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When birch sap is extracted. How to collect birch sap: useful tips

Birch sap (birch)- this is natural product, which is extracted from birch, which has a beneficial effect on the entire human body.

Useful properties of birch sap. Birch sap is a good tonic for a variety of diseases. It will help to improve health, enrich the body with a large number of vitamins, and also strengthen the immune system. It is recommended for vitamin deficiency, diseases of the blood, joints, skin, as well as tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia (pneumonia) and other respiratory diseases.

The use of birch sap promotes the splitting of stones in bladder and kidneys, blood purification, increased metabolic processes. It removes harmful substances from the body in infectious diseases.

It is useful to drink juice for stomach ulcers, diseases of the liver, duodenum and diseases of the gallbladder. It helps with low acidity, sciatica, rheumatism, arthritis, tuberculosis, scurvy, headache and sexually transmitted diseases.

Birch sap will benefit not only when used internally, but also if used externally, as a home remedy for washing and rinsing hair. Wiping your face with it daily, you can easily get rid of acne and blackheads. And rinsing your hair with birch sap diluted with water will help not only strengthen your hair, but also get rid of dandruff. Healing tinctures are prepared from birch sap, which are used in cosmetology.

It is rightfully one of the valuable gifts of nature.

The composition of birch sap includes: sugars (fructose, glucose, sucrose), organic acids, enzymes and substances with high antimicrobial activity (phytoncides). A lot of birch sap and mineral elements that our body, weakened over the winter, needs. Having drunk birch sap, we replenish the body with a supply of potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron, manganese, copper. Taking at least one glass a day for 2-3 weeks (optimally - three times a day for a glass half an hour before meals) will help the body cope with spring weakness, beriberi, absent-mindedness, fatigue and depression. Contraindicated Birch juice those who are allergic to birch pollen.

When to collect birch sap. As a rule, birch sap begins to run when the snow melts, and swollen buds are the first sign that it is time to collect birch sap. The collection of birch sap stops when the leaves are already blooming. The exact period of extraction of birch sap depends on weather conditions.

Approximately - starting from mid-March, when the snow melts and the buds swell, until the end of April, when the leaves are already blooming.

How to collect birch sap.

  • You can not use a young tree to collect birch sap! Choose birches with a diameter of more than 20-30 cm with a well-developed crown.
  • Collect juice only in ecologically clean forests, away from highways. Although the roots of the tree take water deep from the soil, the tree itself is able to absorb harmful substances and exhaust gases.
  • Do not use an ax to collect birch sap. It is better to use a drill with a 5-10 mm drill or a gimlet. A hole is carefully drilled in the birch trunk with a downward direction at a distance of 20-40 cm from the ground. The depth of the hole is made 2-3 cm in order to penetrate under the dead bark, and if the birch is very thick, then even deeper. Such a hole in a birch trunk overgrows almost without a trace.
  • There is no need to make a deep hole - since the juice goes in the surface layer between the bark and the wood. It is better to make a hole on the north side, since there is usually much more juice there. In the hole made, attach a tray or tube through which the juice will flow. Direct the device into a bottle, jar or bag.
  • The most intensive sap flow through the tree occurs in the light half of the day, so it is advisable to start collecting juice in the morning. The best time to collect birch sap is from 10 am to 6 pm.
  • Do not drain all the birch sap from one birch. The number of holes that are recommended to be made depending on the diameter of the tree - birch diameter 20-25 cm - one hole, tree diameter 25-35 cm - two holes, at 35-40 cm - three, if the birch diameter is more than 40 cm - four can be made holes. It is better to take several trees and take a little juice from each of them per day than to collect the whole birch from one birch and destroy it. Sometimes you can extract juice by cutting small branches and attaching a plastic bag or plastic bottle.
  • After collecting birch sap, cover the hole tightly with garden pitch or plug the wound with a wooden plug or moss.

How to store birch sap.

If you have collected a lot of birch sap and there is no way to use it right away, to keep it longer, pour it into a glass jar and refrigerate. But the juice cannot be stored this way for longer than 2-3 days, it will begin to become cloudy and deteriorate.

The time for collecting juice is very limited, it can be stocked up only in early spring during the first thaws. Get drunk enough, but also have time to preserve birch sap for the winter. There are many recipes to prepare this gift of nature for the future:

  • Birch sap with lemon;
  • Birch sap with mint;
  • Birch kvass;
  • Birch sap with needles;
  • Vinegar from birch sap;
  • birch syrup;
  • Wine from birch sap

We told what it is: birch sap, when and how to collect birch sap.

Good luck to you!

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In spring, nature comes to life, and at this time of the year, sap flows along the birch trunk. It doesn't taste sweet at all. It resembles water from a spring. But it's a treasure trove useful substances. To obtain maximum benefit, you need to know when birch sap is harvested.

What time of year is it harvested?

The exact date when you can collect the juice, no one knows. It depends on the climate, weather conditions. If the buds begin to swell on a birch, you can try to collect a drink. If the kidneys are dry - do not rush.

The sap is usually harvested after the spring equinox. To find out if he appeared, you need to come to the forest at the end of March, make a cut with a thin awl. This should be done on the south side of the tree - this side is more warmed by the sun. It is better to choose a thick tree. If a drop has come out at the site of the incision, then sap flow begins, you can collect it.

In what month is the juice harvested? The liquid goes from the end of March to the end of April. First, it appears on birch trees warmed by the sun (at the edge of the forest). Then the sun moves deeper into the thicket, distant birch trees warm up, and you can collect juice from them. Speaking about whether it is possible to collect in the city, it should be remembered that the air is polluted, therefore, the juice may not be useful, but, on the contrary, harm or cause allergies. Therefore, in the city, liquid is not collected from a birch.

Important! The air temperature should warm up to 5 degrees. Best time for collection - from 11.00 to 16.00.

If, after warm days, frosts or rains begin, then it is better to postpone the trip for a drink. Many people wonder if it is possible to collect juice in May? You can, but the taste becomes bitter. However, their beneficial features he saves. Therefore, we can say that the taste depends on the time of collection, and not only on weather conditions and terrain.

How to collect juice correctly - ways

It is necessary to collect birch sap without damaging the trees. You must follow the rules:

  1. Do not make deep cuts with an ax, as the liquid is between the bark and the wood. It is better to take a drill with a drill no more than 1 cm (the bark overgrows better).
  2. Do not take all the juice from the tree. It is better to collect no more than 1 liter per day from one tree (in total, it is recommended to collect no more than 10 liters from one tree per season).
  3. Do not collect liquid from young trees. It is believed that the juice from mature birches is sweeter. You need to choose trees with a diameter of more than 25 cm.
  4. After collecting the juice, hammer a wooden plug into the hole. The tree will heal faster.

So, in order to assemble correctly, you need to choose a tree with a slight slope (this will make it easier to install the bottle). Three times a day (morning, afternoon and evening) you must come and pick up a drink. If it is clear that the birch gives little product, you should not drill other holes in it, expand what has been done. You just need to change the tree. Usually birch gives 2-3 liters per day.

When it becomes clear that more liquid cannot be collected from the tree, you need to help him heal the wound. In order not to damage the tree, you should find an old dry branch, with a diameter slightly larger than the drill, plug the hole with it. So the juice will not pour out, but will flow along the branches. The next year there will be no trace left of the hole.

Collection methods:

  1. With the help of a groove. Drill a small hole about 30 cm from the ground. Peel the top layer of bark around the hole so that dirt does not get into the juice. Set the v-groove with an ax at a 45 degree angle. Substitute a bottle (bag, bucket).
  2. Collection without accessories. Find a flat place on the birch, make a v-shaped incision. Bend the incised bark a little (to make a hook). Attach a container for a drink.
  3. In packages. Choose a thick branch. It should move away from another thick branch (not from the trunk) to the side, and not up. Cut off the end. Attach container. You can just put the bottles on the branches.
  4. With the help of a dropper. Drill a hole in the birch, clean it. Remove the needle from the dropper, insert the spout. Put a needle on the other end of the dropper, pierce the bottle with it. The liquid will flow through the dropper into the bottle.

Anyone can choose the most suitable collection method for themselves.

How to store birch sap

Of course, it is best to drink fresh birch sap. You need to drink at least 0.5 liters per day to feel the benefits. In the refrigerator or cellar, it is stored for no more than a month. It is best to store it by freezing: this way it will retain more nutrients.

Storage methods:

  1. Pasteurization. For 1 liter of liquid, take 150 g of sugar, a pinch citric acid. Mix everything thoroughly, filter through gauze, pour into jars and boil for 10 minutes. Roll up the lids, put in the pantry. The disadvantage of this method is that sugar and citric acid will change the taste of the juice.
  2. Fermentation. Strain the juice, pour into containers. Cover with lids and cloth. Put in a place where there will be an optimal fermentation temperature of 10-15 degrees for 3 days. The drink may become cloudy. You can store it until mid-summer.
  3. Freeze. Pour the drink into glass bottles and freeze.
  4. Useful drink. Mix juice with mint and rose hips. Pasteurize.
  5. Evaporation. Evaporate 5 liters of liquid in an open pan. You should get 0.5 liters of syrup with a sugar concentration of 70% (like honey).
  6. Leaven. Add sugar, yeast and raisins to the juice. When it begins to ferment, pour into containers, close tightly with lids, put in a dark, cool place (cellar). Stored for at least three months.
  7. Birch kvass. For 0.5 l of juice, take 1 tsp. sugar, three raisins, a little lemon peel. The drink is fermented in glass bottles, attach the lid tightly. it folk recipe, patented by the Academy of Medical Sciences.
  8. Birch-pine drink. For 50 liters of juice, take 3 kg of pine needles (scalded), heat to 80 degrees, insist 6-7 hours. Then strain, add sugar, citric acid. Pour into glass jars, pasteurize for 30 minutes at a temperature of 95 degrees.
  9. Storage in cans. Pour the drink into stainless steel cans. Insert a tube into the lid, plug it with a wooden cork. Pour well-roasted young barley into a gauze bundle and place in a can (so that the juice does not turn sour). The juice will change its color and taste (to bread), but it will be tasty and good for the liver.

There are a lot of recipes, all of them do not require much effort to prepare.

Birch drink has a positive effect on the body:

  • normalizes digestion: relieves spasms and colic, improves appetite;
  • stabilizes the acidity of gastric juice: a lower level of acidity increases, an increased one lowers;
  • dissolves kidney stones, has a diuretic property;
  • helps with atherosclerosis - cleanses blood vessels from cholesterol plaques;
  • has an expectorant property, it can be used for bronchitis;
  • restores metabolism, being a low-calorie drink;
  • treats anemia, increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • helps with colds: increases sweating, brings down the temperature;
  • treats a runny nose;
  • brings the pressure back to normal;
  • fights beriberi and spring blues;
  • relieves age spots (juice is applied externally in the form of a lotion);
  • stimulates growth and reduces oiliness of hair;
  • tonic, improves immunity.

The benefits are due to the fact that it contains such substances:

  • organic acids;
  • tannins;
  • fructose;
  • enzymes;
  • a large amount of vitamin C;
  • mineral elements.


  • exacerbation of stomach ulcers;
  • exacerbation of urolithiasis;
  • individual intolerance.

Birch sap is used in folk medicine. It helps to get rid of many diseases, improving the general condition of the body:

  1. With anemia, they drink it, mixing it with carrot or apple. Taking 50 ml 15 minutes before meals can increase hemoglobin levels.
  2. To increase immunity, a birch drink is mixed with milk in equal proportions and consumed orally.
  3. For diseases digestive system drink pure juice of 50 ml.
  4. Skin diseases are treated with birch lotions, compresses.
  5. To cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, drink 200 ml in the morning before breakfast for 6 weeks.

Important! In the treatment of cough, birch sap is heated.

Birch sap can be found on store shelves. But assembling it yourself is not difficult. The main thing is to choose a method convenient for yourself that does not harm the tree. Birch sap collected in the spring is very valuable and useful product.

Pure white stumps covered the hills of the once secret place like mushrooms. The grass withered and burned in the sun, exposing the roots of tired Birches. The birds disappeared, the silence was deafening, pressing on the eardrums.

A hot tear ran down the stranger's cheek. The dream of seeing this magical place is forever buried under the dirty track of a timber truck.

Taking a deep breath, the traveler decided to stop here for a while. You need to think about your future path. Having settled down at one of the stumps, the stranger plunged into a light slumber.

The traveler dreamed of a birch grove: green hills, fresh birch sap, birds and forest animals, a light haze of morning fog and the rotten aroma of birch brooms.

Continued at the end of the article.

Birch juice

Birch juice- a real gift of nature to man. After a long winter, until the greenery has blossomed, a person especially needs vitamins and microelements. How to collect birch sap correctly so as not to harm the tree too much?

Let's begin with that Birch juice useful for humans, especially in early spring, when the body lacks vitamins. Birch sap has its own special sweetish taste, and it is better to drink it fresh.

What is useful birch sap?

in birch sap contains about a dozen organic acids, tannins, enzymes, phytoncides, numerous vitamins (C, A, group B, etc.), minerals (iron, potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, manganese, etc.), etc.

Birch juice- tonic, tonic. It helps relieve chronic fatigue, lethargy, drowsiness and improves immunity.

Birch juice normalizes the microflora in the stomach and improves digestion. Excessive acidity will be removed, lack - will add.

Birch juice has the ability to dissolve urinary stones of phosphate and carbonate origin in the kidneys and liver.

Birch juice useful as a prophylactic tonic and for the treatment of lung disease.

washing your face birch sap reduce age spots on the face and acne. It is very useful to wipe your face with a piece of frozen birch sap in the morning. The skin not only receives thermal stimulation, but also microelements that nourish it.

When is birch sap harvested?

Birch sap begins to move up the trunk usually after the spring equinox (Maslenitsa) on March 21 / Birch until mid-April / Pollen, when the Birch is dressed with the first foliage.

Nature is full of mysteries, it brings gifts even where, it would seem, you do not expect them. In the spring, all living things wake up, the period of sap flow begins in the trees. Natural, garden-grown products appear on the tables. Vegetables, the first berries - without preservatives and chemicals. In general, this is all familiar, but natural juice directly from a tree, and not from the nearest supermarket, is already a curiosity.

Birch sap has a high content of vitamins C and B, minerals, sucrose and nutrients that improve immunity and well-being. Having a birch in the country, do not miss such an opportunity to collect juice. It is perfectly given by European white birch. Such juice is allowed even for diabetics, since birch sugar(xylitol) is easily and quickly absorbed without affecting insulin levels.

When to collect birch sap

Birch sap is collected in late March-early April, before the swelling of vegetative buds. The end of the collection falls on the period of foliage formation, namely mid-April. Pick up time is between 10:00 am and 6:00 pm. At night, sap flow stops.

They choose an adult, middle-aged tree (15-20 years old), preferably in the forest, more often or in their own area, the main thing is away from roads, environmentally polluted places, cities, highways, away from industrial zones. The diameter of the tree should be at least 20-25 cm. A young tree may die from such a procedure.

More than 5 liters of juice cannot be collected from one tree, while not more than 1 liter per day. If you break this rule and immediately pump out a lot of juice from a birch, this will cause significant harm, depleting its vitality.

How to determine the beginning of sap flow

A puncture is made in the trunk of a tree with a thick awl. If after a while there are drops of juice, then it's time to collect birch sap.

How to collect birch sap

In order to start collecting birch sap, an incision is made in the tree trunk or a hole is drilled with a drill at a height of 1.5 m from the soil surface, the depth is not more than 5 cm. The diameter of the drill is not more than 10 mm. A chute (a glass or plastic tube, a new hose) is inserted into the hole, and the container is placed on the ground or fixed on a tree, where the juice will drain. The number of punctures may be several. If you use tubes for a cocktail, then punctures are made up to 5-6.

On the north side of the tree, the accumulation of birch sap is greater than on any other side.

If there is nothing at hand as a gutter, then cut off a branch with a diameter slightly smaller than the neck of a plastic bottle. Insert the branch into the bottle and secure. True, it takes more time to collect juice than in the previous version.

When the amount of birch sap starts to decrease, it means that the tree heals the wound. No need to try to make new punctures, just change the birch.

After the birch sap has been collected, the gutter is pulled out, and the hole is covered with laundry soap, plasticine, garden moss, or at least a wooden chip is inserted. Sealing with garden pitch will allow you to quickly recover, not to lose more juice than you need, and harmful microorganisms will not penetrate inside the tree.

Such a useful product for humans is dangerous for a pet, so products containing birch sap are strictly prohibited for animals.

It is better to use birch sap in fresh immediately after collection. You can store in the refrigerator for 3-4 days in a glass container. Then the drink begins the fermentation process and kvass is prepared from it or placed in barrels and a low-alcohol drink is obtained. If a lot of birch sap is collected, then it is preserved for the winter.

In the spring, drinking birch sap is very important, since it is during this period that vitamin deficiency, depression, stress, weakness and loss of strength occur. This is exactly the product that will fill the gaps in the body and tune in to the positive.

How to make kvass from birch sap

1 liter of juice is heated to a temperature of 35°C, 3-5 raisins and 15-20 g of yeast are added. The jar is closed and cleaned in a dark, cool place for 1-2 weeks. The result is a delicious, invigorating, carbonated drink.

Preservation of birch sap for the winter

In order to also be able to drink birch sap in winter, it is canned.

Banks are washed with baking soda, sterilized. The lids are boiling. For 3 l. juice take ½ cup of sugar and 1 tsp. citric acid. Boil for 5 minutes, pour into jars and roll up.

Birch sap today can be bought year-round in stores. Often eyes will stumble upon glass jars of this canned, clear drink. But it has a special usefulness and value in its fresh form. And, of course, this happens in the spring, when nature wakes up and is ready to give people its gifts. If you like to walk in the forest on warm spring days, do not forget to collect this wonderful, natural gift. After all, the beneficial properties of birch sap are endless.

This amazing drink contains a huge amount of different minerals, vitamins, amino acids and other organic nutrients. For example, natural glucose and tannins, magnesium and potassium, calcium and copper. And we know that glucose nourishes the brain well, tannins are excellent antiseptics, magnesium is necessary for our vessels and heart.

Properties of birch sap

It is believed that birch sap effectively removes toxins, so it is recommended to drink it for colds and intoxications. But the biggest advantage of birch sap is the vivacity that you get from drinking a glass of this healing drink.

Indeed, birch sap is an indispensable tool for spring beriberi. Its composition goes off scale in terms of the number of useful chemical elements. Phytoncide enzymes alone contain 10 items.

With the help of birch sap, you can overcome spring fatigue and depression, remove toxins and slags from the body, restore order in gastrointestinal tract. The drink is great for metabolic processes, washes and cleanses the liver and kidneys, effectively relieves swelling. The main thing is to catch it and not miss its season.

How to collect birch sap?

There is no specific day when you can start collecting this healing drink. But it is always springtime, when birch buds are just beginning to swell.

If this is central Russia, then at the end of March, beginning of April there is a possibility of real heat coming. And nature, as a rule, begins to come to life.

For collection, it is better to choose an older and thicker birch. It is better not to touch young birch trees, as they are not yet ready to give juice without harm to themselves. They might just die later. Usually birches are used with a thickness of at least 20-25 cm in diameter, with a well-developed crown, growing away from roads and garbage dumps.

Any side of the trunk is selected and an incision (hole) is made with a diameter of 5-7 mm, a depth of 15-20 mm. You need to know that more juice stands out from the south side than from the north. Although if the juice is collected on an industrial scale, then more often the incision is made on the north side, since excessive heating during collection can disrupt its chemical composition.

The hole is best made about a meter from the ground. A groove is inserted into this hole. A tube from conventional medical droppers is well suited, the ends of which lead into a container. Usually they take a plastic water bottle and make a hole in the lid into which this tube is inserted. The advantages of this method are obvious: the juice enters the bottle all and crystal clear.

It is noticed that the most active birch gives juice in the morning. Usually a good, large birch can give up to 3-5 liters of juice per day.

The collection of juice can last from 2 to 3 weeks. But when the leaves on the birch are already blooming, the movement of the juice stops by itself. Also, birch has the ability to quickly "heal" wounds. Therefore, one incision can "work" no more than 5 days. Then you need to make a hole again.

When the juice is collected, the hole through which it flowed must be closed, as if to close up. Garden pitch, moss, clay and even ordinary plasticine are suitable. The main thing is to close this “wound”, because through it a birch can even get sick and, subsequently, die.

In general, birches should be treated with great respect and love, not allowing any barbarism. After all, this beauty is considered a symbol of Russia. A great many poems have been written about her alone. And in "Kalina Krasnaya" by V. Shukshin, Russian birches flaunt throughout the film.

Watch the video on how to quickly and easily collect pure juice using a dripper. My only comment to the author of the video is that the hole is made too deep. It is enough to make a hole no more than 2 cm deep and the juice will already flow.

And now let's discuss the gastronomic values ​​of birch sap.

How to cook birch kvass?

Of course, birch sap is better and healthier fresh. But it quickly deteriorates and on the third day it becomes practically unsuitable for drinking. Therefore, people make kvass out of it in order to prolong the life of this drink, and use it for another month and a half. It has already been noticed that birch sap increases a person's vitality and gives vigor.

For kvass, juice is suitable, both the freshest, and not the first freshness, for example, yesterday's.

Classic birch kvass

To do this, take a clean plastic 1.5 liter bottle. Ingredients: birch sap, a small handful of dried fruits (apples, pears), a small handful of raisins (it is needed for fermentation).

Pour the drink into a bottle, add dried fruits (6-8 pieces) and raisins (7-10 pieces). Be sure to leave some air between the lid and the juice, as kvass begins to ferment and it will need a place for this. Close the bottle tightly with a lid. Next, this bottle is left warm (room temperature) for 3-4 days.

After 3-4 days a small foam will appear, the color becomes yellowish-brown and you can already drink kvass. It has a sour-tart taste with a slight carbonation. You can also put kvass in the refrigerator for more long-term storage. Even there, he will insist and gain gases.

The result is an invigorating kvass, which can be described in words - strong and tasty. Such kvass can be stored in the refrigerator for two months. To increase the shelf life, some add sugar. But this is an amateur.

Birch kvass with lemon

Such kvass gives sourness and tones very well.

The ratio of ingredients is as follows: For 10 liters of birch sap we take 4 chopped lemons with peel, 30 grams of honey (about a tablespoon) and half a glass of raisins. We put it all in the juice. Do not close tightly and leave in a room with room temperature. The fermentation process begins. This process is alive, so the container should not be hermetically sealed, you just need to cover it with a clean, cotton napkin or towel.

As soon as a pleasant smell with sourness appears, kvass is ready for use. This usually happens in 3-4 days. We take this kvass, filter it and bottle it. We store in the refrigerator.

Birch kvass with orange

For 10 liters of birch sap, we put 4 oranges cut with peel, half a glass of raisins for fermentation, you can add dry mint leaves (5-6 pcs) and add 0.5 kg of sugar.

Here we do the same, as in the case of kvass with lemon, we simply close the container with a cloth napkin. When the fermentation process takes place, usually on day 4, we filter and pour into jars or bottles for further storage in the refrigerator.

Let's drink and cheer up!

Skin and hair care

Birch sap is also effective externally. In Japan and Northern China, it is actively used in cosmetology. Although our ancestors knew that birch sap is not only tasty and healthy drink but also an elixir of youth for skin and hair.

Birch sap is ideal for all skin types. It has a beneficial effect not only on young skin, but is also effective for those who are far from “not sixteen” ...

Skin radiance

1. Beauticians strongly advise to wash every day with birch sap, when spring comes and birch trees give us this sap. Such washing significantly improves the complexion, gives the skin tone and elasticity, making it soft and smooth. Of course, this result can only be achieved using fresh juice, not canned.

2. Ice made from birch sap without adding water is also beneficial for the health of the skin of the face, neck, and décolleté. If you wipe your face, neck and décolleté with such an ice cube two or three times a day, the result will not be long in coming. The skin tone will appear and it will begin to glow as if from the inside.

3. Universal, nourishing mask for all skin types. Take 2 tbsp. spoons of fresh birch sap, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cottage cheese, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon of honey - mix everything. Apply this mass on a cleansed face, avoiding the area around the eyes, leave for 15-20 minutes. Then wash away warm water and rub with an ice cube made from fresh birch sap.

luxury hair

It is extremely useful to wash your hair after washing with fresh birch sap, replacing conditioners and rinses with it. Hair after that becomes shiny and silky. The juice also has a beneficial effect on the scalp, eliminating itching and dandruff.


I myself love birches and this one noble drink. I love birches for their beauty and charming tenderness, juice for purity and pleasantness. I propose to listen to a wonderful song for all time performed by Mikhail Nozhkin "I drank birch sap in the spring forest."

Stay healthy, stay connected!