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Stewed fish with mushrooms, how to cook. Fish with mushrooms and cheese Hake baked in the oven with champignons

History of fish stews

Fish stewing is one way to keep delicate taste fish and its beneficial properties. Fish dishes were prepared by our ancestors in the Stone Age, when fresh fish was simply strung on a spear and fried over a fire. With the advent of dishes in the form of clay pots, fish began to be boiled with the addition of water and a variety of vegetables, mushrooms, and roots. The merits of stewed fish were appreciated even in those distant times, because it turned out to be quite juicy, not overdried, the integrity of the fish fillet was preserved, and, most importantly, the stewed fish was cooked much faster than baked and without too much attention from the hostess.

Fish stew with vegetables served as a full-fledged lunch or dinner for the whole family, and these traditions have been preserved to this day. Modern housewives can safely include stewed fish in the list of easily prepared and healthy meals which are also quite affordable. We will cook stewed hake with mushrooms, which can also be safely attributed to dietary dishes.

The nutritional value of stewed hake corresponds to the following data: 100 g of stewed hake fillet contains 7.7 g of proteins, 11.1 g of fats, 1.7 g of carbohydrates. In view of the fact that stewed fish with mushrooms also contains dried mushrooms, as well as fresh vegetables, then the calorie content ready meal decreases slightly and will be about 139 kcal per 100 g.

Useful properties of hake and stewed fish

Blue hake is classified as a fish variety for diet food, so dishes with this fish are suitable for those who are on a diet, and also observe fasting. Hake meat is perfectly digestible, so the human body gets everything useful material this type of fish. Hake is rich in protein, which is simply necessary as a building material for the human body. This variety of fish contains a wide range of useful trace elements and vitamins, as well as a number of saturated fatty acids. Regularly using hake, getting better metabolic processes in the human body, toxins and slags are removed, cancer diseases are prevented. In addition to all the useful components of hake, this type of fish is recommended to be included in the diet of those suffering from diseases of the thyroid gland, mucous membranes and skin. Beneficial features hake affects the work of the human nervous system, it is an excellent antioxidant and regulates blood sugar. The benefits of hake are undeniable, so dishes from this type of fish simply need to be included in your diet. In addition, this is one of the budget varieties of fish, and the hake is prepared quickly enough and in just 30-40 minutes you can cook a tasty and healthy a fish dish.

Ingredients for fish stew with mushrooms

For cooking we need:

  • 500 g freshly frozen blue hake
  • 1 head of onion
  • 1 carrot
  • 150-200 g dried mushrooms
  • 4-5 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 2 tbsp tomato paste
  • salt, pepper, bay leaf.

How to cook stewed hake

  1. The first step is to soak the dried mushrooms in hot water. While the rest of the ingredients are being prepared, the mushrooms should soften well.

  2. Defrost and clean the hake from the insides, cut off the fins and tail, rinse well under running water.
  3. Next, cut the fish into portioned slices about 3-4 cm thick. Salt and pepper, leave to soak in salt for about 15 minutes.

  4. At this time, boil water, peel the onions and carrots. Cut the onion into small half rings, grate the carrots on a carrot grater, you can cut into cubes or half rings.

  5. Put a third of chopped onions and carrots on the bottom in a stew dish (you can use a regular saucepan), put a layer of fish on top. Season with spices.

  6. Then again - a layer of vegetables, mushrooms squeezed out of the water.

  7. Pour everything with 1 tbsp. tomato paste, if desired, add salt and again a layer of fish.
  8. From above, the fish is covered with vegetables, the remaining mushrooms are added tomato paste, vegetable oil, spices, bay leaf.
  9. After that, the fish with mushrooms and vegetables is poured with boiled water so that the liquid completely covers the fish.

  10. Stewed fish with vegetables and mushrooms is cooked over low heat for 40-50 minutes, although it will be ready in 25-30 minutes. The more the fish is stewed, the richer dish saturated with the aroma of mushrooms and spices. During this time, the water should boil away a little more than half, and the fish will be cooked in its own juice.

Cooking Variations

From vegetables, you can also add to the dish bell pepper, tomatoes, cauliflower, broccoli, zucchini, eggplant. From spices for fish, you can use marjoram, rosemary, white mustard, cumin, sage, thyme, fennel, curry. Before cooking, the fish can be marinated in sour cream or mayonnaise, or you can add sour cream during the cooking process, watering the fish while putting it in a stewing container. To make the fish even more juicy and tender, it can be stewed in a cauldron in the oven at 150-160 degrees.

How to serve stewed fish on the table

Braised fish can be safely served hot or cold. During serving, the dish is decorated with fresh parsley and lemon, and potatoes, buckwheat are perfect as a side dish for fish, separately vegetable stew in various sauces or as a salad, legumes, including canned peas. Stewed fish can be safely included in the children's diet. The editors of HozOboz hope that this recipe will be the next step towards healthy eating our readers, all the same as always wishes you Bon appetit and waiting for feedback from you in the form of comments to this article :)

It's beautiful and unusual dish is prepared from European hake *, which we better know as hake fish. Hake is very popular in European countries due to its dietary properties. From this low-fat fish, you can cook not only everyday, but also festive dishes. Try original recipe- hake baked in the oven with mushrooms and shrimp.


(4-6 servings)

  • 1 large hake
  • 300 gr. mushrooms
  • 200 gr. peeled shrimp
  • 1 bulb
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 3 fresh figs
  • 1 lemon
  • pepper
  • parsley
  • sunflower oil
  1. For this dish, we need a whole hake, although theoretically it can be taken in pieces. True, in this case, the presentation of the dish will not be so spectacular.
  2. We clean the fish from scales, remove the insides and the head. Trim the fins with kitchen shears. You can ask the store to clean the fish.
  3. Using a sharp knife from the side of the tummy, we make an incision along the entire ridge so that the fish opens like a book. It is not necessary to cut the carcass into two separate halves. We remove the ridge, and with it the ribs.
  4. We salt the fish, generously grease with oil both outside and inside.
  5. Lay the flattened hake fish, skin side down, on a greased baking sheet. We cook hake in the oven for 20 minutes at a temperature of 180 ° C.
  6. By the way, if you have fresh figs, then take a few fruits, cut in half and put to the fish. Baked figs will not only be a beautiful decoration, but also a very original addition to the dish. Roasted figs are similar to roasted plums, but have a more spicy flavor.
  7. While the hake is cooking, prepare the filling.
  8. In a small amount of olive or sunflower oil, simmer finely chopped onions over low heat. When the onion is soft and translucent, add the minced garlic. Lightly fry.
  9. Then put the mushrooms, cut into thin slices. Sprinkle lemon juice over mushrooms to keep them from turning brown. Fry until the liquid released by the mushrooms is gone.
  10. Fry in a separate pan peeled shrimp. Be sure to leave a few whole shrimp for garnish. They should also be fried, after cutting off the antennae and paws.
  11. fry shrimp 2-3 minutes and remove from heat.
  12. By this time, the hake baked in the oven should already be cooked. Carefully transfer the fish to a large oblong dish. Ask relatives to help you in this difficult task, since two hands will obviously not be enough. Use a kitchen spatula, a flat plate, or just thin, thick cardboard to lift the fish off the baking sheet. The last option is most convenient: they carefully slipped it, lifted it and transferred it to a dish.
  13. After completing this difficult trick, lay out the mushroom and shrimp filling on top of the hake. We decorate the dish with herbs, baked figs, whole shrimps, do not forget to put a lemon cut into slices.
  14. A festive hake dish baked in the oven with mushrooms and shrimp is ready, serve immediately.

    European hake* is pretty big fish and in length can reach up to 60 cm or more.

Hake with mushrooms baked in the oven

Want to try simple but at the same time exotic recipe? We offer to bake hake fish already familiar to us in the oven, but not with vegetables, but with a more original company - with champignons! Moreover, there is a wonderful occasion to cook a fish dish - today all sailors of the merchant fleet celebrate their day. June 25 is Navigator's Day, or Day of the Seafarer - and this is a holiday for those who sail on merchant ships. And Navy Day will be later, in July!

Fish baked in foil with mushrooms and cheese turns out to be unexpectedly tasty, despite such an amazing combination.

Try new recipe With step by step photos and then tell us how you like it!

Ingredients for fish baked with mushrooms:

Frozen hake - 1 pc.;
- fresh champignons - 200 g;
- onion - 1 pc.;
- sunflower oil;
- salt;
- hard cheese - 50 g.

How to cook fish with mushrooms:

Peel a large onion and cut into half rings.

We clean the mushrooms from the skin, rinse and cut into slices.

We start to passer on sunflower oil onion.

When the onion becomes soft, add the mushrooms.

Continue frying until lightly browned. Salt to taste.

After rinsing and slightly drying the fish, lay it on the foil, matte side inward. Lightly salt the hake on top.

We spread the champignons fried with onions on the fish.

Carefully wrap the foil and put the fish in the pan. After pouring about 1 cm of water into the bottom of the pan, put the hake in the oven.

Bake on a low heat for 45 - 60 minutes, if necessary, adding water. You can check if the fish is ready by unrolling the foil and tasting the dish with a knife or a stick. If the fish is soft, then it is ready.

hot fish with mushrooms, carefully move from the foil to the dish and three cheese on a fine grater on top.

Enjoy your meal!