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Pancakes with cottage cheese and raisins. Pancakes stuffed with cottage cheese and raisins Pancakes with cottage cheese and raisins recipe

Good afternoon, dear readers of our culinary blog. Today let's take a look at a recipe for pancakes with cottage cheese, raisins and sour cream. The taste is incredible! And most importantly, there is nothing complicated, following the steps in the recipe, you can easily prepare such pancakes.

If you do not like pancakes with cottage cheese, you can choose any other filling, only if you want to cook not sweet, you need to reduce the amount of sugar in the recipe. 0.5 to 1 teaspoon will suffice. In general, pancakes according to this recipe are delicious and simply with butter, so choose the time to cook them as soon as possible.


For test:

1. Eggs - 1 pc. + 2 proteins (you can just take 2 eggs)

2. Flour - 320 gr.

3. Kefir - 300 ml.

4. Serum - 600 ml.

5. Sugar - 2 tablespoons

6. Salt - 0.5 tsp

7. Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp.

8. Soda - 1 tsp

For filling:

1. Cottage cheese - 400 gr.

2. Sugar to taste

3. Vanilla to taste

4. Raisins - 100 gr.

Cooking method:

1. First, break eggs into a deep bowl, pre-washed well, add sugar and salt to them. Beat everything with a mixer until a light foam on the surface.

2. Now add vegetable oil, kefir and beat again so that the ingredients are combined. The fat content of kefir does not matter.

3. Sift the flour and pour it into the liquid mass, beat with dough nozzles so as to break up all the lumps.

4. Add a teaspoon of soda and very hot whey, beat at low speed so that the dough becomes uniform in consistency.

5. Heat the pan and grease it with a piece of bacon. And fry pancakes, as usual, on both sides until browned. You will notice how the surface of the dough in the pan quickly becomes covered with bubbles - this means that the dough is kneaded correctly and the frying temperature is optimal.

6. Prepare the filling. To do this, grind the cottage cheese. You can choose any fat content, but it is important that it is not very dry. If, nevertheless, your cottage cheese is dry, add a little sour cream.

Soak and wash the raisins, then dry with a napkin and add to the cottage cheese. Also add sugar and vanilla to taste. Mix everything well - the filling is ready.

7. Stuff the finished pancakes with the curd mass. Spread on a tablespoon with a slide on one edge, and then wrap according to the principle of cabbage rolls.

8. On stuffed pancakes must be fried in butter. Heat a frying pan over medium heat, put a piece of butter and put the pancakes in one row. When a golden crust forms, turn them over to the other side, add more oil if necessary and cover with a lid. After 3 minutes the pancakes will be ready.

9. Such pancakes are good both on their own because they are juicy, moderately sweet, with a delicious thin and slightly crispy shell, and with various additives. For example with sour cream, cream, honey, syrup, jam or jam.

It is better to take raisins for the filling without stones, and it is very important to rinse them well so that the sand does not spoil all your work. By the way, it can be replaced with chopped dried apricots, candied fruits, prunes or dates. You can also add chopped nuts, boiled condensed milk or pieces of fruit.

What could be tastier than pancakes? That's right - spring rolls! And if the filling is made from cottage cheese, sour cream and raisins, I think no one will remain indifferent. You can cook pancakes according to your favorite recipe. The main thing is that the pancakes are not torn, elastic and tender. You can use here (the proportions of the ingredients can be used from this recipe or from the recipe at the link - if desired).

We will add raisins and sour cream to the cottage cheese, but you can also put vanillin, cinnamon, orange or lemon zest. In general, freedom for creativity.

Let's prepare desired products and start cooking delicious pancakes with cottage cheese and raisins. I already made the dough for the pancakes.

Cook the pancakes without overcooking the other side.

I love coarse-grained cottage cheese, so I didn’t rub it through a sieve. But you, if you like a more homogeneous cottage cheese, of course, you can wipe it. Add sour cream and sugar to curd. You can salt a little.

The raisins for the filling should be soft, so rinse them and soak in warm water. Add raisins to curd.

Let's start stuffing pancakes with cottage cheese with raisins. You can make triangles. To do this, lay out the filling on one half of the pancake.

Cover with the second half.

Let's fold it in half.

Pancakes are ready to fry.

And you can roll in another way. Put the cottage cheese filling on one edge of the pancake.

Wrap the near edge, then the right and left parts of the pancake.

Fold the pancake twice, you get such a neat envelope.

And these stuffed pancakes are ready to fry.

Heat up a little in a pan. vegetable oil and fry pancakes on both sides until golden brown. Serve pancakes with cottage cheese and raisins with sour cream, honey, and berries.

You can sprinkle pancakes powdered sugar, very tasty!

The filling is very tender, tasty and harmonious.

If your pancakes are just as thin, then there will be a lot of fillings from cottage cheese with raisins)) Cook to your health!

1. First of all, let's deal with raisins. Pour boiling water over it twice. We drain the first water and calm down as to “where this raisin was.” We fill it a second time and leave it. While we are preparing the dough and frying pancakes in milk, the raisins will become soft.

2. We begin to prepare the dough. First of all, combine sugar with eggs and beat well. Even if you have a sweet tooth, do not overdo it with sugar: the more it is in the dough, the greater the chance that the pancakes will burn in the pan. It is better to sweeten the filling.

3. Pour flour into the foamy mass. To avoid the formation of lumps, do not immediately pour in milk and water. First, thoroughly beat the dry ingredients with a mixer or whisk (oddly enough, eggs also belong to them), and then combine them with wet ones - thanks to this, you are guaranteed to get an excellent homogeneous dough for pancakes.

4. Milk and water should be poured into the dough in parts - this is another trick. First, knead the dough in consistency resembling medium density sour cream. First add no more than a glass of milk (water), and then dilute the dough by adding the rest. Pour a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil here so that the pancakes do not stick to the pan.

5. Beat the dough with a whisk or immersion blender. It is important to properly saturate it with oxygen, then the pancakes will turn out tender and openwork, into small holes.

6. Bake pancakes in a well-heated pan, lightly greased vegetable oil or unsalted fat. Pour in the batter and rotate the pan, spreading it over the surface. As soon as the edges of the pancake dry out and its surface becomes matte, the pancake can be turned over.

7. Fold the finished pancakes in a pile, lubricating each if desired. butter.

8. It's time to start filling. It can be the most diverse: be guided by your taste and budget. Today we chose a classic: cottage cheese with raisins. It's delicious, healthy, and satisfying. We combine cottage cheese, sour cream and sugar together. If the cottage cheese is dry, you can put more sour cream. Don't overdo it: too much liquid filling may leak.

9. Using an immersion blender or a regular fork, we turn the components into a homogeneous curd mass. Drain the raisins and put on a towel for a couple of minutes to remove excess water.

10. Put 1-2 tablespoons of the filling on the side of the pancake. You can determine the amount of cottage cheese yourself - it all depends on the diameter of the finished pancakes.

11. Fold the edges of the pancake to the center, and then roll up the roll. So the filling will be right inside.

12. Pancakes folded in this way look neat and very appetizing.

13. Milk pancakes with cottage cheese and raisins are ready. They can be served immediately to the table, or you can freeze and then fry them in a pan or reheat in the microwave. After freezing, they will remain just as tasty.

14. Serve with sour cream, jam or condensed milk. Enjoy your meal you and your family!

See also video recipes.

1. Recipe for making sweet pancakes with cottage cheese

2. How to cook thin (with holes) pancakes with cottage cheese

Pancakes are such a versatile dish that it is impossible to find a person who would not try them. And how many admirers and lovers there are for this homemade cakes! Today we will tell you how to cook tender custard pancakes with cottage cheese. Pancake dough is kneaded on kefir. Precisely the presence fermented milk product makes pancakes very soft and fluffy. They do not get stale for a long time and go well with any filling.

Pancakes with cottage cheese and raisins

For the basis of the filling we take soft tender cottage cheese. And in order not to be banal and somehow diversify familiar dish and give the filling juiciness, add apples to the curd. And if you still have raisins on the shelf, then it will be easy perfect option! With such pancakes you can please your relatives and festive table submit.

Stuffed pancakes are great for freezing. Before waiting for guests, you can cook this yummy the day before. Just cook not one serving, but two, or even three! Feed the family with one half. Who can resist such a temptation? Put the other half of the pancakes in a bag and freeze. Then simply place the frozen pancakes in the microwave or oven and reheat. The recipe is simple. And you can see for yourself.

Let's get everything ready necessary ingredients and start cooking thin pancakes co sweet stuffing from cottage cheese, raisins and apples.

recipe with step by step photo


Pancake Ingredients:

  • kefir - 0.5 l,
  • soda - 1 tsp without a slide
  • eggs - 1 pc.,
  • salt - 1 tsp,
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.,
  • flour - 12 tbsp. l.,
  • boiling water as needed
  • sunflower oil for the test - 2 tbsp. l. and how much is needed for frying pancakes

Filling Ingredients:

  • cottage cheese - 300 g,
  • apples - 3 pcs. medium,
  • raisins - 0.5 cups,
  • sugar to taste
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet.

Cooking process:

Rinse raisins, cover with water and set aside. Pour kefir into a bowl. It should be temperature room. Pour in baking soda, stir and leave for 3 minutes. During this time, the soda should be extinguished. Then add the egg, salt and sugar. Stir again.

pour out in small portions flour. Knead the pancake dough until there are no lumps.

The dough should be homogeneous and thick, like pancakes. Now important point. To make pancakes “into a hole”, dilute our dough with boiling water. Pour water slowly from the kettle and mix well until you achieve the consistency of liquid kefir. Those. dilute with boiling water until the dough turns from thick to pancake dough - liquid, but not like water.

Add sunflower oil and mix lightly choux pastry spoon. Don't be too pushy. It is necessary that some amount of oil remains on the surface. Then the pancakes will not stick to the pan, and again you will get beautiful holes on them.

Now start frying pancakes. Lightly grease the pan for the first pancake and pour in some of the batter, spreading it quickly over the surface. Flip the pancakes only when the edges are browned. Otherwise, there is a chance to break them, because. they are very soft. Oil can not be lubricated. Stack the pancakes on top of each other and immediately cover with a bowl. They will steam and be soft.

Now prepare the curd filling. Rub cottage cheese with sugar and vanilla.

Drain the water from the raisins and add it to the curd.

Wash the apples, peel and cut into small cubes. Mix all the ingredients for the filling.

Now put the cottage cheese filling in the middle of each pancake and wrap it with an envelope, tube or triangle.

Here you go delicious pancakes ready! Put on some tea! They can be served with sour cream and melted butter. But, they turn out so tender and juicy that they will “fly away” from the plate without additional sauces and gravy. Happy tea!

The filling of cottage cheese with raisins for pancakes is one of the most popular and beloved. Everyone loves pancakes with cottage cheese. The curd filling is especially suitable for. But only experienced housewives know how to make a delicious real curd filling.

It should be noted that the main thing that is needed for cooking is good, the right quality products. For the filling of cottage cheese with raisins, you need to buy fresh cottage cheese. When choosing it, try to buy not too wet. When purchasing raisins, it is advisable to buy raisins - it is sweet enough and does not contain seeds.

The number of components for the curd filling:

1. cottage cheese - 300 grams
2. raisins (kishmish) - 100 grams
3. granulated sugar - 100 grams
4. eggs - 1 pc.
5. vanilla.

Let's get to ourselves milestone recipe, learn how to make a filling of cottage cheese and raisins for.

Put the purchased cottage cheese in a saucepan and mix with a spoon until there are no lumps.

Dip the raisins in a colander with boiling water and let the water drain.

Add raisins, sugar (to taste), a raw egg and a pinch of vanilla to the cottage cheese.

Mix the filling well.

Our sweet, tasty and tender curd filling is ready.

Now, stuff the pancakes and fry them in a pan. Simmer them covered for 5-10 minutes. Now they are ready. Heat treatment is essential. remember, that raw eggs and cottage cheese is not safe to eat.