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Transcarpathian dish banosh. Hutsul banosh recipe

Every Hutsul housewife knows how to cook banosh: graze a cow in an ecologically clean meadow, milk it, collect cream, sift corn grits and send it all in a cast-iron to the stove, or even better - to the fire. If you don’t have all of the above at hand, don’t worry, banosh is in the city, at home it’s also great.

5 main rules of the Hutsul banosh

Banush, banosh, tokan - it is called differently in different parts of the Carpathians, this is by no means everyday, but Sunday or holiday dish. There is a simple explanation for this: they cook it exclusively on cream, and not on milk, and to get 1 liter of cream (for 3-4 servings) you need 10 liters of fresh milk.

No flour! Only finely ground cereals, since the total cooking time is no more than 30-35 minutes, and large fractions will not have time to cook during this time, and if you increase the cooking time, the dishes will come out too greasy and steep.

Metal tools inevitably spoil the taste of food - during cooking, it is vigorously stirred with a wooden spoon or spatula.

You heard right, you need to stir the Hutsul corn porridge all 30 minutes while it is cooking, and this is necessary not only so that there are no lumps. The banosh recipe does not contain ready-made butter - it is formed during the heating of the cream and does not allow the grits to stick to the walls of the cauldron.

It is possible to cook tokan tasty, delicate and with the right taste only in a cauldron made of cast iron and over low heat. Of course, you can try to cook a Carpathian delicacy in modern technological dishes, but good result cannot be guaranteed in this case. Why? Because cast iron heats up slowly, but the heat in it is distributed evenly, it lasts for a long time, and in order for the food to burn, you need to try hard.

3 main features of banosh

It is called the ceremonial version of hominy - an everyday very cool corn brew popular in Western Ukraine and Moldova. In Georgia, it is also known as gomi, in Italy - as polenta, in Serbia - kachamak, in Turkey - mukhlama. A similar dish exists in quite exotic countries like Antigua and Barbuda and is called ku-ku there, but the Hutsul version cannot be confused with anything:

tokan is eaten only hot and never served chilled, like hominy or kachamak;

it is still porridge, which is eaten with a spoon, and not cut into slices, like polenta;

the concept of "banosh" includes a set of several dishes - the actual hot cereal base, fresh homemade feta cheese and guslyanka - a fermented milk drink, which in the Carpathian region is called "Hutsul beer" for its anti-hangover qualities. In some regions or houses, all this is supplemented with cracklings.

How to cook goose with your own hands

In the Hutsulshchyna, if their own guslyanka suddenly runs out, they take the leaven for it from their neighbors, although sometimes you have to walk a couple of kilometers and climb the mountain for this, but you can do it on your own.


milk - 1 l
sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.

Boil homemade fresh milk, pour into a thick ceramic pot and leave to cool to 42 degrees Celsius. Next, add a spoonful of sour cream and, without stirring, leave in a warm place. Cover the neck with a clean cloth, not a lid, and wrap the vessel in something warm. After 12 hours, put in the refrigerator, after 24 hours the drink is ready.

3 secrets of delicious banush

To get a real meal at the exit, the contents of the pot must be stirred in one direction.

In the Carpathians, it is also boiled with sour cream, but the taste will be much sourer and more oily, since cream is a whole-milk product with a fat content of up to 35%, and sour cream is sour-milk, but more fatty - up to 58%.

Previously, it was believed that the most delicious banush is obtained from men and only on open fire, and this is the only statement, the veracity of which the author did not have time to verify personally.


time - 30-35 minutes

servings - 2-4


cream - 500 ml

corn flour very fine grinding - 1 tbsp.

salt - ½ tsp

cheese - 200 g

goose (kefir, curdled milk, gerolact) - 500-700 ml

Sift the corn grits through a colander, set aside the grains remaining on the grid. Retry the operation. Pour the cream into a saucepan and bring almost to a boil. Salt. Pour the grits into the cream in a thin stream and stir immediately with a wooden spoon. You remember, you should interfere in one direction and quite intensively. Watch when oil droplets appear on the surface, and the mixture begins to lag behind the walls of the cauldron - from this moment on, stir, even rub, it must be especially careful not to burn, but after 3-5-7 minutes it will be ready.

Arrange the finished banosh on ceramic plates (and if you warm them up a little in advance, it will only be better), serve cheese on a separate dish or wooden board, pour goslyanka or another sour-milk drink into cups and, if you want to make the table even more satisfying, add cracklings.

That's how they cook favorite dish Hutsul in Verkhovynskyi, the highest mountainous region of the Ukrainian Carpathians on the border with Romania. Enjoy your meal!

Do you know how to cook Transcarpathian banosh - corn porridge with sour cream? It's not so difficult, and the ingredients you need are simple and affordable, and you will need a little time ... But what great dish you get in the end! Firstly, banosh is very beautiful and appetizing, even if you do not want to eat, it will be quite difficult to resist and not try the bright, sunny-yellow banosh porridge.

Secondly, as I said, banosh is prepared with sour cream, and therefore it turns out to be incredibly satisfying and nutritious. For hearty breakfast- exactly what you need. And thirdly, corn porridge- very useful, it has a lot of vitamins and useful substances, it is recommended even for baby food due to the fact that it does not cause allergies.

So, as you can see, the banosh recipe on sour cream has a lot of advantages, so not trying it is just a crime. Well, having tried banosh once, you will surely fall in love with it, as I fell in love. So, how to cook banosh at home - step by step master class especially for you!

Ingredients for 2 servings:

  • 100 g small corn grits;
  • 200 g homemade sour cream;
  • 150 ml of water;
  • 100 g of cheese;
  • 20 g butter;
  • salt to taste.

How to cook Transcarpathian-style banosh at home:

To make Zakrpatsky banosh, you need fine cornmeal, the size of semolina. Larger grains will take much longer to cook, require a different amount of water to cook, resulting in a banosh that will taste completely different and not as bright in color.

Pour water into a saucepan with a thick bottom room temperature and pour in the cereal. Mix and put on fire.

On medium heat, bring the contents to a boil, then reduce the fire to a minimum (well, if there is a divider) and cook, stirring, for 10-12 minutes, almost until done. Since there is not enough water for such a quantity of cereals, be sure to stir all the time so that the porridge does not burn. By the end of cooking, the porridge will become too thick, but do not add water.

Pour in sour cream and mix thoroughly. Add salt to taste.

We put the pan with porridge on the smallest fire and simmer for 5-7 minutes, stirring, until fully cooked. Droplets of fat appear on the finished porridge, it easily moves away from the walls of the pan. Put in banosh butter and mix. Leave in a saucepan, covered with a lid, for 10 minutes, so that the banosh is infused.

We rub the cheese on a medium grater. Serve banosh hot, sprinkled with grated cheese.

With the indicated proportions of the ingredients, the banosh turns out to be quite thick. If you want a thinner consistency, increase the amount of water to 175 ml.

Banosh (banush) is traditional and very tasty dish Ukrainian Hutsul cuisine. This is not hominy, not polenta, not gomi and not simple corn porridge. At first glance, a simple and unpretentious dish is a whole ritual in preparation.

Firstly, according to the rules, only men can cook banosh. The best option cooking the most delicious banosh - on a real fire in a cauldron high in the mountains. They say that the banosh should be saturated with smoke and gain fire. Of course, in our conditions it is not available to anyone.

Secondly, a delicious banosh is preferably prepared on homemade sour cream, which has stood for 3 days in a cold place. Banosh should be a little sour - this is its highlight. Do not replace homemade sour cream with cream - it will turn out completely different. Sour cream can be diluted quite a bit with milk or water.

Thirdly, banosh is simply a magical dish. According to legend, you need to stir banosh with a wooden spoon only in one direction. An iron spoon will not give the right taste. Banosh will tell you when he is ready. You must stir the dish until drops of oil appear on the walls of the cauldron or pan, as well as on the surface of the banosh. It is at this moment that banosh dramatically changes and turns from sticky and liquid porridge into smooth, tender and sliding along the walls of deliciousness, which follows the wooden spoon in the pan, repeating all its movements. At this point it is said that "the banosh is dancing".

Banosh is often cooked in Hutsul families, since each family consists mainly of 6 or more people. Every day they all have to do everyday hard work: mow, plow, carry hay, chop wood, herd sheep, pick mushrooms and berries. And all this in the mountains, when your neighbor can live 800 meters above you and it is not so easy to get to any point in the village.

And banosh is easy to prepare. It is rich, nutritious and delicious. Banosh is served with sheep cheese, cracklings, sometimes with fried mushrooms. There are many banosh recipes. It can be thicker or more liquid. If you like a thinner banosh, add less corn grits for the suggested amount of liquid. Bon Appetit everyone!

Transcarpathian banosh is a dish of the peoples of Eastern Europe, which has been very popular for many years. Tasty, rich and nutritious food is the best suited for the cold season, especially in our harsh climate. In this article, we will tell you how to cook banosh with sour cream and reveal the intricacies of this wonderful dish, which has its roots deep in history.

Nutritious banosh: recipe with photo


Milk 400 milliliters Milk 100 grams Corn grits 200 grams Sour cream 500 milliliters Salt 1 pinch

  • Servings: 4
  • Time for preparing: 20 minutes

Transcarpathian banosh: ingredients

It has long been believed that only men should cook banosh. And the taste of this dish is truly masculine - juicy, rich! But times have changed, and women can cook it, which makes banosh no less tasty. Little secret that really will change taste qualities ready meal- This is the use of exclusively home-made products.

You can find homemade sour cream and milk or replace them with store-bought ones, but here's what you need to make banosh, the recipe for which you will now learn with a photo:

    Milk - 400 ml (choose the highest fat content).

    Sour cream - 500 ml.

    Very finely ground corn grits - 200 g

    Cheese - 100 g.

    Salt to taste.

stock up the right products and read about how to make banosh at home so that it turns out to be no less tasty than the indigenous people of Eastern Europe.

It is best to cook banosh on a fire, but if you are limited by your kitchen, then prepare a cauldron - it will give you the opportunity to change the taste of the finished dish.

How to cook banosh in Transcarpathian style?

So, let's start cooking, we guarantee that you will be pleasantly surprised by how easy and fast this culinary masterpiece is prepared:

    Heat 50–80 ml of water in a cauldron, let it boil. Add sour cream and milk, mix thoroughly, but do not bring to a boil. It is enough to heat the mixture to 80 degrees.

    Pour cereal into a cauldron, salt. Do not forget to constantly mix the mass. The cauldron should be on medium heat.

    When you see that the grits are moving away from the walls, then your banosh is ready! Pour the grits on a plate, and put the chopped cheese on top!

Banosh goes very well with cracklings, with salted or soaked mushrooms, with herbs. If you want to simplify the cooking process, you can find a banosh recipe in a slow cooker. It is not very different from the original, but will save you time. However, we recommend boiling banosh on fire, only in this way you can feel the deep taste of this delicacy.

In Transcarpathia, real banosh is boiled on a fire so that it is saturated with the aroma of smoke. But in our urban environment, this is quite problematic, and I decided to try to cook it in my faithful assistant multicooker, since all cereals are perfectly boiled in it, and corn is no exception.

Banosh is often boiled with liquid sour cream mixed with milk. I didn't want to sour taste, and so I decided to replace sour cream with cream, fatty. You can do the same, mix cream with water, sour cream with milk or water, in general, there are a lot of options - experiment!

Pour milk and cream into the slow cooker and turn on the express mode so that it boils faster, salt abundantly. As soon as the boil begins, switch to the stew mode and pour in the corn grits.

Now cook, stirring constantly so that the cereal does not burn, until fully cooked. It depends on the cereal, but on average it is from 15 to 30 minutes, try it. Ready banosh should have a semi-liquid consistency, like semolina.

While it is cooking, prepare the greaves. I took the lard for them from the underbelly, and cut it into rather thick slices. You need to fry the fat in a pan until golden brown. The amount of fat is also on your conscience, you can take more if you like fat. Pour the finished banosh into a bowl, sprinkle with cracklings and pieces of fresh cheese. I also seasoned with fresh black pepper.