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Chocolate cheese at home from cottage cheese. Features of melted chocolate cheese, as well as the recipe for its preparation

Homemade chocolate cheese turns out to be more delicate and delicate in taste than the obsessive store-bought one.

Today our menu is very delicious recipe chocolate cheese, which is easy to make at home using cottage cheese.

As a result, a smooth and tender melted cheese with a chocolate flavor will appear on your table, which is delicious served on a slice. white bread for morning coffee.

Once I tried this natural product, you will cook it for your family over and over again.

To make cheese, you need to choose dry homemade hard cottage cheese with a loose grain.

You can store melted cheese with chocolate in the refrigerator for no more than a week.

The simplest cheese recipe can be prepared from ordinary processed cheeses, taking 2 teaspoons of cocoa per 100 g of product and sugar to taste. But we are more important than naturalness and benefits?


  • cottage cheese - 400 g
  • bitter chocolate - 100 g
  • butter - 50 g
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons
  • milk - 75 ml
  • baking soda - 1/2 teaspoon

Making chocolate cheese:

1. Punch the cottage cheese with a blender until a homogeneous creamy mass.

2. Add milk and soda. Whisk again.

3. Transfer to a small saucepan, add soft butter and put in a water bath.

4. Cook for 10-15 minutes, stirring constantly, until the curd mass melts, which turns out to be completely homogeneous, without a single grain, similar to thick condensed milk.

5. Remove from heat and add grated chocolate, then granulated sugar. Stir until complete dissolution of both products.

6. Pour into a suitable container in a not too thick layer, let cool and refrigerate for 6 hours to set.

chocolate cream cheese recipe

As a result, you will get a non-sugary, delicate cheese, sweetish, with a delicate aroma of spices and cognac.

if you love sweet cheese then increase the amount of sugar.

Chocolate cheese composition:

  • low-fat cottage cheese - 300 g
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • butter - 2 tbsp. l.
  • soda - 1/3 tsp
  • salt - 1/3 tsp
  • cocoa powder - 1 tsp with a slide
  • vanilla sugar - 10 g
  • powdered sugar - 1 tsp
  • cinnamon - on the tip of a knife
  • cognac - 1 tsp

How to make chocolate cheese from cottage cheese:

1. Add salt and soda to the cottage cheese, mix thoroughly and leave on the table for an hour.

2. Break up a raw egg and add softened butter. Stir.

3. curd mass put on medium heat and heat until the cottage cheese is completely melted. Don't forget to stir occasionally.

4. Pour in cocoa, vanilla sugar, cinnamon, powder and pour in cognac. Mix quickly until the cocoa is completely dissolved.

5. Cover the container cling film and leave on the table until completely cooled. Then remove the chocolate cottage cheese Refrigerate until fully ripened, at least 6-8 hours.

Chocolate cheese with nuts


  • coarse-grained cottage cheese - 1 kg
  • full fat milk - 1 glass faceted
  • fresh butter - 4 large spoons
  • baking soda - dessert spoon
  • cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. l.
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. l.
  • walnuts- 4 tbsp. spoons

Chocolate cheese recipe with nuts:

1. Mash or blend cottage cheese with baking soda, and then add milk to them.

2. Transfer the resulting mixture to a saucepan and put on low heat. Cook until cottage cheese melts.

3. Put butter, sugar and cocoa. Stir, cook for another 1 minute, lay out the chopped walnuts and pour hot into molds. Place in the refrigerator for several hours.

Video recipe for chocolate cheese with nuts:

Chocolate processed cheese at home has a fairly high calorie content.

They should not be abused during the period of weight loss, as well as those who follow their figure or suffer from obesity. This is the main harm of chocolate cheese.

And its benefits are the same as those of all natural dairy products.

What's with chocolate melted cheese? Spread on white bread, cookies, serve with buns and croissants, waffles. From drinks - coffee with milk, cocoa, tea.

1. Put the butter in a saucepan.

2. Put it on the stove and heat until the butter melts. Then add sugar and a pinch of salt. Then pour in the raw egg and mix well until smooth so that the products are completely dissolved.

3. Add cottage cheese. I recommend choosing it homemade and hard with loose grains. If the cottage cheese is store-bought, then increase the amount of butter.

4. Stir the mass so that the curd and liquid ingredients are combined.

5. Put the saucepan on the stove and heat the contents over medium heat, stirring regularly. It is necessary that the cottage cheese melts and a homogeneous smooth liquid mass is obtained.

6. Then pour in cocoa powder and soda. If you use sweet cocoa, then you may not need sugar, or you will need less. Keep this in mind when adding it.

7. Return the saucepan to the stove and continue to knead the products so that the cocoa mixes well and the mass acquires a chocolate color. The mixture will be fairly liquid, but will thicken as it cools.

8. Pour the chocolate liquid mass into convenient molds. For this, any bowls, bowls, vases or silicone molds for muffins. Send the cheese to harden in the refrigerator, where you stand it for 1-2 hours. In the refrigerator, the mass will begin to solidify and become quite dense, but at the same time it can be easily spread on bread or cookies. Store the cheese in the refrigerator for about one week in a container with a tightly closed lid. - Delicious and tender cheese

Pros: taste

Disadvantages: emulsifier with unexplained effects - whether harmful or not

I love every cheese. And chocolate too. But I don't often buy these products together.

And then my eyes fell on the jar, and I decided to take it for tea. A jar of 230 grams in bright colors, even somewhat unusual for a dairy display case - yellow-brown. It looks like smoked meat)) But it is clear that with chocolate.

The bank is dense, matte. The lid is strong, durable, does not break or deform when opened. Under the lid was additionally packed with foil.

We tear it off, and there is a beautiful even mass of bright chocolate color. The cheese is soft, as it should be, but quite dense. It does not move around and does not reach for the knife, but it picks up well. Here is such an even trace left when we pick up the cheese. An empty place does not swim, as is sometimes found in too liquid ones. I don't like those sticky ones. And this one just right.

I liked the taste. Delicate, uniform. Moderately sweet. The chocolate flavor is good. And creamy taste too. Generally reminiscent milk chocolate. Doesn't stick to teeth. Fits well on the button. And if it’s on hot croutons, then it’s absolutely wonderful. Cheese also does not float from them. Melted does not melt quickly.

I didn't hear any chemical aftertaste. Although there is one preservative and one emulsifier. But I rarely eat junk food, so it doesn't scare me. And besides them here good composition: cheese, butter, cottage cheese, sugar, cocoa, milk. Pretty good cheese for sweet sandwiches.

The shelf life of the product is 9 months. Mine was made in December 2016.

Produces Processed Chocolate Cheese OJSC Moscow Processed Cheese Plant Karat.

Video review


Chocolate melted cheese, after spending time in the refrigerator, begins to harden, and then becomes quite dense, but at the same time it can be easily spread on a sandwich and even used as a delicious toppings for bagels, cakes, muffins and cupcakes. I assure you, once you try it, you will definitely fall in love with this natural home product and you will cook for your family again and again.


  • Curd mass, vanilla 0.5 kg;
  • Dark chocolate 200 g;
  • Sugar - to taste.;
  • Baking soda 5 g;
  • Cream, fatty 250 ml.;
  • Lemon juice 30 ml.


  • We heat the cream and melt the chocolate + sugar in them.
  • Beat the curd mass with the milk-chocolate mixture, add lemon juice with soda.
  • Cook for about 5-7 minutes over low heat, constantly stirring the mass.
  • Next, the cheese is cooled to 70 * C and laid out in cups. Store in the refrigerator and use as needed. It's all…
  • The readiness of processed cheese when hot corresponds to a soft, stretchy and plastic consistency. After cooling, processed cheese becomes elastic, but not hard. It shouldn't crumble.
  • Grains of cottage cheese should not be present in the finished processed cheese, and to prevent this from happening, monitor the moisture content of the prepared cheese dough, wipe it through a sieve. To increase the plasticity and softness of the cooked cheese mass, milk can be added if the dough has sufficient acidity, or whey, sour cream - if it is necessary to increase the pH level.
  • It is better to cook cottage cheese melted cheese at home in a steam bath to avoid burning. Prepare the necessary utensils and prepare for the fact that during the cooking process cheese dough must be stirred continuously and vigorously enough.
  • The required fat content of processed cheese is adjusted by adding cream or butter. Sometimes recipe vegetable oil is added to the cheese dough, which provides greater plasticity and softness than butter fats. When adding vegetable oils the soft consistency of processed cheese is preserved even with significant cooling.

Calories: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not specified

Today on the menu is a delicious chocolate cream cheese made from cottage cheese at home, a recipe with a photo of the preparation of which will describe in detail the whole process. Homogeneous and smooth texture, fragrant and delicate smell, viscous - in the form of heat and dense - in the chilled state. This delicious dessert with a slice of fresh loaf or white bread will be a great addition to your morning meal with a cup of fresh coffee or tea.
After spending time in the refrigerator, chocolate cream cheese begins to harden and thicken, becoming quite dense, but at the same time it is easily spread on a sandwich. And if desired, it can be used as a filling for cakes, bagels, and muffins. Having prepared this culinary creation once, I am sure that you will love this homemade natural product and will make it again and again.
To prepare this dessert, give preference to homemade hard cottage cheese with grains, instead of cocoa powder, you can use high-quality dark chocolate. Although this option is not required. You can store the chocolate snack for about a week in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container.

- cottage cheese- 500 gr.,
- butter - 50 gr.,
- eggs - 1 pc.,
- salt - a pinch,
- soda - 1 tsp,
- sugar - to taste,
- cocoa powder - 2 tbsp.

How to cook with a photo step by step

Melt the butter in a saucepan until it is completely liquid. Then beat the egg into it and mix well until a homogeneous structure.

Put salt, soda and cottage cheese into the liquid mass. If desired, the cottage cheese can be mashed with a fork, whipped with a blender or rubbed through a sieve. But this option is optional, it does not affect the quality finished product but only speeds up the cooking process.

Stir the food and place on the stove on the smallest fire.

Boil the cottage cheese, stirring constantly. Under the influence of soda, it will begin to melt, transforming into a liquid homogeneous consistency, after which it will begin to thicken. If it seems to you that it is too liquid, then add a little soda, under its influence the mixture will become thicker. But do not overdo it so that an unpleasant taste does not appear. Remember that as the mass cools, the cheese will still harden and become dense.

When the mass becomes smooth, similar to the consistency of condensed milk, put sugar and cocoa powder. Instead of cocoa, you can pour in melted chocolate (100 gr.).

Stir the mixture until smooth without removing the pan from the heat. When all the chocolate lumps have dissolved, pour it into any convenient molds and put them in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.

During this time, the cheese will harden and can be easily spread on a slice of bread. Maybe someone will like it