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home  /  cereals/ McDonald's, KFC or Burger King: where is it better to work and is it true that you can quickly grow from an ordinary employee at the cash desk to a director? Which is better Burger King or McDonald's or CFS? McDonald's CFS Burger King is the best.

McDonald's, KFC or Burger King: where is it better to work and is it true that you can quickly grow from an ordinary cashier to a director there? Which is better Burger King or McDonald's or CFS? McDonald's CFS Burger King is the best.

It turns out that even in restaurants fast food can be eaten with health benefits! The main thing is to know what to choose from the menu.

At our request specialist in medical nutrition and author of the blog EdaiFizСultura Anna Malovichko inspected the menus of popular fast food chains and chose the healthiest and most healthy meals. (Although at first, upon hearing our request, she threw carrots at us!) So, the floor to Anna!

In all networks, I chose dishes that do not contain harmful food additives. Well, they fit at least a little into the concept of a healthy lifestyle. That is why sandwiches with pork (bacon) did not get into my menu: it contains saturated fats, and this is overweight, atherosclerosis, high cholesterol and heart disease.

I also tried to exclude rolls - this is a simple carbohydrate. It provides calories but no nutrients. It breaks down quickly, causing a sharp jump in blood sugar, then a sharp decline. After a sharp drop in blood sugar, there is a feeling of fatigue, loss of strength and hunger. The abuse of simple carbohydrates wears out the pancreas and can lead to diabetes.

From drinks I recommend mineral water, tea, coffee without milk and sugar. All sugary sodas are high in sugar and high in calories. The consumption of sugar requires a large expenditure of energy from the body. For its processing, he spends reserves of B vitamins and an indispensable trace element - zinc. In return, the body receives only a large dose of glucose without nutrients. By depriving the body of vitamins and minerals, sugar weakens the immune system. Sugar-containing foods are the main reason for the development of diabetes and overweight problems.



Oatmeal with honey, jam or cranberries with raisins. Oatmeal is a complex carbohydrate containing fiber. This will not cause a sharp jump in blood sugar and the subsequent sharp drop. Result: stable well-being without a sharp surge of strength, replaced by its sharp decline; satiety and energy for a long time.

Omelette. It is better to eat it without a roll, which provides calories but does not contain any nutrients. For an omelette, it is better to take carrot sticks or apple slices as a side dish. They contain the fiber we need for a good digestive system, daily detox, and overall good health.

Any protein food is best accompanied by foods containing fiber. It helps move food through the intestines, improves the functioning of the excretory system. Protein food, on the contrary, inhibits these processes. The better the excretory system works, the less toxins and toxins accumulate in the body.

Main menu

Burgers at McDonald's are made with beef, chicken and fish cakes. The best choice is a hamburger. I recommend eating it without a roll, which, as we remember, is a simple carbohydrate.

Here's what I suggest:

Meat patty from a hamburger with tomato, onion, ketchup and mustard + vegetable salad. Salad dressing - oil or wine vinegar.


Chocolate or strawberry smoothie. A small portion is better - fewer calories and sugar.

For those who are on a diet - apple slices and carrot sticks. I think everything is clear with them: fruits and vegetables, few calories, vitamins and fiber.

Burger King

Main menu

I would prefer a hamburger: beef steak, no mayonnaise, additional sauce, the composition of which is unknown. As a rule, sauces contain a lot of fat or sugar, as well as preservatives, thickeners, flavors and flavor enhancers.

Good option - grill chicken bbq. Its main component is chicken fillet(sauce and bun should be put aside). Chicken is lower in calories and saturated fat, and is a lighter protein. Other burgers from chicken cutlet breaded, deep-fried, contain more fat.

Complement meat is best vegetable salad(called salad mix). You can also eat king wings without breading and skin (peel off) + salad mix.


Ice cream "horn". small portion(less sugar, fat and calories), practically no dough, no additional sugar in the form of syrups.

"Baby Potato"

Main menu

The fewer ingredients in the form of bacon, cream, butter, sausages, cheese, the better: all of these products contain saturated fats. Therefore, the best choice would be potatoes with vegetable oil and potatoes with vegetable oil and dill.

Salads and appetizers

Right choice - croutons "8 cereals". It is a complex carbohydrate + fiber.


I recommend borscht, it contains only meat and vegetables, and beef is the most lean version red meat, it has less saturated fat than pork and lamb. Chicken Noodles: Chicken is a lower-fat, lower-calorie meat option.


Strawberry fresh, if in fact it consists of strawberries. And I would like to know the presence of sugar.



Against the background of breakers, brusters, twisters, biggers, boxmasters, which contain bacon, egg, cheese, breaded cutlet (all together - a cholesterol bomb), sauces, syrniki and scrambled eggs look the most harmless. Fried eggs - yes, fried, yes, contain fat and cholesterol, but just an egg is better than with cheese, bacon, mayonnaise or sauce and a white flour bun. The scrambled eggs come with bytes (peel off the breading).

Main menu

Chicken pieces, skinless wings (less fat, fewer calories) and no breading. Strips without breading + Heinz ketchup. Strips are made from fillets, so they have less fat. Without breading, as breading absorbs deep-frying oil (excess fat and toxic substances). At the classic Heinz ketchup natural ingredients.


Ice cream cone "Summer".


The simpler the composition of the dishes, the easier our digestive system deal with them. We exclude fried, high-calorie, containing saturated fats: sauces, cream, butter, bacon, hard cheese.

Pancakes and cheesecakes

Cheesecakes with honey, pancake with honey, pancake with sour cream, pancake with cabbage and egg, pancake with banana.

It is better to combine pancakes with vegetables (simple carbohydrates + fiber), lean meat dishes with vegetables (protein + fiber).

Main menu

Buckwheat, buckwheat with chicken breast grilled, buckwheat with salmon, buckwheat with boiled pork, buckwheat with cabbage and egg.


Borsch (meat and lean), pickle, chicken noodles with meatballs, lean pea soup.


Vinaigrette with salmon, lean vinaigrette.


Banana dessert with nuts.

chicken in sweet and sour sauce with vegetables (protein + fiber); Turin style meat with vegetables (protein + fiber); spaghetti with ragout sauce.


The combination of dough and cheese or dough, cheese and meat / fish is not the best combination (lack of fiber, simple carbohydrates and cheese - strengthens; protein and dough - strengthens). It is better to give preference to pizza with vegetables and dilute all this bacchanalia with fiber to minimize unpleasant consequences. Or take pizza and vegetable salad.

The emergence of companies in the market. The McDonald's company was founded in the American chain in 1940 by brothers Dick and Mac McDonald (the first restaurant opened in San. Bernardino, California), in 1948, for the first time in the world, formulated the principles of the concept of “fast food. And at dawn on January 30, 1990, the first Mc. Donald's in Russia. About 5,000 people gathered around the restaurant. After such an impressive debut, there was no doubt about the further development of McDonald's in Russia. fast food restaurants. Specializes in chicken meat, the founder, best known as Colonel Sanders. David Sanders was born September 9, 1890. The first fast food restaurant (PBO) "ROSTIK" S was opened in Moscow in GUM in 1993. Muscovites immediately liked the main component of the menu, fragrant chicken in crispy breading, as well as fast service and bright decoration of the hall.

Assortment Sandwiches - prices from 37 to 127 rubles French fries - from 41 to 67 rubles Salads - from 127 to 158 rubles Large shrimps with cocktail sauce 146 rubles Carrot sticks and apple slices 40 rubles Desserts - from 25 to 79 rubles Drinks - from 40 to 90 rubles Sandwiches - prices from 39 to 125 rubles French fries - from 40 to 80 rubles Salads - from 41 to 140 rubles Chicken noodle soup - 71 rubles Chicken kebab- prices 109 rubles Desserts - from 15 to 73 rubles Drinks - from 32 to 100 rubles

In the structure of the network segment, the largest share in terms of the number of establishments is occupied by the establishments of the low price segment Street Food and Fast Food - 39% and 30%, respectively, the democratic price segment owns 31% of the market. In 2008, 393 Russian and international restaurant chains operated in the largest cities of Russia Catering(combining 3 or more points under one brand), and the 10 largest chains accounted for about 30% of the total number of chain catering establishments operating in Russia. AT last years catering business attracted more and more investors from various business sectors. Japanese sushi bars have recently occupied a significant share among opening restaurants.

Experts note that per capita costs for restaurant services in Russia are significantly lower than those in other countries. For example, in 2007 in Russia, the average cost per capita for eating out was slightly less than 4,000 rubles. per person per year. This is significantly less than in the USA (38 thousand rubles in 2005), France (25 thousand rubles in 2005) and Germany (12 thousand rubles in 2005). Such a lag in Russia's indicators indicates a high potential for restaurant saturation. market and its insufficient

The fast food segment developed most dynamically, and its annual growth was 20-27%. In turn, the segment of elite restaurants slowed down the growth rate.

Geography Branded as Mc. Donald's had 32,060 restaurants in 118 countries as of mid-June 2009. 1. Russia (256 restaurants) 2. Ukraine (66 restaurants) 3. Moldova (4 restaurants) 4. Latvia (8 restaurants) 5. Israel (169 restaurants) 6. Estonia (8 restaurants) 7. Belarus (5 restaurants) 8. Azerbaijan (5 restaurants) 9. Georgia (4 restaurants) 10. USA (14,000 restaurants)

Years 2007 2008 2009 2010 (for 9 months) Profit 2.395 billion 4.313 billion 4.551 billion 3.7 billion $ 80% - up to $4.313 billion against $2.395 billion in 2007. Such data are contained in the company's report released today. At the same time, the chain's revenue increased by only 3.2% and amounted to $23.52 billion, whereas in 2007 this figure was $22.78 billion.

More than two thirds of the public catering market is accounted for by international chains. Today on Russian market There are about 30 international chains in public catering According to experts, real signs of recovery in the Russian public catering market became visible in May 2010. Thus, according to Komkon news agency, at the end of 2010, 38.8% of Russians called themselves restaurant regulars, although a year earlier this figure was almost twice as low (26%). The expansion of large chains was so dynamic that, despite the crisis, from the second half of 2008 to the first quarter of this year, the number of chain establishments grew by 14.8%. At the end of the first quarter of 2011, there were 344 chains of public catering establishments in Russia - restaurants, cafes, bars, fast food establishments, coffee houses and street kiosks - with 6379 outlets. At the same time, more than two thirds of the market is accounted for by international catering chains. So, today there are about 30 international chains on the Russian catering market. "The interest of foreign chains in the Russian catering market is not decreasing even at the present stage of market development, which indicates its high attractiveness," says Alexander Shtalenkov, CEO of ITE. "So, in 2010, such large foreign brands as Burger King and Dunkin' Donuts. Among the international networks present on the Russian market, Mc. Donald "s. According to analysts, as of the end of the first quarter of 2011, about 276 restaurants of this chain operated in Russia. Baskin-Robbins, which manages about 246 establishments, is in second place. The top three among international chains in terms of The number of establishments also includes Subway, which over the past three years has increased the number of chain establishments located in Russia from 41 to 185. At the same time, Research analysts expect that the turnover of the Russian public catering market in 2011 will exceed the pre-crisis level, and by 2012 it will will exceed the record amount of 860 billion rubles.“The situation in this area is generally improving, but some catering establishments are still operating on the verge of profitability,” notes Alexander Shtalenkov. - In addition, the turnover in the industry is growing, including due to high inflation, which is reflected in a sharp rise in food prices. In-kind indicators, of course, are also gradually increasing, but there will be no rapid growth here. However, businesses cannot pass on the sharply increased prices to consumers. Therefore, he is forced to restrain the rise in prices at the expense of his costs. Thus, profitability decreases, but new customers are attracted. "The expert believes that now interest in the middle segment of catering is returning. According to him, this is already visible in the capitals, and the regions are six months or a year late. "Indeed, serious growth is observed mainly in middle price segment, - Sergey Mironov supported his colleague. - There are no significant changes in premium-class establishments. Restaurants unnecessarily open and close in huge numbers. Some establishments have increased their profits, someone returned the lost, but many have really fallen and still exist on the verge of profitability, since the restaurant business can be fraught with many risks for potential investors. So, in Russia there is no serious market experience in the restaurant industry, backed up by many years of tradition. In addition, the country does not have a well-established methodological framework that helps to conduct business. For example, a detailed classification of establishments has not yet been developed - instead of it there is a simple enumeration: a restaurant, a bar, a cafe, a canteen, a snack bar. It's no surprise that many investors view restaurants as a kind of plaything that, of course, should bring in money, but, more importantly, do not require much attention. "Russian Business Newspaper" No. 807 (25)

Rice. 1 Net profit 2008-2010 (billion $) According to the results of 2010, the corporation has 32,737 restaurants around the world, losing the lead to Subway. The range of restaurants includes hamburgers (including Big Macs), sandwiches, french fries, desserts, drinks, etc. In most countries of the world, beer is sold in chain restaurants, but in Russia, McDonald's restaurants are completely non-alcoholic. One of the most developing projects of the company in recent years has become the Mc. Cafe". The total number of the company's personnel in 2008 amounted to about 400 thousand people. The company's revenue in 2008 amounted to $23.5 billion (in 2007 - $22.8 billion), operating profit - $4.3 billion ($2.4 billion), net profit - $2.6 billion ($2.3 billion). ). Net income of the fast food restaurant chain Mc. Donald's Corp. at the end of 2010 grew by 8.6% and amounted to 4.94 billion dollars against 4.55 billion dollars received for the same period a year earlier. Such data are given in the company's financial report released today, reports RBC: The company's revenue increased by 6% - from $22.74 billion to $24.07 billion. . in the amount of 6.84 billion dollars. Net profit of Mc. Donald "s in the IV quarter of 2010 increased by 2%, amounting to 1.24 billion dollars against 1.21 billion dollars received for the same period a year earlier. Revenue increased by 4% - from 5.97 billion to 6.21 billion dollars. Operating profit in the reporting quarter amounted to 1.85 billion dollars, which is 2% more than the same indicator for the fourth quarter of 2009, which amounted to 1.82 billion USD Quarterly earnings per share Mc. Donald "s, excluding the effect of exchange differences, was $ 1.16, while the consensus forecast of analysts was also at the level of $ 1.16 / share. In the third quarter of 2011, the net profit of the world's largest chain of fast food restaurants Mc. Donald "s increased by 9 %, which was above market expectations. Net income was $1.51 billion, or $1.45 per share, compared with $1.39 billion, or $1.29 per share, in the same period in 2010, the company said. At the same time, revenue increased by 14% to $7.14 billion from $6.3 billion a year earlier. Successful performance is mainly due to the growth in the number of visitors to Mc. Donald's in the USA. In the States, sales increased by 4.4%, in Europe - by 4.9%, in the Asia, Middle East and Africa region - by 3.4%. Operating income Mc. Donald's rose by 14%, including in the US by 6%, by 15% in Europe, where France, Russia, Germany and the United Kingdom were among the leaders. Operating profit growth in the Asia, Middle East and Africa region was 26%. Mc. Donald's shares have risen in price by 16% since the beginning of 2011. Now the capitalization of the company is almost $92 billion. Network Mc. Donald's unites over 32 thousand restaurants in 117 countries of the world, three-quarters of the establishments are operated by franchisees. The company employs about 1.7 million people.

Every day McDonald's restaurants in Russia serve more than 320,000 visitors. On average per month Restaurants sell: · 2,000 Coca drinks. Cola/Fanta/Sprite 2,550,000 French fries 1,100,000 milkshakes 1,150,000 Big Maktm sandwiches 950,000 patties

"Planet Sushi", "Benihana"), in the West - Wendy? s and Panera Bread, ( Table 1. The ratio of the participation of the producer and the consumer in the process of creating the value of a product-service on the example of meeting the need for food According to the results of half a year, the Rostik Group Corporation has gone far ahead of Mc. Donalds by the number of restaurants in Moscow. She opened 15 new establishments while Mc. Donalds - only four According to a July study by IRG, there are 2,550 restaurants in Moscow (not counting buffets and cafes in educational institutions, museums, and train stations). During the first half of 2004, 150 new restaurants were opened, with an overall growth of 6%. The number of network establishments at the same time increased by 19%. In total, according to IRG, there are 71 restaurant chains in Moscow (9 appeared in 2004). (www. ko. ru) Here is the data of the research of fast food outlets, conducted on June 21, 2004. Thus, the most famous enterprise in this category is "Mc. Donalds". It is spontaneously recalled by 89% of respondents, and in them it is primarily associated with the concept of "fast-food", "quick service". It also turned out to be the undisputed leader among the enterprises whose services the respondents had ever used (94%). The second place in terms of spontaneous popularity is occupied by "Rostiks". Behind him are hot dog tents, a Russian bistro, and grilled chicken tents. Due to its wide distribution and low price, the popularity of hot dogs turned out to be higher than that of Russian Bistro (22%), tents with grilled chicken (21%) and shawarma (20%). This is followed by "Pizza Hut" (18%), "Yolki-Palki" (17%), "Kroshka-Potato" (14%), "Steff" ("Stop-Top") (14%), "Russian pancakes "(10%), etc. This indicator characterizes brands that are on the surface of the consumer's consciousness. According to the results of the survey, among the fast-foods that have ever been visited by respondents, after McDonald's there is a dense group of enterprises that are popular among consumers almost equally - with a minimum margin, the Rostiks restaurant chain leads this group (59 %). Mobile tents on the streets of Moscow enjoy almost the same popularity - tents with shawarma - 58%, tents with hot dogs, chicken grill - 57% each, "Russian Bistro" - 45%, "Pizza Hut", "Elki-Palki" - each 42%, "Baby Potato" - 36%, "Russian Pancakes" - 31%, "Metro Express" - 29%, "Steff" ("Stop-Top") - 28%, etc. (

People, forget about all sorts of smartphones and gadgets, androids and that's it. I have a question of the century - which fast food is better of these two?

Only now it is not necessary to tell everyone that the owners of elite Apple smartphones do not eat in such places. You look back there only iPhones and visible.

In general, there has been a war between these fandoms for a long time. I want to know what you think.

McDuck: a proven topic

Double Royal in McDuck

Wherever you go, you can eat and not get poisoned. Then the feeling of a brick inside, but there's nothing to be done about it. Fast food and fast food in Africa.

Mac still has the most normal coffee. For 90 rubles you can take a cappuccino, which at least looks like something real.

The rest of the fast foods have some kind of swill instead of coffee.

KFC: healthier and norm promotions

Strips at KFC

KFC seems to be healthier, there is chicken everywhere. But it has nothing to do with breading, that is, with fat and other filth, and has nothing to do with normal nutrition. Yes, and the chicken seems to be pumped up with something too.

Strips are a normal topic, if not spicy. Although who cares. There is pevko on the menu, which is always good.

Very often at KFC killer stocks: just recently, for 300 rubles, you could take a giant box with chicken of all kinds.

Do not eat it alone. And in the mobile program there are often coupons for discounts. And there is still delivery.

What's cooler? I'm for Mac

Before you start arguing that this is complete crap, I retort: ​​you are simply not eating it correctly.

Catch a life hack: we take any normal burger, remove everything from there except buns, cheese and meat. You can also add bacon. And suddenly it becomes edible, with the taste of meat and generally almost like at home.

Well, now it's your turn. Mac or KFC?

In our time, it is difficult not to see a schoolboy, student or adult on the street, who, right on the street at lunchtime or on the way from school or work, are chewing some kind of cheeseburger or sandwich. In the modern world, people actively eat various fast food, not paying attention to the consequences for their health. In fast food restaurants, you can often find families in full force with small children who regularly visit such dubious establishments. The world is going crazy, people do not appreciate homemade food, and eat whatever they want, do not plan their meals, consume little natural healthy foods.

From time to time, shocking articles in the press come across, television programs on proper nutrition that try to discourage consumers from addiction to fast food. But there are no results from them if the consumer is drawn into fast food. They argue, after all, so - if you break it down into components, for example, a cheeseburger, then there are seemingly harmless components: bread, a kind of cutlet, a mix of ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard, plus a little cheese, herbs, a little bit of vegetables.

Why, then, is fast food (at restaurants like McDonalds, KFC, and Burger King) so unhealthy? Let's start getting into it!

1. Previously, when raising livestock for future meat components of fast food, livestock breeders adhered to eco-technologies - and the livestock ate environmentally friendly products saturated with essential vitamins and microelements. Now, oh proper nutrition only memories remain in animal husbandry. Animal food is oversaturated with anabolics, cattle are massively injected with all kinds of synthesized vitamins. As a result, literally in 3-4 months a large “full-fledged” cow grows from a small calf.

2. The origin of blanks for cutlets is very doubtful, since during their production, transportation, storage the goal is to reduce the cost as much as possible. Hence the use of cheap labor from third world countries, and repeated defrosting and freezing and violations of storage conditions.

3. Cutlet preparations are massively fried in large quantities sunflower oil. In addition to the fact that frying in oil itself is unhealthy, it is very doubtful to control the renewal of this oil, which quickly loses its properties and becomes even more harmful.

4. Such delicious-looking buns in McDonalds, KFC and Burger King contain an increased amount of sugar.

5. Many fast food restaurants save on a lot of things - and do not have strict control over the cleanliness in the halls and the mandatory freshness of the products. As a result, at best, you can get yesterday's French fries warmed up. And at worst, you will see a cockroach in an institution or even find it on your plate.

6. With a regular diet of fast food, you are guaranteed a quick set of excess weight and volume, as well as problems with gastrointestinal tract. Well, get ready for a stable feeling of heartburn.

7. Fast food products are saturated with extreme doses of preservatives, give an appetizing look to ready-made hamburgers, but most importantly, they can significantly increase their shelf life.

8. Added to most fast food products a large number of salt and sugar, which is very unhealthy for the cardiovascular system and digestive systems.

9. In general, there are few useful components in fast food nutrition, with the possible exception of greens and vegetables. Everything else goes through many cycles of freezing and thawing before cooking, and the result is very far from healthy food.

10. People who eat at McDonalds, KFC and Burger King every day are at risk of getting serious chronic sores, most of which are difficult to treat.

The picture is sad, but all this is the real truth. We eat unhealthy, and, without exaggeration, unhealthy food. The frantic rhythm of life, stable employment and lack of energy to cook food after a working day are drawn to dependence on fast food.

It is much more useful to just eat, the first, second and dessert with compote.
However, many nutritionists argue that if you practice eating fast food as little as possible, then most troubles can be avoided.

If you feel the emergence of your own dependence on fast food - take action quickly and exclude fast food from your diet! Do not spoil your health because of the dubious desire to eat "delicious"!

Nowadays, food chains have divided the society of consumers, each chain has its own pool of regular customers who go only there, despite the fact that the prices are similar, the assortment is the same. Then which is better? Is there a real difference and, if so, where is it tastier, cheaper and better? What do you choose?

I am not a fan of any of these networks (it is clear that there are many more of them, but we are talking about industry leaders). And from time to time I go into each of them to have a bite to eat, somewhere more often, somewhere less, depending on what is on my way. But I still propose to decide where it is better, dividing the theory of success into several indicators, such as brand atmosphere, taste, prices, assortment, availability of promotions, menu updates, purchase speed and quality.

1. Brand atmosphere. Here for me the undisputed leader is McDuck. It's older, more famous, it has a charity program, nicer staff (mostly non-migrants) and nicer visitors too. The only negative is too much negativity associated with the quality of cutlets. Two other networks in their own way appearance are a few steps down. And BK even has almost no advertising, it is loud, but very rare.

2.Taste. Complicated indicator. In addition, it is difficult to determine, since all networks, for sure, use flavor enhancers. True, KFC has an advantage - all their meat is breaded, which means an extra taste. Sandwiches of other chains are much more insipid in this sense. Although I like french fries more at McDonald's. My opinion here is what is better than KFC.

3. Prices are a separate issue for research, in general, this is one level. The minimum set in all networks costs plus or minus the same, and then McDonald's is more expensive. Plus KFC and Burger King

4. Assortment. KFC and Burger King have beer, McDonald's and KFC have desserts, fries are the same, McDonald's has more drinks, and the total meat dishes, probably more at KFC, while this network only has chicken dishes, and in other places there is more variety and McDonald's has fish sandwiches. +1 to McDonald's

5. Availability of shares. McDonald's doesn't have them at all, Burger King is trying, but marking time. Every month and a half KFS has something new, there are lunches, there are coupons, there are combined offers. Advantage of this company

6. Menu update. McDonald's has a minus again - new items are very rare. Not far gone and BK, but KFC is back in the black.

7. Speed ​​of purchase. McDonald's has been operating machines for a long time, although it can take a long time to wait for an order. Once I waited 10 minutes and my order number completely disappeared from the scoreboard, they forgot about it. FSC is only introducing this way of ordering, I used it 2 times and the first time I waited a very long time. In Burger King and the usual service in the queue is very long. According to this indicator, McDonald's is better, at least there are no shouts - "two sharp longers, please", "Shohrat, another Big King!". McDonald's takes a point.

8. Quality. On the one hand, the kitchens are clean, the supply channels are well-established, this is not a train station noise, on the other hand, in the pursuit of money, few people can refuse to reduce costs. The big questions are the quality of meat in McDonald's and Burger King burgers ... here KFC takes the palm, which has everything chicken dishes made not from minced meat, where you can stuff anything, but exclusively from white chicken meat(well, except for the legs and wings). So there is more trust. Plus one more chicken net point.

Thus, Burger King has 1 point, a network with almost no advantages. 3 points for McDonald's. And 5 points for KFC. The chicken from the colonel wins - do you agree?