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Duck with quince in the sleeve. Duck with quince in honey-cranberry sauce in the oven

Many novice cooks are afraid to cook duck: due to lack of experience or a slight deviation from or, poultry meat can turn out to be harsh. But stewed duck is a dish that is almost impossible to spoil. Therefore, we recommend that you start mastering the art of cooking duck with simpler recipes.

When stewing duck meat, it turns out soft, tender, unusually fragrant. You can stew the duck by adding various aromatic seasonings and herbs to the dish, or by adding a little wine. According to the proposed recipe, duck meat will turn out juicy, with a pronounced sweetish taste and a pleasant fruity note, which will be given by the use of quince and apple juice.

Cooking duck stew in this way, together with pickling, it will take only two hours - as you can see, it is not at all laborious and very tasty!

The duck carcass must be thoroughly washed with running cold inside and out. Remove any remaining feathers, if any. Next, cut the duck into portions, starting with the wings and legs. Then cut out the breast and cut off the remaining pieces of meat from the bird's frame. The duck body is not useful in this recipe, you can cook it later delicious broth for soup. Wash the duck pieces again and place in a clean container.

The duck will be marinated and then stewed in apple juice or cider. Better to use homemade juice sugarless. You can extract juice with a juicer from fresh apples and strain.

Rub duck with salt and pepper mixture. Pour in apple juice. Send the pieces of duck in the marinade for an hour in the refrigerator - this time is enough for the poultry meat to be marinated.

Wash quince with cold water and cut into slices. Usually this fruit is a little spoiled inside, so carefully cut out the damaged seed part from the inside.

Fry the quince in a deep frying pan over medium heat. butter until golden brown. Arrange quince slices on a plate.

In the same pan, put the duck pieces skin side down, fry, turning occasionally, until golden brown. This process will help to render excess fat from the skin of the duck.

Then pour Apple juice, in which the duck was marinated, into a frying pan. After the liquid boils, reduce the heat and simmer under a closed lid for 15-20 minutes.

Add fried quince slices and salt to taste. Top up with water or juice if necessary. Cook duck with quince until tender, 40 minutes. If the sauce is too thin for your taste, you can thicken it at the end of cooking by adding diluted to cold water corn starch.

To diversify the usual holiday dish New Year's table- baked duck in the oven, I suggest stuffing it not with apples, but with fragrant quince. The result is a bird with a pleasant fruity, for someone new, aroma.

Of course, baked duck with apples (or) is a classic of the genre, but guests will not be too surprised with this recipe. But the duck with quince will surely make you admire your culinary skills. Fragrant quince and a crispy golden crust will awaken a serious appetite even for a well-fed guest.

I must say right away that this recipe for cooking duck in the oven will take quite a lot of time - about 3 hours. But it's worth it!

  • Preparation time: 1.5 hours.
  • Cooking time: 1-1.5 hours.
  • Servings Per Container: 3-4 servings.

Duck with quince in the oven: ingredients

Marinade for Roast Duck:

  • honey - 3-4 tbsp. l.;
  • natural soy sauce- 5 tbsp. l.;
  • Dijon mustard 1 tbsp. l.;
  • spice mixture for poultry - 2 tbsp. l.

You will need a baking sleeve.

Oven duck recipe

If you want the duck to be juicy and soft, then choose a young bird when buying, the bones of which are not yet very large. Small ducks cook faster, and this is an important plus. It is better to buy a duck in the market or from a familiar farmer. In my experience, finding a small duck in a supermarket is very difficult, if not impossible. But don't despair. A big duck is just more time for baking, but certainly all those invited to the celebration will try plenty.

The duck contains a lot of subcutaneous fat, the amount of which can be reduced even before the bird is sent to the oven. Here is what is done for this: you need to pour water into the kettle, let it boil. Make shallow parallel incisions on the skin of the duck. Put the carcass in the sink on a metal mesh, carefully pour boiling water over it. You will notice that the skin begins to shrink and become a little thinner. If you pour boiling water over the duck, then during baking, the fat will be fried through the slots, which will help to create a crispy crust.

After that, pat the duck dry with a paper towel and rub it thoroughly. coarse salt(2 tablespoons) outside and inside.

While the carcass is saturated with salt, make a mixture for the marinade. In a bowl, combine honey, soy sauce, spice mix and Dijon mustard.

Stir with a spoon. Do not worry that the marinade will turn out sweet, the duck loves honey very much.

Remove pits from quince and cut into slices.

Turn on the oven to 180 degrees.

Thoroughly coat the entire bird with the marinade. Roll the quince in the same mixture and stuff the duck with it. If there is a desire, then you can sew up the abdomen with a harsh thread.

Place the bird in a baking bag, do not forget to tie it or secure the edges with special clips. Transfer to a baking sheet and send to a preheated oven. The baking process will depend on the size and maturity of the bird, it will take 1-1.5 hours for 1.5 kg of weight. After an hour, pierce the meat at the leg with a knife and check how the meat juice flows out. In the finished baked duck, it should be transparent.

Take the duck out of the oven. But do not immediately remove from the package, let it cool slightly.
There will be quite a lot of liquid in the bag, which should be poured into the bucket. Then make a sauce out of it.

Glaze will help to give a more fried crust and add a beautiful shade. I make it from soy sauce and honey (once there was no honey, I decided to replace it at my own peril and risk apricot jam. The experiment turned out to be very successful: the duck with quince turned out delicious).
Mix soy sauce and honey, spread the resulting glaze on the duck, then preheat the oven to 200 degrees, send the bird into it for 10-15 minutes.

Leave the finished duck stuffed with quince in the oven after turning it off for another 20-30 minutes so that it is properly soaked.

While the duck is in the oven, place a ladle of drained duck juice on the stove, turn on medium heat and simmer until thickened. Try the resulting duck sauce. If necessary, add more honey or soy sauce to it.

Calories: Not specified
Time for preparing: 60 min

I offer very a good option cooking festive duck in the oven. It will be a baked duck, but not by itself, but with quince inside. My detailed and step by step recipe, which I made with a photo, will help you cope with the preparation of this delicious dish. I know that many bake, but with quince, it seems to me, it is even tastier. Almost no one consumes quince in its raw form. After heat treatment, it turns out very fragrant and tasty.
It takes one hour of roasting per kilogram of duck, and you are based on your initial carcass weight.
Preparation time: 2 hours.
Cooking time: 1.5-2 hours.

- freshly frozen duck carcass - 1 pc. (1200 g);
- large quince - 2 pcs.;
- salt - 2 tsp;
- mixture ground peppers- 1 tsp;
- coriander - 1 tsp;
- ground fenugreek - 0.5 tsp;
- mixture provencal herbs- 1 tsp;
- honey - 2 tsp;
- potatoes for garnish to taste.

How to cook with a photo step by step

If you will be preparing a freshly frozen duck, then you need to remove the carcass from the freezer the day before and place it in a bag on the middle shelf in your refrigerator. The next day, the duck will defrost and you can proceed to further preparation. To begin with, I recommend placing the duck in a clean and empty sink and pour boiling water from the kettle on top (1-1.5 liters). The skin on the duck after such a procedure will immediately narrow slightly. Further, when baking on a duck, a crispy and appetizing crust is formed due to this, all meat juices will remain inside.

Pick now the necessary spicy spices for the duck. Coriander, a mixture of allspice, fenugreek and a mixture of Provence herbs (rosemary) are well suited for duck. Mix all the spices with salt and knead in a mortar until crumbly.

Pat the duck dry with paper towels and place on a wide surface of a bowl or plate. Thoroughly rub the inside and outside of the duck with the aromatic spice mixture. To marinate the duck a little, I recommend covering it with a film and leaving it on the table of your kitchen for an hour.

This time I suggest stuffing the duck with fragrant quince. Rinse well several large quince fruits. Next, cut the quince into slices, first removing all the bones in the middle.

Fill the duck's belly tightly with quince. Turn on the oven to 200 degrees.

Alternatively, you can make oblique notches on the duck skin, shallow, not reaching the meat. Fat through these notches will be well melted during the baking process, which will additionally allow the skin to be very crispy and not very oily.

Move the duck to the baking sheet and send it to the already hot oven 30 minutes to the middle position. After that, take out the duck, fat has formed on the baking sheet, it must be drained into a separate bowl.

Around the duck, place washed and not large potatoes, peeled or in their skins (for garnish). Reduce the heat to 180 degrees and cook the duck for another 30 minutes. Every 10 minutes I recommend watering with duck fat, which is rendered during baking. Take out the duck again and pierce it in the largest place to see if the ichor is flowing. If the meat juice is clear, the duck is ready. To give the duck an even brighter and more appetizing crust, make honey filling. To do this, mix the drained fat in a bowl and a few tablespoons of honey. Coat the duck with this mixture and leave it for another 10 minutes.

Transfer the finished duck to a large plate with potatoes, pour everything with the resulting juice from the baking sheet.

Sincerely, Elbi.
Another very interesting option cooking -

There is nothing tastier than roast duck with quince! I am telling you this as an avid meat eater who cannot live a day without poultry or meat dishes. The combination of fragrant and stewed quince pulp with tender but fatty duck meat is simply a culinary masterpiece! If you are lucky and you have two of these main ingredients, then do not hesitate and be sure to cook this dish from them. You only need 10 minutes of preparation time, and the oven will do the rest for you. Duck meat is steamed and falls off the bones by itself, saturated with fruity aroma.

I really like meat or poultry with fruits, so that sweet taste mixed with sour, so I recommend lightly sprinkle quince granulated sugar. Thanks to him, she will change her color from yellow to orange and will not be too sour.

You can roast a whole duck or any of its parts. The main thing to remember is that the duration of baking directly depends on the weight of the bird, but it should not be less than 1 hour.

So, prepare the ingredients for roasting duck with quince in the oven (pieces) and let's start cooking!

Rinse the bird parts in water, dry them with napkins or towels, rub with a mixture of ground sweet paprika, ground black pepper and salt. If desired, you can use chopped rosemary or thyme - both spices are ideally combined with duck meat.

Grease the baking dish vegetable oil. Rinse the quince thoroughly with the rough side of the sponge and cut each quince into quarters. Cut out the seeds. Rinse and cut the pulp into slices, put in a mold.

Sprinkle the fruit slices with sugar and place the bird parts on it, skin side down, so that the quince absorbs the fat. Pour warm water down the side of the mold.

Cover the container with foil without holes. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and place the mold in it. Bake the duck with quince in the oven for 1 hour.

After the specified time, remove the foil and let the dish brown for another 5-10 minutes.

Put duck with quince on plates and serve warm. You can supplement the dish with sour cream of any fat content.

Happy you!

Calories: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not specified

Cooking a duck is quite simple: you just need to process it with spices and stuff it, and then the oven will do all the work. At the same time, you will receive an unusual and very hearty meal suitable for serving for a holiday. well and additional ingredient- quince - will turn a baked bird into a masterpiece of culinary art! Duck with quince in the oven - a great step-by-step recipe with a photo that is suitable even for beginners! I also advise you to try it.

- fresh duck - 1 carcass,
- quince - 2-3 pcs. (the amount depends on the size of the duck),
- Himalayan salt - 1 tbsp. without a slide (can be replaced with ordinary salt),
- ground black pepper - ½ tsp

For baking, you will also need a form with high sides. A flat sheet is not suitable for this task, because during roasting the duck will release a lot of fat, which will boil and splatter around the carcass.

Recipe with photo step by step:

1. Rinse the quince thoroughly - wash off the "fluff" and dirt. Cut each fruit into four parts, cut out the core with seeds from each quarter with a knife. The quince skin does not need to be removed. Then finely chop the flesh with the skin: the smaller the pieces, the more efficiently they fill the space inside the bird (which means the more delicious the dish will turn out).

2. Prepare the spices for the duck rub. In a separate bowl, combine Himalayan salt with black ground pepper.

3. Rinse the duck carcass well, wipe it with a paper towel to remove unnecessary moisture. If you bought a bird at the market, then for sure it has extra “details” that are not useful when baking: the neck and entrails. In this case, remove the heart, liver and stomach from the carcass, cut off the neck. Use these parts of the bird to prepare some kind of first course. If you come across a fully prepared duck (no extra parts), just rub it inside and out with a mixture of seasonings.

4. Place the pieces of quince inside the bird, pressing them well with your fingers (it is advisable to fit as many pieces of fruit as possible into the bird).

5. Sew the hole with a regular needle and thread, and hide the tip of the thread inside the carcass - near the tail of the duck.

6. Transfer the quince-stuffed duck to a high-sided baking dish. It is not necessary to pre-lubricate the form with fat: the duck is a fairly fatty bird. Her own fat is enough so that the carcass does not stick to the bottom and does not burn.

7. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and place the duck mold in it. After half an hour, take out the duck and pour it with melted fat. You will need to repeat this procedure every 15 minutes: otherwise the bird will turn out to be very dry. So keep basting it with fat until the very end of cooking.

8. In general, it will take about an hour and a half to bake a duck with quince. Pierce the skin and meat of the poultry with a fork: if you managed to do this with ease, and at the same time a clear liquid began to stand out from the carcass, then the oven can be turned off. It comes out so delicious and tender