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Chinese pu-erh tea useful properties. The benefits and harms of pu-erh for men

Fans of tea drinks put this variety on a par with such elite drinks as whiskey, brandy. Puer tea has a set of useful substances, vitamins, each brewing turns into a tasting, and the taste largely depends on aging, as is the case with alcohol. Features of the preparation of the drink make it not only useful, but also unique, even picky gourmets will be able to choose the right kind of tea.

What is Puer

The plant grows in China. This product is obtained by collecting and proper cooking tea leaves, the composition does not include any, artificial flavors. What makes tea unique is its chemical composition, which includes:

  • amino acids that affect the characteristics of the drink;
  • kakhetins, phenolic acids, anthocyanins - these elements are included in the group of phenolic compounds that have antibacterial, antioxidant, anticancer properties;
  • sucrose, saccharides, giving the drink a sweetish aftertaste;
  • alkaloids (thein), theophylline, theobromine, which give tonic properties to tea;
  • pu-erh contains vitamins P, E, C, A;
  • tea contains minerals: manganese, chromium, fluorine, zinc;
  • statins that reduce the likelihood of stroke, cholesterol, coronary disease.

Manufacturing steps

The main production of natural, high-quality pu-erh takes place in Zhuan (province of China), some varieties grow in the provinces of Guizhou Sichuan and several regions of Vietnam. The main indicator of tea that affects the taste of the drink is exposure, the longer it is, the better. taste qualities. The same indicator directly affects the cost of pu-erh. The process of making tea takes a long period of time and consists of the following steps:

  • first they collect leaves from old bushes (600 years old) and young ones;
  • the collected raw materials are piled in large piles and poured with water (withering);
  • when the pu-erh leaves dry, the dried pu-erh is laid out for 35-90 days in a thin layer so that natural fermentation (ripening and fermentation) occurs;
  • then in the boilers the raw materials are disinfected, roasted and pressed;
  • keep tea in storage for at least 1 year.


There are several types of drink, for example, Shen pu-erh is also called green pu-erh, it is prepared according to the method of natural ripening, the leaves have a greenish tint. When it is brewed, it turns out a light tea infusion, like green varieties with a hint of fruit, prunes. If necessary, you can control the degree of fermentation yourself. After 2-3 years of additional aging, the roughness and bitterness of fresh leaves will go away from the pu-erh.

Shu pu-erh or earth tea created by artificial, accelerated aging, the leaves of the raw material become dark brown. It turns out after brewing a dark infusion with a touch of cognac, a hint of mint and chocolate. If you store earthen tea longer, the taste of dampness will disappear. There is also a classification according to the form of pressing the product:

  • loose pu-erh;
  • twisted tea or mushroom;
  • tea lumps;
  • in the form of a nest;
  • pressed brick;
  • pu-erh in the form of a mandarin;
  • tea resin.

Pu-erh - useful properties

The unique qualities of the drink are formed due to its unique composition. The benefits of pu-erh are recognized in medicine, the drink is often used as folk remedy. The main thing that often stops people is the high cost. The properties of pu-erh tea will not manifest themselves if a fake is bought. Among the useful qualities of the drink are:

  • fight against constipation;
  • improved digestion;
  • stabilization of blood sugar;
  • prolongation of youthfulness of the skin;
  • reducing the likelihood of developing a stroke, heart attack;
  • excretion of heavy metals, poisons, slags, toxins from the body;
  • cleansing of bad cholesterol;
  • diuretic effect;
  • normalization of the liver, cleansing and restoration of the body;
  • increased concentration, physical activity;
  • promotes the process of losing weight (improves metabolism).


Puer is a strong tea, even with a slight brewing, all the properties are very pronounced. Experimenting, brewing longer than the allotted time is dangerous for your well-being. There are certain rules that should not be violated when drinking a drink. This type of tea is contraindicated in the following cases:

  1. If the body temperature is elevated, the drink will provoke an even greater increase.
  2. You can not drink tea before bedtime, tonic properties will lead to sleep disturbance, can provoke nervous stress.
  3. This tea is not recommended for people with glaucoma.
  4. Tea is contraindicated during breastfeeding, pregnancy.
  5. Do not give the drink to children under 3 years of age.
  6. Everyone who suffers from high blood pressure (hypertension) should refuse pu-erh.
  7. In the presence of urolithiasis, the diuretic properties of the drink can aggravate the condition: there will be sharp, piercing pains.

How to brew pu-erh tea

it unusual drink, which you need to know how to brew correctly. A clay container is not suitable for this, it strongly absorbs the smell. If you then brew Tibetan or plain black tea in it, it will still smell like pu-erh. The procedure itself takes a long time, it looks like this:

  1. Take a suitable teapot for brewing (not clay).
  2. You can use tea leaves for infusion several times.
  3. Pour boiling water over the first portion of pu-erh for 50 seconds, then drain all the liquid completely.
  4. Hold the second brew for 30 seconds and you can already use it.
  5. For the third time, pour pu-erh for 4-6 seconds with 90 degrees water.
  6. About 7-12 pressings are needed for 250 ml of liquid.
  7. Drink hot, fresh and without sugar.
  8. Quality pu-erh stays fresh for about 10 brews.

How to drink

The unique taste of this Chinese drink is unique, but only those who know how to drink it can fully enjoy the taste. Follow these rules to fill your body with energy and enjoy the wonderful aftertaste of tea:

  1. For tea drinking, small bowls (bowls) are great so that the portions are small. This will help to fully experience the aroma and delicate taste of tea. If desired, you can take some dried fruits, chocolate.
  2. You can not drink a drink before going to bed, it will be very difficult to fall asleep.
  3. You can not drink puer on an empty stomach, in case of problems with the mucous membrane, this strong drink can provoke the appearance of an ulcer. It is recommended to drink tea 40 minutes after eating.

Intoxication effect

There is an opinion that this drink belongs to weak and legal drugs. Pu-erh is not such, it does not cause a feeling of intoxication and does not intoxicate, it does not form dependence and does not pose a danger to the human body. Thanks to a special set of enzymes, a high level of caffeine, such tea invigorates, increases the sharpness of perception, and alcohol has the opposite effect.

In the homeland of pu-erh (China), they say that the drink helps to take a sober look at life, which cannot be said about those who suffer from alcoholism. Tea masters claim that people after 3 cups begin to notice such details that previously passed by their attention. Thinking becomes smoother and more concentrated by raising the tone and sharpening the senses.

There is a slight effect of intoxication if a fake is bought or the quality of the product is very low. The same result can be observed in unprepared people who have not previously drunk such tea, so it is better to limit yourself to two small bowls during the tasting. The effect is similar to taking energy drinks.

Puer- the famous noble tea, which is produced exclusively in China. This is one of those drinks that every tea drinker should definitely try at least once in their life. If you decide to taste Pu-erh tea, the effect of it may be a little unexpected - this drink is famous for its intoxicating effect. What causes it and how does it affect the body?

What is puerh tea

Pu-erh refers to post-fermented types of tea. This means that it is not produced in the same way as other varieties. After assembly, the leaves are subjected to approximately the same processing as green tea. But fermentation is done last. Moreover, it can be both artificial and natural.

Pu-erh tea can be found in several forms of pressing:

  • cake;
  • bowl;
  • brick;
  • square;
  • mushroom;
  • pumpkin.

Pu-erh tea is the best and most unusual drink known today. One of its interesting features is that the taste only improves with time. While other varieties deteriorate. In this drink can be compared with a good long-aged cognac. But there is another interesting nuance - the famous effect of pu-erh tea.

effect of pu-erh tea

First of all, the effect of pu-erh tea is manifested in an emotional way. It has been shown to relieve stress and tension. If a person is loaded with problems, it becomes easier for him to solve them. The mood improves. Many note the joy that appears spontaneously. This is the same effect of intoxication.

It is important! It affects not only the mood, but also the body. Breathing evens out, becomes deeper. Stress and stiffness go away, muscle tension subsides.

But the effect of pu-erh tea is manifested not only in a one-time effect on the body and soul. With prolonged use, it affects the body as a whole:

  • helps to digest heavy and fatty foods and facilitates the work of the digestive tract;
  • strengthens the cardiovascular system;
  • thins the blood and helps to get rid of cholesterol plaques that accumulate in the vessels;
  • Helps cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. Some lovers of drinking alcohol relieve hangover syndrome with pu-erh, and they note that the remedy is very effective;
  • accelerates metabolic processes. This effect of pu-erh tea is used by many for weight loss;
  • acts as a means of preventing oncological diseases, which are so common today;
  • helps relieve spasms and relieves headaches;
  • provides good help with constipation, stimulating bowel function;
  • perfectly tones and invigorates. Puer is the most invigorating drink, and in terms of the effectiveness of exposure, one cup of it can be compared with a synthetic energy drink. And if you drink it constantly, a person becomes energetic, easy-going, cheerful. At the same time, the older the tea leaves, the stronger the effect will be. For this reason, it is not recommended to drink the drink in the afternoon. This can cause sleep problems or even insomnia;
  • promotes skin rejuvenation a large number antioxidants contained in it;
  • improves concentration and memory;
  • strengthens the body as a whole.

It is important! Some gourmets prefer to drink the drink exclusively with milk. He has enough unusual taste and it is very useful, since the beneficial effect of milk is added to the properties of tea.

It is believed that such tea can be drunk even with exacerbation of diseases. gastrointestinal tract or inflammatory processes in the body. But this only applies to warm tea. Hot drink can do harm. In addition, there will be no benefit from tea if it is not prepared correctly.

How to brew a drink

To action the drink was fully manifested, and you could feel the famous effect of pu-erh tea, it must be brewed correctly. Pu-erh is ready to drink only after three years of aging, but its taste can be further improved if stored for 10-15 years or longer.

The effect of tea depends on the method of brewing. In addition, for the process to go smoothly, you need to pay attention to some of its components:

  • water temperature. The temperature should be selected depending on the fermentation. Different varieties differ in the degree of fermentation. For example, shu pu-erh is a heavily fermented tea, and therefore boiling water at 90-95 ° C is required to brew it. If you are going to brew sheng pu-erh, a weaker tea, then the water should not exceed 90-95°C. The temperature also depends on the aging time of tea - the older the tea leaves, the higher the temperature is needed;
  • water quality. For brewing any tea, not just pu-erh, it is recommended to use only purified water. Boiled water is not very suitable for this purpose - it does not contain any useful substances. In addition, it spoils the taste of the drink. Therefore, spring water or bottled water, which can be bought at any store, is ideal.

It is important! Some people simply pour boiling water over the tea leaves, but this approach is completely wrong with regard to pu-erh. At the same time, the correct preparation process is absolutely simple.

As for the amount of tea leaves, it should be taken 1 small spoon per person or 150-200 ml of water. It is easy to separate as much as needed from pressed pu-erh using a special or ordinary knife, as well as hands.

Pu-erh is brewed in a clay teapot or gaiwan. Before adding tea inside, rinse the teapot with boiling water to warm it up well. To enhance the aesthetic pleasure of preparing a drink and drinking tea, shake the kettle a couple of times and, opening the lid, enjoy the unforgettable aroma of dry tea. tea leaf.

It is recommended to pre-rinse the tea leaves to remove dust. This will also separate the leaves from each other a bit if you are using pressed puerh. Rinse the tea leaves for about 10 seconds, after which the water must be poured out. If you are using heavily fermented pu-erh, it is best to rinse it twice.

It is important! Water for brewing must be of a special temperature. Use freshly boiled water, as repeated boiling will impair the aroma and taste of the drink.

Add water to the kettle and steep for 8-10 seconds. After this time, the infusion is immediately poured into a chahai - a special container. Tea must be drained to the end, otherwise it will continue to infuse, and after the second brewing it will be too strong.

From chahai, the infusion can be poured into cups. Drink it slowly, in small sips, enjoying the taste and aroma.

The time of the second and subsequent brews should increase. And every time the taste properties of the drink will be different. Puer connoisseurs claim that it can be brewed about 10 times, especially if it is of high quality.

Puerh tea, the effect of which you will feel on yourself, does not do any harm to the body if it is properly brewed and not consumed too much. Therefore, follow the instructions for its preparation, and enjoy your tea!

Despite the centuries-old history of pu-erh tea, it has become popular only recently. Now it is one of the trendy and sought-after drinks. It can be found in many outlets in the form of the usual loose tea or in the form of compressed briquettes.

There are more than 120 varieties of pu-erh tea, but among them there are 2 types - shen and shu. The first type is made traditional technology and undergoes natural fermentation. After processing and pressing, it is aged in dry rooms for several years. During this time, microbes, interacting with tea leaves, endow them with special qualities and properties. The taste of fresh shen pu-erh is sharp and viscous, but over time, with proper storage, its taste changes for the better. The optimal aging time for this type of tea is 20 years or more. Elite varieties of the drink can be aged even for 300 years.

For the production of shu pu-erh tea, a fast manufacturing method is used - artificial fermentation. Thanks to her, the leaves reach the desired state in a few months. A drink made from such raw materials comes out dark and resembles sheng aged 15-20 years, but is somewhat inferior in taste and is not a unique product. Now, due to the large demand for pu-erh, producers are using cheap and fast way fermentation, so shu pu-erh tea is mainly found on sale, while shen is difficult to find.

Benefits of pu-erh tea

The Chinese call pu-erh tea a remedy for a hundred diseases, and consider it a drink of longevity, harmony and youth. It is one of the few teas that people with ulcers can drink. The drink helps with various digestive disorders, it is recommended to take it for dyspepsia, poisoning, and include it in the complex therapy of colitis, duodenitis and gastritis. Pu-erh tea can remove plaque from the mucous membranes, improve the absorption of food and intestinal motility. It can be drunk even with exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases, but in this case the drink should be only slightly warm, but not hot.

Puer is a tonic. In terms of its effect on the body, it can be compared with strong energy drinks. It improves attention and concentration, and also clarifies thoughts, so it will be useful for those who are engaged in mental work.

Puer tea, beneficial features which was appreciated not only in China, but throughout the world. Modern scientists have confirmed the beneficial effect of the drink on the composition of the blood. Regular consumption of tea will reduce and prevent diseases of the vessels and heart. It can become an indispensable product for diabetics, as it reduces the percentage of sugar in the blood. Pu-erh tea also helps to cleanse the body. It eliminates waste and toxins, cleanses the liver and improves the functioning of the spleen and gallbladder.

Scientists have proven the benefits of pu-erh tea for weight loss. A lot of research has been done in France. After the drink began to be used as the basis or one of the components of dietary programs. It reduces appetite, speeds up metabolism and promotes the breakdown of fat cells.

Pu-erh black tea is suitable for the preparation of wellness mixtures. For example, in China it is combined with roses and chrysanthemums. Such additives not only endow the drink medicinal properties, but also give the opportunity to give its taste and aroma new shades.

How to prepare pu-erh tea

Depending on how tea is prepared, it can affect a person in different ways. For example, a brewed drink tones, and a brewed one soothes.


For this method of preparation, it is recommended to use a glass teapot, this will allow you to better control the stages of preparation of the drink. First you need to prepare the water for making tea. Put the kettle on the fire and when tiny bubbles appear from the bottom, scoop out a cup of water from the kettle and refill it when there are thumps that precede boiling.

The legendary Chinese drink has spread all over the world and is firmly rooted in many countries. This is Pu-erh tea, the value of which has been repeatedly proven by folk healers in China. From time immemorial, the benefits of the drug were not subject to discussion; tea is still considered a cure for 1000 diseases. There are several varieties of Puer - white, green and black, they are considered basic. Today we will consider the benefits and harms of the drink.

Puer production technology

For the manufacture of raw materials, leaves of several varieties are used, which are preferably collected from tea-type shrubs. The components must be large.

After harvesting, the leaves undergo fermentation (artificial aging), the process is carried out under the influence of special enzymes. It is this specific technology that allows tea to retain all its properties and not deteriorate for a long time.

A properly prepared tea leaf is often “rested” in parchment or a wooden box for 10, 20, or even 30 years. It is interesting that after such a long period of time, Pu-erh does not deteriorate, but becomes even richer, seasoned, and bright.

Some manufacturers prefer to ferment tea leaves naturally, aging them for about 7 years. If the process is carried out artificially, then the raw materials are collected in a heap, sprayed with a solution and left to “reach” for 1.5-3.5 months.

After fermentation, Pu-erh is dried and further infused for 1 year. Just such a complex technological process causes the cost of production.

Pu-erh is usually sold in the form of pressed briquettes, cakes, bricks, cubes, tablets, bowls, mushrooms, or balls. In rare cases, you can find tea sold by tea shops in loose form. If we talk about types, Pu-erh is white, green Shen, black Shu.

Indications for taking Puer

  • overweight, including obesity;
  • excess cholesterol in the blood;
  • low mental performance;
  • poor memory and concentration;
  • rapid physical fatigue;
  • slagged organism;
  • jumps in blood pressure;
  • alcohol addiction;
  • gastritis and stomach ulcers caused by high acidity;
  • difficult activity of the liver;
  • low immune system;
  • accumulation of salts in the urine;
  • indigestion;
  • diabetes.

Pu-erh properties

  • has a mild laxative effect;
  • removes excess water, bile;
  • stops the fermentation of food in the intestines;
  • has a preventive effect in the spread of influenza;
  • improves immunity;
  • reduces blood glucose levels, which is appreciated by diabetics;
  • removes toxic compounds from the liver;
  • gives vivacity, improves activity;
  • reduces cravings for smoking and alcohol consumption;
  • removes old waste from the body;
  • cleanses blood vessels, seals their walls;
  • removes cholesterol plaques from the blood;
  • accelerates metabolism, in particular digestion;
  • blocks the access of blood to cancer cells;
  • conducts cancer prevention;
  • burns fat reserves;
  • fights gastritis and ulcers, reducing the acidity of the stomach;
  • frees internal organs from free radicals;
  • normalizes the psycho-emotional background, calms.

The benefits of Pu-erh

  1. In China, a tea drink is used to give the so-called intoxicating sobriety of the mind. This means that Puer is aimed at increasing concentration, improving brain activity, and relieving the effects of stress.
  2. Incoming theine, L-theanine, theophylline provide an energy boost for the whole day and at the same time relax the body. As a result, a person becomes calm and resilient to negative factors, sleep and general condition are normalized.
  3. Theine is the well-known caffeine, only in a milder form. In combination with other enzymes, the drink stimulates brain activity. Incoming neurotransmitters are responsible for good mood, relieve excessive irritability and give peace.
  4. Geophyllin, which accumulates in the drug, affects the central nervous system. The substance clears the respiratory tract, reduces cravings for cigarettes and alcoholic beverages. The blood is enriched with oxygen, resulting in a feeling of lightness.
  5. Such actions absolutely do not harm the vascular system and heart, as is the case with other similar drinks (artificial energy drinks, coffee, etc.).
  6. Alkaloid compounds are engaged in cleansing the body of free radicals, they relieve food poisoning, help the heart pump blood. Vessels expand smoothly, without stress.
  7. Tannins in combination with catechins stimulate all metabolic processes, thereby increasing insulin sensitivity. It becomes easier for people with diabetes to live, as blood glucose stops jumping.
  8. Puer tea should be consumed by patients who have a tendency to form blood clots. The drink kills bad cholesterol and removes it from the blood, thereby reducing the likelihood of developing a stroke or heart attack.
  9. Pectin is responsible for the prevention of cancer. The substance blocks the access of blood to the cells of malignant tumors, kills a harmful protein, which can be the beginning of the development of oncology.

  1. The drink allows you to get rid of excess weight without stress for the body. So, Puer reduces the feeling of hunger and maintains satiety after a meal for a long time. Tea speeds up metabolism, thereby burning body fat.
  2. The drug is responsible for the rapid digestibility of food and the absorption of valuable enzymes by the blood. As a result of losing weight, a person does not feel unwell, apathy, or a bad mood.
  3. Pu-erh removes excess fluid, fighting swelling of the limbs and tissues of internal organs. Tea improves intestinal patency, regulates the size of portions.
  4. If the reason for the appearance of excess weight is associated with the inability to control the amount of food eaten, make it a habit to drink tea a third of an hour before a meal. Your stomach will fill up and you will eat less.
  5. For people who prefer to follow very strict diets, Pu-erh is a must. The drink makes up for the lack of the "hormone of joy", thereby the fight against body weight takes place in high spirits.
  6. You should not get carried away with tea, otherwise you risk experiencing partial beriberi, headache and high blood pressure. Take a drink three times a day for 100-150 ml.

The benefits of Puerh for digestion

  1. A separate topic deserves the effect of the drink on the digestive system. Pu-erh is recommended for duodenitis, ulcers, gastritis. The drug does not increase the acidity of the stomach, as does regular black or green tea.
  2. Soft enveloping properties protect the mucous membranes of the internal organs without irritating them. At the same time, maximum stimulation of the digestive tract is achieved, food is absorbed faster.
  3. In addition, Pu-erh has a laxative effect, cleansing the body even of old toxins. The drug removes poisons, heavy metals, radionuclides, fights stagnation in the intestines.
  4. The drink tones the bile ducts, has a beneficial effect on the bladder. Pu-erh restores the functions of the liver and the structure of the internal organ.
  5. Drinking tea will relieve you of the constant feeling of heaviness in the stomach, heartburn, bloating and other unpleasant symptoms. Pu-erh puts the appetite in order, promotes the rapid disintegration ethyl alcohol with a hangover.
  6. To enhance the antioxidant properties of the drug, you need to add a little brown sugar and milk to the composition. In addition, such manipulations saturate the body faster.

Harm Puer

  1. During gestation, girls need to carefully monitor the food they eat. Products directly affect the health and development of the baby. The recommended dose should not exceed 240 ml. tea a day.
  2. In the presence of ailments associated with the urinary tract or kidneys, be careful. During exacerbations, stop taking tea. Otherwise, the drink will provoke the movement of stones.
  3. If you suffer from insomnia and increased irritability, it is not recommended to use Pu-erh and similar tonic drinks. In some cases, you can treat yourself to 1 cup of this tea before lunch.
  4. It is forbidden to relieve pain in the abdomen with Puer, tea can cause even more damage. Consult a specialist for an accurate diagnosis.
  5. It is necessary to completely exclude the use of Pu-erh and strong teas in any quantities for people who have been diagnosed with atherosclerosis and hypertension.
  6. With proper brewing, the drink will not harm the body. Before drinking tea, it is important to choose high-quality raw materials.

  1. Give preference to proven producers of high-quality tea, mainly the large factories ShuangjiangMengkui, Menghai and Xiaguan.
  2. Always pay attention to packaging and storage conditions. Quality tea should be stored in a dark, dry and cool place.
  3. Tea is most often produced in the original pack of special materials. Forget about buying Pu-erh in sealed packaging. Such raw materials are prone to the development of mold.

Rules for brewing Pu-erh

  1. The smell of tea is revealed throughout the ceremony. The benefits of a freshly brewed drink are felt after proper aging. The strength of the drink is reached 10 minutes after pouring boiling water.
  2. For tea to show useful qualities, it is necessary to brew raw materials in a small porcelain or clay teapot. The taste is maximally manifested when brewed with purified water without impurities.
  3. A pleasant aroma is revealed at a temperature of no more than 93 degrees. It is forbidden to use bubbling boiling water, consider this important point. Without fail, warm the kettle, then brew the raw materials.
  4. Follow the rules strictly according to the instructions. The teapot is warmed up with the first boiling water and Pu-erh is washed from tea dust. The water should be about 90 degrees, after 10 seconds drain the liquid.
  5. For the second time, pour in boiling water, the temperature of which should not exceed 93 degrees. The brewing time of raw materials is from 3 to 10 minutes. To get a light drink, enough for 150 ml. water to take 3 gr. tea leaves, for strong tea, double the raw materials.
  6. According to the rules of use, tea should be brewed at least 10 times. All the colors and benefits of tea are revealed after 4-5 pours of boiling water. Each time it is important to increase the time of infusion of the drink.

According to the rules of tea drinking, the ceremony begins with the correct brewing of raw materials. Qualitatively prepared Pu-erh has a healing unique effect, while the drink has an amazing aroma.

Video: how to brew pu-erh

Tea is one of the most popular beverages in the world, with many traditions and rituals associated with it. But most of them, of course, in China, the homeland of the tea leaf. More than a quarter of the world's tea raw materials are produced here, and only in the Celestial Empire are grown such rare varieties as white and yellow tea, oolong and pu-erh.

The latter type is becoming increasingly popular, so it has already begun to be produced in Burma, Thailand, Laos and Vietnam. However, it is considered the best chinese pu-erh. That is what we will tell you about.

What is pu-erh tea and is it true that it gives the effect of intoxication?

Since ancient times, the raw materials for the preparation of this drink have been grown in the Chinese provinces of Yunnan, Guizhou, and Sichuan. After harvesting, the leaves of the tea bush are sorted, rolled into tubes to improve the release of juice, and kept under certain conditions for quite a long time. How more excerpt the better the tea is considered.

This Pu-erh differs from the usual varieties of black and green tea, which lose their beneficial properties and aroma over time. Pu-erh, like cognac, only acquires new shades of taste and color over time.

Today, over 300 years old tea tiles are stored in the palace of Chinese emperors, but on average, a good exposure for this product is considered 25 years. Although 10-year-old tea, thanks to successful processing and selection of leaves, can turn out to be so refined and fragrant that it will not yield to a 30-year-old one.

Some unscrupulous sellers take advantage of the ignorance of buyers and deliberately overestimate the age of tea. When buying, keep in mind that pu-erh that is over 30 years old is not available for free sale.

So what's special about this unique product?

The composition must necessarily include the leaves of old bushes, which can be up to several hundred years old. A mixture of old and young leaves gives the drink an exceptional unique taste. By cooking method Chinese tea Puer is divided into two groups. Shen puer, that is, raw, as well as Shu puer, cooked.

To give desired properties leaves of plants are subjected to aging. Shen pu-erh is made naturally, raw materials are kept at a certain temperature for 7-8 years, and during this time fermentation processes take place in it.

Shu pu-erh is a drink made from artificially aged leaves. They are piled in large piles and sprinkled with water. The temperature inside the heap rises, an active process of fermentation and fermentation begins, which can last 30-100 days.

The leaves are then dried, steamed and pressed into tiles of various shapes. It can be a nest, a brick, a plate, a bowl, a pumpkin, a disk, etc. Pressed tea can be stored for a long time and acquire an increasingly delicate aroma and taste over the years.

There is an opinion that the drink causes a lung intoxication similar to drugs or alcohol. They even came up with the term pu-erh effect. However, no study has been able to prove that it contains any narcotic substances. During the experiments, some of the subjects noted cheerfulness and slight euphoria after several cups, others simply felt a surge of strength, but green tea or strong coffee gives the same result.

Pu-erh can compete with these drinks because it has the strongest tonic effects on the body due to the high content of tannins. That is why it do not recommend take at night, during pregnancy, with hypertension.

Tea composition

In ancient Chinese medicine, pu-erh is used for treatment many diseases. His healing properties due to unique chemical composition. It contains vitamins, minerals, mono- and polyunsaturated fats, amino acids, saccharides, which stimulate and normalize the functioning of systems and organs, help rejuvenate the body, and improve mental activity.

In addition, this is an excellent diet drink, since the calorie content per 100 grams of the drink is no more than 2-3 kcal!

AT composition The product contains vitamin B2, niacin, potassium and manganese, which have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, hematopoiesis, and the digestive tract.

Useful and medicinal properties

Oriental medicine names 22 useful properties of pu-erh, which allow you to effectively deal with a variety of ailments, so in China they gave it the name "tea from 100 diseases."

Modern research has shown that the product can be useful not only as a remedy, but also as preventive.

It turned out that he could block the protein involved in the development of cancer cells. Therefore, it can be considered effective way prevent or stop the development of cancer.

  • To reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, eliminate the formation of plaques on the walls of blood vessels. The drink promotes blood thinning and prevents the appearance of blood clots. It is useful in the prevention of strokes, heart attacks, and circulatory disorders.
  • To remove radionuclides, toxins, slags, salts of heavy metals from the body. Also, tea has excellent antioxidant and rejuvenating properties.
  • To improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines, eliminate constipation, cleanse digestive system from decay products. Pu-erh normalizes the processes of digestion, makes it possible beneficial substances better absorbed. Since it is low in calories and has a slight diuretic effect, it is great for those who want to lose weight.
  • To preserve youthful skin, strengthen hair and nails, and give a healthy and radiant appearance. For women, tea is especially useful as a means to prevent and eliminate wrinkles.
  • To cleanse and improve the liver. The product is recommended to be regularly included in the menu for those who like fatty and spicy foods, drink alcohol. For men, the drink is an excellent tool to get rid of a hangover.
  • To enhance mental activity, improve concentration and increase efficiency.

Harm and contraindications

Chinese Pu-erh tea is recommended to be taken in warmth, and not hot, and brew as required by a particular variety: raw pu-erh or cooked. If brewed incorrectly, the drink can cause discomfort.

You should not drink it on an empty stomach. Enzymes activate the production of gastric juice, and its excess in the absence of food can damage the mucous membrane, cause heartburn and pain. To avoid unwanted effects, drink do not drink more than 3 times a day and in the afternoon, it might cause headache, insomnia.

In some cases, puer contraindicated to use, as it can cause significant harm to health.

  • During pregnancy, as it increases the tone of the uterus. While breastfeeding, you should not drink more than one cup of weak tea per day.
  • At a high temperature during an illness, the temperature will rise even higher and it will be difficult to bring it down.
  • Children under 3 years of age drink is contraindicated. For older children, it is undesirable if hyperactivity, nervous disorders, and sleep difficulties are observed.
  • At elevated pressure
  • With urolithiasis. The drink has a diuretic effect and can cause stones to pass out - the process is extremely painful and unsafe.
  • If improperly brewed, tea can cause a state similar to intoxication, severe headache, tachycardia and nausea.

How to prepare a drink correctly to get pleasure and health benefits?

How to brew pu-erh

Tea is good in itself, its aroma and taste cannot be confused with anything. However, in China, it is often prepared with rose petals, chrysanthemum, or cinnamon for added flavor. The effect of tea on the body is different according to the method of preparation. Brewed has an invigorating effect, but boiled has a calming effect. So Puerh can be used as both a tonic and a sedative.

It is very rare to brew tea from tiles, as this process requires special skill and experience, and you will also need a glass teapot so that you can track the cooking process.

To prepare boiled pu-erh, a glass teapot with soft water put on the fire and watch the heating. When chains of small bubbles begin to rise from the bottom, pour off 150 ml of water, and when you hear thuds - the precursors of boiling - pour this water back in. Beat the water with a spoon to form a funnel, and dip the tea into it. Pu-erh must first be soaked for 1-2 minutes in cold water. When chains of bubbles rise from the bottom again, remove the kettle from the heat and let it sit for 30-50 seconds. If you overdo it - the taste will be sugary and bitter, if you do not let it brew - watery and inexpressive.

The process, as you can see, is quite difficult, requiring attention, so most pu-erh lovers prefer to brew it like regular tea. But even in this case there are subtleties.

Soak a piece of tea tile about 2 cm in size in cold water or rinse thoroughly several times. Then fill it with soft water heated to 90-95 ° C. After 10-25 seconds, the tea is ready. Subsequent brews will give more rich taste, and then to get a drink it will need to be insisted for up to a minute. Pu-erh can be used for brewing, depending on the variety and quality, 5-10 times. For cooking, it is best to use glass, earthenware or porcelain dishes.

Tea brewing methods: