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Is pu-erh tea good for you? Pu-erh tea: what is it? Useful properties and contraindications, the effect of Chinese Pu-erh tea

Puer is one of the most famous types. Chinese tea, which has a unique taste and pressed shape. A special production process gives pu-erh useful properties, but there are also contraindications to its use.

The main feature of pu-erh is that this tea goes through the maximum degree of fermentation. During the production process, it is processed more strongly than green or red tea (which we call black), due to which it acquires very special flavoring properties. In addition, pu-erh is easy to distinguish by its appearance - it is traditionally pressed in the form of pancakes.


There are two types of pu-erh: Shen and Shu. Shen has been known since ancient times, its fermentation takes place naturally for many years. It is in many ways similar to green tea, as it retains the original color of the leaf, has a delicate aroma and has many useful properties.

Shu was invented by tea technologists only in the 20th century, its fermentation is accelerated, due to which it is produced much faster.

In the process of processing, it becomes almost black and acquires an "earthy" flavor and aroma. The concentration of caffeine and some other substances in it is higher than in Shen, so Shu gives a stronger infusion.

The benefits and harms of pu-erh

The unique fermentation process results in special beneficial features pu-erh, but for the same reason, tea may be contraindicated for some people.

General Benefits

The Chinese claim that pu-erh helps to get rid of 100 diseases. In our time it healing properties have been confirmed by medical research.

Tea contains a whole range of vitamins, microelements and other substances, due to which, with regular use, pu-erh has the following effect:

  • increases efficiency and concentration;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels, prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • helps the digestive tract, improves the breakdown of fats;
  • reduces the risk of strokes and heart attacks;
  • neutralizes and removes toxins;
  • prevents oncological formations;
  • strengthens bones and teeth.

In addition, pu-erh is rich in polyphenols, amino acids and polysaccharides.

These substances have a complex effect on the body: they help fight viruses, improve the functioning of many organs, normalize metabolism, lower sugar and cholesterol levels.

Puer is the famous noble tea, which every tea drinker should definitely try at least once in his life, the beneficial properties and contraindications will be discussed in this video clip.

What is useful for men

  • thin the blood, which improves erection;
  • due to anti-inflammatory properties reduce the risk of prostatitis and adenoma;
  • reduce stress levels that can negatively affect erectile function.

Pu-erh is also able to relieve fatigue from intense physical and mental work.

What is useful for women

Pu-erh is rich in antioxidants that actively fight the signs of aging: the condition of the skin, hair and tooth enamel improves.

Tea also has a positive effect on libido and is able to normalize the menstrual cycle, reduces cramps and pain during menstruation.

Possible harm and contraindications

Like any tea, pu-erh should not be drunk if there is an individual intolerance. In addition, contraindications are:

  • urolithiasis disease;
  • problems with blood pressure;
  • chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • elevated body temperature.

Tea should not be drunk on an empty stomach, even for healthy people, as it stimulates increased production of gastric juice, and this, in turn, can lead to cramps, pain and heartburn.

Also, do not use it before bedtime, so as not to earn insomnia.

How does pu-erh affect the mind?

Pu-erh has a reputation for being an "intoxicating" tea that can induce a burst of energy and even some euphoria. In fact, it does not contain any narcotic components. An unusual effect is obtained due to the stronger effects of caffeine and theine, since pu-erh has a high concentration of these substances.

Intoxicating and narcotic effect: truth or fiction

Drinking a large amount of pu-erh can cause an effect that is a bit like a slight intoxication:

  • there is a surge of strength, vigor;
  • mood improves;
  • the body becomes relaxed.

As already mentioned, there are no narcotic substances in the composition of pu-erh. The invigorating effect is due to the large fermentation of this tea and its improper use. Perhaps the pu-erh was brewed too strongly or was drunk on an empty stomach, in which case it can excite the nervous system.

Interesting Research on the Benefits of Puerh

The raw material for making pu-erh is the same tea leaves that are used to make the usual green or black (red) tea. However, in the process of complex and lengthy fermentation, tea acquires truly unique properties.

Many substances in tea leaves are synthesized and converted into others that are even more beneficial for the human body.

This could not but interest scientists who conducted many studies of unusual tea.

Effect on cholesterol levels

Scientists from many countries have studied pu-erh to determine how it affects cholesterol levels. Some of the most important research worth mentioning are:

  1. at the University of Paris. Anthony studied the state of the body when drinking pu-erh. Tea has been found to help lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
  2. The Kunming Research Center (China, Yunnan Province) obtained similar results. After 2 months of drinking pu-erh, the level of cholesterol in the blood fell by an average of 64%, which almost coincides with the result of using medicinal product(down 67%).
  3. The American Health Foundation released a report stating that pu-erh's antioxidants reduce levels of "bad" low-lipid cholesterol, which causes atherosclerosis. In addition, an improvement in metabolism has been noted due to the high content of manganese.
  4. Dutch experts have collected statistics according to which a couple of cups of pu-erh per day can reduce the risk of occurrence by 46%, and 4 cups - up to 69%.

Thus, it has been scientifically proven that pu-erh improves the condition of the circulatory system by lowering the level of cholesterol in the blood. The use of pu-erh prevents the appearance of blood clots and the development of atherosclerosis.

Use for weight loss

No less interesting for scientists was the property of pu-erh to reduce weight. So, experts from the French medical research association ARMA collected a large number of data on overweight people who were asked to consume pu-erh.

Daily intake of 3 cups of pu-erh for 3 months contributed to the loss of 4 to 10 kg of weight. This effect is explained by the ability of pu-erh to improve metabolism, dilate blood vessels, activate metabolic processes and remove toxins from the body.

After the study, many nutritionists began to recommend pu-erh as an additional element to the developed diets. However, it is important to remember that pu-erh is, first of all, tea, and not a special tool aimed at combating excess weight.

To achieve real weight loss is possible only if you combine the use of pu-erh with a selected nutritional complex and physical activity.

The legendary Chinese drink has spread all over the world and is firmly rooted in many countries. This is Pu-erh tea, the value of which has been repeatedly proven by folk healers in China. From time immemorial, the benefits of the drug were not subject to discussion; tea is still considered a cure for 1000 diseases. There are several varieties of Puer - white, green and black, they are considered basic. Today we will consider the benefits and harms of the drink.

Puer production technology

For the manufacture of raw materials, leaves of several varieties are used, which are preferably collected from tea-type shrubs. The components must be large.

After harvesting, the leaves undergo fermentation (artificial aging), the process is carried out under the influence of special enzymes. It is this specific technology that allows tea to retain all its properties and not deteriorate for a long time.

Properly Cooked tea leaf often “rests” in parchment or a wooden box for 10, 20, or even 30 years. It is interesting that after such a long period of time, Pu-erh does not deteriorate, but becomes even richer, seasoned, and bright.

Some manufacturers prefer to ferment tea leaves naturally, aging them for about 7 years. If the process is carried out artificially, then the raw materials are collected in a heap, sprayed with a solution and left to “reach” for 1.5-3.5 months.

After fermentation, Pu-erh is dried and further infused for 1 year. Just such a complex technological process causes the cost of production.

Pu-erh is usually sold in the form of pressed briquettes, cakes, bricks, cubes, tablets, bowls, mushrooms, or balls. In rare cases, you can find tea sold by tea shops in loose form. If we talk about types, Pu-erh is white, green Shen, black Shu.

Indications for taking Puer

  • overweight, including obesity;
  • excess cholesterol in the blood;
  • low mental performance;
  • poor memory and concentration;
  • rapid physical fatigue;
  • slagged organism;
  • horse racing blood pressure;
  • alcohol addiction;
  • gastritis and stomach ulcers caused by high acidity;
  • difficult activity of the liver;
  • low immune system;
  • accumulation of salts in the urine;
  • indigestion;
  • diabetes.

Pu-erh properties

  • has a mild laxative effect;
  • removes excess water, bile;
  • stops the fermentation of food in the intestines;
  • has a preventive effect in the spread of influenza;
  • improves immunity;
  • reduces blood glucose levels, which is appreciated by diabetics;
  • removes toxic compounds from the liver;
  • gives vivacity, improves activity;
  • reduces cravings for smoking and alcohol consumption;
  • removes old waste from the body;
  • cleanses blood vessels, seals their walls;
  • removes cholesterol plaques from the blood;
  • accelerates metabolism, in particular digestion;
  • blocks the access of blood to cancer cells;
  • conducts cancer prevention;
  • burns fat reserves;
  • fights gastritis and ulcers, reducing the acidity of the stomach;
  • frees internal organs from free radicals;
  • normalizes the psycho-emotional background, calms.

The benefits of Pu-erh

  1. In China, a tea drink is used to give the so-called intoxicating sobriety of the mind. This means that Puer is aimed at increasing concentration, improving brain activity, and relieving the effects of stress.
  2. Incoming theine, L-theanine, theophylline provide an energy boost for the whole day and at the same time relax the body. As a result, a person becomes calm and resilient to negative factors, sleep and general condition are normalized.
  3. Theine is the well-known caffeine, only in a milder form. In combination with other enzymes, the drink stimulates brain activity. Incoming neurotransmitters are responsible for good mood, relieve excessive irritability and give peace.
  4. Geophyllin, which accumulates in the drug, affects the central nervous system. The substance clears the respiratory tract, reduces cravings for cigarettes and alcoholic beverages. The blood is enriched with oxygen, resulting in a feeling of lightness.
  5. Such actions absolutely do not harm the vascular system and heart, as is the case with other similar drinks (artificial energy drinks, coffee, etc.).
  6. Alkaloid compounds are engaged in cleansing the body of free radicals, they relieve food poisoning, help the heart pump blood. Vessels expand smoothly, without stress.
  7. Tannins in combination with catechins stimulate all metabolic processes, thereby increasing insulin sensitivity. It becomes easier for people with diabetes to live, as blood glucose stops jumping.
  8. Pu-erh tea should be consumed by patients who have a tendency to form blood clots. The drink kills bad cholesterol and removes it from the blood, thereby reducing the likelihood of developing a stroke or heart attack.
  9. Pectin is responsible for the prevention of cancer. The substance blocks the access of blood to the cells of malignant tumors, kills a harmful protein, which can be the beginning of the development of oncology.

  1. The drink allows you to get rid of excess weight without stress for the body. So, Puer reduces the feeling of hunger and maintains satiety after a meal for a long time. Tea speeds up metabolism, thereby burning body fat.
  2. The drug is responsible for the rapid digestibility of food and the absorption of valuable enzymes by the blood. As a result of losing weight, a person does not feel unwell, apathy, or a bad mood.
  3. Pu-erh removes excess fluid, fighting swelling of the limbs and tissues of internal organs. Tea improves intestinal patency, regulates the size of portions.
  4. If the reason for the appearance of excess weight is associated with the inability to control the amount of food eaten, make it a habit to drink tea a third of an hour before a meal. Your stomach will fill up and you will eat less.
  5. For people who prefer to follow very strict diets, Pu-erh is a must. The drink makes up for the lack of the "hormone of joy", thereby the fight against body weight takes place in high spirits.
  6. You should not get carried away with tea, otherwise you risk experiencing partial beriberi, headache and high blood pressure. Take a drink three times a day for 100-150 ml.

The benefits of Puerh for digestion

  1. A separate topic deserves the effect of the drink on the digestive system. Pu-erh is recommended for duodenitis, ulcers, gastritis. The drug does not increase the acidity of the stomach, as does regular black or green tea.
  2. Soft enveloping properties protect the mucous membranes of the internal organs without irritating them. At the same time, maximum stimulation of the digestive tract is achieved, food is absorbed faster.
  3. In addition, Pu-erh has a laxative effect, cleansing the body even of old toxins. The drug removes poisons, heavy metals, radionuclides, fights stagnation in the intestines.
  4. The drink tones the bile ducts, has a beneficial effect on the bladder. Pu-erh restores the functions of the liver and the structure of the internal organ.
  5. Drinking tea will relieve you of the constant feeling of heaviness in the stomach, heartburn, bloating and other unpleasant symptoms. Pu-erh puts the appetite in order, promotes the rapid disintegration ethyl alcohol with a hangover.
  6. To enhance the antioxidant properties of the drug, you need to add a little brown sugar and milk to the composition. In addition, such manipulations saturate the body faster.

Harm Puer

  1. During gestation, girls need to carefully monitor the food they eat. Products directly affect the health and development of the baby. The recommended dose should not exceed 240 ml. tea a day.
  2. In the presence of ailments associated with the urinary tract or kidneys, be careful. During exacerbations, stop taking tea. Otherwise, the drink will provoke the movement of stones.
  3. If you suffer from insomnia and increased irritability, it is not recommended to use Pu-erh and similar tonic drinks. In some cases, you can treat yourself to 1 cup of this tea before lunch.
  4. It is forbidden to relieve pain in the abdomen with Puer, tea can cause even more damage. Consult a specialist for an accurate diagnosis.
  5. It is necessary to completely exclude the use of Pu-erh and strong teas in any quantities for people who have been diagnosed with atherosclerosis and hypertension.
  6. With proper brewing, the drink will not harm the body. Before drinking tea, it is important to choose high-quality raw materials.

  1. Give preference to proven producers of high-quality tea, mainly the large factories ShuangjiangMengkui, Menghai and Xiaguan.
  2. Always pay attention to packaging and storage conditions. Quality tea should be stored in a dark, dry and cool place.
  3. Tea is most often produced in the original pack of special materials. Forget about buying Pu-erh in sealed packaging. Such raw materials are prone to the development of mold.

Rules for brewing Pu-erh

  1. The smell of tea is revealed throughout the ceremony. The benefits of a freshly brewed drink are felt after proper aging. The strength of the drink is reached 10 minutes after pouring boiling water.
  2. For tea to show useful qualities, it is necessary to brew raw materials in a small porcelain or clay teapot. The taste is maximally manifested when brewed with purified water without impurities.
  3. A pleasant aroma is revealed at a temperature of no more than 93 degrees. It is forbidden to use bubbling boiling water, consider this important point. Without fail, warm the kettle, then brew the raw materials.
  4. Follow the rules strictly according to the instructions. The teapot is warmed up with the first boiling water and Pu-erh is washed from tea dust. The water should be about 90 degrees, after 10 seconds drain the liquid.
  5. For the second time, pour in boiling water, the temperature of which should not exceed 93 degrees. The brewing time of raw materials is from 3 to 10 minutes. To get a light drink, enough for 150 ml. water to take 3 gr. tea leaves, for strong tea, double the raw materials.
  6. According to the rules of use, tea should be brewed at least 10 times. All the colors and benefits of tea are revealed after 4-5 pours of boiling water. Each time it is important to increase the time of infusion of the drink.

According to the rules of tea drinking, the ceremony begins with the correct brewing of raw materials. Qualitatively prepared Pu-erh has a healing unique effect, while the drink has an amazing aroma.

Video: how to brew pu-erh

Puer tea by many tea experts is equated with such elite drinks as whiskey or brandy. Over the years, the taste characteristics of the drink are revealed better and better, and the beneficial qualities also increase.

Aging and processing make this drink unique. A wide variety of varieties will satisfy even picky gourmets. But you need to understand in more detail what is the use of this tea, who can and who cannot use it.

How to choose a good quality drink

Black tea, which you are used to in everyday life, is considered red in China, but real black tea, which involves special manufacturing and brewing technologies, is called pu-erh.

This name comes from the place where the leaves were found, which are still actively brewed all over the world.

The difference in the method of preparation is that pu-erh leaves, after careful processing, become completely fermented. First, they are collected from the bushes, after the raw materials are laid out in heaps, from time to time irrigated with water.

The leaves dry out a little, then they are laid out in thin even layers, left for a couple of months to ferment naturally. It is possible to harvest tea and artificially, however, the properties and flavor are somewhat lost from this.

It takes about 7-8 years to prepare raw materials in a natural way.. During this time, the taste, smell, composition completely change. This tea has a dark color, called "shen".

Artificial drying, of course, involves less time- in a year, a drink called "shu" will be ready. Its shade will be an order of magnitude lighter than the previous version.

Of course, a ten-year-old drink will be more beneficial for the body.. But artificially prepared pu-erh also has benefits. This drink has more than 120 types, each is useful in its own way. They have different taste, color, aroma. A popular species, for the production of which combine old and young leaves.

To choose good quality pu-erh tea, firstly, you need to study at least a little the technology of its manufacture, the names of the leading manufacturers. Expensive product does not mean quality.

Also inspect the packaging, study the storage conditions. The product must be stored in a cool, dry place with sufficient air circulation.

The packaging must be original, allowing the product to "breathe". It is better not to buy tea in sealed bags - mold can develop there.

Well, if you have the opportunity to feel the aroma. It will depend on the age of the tea - the older it is, the more woody notes in the smell. Foreign, unpleasant odors are not allowed. Due to the ability of tea to absorb the odors of a storage location, proper conditions are important.

look at the color. With a long exposure time, the briquettes will be reddish, with a short exposure time - greenish. There is no pure black pu-erh. Extraneous colors are not allowed in the briquette - white, yellow. Inclusions of other colors indicate that the product has begun to deteriorate.

If you were not previously familiar with this drink, then it is better to start with fermented varieties - they are more familiar. “Raw” pu-erh is more exotic, it is recommended to switch to it a little later.

On the pages of our site you will also learn everything about how to brew a drink correctly.

Composition and calories

Real black pu-erh consists only of tea leaves, without flavorings and impurities.

Its chemical composition includes the elements:

100 g of the product contains 151.8 kcal. To prepare one cup, a teaspoon of raw materials is usually enough - about 2 g, which accounts for only 3 kcal.

What is good for health

This drink has been popular in China for a long time., and this is also due to its beneficial properties.

The main ones among them are:

For kids

Pu-erh is contraindicated for small children. Their body is too weak to normally perceive a product with such strong properties.

For the elderly

Older people who do not have heart and blood pressure problems can drink the drink within reason. It prolongs youth reduces the risk of a number of age-related diseases.

Potential Hazard

Product may be harmful if consumed on an empty stomach.

The reason is the presence of enzymes in the composition that activate the work gastrointestinal tract. This eating habit can lead to heartburn and stomach pain.

Much depends on the correct preparation of tea. and the amount of use. Do not drink more than three cups a day. Do not use it before bedtime, as this can provoke insomnia, disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system.

Severe harm is also possible if the raw materials were collected in places with poor ecology.. And this is another reason to carefully choose the product. Pu-erh cannot be drunk strongly brewed, and the strength of the tea leaves is not proportional to the usefulness of the drink.

There are a number of contraindications under which you can not drink tea. The first is individual intolerance.


  • Hold your drink at a high temperature, since he can lift it even more.
  • It is not recommended to drink tea during pregnancy. During lactation, a maximum of one cup is allowed.
  • Pu-erh is contraindicated for small children.
  • It is important not to get carried away with the product for hypertensive patients, as it tends to increase pressure.
  • Caution is needed when, because the drink has a diuretic effect, which can lead to pain, movement of stones.

Also, keep in mind that improperly brewed tea can provoke tea intoxication, manifested by vomiting and a strong heartbeat.

You will learn more about the beneficial properties and contraindications for drinking black pu-erh tea from the following video clip:

You can drink no more than three cups of tea per day. It is recommended to use it in the first half of the day, so as not to provoke sleep disturbances.

It is important to prepare tea properly. In general, there are many ways to prepare pu-erh, each of them gives him the opportunity to open up in his own way.

This is the only type of tea that can be boiled.. Sugar, milk and even salt are added to the drink.

Some peoples have special cooking recipes using animal oil and fat, adding cereals. Regardless of the brewing method, there are general rules:

  • Before filling the tea leaves, you need to heat the container on fire or water. The water temperature should be hot, but not boiling.
  • Pressed leaves should not be broken off, but their upper layers should be separated with a knife.
  • One cup needs about 7 grams of dry raw materials. It is applied from three times without rinsing.
  • Tea is poured over with boiling water for 30 seconds and the liquid is drained. This allows you to wash off the dust, let the leaves open.
  • The infusion is poured into a separate teapot, and after that it is poured into containers without dilution with water.
  • You need to drink the drink fresh. After two hours, it acquires an unpleasant taste, acts too sharply on the heart and gastrointestinal tract.

Application for weight loss

Tea is popular among those who lose weight. The reason for this is its ability to speed up metabolism, cleanse the body, and regulate appetite. It is recommended to drink a cup 15 minutes before a meal - this way you will eat less, and what you eat will be better digested.

Pu-erh will help overcome bad mood and loss of strength, characteristic of losing weight. But, of course, you should not get carried away with them, and even more so to replace breakfast or lunch with them.

Use in traditional medicine

Infusion tones, improves concentration, so people who work mentally can drink it.

In the next review, we will tell you the secrets of making a delicious and healing drink.

What are the benefits of black tea with milk? Read about the features of drinking a drink popular all over the world.

And from the next article you will learn about the benefits of milk with turmeric, about how this drink is used in recipes traditional medicine: .

Influence in cosmetology

The anti-aging properties of tea are also widely appreciated, therefore, it is added to face masks, combining with ingredients such as kefir, olive oil, honey, starch.

Good product for hair and nails. To improve the condition of the curls, you can make masks by mixing tea infusion with honey and egg yolk.

Pu-erh tea is a unique drink with rich history. If you use it wisely and moderately, you can feel all its benefits, which have long been valued in its homeland.

In contact with

Among the true connoisseurs of tea, pu-erh is the most popular. Apart from refined taste, this drink, when used correctly, can have a positive effect on the body. Knowing the beneficial properties of pu-erh tea for men, you can restore or increase male strength, as well as improve the condition of the body as a whole.

What is Puer?

The birthplace of pu-erh tea is the Chinese provinces of Sichuan, Guizhou and Yunnan, it is here that the highest quality and useful product. However, increased demand led to the development of such production in Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Burma. After collecting suitable leaves (a conscientious manufacturer always makes sure that the leaves of old, centennial plants are included in the composition), they go through many complex stages - drying, twisting, fermenting, drying and pressing. All these processes differ in duration - it can take up to ten years to prepare good and truly healing raw materials.

You need to know! Pu-erh aged 25-30 years is considered the best. Such tea is quite difficult to get, since it is not sold in markets and shops. Therefore, when purchasing this product (especially in bags) in a supermarket, you should not expect a miracle from it in the form of healing all ailments.

Real chinese pu-erh has a unique composition, which includes:

  • vitamins, among which a special place is occupied by B 2 and PP;
  • minerals;
  • tannin;
  • amino acids;
  • saccharides;
  • monosaturated and polyunsaturated fats;
  • fruit acids;
  • theabrovins, thearubigins, theaflavins;
  • specific tea polyphenols.

Combining with each other, complementing the healing qualities of each other, these components form a substance that in ancient China was called "a drink from a hundred diseases."

Useful properties of pu-erh tea

Regular consumption of the drink contributes to:

  • strengthening of brain activity;
  • improving blood circulation;
  • strengthening of blood vessels;
  • increase in physical endurance;
  • normalization of digestion processes;
  • cleansing of toxins and toxins;
  • removal of sugar and "bad" cholesterol from the body;
  • acceleration of metabolism, which is necessary for those who want to lose weight;
  • removing excess fluid, reducing swelling.

Important! British scientists in the course of research found that pectin, which is part of this tea, can prevent the development of cancer.

Effect on the male body

The benefits of pu-erh for men are due to its complex effect on the male body:

  • helps to relieve stress, emotional overload, relieves chronic fatigue, which is important, because the unstable state of the nervous system most often provokes male sexual failure;
  • improves blood circulation, increases vascular tone, which leads to increased erectile function;
  • prevents the development of prostatitis, prostate adenoma and other inflammatory and neoplastic pathologies of the male reproductive system.


Attention! In chronic ailments with long periods of remission, 200 ml of the drink per day is allowed. It is strictly forbidden to drink it on an empty stomach.

Puer tea is not always useful for men - it can be harmful if there are contraindications to its use:

  • various disorders of blood pressure (hyper- or hypotension), as well as arrhythmia. Pu-erh has a strong effect on the cardiovascular system, even a slight violation of the permissible dosage can aggravate existing problems;
  • atherosclerosis (pu-erh increases the extremely undesirable load on capillaries and blood vessels in such a disease);
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases digestive system or kidney;
  • SARS, influenza and other infections accompanied by fever. Pu-erh contributes to an increase in body temperature and reduces the effectiveness of antipyretic drugs;
  • glaucoma;
  • individual intolerance to this type of tea.

Note! Excessive use of pu-erh or its improper brewing can cause the so-called "tea intoxication", which is accompanied by indigestion, vomiting, and heart rhythm disturbance.

Features of use

In order for Pu-erh tea to bring true pleasure, without harming it, you need to listen to the following recommendations:

  1. When choosing tea, special attention should be paid to its smell. At quality product it is quite strong, with characteristic notes of black soil and smoked dried fruits.
  2. Brewing tea lasts from a few seconds to a minute. A longer brewing process will add bitterness to the drink. In addition, after an hour, the beneficial properties of pu-erh will decrease many times over, and bacteria will begin active reproduction, which will turn a useful product into a toxic one.
  3. For brewing, it is necessary to use high-quality water and only glass or porcelain utensils.
  4. You should not add sugar to pu-erh or wash it down with sweets and pastries - this will interrupt the noble taste of tea, and also contribute to the destruction of some of the useful components of tea.
  5. The daily norm of pu-erh is 1-2 cups. It is advisable to drink them before noon. If you take a drink before bedtime, then most likely it will lead to insomnia.

Be carefull! Various aromatic additives such as lotus, jasmine, rose and others are added to low-grade varieties, thereby trying to hide the lack of natural aroma or cover the smell of mold. Real pu-erh does not accept any additions.

Pu-erh tea can be called truly miraculous, because it not only invigorates and energizes, but also helps to correct some unpleasant features of the state of health. The main thing is to remember the existing contraindications and observe moderation when drinking the drink.

The unique taste of the original Pu-erh acquires completely unique shades over the years. This variety rightfully belongs to the elite, therefore it is appreciated by gourmets all over the world. At the same time, in order to truly enjoy the tart taste and exotic aroma, it is necessary to take into account the nuances of purchasing and brewing this tea. These questions are discussed in detail in our article.

Pu-erh has been known for many centuries, so the real story of the discovery of this drink, unfortunately, is unknown. It is believed that tea leaves or in the process of transportation to the buyer, they underwent a process of caking and fermentation, due to which a tart taste and original aroma of Pu-erh appeared. This variety belongs to fully fermented teas, and the process of final "ripening" can take decades ("ready" tea is considered after 8-12 years of aging). In conditions modern production it is artificially reduced using special drying units and catalysts. At the same time, a real elite Pu-erh is prepared according to old recipes, therefore retains the taste and benefits of this unique drink.

Benefits of Puer Tea:

  • It has general strengthening properties.
  • Removes waste and toxins from the body.
  • Helps improve blood circulation and remove excess fluid from the tissues.
  • Stimulates the digestion process, helps the synthesis of enzymes.
  • Accelerates metabolic processes.
  • Helps cleanse blood vessels, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.
  • Provides Effect as a natural antidepressant.
  • Improves brain function.
  • Helps lower blood sugar levels.
  • Normalization of the liver, its gradual cleansing.

Pu-erh is sold pressed or in the form of lumps, less often - in a crumbly form. Outwardly, it is completely unimpressive: dark twisted leaves and a distinct "earthy" smell. When brewed, it gives a strong black infusion, which acquires distinct woody, smoky notes and exceptional strength. Not everyone can appreciate the primitive taste of this drink, but for real gourmets it is a favorite delicacy.

The attached video will tell you more about this elite variety, its advantages and disadvantages.

Possible harm

The process of fermentation, in which tea leaves acquire such properties, is fraught with certain dangers. If you do not take into account possible contraindications use, you can harm your body.

Puer should not be used:

  • Pregnant women. This variety of tea contains a special substance - theophylline. It is responsible for regulating body temperature and blood pressure levels. With regular use, these indicators can increase, which can provoke premature birth and complications in the development of the fetus.
  • Diseases of the digestive tract. This is not an absolute contraindication, but patients with acute and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should limit the use of this tea variety. One of the useful properties of Pu-erh - stimulation of the production of gastric enzymes, can become a negative phenomenon with increased acidity, ulcerative lesions and dysfunction of the digestive system.
  • Also in childhood the benefits of Pu-erh will be doubtful. A growing organism will not be able to properly process the biologically active composition of the drink, so there may be problems with concentration, as well as physiological ones.
  • Individual intolerance to tea components. Usually, few people like this drink for the first time. If, after taking it, atypical skin reactions, uncomfortable sensations and disorders of the digestive function appear, it is possible that we are talking about an allergic reaction of the body.
  • lactation period. The diet of a nursing mother should be optimally balanced and most useful for the baby. Regular use of Pu-erh can lead to negative reactions in a child: indigestion, increased nervousness and allergies.

Pu-erh has a strong invigorating effect, so it is advisable to use it in the morning, and not in the evening. Besides, It has contraindications to frequent use in patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases, as well as hypertension. The ability of the drink to cleanse blood vessels will help with such diseases, but the intake and dosage of the decoction should be discussed with your doctor.

Features of brewing and use

In the Chinese classification of tea tastes, the effect of Pu-erh on a person is often compared to a mild narcotic effect. After one or two cups, there comes an excellent physical relaxation, but at the same time the consciousness acquires clarity and concentration. Such an action does not differ in duration: only 15-40 minutes, but it is for such a tonic and invigorating effect that this variety is valued all over the world. To enjoy the taste and feel the "magic" of tea, as well as take into account the peculiarities of use.

The secrets of brewing this variety:

  • One brew should be enough for 5-10 servings of tea. The first brew, as a rule, pours out. This is necessary to flush the mixture, which could get foreign impurities and dust.
  • Calculation of the required volume: 10 grams per 100 ml of water. It is recommended to brew tea in a clay or ceramic teapot.
  • Water for tea should be hot, but not boiling water. The recommended temperature is up to 95 degrees. Too much cold water will not allow the tea leaves to open, and boiling water will destroy the delicate aroma and taste.
  • The duration of brewing is determined individually. Usually the first brew is drained after three to five minutes. The second and subsequent is from five minutes. Each time the duration of infusion increases by several minutes.
  • The daily dosage of this drink should not exceed three small cups. It is best to consume Pu-erh in the morning. Otherwise, the invigorating effect of the drink may adversely affect the quality of a night's rest.
  • Unlike traditional black and green varieties of tea, Pu-erh should be drunk about 20 minutes before a meal, and not after a meal.
  • It is advisable not to use sweeteners and any aromatic additives. Pu-erh is drunk in its pure form, without sugar, milk or lemon. If the taste seems too tart, you can add a little honey.
  • For quick weight gain, Puer is used as a useful food additive. It activates the process of splitting fat cells, and also helps to cleanse the body at the cellular level. To do this, you can drink two cups of strong brewed Pu-erh daily, or you can replace one of the meals with such a tea party. At the same time, it is desirable to increase physical activity, as well as to abandon high-calorie meals and desserts.

properties and contraindications which are discussed in our article, refers to fermented elite varieties of tea. It produces an extremely strong infusion with distinct woody notes and a slight smoky aftertaste. Proper brewing and drinking this drink will help provide undoubted benefits for the body, and it is better to study possible contraindications in advance so as not to harm your health.