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Jam in an air grill hotter cooking recipes. How to Cook Jam in an Airfryer - Simple Recipes

* Harvesting products for the winter in an air grill is significantly different from the usual home preservation. You do not need to boil jars, burning yourself with boiling water and steam - AIR GRILL STERILIZES WITH HOT AIR.

In an air grill, THE QUALITY OF STERILIZATION IS SIGNIFICANTLY HIGHER, since the boiling point of water due to higher pressure is much higher than in traditional home preservation (140 degrees).

Having an air grill, there is no need to cook salads, jams, etc. first in pots, basins, etc., then laying out finished product on banks for sterilization and storage.



1. Arrange the prepared products in clean jars.
2. Put them in the convection oven.
3. Pour in brine or syrup so that the products are completely covered.
4. Cover the jars with lids.
5. Turn on the air grill by setting the necessary sterilization parameters.
6. Get the jars, roll them up with lids.
7. For additional pasteurization, you can put the jars back into the air grill, as the glass flask of the oven retains heat for a long time. No need to flip banks!
If the next batch of cans is next in line, instead of an air grill, you can use the usual “sheepskin coat” by wrapping the cans.



Since the boiling point of water in an air grill is 140 degrees, the sterilization temperature must be at least 150 degrees Celsius.

To increase heat transfer, you can start the program from 260 degrees, but in this case, before installing the cans in the air grill, you must first remove the rubber gaskets from the lids.
You can do it differently: get the so-called "auxiliary covers", freeing several covers from the rubber gaskets. You will use these "auxiliary covers" at temperatures above 150 degrees, at the last moment replacing the "auxiliary covers" with the main ones.


Sterilization begins from the moment when bubbles appear in the jars. The usual sterilization time is 15 minutes, if an enlarger ring is installed - 20 minutes.


1. Pour the berries with sugar and leave them for 6 hours so that the juice stands out and the sugar dissolves.
2. Arrange the berry-sugar mixture among the jars, having previously removed the rubber gaskets of the lids.
3. Cover jars with lids.
4. Set the parameters: time 15 minutes (or 20 minutes if an enlarger ring is used), temperature - 260 degrees, speed - HIGH.
5. Reduce the temperature to 120 degrees, hold for another 5 minutes (at the same speed) so that the jam does not “run away”.
6. Take out the cans and roll up.
7. Put the jars to cool in an air grill or traditionally, wrapped in something warm.


1. Sterilize empty jars with lids (time 6 minutes, temperature - 180 degrees, speed - HIGH).
2. Rinse the berries thoroughly, let the water drain.
3. Scatter the berries over the jars and cover them with lids, after removing the rubber gaskets.
4. Set the temperature to 260 degrees, the speed is HIGH, the time is for example 20 minutes.
5. When the berries settle and give juice, open the lids and add another portion of berries, and so on until the jar is filled with berries covered with juice.
6. Remove the cans, insert the gum into place and roll up.


Important rule: in order for moist air to come out of the air grill, you must insert a skewer between the lid and the body.
Speed: greens - LOW, carrots, beets - MEDIUM, apples, mushrooms - HIGH.
The temperature at which products retain their color is 120 degrees.
Time: greens - 10 minutes, beets, carrots (on a coarse grater) -15 minutes, apples - 30 minutes, mushrooms - 1.5 hours.
P.S. Berries, carrots, beets are more convenient to dry on a steamer, mushrooms, leafy greens, apples - right on the grates.


2 kilograms of peeled tomatoes, 2 kilograms of pepper, 1 kilogram of onions, 1 kilogram of carrots, half a liter of vegetable oil, salt, sugar to taste.
squeeze juice from tomatoes. Cut vegetables nicely.
Preparation: put everything in clean jars, pour oil, juice and cook in an air grill for 30 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. The speed is HIGH.


Products: cucumbers, dill with seeds, horseradish root, garlic, bay leaf, black pepper, etc.
For the marinade: for 1 liter of water - 2 tablespoons of salt, 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar, 9.5 teaspoons of 9% vinegar.
Preparation: lay the cucumbers in a bucket for 6-8 hours. Prepare the marinade by boiling the ingredients.
Preparation: put spices, cucumbers in jars, pour hot marinade and sterilize for 10 minutes in an air grill at a temperature of 260 degrees. The speed is HIGH. Before seaming, add vinegar to each jar. Then roll up.


Products: mushrooms, onions, carrots, vegetable oil, salt.
Preparation: bring the mushrooms to a boil, rinse with running water and pass through a meat grinder along with onions and carrots.
Preparation: place everything in a large ceramic pot and simmer in an air grill for about 40-50 minutes until the liquid evaporates; the first 20 minutes - at maximum temperature and speed, then reduce the temperature to 180 degrees. Speed ​​is AVERAGE. At the end of the program, remove the pot from the air grill, add salt and vegetable oil to taste and arrange in jars. Cover the jars with metal lids and put in the convection oven for 20-30 minutes. Temperature 150 degrees. Speed ​​is AVERAGE. Then get the cans and immediately roll up.


Products: eggplant, bell pepper, onions, carrots, tomatoes, vegetable oil, salt.
Preparation: chop the onion, grate the carrots. Cut eggplant and pepper into cubes. You can leave the skin on young eggplants. Saute onions and carrots, add eggplant, pepper, mix everything, salt and put in a large ceramic pot.
Preparation: put the pot in the convection oven until the liquid has evaporated, as in the previous recipe. Then take out the pot, add chopped ripe tomatoes and put in the air grill for another 10-15 minutes. Then take the pot out of the air fryer and spread the caviar over glass jars. Having covered the jars with metal lids, put them in the air grill for sterilization for 20 minutes, the speed is HIGH. Get the cans and immediately roll up.
IDEAS: You can use zucchini instead of eggplant.


Products: cucumbers, strong tomatoes, onions, Bulgarian red and Green pepper, garlic, zucchini.
Marinade: for 1.5 liters of water - 2 tablespoons of salt, 2-3 tablespoons of sugar, peppercorns, cloves,
cinnamon, bay leaf, dill seed or finely chopped dill.
Preparation: cut cucumbers and zucchini into slices, onion into half rings, tomatoes into circles, pepper into strips. In liter or 0.8-liter jars, layer cucumbers, onions, tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, garlic, and so on in the same order. Bring the marinade to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes.
Preparation: pour jars with boiling marinade, cover with lids. Sterilize for 15-20 minutes at 205 degrees, HIGH speed. Roll up right away.


Products: for 1 kilogram of boiled beets - 250 grams of black currant.
For pouring: 1 liter of water, at the tip of a spoon table vinegar, 60-80 grams of sugar, 30 grams of salt, 8 cloves, allspice peas.
Preparation: boil young beets for 40 minutes, peel, cut into cubes. Wash the currants, let the water drain. Prepare marinade.
Preparation: put currants with beets in jars, pour hot marinade over them. Sterilize for 10 minutes at maximum temperature and speed.
IDEAS: in the same way, you can pickle beets with plums (we free the berries from the stones and pre-blanch for 3 minutes).


Products: 10 kilograms of cucumbers, 2.5 kilograms of red currants, 300 grams of dill, 1-2 heads of garlic.
Brine: for 10 liters of water - 200-250 grams of salt.
Preparation: prepare the brine. Rinse the cucumbers, put them tightly in jars, cover with berries, pour hot brine. Cover with lids.
Cooking: Sterilize in an air grill for 15 minutes at a temperature of 150 degrees. The speed is HIGH. Banks roll up.


Products: medium-sized tomatoes, 2 onions per 1 jar.
Marinade: for 1 liter of water: 1 tablespoon of salt (a little with a slide), 5 tablespoons of granulated sugar, bay leaf, 5-6 black peppercorns, 6-7 tablespoons of 9% vinegar.
Preparation: Wash the tomatoes, cut in half lengthwise. Onion cut into rings. Prepare the marinade by boiling all the ingredients and only last adding the vinegar.
Preparation: put onions on the bottom of each jar, put tomatoes on top. Pour tomatoes with hot marinade and sterilize for 10 minutes in an air grill at a temperature of 180 degrees. The speed is HIGH. Roll up right away.


Products on three-liter jar : 1 Bell pepper, 1 hot pepper, 3 cloves of garlic, 2 bay leaves, 5 currant leaves, 4 cherry leaves, 4 black peppercorns, 1 horseradish leaf, dill, 1 tablespoon of salt and sugar, 1 grape leaf, tomatoes.
Preparation: put tomatoes, grapes, spices and all components in jars, pour boiling water, cover with lids.
Preparation: Sterilize the jars in the air fryer by setting the enlarger ring for 20 minutes at maximum temperature and speed.


Products: small dark tomatoes.
For 1 liter of dry red wine: 200 grams of honey, 30 grams of salt.
Preparation: wash the tomatoes, chop with a fork from the side of the stalk, put in prepared jars, pour boiling marinade.
Cooking: Sterilize in an air grill for 15 minutes at 150 degrees. The speed is HIGH (based on liter cans).


Products: tomatoes, onions.
For marinade: 1 liter of water, 3 tablespoons of vinegar, 1 tablespoon of salt, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 8-10 peas allspice, 1 clove, 2 tablespoons of gelatin.
Preparation: cut the tomatoes into thick circles, onions into rings. Pack tightly into jars. Soak gelatin in cold water for an hour. Boil the marinade, then add gelatin, bring to a boil, but do not boil.
Preparation: pour tomatoes with hot marinade, cover with lids and sterilize according to the usual program.
IDEAS: Plums can be prepared in the same way, just put less salt (2 teaspoons) and more sugar (100 grams).


Products: 1 kilogram of tomatoes, 200 grams walnuts.
Syrup: 200 grams of water, 1 kilogram of granulated sugar, 5 grams of citric acid.
Preparation: prepare the syrup. Wash small tomatoes, cut large ones into slices.
Preparation: Arrange the tomatoes in prepared 1-liter jars and place in the convection oven. Sterilize for the first 20 minutes at maximum temperature and speed, then lower the temperature to 150 degrees and hold for another 20 minutes. At the end of the program, add nuts, gently mix with a spoon. Roll up.


Products: gooseberry.
For marinade: per liter of water - half a kilo of granulated sugar, 3-4 peppercorns, 4 cloves, 1 bay leaf, half a glass of 5% vinegar, you can add a little cinnamon.
Training : large berries chop gooseberries in several places with a pointed match, spread liter jars on the floor.
Prepare marinade: Bring all ingredients except vinegar to a boil. Cool and add vinegar.
Preparation: Pour jars with cold marinade. Cover with lids. Put in air fryer. Sterilize the floor liter jars with gooseberries for 10 minutes at maximum temperature and speed, and then another 15 minutes, lowering the temperature to 120 degrees.
IDEAS: black and red currants can be pickled in the same way. Pickled berries are good in salads and as a side dish. meat dishes.


Products: 5 cups of not quite ripe gooseberries, 200 grams of cherry leaves, 7 cups of granulated sugar, 2 cups of water.
Preparation: Gooseberries are de-seeded.
Boil water with cherry leaves and pour gooseberries with it. Let cool and refrigerate for 12 hours. After 12 hours, drain the resulting juice, folding the berries and leaves separately, add sugar and bring to a boil.
Preparation: pour the juice into jars, cover with lids without rubber gaskets and sterilize in an air grill for 15 minutes at maximum temperature and speed.
After 15 minutes, put the berries without leaves into the resulting syrup and boil for another 15 minutes until the berries become transparent green. 2-3 minutes before the end of cooking, add a dozen washed cherry leaves to the jam. Let it boil again. Emerald jam is ready. Roll up the banks.


Products: ripe strong plums.
Preparation: Rinse the plums well, free from the stalks, put in liter jars.
Preparation: tightly close the jars with lids, sterilize for 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 260 degrees, HIGH speed.
IDEAS: In the same way, you can make compote from plums cut in half. After removing the bones, fold the halves cut side down and press down a little with your hand.


Products: currants, based on 1 liter jar - 5-6 teaspoons of sugar.
Preparation: wash the berries, dry. Arrange in clean jars up to the shoulders, lightly sprinkle with sand.
Preparation: cover the jars with lids and sterilize in an air grill for 25-30 minutes at a temperature of 235 degrees. The speed is HIGH.
IDEAS: in the same way, you can simmer lingonberries and chokeberry.


Products: 3 kilograms of peaches, 1 liter of water, 750 grams of sugar, 250 grams of honey, rum.
Preparation: Rinse strong peaches, blanched, peel, pit, put in prepared jars. Boil water, sugar, honey.
Preparation: Pour peaches with hot syrup, pour a little rum or vodka into each jar, close the jars tightly and sterilize for 15 minutes. 205 degrees. The speed is HIGH.

* Zucchini JAM

Products: for 1 kilogram of prepared zucchini: 1 kilogram of granulated sugar, 1 lemon.
Preparation: peel the zucchini, free from seeds, grate on a coarse grater. Scald the lemon with boiling water and grate on a medium grater along with the zest. Mix lemon and zucchini, cover with sugar, mix everything and let stand for 30 minutes.
Cooking: put the mixture in the air grill, bring to a boil and, lowering the temperature to 205 degrees, cook for another 10-15 minutes. The speed is HIGH.
IDEAS: you can not grate the zucchini, but cut it into curly plates 1-1.5 centimeters in size. You will get a surprisingly beautiful jam that can be used to decorate pastries and cakes.


Products: 2 kilograms of zucchini, 1 kilogram of cherries.
For syrup: 2 kilograms of sugar, 2 cups of water.
Preparation: finely chop the zucchini. Wash cherries. Boil syrup.
Preparation: spread the zucchini with cherries over liter jars pour hot syrup over. Close with lids. Sterilize for 10-15 minutes at maximum temperature and speed. When bubbles appear, lower the temperature to 150 degrees and hold for another 20 minutes. Roll up.


Products: per 1 kilogram of apricots: 100 grams of peeled walnuts, 750 grams of sugar.
Preparation: wash the apricots thoroughly, let the water drain. Put the nuts and apricots in a bowl, cover with sugar and let it brew for 6 hours.
Preparation: Arrange in jars and sterilize in an air grill for 15 minutes at maximum temperature and speed. After 15 minutes, lower the temperature to 120 degrees and sterilize for another 20 minutes.


Products: 1 kilogram of quince, 1 kilogram of granulated sugar.
Preparation: wash the fruits, cut out the core, cut into pieces of 1.5-2 centimeters. Granulated sugar dissolve in a small amount of water, boil.
Preparation: pour hot syrup equally into jars, spread quince. Close the jars with a mesh steamer and cook on the middle grill of the air grill for 20 minutes at a temperature of 150 degrees. The speed is HIGH. Then cover the jars with lids without rubber bands and cook for another 30 minutes at a temperature of 205-235 degrees. Speed ​​is AVERAGE. After 5-10 minutes, when the air grill turns off, take out the jars, roll them up and put them back into the turned off air grill until cool.


Products: raspberries, sugar.
Preparation: Rinse and dry the raspberries. Cook syrup at the rate of 750 grams of sugar per liter of boiling water.
Preparation: while the syrup is cooking, sterilize the jars. For liter or 800-gram ones with screw caps, 15 minutes at a temperature of 150 degrees is enough. The speed is HIGH. Without removing the jars from the air grill, fill them with berries and pour over hot syrup. Cook the jam for 25 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. The speed is HIGH. Roll up the banks.
IMPORTANT: since jam is not required to be stirred during cooking, as was the case with the traditional harvesting method, jam is obtained with whole berries, which is why its quality and taste are incomparably higher.
And the jam is very beautiful!


Products: for 1 kilogram of apples: 800 grams of sugar
Preparation: wash the apples, peel them, pass through a meat grinder, add sugar.
Cooking: spread the mass into jars and sweat in an air grill for the first 15 minutes at a temperature of 235 degrees. The speed is HIGH. Then lower the temperature to 150 degrees and hold the jars for another 20-30 minutes. Speed ​​is AVERAGE.


Products: per kilogram of berries: 800 grams of sugar and a liter of water.
Preparation: wash the berries, dry. Boil the syrup and boil the berries in it for 10 minutes.
Preparation: remove the strawberries from the jam, arrange on the grates and dry for 15 minutes at a temperature of 65 degrees. Speed ​​is AVERAGE. If the berries are very large - the speed is HIGH. Arrange the finished strawberries in sterilized jars.


Products: apples, pears.
Preparation: wash apples and pears thoroughly, cut out the core. Cut into thin slices. Arrange fruit on 3 racks.
Preparation: dry fruits for 30 minutes at a temperature of 120 degrees, the speed is AVERAGE. The airfryer lid should be slightly ajar.

It is no secret that raspberries are an insanely popular berry crop, and not only in our country. And this is not at all surprising, since its fruits, in addition to being distinguished by the most excellent dessert taste, also have extremely beneficial properties for the human body.

So, today in traditional medicine almost all parts of this plant are used - that is, not only berries, but also bark, leaves, and even flowers. However, raspberry fruits, which contain a huge number of useful substances, are still of the greatest value. These are vitamins (A, B1, B2, B9, C, PP), and organic acids (malic, citric, salicylic, tartaric, etc.), coloring, nitrogenous and pectin substances; sugars (glucose and fructose), fiber, tannins, essential oils etc. And do not forget about mineral salts and trace elements such as copper, potassium, iron, magnesium, calcium, zinc, cobalt, etc.

In general, it is extremely useful and insanely delicious berry! So today let's try to cook one of the most favorite winter treats from it, which is so popular with children and adults!

To prepare raspberry jam in an air grill, we need:

granulated sugar

1. As in other options for making jam, first we prepare the berries. To do this, they need to be carefully sorted out, removing rotten and spoiled fruits.
2. Now we start preparing sugar syrup for our jam. It is prepared as follows: for 1 liter of water we take 750 g of sugar. So let's pour required amount water in a saucepan, pour sugar into it and send it to the stove. Bring the syrup to a boil, stirring constantly so that the sugar dissolves faster in the water (we continue to boil the syrup over the fire until the sugar is completely dissolved).
3. While the syrup is boiling down, at this time we can start preparing jam jars. To do this, they first need to be washed very well, dried a little, and then sterilized in an air grill. At the same time, we sterilize 1-liter (and 800-gram) jars for at least 15 minutes (at a temperature of 150 degrees, the speed is high).
4. After that, without removing the bath from the air grill, fill them with previously prepared berries, then fill them with hot sugar syrup. We boil the jam in an air grill for 25 minutes, setting a high speed and a temperature of 180 degrees.
5. During this time, we will have time to sterilize the lids for jam jars. To do this, simply pour them with boiling water for a few minutes, and then dry them on a towel.
6. Carefully remove the jars from the air grill and hermetically roll them up with already prepared lids. Now the jars of jam must be carefully turned over, wrapped in a towel and left to cool (at least for a day).
That's all the wisdom of cooking really tasty and insanely fragrant jam from raspberries! By the way, thanks to this particular method of preparation, the berries themselves remain intact, and at the same time, delicious raspberry syrup is obtained!
In general, be sure to prepare such a healthy berry treat for your loved ones and delight them in winter with the fresh fruity taste of your favorite jam!

* Preparing food for the winter in an air grill is significantly different from the usual home preservation. You do not need to boil jars, burning yourself with boiling water and steam - AIR GRILL STERILIZES WITH HOT AIR.

In an air grill, THE QUALITY OF STERILIZATION IS SIGNIFICANTLY HIGHER, since the boiling point of water due to higher pressure is much higher than in traditional home preservation (140 degrees).

Having an air grill, there is no need to cook salads, jams, etc. first in pots, basins, etc., then laying out the finished product in jars for sterilization and storage.



1. Arrange the prepared products in clean jars.
2. Put them in the convection oven.
3. Pour in brine or syrup so that the products are completely covered.
4. Cover the jars with lids.
5. Turn on the air grill by setting the necessary sterilization parameters.
6. Get the jars, roll them up with lids.
7. For additional pasteurization, you can put the jars back into the air grill, as the glass flask of the oven retains heat for a long time. No need to flip banks!
If the next batch of cans is next in line, instead of an air grill, you can use the usual “sheepskin coat” by wrapping the cans.



Since the boiling point of water in an air grill is 140 degrees, the sterilization temperature must be at least 150 degrees Celsius.

To increase heat transfer, you can start the program from 260 degrees, but in this case, before installing the cans in the air grill, you must first remove the rubber gaskets from the lids.
You can do it differently: get the so-called "auxiliary covers", freeing several covers from the rubber gaskets. You will use these "auxiliary covers" at temperatures above 150 degrees, at the last moment replacing the "auxiliary covers" with the main ones.


Sterilization begins from the moment when bubbles appear in the jars. The usual sterilization time is 15 minutes, if an enlarger ring is installed - 20 minutes.


1. Pour the berries with sugar and leave them for 6 hours so that the juice stands out and the sugar dissolves.
2. Arrange the berry-sugar mixture among the jars, having previously removed the rubber gaskets of the lids.
3. Cover jars with lids.
4. Set the parameters: time 15 minutes (or 20 minutes if an enlarger ring is used), temperature - 260 degrees, speed - HIGH.
5. Reduce the temperature to 120 degrees, hold for another 5 minutes (at the same speed) so that the jam does not “run away”.
6. Take out the cans and roll up.
7. Put the jars to cool in an air grill or traditionally, wrapped in something warm.


1. Sterilize empty jars with lids (time 6 minutes, temperature - 180 degrees, speed - HIGH).
2. Rinse the berries thoroughly, let the water drain.
3. Scatter the berries over the jars and cover them with lids, after removing the rubber gaskets.
4. Set the temperature to 260 degrees, the speed is HIGH, the time is for example 20 minutes.
5. When the berries settle and give juice, open the lids and add another portion of berries, and so on until the jar is filled with berries covered with juice.
6. Remove the cans, insert the gum into place and roll up.


Important rule: in order for moist air to come out of the air grill, you must insert a skewer between the lid and the body.
Speed: greens - LOW, carrots, beets - MEDIUM, apples, mushrooms - HIGH.
The temperature at which products retain their color is 120 degrees.
Time: greens - 10 minutes, beets, carrots (on a coarse grater) -15 minutes, apples - 30 minutes, mushrooms - 1.5 hours.
P.S. Berries, carrots, beets are more convenient to dry on a steamer, mushrooms, leafy greens, apples - right on the grates.


2 kilograms of peeled tomatoes, 2 kilograms of pepper, 1 kilogram of onions, 1 kilogram of carrots, half a liter of vegetable oil, salt, sugar to taste.
squeeze juice from tomatoes. Cut vegetables nicely.
Preparation: put everything in clean jars, pour oil, juice and cook in an air grill for 30 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. The speed is HIGH.


Products: cucumbers, dill with seeds, horseradish root, garlic, bay leaf, black pepper, etc.
For the marinade: for 1 liter of water - 2 tablespoons of salt, 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar, 9.5 teaspoons of 9% vinegar.
Preparation: lay the cucumbers in a bucket for 6-8 hours. Prepare the marinade by boiling the ingredients.
Preparation: put spices, cucumbers in jars, pour hot marinade and sterilize for 10 minutes in an air grill at a temperature of 260 degrees. The speed is HIGH. Before seaming, add vinegar to each jar. Then roll up.


Products: mushrooms, onions, carrots, vegetable oil, salt.
Preparation: bring the mushrooms to a boil, rinse with running water and pass through a meat grinder along with onions and carrots.
Preparation: place everything in a large ceramic pot and simmer in an air grill for about 40-50 minutes until the liquid evaporates; the first 20 minutes - at maximum temperature and speed, then reduce the temperature to 180 degrees. Speed ​​is AVERAGE. At the end of the program, remove the pot from the air grill, add salt and vegetable oil to taste and arrange in jars. Cover the jars with metal lids and put in the convection oven for 20-30 minutes. Temperature 150 degrees. Speed ​​is AVERAGE. Then get the cans and immediately roll up.


Products: eggplants, bell peppers, onions, carrots, tomatoes, vegetable oil, salt.
Preparation: chop the onion, grate the carrots. Cut eggplant and pepper into cubes. You can leave the skin on young eggplants. Saute onions and carrots, add eggplant, pepper, mix everything, salt and put in a large ceramic pot.
Preparation: put the pot in the convection oven until the liquid has evaporated, as in the previous recipe. Then take out the pot, add chopped ripe tomatoes and put in the air grill for another 10-15 minutes. Then take the pot out of the air grill and spread the caviar in glass jars. Having covered the jars with metal lids, put them in the air grill for sterilization for 20 minutes, the speed is HIGH. Get the cans and immediately roll up.
IDEAS: You can use zucchini instead of eggplant.


Products: cucumbers, strong tomatoes, onions, Bulgarian red and green peppers, garlic, zucchini.
Marinade: for 1.5 liters of water - 2 tablespoons of salt, 2-3 tablespoons of sugar, peppercorns, cloves,
cinnamon, bay leaf, dill seed or finely chopped dill.
Preparation: cut cucumbers and zucchini into slices, onion into half rings, tomatoes into circles, pepper into strips. In liter or 0.8-liter jars, layer cucumbers, onions, tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, garlic, and so on in the same order. Bring the marinade to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes.
Preparation: pour jars with boiling marinade, cover with lids. Sterilize for 15-20 minutes at 205 degrees, HIGH speed. Roll up right away.


Products: for 1 kilogram of boiled beets - 250 grams of black currant.
For pouring: 1 liter of water, at the tip of a spoonful of table vinegar, 60-80 grams of sugar, 30 grams of salt, 8 cloves, allspice peas.
Preparation: boil young beets for 40 minutes, peel, cut into cubes. Wash the currants, let the water drain. Prepare marinade.
Preparation: put currants with beets in jars, pour hot marinade over them. Sterilize for 10 minutes at maximum temperature and speed.
IDEAS: in the same way, you can pickle beets with plums (we free the berries from the stones and pre-blanch for 3 minutes).


Products: 10 kilograms of cucumbers, 2.5 kilograms of red currants, 300 grams of dill, 1-2 heads of garlic.
Brine: for 10 liters of water - 200-250 grams of salt.
Preparation: prepare the brine. Rinse the cucumbers, put them tightly in jars, cover with berries, pour hot brine. Cover with lids.
Cooking: Sterilize in an air grill for 15 minutes at a temperature of 150 degrees. The speed is HIGH. Banks roll up.


Products: medium-sized tomatoes, 2 onions per 1 jar.
Marinade: for 1 liter of water: 1 tablespoon of salt (a little with a slide), 5 tablespoons of granulated sugar, bay leaf, 5-6 black peppercorns, 6-7 tablespoons of 9% vinegar.
Preparation: Wash the tomatoes, cut in half lengthwise. Onion cut into rings. Prepare the marinade by boiling all the ingredients and only last adding the vinegar.
Preparation: put onions on the bottom of each jar, put tomatoes on top. Pour tomatoes with hot marinade and sterilize for 10 minutes in an air grill at a temperature of 180 degrees. The speed is HIGH. Roll up right away.


Products for a three-liter jar: 1 bell pepper, 1 hot pepper, 3 cloves of garlic, 2 bay leaves, 5 currant leaves, 4 cherry leaves, 4 black peppercorns, 1 horseradish leaf, dill, 1 tablespoon each of salt and sugar, 1 grape leaf, tomatoes.
Preparation: put tomatoes, grapes, spices and all components in jars, pour boiling water, cover with lids.
Preparation: Sterilize the jars in the air fryer by setting the enlarger ring for 20 minutes at maximum temperature and speed.


Products: small dark tomatoes.
For 1 liter of dry red wine: 200 grams of honey, 30 grams of salt.
Preparation: wash the tomatoes, chop with a fork from the side of the stalk, put in prepared jars, pour boiling marinade.
Cooking: Sterilize in an air grill for 15 minutes at 150 degrees. The speed is HIGH (based on liter cans).


Products: tomatoes, onions.
For the marinade: 1 liter of water, 3 tablespoons of vinegar, 1 tablespoon of salt, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 8-10 allspice peas, 1 cloves, 2 tablespoons of gelatin.
Preparation: cut the tomatoes into thick circles, onions into rings. Pack tightly into jars. Soak gelatin in cold water for an hour. Boil the marinade, then add gelatin, bring to a boil, but do not boil.
Preparation: pour tomatoes with hot marinade, cover with lids and sterilize according to the usual program.
IDEAS: Plums can be prepared in the same way, just put less salt (2 teaspoons) and more sugar (100 grams).


Products: 1 kilogram of tomatoes, 200 grams of walnuts.
Syrup: 200 grams of water, 1 kilogram of granulated sugar, 5 grams of citric acid.
Preparation: prepare the syrup. Wash small tomatoes, cut large ones into slices.
Preparation: Arrange the tomatoes in prepared 1-liter jars and place in the convection oven. Sterilize for the first 20 minutes at maximum temperature and speed, then lower the temperature to 150 degrees and hold for another 20 minutes. At the end of the program, add nuts, gently mix with a spoon. Roll up.


Products: gooseberry.
For marinade: per liter of water - half a kilo of granulated sugar, 3-4 peppercorns, 4 cloves, 1 bay leaf, half a glass of 5% vinegar, you can add a little cinnamon.
Preparation: chop large gooseberries in several places with a pointed match, spread liter jars on the floor.
Prepare marinade: Bring all ingredients except vinegar to a boil. Cool and add vinegar.
Preparation: Pour jars with cold marinade. Cover with lids. Put in air fryer. Sterilize half a liter jars of gooseberries for 10 minutes at maximum temperature and speed and then another 15 minutes, lowering the temperature to 120 degrees.
IDEAS: black and red currants can be pickled in the same way. Pickled berries are good in salads and as a side dish for meat dishes.


Products: 5 cups of not quite ripe gooseberries, 200 grams of cherry leaves, 7 cups of granulated sugar, 2 cups of water.
Preparation: Gooseberries are de-seeded.
Boil water with cherry leaves and pour gooseberries with it. Let cool and refrigerate for 12 hours. After 12 hours, drain the resulting juice, folding the berries and leaves separately, add sugar and bring to a boil.
Preparation: pour the juice into jars, cover with lids without rubber gaskets and sterilize in an air grill for 15 minutes at maximum temperature and speed.
After 15 minutes, put the berries without leaves into the resulting syrup and boil for another 15 minutes until the berries become transparent green. 2-3 minutes before the end of cooking, add a dozen washed cherry leaves to the jam. Let it boil again. Emerald jam is ready. Roll up the banks.


Products: ripe strong plums.
Preparation: Rinse the plums well, free from the stalks, put in liter jars.
Preparation: tightly close the jars with lids, sterilize for 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 260 degrees, HIGH speed.
IDEAS: In the same way, you can make compote from plums cut in half. After removing the bones, fold the halves cut side down and press down a little with your hand.


Products: currants, based on 1 liter jar - 5-6 teaspoons of sugar.
Preparation: wash the berries, dry. Arrange in clean jars up to the shoulders, lightly sprinkle with sand.
Preparation: cover the jars with lids and sterilize in an air grill for 25-30 minutes at a temperature of 235 degrees. The speed is HIGH.
IDEAS: in the same way, lingonberries and chokeberries can be simmered in an air grill.


Products: 3 kilograms of peaches, 1 liter of water, 750 grams of sugar, 250 grams of honey, rum.
Preparation: Rinse strong peaches, blanched, peel, pit, put in prepared jars. Boil water, sugar, honey.
Preparation: Pour peaches with hot syrup, pour a little rum or vodka into each jar, close the jars tightly and sterilize for 15 minutes. 205 degrees. The speed is HIGH.

* Zucchini JAM

Products: for 1 kilogram of prepared zucchini: 1 kilogram of granulated sugar, 1 lemon.
Preparation: peel the zucchini, free from seeds, grate on a coarse grater. Scald the lemon with boiling water and grate on a medium grater along with the zest. Mix lemon and zucchini, cover with sugar, mix everything and let stand for 30 minutes.
Cooking: put the mixture in the air grill, bring to a boil and, lowering the temperature to 205 degrees, cook for another 10-15 minutes. The speed is HIGH.
IDEAS: you can not grate the zucchini, but cut it into curly plates 1-1.5 centimeters in size. You will get a surprisingly beautiful jam that can be used to decorate pastries and cakes.


Products: 2 kilograms of zucchini, 1 kilogram of cherries.
For syrup: 2 kilograms of sugar, 2 cups of water.
Preparation: finely chop the zucchini. Wash cherries. Boil syrup.
Preparation: Arrange the zucchini with cherries in liter jars, pour over hot syrup. Close with lids. Sterilize for 10-15 minutes at maximum temperature and speed. When bubbles appear, lower the temperature to 150 degrees and hold for another 20 minutes. Roll up.


Products: per 1 kilogram of apricots: 100 grams of peeled walnuts, 750 grams of sugar.
Preparation: wash the apricots thoroughly, let the water drain. Put the nuts and apricots in a bowl, cover with sugar and let it brew for 6 hours.
Preparation: Arrange in jars and sterilize in an air grill for 15 minutes at maximum temperature and speed. After 15 minutes, lower the temperature to 120 degrees and sterilize for another 20 minutes.


Products: 1 kilogram of quince, 1 kilogram of granulated sugar.
Preparation: wash the fruits, cut out the core, cut into pieces of 1.5-2 centimeters. Dissolve granulated sugar in a small amount of water, boil.
Preparation: pour hot syrup equally into jars, spread quince. Close the jars with a mesh steamer and cook on the middle grill of the air grill for 20 minutes at a temperature of 150 degrees. The speed is HIGH. Then cover the jars with lids without rubber bands and cook for another 30 minutes at a temperature of 205-235 degrees. Speed ​​is AVERAGE. After 5-10 minutes, when the air grill turns off, take out the jars, roll them up and put them back into the turned off air grill until cool.


Products: raspberries, sugar.
Preparation: Rinse and dry the raspberries. Cook syrup at the rate of 750 grams of sugar per liter of boiling water.
Preparation: while the syrup is cooking, sterilize the jars. For liter or 800-gram ones with screw caps, 15 minutes at a temperature of 150 degrees is enough. The speed is HIGH. Without removing the jars from the air grill, fill them with berries and pour over hot syrup. Cook the jam for 25 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. The speed is HIGH. Roll up the banks.
IMPORTANT: since jam is not required to be stirred during cooking, as was the case with the traditional harvesting method, jam is obtained with whole berries, which is why its quality and taste are incomparably higher.
And the jam is very beautiful!


Products: for 1 kilogram of apples: 800 grams of sugar
Preparation: wash the apples, peel them, pass through a meat grinder, add sugar.
Cooking: spread the mass into jars and sweat in an air grill for the first 15 minutes at a temperature of 235 degrees. The speed is HIGH. Then lower the temperature to 150 degrees and hold the jars for another 20-30 minutes. Speed ​​is AVERAGE.


Products: per kilogram of berries: 800 grams of sugar and a liter of water.
Preparation: wash the berries, dry. Boil the syrup and boil the berries in it for 10 minutes.
Preparation: remove the strawberries from the jam, arrange on the grates and dry for 15 minutes at a temperature of 65 degrees. Speed ​​is AVERAGE. If the berries are very large - the speed is HIGH. Arrange the finished strawberries in sterilized jars.


Products: apples, pears.
Preparation: wash apples and pears thoroughly, cut out the core. Cut into thin slices. Arrange fruit on 3 racks.
Preparation: dry fruits for 30 minutes at a temperature of 120 degrees, the speed is AVERAGE. The airfryer lid should be slightly ajar.

Air fryer jam recipe step by step with photo.
  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Dish type: Jam
  • Recipe Difficulty: Very simple recipe
  • Preparation time: 19 minutes
  • Time for preparing: 20 minutes
  • Servings: 15 servings
  • Amount of calories: 397 kilocalories

Very fast and not at the expense of quality, try it!

Ease of preparation

A very simple recipe for making jam in an air fryer.

Ingredients for 15 servings

  • Berries (or fruits) 2 kg
  • Sugar 1 kg

step by step

  1. I cook jam in the air grill in two ways - with and without sugar. The first option is suitable as delicious dessert. The second option is suitable for those who adhere to a low-calorie diet, but are not averse to pampering themselves with a treat.
  2. Berries or fruits for such a jam, you can use whatever you like. My favorite is raspberry, banana or strawberry jam made without sugar.
  3. Ready jam is closed in jars for storage.
  4. So here's the first recipe. Air fryer jam without sugar.
  5. Carefully washed berries or sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfruits are laid out in pre-sterilized jars. We cover the jars with lids, removing the rubber rings from them.
  6. Cook berries or fruits in jars for about 20 minutes at a temperature of 260 degrees.
  7. When fruits or berries decrease in size, you need to open the jars and add the next portion.
  8. We repeat this procedure until the jars are completely filled with jam.
  9. At the end, the jars are taken out, elastic bands are inserted into the lids and the jars are closed.
  10. Recipe two.
  11. Sort and wash the berries, and wash the fruits and cut into pieces. Fall asleep with sugar, leave the mixture for six hours.
  12. The resulting mixture, as in the first recipe, spread out in jars and cover with lids.
  13. Cook jam for 15 minutes at a temperature of 260 degrees. Then reduce the temperature to 120 and cook for another five minutes.
  14. We close the finished jam with lids.

Many have already heard about the incredible abilities of the air grill to cook all kinds of dishes without the direct participation of a person, and the ability to replace almost all kitchen utensils. This is of particular interest due to the ability of this technique to save all useful material products processed in this convection oven. Therefore, the best use of it will be the preparation of products for the winter, namely the preparation of jam. As it turned out, it was easy, fast and very convenient, because the air grill allows you to sterilize cans.

Jam without sugar

Before preparing a wonderful jam, which is so pleasant and healthy to enjoy in the snowy winter, empty jars, along with lids, must be sterilized in an air grill for 6 minutes at a temperature of 180ºC with a high blowing speed. Rubber gaskets should be prudently removed from the covers.

After thoroughly washing the berries, they must be laid out in jars and covered with lids. The jars are placed in an air grill where they are cooked for approximately 20 minutes at a temperature of 260ºC and a high fan speed. When the berries begin to settle and release the juice, their lids should be slightly opened and another serving of berries should be added. Repeat this procedure until the jars are filled with berries covered with juice. Having taken out full cans, they need to be rolled up, not forgetting to return the rubber gaskets to the lids. Your wonderful jam is ready!

Jam with sugar

This recipe will delight cold winter all sweet tooth. To prepare jam with sugar, berries should first be sprinkled with sugar and left for 5-6 hours until the sugar is completely dissolved.

In the jars sterilized according to the above technology, the resulting berry-sugar mixture should be decomposed, not forgetting, as in the previous recipe, to remove the rubber gaskets. After covering the jars with lids, they need to be put in a convection oven and cook the jam with the following parameters: 15 minutes at a temperature of 260ºC, as well as a high blowing speed. After the time has elapsed, reduce the temperature to 120ºC and cook for another 5 minutes at the same fan speed. Having taken out the jars of jam, you should return the rubber gaskets to their place, and, having covered the lid, roll up the jars. Jam for cooling can be put both in an air grill, and traditionally, wrapped in something warm.

Making jam in such a wonderful kitchen technique as an air grill turned out to be a lot of advantages over traditional way making jam:

  • Firstly, no basins on the stove - everything is cooked right in the jar installed in the air grill.
  • Secondly, the jar in the air grill heats up evenly from all sides, which means that you do not need to stand at the stove all the time and constantly stir the jam.
  • Moreover, the berries are not injured, they remain intact, which means that the jam turns out to be unusual and surprisingly beautiful.
  • Jam prepared without sugar, taking into account the preservation of all the vitamins and minerals of the berries, will become even more useful and necessary for maintaining your own immunity, a delicacy that will delight you on quiet winter evenings.

Bon appetit and new amazing discoveries with convection air grill oven!