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Caesar salad recipe classic without chicken. Vegetarian Caesar salad - cooking recipes

Winter borscht dressing was prepared in Rus'. It was made from beets and carrots, onions and peppers. All vegetables were stewed in a thick-walled clay pot.

The dressing was prepared rich and bright. Spices, herbs and spices were added. Cooked from a gas station delicious borscht, which was eaten at the table by a large and friendly family. Thick sour cream, a slice of rye or wheat bread, and then they drank amber kvass.

Borscht dressing contains healthy vegetables. Beets increase the body's resistance to heart disease. This vegetable is indispensable for anemia. Onions are the best folk remedy in the fight against colds and viral infections. Carrots are rich in carotene. Bulgarian pepper surpasses lemon and other citrus fruits in vitamin C content.

Like other twists, borscht dressing must be stored properly. We will give you some tips.

  • If the cans of dressing are tightly rolled up, they can be stored at temperatures up to 15°C.
  • The workpiece may deteriorate if stored in wet conditions. The room must be dry.
  • Banks with vegetable borscht dressing are stored for 1.5 years. However, practice shows that you should not keep them for more than a year.
  • To prevent the dressing jars from bursting, avoid exposure to sunlight.

Classic borscht dressing for the winter with beets

Beets are an indispensable ingredient for borscht dressing. It is she who gives such a bright and colorful shade.

Cooking time - 1 hour 20 minutes.


  • 800 gr. beets;
  • 700 gr. carrots;
  • 700 gr. tomatoes;
  • 600 gr. onion;
  • 4 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • 2 tablespoons of dry dill;
  • 50 ml of vinegar;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.


  1. Wash beets and carrots thoroughly, peel, and then grate.
  2. Peel the onion and chop finely.
  3. Remove the skin from the tomatoes and grind the pulp in a blender.
  4. Take a large saucepan with a heavy bottom. Fry in the bottom of the pot olive oil onions and carrots.
  5. Add tomatoes and beets. Sprinkle dried dill on top. Salt and pepper. Let the dressing simmer for about 20 minutes.
  6. Before turning off the heat, add vinegar to the vegetables. Mix well.
  7. The borscht dressing is ready! Can be rolled into jars.

Winter borscht dressing on tomato paste

Instead of fresh tomatoes you can put tomato paste in the dressing. Just opt ​​for thick and bright red varieties. Such tomato paste will give the dish a wonderful color.

Cooking time - 1 hour.


  • 670 gr. beets;
  • 500 gr. carrots;
  • 530 gr. onion;
  • 490 gr. tomato paste;
  • 2 sprigs of rosemary;
  • 3 tablespoons of linseed oil;
  • 3 pinches thyme;
  • 45 ml of vinegar 9%;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.


  1. Wash and clean beets and other vegetables.
  2. Coarsely grate the carrots and beets, and finely chop the onion.
  3. Combine all vegetables in a large aluminum saucepan. Add linseed oil and fry food for 15 minutes.
  4. Then add tomato paste and mix well. Add rosemary and thyme. Simmer for about 20 minutes.
  5. 5 minutes before cooking, pour vinegar into the dressing.
  6. Arrange the borscht dressing in jars and roll up for the winter. Store in a cold place.

Borsch dressing with bell pepper

Bulgarian pepper brings a certain charm to the dressing for borscht. Use red pepper varieties. They harmonize well with other ingredients that make up the dish.

Cooking time - 1 hour.


  • 760 gr. beets;
  • 450 gr. carrots;
  • 600 gr. onion;
  • 600 gr. bell pepper;
  • 1 bunch of parsley;
  • 1 bunch of dill;
  • 3 tablespoons of corn oil;
  • 40 ml of vinegar;
  • salt, pepper, spices - to taste.


  1. Peel the onion from the husk and chop finely. Then fry until golden brown in 1 tablespoon of corn oil.
  2. Remove the cores from the bell pepper and cut into beautiful strips. Send to the onions along with 1 tablespoon of corn oil. Fry for about 10 minutes.
  3. Wash beets and carrots, peel and grate. Put them in a bowl with vegetables. Add the remaining oil. Salt and pepper to taste. Add your favorite spices. Simmer the dressing for 25 minutes.
  4. Chop the dill and parsley and put in the dressing along with the vinegar a few minutes before it's done.
  5. Borscht preparation is ready! You can twist!

Dressing for borscht with horseradish

Such a recipe by a lover of spicy palatability will seem interesting. Horseradish goes great with vegetables. Serve this soup with thick sour cream.

  • 50 ml of vinegar;
  • 4 tablespoons of sunflower oil;
  • salt, black peppercorns - to taste.
  • Cooking:

    1. Peel the beets and carrots and grate on a coarse grater. Fry these vegetables in a pot for sunflower oil along with chopped onions. Salt and pepper foods.
    2. Peel the tomatoes and send them to a blender. Put finely chopped horseradish there. Grind everything and put in a pan with vegetables. Simmer the mass for 20 minutes.
    3. At the very end of cooking, pour vinegar into the pan.
    4. Roll the finished borscht dressing into jars. Store the twist in a cool place.

    Borsch dressing for the winter is especially respected by those housewives who do not like to spend a long time in the kitchen. Such a preparation includes almost all the ingredients that are necessary for preparing a hearty first course. It remains only to cook the broth and put the dressing - that's all, the dish is ready.

    Fragrant, rich borscht, among other first courses, is especially popular with us. Is it possible to cook it in 20 minutes, while maintaining the frequency of hands and kitchen? Of course, you can, if you take care of it in advance by making a preparation of beets and carrots for the winter in jars.

    The dressing is not only tasty and very bright, but also retains most of the useful substances for which these root crops are famous.

    Ingredients (for 5 jars of 700 ml):

    • a kilo of beets and carrots;
    • the same amount of tomato and onion;
    • 320 ml refined oil;
    • half a cup of granulated sugar;
    • 55 ml of table vinegar;
    • 75 g of a spoon of salt;
    • 7 peas of spicy pepper;
    • three bay leaves;
    • 80 ml of water.

    Cooking method:

    1. Tomatoes can be chopped with a blender or peeled and chopped with a knife.
    2. It is better to grate beets and carrots on a regular grater or use a food processor and a Berner grater, with which vegetables can be cut into thin strips.
    3. Onions can be chopped with a knife, passed through a meat grinder, or you can also use an already marked grater.
    4. We put carrots and other vegetables in a saucepan, pour half of the oil along with 1/3 of vinegar and water, put on fire. As soon as the vegetable mass gurgles, cover it with a lid and simmer for 15 minutes.
    5. Then we put the tomatoes, pour in the remaining water and vinegar, simmer for half an hour. 10 minutes before readiness, add lavrushka, salt, sweetener and allspice.
    6. We distribute the finished dressing into jars along with the juice, roll it up, wrap it up and leave it in the room until it cools.

    With the addition of tomato paste for the winter

    If you cook borscht with tomato paste, then you can safely make with it a blank for a first dish for the winter.

    However, it is important that the tomato paste is of high quality and thick.


    • 1 kg of beets and carrots;
    • 550 g of onion;
    • half a kilo of sweet pepper;
    • 420 ml tomato puree;
    • 260 ml refined oil;
    • five spoons of sweet sand;
    • three tablespoons of salt;
    • 80 ml of vinegar.

    Cooking method:

    1. Grind onions and root crops in any way - on a regular grater, a Berner grater or by means of a meat grinder.
    2. Bulgarian pepper can be cut into cubes.
    3. Pour half the oil into the saucepan. First, we put the beets in it along with half the vinegar, after three minutes we send the carrots there. Stew the food for three minutes, then add the onion and after another three minutes Bell pepper.
    4. As soon as the last vegetable went into the pan, and five minutes have passed, you can add tomato paste, salt, sugar and pour in the remaining oil.
    5. After 25 minutes lay out vegetable dressing on banks, roll up, wrap up and wait for cooling in a darkened place.

    The most delicious recipe "You will lick your fingers"


    • 2.5 kg of beets;
    • 800 g of tomatoes;
    • 350 g of sweet pepper fruits;
    • 300 g of onion;
    • 130 g of garlic;
    • 1.5 cups of refined oil;
    • half a glass of vinegar essence;
    • 3.5 tablespoons of sugar;
    • two tablespoons of salt;
    • half hot pepper.

    Cooking method:

    1. Pour a third of the oil into a deep stewpan, put the onion cubes and fry until the vegetable becomes soft.
    2. Three beets on a grater, cut the pepper into strips, and chop the tomatoes with a blender.
    3. Add tomato puree, beetroot and finely chopped bitter pepper to the onion. Sprinkle everything with salt, sweetener, pour the rest of the oil and simmer for an hour.
    4. Then lay the sweet pepper with chopped garlic and cook the dressing for another 20 minutes. A couple of minutes before the readiness, pour in the vinegar.
    5. We roll up the hot dressing in sterilized containers, wrap it up and insist for a day.

    Dressing for borscht with cabbage in jars

    Borsch dressing with cabbage for the winter is a great way to preserve the taste, aroma and vitamins of summer vegetables. At the same time, in winter, it will take several times less time to cook borscht. Many people think that it is pointless to make such a preparation, because vegetables are sold for a whole year ... However, zealous housewives think a little differently, because in winter vegetables grow in price, and their taste is no longer the same.


    • a kilo of beets and the same amount of tomatoes;
    • 0.5 kg of carrots and bell peppers;
    • 0.5 kg of onion and cabbage;
    • 130 ml vegetable oil;
    • a spoonful of salt and sugar;
    • seven garlic cloves;
    • three tablespoons of tomato puree.

    Cooking method:

    1. You can cut vegetables the way you are used to decorating them for borscht. It is convenient to cut the onion into cubes, and the pepper into strips. It is better to remove the skin from tomatoes and crumble the pulp arbitrarily. Just chop the garlic with a knife. Three beets on a grater. We shred the cabbage.
    2. Put the onion in a pan with oil, fry it for five minutes, then add the carrots. After another five, put the pepper along with the tomatoes and simmer a little more.
    3. After, we put the beets, season the composition with salt, vinegar and sugar. Stir and simmer the dressing for half an hour.
    4. After this time, lay the cabbage with garlic and tomato paste. We simmer the mixture for another ten minutes, then put the hot vegetable mass into jars, roll it up and wrap it with a blanket.

    How to cook without vinegar

    Dressing for borscht is a very convenient preservation for the winter. Especially when you need to quickly cook a hot first.

    Many do not favor such preparations because of the vinegar present in them, but you can cook borscht dressing for the winter without it.

    Ingredients (for 6 jars of 500 ml):

    • 1.7 kg of beets;
    • 850 g carrots;
    • 850 g of bell pepper;
    • 450 g of onion;
    • 750 g tomato;
    • half a glass of oil;
    • two tablespoons of granulated sugar;
    • 1.5 tablespoons of salt.

    Cooking method:

    1. Let's start with tomatoes. We peel them, three on a grater or grind them with a meat grinder. Sending tomato puree in a saucepan with salt and simmer for 20 minutes.
    2. Then, with an interval of three minutes, lay the rest of the vegetables in the following sequence: first grated carrots, then sweet pepper cubes, and then chopped onions.
    3. Three beets on a grater and put in a pan. Pour oil and a spoon lemon juice, simmer for five minutes, and then transfer to a saucepan with the rest of the ingredients. Pour in the rest of the oil and simmer the almost finished composition for another ten minutes.
    4. We distribute the finished dressing in sterilized jars, roll it up, wrap it up and store it in a cool place after cooling.

    With tomatoes in a slow cooker

    It is easy to make a preparation for borscht from any vegetables, but the main thing is that it must contain tomatoes and beets. They give borscht a bright, rich color and aroma.


    • 1.6 kg of beets;
    • 2.2 kg tomato;
    • three tablespoons of vegetable oil;
    • 30 g sugar and salt to taste.

    Cooking method:

    1. Pass the beets through a grater, and chop the peeled tomatoes with a blender.
    2. Pour oil into the bowl of the kitchen appliance, put the beets and, in the “Frying” mode, overcook the vegetable for ten minutes.
    3. Then we lay the tomato puree, and as soon as the vegetables boil, add salt and sweetener. Select the "Extinguishing" option and set the timer for 1 hour 15 minutes.
    4. We put the vegetable dressing in prepared containers, tightly close and cover, leave overnight. We store no more than 5 months in a cool place.

    Borsch dressing for the winter with beans

    Many housewives use beans in cooking borscht. Such an ingredient makes the dish saturated and high-calorie, and can even replace meat. The recipe for such a dressing will be especially appreciated by vegetarians and fasting people.

    Ingredients (for 8 cans of 0.5 liters):

    • one and a half kilos of beets and tomatoes;
    • half a kilo of onions, peppers and carrots;
    • 260 ml of odorless oil;
    • 320 g of beans;
    • 95 ml of vinegar;
    • half a glass of sweet sand;
    • a spoonful of salt.

    Cooking method:

    1. Soak beans in cold water and leave overnight. Then we change the water and cook the beans until tender.
    2. Grind the beets and carrots on a grater, chop the onion into cubes, cut the pepper into strips, and grind the tomatoes with a blender.
    3. In a deep saucepan with oil, we begin to prepare the dressing. First, lay out the grated tomatoes, and as soon as they boil, put the beets and pour in half the vinegar so that the vegetable does not lose its rich color.
    4. After ten minutes, add carrots and onions, and after another ten - peppers, beans and all bulk ingredients. Simmer vegetables for 20 minutes. A couple of minutes before readiness, pour the remaining half of the acetic acid.
    5. Ingredients:

    • 230 g sorrel;
    • 320 g of beet tops;
    • 60 g dill.

    Cooking method:

    1. Grind dill, tops and sorrel, put in a saucepan, add a spoonful of salt, pour a glass of water and send to the fire.
    2. Cook the greens for seven minutes and then simply lay them out in jars. We roll up the blanks and store in a cool place.

    For borscht dressing, use only young, juicy and bright vegetables with thin skins. Only in this way will your preparation turn out to be healthy, tasty and fragrant.

    It's good to have borscht dressing in stock for the winter. It could only be better to have different options. Each of which has its own zest. Borschik will be unique, interesting and incredibly tasty every time. What else is needed for a caring hostess?

    I propose to prepare gas stations for not only different recipes but also by different methods. All recipes are very good, proven not for years, but for decades. Take a closer look - you will surely find something new for yourself.

    Dressing for borscht for the winter from beets is sacred. Thanks to her, our favorite hot dish is fragrant and pleases with fresh smells and colors of summer.

    The idea is this: vegetables are stewed, closed in jars under iron lids. Keeps great. The borscht is excellent!

    There is only one wish for the choice of products - choose red varieties of beets, tasty. Sometimes vegetables come across with veins, watery, we do not need such. It is important to remember that success is very delicious dressing- quality ingredients. First of all, it concerns beets.

    Sterilize the jars first. For these purposes, 0.5 liters are good. Do not forget to pour over the caps with boiling water.

    Cooking a set of products

    • Beets - 2 kg.
    • Tomatoes - 2 kg.
    • Carrots - 2 kg.
    • Onion - 2 kg.
    • Sunflower oil - 650 gr.
    • Sugar - 200 gr.
    • Salts - 130 gr.
    • Vinegar - 100 ml.
    • Water - 150 ml.
    • Allspice peas - 15 pcs.
    • Bay leaf - 5 pieces.

    I indicated the weight of vegetables in a purified form.

    Preparing winter accompaniment to borscht

    1. Peeled beets, carrots and onions should be cut into strips. A combine will be a good helper here. Who does not have a grater. You can, of course, and hands, only get longer.

    2. Send the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bto a large dish - a pan, a bowl. For this amount of vegetables, you will need 16 liters of dishes.

    3. Lay the oil, 30 ml. vinegar. Pour in water.

    4. Stir the mass, cover the pan with a lid, put on low heat. Simmer for 15 min.
    5. At this time, get rid of the tomatoes - get mashed from them, and preferably without seeds. You can grind with a meat grinder, or a blender - whoever has what. Even a grater will do. A sieve will help get rid of the grains.

    6. Send the tomato puree to the pan, pour in the remaining vinegar.

    7. Add sugar, salt and spices. Mix.

    8. Simmer 45 min. As you correctly understood, the total extinguishing time is within one hour.
    9. Distribute hot dressing in sterile jars, roll up.

    You are thoroughly prepared for the winter season. And with a flick of the wrist, turn your borscht into a real miracle!

    Recipe for dressing for borscht for the winter with beets and beans

    Amazing gas station. For a lean dish - that's it. Agree that sometimes you want a lightweight option. If you have never cooked borscht with beans - urgently correct yourself. Yummy is extraordinary. And the preparation of beets and beans allows you to cook it very quickly.

    What else is good for such a beetroot dressing for the winter? Yes, the fact that vegetables are first fried, and only then stewed. Experienced housewives they will immediately say that it should turn out very interesting.
    I usually select white sugar beans. With it, gas station seems more attractive to me.

    Product set

    • Beets - 2 kg.
    • Carrots - 2 kg.
    • Onion - 2 kg.
    • Tomatoes - 2 kg.
    • Beans - 3 cups of two hundred grams
    • Vegetable oils - 500 ml.
    • Hot water - 500 ml.
    • Sugar - glass (200)
    • Salts - 100 gr.
    • Vinegar (6 percent) - 150 ml.

    How to cook

    1. Beans must be soaked in cold water hours for 2 - 3. Then boil until tender.
    2. Prepare mashed tomatoes from tomatoes, then boil it in a pan with the addition of a small amount of oil. Boil min. 5 - 7.
    3. Chop the onion into pieces. Beets and carrots in small strips.
    4. Fry the vegetables separately in oil, put in a common bowl.
    5. Add the beans to the vegetable mass, mix.
    6. Lay all the spices, oil, vinegar, water.
    7. Stir, simmer over medium heat for 30 minutes.
    8. Arrange in prepared sterile jars, twist.

    Good luck to you borscht! If you want to be carried in your arms, throw in Lenten dish a handful of mushrooms.

    Refueling for borscht for the winter. Recipe with tomatoes and bell peppers

    Addendum bell pepper makes beet dressing for the winter incredibly fragrant. And here we will add dill. Borscht will smell fragrant throughout the house.

    The preparation is distinguished by a small amount of vinegar. Tomatoes will give her acid, which are slightly larger here than in other recipes.

    Required Products

    • Beets - 3 kg.
    • Red bell pepper- 2 kg.
    • Onion - 2 kg.
    • Tomatoes - 4 kg.
    • Vegetable oil - 0.5 l.
    • Salt - 2 tbsp.
    • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
    • Vinegar - 4 tbsp.
    • A bunch of dill.

    Cooking process

    1. We twist the tomatoes on the tomato. Getting rid of seeds is not essential. But if you have time, strain the mass through a sieve. It will be better this way.
    2. Cut beets, peppers into medium-sized strips, onions into cubes.
    3. Finely chop the dill.
    4. Pour the oil and tomatoes into a large saucepan, let it boil.
    5. Add the rest of the vegetables, dill and spices.
    6. Mix the mass, boil over medium heat for 40 minutes.
    7. Add vinegar carefully. Why carefully? In order not to peroxide, tomatoes can differ in sour properties. Therefore, it is better to try, and pour in the vinegar in stages. You can adjust the taste with salt and sugar.
    8. Simmer after adding vinegar for another 5 minutes.
    9. We lay out in sterile jars, roll up.

    Hot, fragrant borscht gathered everyone in the kitchen. Feed the household. Let them appreciate your preparation for winter!

    Vegetable dressing for borscht for the winter

    I will reveal to you little secret- This dressing can be eaten as a salad. She's very good. A complete vitamin set of sweet peppers and carrots, onions and tomatoes.

    What to prepare

    • Tomato 2 kg
    • Bulgarian sweet pepper 2 kg
    • Carrots 1 kg
    • Onion 1 kg
    • Vegetable oils 300 ml.
    • Vinegar, salt, and sugar in half a glass (200 gr), a little less.


    1. Tomatoes are passed through a meat grinder. I do not remove seeds.
    2. Peppers and carrots are cut into strips, onions into cubes.
    3. Chopped vegetables are stacked in a cooking dish, tomato puree is added to them.
    4. Next, oil, vinegar, salt and sugar are laid, everything is mixed.
    5. The vessel is placed on medium heat, the dressing is stewed for 20-25 minutes. after boiling.
    6. Distributed in sterile jars, rolled up.

    The dressing will decorate the borsch so much that everyone will require supplements. I put such a blank at the end of cooking and balance the taste.

    Fresh dressing for borscht for the winter without cooking

    Fresh dressing for winter borscht is the hit of the season. All recipes are very good, but this one is special. After all, it is not subjected to heat treatment. This means that vitamins and flavors remain in place. A small amount of salt helps to keep the freshness.

    Such wealth is stored in a pantry under a nylon lid. If there is room in the fridge, you can put it there. There is room for a couple of jars. And they are enough for the winter for the eyes.

    Before laying in borscht, it can be washed from salt. And another option: salt the broth less, and adjust the taste with dressing.

    Product List

    • Carrots - 500 gr.
    • Bulgarian sweet pepper - 500 gr.
    • A bunch of dill, parsley
    • Salt 200 grams.


    1. Vegetables are cut into strips.
    2. The greens are finely chopped.
    3. The cut is thoroughly mixed with salt.
    4. The mass is distributed into clean and dry jars under a nylon lid. Vegetables should be packed tightly.

    Fresh dressing can be added to both stir-fry and broth. The broth is added when the potatoes are ready. Just taste it, then you certainly won't oversalt it. And how your borscht will smell is beyond words.

    Fresh dressings for borscht can be made frozen, but without salt. Distribute the vegetable mass in plastic bags, send to the freezer. You can freeze vegetables individually. As your heart desires, taking into account specific circumstances.

    Dressing for borscht for the winter with bell pepper

    It's no secret that bell pepper gives a special flavor to borscht. And the smell with it is completely different, and the taste. In winter, such a gas station will be a real find for the hostess.

    Required Products

    • Sweet pepper - 2 kg.
    • Onion - 1 kg
    • Vegetable oil - a glass (200 gr.)
    • Salt to taste
    • Vinegar 6 percent - 1 tbsp. l. in a liter jar.

    Cooking gas station

    1. Peppers need to be de-seeded, washed, cut into strips or cubes - as you like.
    2. Peel the onion, cut according to the pepper cut.
    3. Fry the onion until transparent.
    4. Add pepper, salt. Simmer until done. In time it will be min. 30. If there is not enough liquid, you can add a little water. And, if desired, ground pepper.
    5. Put the prepared vegetables in sterile jars. Pour vinegar on top, at the rate of 1 tbsp. per liter jar.
    6. Roll up with sterile iron lids.

    Add to borscht for health. Enjoy!

    Borsch dressing for the winter from beets with garlic

    We have already prepared a beetroot version with carrots. Now let's add sweet pepper. We will get a dressing for borscht for the winter from beets, tomatoes and sweet peppers.
    Its peculiarity is the addition of garlic. What could be better than borscht with garlic?


    • Tomatoes - 750 gr.
    • Sweet pepper - 250 gr.
    • Beets - 2 kg.
    • Onion - 250 gr.
    • medium head of garlic
    • Salt - 30 gr.
    • Sugar - 100 gr.
    • Vinegar (9 percent) - 100 ml.
    • Lean oil - 250 ml.

    step by step process

    1. Onions, peppers and tomatoes are cut into cubes.
    2. Beet rubs on a grater.
    3. Vegetables are placed in a bowl.
    4. Salt, sugar, vinegar, oil are also sent here.
    5. The mass is stewed for 40 minutes.
    6. Minced garlic is added.
    7. The dressing is stirred, stewed for another 10 minutes. Don't forget to stir.
    8. The finished product is laid out in sterile jars, rolled up.

    Do not forget to trim the lard to the fragrant borscht. Have fun, and don't swallow your tongues!

    When it comes to talking about, I don’t want to talk for a long time. There is a desire to run to the kitchen and cook. And when there are wonderful gas stations in stock, it is doubly pleasant. Rich and tasty borscht for you!