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How to thicken condensed milk. Condensed milk at home - how to cook

Condensed milk is both a delicacy and a way to preserve a very healthy and delicious product. The United States was the first to master the production of condensed milk, and the industrialist Gail Borden, who established this production, became a millionaire. Although, as is often the case with Americans, others came up with condensed milk, they filed a patent more quickly and launched its mass and profitable production as a canned sweet dessert.

Condensed milk has a very diverse use in cooking: it is a sweet addition to tea, coffee, pancakes, cheesecakes, it is also an ingredient for making cakes and sweets. In Russia, the first factory for the production of condensed milk appeared in the 19th century - in 1881 in Orenburg.

Many people remember that in the USSR condensed milk was made according to GOST (the last Soviet GOST 2903-78 was approved in the 70s) and it was the most popular dairy treat, affordable, affordable, easy to transport and store.

And if today we still prefer a guaranteed natural and tasty sweet product, then interest in homemade condensed milk ceases to be idle. It becomes important: how to make condensed milk at home. Let's say right away that this is a very troublesome and expensive business, with all the technology that is only possible at home.

The GOST recipe of the Soviet era provided for only natural milk with a fat content of at least 8.5%, and sugar, and the end result was reduced to the technology of evaporating moisture and condensing milk with sugar. Finished with canning in standard tins with a blue and white sticker containing full information about the product. The price was more than attractive - it was a period of real and inexpensive condensed milk, which, unfortunately, the younger generation cannot even know about.

In all likelihood, you already know some homemade condensed milk recipes that use powdered milk, children food, starch and high sugar content - all to give the taste and appearance of real condensed milk. Lack of essential household technological equipment for condensed milk jam - this is the main difficulty in achieving the desired result.

But nothing can stop the true connoisseurs of the real taste and quality of condensed milk - they look for adaptations and find them. You can use an old-fashioned pressure cooker, a new-fashioned slow cooker, or grandmother's device - a water bath with a wooden spatula on a saucepan of milk so that it does not run away during prolonged heat treatment. At the moment in Russia since July 2013 there is an interstate regulation for the production of condensed milk.

Condensed milk recipe at home according to GOST

Everything is done according to the rules of GOST: natural fat milk is boiled down to 1/3 of the original volume, where the same volume of sugar syrup is added. It is necessary to solve the problem from the method of boiling milk, which, despite prolonged heat treatment, retains important trace elements: potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium; vitamins: A, C, D, B6, B12; valuable milk fats and proteins. This is achieved by long-term pasteurization of milk at + 60-65 C.

For home pasteurization, you can use modern multicookers, pressure cookers, and if there are no such devices, then the old grandmother's method, proven folk cuisine. In this case, grease the edges of the pan with melted butter; before pouring milk into it, place a spoon in it. Experienced housewives a wooden spatula is placed on the edges of the pan in which the milk should boil, so that the milk, foaming at the moment of boiling, does not run onto the stove. You can eliminate the burning of milk by placing it in a large container of water, that is, in a water bath.

Evaporation of milk in a slow cooker is easily regulated by a given temperature regime, and the same process on the stove requires manual regulation, a cooking thermometer and periodic monitoring of it.

If it becomes necessary to give homemade condensed milk the taste of coffee or cocoa, then first you need to brew these drinks, which should be carefully filtered to achieve absolute transparency. It remains only on its basis to cook sugar syrup, which is poured into concentrated milk.


  • granulated sugar - 339 grams;
  • drinking water - 300 milliliters;
  • natural milk 8.5% - 1 liter;
  • butter- 50 grams.

Condensed milk at home according to the Soviet recipe is prepared as follows:

  1. A pot for making condensed milk at home should be with a thick bottom. The edges of such dishes around the entire circumference of the pan should be greased with butter to prevent milk from escaping during its long boiling.
  2. Pour the prescribed volume of fresh milk into the pan and put it on the minimum heat until it has evaporated to 1/3 of the original volume.
  3. By the end of boiling milk, boil the sugar syrup from water and sugar while stirring and also over low heat until it hardens into a “thick thread”.
  4. As soon as this happens together, combine the boiled milk and sugar syrup, pouring the milk into the syrup in a thin stream with constant stirring.
  5. Combined milk and sugar continue to boil over low heat for another 15 minutes and remove from heat.
  6. It remains to pour the resulting condensed milk into a suitable dish and cool in natural conditions. It will thicken as it cools.

If the milk is curdled for long-term storage, then both jars and lids are sterilized beforehand and with milk: 0.5 liter jars - 20 minutes, and 1.0 liter jars - 30 minutes.

This quick recipe condensed milk at home in 15 minutes will really allow you to prepare condensed milk using a minimum of ingredients, time and effort.


  • Milk - 1 glass
  • Sugar - 1 cup
  • Butter - 3 tbsp.

According to a 15-minute recipe, condensed milk at home is prepared as follows:

Pour milk into a saucepan, pour a glass of sugar there. We put on fire and stir until sugar dissolves in milk, then add butter.

At the moment when the mixture in the saucepan begins to boil - add fire and keep stirring constantly for 10 minutes, then remove from heat, stir until the foam settles, and carefully pour into a jar or other container for ready-made condensed milk.

In fact, everything about everything will take you just 15 minutes to prepare such condensed milk at home from improvised products.

Candy recipe for condensed milk "Toffee"

Once you have tasted homemade condensed milk "Iriska", you will definitely remember its unique taste, for which it is not a pity to spend time, especially if you decide to pamper your children with yummy.


  • sugar syrup - 450 milliliters;
  • whole milk, fresh, natural - 1 liter;
  • butter - 150 grams.

According to the candy recipe, Iriska condensed milk is prepared at home as follows:

  1. Cook condensed milk at home according to recipe No. 1 or buy it in a store, having carefully studied its composition, which should not contain any vegetable oils.
  2. Pour the prepared or purchased condensed milk into a saucepan and, placing it on water bath, put the entire fixture on low heat. The process is lengthy and will require supervision. For this reason, it is better to combine it with other long-term tasks in the kitchen in order to control the progress of the preparation of Toffee condensed milk.
  3. As soon as the condensed milk boils, set the signal clock for 40 minutes of waiting and, at the signal, introduce butter into it, with which the mass of condensed milk should be boiled until it acquires a golden brown color and a pleasant candy creamy aroma.
  4. It remains to remove the condensed milk from the heat, cool and pour into suitable containers.

To make condensed milk "Toffee" plastic for spreading on sweet sandwiches, then at the end of cooking, add to it on the tip of a knife citric acid. If you need a candy version, then before pouring, the candy molds must be lubricated with oil so that they can be easily removed.

A simple recipe for chocolate condensed milk "Nutella"

Of course, you can buy a jar of Nutella in the store, or you can cook the original pasta according to a simple recipe. There is no special creative zest in its preparation, but you can always add it, varying the ingredients according to your preferences in preparing this " chocolate condensed milk».


  • homemade condensed milk (8.5%) or purchased - 400 grams;
  • ground hazelnuts - 200 grams;
  • butter 180 grams;
  • cocoa - 50 grams;
  • premium flour - 25 grams;
  • table salt - 5 grams;
  • granulated sugar - to taste.

According to a simple recipe, Nutella condensed milk at home is prepared as follows:

  1. In this version of cooking condensed milk at home, you can use it as homemade condensed milk, or purchased according to your preference.
  2. Mix dry ingredients in a suitable container: flour, cocoa powder, ground nuts, granulated sugar in the volume that you want to get the sweetness of the product.
  3. Pour condensed milk into the resulting mixture while stirring, add softened butter and bring everything by thorough mixing until homogeneous mass.
  4. Put the resulting mass to boil in a water bath over low heat. When the mass is completely warmed up, it should be stirred with a wooden spatula until it is completely homogeneous so that no sugar crystals remain.
  5. As soon as the mass begins to boil, remove it from the heat, transfer it to a sterile jar, cool and store under the lid in the refrigerator. Although such a product, most likely, will not stay there for a long time - it will quickly go to sweet sandwiches.

Thanks to homemade condensed milk, to which coffee or cocoa is added, you can quickly, simply and tasty cook Morning coffee or hot cocoa for breakfast with cheesecakes or pancakes. Enough instead of water to make syrup when home cooking condensed milk, use concentrated, cooked in the usual way in a Turk, not with one, but with ten tablespoons of natural ground coffee per 400 milliliters of water drink. Let it settle, strain through a multilayer cheesecloth, add 12 teaspoons granulated sugar and cook over low heat until the syrup thickens, and then, according to the above " Soviet recipe”, combine coffee or syrup with boiled milk. To enhance the coffee aroma of such condensed milk, you can add 4 grams to the hot product instant coffee. In the same order, you can cook chocolate condensed milk.

It should be emphasized that it is especially important for homemade condensed milk to use only whole natural milk of high fat content. Although the option of powdered milk is not good to dismiss from the threshold, but only if it is diluted not in water, but in natural milk.

The process of evaporation of moisture from whole milk of high fat content is significantly accelerated. It can be taken into account that cream with a fat content of 30% is boiled down with sugar syrup twice as fast as even very high fat milk.

We are accustomed to consider a thick, homogeneous mass with a delicate milky aroma and caramel notes as the ideal condensed milk. But it often happens that the delicacy does not at all live up to our expectations. For example, self-cooked condensed milk may turn out to be too liquid, or when we want to make boiled milk from store-bought condensed milk, then after cooking it turns out to be not thick, although it suits us quite well in color and taste. Only for the filling of the same nuts, such a product can no longer be used - such a filling will simply leak out. Thanks to our tips, you will learn how to thicken condensed milk at home.

How to make regular condensed milk thicker?

To get the consistency you need, try one of the following methods:

Keep in mind that the product without the addition of various fats, which contains whole milk and sugar, is most susceptible to thickening.

How to make the stew thicker?

Varenka can turn out to be liquid either if you cooked it a little, or because it does not have a completely natural composition.
What to do in this case?

We do not recommend adding flour to obtain density, otherwise the delicacy will not have a very pleasant aftertaste. But if you still decide to thicken the product in this way, be sure to boil it with flour for 10 minutes in a water bath.
We hope our tips help you!

Condensed milk at home is not at all difficult to prepare. Treat yourself and your loved ones to a fresh delicacy of the highest quality.

1. Ingredients:

- 1 cup of sugar
- Half a teaspoon of vanilla sugar

Pour the milk into a heavy-bottomed saucepan, add a glass of sugar, dissolve it, and bring the milk to a boil over medium heat. Reduce heat and simmer, stirring occasionally, until milk is reduced by two-thirds of its original volume. The mass should become a pleasant cream color and a little thick. It speaks of readiness. In the last minutes, add vanilla sugar, dissolve it and let the mass boil for a couple of seconds. From one liter of milk, about 400 g of everyone's favorite product is obtained. Condensed milk at home turns out to be very thick and viscous, but first you need to cool it (it is liquid when hot).

2. Ingredients:
- 250 ml milk 3.2% fat
- One and a half cups of dry milk
- One and a half cups of sugar
- 1 sachet of vanilla sugar

Mix warm milk, milk powder and sugar in a bowl with a whisk, add vanilla. Put the mixture in a small saucepan over a water bath (place this dish in a large saucepan of boiling water). Reduce heat and simmer mixture for about an hour, stirring occasionally until thickened. It turns out half a liter of wonderful homemade condensed milk.

3. Ingredients:
– 1 liter of milk 3.2% fat
- 500 g sugar
- Half a glass of water

Pour sugar into a saucepan with a thick bottom, pour water and boil the syrup (let it boil for a couple of minutes). Add milk, bring the mixture to a boil. Simmer over low heat, stirring frequently for about two hours. When the milk thickens and becomes a nice creamy color, remove from heat and set aside.

4. Ingredients:
- 500 g of finished powdered sugar
- 375 g fresh milk
- 40 g butter

Pour milk into tall saucepan, add butter and powdered sugar. Place over low heat and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Boil for 10 minutes over medium heat. Pour into a jar, refrigerate and leave overnight in the refrigerator to thicken.

5. Ingredients:
- 1 liter of milk 3.2% fat
- 500 g sugar
- A quarter cup of water
- 1 tbsp cocoa

Recipe delicious treats- boiled condensed milk - simple, but it will take a little time and your attention. For cooking, use very fresh and maximum fat milk, then the mass will have a very pleasant creamy taste. Pour the sugar into a heavy-bottomed bowl and pour in the water. Stirring constantly, dissolve the sugar and bring the syrup to a boil. Hold on fire for 2-3 minutes. Add milk in a thin stream, bring to a boil and cook over low heat until thickened, stirring occasionally. Pour cocoa powder through a sieve and mix thoroughly until smooth, let it boil for another minute and leave to cool.
Enjoy your meal!

Alexander Gushchin

I can't vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)


Condensed milk is a delicacy loved by many since childhood, both kids and adults love to eat it. In addition, condensed milk is an ideal filling for many desserts. Most modern people are accustomed to store-bought ready-made cans. However, knowing how to make condensed milk at home, you will be able to cook much more delicious, and most importantly, useful product. There are some great recipes that you should definitely check out.

Features of cooking homemade condensed milk

Here are a few tricks to help you make the perfect dish:

  1. It is best to take homemade fresh milk. If you can’t find one, buy the fattest pasteurized. Milk can be replaced with the same amount of 25 percent cream.
  2. For cooking, take a pan with a thick bottom, preferably aluminum or steel. If you are still afraid that the product will burn, then cook not in the usual way, but in a water bath.
  3. Sugar in the recipe is allowed to be replaced with powdered sugar. Many people prefer to take store-bought because it contains starch, which improves the consistency of the product.
  4. To make homemade condensed milk homogeneous, add a little soda at the beginning of cooking (on the tip of a teaspoon).
  5. If you want to diversify the recipe for condensed milk, you can add cocoa. If you believe the reviews, this does not affect the sweetness, but it gives an unusual coffee flavor to the dish. In addition, home-made tinted condensed milk will look beautiful in finished cake or dessert.
  6. It will be possible to make milk thicker and sweeter by replacing ordinary cane sugar.
  7. Condensed milk is best stored in glass jar in a refrigerator.
  8. If you cook the mixture longer, pour it into special molds and refrigerate, you will get fragrant toffees.
  9. The more sugar you add, the sweeter the dish will be and the faster it will cook.
  10. Butter is often added to homemade condensed milk. It makes it softer, but it is worth remembering that the presence of this ingredient reduces the shelf life.
  11. To thicken the mixture with any ingredients, ordinary baking soda will help better.
  12. Vanillin will give homemade condensed milk a delicious flavor.

Step by step recipes for making condensed milk

A factory-made product is not as tasty as a homemade product; preservatives are added to it during the production process, which can harm the body. It is much better to learn how to cook condensed milk yourself from natural ingredients. There is a mass different ways manufacturing - in a saucepan, slow cooker, pressure cooker, bread machine, microwave. You must definitely master at least one recipe for homemade condensed milk. Try to cook this amazing delicacy, which brings invaluable benefits to the body.

Easy Milk and Sugar Recipe

  • whole cow's milk- 0.5 l (fresh);
  • sugar - 150-250 g (depending on what degree of sweetness you want to get);
  • baking soda - a pinch.


  1. Take a deep container. Pour in milk, add sugar, soda.
  2. Put the pan on the stove, stir the mass periodically. Wait until the milk is reduced by a third.
  3. When the mixture thickens and becomes creamy, remove it from the stove and pour into a jar. Typically, this takes about an hour and a half.
  4. The calorie content of homemade condensed milk is approximately 340 calories per 100 grams.
  5. Important: do not try to make the fire stronger so that the condensed milk cooks faster, as it will only burn. Cook all the time at the same temperature.

From milk powder

  • dry milk - 150 g;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • pasteurized milk - 150 ml.

  1. Take a small saucepan, pour milk into it and put it on a water bath to warm up. Wait for it to warm up. Gradually pour in the milk powder, without ceasing to beat the mixture with a whisk. If you start the process too early, the powder will not dissolve.
  2. When you are sure there are no lumps, add sugar. Continue stirring the mixture thoroughly.
  3. Boil condensed milk in a bath for about an hour. Mix it up very often. The fire must be weak.
  4. If you want the condensed milk at home to turn out thick and taste like toffee, cook it for another 20 minutes. If the consistency suits you, remove the mixture from the heat and pour into another container.

From goat milk


  • fresh goat milk - 0.5 l;
  • sugar - 250 g;
  • soda - a pinch.


  1. Take a thick-walled saucepan, pour in milk, immediately pour soda into it, put it on a slow fire. When warm, add sugar.
  2. Cook the condensed milk, stirring often, until it turns golden, as in the photo.
  3. Pour it into jars, cool and cover iron lids. Store exclusively in the refrigerator for no more than two to three weeks.

From infant formula

  • milk - 250 ml;
  • sugar - 0.24 kg;
  • baby dry mix - 90-100 grams.


  1. In a separate bowl, mix dry ingredients.
  2. Heat milk in a water bath, gradually pour in sugar with baby food, stir constantly to avoid lumps.
  3. Boil until tender (about an hour).
  4. If you are thinking about how to make delicious condensed milk at home in a slow cooker, set the “Stew” mode and first fill the bowl with dry ingredients, and then gradually pour in the milk. Cooking time will be an hour and a half, it all depends on what consistency you would like to get.

From cream


  • cream - 800 ml;
  • sugar - 400 g;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • milk - 200 ml;
  • vanillin - a bag.


  1. Warm up the milk in a water bath. Make a very small fire, because there should be no boiling.
  2. Dissolve butter in milk, add cream, vanillin.
  3. Whisking constantly, add the sugar little by little. Before boiling, it should completely dissolve.
  4. Boil the condensed milk until it becomes yellowish in color. The consistency should be a viscous liquid. As practice shows, condensed milk with cream is cooked much faster. Cooking time is reduced by about half.
  5. If you are satisfied with the resulting condensed milk, remove it from the heat, cool, store in the refrigerator.

How to roll condensed milk into jars

You can prepare a delicacy for the future and use it as a filling for cakes, pancakes. You already know how to make condensed milk at home, but you also need to know how to roll it into jars. If you plan to preserve the product, then, no matter what recipe you choose, be sure to add a little soda. It not only makes condensed milk more homogeneous, but also contributes to long-term storage.

For preservation, you will need deep dishes: mix three parts of fresh milk and one part of sugar, add a little bit of soda. Put the container on the stove, wait until it boils, reduce the heat to a minimum. Stir the condensed milk occasionally until it turns yellow-brown. When the density suits you, remove the container from the stove. Let the mixture cool slightly, pour into pre-sterilized jars, roll up. Store in cold conditions.

Video recipes: how to cook condensed milk at home

Watch some videos. Thanks to them, you will learn how much to cook condensed milk in a jar, get acquainted with the fastest and simple recipes. With the help of video materials, you will see for yourself that the process of making condensed milk is simple and there is absolutely no need to buy this product in a store. Learn how to cook and experiment with desserts with an educational video.

Very easy and quick recipe in 15 minutes

How to cook in a slow cooker

How to make boiled condensed milk

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Childhood... Warmth... Comfort... Mother's care... That's what many adults remember when they hear the word "condensed milk". I just want to return to that wonderful time, open a jar and eat plenty of this delicacy. Of course, you can now go to the store and buy condensed milk. However, the modern product only remotely resembles that past condensed milk. What to do? You can be nostalgic and, waving your hand, go about your business, or you can buy everything necessary products for cooking goodies at home and try to do it. The choice, of course, is yours. However, if you are reading this article, then you are interested in the question of how to make condensed milk at home. It should be noted that this is quite easy.

How to make condensed milk at home?

There are several cooking recipes. To begin with, we present to your attention the simplest, for which you only need two ingredients:

  1. Milk - 1 liter.
  2. Sugar - 1 glass.

So let's start cooking. We need a deep saucepan. Pour milk into it, then immediately pour sugar into it. We put the pan on the fire and leave it there until the milk becomes about one and a half times less. It is also important to stir the mass from time to time. If you keep a close eye on the cooking process, at some point you will see that the brew has become quite thick, and also acquired a beautiful creamy color. Then the pan can be removed from the stove. Homemade condensed milk is ready. You can pour it into a smaller container and enjoy the excellent taste, just like in childhood. Also, you will be sure that the product does not contain preservatives, thickeners, and soy derivatives, because you yourself put only two ingredients in the saucepan - sugar and milk. Condensed milk prepared according to this recipe can be safely given to a child and not be afraid for his health.

Recipe using powdered milk

There is another wonderful recipe for condensed milk. You can use it too. What will be needed for cooking?

  1. 220-300 ml of milk.
  2. 150-200 g of powdered milk.
  3. 300-400 gr. Sahara.

Let's start cooking by mixing natural and powdered milk. Then, using a whisk, the mass must be thoroughly mixed so that there are no lumps. The next step is adding sugar. And mix thoroughly again. This mixture must be boiled on a steam bath for an hour. Don't forget to stir from time to time. Do not worry that at the end of the cooking process, the condensed milk turned out to be quite liquid. Let it cool and then put it in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning you will be able to feast on thick and tasty, and most importantly - natural homemade condensed milk.

How to cook condensed milk from milk quickly?

Now you know the two main ways to make condensed milk at home. However, you can use another wonderful recipe. Cooking takes only 15-20 minutes.

Required Ingredients:

  1. 200-300 ml of milk.
  2. 200-300 gr. powdered sugar.
  3. 20-30 gr. butter.

We take a saucepan, pour milk into it, add powdered sugar, as well as butter. Mix these ingredients thoroughly. We put the pan on the fire and bring the mass to a boil. It is very important to constantly stir the mixture so that the sugar dissolves well. The next step is to reduce the heat and simmer for 15-20 minutes. Remove the saucepan from the heat, let the condensed milk cool.

If you have a slow cooker, you can cook condensed milk in it. For this you need:

  1. Milk - 2 multi-glasses.
  2. Sugar - 2 multi-cups.
  3. Milk formula - also 2 multi-glasses.

Pour milk into the brewing bowl, and then add sugar and milk mixture there. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. We select the "Extinguishing" mode, determine the time - 30 minutes. Stir the milk from time to time to prevent lumps from forming. Let the condensed milk cool and send it to the refrigerator for a while. After that, you can feast on and remember childhood.

We roll condensed milk into jars

You can take note of one more interesting recipe how to cook condensed milk from milk. After cooking, such a product is rolled into jars and used for filling custard and other cakes. Condensed milk prepared according to this recipe can be stored for a long time.

Shall we start cooking? We need fresh fresh milk (1.5 l), sugar (0.5 kg), soda (a third of a teaspoon). It is best to take a fairly wide aluminum bowl, moisture will evaporate well from it during the cooking process. Pour milk into a bowl, then pour sugar and soda into it. You may ask why soda is needed, because in previous recipes it is not. There are two reasons. The baking soda helps to achieve a smoother consistency and also makes the condensed milk suitable for jars. So, we wait until our mixture boils, then reduce the heat to a minimum and cook, stirring thoroughly. After a while, you can notice that the mixture turned yellow, and in the end it turned brownish. Do not forget to stir and make sure that the condensed milk does not burn. Taste it too. When you see that the milk has become quite thick, you can remove the bowl from the stove. Now the resulting condensed milk should be poured into jars and rolled up. The product will taste similar to Korovka sweets.

Now you know how to cook condensed milk. However, you will undoubtedly find some tips on how to prepare it useful.


By making condensed milk at home, you will save money and also protect yourself from harmful substances, which are abundant in store-bought condensed milk. By the way, this product is part of many confectionery which you can cook yourself.

We hope that this article was useful for you, because now you know for sure how to make condensed milk at home, and you can cook it at any time convenient for you.

Bon appetit and original culinary ideas!