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Shchi from fresh cabbage with potatoes (TTK5485). Shchi from fresh cabbage with potatoes (TTK3301) Shchi with potatoes

TECHNICAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL CARD No. Fresh cabbage soup with potatoes


Real techno- routing developed in accordance with GOST 31987-2012 and applies to the cabbage soup dish from fresh cabbage with potatoes produced by the facility Catering.


food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used for cooking must comply with the requirements of current regulatory documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, safety and quality certificate, etc.)


Name of raw materials and semi-finished products \Gross\Net

White cabbage300 240 300 240 250 200
or savoy308 240 308 240 - -
Potato 160 120 160 120 160 120
Turnip 40 30 40 30 - -
Carrot 50 40 50 40 50 40
Parsley (root) 13 10 13 10 13 10
Onion 48 40 48 40 48 40
Leek 26 20 - - - -
fresh tomatoes94 80 - - - -
tomato puree - - 20 20 - -
cooking oil 20 20 20 20 20 20
broth or water650 650 750 750 800 800
Exit- 1000 - 1000 - 1000

Cabbage is cut into checkers, potatoes - into slices.


Cabbage is placed in boiling broth or water, brought to a boil, then potatoes are placed.

Add browned carrots, onions and cook until tender. 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking, chopped tomatoes or browned tomato puree, browned flour diluted with broth or water are added to the cabbage soup. Simultaneously with spices, you can put garlic in the cabbage soup (2 g net per 1000 g of cabbage soup), mashed with salt.

When preparing cabbage soup from early cabbage, it is laid after potatoes. Shchi according to column III can be cooked with tomato puree(10 g per 1000 g of soup).


Serving: The dish is prepared according to the consumer's order, used according to the recipe of the main dish. Shelf life and sale according to SanPin, SanPin


6.1 Organoleptic quality indicators:

Appearance - Characteristic of this dish.

Color - Characteristic of the products included in the product.

Taste and smell - Characteristic for the products included in the product, without foreign tastes and odors.

6.2 Microbiological and physico-chemical parameters:

According to microbiological and physico-chemical indicators this dish complies with requirements technical regulations Customs Union “On food safety” (TR TS 021/2011)


Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Calories, kcal (kJ)

Technological engineer.

They say that cabbage soup was cooked in Russia long before its baptism, and this dish was eaten almost every day. It is no coincidence that many proverbs and sayings glorify cabbage soup in every way: “Where there are good cabbage soup, do not look for other food”, “Here you ate - like putting on a fur coat”, “Schami the world is standing”. Russian people are so accustomed to cabbage soup that they even traveled in winter with cabbage soup frozen in a tub, which was enough to warm up to fill up the whole family. They say that the Russian soldiers who fought against Napoleon's army, being on French territory, missed cabbage soup so much that they sour grape leaves, which replaced them in the soup with sauerkraut. It smelled of cabbage soup not only in peasant huts, but also in royal chambers, however, wealthy people ate thick meat soup, in which a spoon stood, and the poor often slurped thin soup with cabbage, quinoa and onions. And all the same, it was very tasty, so the people said: "Your father will get bored, but cabbage soup will not bother you."

How cabbage soup was prepared in Russia

There are many recipes with cabbage, sorrel, nettles, turnips, mushrooms, in meat or fish broth, with different roots, spices and sour dressings, such as pickle or apples. In the old days, cabbage soup was cooked even from beets, calling this dish “beet soup”, which looked more like borscht. Classic recipe ancient cabbage soup necessarily included cabbage, fresh or sauerkraut, and if it was not at hand, they took green leafy vegetables or turnips. From the roots, the housewives used carrots and parsley, seasoning the soup with onions, garlic, celery, dill, bay leaves and pepper. An obligatory component of cabbage soup was acid - after all, this soup was valued due to its spicy sour taste. Except sauerkraut used salted mushrooms, antonovka, cranberries, cranberries, pickled cucumbers, sour cream and everything that gave the cabbage soup a specific sour taste. In the southern regions of Russia, cabbage soup was always cooked with tomatoes and bell peppers, and in modern recipes you can also find potatoes, which make cabbage soup thicker and tastier.

In Russia, products were put into cabbage soup in its raw form, without being fried or sautéed, although for a thicker broth in some areas they added to cabbage soup. rye flour. Shchi was simmered in a Russian oven in a clay pot, so they turned out to be very appetizing and fragrant. Mostly beef was used for the broth, although cabbage soup with pork or poultry was popular in the western region. Don shchi was traditionally cooked with sturgeon, Pskov shchi was cooked with smelt, Polish and Ukrainian shchi was cooked with bacon, the Ural version of shchi included millet or oatmeal, in Georgia white wine and suluguni cheese were added to shchi, and the Finns could not imagine this dish without lamb and smoked sausage. In general, in all national cuisines there are some peculiarities of cooking cabbage soup, and each version of the dish is tasty in its own way, besides, “hungry Fedot wants any cabbage soup.”

Choose a recipe for delicious cabbage soup

Before you learn how to cook the right ones, you should decide on the recipe, since there are several varieties of this dish.

Full cabbage soup, which is also called "rich", is cooked on a strong meat broth, with addition a large number ingredients, including mushrooms, potatoes and many spices. Meat is added to prefabricated cabbage soup and meat products different varieties - boiled beef, poultry, pork, ham, sausage, sausages and sausages, which are cut into small pieces. Fish soup is cooked from noble varieties of fish, from small river fish or canned fish, while a combination of fresh and salted fish is acceptable. Lenten cabbage soup is prepared without meat - with vegetables, mushrooms and herbs, green cabbage soup is summer version soup with sorrel or spinach. In the preparation of gray northern cabbage soup, the lower cabbage leaves grayish in color, seedling cabbage soup is boiled from cabbage seedlings, and daily cabbage soup after cooking is first kept warm for four hours, and then left in the cold. By the way, now sour cabbage soup we mean sauerkraut soup, and in Russia it was a kind of kvass that saved hangovers.

How to cook delicious cabbage soup: a few secrets

Once upon a time, housewives did not think about how to properly cook cabbage soup - they simply mixed all the products in a clay pot, put it in the oven, and the soup languished all day, and in the evening fragrant and tasty cabbage soup was served on the table. We do not have so much time, but they come to the rescue modern technologies- Multicooker and air grill. But even in an ordinary saucepan, you can cook delicious cabbage soup, which will be eaten in the evening by a large family. Remember a few secrets and subtleties, and cabbage soup will become your signature dish!

Secret 1. If you decide to cook cabbage soup in meat broth, cook the meat in a whole piece for at least two hours to make the broth more rich and saturated - this is what soup is needed for. Be sure to add fragrant herbs and roots to the meat for piquancy.

Secret 2. Do not cook cabbage soup from too young cabbage, which is more suitable for salads. The best choice for cabbage soup - autumn cabbage with dense, strong and white heads of cabbage. Many housewives bring cabbage to preliminary readiness separately - stew young cabbage in a saucepan on the stove for 15 minutes, and cook more mature cabbage in earthenware in the oven - two or three hours. Why is this needed? The fact is that when cabbage languishes, it is saturated with new flavors and aromas that enrich the taste of the dish.

Secret 3. If you have time, put the pot of broth at the last stage of cooking in the oven, covered with foil, and simmer for about an hour. Add crumbly varieties of potatoes cut into cubes and continue to simmer in the oven. Can you imagine what will be in the pan in an hour and a half? Tender thick stew soft meat, and not a crumb will remain of the potatoes. And you should mix this fragrant liquid with cabbage, add any ingredients that you like - tomatoes, bell pepper, green beans, mushrooms and herbs, after which simmer the cabbage soup for at least another half hour. If you cook cabbage soup on the stove, the cooking time is, of course, reduced.

Secret 4. You can also add toasted flour to the soup. After it becomes golden, you should dilute it with broth, boil it slightly and rub it through a sieve. Shchi is also cooked with cereals, only it should be introduced before cabbage and potatoes, taking into account the individual cooking time.

Cooking cabbage soup quickly

It's good to have time to spare all day, but sometimes you need to cook a quick meal for the family, in which case recipes for very busy housewives save. In this case, it is better to cook the broth in the evening, besides, the meat will become soft and tender overnight, so it will not be difficult for you to cut it into cubes and return it to the pan again. Add fresh cabbage chopped into strips into the broth, after boiling, add sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpotatoes and, while cabbage soup is boiled, fry carrots, onions, garlic and parsley root in oil in a pan. Dip the tomatoes in the cabbage soup with skinned and diced Bell pepper, and after the vegetables have boiled a little, add carrot dressing to them. Do not forget about bay leaves, black pepper and herbs, which are best added to ready-made cabbage soup along with sour cream. For 400 g of meat, take a small head of cabbage, 2 potatoes, 2 tomatoes, 1 carrot and 1 onion, and herbs and roots can be added to taste. Your family will be happy!

Sauerkraut soup

This dish is especially useful during winter beriberi, as sauerkraut contains vitamin C, which is necessary to fight colds and viral infections. In addition, sour cabbage soup does not allow other vegetables to boil too much, so they crunch nicely, which makes the dish even tastier and healthier.

Cook from a kilogram of beef rich broth- with bay leaf and allspice. While the broth is cooking, fry in a pan with sunflower oil 2 onions and, when the onion becomes transparent, add 2 grated carrots to it. Once the carrots are soft, remove the pan from the heat and start the broth. You need to take out the meat, cut it into pieces, put it back into the pan and pour 2 diced potatoes and chopped parsley root into it. After 10 minutes, add 600 g of sauerkraut to the cabbage soup, which can be lightly squeezed first to remove excess acid. However, if you like cabbage soup with sourness, then you don’t need to do anything with cabbage - just boil it in broth for 15 minutes, then add roast and cook for another 7 minutes with your favorite spices and seasonings. Serve sour cabbage soup with cream or sour cream, sprinkled with fragrant herbs. Enjoy your meal!

On the site "Eat at Home!" you will find many step by step recipes cabbage soup for every taste. Cook with love for your family and enjoy the food!

Fresh cabbage soup with potatoes

We will need: water - 2-2.5l; whole piece meat (pork or beef or lamb) - 500g; fresh cabbage - 500g, carrots - 1 pc. potatoes - 2 pcs., onions - 2 pcs.; parsley or celery root - 50g; greens, bay leaf .; salt, peppercorns - to taste; Fresh tomatoes Vegetable mix-optional
In a saucepan over low heat, cook any meat (pork or lamb beef) with bone or pulp. To make the broth richer, put the meat in cold water. Do not cover the pot with a lid. Salt, add peppercorns, one onion carrot, parsley or celery root and put to boil. Do not cover the pot with a lid.

Remove the foam from the boiling broth and pour a spoon into it cold water. When the foam appears again, repeat the operation, and so on until the scale ceases to form. Wipe the foam that has dried to the edges of the pan with a clean, damp cloth and continue to cook the broth. After the meat is ready, remove the meat from the broth, Cabbage, cut into checkers or strips, dip into the boiling broth (Some late varieties white cabbage give cabbage soup an unpleasant smell and a bitter taste, such cabbage should be immersed in boiling water for 2-3 minutes before laying.). When the broth boils again, put potatoes cut into cubes or slices or cubes into it.

Cook until potatoes are ready. If fresh tomatoes are used instead of tomato puree, then they must be put in a saucepan before the end of cooking. I also added the vegetable mixture 10 minutes before the end of cooking. Reduce fire. Grind the greens, put them in cabbage soup, let the soup boil and turn off the fire.

Let it brew for 15 minutes.

Before serving, top with sour cream.
I cook lamb soup without fried, it's a taste from my youth, but amateurs can cook fried and dress cabbage soup.
Frying: Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, cut the onion into cubes. Then onions and carrots must be fried for several minutes in vegetable oil, at the end of frying, put a small chopped clove of garlic in the pan. Before you turn off the heat, put the tomato paste on the vegetables. If you cook cabbage soup with fresh tomato, then put it in the pan along with garlic.
You can also cook in this way. Cut the carrots into strips and stew with the addition of oil until the color changes (the carrots should brighten), add it to the cabbage soup. After you have taken the meat out of the broth. And continue to cook, put cabbage, potatoes, and so on.

I have already shown how to cook basic (purely cabbage) cabbage soup, and today - the most common recipe for cabbage soup: cabbage soup with potatoes in a rich and poor version. I would say that this is summer cabbage soup. So summery that they are often boiled not even with cabbage, but with cabbage seedlings.

In the rich (restaurant) version of these cabbage soups, there are still turnips and fresh tomatoes and even leeks. At the same time, turnips in cabbage soup are always sautéed with carrots and onions, and leeks and parsley root are never sautéed. Leeks can be successfully replaced with a bunch of regular green onions.

In cabbage soup with potatoes, it is important to observe the proportion of cabbage and potatoes (2: 1 by weight), and put tomatoes no more than 1/3 of the weight of cabbage.

Cabbage for cabbage soup with potatoes is always cut into checkers (squares), and potatoes - into slices. If cabbage seedlings are taken instead of cabbage, then it is added to the soup when the potatoes are already slightly cooked until half cooked. Tomatoes in cabbage soup with potatoes are laid at the very last turn, when cabbage soup is almost ready, along with herbs and spices.

1. Rich cabbage soup

for 2-4 servings

240g cabbage
120g potatoes
80g fresh tomatoes

40g onion
40g carrots
30g turnip
20g fat

20g leeks
10g parsley root

650g stock or water

salt, pepper, bay leaf, greens, sweet pepper (20-40g), boiled meat, poultry, smoked meats or meatballs (50-75g per serving)

Bring stock or water to a boil. Carrots, onions and turnips are sautéed in oil. Cabbage is cut into checkers and dipped in boiling broth. Potatoes are cut into slices and added to the cabbage.

After the cabbage and potatoes are boiled for 5 minutes, sautéed roots and (non-sautéed) parsley root are added to the soup, boiled for 5-10 minutes over low heat and seasoned with tomatoes, leeks and herbs, salt, pepper, bay leaf, finely chopped sweet pepper. Let it simmer for another 5 minutes over low heat, covered with a lid.

Ready-made cabbage soup can be seasoned with boiled meat or boiled poultry, leftovers from cooking the broth, smoked meats, meatballs or offal.

Put 2 tsp in a plate with cabbage soup. sour cream. Bread, pies, cheesecakes or kulebyaka are served with cabbage soup.

2. Poor cabbage soup

for 2-4 servings
(for a five-liter saucepan of cabbage soup, multiply everything by 4)

200g cabbage
120g potatoes
10g parsley root

40g onion
40g carrots
20g fat

800g water or stock
salt, pepper, bay leaf, herbs.

These cabbage soup belong to the category of "gray cabbage soup". They are not as elegant and not as thick as rich cabbage soup. Nevertheless, they are not inferior to rich cabbage soup in taste and are very tasty with sour cream and a piece of black bread. They are cooked in the same way as in the first version.


These soups are ready in no time. Well, very quickly. Start by peeling, weighing and chopping vegetables, measuring out water or broth. Bring the broth or water to a boil and sauté the roots at the same time. It is important to remember that onions in cabbage soup are always cut "long": "straws" or half rings.

First, the cabbage, cut into checkers, and then the potatoes into slices are lowered into the boiling broth.

After the soup has been cooked for 5-10 minutes, it is seasoned with browned roots and parsley root

Five minutes later they fill the cabbage soup fresh tomatoes, leeks (or green onions)

When it boils, season the cabbage soup with salt, pepper, bay leaves and herbs. Let it simmer over low heat, covered, for 5 minutes.

At this moment cabbage soup is ready

If desired, you can add meat or poultry from cooking broth, boiled offal, smoked meats, sausages, sausages or meatballs to the cabbage soup. Fish soup from fresh cabbage is usually not put, only cabbage soup from sauerkraut and this is another recipe.

Shchi - the main hot dish of Russian cuisine, is remembered for its sour taste, is a kind of soup with sauerkraut or fresh cabbage, other vegetables, sometimes with meat (mushrooms, fish) and herbs. It has been prepared in Russia since the 9th century, when peasants began to grow cabbage.

Present to your attention low calorie recipe cabbage soup with potatoes without meat, which can be consumed even during fasting. Estimated cooking time is 60 minutes.


  • water - 2 liters;
  • fresh cabbage - 300 grams;
  • potatoes - 3 pieces (medium);
  • carrots - 2 pieces;
  • onions - 1 piece;
  • tomatoes - 2 pieces;
  • bay leaf - 1 piece;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon (for frying);
  • salt, pepper, sour cream - to taste.

Shchi with fresh cabbage is the most delicious, but sauerkraut is quite suitable in winter, however, the dish will turn out sourer.

Shchi recipe with potatoes

1. Salt the water, bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce the power of the stove to medium. Boil with the lid open, alternately preparing and adding the ingredients.

2. Wash potatoes, peel, cut into cubes and put in a pot of boiling water.

3. Chop the cabbage into thin strips and add to the potatoes.

4. Grate the carrots on a medium grater, cut the onion into half rings. Fry carrots with onions in a small amount vegetable oil 7-10 minutes, then place the resulting roast in a saucepan.

5. Cut the tomatoes into medium slices, add to the cabbage soup along with the bay leaf.

6. Salt to taste, cook for 10-15 minutes until tender.

7. Season cabbage soup with potatoes with herbs and (or) sour cream. Serve hot.