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Poultry meat ragout technological map. Vegetable stew


On the " Vegetable stew with mushrooms".

1 area of ​​use. This technical and technological map applies to the dish "Vegetable stew with mushrooms", produced by the canteen.

2. Raw materials used:

2.1. For the preparation of "Vegetable stew with mushrooms" use raw materials or products that meet the requirements of regulatory documentation and have certificates of conformity or a declaration of conformity, quality certificates.

3. Recipe 3.1

Name of products

Gross weight

Net weight


Bulgarian pepper

tomato paste

Spices, salt

Vegetable oil

4. Technological process.

4.1 Preparation of raw materials for the production of "Vegetable stew with mushrooms" is carried out in accordance with the "Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for enterprises Catering».

4.2. Vegetables are washed and cut into cubes, slices or straws. Mushrooms are washed and boiled for 5-10 minutes, then washed cold water and cut into slices. Sliced ​​onions and carrots are sauted, then bell peppers are added, fried for another 3-4 minutes. Then add mushrooms and zucchini. Fry until half cooked, add tomato paste, spices, salt and garlic. Add a little water and leave to simmer for another 10-15 minutes with the lid closed, stirring occasionally.

5. Registration, submission, sale and storage.

5.1 The dish "Vegetable stew with mushrooms" should be served on a plate. May be decorated with greenery.

5.2. Serving temperature 65 o C.

5.3. The implementation period is no more than 2 hours from the end of the technological process.

5. Indicator of quality and safety.

6.1. Organoleptic characteristics of the dish:

appearance - vegetables retained their cut shape, without burnt places

texture - soft

color - vegetables

taste - moderately salty,

the smell of fried vegetables.

6.2. Physical and chemical indicators are determined according to clause 5.13 of GOST R 50763-95 “Public catering. Culinary products sold to the public. General technical requirements".

Mass fraction of solids, % (not less than) 20.7

Mass fraction of fat, % (not less than) 3.1

Mass fraction of salt, % (not less than) 0.7

Microbiological indicators are determined according to the index 6.9.15 "Public catering products" SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the quality and safety of food raw materials and food products».

The number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms, CFU in 1g. product, no more than 1x10.

6. Nutritional and energy value per 100 g of product:

Responsible developer ____________ ___________

Technologist ____________ ___________________


Head of the dining room ____________ ___________. "__" ________ 20__


Mashed potatoes


Baked cottage cheese pudding with raisins


Recipe No. 81


Cooking method:

Grate cottage cheese, add sugar semolina, milk, egg yolk (eggs are pre-processed in accordance with SanPiN Add sorted, washed in warm boiled water raisins. Knead the mass well. Beat the egg white and gently fold into the cooked curd mass, then put the mass in a layer of no more than 3-4 cm on a greased baking sheet and bake at a temperature of 220-250 ° C for 20-30 minutes.

Requirements: The surface is smooth, without cracks. Soft, fluffy texture. The color is golden yellow. Taste and smell characteristic of cottage cheese.

Recipe No. 56

The energy value(kcal): 82,60

Cooking method:

Peeled potatoes are poured with boiling, salted water and boiled until tender. The broth is drained, the potatoes are rubbed hot through a masher. Add hot boiled milk, boiled butter to the mashed potatoes and mix thoroughly until fluffy. homogeneous mass.

Requirements: The color is white-cream, the consistency is thick, lush, homogeneous, the taste and smell are delicate, with the aroma of milk and butter. Not allowed: Color with a bluish tinge, with dark eyes, pieces of intact potato, smell of burnt milk, taste watery.

Recipe No. 57

Product name Product consumption for 1 ed.
Gross weight, g Net weight, g
from 01.09 to 31.10 x / o - 25% 54,1 40,6
from 01.11 to 31.12 x / o - 30% 58,0 40,6
from 01.01 to 28-29.02 x / o - 35% 62,5 40,6
from 01.03 to 31.08 x/o - 40% 67,7 40,6
Frozen potatoes 40,6 40,6
White cabbage (x/o 20%) 32,0 25,6
red carrot
until 01.01 x / o - 20% 30,0 24,0
from 01.01 x/o-25% 32,0 24,0
Frozen red carrots 24,0 24,0
Onion 15,0 12,6
Frozen onion 12,6 12,6
Sterilized milk 3.2% fat fortified 30,0 30,0
Butter unsalted 3,0 3,0
Low sodium iodized salt 0,3 0,3

Energy value (kcal): 84,21

Instead of fresh vegetables, it is allowed to use the corresponding fresh quick-frozen vegetables in the same quantities (net). They are used without prior defrosting.

Cooking method:

Peel potatoes, carrots, rinse, cut into slices or cubes and simmer in a small amount of water with butter until half cooked. Cut white cabbage into checkered pieces and simmer in water. Then combine potatoes and vegetables, pour hot milk, add salt and continue to simmer until tender.


Vegetables should keep their cut shape. The taste and smell are typical for stewed vegetables.

Technological maps of recipes for preschool institutions - part 18


Product name: Mashed potatoes

Recipe number 321

1st option

Weight, g




Powdered milk



150 g

Nutrients (g)

cal value (kcal)

Vitamins (mg)

Minerals (mg)

including animals

Cooking technology

Peeled potatoes are boiled in salted water until cooked, the water is drained, the potatoes are dried. Boiled hot potatoes are wiped, the temperature of the potatoes being wiped must be at least 80 ° C. In hot mashed potatoes, stirring continuously, add hot boiled milk and melted butter in two or three doses. The mixture is beaten until a fluffy homogeneous mass is obtained.

quality requirements

Appearance: mashed potato mass

Consistency: thick, fluffy, uniform

Color: creamy white

Taste: characteristic of boiled potatoes, with a pronounced taste of butter and boiled milk, moderately salty, tender

Smell: freshly made mashed potatoes, boiled milk and butter

Technological map No.

Product name: Mashed potatoes with carrots

Recipe number 322

Name of the collection of recipes: Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for feeding children in preschool organizations

Name of products and semi-finished products

Weight, g




Powdered milk



The chemical composition of this dish per 150 g.

Nutrients (g)

cal value (kcal)

Vitamins (mg)

Minerals (mg)

including animals

Cooking technology

Peeled carrots are cut into slices and stewed in a small amount of water. Peeled potatoes are boiled in water until cooked, the water is drained, the potatoes are dried. Boiled hot potatoes, along with stewed carrots, are rubbed. Hot milk, butter, salt are added to the resulting mass in 2-3 doses with continuous stirring; the mixture is beaten until a fluffy homogeneous mass is obtained.

Serving yield is determined by age group.

quality requirements


Consistency: homogeneous, lush

Color: creamWithorange splashes

Taste: mashed potatoes and carrots

Smell: included in the puree of vegetables, boiled milk and butter

Technological map No.

Product name: Boiled pasta with butter

Recipe number 323

Name of the collection of recipes: Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for feeding children in preschool organizations

Name of products and semi-finished products

Weight, g





Vegetable oil


The chemical composition of this dish 150 g

Nutrients (g)

cal value (kcal)

Vitamins (mg)

Minerals (mg)

including animals

Cooking technology

Peeled carrots are cut into slices and stewed with sugar for 30-40 minutes, and then wiped. Hot milk is poured into the pureed carrots, salt is added and boiled for 2-3 minutes. Portioned, a pattern is applied to the surface.

Serving yield is determined by age group.

quality requirements

Appearance: well mashed mass, without lumps

Consistency: smooth, juicy

Color: pale orange

Taste: stewed carrots, moderately salted

Smell: stewed carrots

Technological map No.

Product name: Carrot or beet puree (1st option)

Recipe number 324

Name of the collection of recipes: Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for feeding children in preschool organizations





or beets

Mass of pureed carrots or beets




The chemical composition of this dish per 1000g.

Nutrients (g)

cal value (kcal)

Vitamins (mg)

Minerals (mg)

including animals

Cooking technology

Carrot clean, cut and allow. beets boiled, peeled. Carrots or beets are rubbed, added butter, sugar and heat for 5-7 minutes.

Exit portions determined age group.

quality requirements

Appearance: Good pureed vegetables, no lumps, butter on top

Consistency: soft, juicy

Color: pale orange - carrot puree or crimson red from beets

Taste: boiled carrots or beets with buttery flavor, moderately salty

Smell: boiled carrots or beets, butter

Technological map No.

Product name: Potato cutlet with vegetables

Recipe number 330

Name of the collection of recipes: Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for feeding children in preschool organizations

Name of products and semi-finished products

Weight, g




Canned green peas

Canned corn

Green onion or onion

exit with sauce


The chemical composition of this dish 130 g.

Nutrients (g)

cal value (kcal)

Vitamins (mg)

Minerals (mg)

including animals

Cooking technology

Prepared carrots, cabbage and turnips are cut into strips, water is added (20-30% by weight of vegetables) and stewed until half cooked. Then add chopped potatoes and stew until tender. 10 minutes before the end of the quenching, pour green pea. Stewed vegetables are rubbed hot, salted and, with continuous stirring, hot boiled milk and melted butter are added in 2-3 doses. The mixture is beaten until a fluffy homogeneous mass is obtained. Serving yield is determined by age group.

quality requirements

Appearance: well mashed mass, without lumps

Consistency: homogeneous, lush

Color: creamy orange with green flecks

Taste: included in vegetables, moderately salty

Smell: freshly prepared vegetables and products included in the dish

Technological map No.

Product name: Vegetable stew with meat

Recipe number 331.

Name of the collection of recipes: Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for feeding children in preschool organizations

Name of products and semi-finished products

Weight, g



Meat (trimming, shoulder, brisket)


white cabbage


Weight of stewed vegetables


Vegetable oil

Wheat flour



The chemical composition of this dish 220 g.

Nutrients (g)

cal value (kcal)

Vitamins (mg)

Minerals (mg)

including animals

Cooking technology

Vegetables are cut into slices or cubes, then put in a bowl with a layer of no more than 5 cm and allowed in a small amount of water with the addition of oil.

Poached vegetables are seasoned with milk sauce and brought to a boil. When using carrots, sugar is added to the sauce in an amount 3 g per serving.

Serving yield is determined by age group.

quality requirements

Appearance: stewed vegetables that have retained the shape of the cut

Consistency: soft, juicy

Color: corresponds to the type of vegetables

Taste: corresponds to the type of vegetables, moderately salty

Smell: stewed vegetables, butter

Technological map No.

Product name: Vegetables in milk sauce(2nd option)

Recipe number 333.

Name of the collection of recipes: Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for feeding children in preschool organizations

Name of products and semi-finished products

Weight, g



or swede

or pumpkin

or zucchini

or beets

or canned green peas

or frozen green peas

Weight of stewed vegetables

Sauce No. 350, 366



The chemical composition of this dish 1000 g. (beet)

Nutrients (g)

cal value (kcal)

Vitamins (mg)

Minerals (mg)

including animals

Cooking technology

Prepared vegetables are cut into cubes or slices, white cabbage - into squares.

Separately stewed with butter, vegetables, warmed canned green peas are combined with milk sauce, salt is added and boiled for 1-2 minutes.

In the absence of one or another type of vegetables specified in the recipe, you can cook a dish from other vegetables by changing the bookmark accordingly.

Serving yield is determined by age group.

quality requirements

Appearance: vegetables in sauce, cut into cubes or slices, White cabbage- squares, the shape is saved

Consistency: soft, juicy

Color: appropriate stewed with vegetables

Taste: corresponding to the type of vegetables, milk sauce, moderately salty

Smell: steamed vegetables, milk

Technological map No.

Product name: Braised cabbage

Recipe number 336

Name of the collection of recipes: Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for feeding children in preschool organizations

Name of products and semi-finished products

Weight, g



fresh white cabbage



Or pickled



Vegetable oil



tomato puree

Wheat flour




The chemical composition of this dish 1000 g.

Nutrients (g)

cal value (kcal)

Vitamins (mg)

Minerals (mg)

including animals

Cooking technology

Fresh cabbage cut into strips is placed in a cauldron with a layer up to 30 cm , add broth or water (20-30% by weight of raw cabbage), vegetable oil, heated tomato puree and stew until half cooked with occasional stirring. Then add poached, chopped into strips, carrots, onions and stew until tender. 5 minutes before the end of the stewing, the cabbage is seasoned with dried flour, sugar, salt and brought to a boil again. For children of the first age group, the sauce is prepared without tomato puree.

Serving yield is determined by age group.

quality requirements

Appearance: a mixture of stewed cabbage with vegetables; cabbage, onions and carrots - in the form of straws



Vegetable ragout

Recipe No. 172

Turnip or






Fresh white cabbage



Cooking fat

Sauce (recipes #364, #366, #388)

Black peppercorns



Bay leaf




Ready stew



Table margarine (or butter)




*in the absence of one or another type of vegetables specified in the recipe, the dish can be prepared from the rest of the vegetables, increasing their tab accordingly.

** The numerator indicates the norm of gross products, the denominator - net.

*** weight of finished products

Cooking technology.

Sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpotatoes and roots are lightly fried, the onions are sautéed. White cabbage is cut into checkers, stewed, cauliflower - disassembled into separate roots and boiled. Then potatoes or vegetables are combined with red, tomato or sour cream sauce and stewed for 10-15 minutes. After that, poached white cabbage or boiled cauliflower is added and continue to simmer for 15-20 minutes. Spices are added 5-10 minutes before readiness. On vacation, the stew is poured with fat.

Red sauce (basic)

Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products: textbook for the beginning of vocational education / N.E. Kharchenko. - 3rd ed., Ster.-M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2008.

Recipe No. 364

Cooking technology

Sliced ​​onions and carrots are sautéed with fat, tomato puree is added and sautéing is continued for another 10-15 minutes.

sifted wheat flour sauté at a temperature of 150-160, stirring occasionally in a plate dish or a baking sheet in an oven (with a layer of no more than 4 cm) until a light brown color is acquired.

Flour sauté cooled to 70-80 is diluted with warm broth in a ratio of 1: 4, thoroughly stirred and introduced into boiling brown broth, then vegetables sautéed with tomato puree are added at a low boil, boiled for 45-60 minutes. At the end of the vpka add salt, sugar, black peppercorns, bay leaf. The sauce is filtered, rubbing boiled vegetables into it, and brought to a boil.

The main red sauce is used for the preparation of derivative sauces. When using the sauce as an independent dish, it is seasoned with table margarine (30g).


Bouillon brown

Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products: textbook for the beginning of vocational education / N.E. Kharchenko. - 3rd ed., Ster.-M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2008.

Recipe No. 362

Parsley (root)

Or celery (root)



* bones of beef, lamb, veal, pork, poultry and game (grouse, black grouse, partridge, capercaillie).

Cooking technology

Raw bones, washed and chopped into pieces 5-7 cm long, are fried on a baking sheet and in an oven at a temperature of 160-170 with the addition of carrots, parsley, onions, cut into pieces of arbitrary shape. Lamb, veal, pork, poultry and game bones fry for 30-40 minutes, beef - 1-1.5 hours, turning them over. When the bones become light brown in color, frying is stopped, and the fat released from the bones is drained. The fried bones with roasted roots and onions are placed in a cauldron, poured with hot water and boiled for 5-6 hours at a low boil, periodically removing fat and foam. In brown broth, to improve its quality, you can add meat juice obtained after frying meat products. To do this, on a baking sheet on which they were fried meat products, pour a little meat broth or water and boil for 2-3 minutes. Ready broth is filtered.


To the group harvesting

To pre-training

"Lux" -


"The first"

Names of raw materials Consumption of raw materials for 1 portion
Gross grams Net gram
petru (root)
tomato puree
Wheat flour
Mass of stewed pork
Mass of vegetables and sauce

1. Defrosting

2. Cutting the mark

3. Washing

4. Drying

5. Carcass cutting

6. Deboning parts

7. Trimming and stripping

8. Cooking meat P/F

Thawing meat (defrosting)

In frozen meat, the meat juice is located between the muscle fibers in the form of ice crystals. When thawed, the juice should be absorbed back into the muscle fibers. To do this, three rules must be observed:

1) thaw slowly at an air temperature of 0 to 6-8 ° C and a humidity of 90-95%. At catering units, meat is thawed in special chambers (defrosters), hanging carcasses, half carcasses or quarters on hooks, so that they do not touch each other and do not touch the floor and walls. The duration of thawing depends on the size of the pieces and is 1-3 days. Thawing is stopped when the temperature in the thickness of the muscles reaches 0 °C. The loss of meat juice during slow thawing is 0.5% by weight of the meat. In the absence of defrosters, the meat is thawed on grates or tables in the preparation shop. At home, the meat is thawed in the refrigerator at a temperature of 4-8 ° C;

2) thaw the meat as much as possible large pieces, you can not chop it into small pieces (to defrost faster), as this increases the loss of meat juice up to 10%. The meat becomes tough and less nutritious;

3) thawing of meat in water is not allowed, as soluble nutrients pass into the water.

After thawing, the stigma, blood clots, and heavily contaminated places are cut off from the carcass.

Washing and drying

When washing, dirt, microorganisms and their spores are removed from the surface of the meat. The meat hung on hooks is washed with the help of special brushes (brush-shower) with a jet of water from a hose or hose at a temperature of 20-30 ° C. In small enterprises, the meat is washed with running water in bathtubs using brushes. At the end, be sure to wash the meat with cold water (12-15 ° C) to delay the reproduction of microorganisms on its surface.

For drying, the meat is hung on hooks or placed on grates located above the washing baths. Drying prevents the growth of microbes, in addition, the dried meat does not slip in the hands during further processing.

deboning is the process of separating the pulp from the bone

Cleanup- this is the removal of tendons, films, cartilage, and excess fat from meat

Sorting- this is the distribution of cleaned meat according to the type of its purpose

carcass cutting

The quality of meat obtained from different parts of the carcass is not the same. Cuts vary nutritional value, culinary merits and purpose, the ratio of muscles, fat and bones. In this regard, the carcasses are cut into separate varietal cuts.

1. Tenderloin (fillet); 2. Fat (fat) 3. Hip part: ham, ham, bacon; 4. Blade; 5. Dewlap (lower part of the neck); 6. Brisket; 7.Underline; 8. Dorsal part (loin); 9.ribs; 10. Lumbar part (loin); 11.Knuckle; 12. Legs; 13. Neck; 14. Head and cheeks.

Neck - Shashlik

The meat of the neck part, with thin fatty streaks, is distinguished by tenderness and juiciness, and therefore, first of all, it will serve as an excellent material for shish kebab - not greasy and not dry, but exactly the right one. And secondly and thirdly, for exemplary chops and cutting, involving quick frying. Oh, and try meatballs or meatball soup prepared with neck meat.

Spatula - soup

The shoulder blade is the upper part of the front leg, which is not recommended for frying: the meat can turn out to be tough. The best solution is to use shoulder meat for stewing or boiling, for example, to prepare the first course - soup or borscht. In addition, the meat from the whole shoulder part can be turned into minced meat - for lovers of low-fat cutlets.

Loin - schnitzel

The most "noble" part of pork: it is the loin, or back part, that is considered the best pork meat. This is indeed the most tender meat, surrounded by a thin layer of subcutaneous fat, which is usually divided into entrecote - loin on the bone - and the boneless part. Frying (schnitzels, chops) and barbecue is the best thing to do with a loin.

Lumbar - soup

The tender meat of this part is fried in a whole piece or cut into pieces, which turn out to be a clear rounded shape and contain more meat than any other pieces. Loin meat is divided into tenderloin and thick loin and is suitable for roasts, escalopes (smooth, round layers of meat from tenderloin or other parts of the pulp), goulash, barbecue, and soups.

Ribs - pilaf

Usually pork ribs prepared separately from other parts. They are ideal for solving two problems: firstly, for cooking broth - the basis for soup or borscht; secondly, from the ribs chopped into pieces, with the addition of onions and spices, you will get an excellent meat frying for pilaf. Naturally, on its own or in combination with vegetables, this roast is also a good idea.

Shank and shank - aspic

The front shank has a separate name - it is called the knuckle. The meat of this part requires careful cooking, and there are many options for its preparation. Stew, bake and cook - classic, or you can make broth from the shank. As for the back shank, there is almost no meat on it, but there are cartilage and bones intended for broth and jelly.


1. Primary processing of meat and vegetables

2. Cutting meat and vegetables

3. Roasting meat

4. Add tomato broth and simmer

5. Cooking the sauce

6. Add sauce, sautéed vegetables to the meat and simmer

7. Add potatoes

8. We bring to readiness

Cooking technology

To prepare the stew, cut meat and bone pieces of lamb weighing 20-30 g or meat and bone pieces of pork weighing 30-40 g are taken. Pieces of cutlet meat weighing 20-30 g are allowed.

Fried meat is poured with hot broth or water, tomato puree is added and stewed for 30-40 minutes. On the broth remaining after stewing, prepare the sauce, which is poured over the meat, put carrots, turnips, parsley, onions, cut into slices and fried (turnips are pre-blanched). Stew for another 10 minutes, after which lay the fried potatoes and bring to readiness. In addition to these vegetables, at the end of the stew, you can add fried zucchini and eggplant, blanched Bell pepper, raw tomatoes, boiled green beans, respectively, reducing the rate of potatoes, carrots, turnips.

They release 2-3 pieces of meat per serving, along with sauce and garnish.

Requirements for the quality of potatoes

Potato tubers must be clean, healthy, whole, dry, unsprouted, uniform and non-uniform in shape and color. Frozen, steamed, rotten, rodent-damaged, with foreign odors, crushed potatoes are not allowed for acceptance.

Onions are the most common type of onion vegetables. It is grown from seeds - nigella for 1 - 3 years. The bulb consists of a bottom, from which roots extend down, and upwards - modified leaves in the form of fleshy scales. Outside, the bulb is covered with several dry colored scales - a shirt that protects the fleshy scales from drying out and being damaged by microorganisms. Onions contain up to 6 mg% essential oil, sugar (9%), vitamins C B₁ B₂ B₆ PP and folic acid, minerals, nitrogenous substances (up to 2.6%). Onions are distinguished by their shape (flat, round, flat-round, oval) and the color of dry scales (white, straw-yellow, purple, brown). Onion flesh is white with a greenish tint and purple. According to taste, onion varieties are divided into spicy, peninsular, sweet.

Onion quality requirements

Bulbs must have mature, healthy, dry, clean, whole, uniform in shape and color, with well-dried upper scales and a dried neck no more than 5 cm long.

Packaging and storage of onions

Bulb onions are packed in coolies and nets - bags of 30 kg. Onions are stored at a temperature of 0 - 3 ̊С and a humidity of 75 - 80%

cooking oil

Cooking fats are an anhydrous mixture of lard with refined liquid vegetable oils and melted fats. Cooking fats must contain at least 99.7% fat and no more than 0.3% water. The melting point of fats is 28 - 36 ̊С, digestibility is 96.5%. Color from white to light yellow. Consistency is firm. When molten, fats are transparent. Depending on the purpose and composition, culinary fats are: vegetable lard, fat "Belarusian", "Ukrainian", "Eastern" and margaguselin. Cooking fats also include frying fat, which is pure vegetable fat.

Storage of cooking oils

Fats are stored at a temperature of 1 - 4 ̊С and a relative humidity of the room air of 80% for 4 months. In dry warehouses

Butcher shop

In large meat shops, production lines are organized for the production of cutlets, large-sized semi-finished products and separate workplaces for the manufacture of various semi-finished products from them. In small meat shops, they organize a general production, sometimes including a fish processing line.

Meat carcasses from the warehouse premises (refrigeration chambers) enter the thawing chamber along a monorail or on mobile racks or trolleys. The hanging carcasses are thawed for three days, then they are washed, without removing them from the hooks, in a special room using a hose or brushes (water temperature 20 - 25 ̊С) and dried with air blown into the room for 1.5 - 2 hours.

After that, the carcasses are cut into pieces in a suspended form with a large knife - a chopper or a butcher's ax or a circular band saw - on a cutting chair

Placement of equipment in the meat and fish shop:

A - meat processing area; B - Poultry processing area; B - fish processing area; 1 - bathtub with sides; 2 - cutting chair; 3 - production table; 4 - mobile rack; 5 - universal drive PM - 1.1; 6 - meat grinder; 7 - scorch cabinet; 8 - washing bath; 9 - refrigerator.

vegetable shop

The vegetable shop is intended for culinary machining vegetables and root crops and the manufacture of vegetable semi-finished products. Vegetable shops are of different capacities: small ones, supplying their production and branches with semi-finished products, and large ones, providing the city or individual districts with semi-finished products.

In vegetable shops, all equipment is installed in the course of the technological process, that is, several vegetable processing lines are organized. At the entrance to the workshop there is a chest or bin for storing potatoes.

Washing and cleaning machines have two chambers in which the potatoes are washed and peeled sequentially. In small enterprises, potatoes are washed by hand in low baths, loaded into special nets.

Potatoes are peeled in potato peelers of various capacities. During cleaning, the pulp is washed off by the water entering the machine. The water from the machine passes through a starch trap before going down the drain. Post-cleaning of potatoes is carried out on special tables. The tabletop is equipped with a tub for storing peeled potatoes in water. For manual cleaning, special flute knives or pneumatic turbines are used. The potatoes are washed. Washed potatoes and other vegetables are brought close to the line

Placement of equipment in the vegetable shop and organization of jobs:

1 - mobile washing bath; 2 - podvarnik; 3 - potato peeler MOK-125; 4 - tables for additional cleaning of potatoes and root crops; 5 - production tables; 6 - a table for peeling onions; 7 - a table with a built-in bath; 8 – universal drive MU-1000; 9 - sink for washing hands; 10 - electric towel ER-3.

Hot shop

The hot shop is designed for centralized production ready meals, semi-finished products of a high degree of readiness, including ready-made chilled dishes, and culinary products from semi-finished products. The workshop is connected with all industrial and commercial premises, therefore it is located close to the cold workshop, distribution and washing tableware. It is connected with the procurement workshops by freight elevators or inter-shop transport, and is part of the culinary workshop.

The quality of the work of the hot shop largely depends on the proper organization of workplaces, equipping them with equipment, utensils and inventory.

Modular equipment is considered the most advanced. Its linear arrangement provides the necessary sequence for performing various operations of the technological process, reduces the movement paths for cooks, and allows saving the size of the production area by 25%.

Currently, the industry produces thermal equipment for electric heating (from an AC voltage network of 220 and 380 V), as well as for gas heating.

Organization of workplaces in the hot shop:

A - soup department: 1 - cooking broths; 2 - cooking soups; 3 - portioning of meat, fish, poultry; 4 - portioning and release of first courses; 5 - preparation of side dishes for soups; b - sauce department: 6 - processes of cooking, frying, poaching, stewing; 7 - preparation of side dishes, sauces; 8 - frying kebabs and portioning; 9 - portioning of second courses; 10 - distributing line

Sanitary requirements

Butcher shop located in a number of blank shops. Its device should ensure the sequence of the technological process of meat processing, from defrosting carcasses to the preparation of semi-finished products

Given the different sanitary condition of meat, it is necessary to provide separate lines for their processing.

In the meat workshop, refrigeration cabinets are necessarily provided, and in large enterprises - refrigeration prefabricated chambers.

vegetable shop located closer to the vegetable warehouse or elevator, thereby eliminating contamination industrial premises. The workshop organizes independent lines for processing potatoes and root crops, cabbage and fresh vegetables eaten raw provide jobs for further processing of processed vegetables

Hot shop equip close to the cold shop and dispensing, clearly delimiting the soup and sauce department. In the hot shop, the technological process of cooking is completed, therefore, the sanitary and hygienic condition of the finished food depends on the proper organization of this shop.

To ensure the consistent implementation of the technological process, and therefore, to improve the quality of dishes, it is considered the most rational to install sectional modular equipment in the workshop, consisting of a number of electronic devices that are located in one serial line. Such equipment saves production space and improves working conditions, reducing unnecessary movements and reducing the physical load of cooks. It improves the sanitary condition of the prepared food and the workshop as a whole.

Sanitary requirements for equipment

Technological equipment catering enterprises can be: mechanical, thermal, refrigeration, non-mechanical

mechanical equipment must have working parts of the machine made of stainless steel, and the outer parts painted with enamel paint. After work, the equipment is thoroughly cleaned, washed with hot water, wiped with a clean towel and covered with a cover made of film or linen. The working parts of the machine should be washed with the addition of approved detergents, scalded, wiped, dried in warm cabinets separately in disassembled form.

The most hygienic thermal equipment are electrical devices that are assembled in a line depending on the sequence of the technological process. All thermal equipment is kept clean, after work it is thoroughly washed with hot water and detergents.

Refrigeration equipment should be washed daily with hot water and ventilated.

To non-mechanical equipment include: production tables, washing baths, cutting chair, racks. After each production operation, metal tables are washed with hot water, and at the end of the working day - with detergent and rinsed with hot water. Tables with wooden tops are cleaned with a knife and washed with hot water.

A cutting chair with a height of 80 cm and a diameter of 50 cm is made from a single piece of hardwood and mounted on legs 20 cm high, the surface of the cutting chair is painted with light oil paint. After work, it is recommended to clean the surface with a knife, sprinkle with salt and cover with a cover, and side part wash with hot water

Equipment and tool requirements

The inventory includes devices that facilitate the work of the cook: cutting boards, oars, skimmers, sieves.

Cutting boards are made from a single piece of hardwood with a smooth surface. All boards must be labeled in accordance with the product processed on them: MC - raw meat, MB - boiled meat, OS - raw vegetables, OV - boiled vegetables. After each operation, the boards are washed with hot water with detergents and a brush, having previously cleaned them with a knife from product residues, scalded with boiling water and stored on edge on racks.

All inventory is washed with hot water and detergents. Wooden inventory is disinfected by rinsing with hot water at least 65 ̊С

Tools (knives, chef's needles) are kept clean during work. Chef's knives must be secured to the workplace and marked.

All metal tools after washing are disinfected by boiling in water or calcined in an oven.

Violation of the sanitary and hygienic rules for washing and maintaining inventory and tools can cause microbial contamination of food products, and consequently, the occurrence of food poisoning and intestinal infections.

Equipment characteristic

Electric stove EP - 2M

The rectangular body of the stove is made of sheet steel and covered with enamel. The zharochny surface of a plate consists of six cast-iron rings of a rectangular shape with heating elements of the closed type. The burners are framed by a 180 mm wide side surface made of stamped steel.

Handrails are suspended on brackets around the slab, which provide a safe working area. Each hotplate has its own package switch, which makes it possible to adjust three degrees of power regulation in a ratio of 4: 2: 1, which corresponds to strong, medium and low heat.

Movable trays are installed under the frying surface to collect spilled liquid.

To ground the plate, a special screw is installed on its body. Inside the stove there is a diverter shield for connecting the stove to the mains.

Safety regulations

1 Grounding and grounding is required.

2 Do not start work without dielectric mats

4 The stove must be kept clean.

IOC - 250 B.

The electric motor of the commutation machine is removed from the body, which prevents moisture from entering the cleaning chamber and contributes to a longer use of the machine. The body consists of a frame and is a stamped welding cylinder, which reduces the wear of the abrasive coating.

The machine consists of a cylindrical body, which is installed on the base, loading and unloading hoppers, and a working chamber. The inner part of the working chamber is lined with segments, and in the lower part of the chamber there is a rotating conical working body, on the surface of which an abrasion cup is installed. The bottom of the body has two blades for removing waste from the working chamber. On the side of the chamber there is a window with a guide tray and doors for unloading potatoes after cleaning. The inner surface of the door has a wave for more intensive mixing of vegetables during operation.

The working chamber is used in the form of a conical hopper with a hole for loading potatoes, which is closed with a lid. The lid has an annular conical reflector to direct the movement of potatoes from the side walls of the chamber to its center. The reflector has an opening for water supply to the chamber.

The drive of the machine consists of an electric motor and a belt drive. Reinforced rubber cuffs are installed on the vertical drive shaft to avoid water from the working chamber on the drive

A control panel is mounted next to the machine, on which fuses and a button to start and stop the machine are placed.

Operating principle

By pressing the power button, the engine is turned on, after which the valve on the water supply is opened. Potatoes under the influence of their own weight fall into the processing chamber onto a grater disc. In the process of collision of vegetables with a rough disc, the skin is peeled off at the point of contact. The tubers, receiving a rotating movement from the disk, are pressed by centrifugal force against the fixed wall of the processing chamber and thus continuous mixing is carried out. As a result of friction of the product on the abrasive surface, the skin is peeled off and washed off with water.


Restaurant enterprises are classified depending on the nature of production, the range of products, the volume and type of services provided.

According to the nature of production, public catering enterprises are divided into: procurement, pre-cooking, and enterprises with a full production cycle.

To the group harvesting enterprises include enterprises manufacturing semi-finished products and finished products to supply them to other enterprises: factories, blanks, semi-finished products plants, specialized blank shops, specialized culinary and confectionery shops.

To pre-training include enterprises that manufacture products and semi-finished products received from procurement enterprises of public catering and enterprises Food Industry. These include: pre-cooking canteens, dispensing canteens, vogon-restaurants, etc.

Enterprises with a full production cycle carry out the complete processing of raw materials: they produce semi-finished products and finished products, and then sell them themselves. These include: food processing plants, restaurants, as well as enterprises working on raw materials.

According to the range of products restaurant enterprises are divided into universal and specialized.

Universal enterprises produce a variety of dishes from many types of raw materials.

Specialized enterprises carry out the production and sale of products from a certain type of raw material - coffee and dairy, coffee and confectionery, work canteens, restaurants; carry out the production of one product restaurants, cafes with national cuisine, dietary canteens.

Highly specialized enterprises produce a narrow range of products - barbecue, dumplings, dumplings, chebureks, pizzerias, etc.

Depending on the quality of products, the quality of service, the volume of services offered, restaurant enterprises of a certain type are divided into classes. These are restaurants and bars: luxury, highest and first category. The classification of enterprises must comply with the following criteria:

"Lux" - sophistication of the interior, a high level of comfort, a wide range of services, an assortment of original exquisite and signature dishes, products for restaurants, a wide selection of custom and branded drinks, cocktails for bars;

"Higher"- the originality of the interior, the comfort of services at the proper level, a diverse range of original gourmet custom-made and specialty dishes and products for restaurants, a wide selection of branded and custom-made cocktails for bars;

"The first"- harmony, comfort in the choice of services, a diverse range of custom and signature dishes and products, and drinks complex cooking– for restaurants, a set of drinks, cocktails, easy cooking- for bars

Depending on the time of operation, catering establishments can be permanent and seasonal.

Seasonal - operate in the spring, summer period. Stationary enterprises operate throughout the year.

Depending on the place of operation, enterprises can be stationary and mobile - dining cars, auto-canteens, auto-cafes.

Depending on the service of the contingent, catering establishments are divided into public and enterprises with manufacturing enterprises, institutions and educational institutions (working, school, student, children, etc.).

The main types of public catering establishments are restaurants, bars, canteens, cafes, snack bars.

2.Technological process of cooking

Technological map of the dish "Pork Ragout"

No. 636 Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products, Moscow 1982

Names of raw materials Consumption of raw materials for 1 portion
Gross grams Net gram
Animal fat, rendered edible
petru (root)
tomato puree
Wheat flour
Mass of stewed pork
Mass of vegetables and sauce

Technological process of primary processing of Meat

The technological process consists of the following sequential operations:

1. Defrosting

2. Cutting the mark

3. Washing

4. Drying

5. Carcass cutting

6. Deboning parts

7. Trimming and stripping

8. Cooking meat P/F