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Kissel from bananas with starch recipe. Banana cough jelly recipe

Any cough goes away in a couple of days. Checked! This is a great cough remedy, it even cures bronchitis! Especially helps small children, and adults too. You need to take half a cup of the drink every 2 hours, drink it warm, for a few days and everything will be in order. No need for expensive drugs! Try it and share with your friends. And so, banana cough jelly recipe below.


  • Bananas - 3 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 300 g;
  • Water - 2 glasses.


  • To prepare this unique miracle remedy, you need to purchase ripe bananas. By the way, in no case do not use unripe or overripe bananas.
  • Bananas are peeled and mashed into a puree. The banana is a very soft fruit. Therefore, even with a regular fork, you will quickly make banana puree.
  • Then pour water into a saucepan and put on fire.
  • Once the water boils, add the sugar and stir. We turn off the gas.
  • Banana puree is best transferred to a jar.
  • Pour bananas with sweet boiled water, and close the lid.
  • We leave for 1 hour.
  • The resulting mixture is filtered through a sieve.
  • You need to drink the resulting drink every hour for 100 grams.
  • And most importantly - take banana cough jelly only warm.

Be healthy!

PS. When straining, do not take a metal sieve, otherwise your jelly will darken.

Bon appetit and good health!

Sometimes such a hassle! I don’t want to overdo it with pharmaceutical preparations: an impressive list of contraindications in the instructions, to put it mildly, is alarming. Salvation is always found traditional medicine and natural products such as bananas.

Do not be surprised: these fruits contain the necessary vitamins for general strengthening of the body, help eliminate sore throats, soothe dry coughs and help to eliminate sputum.

These properties are homemade cough syrup banana based. It's very easy to make and a real pleasure to take!

How to make banana jelly


  • 3 bananas
  • 300 g sugar
  • 2 stack purified water


Take a plastic or wooden fork and mash ripe bananas, put it in glass jar. Bring the water to a boil and dissolve the sugar in it, then turn off the heat and let cool slightly. Mix the syrup with the banana puree, cover and let steep for an hour, then strain through a non-metallic sieve. The syrup is ready!

Take a cough remedy should be warmed every hour during the day, 100 ml. Banana jelly will help in less than a week! Its effectiveness has been proven by many mothers whose children begin to cough with the onset of the first cold weather.

Folk remedies often become a real salvation for a debilitating cough. Therefore, the banana jelly recipe should be bookmarked!

Sometimes such a hassle! I don’t want to overdo it with pharmaceutical preparations: an impressive list of contraindications in the instructions, to put it mildly, is alarming. Salvation is always found traditional medicine and natural foods such as bananas.

Do not be surprised: these fruits contain the necessary vitamins for, help eliminate sore throat, soothe a dry cough and help to eliminate sputum.

These properties are homemade cough syrup banana based. It's very easy to make and a real pleasure to take!

How to make banana jelly


  • 3 bananas
  • 300 g sugar
  • 2 stack purified water


Take a plastic or wooden fork and mash ripe bananas, put it in a glass jar. Bring the water to a boil and dissolve the sugar in it, then turn off the heat and let cool slightly. Mix the syrup with the banana puree, cover and let steep for an hour, then strain through a non-metallic sieve. The syrup is ready!

Take a cough remedy should be warmed every hour during the day, 100 ml. Banana jelly will help in less than a week! Its effectiveness has been proven by many mothers whose children begin to cough with the onset of the first cold weather.

Folk remedies often become a real salvation for a debilitating cough. Therefore, the banana jelly recipe should be bookmarked!

Bananas as cough medicine for children

Bananas can be used to treat coughs in children. A regular banana can help eliminate coughs and even help fight bronchitis effectively. On top of that, you can solve a difficult dilemma - it is very difficult to force a child to take an unpleasant, tasteless medicine, but potions and pills will replace delicious banana. With the use of additives such as honey, sugar, or other pleasant ingredients, treating coughs in children with bananas will not be such a hassle.

Bananas practically do not cause allergies and are very useful for our body. They do a good job with sore throats, and also help with dry or wet coughs. This overseas fruit has an enveloping effect, has a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane and significantly reduces irritation. Vitamin C, which is found in abundance in bananas, strengthens the immune system, improves body tone and promotes rapid recovery.

Ways to Eat Bananas to...

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Cough banana: recipe for a child, composition, benefits

Many food products familiar to us have not only original palatability but also with undeniable health benefits.

For colds accompanied by a cough, you can use a cough banana, a recipe for a child that has an effective effect. Such banana therapy has the necessary therapeutic effect, and if you add honey, sugar, milk, decoctions of medicinal herbs, you will get a useful remedy with a wide spectrum of action.

According to its composition, a banana is a storehouse of vitamins, microelements, natural amino acids. The product contains many groups of vitamins, organic acids, enzymes, fiber, which makes it a source of energy for the body. And energy is needed by the body, weakened by the disease, in order to quickly cope with the disease. Ripe fruit helps to relieve a sore throat, even if you eat it normally.

The product contains one very...

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Banana jelly for cough

Undoubtedly, this recipe is not traditional folk remedy From cough.

But, nevertheless, it is very effective and perfectly helps in the treatment of respiratory diseases.

It relieves cough, removes phlegm from the bronchi.

It can even be given to small children!


1 banana (large, ripe), 1 glass of sugar, 200 ml of water (boiling water).

How to cook

Healthy drink is ready!

It is necessary to take half a cup of the drink every 2 hours, drink warm.

Attention! This drink cannot replace other treatments for coughs and other respiratory conditions. He...

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Proven folk remedies - irreplaceable home help when ailments appear. For example, the well-known and beloved banana is used as a cure for colds, and especially for coughs. Even a child can easily prepare a banana "medicine".

What is useful for coughing

The pulp of bananas is rightfully considered a real storehouse of nutrients. It contains protein, fiber, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium, vital for the body, a large number of vitamins of groups B, A, C, E, PP, organic acids and other biologically active microelements.

With such useful composition, bananas help improve immunity, and therefore stop the penetration and reproduction of viral infections in the respiratory tract.

The healing effect of bananas is due primarily ...

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I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to you, wonderful recipe!!! The other day the cough was cured. It's still hard to believe that such a simple recipe helped my kids. The eldest son started coughing again, and the youngest, after I gave him Travisil syrup, had a “hair” for pneumonia (it’s a shame that this Travisil costs 200 rubles, but zero sense, as if it didn’t treat cough only progressed, so I had to lie down in the hospital). In general, the younger one naturally had a cough that did not completely go away after the hospital. I did not believe that a steamed banana would help, but I was impressed by the comments. The result exceeded all my expectations, after TWO doses, neither the elder nor the younger has a cough. Forgive me for being so wordy, it just hurts ......... it’s hard for me to forget the first night in the hospital, when I was afraid to fall asleep, the child has shortness of breath (the doctor recorded at least 60 breaths per minute) mixed with a cough .... ...... not counting what I had to endure in the future. Huge and heartfelt...

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Delicious therapy: we treat a cough with bananas!

Bananas have taken the leading place on the shelves of our fruit shops. It is much more convenient to give a banana to a child for a snack at school than an apple - you do not need to wash it - and even if the baby gets hungry on the street, it is more convenient to buy it.

This tropical fruit contains useful material: vitamins B - almost the entire group, A, C, trace elements - magnesium, phosphorus, and most importantly - potassium, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the heart.

Thanks to its enveloping properties, traditional healers even use a cough banana not only to treat children, but also in therapy for adults - who refuses a delicious medicine.

Banana Cough Recipes

The easiest way to cough up a cocktail: a ripe banana is mashed, poured with half a glass of hot water, and heated to a boil, stirring constantly. As soon as bubbles appear in the banana pan, remove the liquid from the heat. Children are given warm. The course of treatment is 5 days.

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1 banana (large, ripe)
- 1 cup of sugar


Useful jelly is ready! You need to take half a cup of the drink every 2 hours, drink it warm, for a few days and everything will be in order. No need for expensive drugs!

Banana jelly for cough -...

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banana for cough

Cough bananas for children

A regular banana will help eliminate coughing, it is effective even with bronchitis. Giving bad-tasting medicine to a child is always a problem. But instead of all kinds of pills and potions, you can use a delicious banana, and if you add honey, sugar and other useful pleasant ingredients to it, then the treatment will not cause any trouble to parents.

Bananas rarely cause allergies and are good for the body. They are good for sore throat, dry or wet cough. The fruit envelops the mucous membrane and reduces irritation. Vitamin C contained in bananas strengthens the immune system and promotes recovery.

banana cough recipes

Proportions: 2 ripe bananas are taken for 1 glass of water.

The pulp of the fruit should be thoroughly mashed to a homogeneous gruel, then you can pass it through a sieve. Next, in the pan, the resulting mass must be poured hot water and bring to a boil. A well-mixed decoction is given to a child to drink hot.

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Not a traditional Russian, but this is a great cough remedy, it even cures bronchitis! Especially helps small children, and adults too.


1 banana (large, ripe)

1 cup of sugar

200 ml water (boiling water)


Peel the banana, mash with a fork (preferably a wooden crusher) in mashed potatoes, mix with sugar. Pour boiling water, mix well, close the lid and let it brew for 30 minutes.

Strain the jelly mass through a sieve (optional), heat and drink warm. The sieve should not be iron, otherwise the mass will darken.

Useful jelly is ready! You need to take half a cup of the drink every 2 hours, drink it warm, for a few days and everything will be in order. No need for expensive...

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Considering the current prices for medicines and the quality of these same medicines, I propose to pay attention to folk recipes. Although summer is coming soon, rainy weather can cause a cold. Because cough medicine can be very useful.

It is not difficult to prepare such a medicine - the ingredients are likely to be found in your refrigerator. Bookmark the recipe so you don't lose it.

Ingredients for Banana Cough Recipe

Cooking Banana jelly for cough

Boil water for banana cough jelly

Pour water into a kettle and boil.

Mix the ingredients

Mash bananas with a fork, mix with sugar and pour boiling water over. Let the mixture sit for 30 minutes.

Prepare banana jelly for coughing

Strain the mixture through a sieve (only not an iron one, otherwise the mass will darken), heat it up and drink warm half a cup every 2 hours.

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It turns out that bananas not only taste good, they are also very useful for treating coughs. If you have already tried many remedies and found that they do not help, we advise you to use the recipes that we have presented below. What is the secret of this treatment? The fruit envelops the mucous membranes and thus prevents them from drying out. We want to warn you right away that with infectious diseases, a banana only reduces pain, but it does not cure. It is recommended to use in the treatment of colds.

Natural medicine in the form of a banana will appeal to absolutely everyone, both adults and children. Benefits of banana treatment: Eliminates pain and discomfort in the throat Enriches the entire body with many nutrients and vitamins Improves immunity, has a positive effect on the intestines Natural medicine has a pleasant taste

Cough bananas: simple and effective recipes There are several recipes for using this magical fruit, we will talk about them directly ...

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Winter brings with it not only the joy of the first snow, New Year and waiting for gifts from Santa Claus. Along with it comes a full set of colds with runny noses, coughs and malaise. Such diseases are especially unpleasant for young children who really do not like to take medicine. But nature took care of us and created a tasty and healthy medicine. You can cook it from an ordinary banana in just 5 minutes. We prepare the recipe and enjoy banana jelly.

Recipe "Exotic banana jelly":

1. Wash and peel the banana.

2. Mash the pulp in homogeneous mass using a wooden pestle to make mashed potatoes.

3. Mix the banana mass with sugar.

4. Pour puree with boiling water, cover tightly.

5. Leave to infuse for at least half an hour.

6. If the child does not like inclusions and particles, the resulting jelly must be filtered through a hair sieve.

7. They drink the finished drink ...

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Banana jelly turns out to be very tasty, satisfying and nutritious and can easily replace a full meal, in addition, it is an excellent cough remedy and, thanks to its enveloping properties, has a beneficial effect on the stomach. This jelly, along with its usefulness and satiety, is easy to prepare.

Traditionally, jelly is prepared with the addition of potato or cornstarch, banana jelly is prepared without starch.

How to cook medicinal banana jelly.

In order to prepare a medicinal banana jelly, it is necessary to prepare from one large and ripe banana puree in a blender, or you can just mash it with a fork. Then mix the puree with a tablespoon of cane sugar, pour one glass of boiling water, mix and let it brew for 30 - 40 minutes. In order to get rid of a cough, banana jelly must be taken every 2 hours for several days, 100 ml each. in a warm state. This effective and tasty way...

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Of course, this recipe is not a traditional folk remedy for coughing. But, nevertheless, it is very effective and perfectly helps in the treatment of respiratory diseases. It relieves cough, removes phlegm from the bronchi. It can even be given to small children!

+ 1 banana (large, ripe),
+ 1 glass of sugar
+ 200 ml of water (cool boiling water).

How to cook
1. Peel the banana, mash with a fork (preferably a wooden crusher) in puree, mix with sugar.
2. Pour boiling water, mix well, close the lid and let it brew for 30 minutes.
3. Strain the jelly mass through a sieve (optional), warm it up and drink it warm. The sieve should not be steel, otherwise the mass will darken.

healthy drink ready! It is necessary to take half a cup of the drink every 2 hours, drink warm.

Attention! This drink cannot replace other treatments for coughs and other respiratory conditions. It is intended for complex therapy in combination with other...

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