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The salt dough recipe is especially strong. How to make salt dough for modeling

From 2-2.5 years old, my daughter began to consciously take an interest in modeling from salt dough, to make various crafts. At the same time, I purchased wonderful and very interesting Play-doh sets. However, those jars that came with the kit were sorely lacking, I had to look for an alternative. And it so happened that the purchased analogues did not satisfy me at all in terms of quality - some were too sticky, others were too hard, it was impossible to roll out, others crumbled, and so on ... Of course, I was interested in the question of how to make salty dough for modeling for children with their own hands at home.

Without hesitation, I decided to knead the dough for modeling from flour and salt, adding water to the desired consistency. The first experience was quite successful, however, I didn’t like that the next day you need to add flour and knead again) because, either the salt took away moisture, or some other chemistry happened and the dough became watery and sticky. Then I came across a recipe for “custard” dough on fire, it was necessary to mix the dry ingredients, add some water and heat on the stove while stirring. 😌 Everything would be fine, the dough turned out very nice, but the pan. 🙁🙁🙁 No matter how hard I tried to interfere, then I had to soak it and wash it dreary.
Therefore, I will save you from unnecessary trouble and write a recipe for salt dough for modeling, which you will succeed 100%! ☺ I chose the proportions by a long trial and error method, but it was worth it!

So let's go.)
I must say right away that for my recipe you will need a kitchen scale, if there are none, you should think about buying even for the test, because their cost will pay off after 1-2 times of its preparation.

How to make salt dough for modeling


  • Flour - 100 gr.
  • Salt Extra - 25 gr.
  • Citric acid - 1 teaspoon
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon
  • Boiling water - 80 ml.
  • Food colorings and flavorings - for taste and color.

We find in the kitchen utensils a plastic salad bowl or bowl, as smooth as possible inside, mix the dry ingredients. I note that I grind salt in a coffee grinder - immediately a pack, pour it into a jar with a lid and take it as needed.

100 gr flour. I have the cheapest 26 rub. for 2 kg!😯 From Magnet. Normal, by the way, flour, white, no surprises. 😁

25 gr. salt. ground in a coffee grinder, or Extra.

1 teaspoon citric acid.

Mix well.)

We put the kettle on to boil. Take a measuring cup, pour 80 ml cool boiling water.

Add food coloring to it. I have Creda. Bought in a confectionery store, a small collection has already gathered)). I must say right away that my child is no longer trying to taste the mess, so I prefer purchased food colors, they can also be bought on Ozone, for example. Colors are saturated. For kids, you can use natural juices of plants and vegetables. ☺

In tinted boiling water, add one tablespoon of vegetable oil. This stage required, oil makes the dough soft, a little even tender, elastic.

Gradually add boiling water to the dry mixture of flour, salt and citric acid and immediately stir vigorously.

Here is a lump obtained immediately after the combination of dry and liquid components. You need to take it in your hands a little carefully, not forgetting that you knead it in boiling water. 😊 As you can see, it is slightly heterogeneous, but this is not for long, because. it needs to be knocked out).

Sprinkle the table with flour (no more than a teaspoon), first knead the lump itself, and then knead with the palm of your hand, about 1 minute. 🙂🤗

And here it is)) The flour and salt dough for modeling is ready! It turned out 211 gr.

You can use it after it has completely cooled down, but the next day is better. You can store dough prepared in this way for up to 1 month in a closed container, but we use it for several days or even hours. 😁

The dough turns out moderately soft, perfectly rolled out, keeps its shape. Very reminiscent of purchased Play doh.

Now you know how to make salt dough for modeling without leaving your home. I hope everything works out! Creative success. 🎨

The roots of this type of creativity lie at the origins of Slavic culture. And more recently, the hobby has become popular again, and not in vain. After all, sculpt from salt dough a pleasure, besides it is available to many. The components for such crafts do not need to be bought or prepared from expensive ingredients. Every home has salt, flour, oil. Such material is much more plastic and durable than gypsum and even more so plasticine. How to make salt dough for crafts, you will learn below.


In modern language, the art of dough modeling is called testoplasty or bioceramics. But whatever the name of the salt dough crafts, they are always beautiful! The creation of a new figurine always becomes an event, because in the manufacture of the masters put effort and soul into them. Plastic material allows you to create products of any complexity, sometimes these are whole masterpieces. In addition, over time, crafts do not deteriorate and do not change, and salt protects them from pests.

The current popularity is growing, this hobby has interested both children and adults. Because of its accessibility and the possibility of endless embodiment of ideas, school circles joined the passion for the oldest art form. Thematic classes are held in kindergartens, and experienced craftsmen create picturesque paintings and realistic three-dimensional figures for home decor.


For self-creation, you need a creative mood, an idea, and, well, the material itself. On the Internet, many sites are full of finished works, master classes, photo collections on bioceramics, they write how they make salty dough for crafts. Therefore, for inspiration, a lot of effort is not required.

From the dough you can create any objects, figurines, fruits, vegetables, fridge magnets and much more. A voluminous still life in real size will look realistic, consisting of a saucer and some fruits, which even a child will not be difficult to mold and decorate. may include a composition of a rowan twig made from real pine needles and red dough balls. All this can be arranged in the form of a picture or a bas-relief to decorate the walls. It remains to find out for crafts. To prepare it, the components are mixed, and after the toy is made, it is baked.

How to do

You can make your own salt dough for crafts. To do this, mix all the ingredients and put on the stove or in the microwave. But there is a method that does not require heat treatment, it is usually used to make large figures, when a lot of material is needed. After thorough kneading, they begin to sculpt crafts from salt dough. How to make the dough and which way to choose - it does not matter, the main thing is that it be thick and elastic, just like for dumplings. The hot cooking option is more plastic and dries better, but it is also a little more difficult to make.

How to make salt dough for crafts? Recipe with brew:

  • 100 g wheat flour;
  • 50 g of salt;
  • 1 tsp cream;
  • ½ st. l. vegetable oil;
  • 150 ml of water;
  • a few drops of food coloring.

Mix flour, salt, cream and butter in a bowl. Dilute the food coloring in water and pour the resulting solution into the flour, avoiding the formation of lumps.

Place the container on a slow fire, while stirring constantly. As it warms up batter turns into a thick mass. When it thickens completely, remove from heat and place on the table. Knead the dough until it is soft and sculptable. The same can be done in microwave oven. To do this, place the dough bowl inside at full power (650 W) for one minute. At the end of the time, remove to mix, then put back inside. Keep watching for a while until the dough starts to rise from the bowl. Remove the bowl from the microwave and wait about three minutes for the salt dough to thicken. Now it’s clear how to make the dough, it remains to knead as in the first case.

Second option:

  • 150 g flour;
  • 150 g of salt;
  • ½ st. l. vegetable oil;
  • 100 g of water.

Mix the ingredients and knead the elastic material in the same way as you make salt dough for crafts using the custard method. To make it easy to sculpt, it is recommended to prepare the material the day before the scheduled work. You need to store it in a plastic bag on the shelf of the refrigerator, and for a long time it does not deteriorate.

Salt dough coloring

If you want to tint the salty dough, then during the cooking process, drop a few drops of food coloring of the desired color into the water. It should be borne in mind that after baking, the colors will brighten, but if the product is varnished, the shade will become saturated again.

To make fragile embossed crafts, add 20 grams of PVA glue and a little potato starch.


You can not color the dough during the cooking process, but decorate the already molded and baked figure. You can use watercolor, gouache, acrylic paints. Many craftswomen adapt even nail polishes. The final touches can be painted on or highlighted with ordinary felt-tip pens. At the same time, keep in mind that coloring temporarily softens the surface of the figure. Therefore, after registration, let the finished copies dry a little more in the air or in the oven.

What do you need to work

To sculpt the figurines, you will need a working tool, often they are ordinary household items. You can use a knife, a rolling pin, a comb, rods from pens, which are convenient for making various holes. Embossed knives, children's sets of ready-made molds for working with plasticine are well suited. Everything you have in the house can also come in handy. Beads, lace, forks, soles of children's shoes, buttons, designer details - how can you make an imprint on the product.


Dry finished goods it is possible in the fresh air, but usually it takes a long time, so it is often done in the oven at the lowest temperature, from time to time swapping the sides of the figures. Drying time depends on the size of the crafts. Sometimes products are slightly browned to give natural color, for example, Christmas gingerbread, little men, pies for decoration.


You can start your creativity with making flowers, especially women will like it. Moreover, you already know how salt dough is made for crafts. Daisies are very easy to make. Petals can be made by rolling small strips in the longitudinal direction. And arrange the middle with a flattened ball, to which the resulting petals are attached from below. Sprigs can be taken from a real thuja - they are so similar to chamomile leaves, and they do not deteriorate. Put the composition in a basket, also made by hand. It is woven from long strips of the same material as flowers. After everything is dry, you can start painting.


Cat lovers can practice various variations funny cats, as in the photo. Generally, this topic loved by all adults and children, these animals cannot but inspire. You can even make a red cat out of salt dough in a primitive way, it will still look wonderful. And a cat created believably, of course, is a matter for more experienced craftswomen.

Creating figurines from salt dough is not just entertainment, but also painstaking work that requires perseverance and concentration. Children make crafts from salt dough, for them the lesson is useful in that not only fine motor skills of the hands develop, but also creative thinking, artistic taste and many other positive qualities.

Sculpting is a great way to develop fine motor skills in children and is very fun and enthusiastic. Using salt dough for this activity is one of the the best options. Parents themselves can make inexpensive, safe modeling material with excellent plastic properties.

The benefits of modeling for children

Creating figures from plastic materials is a kind of useful leisure not only for children, but also for the whole family. You can work with kids, starting from the age of one and a half years. Modeling - and cheerful, and useful way activities with children. At the same time, adults will spend time with benefit and pleasure.

Making crafts from plastic material develops in children:

  • spatial thinking;
  • creativity;
  • the ability to perceive and distinguish colors and shades;
  • perseverance;
  • Attention;
  • memory;
  • coordination of movements;
  • fine motor skills and, as a result, speech function.

Modeling helps children to realize what shapes, shades, size ratio are. This activity has a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state of the child.

When making crafts, children use both hands, that is, both hemispheres of the brain are involved in the process, which develops both logical and creative thinking at the same time.

Modeling children acquire useful skills that will be useful to them in their further education and life. Classes teach kids to be neat, purposeful, focus on the goal. Children begin to fantasize, think independently, analyze the process.

Advantages of salt dough for modeling

It is recommended to use dough for making crafts for many reasons. The dough, unlike other materials, is non-toxic and safe. If a child eats a piece, it will not affect his body negatively. In addition, the play dough has a rich salty taste that will discourage the child from pulling it into his mouth. Due to the fact that the dough is environmentally friendly pure product, you can make crafts from this material with very young children.

Dough is a much more plastic material than plasticine. It does not have to be kneaded for a long time before use. The dough does not stick to hands and dries quickly. The advantages of using the dough include the fact that, by making the material with your own hands, you can give it any color you wish.

Easy DIY Salt Dough Recipes

There are a lot of recipes for salt dough for creating crafts. Making such a dough does not require almost any culinary skills, so even a child can make it. Of course, parental control will be required, but the child will be interested not only in sculpting, but also in taking part in the process of making the material.

To begin with, it is better to choose a simpler recipe - a classic one. Not necessarily the first time you get a material with the necessary parameters for sculpting. Failure can occur due to the inadequate quality of one or another ingredient, inappropriate water temperature. Some people like to measure the mixed components by eye, which also affects the quality of the final product.

Classic recipe

For the first time, it is best to choose a simple salt dough recipe. Need flour, salt and water:

  1. Add 200 grams of extra grinding salt to 200 grams of white flour premium, to stir thoroughly.
  2. After that, water is poured in a thin stream (total 125 grams). You should not add all the water at once, but gradually, stirring the mixture after each serving and observing the consistency.
  3. The resulting dough may crumble a little due to the high salt content. This problem can be solved by adding a tablespoon of vegetable oil to the mixture. In this case, the dough will be elastic.
  4. After the dough is kneaded, it must be briefly removed in the refrigerator. Half an hour is enough, and your modeling material will be ready.

With PVA glue

To prepare the dough according to this recipe, you need to take a standard glass of flour and salt and mix thoroughly. Dissolve a tablespoon of PVA glue or other wallpaper paste in 150 ml of water. The resulting whitish liquid is slowly added to the mixture.

In this case, you need to pay attention to the consistency. Different flour takes water in different ways, so you need to navigate by feeling. Grains of salt can be felt in the resulting mass, so kneading the dough with glue will take a little longer than usual.

The dough with glue is more durable, does not crack when dried. The finished mass needs to be kept in the refrigerator for a while. If the dough turned out to be more than necessary, it can be stored there. It keeps its properties for two weeks.

With added starch

You can prepare material for modeling without the use of flour. In this recipe, it is replaced with potato starch. For cooking, you need a glass of starch and two glasses of baking soda:

  1. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed, then half a glass of water is added. Can be added to mix if desired. food coloring.
  2. The container with the mixed components is placed on a small fire and, with constant stirring, is brought to the desired density.
  3. When the mass becomes sticky and very thick, it is removed from the heat and cooled, and then kneaded.
  4. If the cooled dough sticks to your hands, you can add a spoonful and a half of vegetable oil and knead again.

With food coloring

Children will love the colorful modeling material. It is easy to make: prepare the dough according to any of the above recipes, divide into parts and add food colors of the required colors to each of them. It is preferable to use liquid dyes. They give the mass an intense color and improve elasticity. You can color the dough like this: place each part of the dough in a plastic bag, add a few drops of dye and knead well for even coloring.

glowing dough

Children will be delighted if the dough is made glowing! In order to make it, you need to take two glasses of wheat flour and water, an incomplete glass of fine salt, two tablespoons of vegetable oil. You will also need cream of tartar and two vitamin B tablets:

  1. Tablets must be crushed thoroughly. Mix all dry ingredients, add water in a thin stream, then oil.
  2. Put the resulting mixture on a slow fire, stirring, bring to the desired consistency.
  3. After that, the mixture is removed from the stove and cooled.

Glowing dough is ready! You can see it "at work" in a dark room using an ultraviolet lamp.

Analogue of Play-Doh plasticine

Many children love the colorful Play-Doh. You can try to prepare its analogue. A do-it-yourself mass for modeling is completely safe for a child:

  1. Mix half a glass of salt with a glass of wheat flour, add a couple of teaspoons of citric acid, a little glycerin and vegetable oil.
  2. Put the resulting mixture on a small fire and pour in about half a glass of water in small portions. Keep the mass on the stove until it becomes transparent and homogeneous.
  3. Cool slightly and place on a floured surface.
  4. Divide the mass into parts if you need to get a dough of a different color.
  5. Add dye to each part and knead thoroughly. The mixture prepared according to this recipe is very plastic and beautiful.

DIY ideas with photos

For the little ones

For the first classes, you need to choose the most simple options. To a small child you can offer to cut out figures from the dough with special confectionery molds, having previously rolled out the mass with a rolling pin. You can make a flat blank in the shape of some animal, and then make and attach small details to it: eyes, ears, teeth, tail, bows, ruffles and everything else that is enough for imagination.

From such flat figures, you can then make a picture by sticking them on thick paper or cardboard. An example of such work in the photo:

For kids 2-4 years old, you can come up with a game in the store. To do this, you will need to independently produce products and other goods for the game. The easiest way for the baby will be to make a loaf or bagels. In the first case, the child just needs to form a small sausage and make cuts with the help of a stack, as on a “City” loaf.

Bagels are not more difficult to make: small pieces of dough need to be rolled into thin sausages and fasten the ends of each of them to each other. After " bakery products"are ready, they need to be dried properly, and then painted with acrylic paints.

holiday decorations

With a child of 4-6 years old, you can make Christmas toys and other decorative elements. It's very simple:

  • you need to mix 1 glass of salt and water with 2 glasses of flour;
  • then knead the total mass for 10 minutes until the desired consistency;
  • separate a small part of the dough, make them into a ball;

  • flatten and use your index finger to make a hole in the center;
  • place the blanks in a donut baking dish;
  • with a toothpick, make holes-grooves along the edges of the future product;

  • bake at 200 degrees for 6 hours, then completely dry the products;
  • with a knitting needle, make holes for attaching a decorative tape.

Handmade is a special kind of art and creativity, in which the author puts a piece of his soul and energy into his products, so it is highly valued. Even such seemingly childish labor as modeling crafts from dough (it is also called bioceramics or testoplastics) has been popular with the peoples of Russia and all of Europe for centuries, and pays off with interest.

Salt, flour and imagination

More than one recipe for salt dough for sculpting handicrafts is known. The craftswomen took the traditional set of components as a basis, and by trial and error made their own adjustments. The base may include different kinds glue, petroleum jelly or hand cream, cream, potato starch, sunflower oil, glycerin. What other tricks do creative people use to turn lumps of dough into fabulous masterpieces, we will talk separately. Let's start with what recipes for salt dough for sculpting crafts are especially relevant today.

A minimum of materials and financial costs are reincarnated in skillful hands into magnets, key holders, three-dimensional figures and entire compositions, depending on the skills and desires of the master. It will be interesting for children to come up with crafts from a fairly soft, pliable and uncomplicated material from improvised means that can be found in any kitchen. Adults, on the other hand, will help the crumbs to give vent to their fantasies, contribute to the development of fine motor skills and imagination, and keep little creators busy with useful and good deeds.

Consider some recipes for salt dough for sculpting crafts

1. Simple. Suitable for beginners.

To prepare the base you need:

  • Equal amount of flour and salt. Depending on the volume of material needed for the craft, the ingredients can be taken in 200/300/500 gr.
  • Water is needed, respectively, 125/200/250 ml.

2. Entry level. We take the already known “simple” recipe, add 1-2 teaspoons of PVA glue to it. He will give strength.

3. Average level. Suitable for creating 3D crafts, plates. The base is quite rough and durable.

  • Wheat flour - 200 gr.
  • For the strength of the salt product, twice as much is required - 400 gr.
  • Water - 125 ml.

4. For jewelry pieces.

  • Flour - 300 gr.
  • Salt - 200 gr.
  • Water - half a glass.
  • Wallpaper glue - 2 tbsp.
  • Glycerin (sold in a pharmacy) - 4 tbsp.

5. For craftswomen with experience.

  • 1 cup of fine salt and flour. To stir thoroughly.
  • Water is excluded, bustilat is taken instead.

The recipe is excellent, but beginners are unlikely to be able to work with it due to the fact that it is difficult to knead the base. But compositions based on bustilate have a lot of advantages: they do not break, do not get damp, do not crack during firing.

You will also need:

  • Tea spoon.
  • Measuring cup (you can use a kitchen scale or measure the ingredients “by eye”).
  • Polythene bag or cling film.
  • Deep plate or bowl.
  • Cutting board.
  • Rolling pin.
  • Any decorative items. Buttons, cookie cutters, combs, paper clips, a fork - all this may be needed to give relief to the dough.
Secrets of craftswomen

Although the recipes are simple, there are tricks and nuances noticed by experienced craftsmen. For example, it is necessary to use wheat flour, which does not contain impurities, so that the parts do not deform during drying.

Coarse or iodized salt is likely to give the effect of a "fur coat" that covers the outer walls of houses. If you are not going to make a tiny bio-ceramic house, then it is better to use fine salt for the composition. This product is not dissolved in water, but mixed with flour, and only then is added to the resulting mixture. cold water.

For greater strength, instead of water (or with a small amount of it), wallpaper glue, PVA or bustilat are used. But in this case, the base is difficult to mix, so beginners should refrain from such recipes for now.

If you add a spoonful of vegetable oil or potato starch, the dough will be more pliable and plastic, but may crumble. This also needs to be taken into account at work.

The workpiece should be elastic, dense, softer than plasticine in consistency, should not stick to hands, crumble and contain lumps. The longer the mass is kneaded, the better and more uniform it will be. After that, it is “sent” to the refrigerator for 2-3 hours, wrapped in polyethylene. At a low temperature, you can store the remains of the material, but not more than a month.

In the absence of special scales or a measuring cup, it is important to understand: the main components are different in volume, if we take 1 glass of salt, then 2 flour.

We dry correctly

Known 4 ways to dry salty dough so that craft lasted a long time : in air, on a battery, in an oven or a combined method. It is selected depending on the thickness of the work, the recipe according to which the base was prepared and the presence of convex details in the composition.

Air drying salt dough suitable when there are free days, or even weeks, in stock. Flat compositions are recommended to be turned over for uniform evaporation of moisture, while bulky or multilayer compositions cannot be turned over without injuring them.

Things will go much faster in the oven. Before placing the work in gas oven, you need to dry it in the air for 2-3 days. Firing is performed at a temperature of 50 degrees, it is not recommended to increase it in order to eliminate the risk of swelling of the dough and the appearance of cracks.

In an electric oven, figurines are fired from half an hour at a temperature of 150 degrees, up to two hours at 50-75 degrees, and it is recommended to keep the door ajar. Line a baking sheet with foil before baking.

The base is ready for coloring when there are no damp spots on its front and back sides, and when tapped with a finger, a sonorous sound is heard, and not a dull one.

Drying on the battery - the process is controversial, because with the wrong approach, the work will be hopelessly damaged, deformed and bursting. On Soviet-type batteries, it is impossible to dry salty dough evenly, their surface is uneven. Modern radiators are flat, so this type of drying also finds admirers. Irregularities are smoothed out with paper, cloth or foil placed under the work.

Combined drying involves both the "open" method of exposure to sunlight, and firing.

It is important to remember: the product is not baked, namely dried, and although a high temperature for processing salt dough is allowed, it is better to refuse it, and do not close the oven door tightly!

The final stage of creating salt dough for sculpting crafts

If you did everything right, then you can proceed to the last stage of work - coloring, varnishing and attaching ties, on which our decorative composition will be attached to the wall.

You can tint the craft both during the kneading of the base, and after giving it strength. In the first case, gouache paints, food colors or natural coffee, cocoa, beet juice are added to the water during the preparation of the mixture. This is done when the entire base must be painted in one color. You can divide the total mass into several separate parts, paint them in different colors, and sculpt from multi-colored pieces. In the second - they color the finished work.

Salt dough is absolutely unpretentious, it will be homogeneously painted even with acrylic, oil or building paints. Jewelry details can be emphasized with ink, ink, felt-tip pen or marker.

On the finished product colors will turn out brighter if you treat it with varnish before painting. If this is done after, then the work will be protected from moisture by a reliable “shield”. Like glitter? Add some PVA to the varnish. I do not like? Use matte varnish.

Lacquered in order to prevent fading of shades using liquid varnish. Its only “minus” is getting inside the base, so the varnishing process must be repeated several times, taking breaks to dry it. If you take a thick transparent varnish or aerosol, then 1 use will be enough.

Step-by-step master class according to the recipe for salt dough No. 2 housekeeper "Octopussy"

Take 2 containers for bulk, 1 for water, and 1 more deep plate or bowl in which we will knead the base. I use items from the coffee service, they are almost "doll" size, but for the idea we do not need a large amount of dough.

We collect 1 cup of fine salt "Extra" and 2 - wheat flour. Mix well.

We add water. Knead the dough to a homogeneous consistency, carefully making sure that there are no lumps.

The finished mass is supple, dense, pleasant to the touch. Knead it well in your hand for 10-15 minutes. We put it in a bag, put it in the refrigerator for 3 hours (or more).

We prepare a rolling pin, a fork for decorating the edge, a knife, a teaspoon. We divide the mass into 2 parts: the first is the base to which we will attach volumetric parts, the second is the material for these parts.

Roll out the “sausages” with your fingers on a hard horizontal surface. This is our main part, tentacles and an umbrella will be made from it. We sculpt one circle (character's face). We transfer the details to the "background". We frame the edges of the composition with a fork.

We unwind the ballpoint pen, make 4 holes in the base with a frame. 2 - for keys, 2 - for strings. We shift the dough on a baking sheet, send it to the oven for 2 hours at a temperature of 50 degrees.

A new hobby is gaining popularity: bioceramics. Another name: testoplasty. Here, for modeling all kinds of products, not clay, but salt dough is used as a material.

Salt dough features

As a new, unusual, innovative modeling material, salt dough has undeniable advantages. These include qualities such as:

  • absolute harmlessness;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • availability;
  • plastic;
  • stability;
  • neatness (does not leave dirt, easily washed off with water);

They can be used by everyone without exception. This is the most democratic material. Products are durable, it is convenient to work with it, it can be made at home.

Whole families were addicted to the new art. Passion brings a lot of pleasant emotions. Creations of own hands please small children, schoolchildren, adults, old people.

What are the benefits for children

Modeling classes bring indisputable benefits to children. The material is odorless, does not stick to hands, does not cause any allergic reactions.

Fine motor skills develop in children such qualities as:

  • Concentration.
  • perseverance.
  • Creativity.
  • Logics.
  • Attentiveness.
  • A responsibility.
  • The ability to finish what you started.
  • Imagination.
  • Deep perception.
  • Developed speech centers.
  • Sociability.
  • Fundamentals of "polyphonic" thinking (many components are realized).

How to make salt dough

Modeling material can be prepared in several ways. Of course there is classic recipe salt dough. But there are other cooking techniques, variations. In some cases to food products hand creams, PVA glue are added.

The preparation process must be taken seriously. The result of creative efforts depends on this. First collect the necessary tools.


The sculptor will need the following toolbox:

  • deep dishes (bowl, basin);
  • oven;
  • polyethylene, food film;
  • fridge;
  • containers for measuring proportions: glasses, bowls, spoons;
  • spatulas, sticks;
  • tassels (for decoration);
  • finishing materials: cereals, coffee beans, mesh, tubes, comb, etc.

Classic method

To prepare salty dough, take: wheat flour and fine salt, 300 g each, cold water 20 ml. Prepare it like this:

  • Salt is poured into a container. Add some water, but not all. Dissolve the salt
  • Add sifted flour.
  • Make a batch in a bowl (dishes).
  • Then the lump is transferred to a table covered with oilcloth.
  • Continue kneading while adding water.
  • The finished dough is closed cling film or polyethylene.
  • Place in the cold (in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours).

Store the material for a month. The proportions are given for creating crafts in in large numbers. If necessary, the number of products is simply reduced.

How to make quick salt dough

Many are interested in how to make salt dough for sculpting figures in quick mode. Testoplasty, as a kind of art, captivates both adults and children. Many figurines, paintings, whole compositions are sculpted by the whole family.

The material does not require expensive ingredients. All products can be found in shops, markets, pavilions, kiosks near the house.

Of course, all flour makers are interested in step by step cooking quick test:

  • The components of the final product are prepared (flour, water 1 cup each, soda 2 teaspoons, salt 1/3 cup, vegetable oil 1 teaspoon, food coloring);
  • Salt, flour, soda are poured into the container, water and oil are added. Everything is cooked on low heat for a few minutes. The mixture is stirred regularly, then the dye is added, continue to stir;
  • The finished dough is allowed to cool;
  • The consistency is kneaded with hands;
  • The cooled dough is wrapped (with cling film, polyethylene);
  • If the material is dry, add a little water, knead;
  • Store in polyethylene, food container.

How to achieve shine

Some cover finished products with varnish. But if glycerin, which is sold in all pharmacies, is added to the dough, figurines or objects can become varnished even without the use of paints and varnishes.

Here's how to get it done and good dough for DIY:

  • Combine in a container flour (almost half a kilo), salt (100 g), vegetable oil(2 tablespoons), cream of tartar (2 tablespoons).
  • Bring water to a boil in another container. Add the prepared mass, dye and glycerin there. Bring to uniformity.
  • Cool down.
  • Mix well.
  • The figurines will become shiny.

Cooking without flour

Take a glass of starch, 2 glasses of baking soda, half a glass of water. Everything is boiled over low heat until a ball forms. Spread, cool, knead. Divide into parts, add dye, knead to distribute the color evenly. After all manipulations, cool in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours. Clay is ready to go!

Salt dough with PVA

2 cups flour, 1 cup fine salt, 125 ml warm water, 50 ml glue. flour, salt, warm water knead with a blender. Add glue, mix well with your hands. The dough is ready. You should keep the dough in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, then you can start sculpting.

What crafts are made from salt dough

Here you can give free rein to your imagination. But beginners are advised to learn how to make a few simple figures. For example:

  • mushroom;
  • Christmas tree;
  • beads;
  • fish;
  • bunny;
  • fox;
  • twig;
  • tree;
  • roses.

colored dough

The finished salt dough is cut into as many pieces as there are flowers to be made. Gouache of the desired color is placed on each piece. The amount of dye depends on the expected saturation. Close up the gouache with the ends of the dough, like a filling in a dumpling.

Stir the colored lump, distributing the paint evenly. The colored dough is placed in plastic bags, stored in the refrigerator.

This kind of plasticine has excellent qualities. It stretches easily and is elastic. Everyone sculpts compositions, figures, objects, forms from it with great pleasure.

Food coloring

To do colored dough with food coloring, you need to do this:

  • Mix fine salt (1 cup), flour (1 cup) and water (3/4 cup).
  • Add vegetable oil (5 tablespoons).
  • Knead elastic dough.
  • Divide into parts.
  • Add food coloring, mix well.
  • Keep cold.
  • Colored salt dough is an excellent tool for relaxation, creativity and self-expression.

Drying products

The finished figurines are dried in the air, and then in the oven. When the product dries, it is additionally varnished, glazed, elements for decoration can be added. Homemade figurines smell delicious and look beautiful.

Photo of salt dough