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Filtered and unfiltered beer. What's the Difference? Unfiltered beer: features, benefits and harms, history and manufacturers

According to pub statistics, 75% of visitors prefer unfiltered beer. But how is unfiltered beer different from regular beer?

  1. It is not processed(filtering, pasteurization, conservation like regular beer), so it is the most natural and healthy. Therefore, it is also called alive.
  2. It is prepared in the same way as regular beer.: from hops, malt, water and brewer's yeast. But since it does not undergo further processing, the fermentation process in it occurs constantly.
  3. Unfiltered beer has a richer and deeper flavor. It is hazy in color and may have a slight sediment.
  4. Unfiltered beer keeps for only a few days.

Therefore, it is not surprising that ordinary processed beer prevails in stores. Although on the shelves you can sometimes see unfiltered pasteurized beer in dark bottles. It really tastes like a living thing, but pasteurization kills everything in it. useful material.

The benefits and harms of unfiltered beer

Unfiltered beer is considered very useful product. And this is true, because it is not processed, which destroys the beneficial properties of the drink. As experts have shown, 1 liter of live beer is 10 times healthier than a liter of milk, because it contains such an amount of vitamins that can cover 40% of the daily needs of the human body.

Unfiltered beer contains the remains of brewer's yeast, which are rich in B vitamins and amino acids necessary for humans. Thanks to these properties, the drink is able to prevent the formation of kidney stones, promotes the rejuvenation of body cells, and also significantly reduces the risk of vascular and heart diseases. In addition, the drink has analgesic and disinfectant properties. Unfiltered beer can be consumed even by people with diagnoses such as gastritis, ulcers and diabetes.

Brewer's yeast, which is not processed, normalizes impaired metabolism and is successfully used to treat diseases that are caused by it. Malt improves appetite and has a beneficial effect on digestive system, and hops help in curing stress and have a calming effect on the nervous system.

However undeniable benefit the body brings only unfiltered beer that has not been pasteurized and preserved. The pasteurized unfiltered beer that you see on store shelves is far from healthy, because the processing it undergoes destroys all vitamins and minerals. healing properties live drink.

Beer is a low-alcohol fermentation product of barley malt with the addition of hops. During production, the beer is saturated with carbon dioxide, which gives the drink a refreshing quality. AT ready-made beer is poured into bottles, cans and kegs - special containers from 10 liters. It is in kegs that the so-called unfiltered beer most often ends up.

What is unfiltered and filtered beer

filtered beer- This is a beer that has gone through two or three filtrations. The last filtration is carried out on a filter cardboard - special equipment that allows you to capture a yeast cell with a radius of up to 0.4 microns.
Unfiltered beer- This is a beer that has passed one filtration (often on a diatomaceous earth filter).

The difference between unfiltered and filtered beer

The process of re-filtration allows you to remove all microorganism from the beer - yeast cells. According to the current legislation, their presence in the finished product is strictly prohibited, as they make the drink unstable, which can be hazardous to the health of the consumer.
The plastic filter, through which the beer semi-finished product is passed, retains not only yeast cells, but also some of the aromatic and flavoring substances, which negatively affects the quality. Basically, such beer is bottled or cans.
Also, the need for re-filtration is partly due to the beer's sensitivity to light. Waves of light create dissonance in a precarious chemical balance, which leads to rapid spoilage of the product. This problem is partially solved by darkening the bottle.
Unfiltered beer that has not been sterile filtered is more full-bodied. It has a slight aftertaste of yeast, the taste of malt and hops is more pronounced. Most often it is sold for bottling. Metal kegs allow you to deliver beer from the factory without fear of sunlight hitting the product, which several times increases the stability of its system.
Unfiltered beer is a perishable product. The processes of "aging" in it go much faster than in the filtered one. Already after two weeks, the beer will lose most of the aromatics and taste data, it will become heavier. The appearance of sourness and foreign odors will indicate souring. Such beer is strictly prohibited for consumption. determined that the difference between unfiltered and filtered beer is as follows:

Filtered beer goes through several stages of filtration, including sterile. Unfiltered is filtered only once.
Unfiltered beer has more rich taste and pronounced aroma due to the higher content of the relevant substances.
Unfiltered beer is a perishable product. Filtered beer is more stable and can be stored without significant changes in taste for up to six months.


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Numerous beer pubs in St. Petersburg offer a choice of filtered and unfiltered (live) beer. Two varieties of foamy drink differ in taste, color and aroma.

At the heart of the differences are two different approaches to the manufacturing process, namely filtration. This is an obligatory stage of brewing in the factory.
and allows you to remove everything superfluous from the drink, primarily yeast fungi, which should not be there according to quality standards. It is they who are the main participant in the fermentation process, and at its completion can cause spoilage of the drink. Unfiltered beer passes through only one filter, which retains excess but does not sterilize. Filtered is subjected to a more thorough cleaning, getting rid of not only yeast fungi, but also part of the useful qualities.

It is possible to argue about which beer is healthier - filtered or unfiltered, ad infinitum. Beer of any kind has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, the digestive system, bones and joints. It helps to relax and calm down, activates brain activity. It contains B vitamins, nicotinic acid, potassium, manganese, calcium, phosphorus, copper, iron and enzymes. But it will bring benefits only with moderate use.

If we talk about the differences between filtered and unfiltered beer, then live beer:

  • has a short shelf life (no more than 2 weeks), while filtered can be stored for 6-12 months;
  • afraid of sunlight, so it is kept either in dark bottles or in metal containers;
  • has a richer taste and aroma, as well as a specific color (it is more cloudy);
  • contains a greater amount of organic substances, as it does not undergo sterilization.

Which beer is better - filtered or unfiltered, everyone decides for himself. But it should be remembered that a live drink is not recommended for use with a tendency to obesity. It contains sugar maltose, which is secreted by yeast. It is instantly absorbed into the bloodstream and contributes to weight gain. In addition, the pronounced taste of such beer stimulates digestion, and there is a risk of overdoing it with snacks.

Features of the production of unfiltered beer

Unfiltered beer is made in exactly the same way as any other: from malted grains, yeast, hops, water and flavorings (depending on the recipe). The only difference in technology is that the drink is not subjected to thorough filtration and pasteurization, which “kill” and remove yeast, so the fermentation process does not stop even in bottles, and unfiltered beer can be stored for no more than two weeks.

The most “live” beer, which has not even gone through basic filtration, can only be tasted at the factory, it is not available for sale. It turns out a rather specific drink with a distinct yeasty taste, which is not commercially successful, so in most cases even unfiltered beer goes through the clarification process (by separation or light filtration).

Separation looks like this: the processed raw material (in our case, beer) is poured into a centrifuge and accelerated to a speed of several thousand revolutions per minute. Under the influence of centrifugal force, all large and solid particles remain on the walls, and the liquid itself is slightly cleaned. The effect of this process is about the same as that of pre-filtering.

Sometimes on the shelves of shops come across unfiltered, but pasteurized varieties. Beer sommeliers claim that these drinks are completely devoid of all useful properties, and therefore cannot be called real live beer. The same reputation goes for beer with preservatives, which remains fresh even after 20-30 days, but the taste is hopelessly spoiled.

Why is beer filtered? A natural question arises: if unfiltered beer is so great, why is filtering necessary? It's simple - to increase the shelf life. When produced on an industrial scale, products are not sold out on the very first day: bottles, cans and barrels (kegs) lie in the warehouse for a couple of days, then they are transported to retail outlets throughout the country and exported abroad. At the same time, the beer should remain as fresh as on the day of bottling, and if the container has been fermenting all this time, the buyer will receive sour mash, and not an invigorating and healthy drink.

The difference between filtered and unfiltered beer

filtered Unfiltered
Keeps for several months. Stored 5-10 days.
Can be poured into transparent bottles, stored in the light. It deteriorates from sunlight, it is better to produce in dark glass bottles or cans, store in a dark place.
No yeast sediment. There is yeast sediment.
It goes through several stages of purification, the filters trap even the smallest organic particles. It passes only one filtration, the equipment retains only the largest fractions of fermentation products.
It has a less pronounced taste, color and aroma. It has a rich taste, color and aroma.
Contains a small amount of vitamins and amino acids. The content of nutrients is 10 times higher than in filtered beer.
Transparent, no sediment. Cloudy, visible to the naked eye.
Less calories. More calories.
Left - filtered, right - unfiltered

Types and manufacturers

Wheat unfiltered beer is especially popular - soft enough to smooth out the harsh taste of yeast sediment, has a pleasant taste and aroma. Some doctors and sports trainers even recommend drinking this drink after intense workouts to replenish fluid loss and quickly restore strength due to the carbohydrates contained in beer.

Wheat beer appeared no later than two thousand years ago (and most likely earlier), but has always been inferior in popularity to its dark barley counterpart. Firstly, because of the low strength, and secondly, in the famine years it was a pity to transfer good white grain to alcohol instead of bread. The “father” of wheat brewing is considered to be Baron Hans Degenberg, who in the middle of the 16th century was the first to receive a patent for the exclusive right to produce this particular light variety.

Wheat unfiltered beer is always white, other varieties can be any color

In the production of unfiltered wheat beer, German, Belgian and Dutch brewers have achieved particular success. The best brands are Erdinger, Franziskaner, Paulaner, Hoegaarden. Some of these producers use special author's technologies - for example, they add an additional portion of yeast to already bottled beer in order to obtain the so-called two-stage fermentation. Another technique involves brewing beer from unsprouted wheat, while the proportion of additives (barley and oats) can reach 55% or even more.

In Russia, the term "unfiltered" can be found on the products of many manufacturers, from Baltika to Ochakovo, but these brands can hardly be considered worthy representatives of the "live" class. If you want to definitely try domestic examples, it is better to find home brewery or craft production - we remind you that unfiltered beer is practically not produced on an industrial scale, because it has a short shelf life.

How to drink unfiltered beer

Unfiltered beer is poured into tall transparent glasses, trying not to provoke too active foaming. At the same time, the yeast sediment is not poured out, but on the contrary, it is carefully added to the glass - the taste is not the same without it. Serving temperature - 5-12 ° C (it is recommended to follow the manufacturer's recommendations).

Best Appetizer to unfiltered beer

Gourmets claim that light unfiltered varieties have subtle notes of lime, citrus, even blackcurrant and freshly cut grass, so lighter snacks are required for it - for example cold cuts, croutons with cheese.

Excursion into history

Before we tell you how filtered beer differs from unfiltered beer and answer other questions, let's find out how it all began. The art of making beer originated in ancient times. The first mention of this process is found on old Mesopotamian tablets. In the middle of the last century, German archaeologists managed to discover decrepit Sumerian cuneiform writing, which contained more than a dozen individual beer recipes. Each type of drink was distinguished by a specific taste, color and manufacturing technology.

The results of archaeological excavations confirm that the secrets of the production of such alcohol were known to the ancient Egyptians. Unique finds date back to around 2800 BC. Deciphering the ancient writings, the researchers learned that beer was used not only in the rituals of worshiping the gods, but also acted as a favorite drink of all Egyptians, from ordinary peasants to the nobility.

The inhabitants of Babylon were engaged in the preparation of beer. In the code of laws of King Hammurabi, provisions were found according to which manufacturers were severely punished for creating a low-quality drink. Brewers were thrown into the river for speculation. Dilution of alcohol with water involved drowning the perpetrator in a barrel with such a product.

The real revolution in brewing was made by the decision to use hops. Thanks to the use of the ingredient, the drink has acquired a more piquant character. Its shelf life has been extended significantly. Hop-based beer became a commodity. According to scientists, the Slavic peoples had a leading position in the cultivation of the plant component in ancient times. It is believed that thanks to our ancestors, hops spread throughout the world. In Russia, the drink gained mass demand around the 9th century. Almost every family was engaged in the manufacture of intoxicating alcohol.

In the 19th century, yeast became one of the main ingredients in the manufacture of beer. The use of fermentation processes in the beverage production technology contributed to the extension of the shelf life. In addition, such beer acquired a pleasant carbonated character.


What ingredients are used to make beer? Among these, the following should be noted:

  1. Malt is an ingredient that is obtained by sprouting cereals. Traditional beer recipes use barley malt. The latter is processed by malting. As a result of grain soaking, chemical reactions are activated that contribute to the release of starch, which takes part in the fermentation processes.
  2. Water - its composition is of decisive importance. It's about the salt content. In the production of some beers, "hard water" is used. But most often they resort to the use of a liquid with a low concentration of salts.
  3. Hops - allows you to saturate the drink with a specific bitter taste and fragrant aroma. The use of the ingredient also contributes to the formation of foam.
  4. Yeast - today, enterprises use artificially synthesized substances that cannot be found in the natural environment. The specifics of the preparation of fermentation products are usually kept in the strictest confidence by reputable manufacturers. After all, certain types of yeast significantly affect the change in the taste of beer.

Production technology

The first step in the factory production of an intoxicating drink is the preparation of the wort. Raw barley is subjected to crushing. This base is soaked in water. In order to activate the fermentation processes, the liquid is heated to a temperature of 76 ° C. Then the wort is filtered, settled and transferred to the brewing boiler.

Then the base of the drink is brought to a boil. Hops are added to the composition. Cooking for several hours allows you to destroy the enzymes and destroy all microorganisms.

As soon as the beer matures in metal vats, it is subjected to filtration. The procedure makes it possible to screen out large and small particles. At the final stage, the drink is poured into a sterile container.

beer recipe

If desired, a fairly high-quality intoxicating drink can be prepared at home. Consider the features of making dark beer. Here you will need the following ingredients:

  • a mixture of crushed wheat, barley, oats and rye - 500 g;
  • chicory - 40 g;
  • sugar - 4 cups;
  • dried hops - 50 g;
  • lemon peel- half a glass;
  • water - 10 l.

Having prepared the necessary components, you must perform the following steps. The grain is roasted until a dark shade is formed in a pan, and then ground in a coffee grinder. Raw materials are poured with about three liters of water and boiled together with chicory. Then the rest of the liquid is added. Hops, sugar, lemon zest are added to the composition. The drink is removed from the fire and infused. After a few hours, the liquid is filtered through a fine sieve or gauze and poured into glass containers. The finished beer is tightly corked and placed in a cool, dark place. As the reviews show, unfiltered beer of this plan practically does not differ from factory images.

What are the benefits of drinking unfiltered beer?

The benefit of unfiltered beer lies in the presence of a whole mass of vitamins and trace elements that are not destroyed, as is the case with filtered samples. Such drinks have disinfectant and pain-relieving properties. Therefore, it is safe to use the best brands of unfiltered beer even for people who suffer from diabetes, gastritis, and ulcerative lesions of the digestive system.

Yeast components normalize metabolism. Malt improves appetite. Hops have a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system, providing a calming effect on a person.

What is the difference between filtered beer and unfiltered beer?

The differences are as follows:

  1. A drink that has not been subjected to such a process quickly deteriorates when exposed to direct sunlight. Therefore, all brands of unfiltered beer are bottled in metal containers or dark bottles.
  2. Such alcohol has a richer aroma and pronounced taste. The structure of the liquid here is somewhat unclear.
  3. The difference is also how long the beer is stored. Such samples remain usable for only a few weeks.


So we found out how filtered beer differs from unfiltered beer, and examined the features of making the drink. The product is considered extremely beneficial for health. Naturally, it is recommended to give preference to the highest quality samples. In addition, we can talk about the benefits only when drinking the drink in moderation.

What's the Difference

To understand once and for all the difference between filtered beer and unfiltered beer, you need to remember how these two drinks are prepared.

Filtered beer goes through several filtration and pasteurization processes. Their main task is to extend the shelf life of the drink. Unfortunately, these same processes destroy the organic matter, the yeast cultures that are responsible for the taste and aroma of beer. It turns out that filtered beer is an “empty” drink, without a pronounced yeast flavor. It is bottled in cans or glass bottles which can be stored for a long time under certain conditions.

Unfiltered beer goes through only one stage of purification. It gets rid of small particles of components, but at the same time retains pleasant taste and smell. This makes the unfiltered beer look cloudy and have a pronounced hop aroma. Due to the filtration technology, such a drink becomes sensitive to light, so it can only be stored in an opaque container and not for a very long time.

What kind of beer is best

Obviously, a product that has not undergone additional processing is much tastier and healthier. This is the answer to the question why unfiltered beer is better than filtered. However, if taste or useful properties are not so important to you, choose a filtered foamy drink. It is able to be stored much longer and is not so demanding on storage conditions.

How do you know what the difference is between an unfiltered beer and its filtered counterpart? Try it and draw your own conclusions! Come to the German beer bar Jager Haus in St. Petersburg and try hundreds of types of filtered and unfiltered beer!

What are the differences

Let's look at what unfiltered beer means. This type of beer is prepared without the use of various preservatives and impurities. It contains only natural ingredients in the form of yeast, malt and hops. The use of a large amount of yeast gives the drink an indescribable taste and aroma. It is for this composition that the drink was called alive.

The appearance of such a product is very different from the usual. If you look closely at the bottom of the bottle, you can notice the sediment and the unusual color of the liquid itself. This is due to the fact that this type of alcohol does not go through the stages of purification and distillation. Since there are no preservatives in the drink, this has a big impact on shelf life. Live beer can be consumed only within a week after its spill, then the drink loses its properties and simply “exhales”.

Today, there are few manufacturers who can boast of having this variety in their products. In most cases, varieties referred to as filtered and pasteurized make it to the market. Yeast is removed from these drinks using special equipment. Beer is pasteurized in order to destroy various microorganisms that appear during the brewing process.

Such beer does not contain useful substances, and its aroma is less pleasant compared to unfiltered ones. But manufacturers have many reasons for this, which are explained by the laws of commerce.

The main reason for filtering a drink is to extend its shelf life. The right approach can increase the shelf life up to six months. Various chemical compounds are added to such a drink in order to increase the foam and give it a beautiful “cap”. Preservatives and other additives are needed in order for the drink to have an attractive appearance and be in demand among the audience.

In addition, the beer passing through the filter changes its taste, as lactic acid bacteria are removed from the drink.

About retention periods

Like every product in the food industry, beer has an expiration date. If you ask the seller of a specialized store what is the difference between filtered beer and unfiltered beer, he will first of all talk about the shelf life. These terms are greatly influenced by factors such as sunlight, air temperature and even the presence of bacteria. The issue of beer storage is one of the most important.

Filtered beer undergoes certain stabilization processes during production. With the help of special equipment, this variety increases the shelf life.

Filtration is used to stabilize the beer. Before bottling, the drink passes through special filters that prevent bacteria and impurities from entering the finished product. After that, the batch is sent to pasteurization, where the liquid container is heated to high temperatures in order to destroy the microorganisms that remain after filtration.

There are varieties that go through only one of the stages of purification. The only disadvantage of using these measures is that such procedures cause the hop aroma to fade.

Speaking of alcohol expiration dates, we mean the amount of time during which beer can be consumed. This period depends not only on the manufacturing technology and type of drink, but also on the composition, type of packaging and storage conditions. It is very important when purchasing food products, which include alcohol, to get acquainted with the date of production. This will help to calculate the remaining time during which you can drink a drink.

Unfiltered beer made in small breweries can be stored for up to seven days. A factory-bottled drink “lives” a little longer. It can be used without fear of negative influences for thirty days. Filtered varieties, subject to all right conditions for storage, can be used even six months after the spill. If at one of the stages of preparation the drink was subjected to heat treatment, its shelf life is twelve months.

About packing

Which beer is better filtered or unfiltered is greatly influenced by the type of product packaging. For many people, packaging plays a minor role when choosing a drink. However, each of them has its pros and cons.

Plastic vs glass

When drinking a bottle of beer, a person may notice that the glass container has an amber tint. This type of packaging is used to reduce the effect of sunlight on the liquid.

Ultraviolet rays have tremendous power and, becoming the cause of the onset of certain chemical reactions, change taste qualities alcohol. Dark-colored glass allows you to neutralize this effect, unlike plastic, which is more vulnerable to such influences.


Canned beer is one of the most popular. For its manufacture, the pasteurization procedure is mandatory. The use of such technologies significantly increases the cost finished product. In addition, packaging costs also affect the cost. That is why canned beer is much more expensive than bottled beer.

About taste

Filtered and unfiltered beer, the difference in flavor between the two is huge. About which of them is tastier, disputes have not subsided for several decades. The technology for making unfiltered beer means that at the end of brewing, hops, proteins and yeast will remain in it.

The presence of hops gives the drink a touch of bitterness, which is typical for this type of alcohol. It contains certain compounds called alpha and beta acids. The reason for the bitter taste lies in the presence of alpha acids. During the manufacturing process, they are transformed into soluble compounds, changing the taste of alcohol.

Hops contain beta acids, which are less soluble and affect the taste of the drink to a lesser extent. Much of the beer flavor comes from certain oils and additives. According to research, hops contain more than two hundred and fifty different oils. The highest concentration among them is as follows:

  • myrcene - brings subtle notes of citrus to the drink;
  • humulene - adds a strong hop aroma to beer;
  • caryophyllene - responsible for the spicy aftertaste.

Trace elements in beer

It is important to note that the recipe for creating filtered beer is being improved every year. In the process of preparation, better materials and additives are used. Drinking such a drink within the normal range can be quite a healthy activity.

Many varieties contain a large number of minerals, vitamins and even organic acids. The question of the usefulness of drinking beer is more relevant today than ever. AT this product contains about forty percent of the daily requirement of potassium and many other useful substances.

In addition, the calorie content of unfiltered beer is only thirty-nine kilocalories per hundred milligrams. Today, the recommended daily dose is about half a liter of foamy drink. Doctors say that in terms of the amount of useful substances in the composition, this drink can only be compared with freshly squeezed juice. The presence of malt in the composition enriches the beer with a number of different vitamins.

Like wines, it contains certain substances that have huge health benefits. But it's important to remember that overuse beer has a strong harm. On this basis, dangerous diseases and alcohol addiction can develop. Experts recommend not to exceed the recommended dosage in order to avoid dangerous consequences.

Benefit and harm

Knowing what unfiltered beer is, we can say about the undoubted benefits of drinking such products. Unlike the filtered counterpart, the use of unfiltered beer helps to strengthen the heart muscle. Rated consumption of beer leads to the fact that antioxidants improve the functioning of this main organ. The same substances are found in light varieties of alcohol.

In addition, the drink has a strong impact on mental health. Normalized use allows you to get rid of depression and anxiety attacks. For these purposes, it is better to choose unfiltered varieties, as they contain protein, vitamins, magnesium and other metals. These ingredients significantly improve mental health.

Despite all the seemingly harmless beer, its use must be abandoned in the presence of chronic diseases. It is also undesirable to drink beer during pregnancy and lactation. According to experts, regular and uncontrolled drinking can cause not only alcohol addiction, but also mental disorders. Therefore, it is important to approach the use of alcohol responsibly and not to exceed the recommended dosage.

What would medieval brewers say when they tasted modern pasteurized or filtered beer. They would probably be horrified. For centuries, Beer knew neither pasteurization nor filtration, pleasing to the eye and caressing the womb. But progress and technology did not stand still and dark times came, small breweries began to turn into large breweries, the pursuit of profits and the sharing of the market began - that's when they came up with pasteurization, double with triple filtration, carbonization, stabilizers, enzymes, antioxidants and preservatives...

Beer is a live drink, yeast, various microorganisms create a unique microflora of beer. These organisms give the beer its unique taste, but at the same time quickly spoil it.

Pasteurization is a short-term (within 3 - 20 minutes) heating to 60 - 80 degrees of beer already prepared and poured into appropriate containers in order to destroy or suppress the ability of microorganisms to reproduce. Pasteurization significantly extends the life of beer, but it significantly affects the taste of the drink. And the higher the temperature, the less tasty the beer becomes.

Unpasteurized beer will keep for a month, two at the most, if well filtered. AT Soviet times such beer was stored for several days. Naturally, it is not profitable for trade to take non-pasteurized beer, you cannot take it to remote regions, it must be sold quickly and where it was brewed. That's why not many people make it.

As much as unpasteurized beer tastes better than pasteurized beer, unfiltered beer tastes better than filtered beer. After the beer is filtered, it becomes transparent and clear, but loses significantly in taste and usefulness. Modern technologies double and even triple filtration purifies beer from yeasts and microorganisms just as well as pasteurization, while the taste of beer does not deteriorate, but only loses its “zest”. Filtration is performed in 2 stages. The first stage is kieselguhr filtration, which is carried out using a special filter powder. The second stage - sterile filtration - is carried out through a sterilizing filter sheet, which separates suspended particles and ensures the sterility of the beer. As a rule, bottled and canned beer is filtered more thoroughly. So, if one filtration is quite enough for draft, then with a bottle one they are not too lazy to perform this procedure twice. Of course, such processing will remove more various components, including those that affect the taste in the most favorable way. Accordingly, the taste will become less saturated.

There are only two real chances to drink unfiltered beer all over the world now - these are home microbreweries or microbreweries, which are usually installed at beer restaurants. Or you need to have access to a large production and drink beer before it is prepared for sale. Moreover, not even all microbreweries will offer you fresh, unfiltered beer. At many microbreweries, beer is filtered and sold from kegs rather than directly from vats.

Where to find unfiltered beer...
Recently, “live” beer has become quite accessible to the inhabitants of Russia - in many cities there are beer restaurants that brew and sell fresh beer. But first you need to find such a restaurant, and the search can take a very long time. How many bars in Moscow have you been to? And how many of them are left deprived of your attention?

But there is another option. No need to spend a lot of time and money to drink a mug of "live" beer. Now you have a Home mini brewery! You can feel like a brewer and make your own beer, the taste of which you like the most. And you will be pleasantly surprised by the cost of ONE LITER of unfiltered beer - about 6.5 hryvnias.

So if you want to drink real unfiltered beer with live biologically active and beneficial substances for the body - the only chance is your Home Mini Brewery.

Microbrewery is your personal brewery for b

One of the most popular alcoholic beverages in the world without hesitation can be called beer. It has many varieties, differing in color, aroma, taste and strength. But this is not all the characteristics of a foamy drink - beer is also divided into filtered and unfiltered. What is the difference between filtered beer and unfiltered beer and why its lovers are divided into two camps in their preferences, we will try to figure it out.


By color, this drink can be divided into and, but this is a very general approach. In fact, there is a whole palette of shades that are achieved through use in production:

  • various types of malt;
  • malt roasting;
  • water of different hardness;
  • interactions with oxygen;
  • filtration;
  • aromatic and flavoring additives.


The aroma can also be influenced by several factors at once:

  • quality and variety of hops;
  • malt grade and its content in the drink;
  • type of yeast strains;
  • wort preparation process;

  • fermentation temperature;
  • the amount of oxygen;
  • type of water;
  • the presence of sulfur compounds;
  • the use of aromatic additives.

Thus, in light grades of filtered beer, there is a clearly expressed aroma of hops, while in dark ones, on the contrary, the aroma of malt is clearly expressed. In addition, the malt aroma is inherent and better expressed in light unfiltered beers.


  • Alcohol is felt stronger in stronger and more aged varieties than in unfiltered ones.
  • Banana flavor is inherent in which special strains of yeast are used.
  • Brett (kind of wild yeast) add sharpness to the taste.
  • Taste is the result of aging oak barrels from bourbon.

  • Hops impart bitterness.
  • The oak flavor comes from the wood from which the aging barrels are made.
  • The smokiness comes from the use of roasted malt.
  • Burntness is characteristic of dark types of filtered beer, which has a pronounced bitter aftertaste.
  • Caramel sweetness is the base flavor note that malt provides.
  • The acidity gives the drink a sharp and slightly harsh taste, which is obtained through the process of oxidation.
  • The sour taste is achieved by fermentation using yeast and bacteria, as well as their fermentation.
  • Coffee accents are typical for dark and strong filtered beers ( and ).

  • The taste of spices (cloves) is inherent, which is achieved by using phenols.
  • Wheat gives softness due to the increased protein content, which in turn gives a dense lush foam.
  • Sharpness is inherent in the sour types of this drink.
  • Rye taste is given by rye malts, which provide velvety and dryness of the drink.
  • Sugar is used to create special specific tastes, as well as to achieve high strength while maintaining the lightness of the drink itself.
  • The taste is mostly used in Belgian brands of foamy drink, which gives it a tart fruity taste.

  • Sweetness is achieved by increasing residual sugar and saturation with malt.
  • The malt flavor may vary depending on the grain used and how roasted it is.
  • The taste of spices is typical for winter types of this drink and pumpkin ale.
  • Dryness is the opposite of sweetness in character and is achieved by the absorption of sugar by the yeast.
  • Dampness (earthiness) is given by special varieties of hops, which are used in the production of dark types of filtered beer.
  • Astringency depends on dryness, sour taste and acidity, which creates bright fruity accents on the palate.
  • The phenols produced by the yeast impart a spicy, clove-like flavor, less often a banana flavor, and are often found in Belgian brands.
  • The fruit is often used in the brewing process, which is common with American wheat varieties.

  • Coniferous flavor is given by some types of hops.
  • Bread flavor (biscuit or crackers) is more commonly found in German lagers, some Belgian malts, and British malts, and is achieved through the use of one grain or another.
  • Hops, depending on the variety, can impart many different flavors, and this is influenced by the methods of production of a particular variety.
  • The floral flavor comes from the hops.
  • Citrus flavor is typical of American hop varieties.
  • Purity of taste is a term used to describe sweetness and richness.
  • Chocolate flavor is mainly found in stouts and porters, which is achieved through the use of dark malts.
  • The esters produced by the yeast can give it a banana or pear flavor.

Technology for the production of filtered and unfiltered species

Beer is produced by complex technological process, which can be divided into several stages.

Malt processing

Grains of cereals are first germinated, and then dried and cleaned of sprouts. In order to get dark beers with a pronounced caramel flavor, at this stage the malt is roasted.

Mashing the wort

After that, the mash is prepared by grinding all necessary ingredients(mainly grains and malt), which are then mashed (mixed) with water. During this process, the resulting slurry is heated to a certain temperature at certain intervals:

  • 10-15 minutes to a temperature of 50-52 degrees;
  • 15-30 minutes to a temperature of 62-63 degrees;
  • 30 minutes to a temperature of 70-72 degrees.

After that, the mash is heated to a temperature of 78 degrees and sent for filtration.

Congestion filtering

The prepared mash is placed in vats, where it is separated into beer wort and insoluble mash residues (grain). At the first stage, the wort is taken separately, and then washed in hot water selected grain. This pellet is used as a filtering partition in the wort kettle, where the prepared wort is poured. In addition, filters in the form of presses are used.

Boiling the wort

After that, the filtered wort is boiled for 1-2 hours. In the process of boiling, hops and other necessary ingredients are added to it.

Wort clarification

At the next stage, the boiled wort is placed in a whirlpool (a special whirlpool bath) for about 20-30 minutes in order to separate the insoluble elements of hops and barley.

Wort cooling and aeration

Then the wort is placed in a fermentation tank. In the process of pumping into the tank, it is cooled and saturated with oxygen, which promotes the reproduction of yeast strains.


During fermentation, the sugar contained in the wort is converted into alcohol and carbon dioxide. For this, cylindrical tanks (CCT) are used, in which all processes occur continuously and in one container.


In order to purify the alcoholic mixture of yeast residues and increase the shelf life, it is subjected to filtration. For this they can use:

  • kieselguhr filters;
  • ceramic filters;
  • filter presses;
  • separators.

In the production of unfiltered beer, this process is skipped, which is a significant difference with filtered varieties.


At this stage, the prepared composition is heated to a temperature of 68-72 degrees, which further increases its shelf life. This method is now used less and less, because it is believed that the taste of this noticeably deteriorates.

The benefits and harms of filtered and unfiltered

Disputes about which beer is better and healthier - filtered or unfiltered, do not subside, but they are rather groundless, because any high-quality drink contains useful substances and trace elements. It's more a matter of personal taste and quantity. However, it can have both beneficial and negative effects on the body.


  • Stimulation of the digestive system.
  • Light soothing and analgesic effect.
  • Increases the body's resistance to colds and infectious diseases.

  • It is used in cosmetology for facial skin and hair.
  • Promotes rejuvenation of blood vessel cells by accelerating certain metabolic processes in the body.
  • Helps improve metabolism.
  • It preserves the dense structure of the bone tissue of the bones and the elasticity of the joints.


  • Destroys heart tissue at the cellular level.
  • Degrades performance gastrointestinal tract(if abused).
  • May cause varicose veins and varicose veins.
  • Promotes an increase in the volume of the intestines and stomach.

  • Accumulates toxins in the body.
  • Causes alcohol dependence.
  • It causes gastritis, pancreatitis and hypertension.

What products are combined with

Compared with classic look alcoholic unfiltered beer is extremely rare on sale. But, even though there is not so much of it, it is in rather high demand. Unfiltered beer does both good and bad. The strength of the effect on the body directly depends on the amount of alcohol and the frequency of its use.

Unfiltered or as it is also called "live" beer is an alcoholic drink made on the basis of only natural substances. It is not subjected to additional processing and conservation. Due to this, all useful components and properties are preserved in it. Due to the fact that this beer is not subjected to additional processing, it is produced in limited quantities.

A significant disadvantage of such alcohol is that it can be stored for only 5-7 days. After that, drinking beer is not recommended.

The positive effect of a "live" beer drink

Live beer contains a large amount of minerals and vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the body. But also do not forget that alcohol is also present in this drink. In small proportions, dark unfiltered beer has the following beneficial effects on a person:

  1. It nourishes the cells of the body with vitamin B. And this improves the structure of hair, nails, skin and teeth. Vitamins stimulate the body, saturate it with energy and strength.
  2. The composition of the "live" alcoholic drink includes an organic acid, which helps to quickly absorb heavy carbohydrates and proteins. Therefore, when drinking beer, intestinal function is stimulated. Besides, frequent urination allows you to most effectively remove all toxic substances from the body.
  3. Antioxidants in the drink help reduce the risk of malignant tumors and reduce the likelihood of a heart attack or stroke.
  4. The high content of iron, magnesium and potassium help to strengthen the body and the immune system.
  5. In optimal quantities, beer normalizes blood pressure and improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Therefore, it is recommended to drink it at reduced pressure.
  6. This is a non-calorie drink that has a beneficial effect on the body, it does not cause hunger.

If you drink unfiltered beer in an acceptable amount and not systematically, then it will positively affect the body and bring pleasure to a person. There may be an improvement in health and a surge of strength. But, we must not forget that this is alcohol, and with constant use, alcoholism can develop, from which it is very difficult to recover.

Harm to the body

While unfiltered beer has many health benefits, it also has a downside: the high concentration of alcohol in beer makes it unsafe for human health. First, as mentioned earlier, alcoholism can occur. Secondly, with the abuse of alcohol, the internal organs are severely affected. Ethanol spreads throughout the entire body. Toxins begin to affect the liver, kidneys, brain. In case of failures in the work of these organs, pathologies of varying degrees can occur. In addition, alcohol can cause:

  1. Hormonal failure in women;
  2. Reduction of useful minerals in the body (occurs due to frequent urination);
  3. Massive death of nerve cells, due to the excessive effect of alcohol on the brain;
  4. Sealing of the muscles of the heart, disruption of the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  5. Formations female hormones in men;
  6. The appearance of a "beer" belly.

Whether unpasteurized beer will be useful for the body can be determined by the amount drunk. The smaller the amount, the less harm and more benefit. It is recommended to drink no more than 1-2 glasses a day. With an increase in the dose, liver problems and the development of beer alcoholism can be observed. Alcohol abuse harms a person's health and destroys his life.

The first recipes for making this drink appeared several thousand years ago. Now it has received recognition all over the world. It is live beer that is considered the most useful. It contains many vitamins and minerals, and also has special qualities. Beer is a low-alcohol drink produced by alcoholic fermentation. It is made from grain processing products - malt, hops and special brewer's yeast. This low-alcohol drink was used in Babylon and Ancient Egypt. In those days, the drink was only unfiltered. Now there is filtered and unfiltered beer.

Criteria for different types of beer

First, these varieties differ in appearance . Filtered - transparent golden color, and unfiltered differs in turbidity. In addition, they differ significantly in taste. So, live unfiltered beer has a richer, richer malt flavor and yeasty flavor.

Second, they differ in expiration dates. The filtered product has a much longer shelf life, up to nine months, while the live product can be stored for a maximum of two weeks.

The shelf life of the drink depends on the process of its preparation. The technology for preparing unfiltered is exactly the same as that of filtered. The only difference is that it does not undergo thorough filtration and pasteurization. These processes contribute to the removal of yeast from the drink. In the case of live beer, the yeast is not removed and the fermentation process continues in the drink. Both types of drink are subjected to the filtration process. However filtered is filtered three times, and alive only once.

Characteristics of an unfiltered drink

  • Be sure to have a characteristic yeast sediment, which makes the drink cloudy.
  • It has a special bright and more intense taste and aroma. It has a good taste of yeast.
  • Has a short shelf life.
  • Has a high calorie content. About twenty percent.
  • Not pasteurized.

Important be able to choose fresh, unpasteurized beer. It is quite easy to do this, since its pronounced yeast sediment at the beginning of the expiration date is evenly dissolved throughout the entire volume of the bottle. When the expiration date starts to come to an end, the yeast starts to settle and the turbidity in the bottle becomes uneven. When the expiration date has completely expired, it becomes completely transparent. It should be noted that this type of drink is normally stored for up to ten days.

Beer is divided into varieties: light, dark and semi-dark. The light variety is obtained from natural malt. Dark - from roasted grains to caramel color. Semi-dark - from a mixture of dark and light varieties. Dark is characterized by its sweetish, caramel, slightly astringent taste.

Nonalcoholic beer

Nowadays, this soft drink is becoming more and more popular. Most often you can find non-alcoholic filtered beer on sale. However, there is also an unfiltered non-alcoholic product. It is produced by foreign companies. Most often it can be found in German and Austrian manufacturers.

Non-alcoholic beer, despite the name, still contains alcohol in small doses. The amount of alcohol in such a drink does not lead to intoxication. The technology does not allow completely removing alcohol from the drink. There are several methods for producing this soft drink. The alcohol found in regular beer is removed by using the alcohol's low boiling point, vacuum distillation. The membrane method is also used - dialysis. And also to remove alcohol

they use a method of suppressing fermentation using special yeast that does not convert maltose into alcohol, or stops the fermentation process by lowering the temperature.

Non-alcoholic drink tastes different from normal, and any method of production. It's all about the low alcohol content, since its amount has a significant impact on taste. This type of drink has the same beneficial properties as regular beer.

Beneficial features

The main advantages of beer are that it has a large amount of useful vitamins and minerals and helps reduce the risk of developing certain diseases.

First of all, this type of drink helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and has an antibacterial effect on the body, helping to restore beneficial microflora. Helps strengthen the immune system and slows down the aging process. Has a beneficial effect on the skin, thanks to vitamin B content and reduces the risk of kidney stones. It also has the ability to remove carcinogenic substances from the body, providing an antitumor effect.

This drink also has a sedative effect and helps with insomnia.

It contains many vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the body.



  • Potassium.
  • Silicon.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Sulfur.
  • Magnesium.
  • Calcium.

In addition, it contains the acids necessary for the body - nicotinic, citric, folic, pantothenic acid. These acids are necessary for the body and are of great benefit.

The number of listed useful properties in an unfiltered product is several times greater than in a filtered one. When asked which beer is better - filtered or unfiltered, one can confidently answer that it is unfiltered. Since in the process of its preparation more useful substances are preserved. In addition, the yeast contained in it is very useful for the body and is rich in a large amount of digestible proteins containing amino acids.

Harm of foam

This drink is considered low alcohol. There is an opinion that due to the low content of alcohol in this drink, it can be consumed in large doses. However, the ethanol contained in any alcoholic beverage, when it enters the body, causes the production of acetaldehyde, a carcinogen, which has a rather harmful effect. Causes vomiting, nausea, migraine and heart palpitations.

As a result of any amount of alcohol entering the body, processes occur that lead to the death of liver, kidney and brain cells. And also the mucous membrane of the stomach suffers greatly from the effects of alcohol. Constant irritation of the stomach can lead to a number of diseases.

In addition, with frequent use of this drink, a strong diuretic effect is created. At the same time, beneficial substances are washed out of the body along with the liquid. The body suffers from dehydration. With a constant load on the kidneys, edema may appear, and this can also lead to the formation of stones.

Excessive drinking of beer leads to the following consequences:

  • Liver diseases.
  • Kidney diseases.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Death of brain cells.
  • Inhibition of the functions of the cardiovascular system.
  • Disorders in the work of the nervous system.

When alcohol enters the body hypoxia occurs i.e. oxygen starvation. This means that the blood ceases to enrich the organs with oxygen to the proper extent. The brain suffers especially from this, as there is a clogging of its vessels. This process causes alcoholic excitement, euphoria. Therefore, in addition to the danger of doing great harm to the brain, there is also the danger of being strongly addicted to this drink and depending on the state of euphoria that it causes. This can lead to alcoholism. In modern medicine, there is even a term "".

In moderation, filtered and unfiltered beer will not cause any harm to the body. In small doses, it is even beneficial. However, you should not use it and other alcoholic drinks too often. This can lead to addiction, and to the development of various diseases.

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