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We smoke chicken legs. Smoked chicken legs at home

fragrant chicken hot smoked can be used as a component for other dishes (for example, for dressing salads or making soups), and can also be served as an independent dish. And if it is also really hot, fresh from the oil lamp, hardly anyone can refuse. 🙂 In this article, a story about how to smoke chicken in a hot smoked smokehouse at home, in your kitchen or in the country.

For hot smoking chicken in an apartment, it is better to use household smokehouses with a water seal and smoke extraction, both factory-made and home-made. A water seal will prevent smoke from inside the smokehouse from entering the kitchen, but this pipe on the lid will bring excess smoke out the window or kitchen hood:

There is a subtle point here that some people forget. If the outlet pipe is long, then condensate will accumulate inside it - after all, the smoke cools down, passing through it. This water must be diverted so that it does not clog the tube. For example, like this:

Highly a small portion products (say, a couple of legs) can be smoked in an ordinary saucepan with a tightly closed lid, without any chimney. To do this, the lid of the pan must be sealed - for example, wrapped with a wet towel or foil. The second method is preferable: the towel will simply dry out in an hour of standing on the stove.

Some use another way to seal the lid - coat it around the edge with dough. The method is good, but there is a minus - you have to cook the dough in addition to everything. 🙂

Hot smoking chicken in the air does not require any excess smoke or condensation collection. You can use a large saucepan or a cauldron with a lid. The lid is still needed so that the smoke remains inside the smokehouse, and does not immediately fly into the sky, but it is no longer necessary to seal it.

It is most convenient to smoke chicken in a real, large smokehouse from a barrel. But for this you need a summer cottage. 🙂

The easiest way (but requiring known cash costs) is to simply buy a ready-made smoking machine. There are devices designed for use in the kitchens of ordinary apartments. We have already talked about the simplest models, in the form of a box with a lid. But it is more expedient to use more technologically advanced units, with a reliable water seal, with a smoke exhaust system into the kitchen hood and convenient food grates.

Here is a photo of one of the Hanhi brand models. In fact, they have a whole range of models to choose from.


Before smoking, the chicken must be prepared - salted in the marinade. There are many recipes for brines for cooking hot smoked chicken, and most likely, each owner has his own. We will list only the most popular ones here.

Recipe 1

The first marinade recipe for smoking chicken is the easiest:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 heaping tablespoon of salt;
  • 5-6 bay leaves;
  • black and allspice - together about 20 peas.

And it's all. Water must be heated, salt should be dissolved in it, spices should be thrown. Cool down to room temperature, and can be used.

Recipe 2

This method is more complicated than the first, but the chicken turns out to be more fragrant:

  • 1 liter of hot water;
  • 1 tablespoon of salt;
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar;
  • 3 tablespoons of 3% vinegar;
  • half a teaspoon of ginger, cinnamon, coriander, black and allspice;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 2-3 juniper berries (optional and if available)

The preparation is the same. Heat the water to a boil, dissolve the salt and sugar, throw in the spices. Do not cut the garlic, but crush it with a knife or spoon. Cool the mixture to room temperature.

Recipe 3

And this recipe involves some additional steps. For 1 kilogram of chicken we take:

  • 20 grams of garlic;
  • 4 grams of ground black pepper.

Crush the garlic into a pulp, mix with pepper. Rub the chicken inside and out with this mixture. Put the meat in a saucepan and pour this solution:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 50 grams of salt;
  • 10 grams of sugar;
  • black peppercorns and spices to taste.


Smoked chicken should be taken fresh or chilled. If the carcass is large, then you can cut it along the ridge into two halves. We do not remove the skin from the chicken. If there is a lot of fat on the carcass, then you need to cut it off; during the smoking process, it will still drain, so you will have to wash the smoker less afterwards.

The prepared marinade must be cooled to room temperature. Most often they do just that. But some people prefer to immerse the chicken in a still hot solution that has just been removed from the stove.

The whole chicken is immersed in the marinade, nothing should remain above the surface. To do this, you can put a plate on top and put oppression, for example, a jar of water. Put all this in a cool place (in the refrigerator) for at least a day.

After this period, the chicken is taken out of the marinade, washed with water from excess salt and dried. To do this, it is often recommended to let the carcass lie down so that the entire solution drains. Or if you don't want to wait, you can just wipe it dry with a towel.


If you are going to smoke your chicken in a large smokehouse (for example, in a barrel) in limbo, then it is advisable to tie the carcass with twine. By the way, it will also be useful at the previous stage of preparation - for this twine, the carcass can be hung somewhere in a place protected from flies so that the excess marinade drains and it dries. If you do hot smoking chicken in a compact household smokehouse with a grate, then you don’t need to tie the carcass.

The recipe for smoking is generally the same:

  1. Wood chips or sawdust are poured at the bottom. Let's not forget that the best results are obtained when using alder chips; in second place in popularity - fruit tree species; on the third - other hardwoods, such as oak, aspen, willow, beech, and so on. Conifers cannot be used.
  2. Above the layer of chips, a tray is installed to collect the flowing fat. Fat should not fall on the hot bottom of the smokehouse.
  3. Even higher is the grate for products. Products should be placed on the grate freely, without touching each other, so that the smoke can easily circulate around.
  4. The smokehouse is closed with a lid and put on fire.

All this mutual arrangement of parts must be provided for by the design of the smokehouse. If you want to make a smokehouse yourself, carefully read its device, for example, here.

Smoking is considered to have begun when smoke begins to come out from under the lid (or it appears from the chimney pipe). This will mean that the smoke completely filled the entire internal volume. From this point on, time is usually recorded.

The smoking time should be approximately one hour. Approximately, because the exact time is highly dependent on your smoker and on the air temperature. For example, in winter outdoors, the process must be extended by 15-20 minutes. You will have to empirically determine the optimal mode for your particular device. After two or three smoking sessions, you will find the best mode for yourself. However, the general recommendation is just that - about one hour.

Have you been looking for a simple recipe for a fairly original, healthy, tasty dish? You should definitely try the smoked ham salad! You will like it with its rich taste bouquet, excellent aroma. In addition, the dish is really satisfying, it gives a real boost of energy for the whole day and supplies the body with vitamins and valuable substances. It is very pleasant that the salad is exceptionally easy to prepare. It only takes a few minutes to complete the entire process. True, you will need to boil the potatoes, but if necessary, you can make a salad without it.

Making a salad with chicken thighs

Consider the algorithm for preparing a salad, be sure to stop at all important points and consider key recommendations. Then it will not be difficult for you to quickly, without problems, cook hearty, delicious salad. You will be able to use such a dish as a main dish if you make large portions.

Here is what the chef of one of the Moscow restaurants says about the role of the legs in this salad. “We are often ordered a salad with smoked ham. People like that such a chicken is still almost dietary, but at the same time it has all the delights of fatty meat loved by many. If you eat a little of this salad, you can not worry about weight, body fat. But the taste and aroma of the dish are excellent! It's like you're allowing yourself to eat fatty foods when you start eating them. Of course, we smoke the legs ourselves. Be sure to add a mixture of peppers, rub the legs with hot chili peppers. When people buy ready-made chicken legs, they can also decorate them in this way. Rub them with garlic, chili, sprinkle with freshly ground peppers. You will see how much richer the taste of the chicken becomes!”

It's time to start cooking! Remember exactly what products you need. Take potatoes with garlic, smoked legs themselves. Be sure to stock up on cheese with eggs, take fresh or canned pineapple, blue onions. As a dressing, a mixture of sour cream and mayonnaise is used here. You can combine them in equal proportions.

Remember the order of actions and all the key points.

  1. First you need to choose smoked chicken legs. Try to get them in point of sale, which has long enjoyed your well-deserved trust. It’s great if you smoked meat right today, it didn’t lie in the refrigerator at all. When the legs themselves are not very fragrant, and this also happens, you still need to work with them. Take a pepper mill, stock up on a hot chili pepper and a clove of garlic. Now rub the peppers into the meat, rub it with garlic and chili. Then you need to leave the legs for about 10 minutes so that they are saturated with a sharp shaving brush. Then it is necessary to cut the meat into fairly small pieces. If you and your loved ones value chicken, even the skin can be used. In smoked legs, it is especially tasty, fragrant.
  2. Now send your potatoes to boil. It is advisable to choose domestic potatoes, even if it does not seem beautiful enough at first glance. The thing is that genetically modified tubers contain almost no valuable substances, vitamins, their use can adversely affect health. In addition, this cute-looking potato does not at all have the delicate aroma and rich taste inherent in real tubers that are familiar to us. You can send the potatoes to cook right in the skin. True, it is desirable to further process the potatoes cooked in their uniforms. When it is completely cooked, but has not yet begun to fall apart, you need to clean it. Then place the whole potatoes in a separate bowl. Chop more greens there, grate a clove of garlic. Pour the potatoes olive oil odorless, mix with herbs and garlic. It will acquire a wonderful aroma, will amaze with a rich flavor bouquet. At the same time, the taste of the potato itself will not be “lost” either.
  3. Be sure to hard boil the eggs. Remember that you can’t cook them even a little longer than the prescribed period, as they instantly acquire a “rubber” consistency. It is advisable to take eggs of the highest or first grade. They have a richer taste, and they contain much more vitamins. So that you do not have problems with removing the shells, use the advice of one experienced hostess. “I add eggs to almost all salads, but I used to suffer with shells for a long time. She did not want to act in any way, there were a lot of eggs on her. In general, the whole process of cleaning eggs turned into real torture. As a result, most of the eggs simply went to the trash. Now I always make sure to refrigerate the eggs immediately after cooking. It is necessary to take a saucepan, pour boiling water out of it, and then tilt it and place it under an open tap with ice water. Wait until the eggs are completely cold. Then they will easily peel off the shells! You will need to mash the testicles with a fork or finely chop. Try not to crush egg mass, leave it airy.
  4. Now take care of the bow. Blue onions are usually put in this salad. It is his delicate taste, delicate aroma that perfectly fit into this dish. Such an onion does not need to be scalded, it is already quite soft. Cut the onion into thin rings. Then you just put it on the bottom of the salad bowl. It is curious that some housewives do not specifically mix the onions with other ingredients, so that all interested guests can easily separate it from the salad mass if they do not want to eat it.
  5. It is desirable to put pineapple in our salad. The thing is that chicken goes well with pineapple. Many housewives note that without pineapple, the salad noticeably loses. It's great if you take not the usual canned pineapple, but a real one. fresh fruit. It must be rid of the tail, the upper part. Choose your pineapples carefully. The fruit should not have a greenish tint, too pungent odor. Look for pineapples without scratches and dents, browning, soft parts. The pineapple should be ripe but not rotten. You have to cut it into small pieces. If you want to save time, spend less money on a salad, you should choose canned pineapple, cut into puckers (rings). Please note that it is better not to buy pineapple already chopped into pieces, since it is no longer juicy at all, practically does not retain the specific taste and aroma inherent in this fruit.
  6. Of course, we can not do without cheese here. The dish is traditionally garnished with a whole cheese cap. Interestingly, you also need to add cheese inside the salad, but not grated, but cut into small pieces. So divide your cheese into two parts. Rub one on a fine grater, and cut the other.

It will take about an hour to cook, a smoker or a pan with thick walls. The method itself is quite simple and does not require significant effort. Thus, the most delicious meat can be cooked not only in nature, but also at home.

The recipe is pretty simple. So, we will need:

  • chicken legs - 10 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise - 400 g;
  • mineral water - 1.5 liters;
  • salt;
  • pepper;
  • wood chips.

Just before the smoking process itself, pickle the chicken legs. This takes quite a bit of time. You can even soak the meat in a plastic bag. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and put in the refrigerator for half an hour. This is quite enough.

After a half-hour marination, chicken legs can begin to be smoked. At the bottom of the smokehouse it is necessary to lay out chips for smoking, and a special baking sheet is installed above it, in which fat is collected. In turn, a grate is placed above it, on which the meat is laid out. The legs should not be stacked tightly to each other, because the smoke should cover them from all sides.

For best result the legs are covered with a lid. When smoke begins to break through from under it, you need to detect 20 minutes. Time may vary depending on the desired result. As an optimal option, smoke for 20 minutes, this is quite enough for cooking meat. You can check for readiness by making an incision. If at the same time clear juice is released, then the legs can be removed.

As a result, chicken legs are very tasty and juicy. It is important to pay attention to the amount of wood chips when smoking, so that in the end the meat does not acquire a bitter taste. Also, do not be zealous and over the cooking time, if the legs are overexposed, they will become too dry. Therefore, if this is the first smoking experience, then it should be limited to 20 minutes.

Seasoned leg recipe

You can smoke chicken legs different ways. And this task is quite simple. One of the common methods is cooking chicken legs on the sawdust of fruit trees. The result is delicious dish, and the aroma that comes out during cooking will seriously whet your appetite. For smoking you will need:

  • chicken legs in the required amount;
  • seasonings;
  • sawdust from fruit trees.

First you need to rinse the meat well. After the legs are rubbed with spices, which are selected based on personal preferences. Do not forget about salt and pepper, otherwise the dish will turn out fresh. Chicken legs are marinated in the refrigerator for 5 hours, and then dried on a napkin.

You need to smoke the meat for about half an hour, if it is not ready, then another 10 minutes are added. To do this, 3 presses of sawdust are poured under the grate, and the legs are stacked so that the pieces do not touch each other. Such a measure is necessary for better smoke permeability from all sides. For the first 10 minutes, the meat is under the lid, and as soon as smoke begins to fall from under it, it is removed, otherwise the taste of the legs will be bitter. After releasing the smoke, she returns to her place. This procedure is carried out every time smoke appears.

Legs at home

You can enjoy delicious food without chemical additives if it was cooked with your own hands. There are many recipes for smoking chicken legs. After 30 minutes you can enjoy delicious fragrant meat.

To get started, stock up on the following ingredients:

  • 4 legs;
  • seasonings, including pepper and salt;
  • about 200 gr. beech chips;
  • foil.

Using this recipe, a special smokehouse is not needed, a goose is enough. Before this, the legs must be washed well and dried before smoking. You can use paper towels to save time. Before smoking, the meat is peppered, salted, and, if desired, rubbed with your favorite spices.

So, the bottom of the goose is covered with foil and the sides are made from it. After that, there should be no gaps between the sheets. For smoking chicken legs, you can use beech sawdust, but you can also cherry. They are evenly poured onto the foil and covered with another sheet on top. Before placing the meat in the pan, you need to brown the sawdust a little.

Smoke is a sure sign that the sawdust is ready. After that, the legs are laid out. Since the recipe involves smoking in a saucepan, you must first big chunks chop. The goose is tightly covered with a lid and left on high heat for about 10 minutes.

After the crust of the chicken legs has browned, the fire is reduced and remains in this state for another 20 minutes. As a result, ruddy and fragrant pieces are obtained. If there is no goose maker, then you can use a regular pan. This recipe can be used to cook fish and other types of meat.

Hot smoked leg with juniper

At home, cooking chicken legs is not difficult and costly. For this, it is not necessary to use a smokehouse. In no case should you use frozen meat, it must be prepared: washed and rubbed with spices. Marinating time in the refrigerator is 6 hours. After, the legs are dried for half an hour.

To prepare chicken thighs you will need:

  • 5 kg of legs;
  • juniper fruits - 100 g;
  • pepper;
  • bay leaf;
  • ground cinnamon - 3 g;
  • salt;
  • sugar - 25 g.

Each piece is additionally rubbed with sugar and cinnamon. In the smokehouse, the meat is placed after soaking in brine.

To prepare the brine, you need to add your preferred spices to 5 liters of water and boil everything for no more than 5 minutes. After it has cooled down, you can pour the legs and put it under oppression for 3 hours.

You need to smoke dried meat taken out of the brine. Before that, it is pulled together with twine and wrapped tightly with paper. A reddish crust indicates the readiness of the legs. This recipe involves the subsequent airing of the meat in a cool room throughout the day. Thus, a unique taste is achieved.

Cooking chicken legs in a home smokehouse is not difficult. Due to the high temperature and the aroma of alder-apple twigs, the chicken acquires a bright brown color and unusually rich taste. This is not to say that the meat will be soft, rather, it will be elastic and juicy.

Ingredients for smoking chicken thighs

Chicken legs - 10 pieces;
salt - to taste;
hops-suneli, ground pepper, dry coriander - to taste.

Leg preparation

You should not buy chicken legs for smoking in a regular store - if you want it to turn out delicious, do not be too lazy to go to a specialized chicken products store. Take the legs of one batch, carefully inspect them - broken bones and slightly weathered skin indicate that the legs have already been thawed at least once!

At home, we thoroughly wash the legs under running water, remove the cuts of the skin along the edges. Let the water drain and place the chicken legs in a deep marinating bowl. We prepare the pickling mixture immediately to grate each leg with it before putting it in a bowl.

We put the bowl with the legs in the refrigerator for five hours. In order for the meat to marinate well, light oppression is needed. We take out the bowl from the refrigerator, wash each leg, put it on a paper towel or gauze to dry it in the air.


Our home smoker is made of 2mm thick steel sheet. We made it ourselves, so the dimensions of the smokehouse are more in line with our preferences than technical parameters. The length of the smokehouse is 45 cm, height and width are 22 cm each. Bolts are screwed into the bottom of the smokehouse - a tray is placed on them, into which fat is collected during smoking.

The smokehouse has two shelves for gratings on which products are placed. Alder shavings or thin twigs (sometimes apple shavings) are placed on the bottom of the smoker, and the tray covers the chips from dripping fat when the smoker is working. In summer, it is convenient to put the smokehouse on supports by the fire (we specially made them in the country), in spring the smokehouse is installed on a barbecue, in which dry firewood is placed.

We put dry birch firewood in the brazier, kindle it. We heat the brazier until the first coals appear, then we put a smokehouse on top of it with a mixture of alder and apple twigs and shavings.

We level the chips and twigs along the bottom, put a pallet on top of them on the bolts.

Lay the chicken legs on a wire rack, cut side down, skin on top. Before putting the grate in the smoker, hold the chicken legs in the air for a while so that the skin dries.

It is better to put the grate on the bottom shelf, because it will be very hot on the top shelf, and the meat will burn.

We close the lid of the smokehouse, and go about our business for 40 minutes. The smokehouse will cook delicious chicken legs and we can enjoy the rest.

We open the smokehouse, take out the grate with the legs and check with a toothpick for readiness. As a rule, 40 minutes is enough for smoking a chicken leg.

We put the grate in an open place, let the legs "breathe" and "sweat", after which they can be eaten.

If you decide to bring smoked legs home, then first wrap them in parchment paper, only then put in the package. Cold smoked chicken legs are even tastier, honestly! Enjoy your meal!

Smoked chicken is a tasty and rather expensive delicacy that appears on the tables of most of us exclusively on holidays. It can be used both as an independent dish and as an ingredient in salads. In this article, we will teach you how to smoke chicken at home. We are sure that you can enjoy it not only for your birthday and New Year.

smoke canning

They learned to smoke meat, fish and poultry a very, very long time ago. Thus, our ancestors not only gave these products an indescribable taste and aroma, but also got the opportunity to store them for a longer time. Smoking is a kind of conservation with the help of smoke, as a result of which the product acquires antioxidant properties that inhibit the development of harmful bacteria.

When smoked, products do not lose their useful and nutritious properties, except that the taste of spices is added to them. They can be stored without cold for up to three days without fear of poisoning the body. This is very convenient on long trips. Having mastered basic recipes, you will know how to properly smoke chicken, and you can always stock up on this delicious food when moving any distance.

Smoking methods

Of course the tastiest smoked chicken(however, like fish and meat) - this is the one that is smoked in the old fashioned way, that is, it is treated with wood smoke for quite a long time. It is this method that will give the products that very, true taste.

A simpler and more modern method appeared along with the so-called liquid smoke, which is obtained by combining the smoke of barely smoldering wood with water. Absolutely all smoked meats sold in stores go through liquid smoke treatment and are literally stuffed with various preservatives. Many of them are unlikely to add health to you. Some of their names are worth something - acetone, phenol, formaldehyde and other extremely harmful components. In addition, such processing completely eliminates all useful material from the product, making it absolutely useless in terms of nutritional value.

And how to smoke hot-smoked chicken in the absence of a smokehouse and without using liquid smoke that is by no means useful? Everything is fixable if the house has such a miracle of modern kitchen appliances as an air grill or In this article, we will not only teach you how to use these appliances. You will also learn how to smoke chicken in a hot smoker using a variety of marinades. Thus, you can always cook your favorite product in one way or another.

Straight from the smokehouse

If you are lucky and you have a smokehouse or the ability to build one, then this recipe is what you need! How to smoke chicken in a hot smoked smokehouse so that it turns out, as they say, you will lick your fingers? Of course, it's all about the marinade and the proper preparation of the bird's carcass. This is 80 percent success and a guarantee that everything will turn out unusually tasty.

Method one, spicy aromatic

cook necessary ingredients, among which:

  • Chicken - 1 carcass.
  • Salt - 0.5 tablespoon.
  • Garlic - 1 head.
  • Bay leaf - to taste.
  • Black peppercorns - 5-10 pieces.
  • Juniper berries - 5 pieces.
  • Ground ginger - 0.5 teaspoon.
  • Cinnamon - 1 pinch.
  • Sugar - 1 teaspoon.
  • Vinegar 9% - 1 tablespoon.
  • Water - 3 liters.

First of all, wash the chicken, cut it into two halves and lightly beat it off - this way the joints and bones will become softer and the brain fluid will be released.

Then we prepare the brine. To do this, heat water in a saucepan and add salt, 2-3 finely chopped garlic cloves, bay leaf, black peppercorns, juniper berries, cinnamon, ginger, sugar and vinegar. Bring to a boil and remove from heat.

We put the halves of the chicken in a large saucepan or bowl and pour the brine so that it completely covers it. We put it in the refrigerator for 48 hours.

After two days, we take out our chicken halves from the brine, make many small cuts in them and stuff them with garlic. Then we hang the halves of the carcass so that the excess brine drains and the meat is completely dry.

Then we heat the smokehouse to the maximum temperature and begin to smoke our bird, periodically dipping it in brine for a more persistent aroma and bright taste. How long does a chicken smoke in a smokehouse? It depends on the size of the carcass itself. The main indicator of readiness is a shiny film on the skin of the chicken: as soon as it starts to separate easily, smoking is finished. By the way, in this way you can smoke not only chicken halves, but also its individual parts - drumsticks, thighs, fillets or wings.

Method two, fast

Knowing that in a hot smoked smokehouse, you can simplify the recipe. Agree, because there is not always time for a long preparation of the bird. If you are planning to treat guests or go on a business trip, smoked-boiled chicken, the recipe of which we offer, is a great option. it fast way that will please everyone. In addition, it does not require special culinary skills.

Knowing how to smoke chicken in a hot smoked smokehouse, you can simplify classic way which takes three days. Agree, because there is not always time for a long preparation of the bird. Smoked-boiled chicken, the recipe of which we offer, does not require much effort. So, we need the following products:

  • Chicken - 1 whole carcass.
  • Carrots - 1 piece.
  • Onion - 1 piece.
  • Salt (preferably sea salt) - to taste.
  • Spices, herbs - to taste.
  • Water - at least 3 liters.

Both chicken and broth

First of all, wash the bird, put it in a large saucepan and fill it with water so that it covers the chicken up to half. We clean the carrots and onions, cut into large pieces and add to the chicken. Pour in your favorite seasonings, salt and pepper - all in such proportions as on the broth.

We put everything on a strong fire, wait for it to boil, set the flame to a minimum and carefully remove the foam. Then cover the pan with a lid and cook the chicken for about 40 minutes. It should not be completely cooked - rather, half-cooked.

After the allotted time, we take the chicken out of the pan and leave to dry. You can speed up the process with paper towels, gently soaking up excess liquid. The resulting broth can be turned into a soup or served for dinner with finely chopped herbs and croutons.

Next, we send our semi-cooked chicken to the smokehouse. If you do not know how much after pre-boiling, use the instructions for your smokehouse. If not, then on average the whole process takes 2-4 hours. The finished chicken has a rich brown-golden color.

Smoked products from a cauldron

If there is no smokehouse in the house - it does not matter! feast on smoked chicken it is possible if there is such a necessary thing in the household as a cauldron. It is from it that it will turn out to build a kind of smokehouse in which you can cook not only chicken, but also lard, meat and fish. For this we need the following items:

  • Cast iron cauldron.
  • Stand in the form of a cylinder made of tin (you can use a can of canned food).
  • Metal plate.
  • Wooden sticks.
  • Alder sawdust.

First, let's prepare the bird. To do this, cut it into pieces, rub with salt and leave to salt for 1 hour. While the chicken is "resting", we proceed to the manufacture of our ersatz smokehouse.


We take a cast-iron cauldron and pour alder sawdust on the bottom. Sprinkle them with water and lightly sprinkle with sugar, mix. Thanks to this, the chicken will acquire a beautiful caramel color.

In the middle of the cauldron, we install a tin can with a cut off bottom and holes drilled on the sides: it should be stably located on sawdust. On top of this structure, we make an improvised lattice of wooden sticks, place a metal plate or bowl on it and put our meat there in one layer. In this case, the pieces should fit snugly one to one. We cover the cauldron with a lid, send it to the stove and simmer for 60-80 minutes until a golden brown color appears.

Miracles of airfryer

And finally, we offer another option for smoking chicken on hastily using air fryer and liquid smoke. As we wrote above, this product will by no means bring health benefits, but if it is not abused, there will be no particular harm.

We will need wings, thighs, or a chicken carcass cut into pieces. We wash the bird, dry it with a paper towel, rub it well with salt and your favorite spices and leave to marinate for 30-40 minutes. After this time, coat the chicken with liquid smoke and let it lie down for another 30 minutes.

Put the grate in the air grill, heat it to a temperature of 250 degrees and put the prepared chicken there. The process of smoking in an air grill will take 40-50 minutes.