefits and harms of which have been studied very extensively. This variety is unique due to the manufacturing features:

1. The collected leaves are left to dry for a while, after which they are twisted and fermented. Fermentation takes 2-3.5 months, which allows you to keep everything in the drink. taste qualities and value.

2. When fermentation comes to an end, drying and pressing begins. Once folded leaves take on a variety of forms - cakes, tablets, etc.

3. After pressing, the tea is rested to saturate and release unique enzymes. The final drink is both tender and unlike other varieties.

4. Pu-erh tea becomes richer from long-term preservation, but when taking it, it is necessary to take into account the beneficial properties and contraindications. The aging period is 1-20 years.

5. For example, collection varieties aged 15-20 years have an overly saturated composition. Not every organism will be able to accept such a proportion of enzymes. As for store-bought tea (1-3 years old), it suits almost everyone.

Puer tea - types

The drink is divided into 3 varieties, each of which is unique:

  • Shen Puer (green)- it perfectly combines sourness at the beginning of drinking and sweetness - in the aftertaste, the drink smells like a mixture of dried fruits;
  • Shu Puer (black)- it smells of chocolate, is famous for its sweet aftertaste;
  • White Puer- according to its features, it resembles green, has the aroma of meadow grass in combination with honey.

Chinese tea is the best available. Each type of Pu-erh is endowed with unique properties, on which the price directly depends.

Pu-erh tea - varieties

It does not matter which variety you choose, it will be divided into the following varieties:

  • royal- made on the basis of the upper leaves of the bush, fermented for a long time, affects the body in different ways depending on the degree of brewing;
  • palace- better than royal tea, it is included in the category of elite teas, in the aftertaste and smell there is a nut, grape, wood;
  • lactic- whitish, very gentle caramel drink, not so sharp in comparison with the above varieties.

Puer tea can have a different form, but this does not change the beneficial properties and contraindications. The leaves are pressed with bricks, a bowl, mushrooms, briquettes, pumpkin, pancakes.

Pu-erh tea properties

The drink is multifaceted, its effect on the human body depends on the strength of the brew:

  • dips into euphoria or, on the contrary, invigorates;
  • enhances cognitive functions such as memory, concentration, reaction, etc.;
  • accelerates metabolic processes, due to which it is taken for the purpose of losing weight;
  • expels excess fluid from the tissues, eliminating swelling;
  • relieves hangover, cleanses the liver from ethanol;
  • helps to alleviate the course of diabetes due to the ability to lower the concentration of sugar in the blood;
  • breaks down and removes cholesterol plaques from the cavity of the blood channels;
  • acts as a natural antioxidant, protects cells from mutation, prevents cancer;
  • strengthens gums and teeth, disinfects the oral cavity;
  • has a beneficial effect on potency, therefore it is consumed by men;
  • treats respiratory diseases, removes mucus from the cavity of the respiratory tract;
  • cleans intestinal tract from congestion, with a systematic intake, it permanently eliminates constipation;
  • helps to quit smoking, causes an aversion to nicotine.

This is not the whole list of qualities inherent in Pu-erh tea. Skillfully comparing the beneficial properties and contraindications, you will be able to achieve only beneficial effects.

The benefits of Puerh tea

Pu-erh, the benefits and harms of which we are considering today, must be consumed in doses. Let's talk about how it affects the vital systems of the human body.

For the gastrointestinal tract

For weight loss

Puer is drunk for weight loss, as it cleanses the body of slagging and toxic substances. In parallel with this, excess liquid comes out, accelerates metabolic processes. Weight goes off smoothly, without stress.

For the circulatory system

Pu-erh raises performance blood pressure, which is why they drink it with hypotension. Tea cleanses the blood channels of cholesterol and toxic substances, lowers glucose levels and alleviates the condition of diabetics.

For the brain and central nervous system

Chinese drink increases brain activity by stimulating neurons, thereby improving all cognitive functions. On the other hand, highly concentrated tea relaxes and allows you to fall into a slight euphoria. A person gets rid of stress, the psycho-emotional environment in general is normalized.

Pu-erh tea for diseases


If we talk about quality products, Puer tea drives out excess glucose from the blood. In this matter, the beneficial properties and contraindications are well studied. Tea is recommended to be included in the menu of diabetics, it is permissible to drink no more than 0.2 liters per day. Consume it in its pure form without additives.


Pu-erh is the only type of tea that can be taken even with an acute form of an ulcer or gastritis. The unique composition does not provoke irritation of the mucous membranes. You need to consume a drink half an hour after a meal.


Tea eliminates inflammation of the gallbladder. The main thing is to drink it in moderation. Take the drink in small sips of 100 ml. each time before meals.


If the disease proceeds in an acute form, it is advisable to refuse tea in favor of filtered water. During the period of remission, Puerh should be added to the diet. Brew a weakly concentrated composition, consume 0.4 liters per day, no more.

Rules for brewing Puerh tea

Consider the rules for brewing Pu-erh tea. Beneficial properties and contraindications directly depend on this.

1. For brewing, use teapots made of glass or ceramics. Be sure to warm up the walls in advance.

2. Always drain the first tea leaves. As a result of such actions, tea leaves are cleaned of debris and prepared for subsequent brewing.

3. It is not customary to brew Pu-erh for a long time. To make a weakly concentrated drink, wait about 30-40 seconds. For a stronger composition, it will take 3-4 minutes.

Pu-erh tea brewing technology

Since it is necessary to brew Pu-erh tea using a special technology, we will study it in more detail. Welding can be tableted, pressed, crumbly. Depending on the type, the brewing process is slightly different.

No. 1. Pu-erh tableted

Tea in tablets is forbidden to brew immediately. Thoroughly knead the workpiece and place in a teapot. Pour in hot water. Drain the first brew after a couple of minutes. Pour in boiling water again and wait about 4 minutes.

No. 2. Pu-erh pressed

Puer tea is found in the form of cakes, briquettes, etc. Useful properties and contraindications do not depend on this. To brew, break off a piece and put in a teapot. Fill with warm water. Drain the first brew after 2 minutes. Pour hot water again and wait 3-4 minutes.

Number 3. Pu-erh loose

Pu-erh is also sold in its usual form. For brewing, you need 2 tsp. Place the scattering in a teapot and fill with warm water. Drain the primary brew after a couple of minutes, pour in boiling water. After 3 minutes, the drink will be ready for tasting.

At what temperature should Puerh tea be brewed?

Pu-erh is forbidden to steam with boiling water. Ideal water indicators vary between 90-95 degrees. Thanks to the observance of such rules, tea reveals aromatic and taste qualities to the maximum. Wherein medicinal properties remain unchanged.

How many times can Puerh tea be brewed?

The usual tea for us is not brewed more than 2 times. With regards to Puer, with each subsequent steaming, it becomes more saturated. High-quality tea of ​​Chinese varieties can be brewed up to 20 times, increasing the duration of infusion with each time. However, connoisseurs do not advise subjecting raw materials to more than 5 brewing cycles.

How and when to drink Pu-erh tea

Pu-erh tea has both beneficial properties and contraindications. Therefore, adhere to important rules so as not to face the negative side.

1. It is forbidden to consume the drink on an empty stomach. Otherwise, tea will provoke pain in the stomach and heartburn.

2. There is no need to add sugar to the Chinese drink. Because of this, taste and benefits are lost.

4. If you decide to drive, tea is allowed to be consumed only on a full stomach and in an amount not exceeding 0.2 liters. Otherwise, you will face a state resembling alcohol intoxication.


Do not abuse the tonic drink, the optimal daily allowance is 0.4 liters.

Puer tea - contraindications

Pu-erh tea has extensive beneficial properties and minimal contraindications. The latter is also worth knowing.

1. If you suffer from chronic high blood pressure, tea is prohibited.

3. If there are serious cardiovascular pathologies, tea can aggravate the situation.

4. The drink is famous for its diuretic effect, its consumption in kidney diseases should be agreed with the doctor.

5. For a while, refrain from taking a drink when carrying a baby and lactation.

Chinese tea is very popular. If you follow all the recommendations, you can only benefit from the drink. Consider contraindications and follow the daily allowance so as not to encounter problems of a certain nature.