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Kiwi tincture recipe. Unusual kiwi tincture on vodka Kiwi tincture on alcohol

Many mistakenly assume that kiwi can only be used for food: for baking as a filling, as an ingredient for fruit salad and similar things. However, on this beneficial features and the uses for this fruit are endless. This article will tell you how to make various alcoholic drinks from kiwi, which will have a refreshing taste with pleasant hints of a tropical fruit.

It is worth mentioning separately that kiwi contains a large number of vitamins that do not deteriorate and are preserved when creating a tincture. Therefore, the prepared tincture will be not only a pleasant alcoholic drink to cheer up, but also useful for you.

The classic recipe for kiwi tincture on vodka

This option is the simplest and most commonly used. Thanks to this tincture, you can get a great fresh fruity taste that will complement a strong drink. For cooking you will need:

  • 4-5 kiwi fruits (if they are large, then four is enough),
  • 0.5 liters of vodka.

Vodka must be of good quality, so go to the store and choose a well-known brand that is not in doubt.

Cooking process:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to peel the kiwi fruits and cut them. The shape of the cut in this case does not matter.
  2. Next, fold the resulting slices into liter jar. If desired, you can use a jug or other glass container. Pour the contents of the purchased vodka and mix gently with a spoon.
  3. The container must be tightly closed and placed in a warm and dark place.
  4. The liquid should be infused for 3 weeks. Then you can strain it and pour it into containers.
  5. Drink can be served in any way. Usually liquor glasses are used for this.

This recipe is quite versatile and can be used to cook various options vodka tinctures. You can top it with orange zest or cinnamon for a more spicy and sophisticated flavor.

Moonshine on kiwi

Each kiwi contains 10 percent sugar. Thus, fruits can be used as a raw material for mash, which is further distilled into moonshine. The main disadvantage is considered to be a small yield from the fruit. Although kiwifruit can be used for cooking, which have already begun to deteriorate, after cutting these places from the fruit.

To make moonshine you will need:

  • 5 kilograms of kiwi fruits,
  • 5 liters of water
  • Sugar - 1 kg,
  • 5 grams wine yeast(based on 1 gram per liter of raw materials).

The process of making a drink is as follows:

  1. Peel the cooked fruit from the peel. If you are using overripe or spoiled fruits, cut off all the additional places. The pulp must be crushed until smooth. It is recommended to do this carefully in order to preserve the bones in the fruit.
  2. The resulting mass is placed in a fermentation tank. Sugar is poured on top and water and sourdough are poured. It is worth remembering that the container is filled no more than 3/4, so that there is room for foam to form.
  3. A hydrosizer is placed on top of the container and sent to a warm and dark place. Further, the raw material must ferment until a precipitate appears. Readiness can be judged if the liquid has taken on a light color, and gases have ceased to be produced. The process itself can take 1.5-2 months.
  4. The finished mash must be drained and filtered with gauze. Distill and when the strength drops below 20 percent, it is worth finishing the collection.
  5. In the resulting product, it is necessary to determine the degree and amount of alcohol. After that, dilute its distillate with water so that the number of degrees becomes 20, and re-distill. During the second stage, it is necessary to break it into fractions. First of all, the head is removed, the volume of which is about 11-13% of the total. Next, the body is drained until the fortress drops to 45 degrees. Tails are sent to a separate container.
  6. The resulting moonshine must be diluted with water until the degree becomes 40. Now it can be poured into prepared containers and the tincture left for several days in a dark place at a temperature of about 10 degrees.
  7. You can serve the drink in the same way as vodka, use it the same way.

Kiwi tincture recipe for moonshine with strawberries

This recipe combines two fruits at once, so its taste will have hints of tropical kiwi and strawberry sweetness. There will be more vitamins in each glass, and the taste will turn out great.

For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  • 10 kiwi fruits, 400 grams of strawberries,
  • 1.5 liters of moonshine (40 degrees),
  • 150 gr. Sahara,
  • Zest from half a lemon.

The cooking process is as follows:

  1. Rinse the ingredients, peel and chop.
  2. The resulting mixture is placed in a glass container and the previously grated zest is added on top.
  3. Moonshine is poured on top and placed for 13-15 days in a dry place at room temperature.
  4. Filter the finished mixture with gauze and add sugar. After 2 days, syrup will be ready, which can be used to sweeten the drink.
  5. We leave to insist for another 30-35 days, after which we use finished product similar to vodka.

Kiwi tincture on alcohol with wine

A very original alcoholic drink that resembles a liqueur and has a creamy texture. Its taste will combine tropical notes with a pleasant aroma. Perfect for warming up on a winter evening in a pleasant company.

To prepare the tincture, you need the following ingredients:

  • 1.5 kg kiwi,
  • bottle of white wine,
  • 750 ml of alcohol (40 degrees) - can be replaced with vodka or moonshine,
  • 100 grams of sugar
  • A small stick of cinnamon
  • Zest from half a lemon.

Prepare the tincture as follows:

  1. The fruits are cut into pieces without peeling, and placed in a large glass jar (5 liters just right).
  2. Put the lemon zest, previously grated, into the container.
  3. Add grated cinnamon and pour alcohol. The resulting liquid must be infused for about 4 days.
  4. Next, filter the liquor and add wine and sugar to it.
  5. We put it in a cool place for 50-60 days, and then you can pour it into containers.
  6. Liquor glasses are used for drinking.

Kiwi (the second name is "Chinese gooseberry") combines the taste of strawberries, bananas, melons, apples, pineapples and cherries. The problem is that only fresh fruits have these advantages. To taste, kiwi tincture can be confused with lemon liqueur. Even the color of the finished drink will not be green, but yellowish. But the light sourness perfectly levels the burning taste of alcohol, as a result, even a strong version is drunk easily and pleasantly.

To prepare the tincture, ripe (possibly overripe) kiwis are required, the main thing is that the fruits are not rotten, and the pulp is black. The optimal alcohol base is vodka or diluted with water ethanol, well-cleaned moonshine (preferably double distillation) is also suitable.


  • vodka (moonshine, alcohol 40-45%) - 0.5 liters;
  • kiwi fruits - 4 pieces;
  • sugar (honey) - 50-200 grams (optional);
  • water - 50-100 ml (optional);
  • dried orange or lemon zest - 5 grams (optional).

I advise you to add sugar or honey after insisting. Water (added along with sugar as a syrup) is required only to reduce the strength. The zest gives the drink interesting notes of flavor, but only the top yellow (or red rind) without white pulp is suitable, otherwise bitterness will appear.

Kiwi tincture recipe

1. Wash and peel kiwi fruits.

Attention! Due to the high acidity, kiwi peel can burn the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and cause intestinal dysbacteriosis, therefore it is not recommended for use.

2. Cut the pulp into pieces and chop in a blender or an electric meat grinder.

3. Put the resulting mass together with the released juice into a container for infusion - glass jar or a bottle. Add zest (optional).

4. Pour in the alcohol base. Mix.

5. Close the container hermetically, transfer for 30 days to a dark place at room temperature. Shake every 3-4 days.

6. Finished homemade tincture filter from kiwi through cheesecloth, squeeze the cake well.

7. Taste it. If desired, add sugar (honey) or boil syrup: mix water and sugar in a saucepan, bring to a boil (in the case of honey, heat to 50-60 ° C), boil over low heat for 4-5 minutes, removing foam. Chill syrup before pouring room temperature.

8. Leave the tincture in a hermetically sealed glass container for 2-3 days to stabilize the taste. If turbidity or sediment appears, filter through a coffee filter or cotton wool.

Shelf life - up to 2 years. Fortress - 35-36 degrees (without water and sugar).

Kiwi liqueur differs little from other similar drinks. This viscous drink of emerald green color with a slight sourness looks like absinthe. Homemade alcohol should be clear, because the sediment indicates that it was poorly filtered and probably did not last the due date. Many compare it to sambuca and prefer to drink chilled from tall cocktail glasses.

How to make liqueur at home?

To make liquor at home you will need:

  • 1 kg kiwi;
  • 750 g of sugar;
  • 1 liter of vodka or diluted alcohol, homemade moonshine is also suitable. Ideally, for each unit of fruit should be 200 g of vodka;
  • 1 liter of water.

Tinctures are most often made only on the pulp of kiwi, but you can also use the peel, so first under the flow warm water you need to wash the fruit. The peel is infused separately, so the fruit should be peeled and cut. You can cut into thin circles, slices, straws or in any other way convenient for you. Some prefer to grind the fruit in a blender and insist on such a jam. All this is placed at the bottom of the jar and filled with vodka. A tightly closed jar should be shaken to mix the fruit and alcohol. The tincture is placed in a dark place for a period of 21 to 40 days. You can stick a label with the date on the jar so as not to forget or confuse. This is especially convenient if there are older or later cans nearby, as well as liqueurs according to other recipes.

Tinctures on the peel have a mild taste and a pale color, so at the stage of fermentation and adding syrup, the proportions can not be observed. If you use fruits ground in a blender, you will have to filter several times, since this jelly-like substance easily seeps through gauze or a sieve folded several times. However, if you use large chunks, then the taste and aroma will not be as saturated.

After the first stage of infusion at home has passed, the tincture must be filtered through cheesecloth. The resulting liquid should be transparent and without sediment, if some of the pulp still gets into the tincture, it should be cleaned again. In the future, "squeeze" is not required, so it can be thrown away.

Further brewed sugar syrup(from sugar and water in the previously indicated proportions) over low heat until thickened (about 10 minutes) and emerald vodka is added to the cooled syrup, mixed and bottled. In the syrup, which is prepared at home, you can add a cinnamon stick or vanilla. The bottled drink should be tightly closed with a wooden cork and infused for up to 2 months, after which it can be tasted and served.

Recipe for those who don't like to wait

For those who are eager to know the taste of a kiwi drink, you can use the "hot" recipe for making liquor at home. You will need a large clay pot for baking. This container is half filled with chopped fruit. For 200 g of fruit, about 2 tablespoons of sugar or honey will be required. And all this will need to be filled with vodka. Alcohol should reach almost to the edge of the dish. Put the pot closed with a lid for 6-8 hours in the oven, heated to 80 °. In order for the languor to take place better, sometimes it is not enough to cover the pot with a lid. The gap between the lid and the pot can be closed with any dough that is easily torn when ready. After "baking" the liqueur must be cooled to room temperature, and then still in the refrigerator. The taste will be different from the infused drink, but it also turns out to be very tasty and perfect for any feast.

Kiwi fruits are known to contain a lot of useful substances. From a botanical point of view, kiwi is not a fruit, but a berry. It is rich in trace elements, vitamins A, E and group B (pyridoxine, folic acid), and it contains even more vitamin C than oranges and lemons. But the most important property of kiwi is that its use helps to reduce blood cholesterol levels.

Ripe and overripe fruits are suitable for kiwi tincture at home. It is important that they are not rotten and spoiled. As an alcohol base, you can use vodka or high-quality moonshine (double purification). For a kiwi tincture recipe for cholesterol, medical alcohol diluted with purified water is suitable.

If you are afraid to prepare tinctures on moonshine, then it's time to debunk this stereotype. Gone are the days when it was required to get homemade alcohol. Now you can easily (we recommend choosing a device with a distillation column of the brand), which allows you to make the distillate as pure and of high quality as possible. In case of observing simple rules of distillation home-brew even store-bought vodka loses. The main thing to know is to try it once and then enjoy a variety of strong homemade drinks for many years to come. Still in doubt? Do not know, ? Check out the range on the websites of official manufacturers of household distillers. Only the manufacturer can guarantee 100% quality and service.

Recipe for tincture of kiwi on vodka (alcohol, moonshine)

Ingredients per liter of alcohol base:

  • kiwi - 2-3 pieces
  • honey - 50-100 grams (can be replaced with granulated sugar)
  • zest of half an orange or lemon - only the “colored” part (you can not add)

Preparing the tincture:

  1. Wash and peel the fruits, remove damaged areas (if any).
  2. Turn the pulp into a mushy mass in a blender or meat grinder.
  3. Transfer the resulting mass to a container for infusion, pour the alcohol base. Add citrus zest if desired. Close the container and shake.
  4. Remove the container in a dark room for a month, shake the container twice a week.
  5. After a month, strain the tincture through gauze, squeeze the pulp. If necessary, you can use a cotton-gauze or coffee filter.
  6. Estimate taste properties, add right amount honey (or sugar syrup)
  7. Let the drink “rest” for another two or three days in a cool place, after which you can start tasting.

The strength of kiwi tincture without the addition of sugar syrup will be approximately 35 degrees.

This tincture is stored for no more than two years.

Many people think that a fruit like kiwi can only be eaten. And few people thought about whether it is possible to make any drink from this fruit. In fact, even a novice winemaker at home is able to make an amazing liquor or wine. Kiwi tincture is wonderful and healthy drink, which can be prepared according to various recipes.

by the most simple recipe making tinctures is just this option. In this case, the fruit can be insisted on moonshine or good quality vodka.

For traditional recipe tinctures from kiwi need only the fruits themselves and vodka.

For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  1. Moonshine or vodka - 0.5 l.
  2. Kiwi - 4 - 5 pcs.

Vodka tincture is prepared simply:

  1. Peel the kiwi and finely chop.
  2. Put kiwi in the right container and pour alcohol.
  3. Stir, close the lid and put in a warm but dark place.
  4. Wait 3 weeks, strain.

Important. If you want to make the tincture sweet, you can add sugar syrup to it. It is poured in after complete infusion.

Kiwi tincture with orange

This recipe allows you to get more noble drink than the previous version. Tincture on kiwi and orange peels is a bit like moonshine, but it has a high content of nutrients.

The cooking process is identical. Just add the zest of one orange to the drink.

Kiwi liqueurs at home

The main disadvantage of kiwi is its soft flavor. To cope with this problem, you can use ingredients such as lime zest and a little cardamom.

Alcohol liqueur

This drink is made with alcohol, since it draws all the flavor and aroma components from the fruit pulp well.

You can make a delicious homemade liquor from kiwi and alcohol.

Required Ingredients:

  1. Kiwi - 7-8 pcs.
  2. Alcohol - 0.5 liters.
  3. Water for syrup - 300 ml.
  4. Sugar for syrup - 100 g.
  5. Lime - ½ part.
  6. Cardamom - a third of the box.

Cooking process:

  1. Kiwi is peeled and cut into thick circles.
  2. The green zest is removed from the lime and placed in a jar together with the kiwi.
  3. Add cardamom.
  4. Fill with alcohol, close and clean in a dark place.
  5. After 11 days, the tincture is filtered.
  6. Cooked syrup is added to the tincture to taste.
  7. Put the drink on re-settlement for 2 weeks.

Important. You can achieve an emerald, rather than a yellowish tint of liquor by adding to it food coloring Green colour.

After preparation, the tincture can be filtered again to achieve complete transparency. Adjust the strength of the liquor and the amount of sugar by trial method.

Liquor with white wine and alcohol

Lemon zest can be used to make liqueur.

This recipe also uses citrus fruits, only now you can get by with a more familiar lemon. Cinnamon acts as a flavoring, and white wine gives the drink velvety and elegance.


  1. Kiwi - 1.5 kg.
  2. Alcohol - 0.8 l.
  3. White wine - 1 bottle.
  4. Cinnamon - a 3 cm stick.
  5. Sugar - 100 g.
  6. Lemon - ½ part.

The process of making such a liqueur at home is simple:

  1. Cut the kiwi and put it together with the peel in the required container.
  2. Cut the zest from the lemon and remove the pulp without white films and send it to the jar.
  3. Add cinnamon and alcohol.
  4. Filter the drink after 4 days.
  5. Add wine and sugar.
  6. Put for 2 months in a cool place.

The aging time of the liquor is quite long. But this time is required for the drink so that all products can “make friends” in it, and the aroma and taste are fully revealed.

Moonshine or vodka on kiwi

For this recipe only good quality vodka or moonshine is used. The main addition of the drink will be strawberries, which go well with the sharp taste of kiwi.


  1. Kiwi - 10 pcs.
  2. Vodka - 1.5 liters.
  3. Strawberries - 400 g.
  4. Lemon zest ½.
  5. Sugar - 150 g.

Tasty and fragrant tincture is obtained from kiwi, strawberries and strong alcohol.

In this case, the cooking process is as follows:

  1. Peel and cut the kiwi.
  2. Wash and cut strawberries into 2 pieces.
  3. Add zest.
  4. Fill with vodka.
  5. Leave for 2 weeks.
  6. Filter.
  7. Pour the remaining pulp with sugar and leave for 2 days to obtain a syrup.
  8. Add syrup to drink (to taste).
  9. Remove to insist for a month.

Vodka on kiwi and apples

You can make tincture on kiwi and apples using the same technology. The only difference from strawberry tincture is that less sugar is required.


  1. Kiwi - 12 pcs.
  2. Vodka - 1.5 liters.
  3. Apples - 500 g.
  4. Lemon zest ½.
  5. Sugar - 100 g.

Apples are cut along with the peel, chopped kiwi, zest are added and poured with vodka. After 15 days, the drink is filtered and syrup is added to it from the indicated amount of sugar. It will be possible to drink the drink 3 weeks after adding the syrup.

Apples for kiwi tincture are cut into pieces along with the peel.

How to drink a drink

No matter how healthy and tasty a drink prepared using kiwi is, you need to know how to drink it correctly:

  1. Tinctures are recommended to be consumed in small quantities every evening. Therapeutic dose is 1 tbsp.
  2. Liqueurs can be consumed chilled from small glasses.
  3. You can use liqueur to make cocktails.

Beneficial features

It is important to know that kiwi contains many vitamins. All of them are perfectly preserved when combined with alcoholic products.

  1. Winter period.
  2. Stress.
  3. Decreased immunity.
  4. Bad dream.
  5. Metabolic disease.

If you follow the preparation technology and the rules of use alcoholic beverages, then kiwi tinctures will not harm your health.

We offer you to watch a video that shows the process of making kiwi tincture.