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Tench fish recipes fried. fried tench

It has an unspoken nickname: “Royal fish”. Apparently, the taste of tench has been appreciated since ancient times and it was served at the table of the Kings ... I completely agree with the choice of the great throne, the tench is excellent! And now I'll tell how to cook tench what recipes to use to make it the best.

Tench has a dense body, a lot of thick mucus. The scales are quite small, but easier to clean than those. In terms of density, tench meat is close to. Those. very oily, not dry, like zander or pike. The color of the meat is reddish. A lot of small bones. However, this is all nonsense! has a very delicate taste and is considered to be one of the delicacy fish.

Lin can simply be fried. To do this, clean the fish, gut, remove the fins, cut into pieces. We salt moderately and let the tench salt out for half an hour. Fry, dipping in flour, so that a golden crust forms on all sides. Serve with herbs and side dishes (rice, potatoes). I prefer fried tench to completely cooled, and even chilled. Then its meat becomes denser, nothing interrupts the perception of its wonderful taste.

You can bake tench in foil with potatoes. We wash the fish from mucus, clean the scales, gut. We rub the tench carcass with salt and pepper. Inside the fish we put the onion, cut into medium pieces or half rings. Peel the potatoes, cut into circles, salt. Place a piece of foil on the roaster. We put potatoes there, and on top - tench. Wrap and send to the oven for 15-25 minutes, depending on the size of the fish.

In field conditions, while fishing, more than once it was possible to bake a tench on a grill, or simply on a stick: it comes out very tasty.

Original recipe: tench in milk. We clean the tench, gut it, cut it into pieces. We take a pot. We put chopped medium carrots and onions in half rings in it. Separately, from the head and fins of the tench, we cook the broth, we will use it when stewing the dish. We spread the pieces of fish on the vegetables and pour this broth (about a glass) and add milk to cover completely. Salt. Tomim on the divider for an hour. Add butter, 50 grams, and cook for another 10 minutes. Serve as a side dish, both hot and cold.

Tench in pots with sour cream. Tench goes well with sour cream, like carp, in the famous dish -. Separately, fry pieces of tench until lightly browned. Separately, fry the onion in half rings. We put tench in pots, onion on top. Pour it all with sour cream, with a small amount of mayonnaise (also, salt and you can add some fish seasoning a little). AT hot oven the pots should stand for half an hour - and you're done!

Received such a nickname: when it is taken out of the water, you can see how the mucus that covers the body of this fish begins to darken immediately. After a while, the scales on her body begin to fall off, and yellowish spots appear in the place where she peeled off.

But the meat of this unusual fish is surprisingly tasty, very tender. The downside is that the fish can taste like silt. In order for this taste to disappear, it is necessary to boil tench with various seasonings.

For many housewives, when preparing the tench, it is difficult to clean it. Some have already realized that this fish has very thin scales, which you don’t even need to peel off, because after frying the fish will become even tastier and crispier. The most important thing is to simply remove the mucus. In order for it to be properly removed from the body of the fish, it is best to hold the tench under hot water for a while.

How to cook tench deliciously is a question that many cooks are interested in.

Before you start cooking, the fish should be gutted and cleaned of the tail and fins.

An excellent recipe that is suitable for dinner for the whole family is the fish soup made from this fish. Many hostesses have always been interested in how to cook tench without much difficulty.

For such a recipe, the cook will definitely need the following ingredients:

  • some potatoes;
  • a couple of carrots;
  • rice - two hundred grams;
  • Bay leaf;
  • onion head;
  • salt and spices to taste;
  • and, of course, the tench itself.

Before preparing an ear from tench, it must be cleaned of all unnecessary: ​​gills, entrails, eyes. The fish should be washed thoroughly.

Pour water into a saucepan and bring it to a boil, throw potato cubes into it. Ten to fifteen minutes after the potatoes began to boil, pre-washed rice is added. Carrots and onions must be finely chopped and also added to boiling water. Next, add spices and salt.

Ten minutes before the end of cooking vegetable broth tench, pre-cut into cubes, is added there, best of all with his head, since this makes the broth more rich.

After the ear is cooked, you should decorate it with fresh herbs (best of all - just before serving).

Another recipe for cooking tench

There are people who do not like boiled fish, but they will never refuse fried fish. And it is for such people that there is a recipe for cooking tench in a pan. Many readers will now have a completely normal question: “How to cook tench in a pan?” The answer is simple. For the correct preparation of this delicious fish the chef will need:

  • flour;
  • tench;
  • a little sugar;
  • half a lemon;
  • not a large number of vegetable oil;
  • salt to taste;
  • ground black pepper.

How to cook tench correctly in this case, you can find out below.

This delicious fish needs to be cut into several pieces and covered with a mixture of pepper, salt, sugar and left to infuse for ten to fifteen minutes. While the tench absorbs seasonings, it is necessary to heat the pan and add a lot of vegetable oil to it. After the pieces of fish, you need to roll in flour and put in a pan, leave to fry over medium heat. When a crust appears on the line, the fish must be removed from the pan to a plate and garnished with vegetables and fresh herbs before serving.

How to cook tench in the oven by adding sour cream

In order for the tench to be deliciously cooked, it is best to use ingredients such as:

  • Half a kilo of mushrooms.
  • Two or three tench fish.
  • Two heads of onions.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Salt to taste.
  • Four hundred grams of sour cream.
  • Ground black pepper.
  • Spices, which the chef himself decides to add.

How to cook tench in the oven? This question is of interest to virtually every novice cook. Before placing the tench in the oven, it must be cut into pieces and sprinkled with seasonings and salt. After that, you need to roll in flour and fry a little in vegetable oil. Chopped mushrooms and onions should also be fried, but only separately from the fish.

Now, after reading this article, many housewives will know exactly how to cook tench correctly.

Tench has a wide distribution, is very unpretentious to conditions, is found in most stagnant reservoirs or rivers with a slow current. Despite this, it is rarely seen among the prey of anglers. This is due to the fact that its lifestyle is very different from most carp fish. Meanwhile, it is very tasty, with tender meat, it has very few bones.

This handsome man has a color from green-silver to dark, brown. It got its name due to the ability to change color after it was taken out of the water. It looks like he really faded. This fish has very small scales, covered with a layer of mucus on top.
Except good taste, meat contains many vitamins, microelements. Phosphorus, iodine, zinc, sodium, manganese and many other elements necessary for the human body are contained in it. The low carbohydrate content makes fish very useful for athletes and weight watchers. No wonder they say - tench royal fish.

Getting rid of a peculiar smell

Most of the time the molt spends in dense thickets of aquatic vegetation. This is probably what influenced the specific smell, which can be more or less, depending on the reservoir. Indeed, the tench often gives off mud, which not everyone will like. In order to get rid of the herbal smell, you can hold the fish carcasses for several hours in clean water with a few slices of lemon. You can simply use various additives, such as onions, dill, ready-made seasonings. For example, in fish fried with spices, there are practically no unpleasant odors. Therefore, this method is suitable for people who do not want to perform unnecessary actions or simply do not have time for this.

Do I need to clean the tench and how to do it

There is no unequivocal opinion about this. If you cook in the oven, small scales are baked, it becomes almost invisible. The same can be said about fried lin. But for cooking fish soup, for example, it is desirable to clean the fish after all. In addition, in any case, it is necessary to remove the mucus that protects the tench from various diseases. To do this, you can douse the carcass a little with hot water, after this procedure the mucus instantly crumple, which will facilitate the work.

It is very convenient to clean the lines with an ordinary vegetable grater.

How to fry tench in a pan

Perhaps the simplest and fast way cooking tench, it is to fry it in a pan. We remove the mucus, open the abdomen, remove the insides, cut into steaks, salt and roll in flour. Pour a sufficient amount of vegetable oil into the pan, heat it up. The oil should be hot enough that when you put the pieces of fish in the pan, you can see the boil. The amount of oil should be such that it hides the fish by about half. We fry for a short time (the time depends on the temperature, the size of the pieces, the amount of oil), then turn over to the second side and fry it. Everything, the dish is ready.

You can add chopped onion and pepper to the fish, but this is a matter of taste. In my opinion, the more additional spices, the less the real taste of the tench itself remains.

Carefully clean the carcasses, cut off the heads and gut. Carefully remove the intestines, if the gallbladder breaks, the fish will start to taste bitter.

Rub the chopped carcasses with salt, sprinkle with black pepper and put in a frying pan. We fry for 10-15 minutes on low heat, do not forget to turn them over. If the stove is electric, then set the average power.

We coat the line with a layer of sour cream and sprinkle with a pinch of fresh herbs. Cover with a lid and simmer over low heat until fully cooked.

Ready fish, if desired, can be decorated with olives. Fried tench is very tasty. Tender, fatty meat and a small amount of bones, this dish is perfect for almost any side dish. Black pepper will add spiciness, and sour cream will add juiciness and excellent flavor.

How to cook tench in the oven by adding sour cream

We process carcasses of lines in the same way as for frying. We remove the scales (for an amateur), gut, cut off the heads, fins and tail. If there is enough free space on the baking sheet, you can bake tench with a head.

We coat with sour cream on all sides and the abdomen.

Sprinkle with salt, with the expectation that when it is absorbed, the fish will not turn out oversalted or undersalted. Add pepper to taste or ready seasoning. Let the carcasses marinate for one to two hours.

Put the tray in the preheated oven. The temperature is needed in the range of 170-200 degrees. Ideally fits electric oven heated from above and below. This allows the dish to bake more evenly and without burning. It should take about one hour to prepare. The time depends on the weight of the carcasses, the temperature and the oven itself. A sign of readiness will be the color of the fish, it will darken a little or be golden.

“You can put slices of chopped potatoes with onion rings on a baking sheet and place it all in an even layer with fish. At the output we get an amazing, juicy, ready meal with garnish!"

Oven-cooked food is healthier than fried food, as it contains much less cholesterol, which is very harmful for people with vascular problems. Such fish can be eaten at least every day, except for individual intolerance.

Tench in sour cream

Tench is a fish of the carp family. Tench is not the most popular fish in cooking, although it is in no way inferior to the rest in taste. You can cook tench, like other fish, different ways. For example, tench in sour cream is very tasty and tender dish which will take you very little time.

Tench with baked tomatoes and peppers

Tench with baked tomatoes and peppers is a complete hot dish that does not require any additional garnish or sauce. The food turns out so tasty and juicy that it will become a frequent guest on your table. You simply cannot deny yourself such pleasure. In addition, the dish turns out to be quite inexpensive, due to the fact that the fish is very cheap. But with its taste qualities, few can compare.

Tench boiled is popular a fish dish not only in Asian and European countries, but also here in Russia. No wonder, because the meat of this fish tastes very soft, tender and juicy. Today I will tell you, dear hostesses, how to cook this rare fish in my kitchen. And you can serve this dish as a main dish, both for a dinner party or dinner, and for a festive table.

Tench in breading

There is one very tasty and cheap fish that we often forget about. And many do not even know about the existence of such. And it's a line! You also need to understand that it is very useful, as it contains a large amount of protein, vitamins and minerals. If you care about your health and try to eat right, breaded tench must be present in your diet. And such a fish is very quickly and simply cut and cooked. All secrets are inside.

Lin's spicy sauce

Sharp and very tasty fish for holiday table. The well-known tench fish from the genus cyprinid is not inferior to halibut or pike perch in its taste and even surpasses them in some way. Soft, thin, medium-fat meat melts in your mouth, and especially if such a fish is cooked with aromatic sauce. Cooking tench in spicy sauce!

Lin in Hungarian

Lin in Hungarian is very delicious dish. Essentially, this fish stew in a very original and aromatic sauce. On a simple day or at a festive feast, you will certainly surprise your loved ones and relatives with such a dish. In addition, tench is a real food for your brain, as it is very rich in protein and microelements useful for our normal life. We cook with pleasure.

Tench stewed with wine and champignons is the perfect dish for serving on a festive festive table. After all, fish can act as the main hot dish, and champignons can be served as a side dish to tench. Preparing this charm is not at all difficult and does not take long, it does not require special skills. So check out the recipe and get started!

Tench has a thick body with small scales, covered with a thick layer of mucus. The color of the fish directly depends on its habitat. This type of fish prefers to live at the bottom of lakes and ponds, therefore, when cooked, the tench gives off an unpleasant smell of mold and silt. In addition, this fish is recommended to be eaten from late April to early May, since during the period it has the highest taste qualities. There are several secrets in the preparation of tench: to avoid an unpleasant odor, the fish should be kept in a bath of clean water or in running water for at least 15 hours. And directly in the process of cooking, add a large amount of spices and onions. cooked linen dish It is better to eat immediately, so it quickly deteriorates.

Tench fish is a nutritious, moderately fatty waterfowl rich in vitamins and minerals. It contains a small amount of calories that our body quickly absorbs, so this fish can be used for a diet menu. Lin can be cooked different ways- it can be boiled, fried, baked in the oven or steamed. And how to do it right, we offer to learn more. Tench fish: product features Tench is a freshwater inhabitant that is very popular with culinary specialists due to its delicate taste and unpretentiousness in cooking. The fish is not large in size, but sometimes quite large specimens can be found.

Tench meat has a sweetish taste, while it is juicy and low-calorie, since the fat content in it does not exceed 7%. True, such a fish has its drawbacks. Firstly, tench is rather bony, and secondly, it has a slight smell of mud, which not everyone likes. You can get rid of such an unpleasant odor if you hold the carcass for several hours in cool water or simply rinse with saline. How to properly clean fish Tench is a rather slippery fish and its scales are thin and very small. Therefore, it is not so easy to clean it and the usual methods are not suitable here. But, if you decide to just fry such a fish, then it is not necessary to clean it at all. In the process of cooking, the scales turn into a crispy crust.

True, you still have to get rid of the mucus. For this you need: Rinse the carcass under cold water to remove the smell of mud. Then pour boiling water over it - so the mucus will curl up, and it will look like egg white. After that, you need to rinse the fish again under cold water. To prepare other dishes, the tench will still have to be cleaned of scales. How to clean, now we'll tell you, because everything is simple here. We also wash the fish. Wash off the mucus with hot boiling water. Using a sharp knife or a fine grater, scrape off the scales. To prevent the fish from slipping in your hands, you can sprinkle it with salt. Now it remains to pull out all the insides. We make an incision from tail to head (the main thing is not to touch the gallbladder, otherwise the meat will become bitter), we take out all the internal organs and rinse the carcass under cold water. If the smell of mud is still present, then we process the tench with saline.

Now you can choose recipes for cooking delicious dishes. Jellied fish tench Jellied - very tasty and beautiful dish. This is an analogue of the well-known aspic, but for it we will use fish instead of meat. As a rule, aspic is prepared from dense fish with a minimum number of bones. And despite the fact that tench is bony, it will become a good basis for preparing a jellied dish.

Ingredients: tench (1 - 1.5 kg); two onions; two carrots; two tablespoons of gelatin; lemon; 1 tsp vinegar; carnation, allspice, Bay leaf; salt, sugar; parsley. Method of preparation: Peeled fish from scales and bones cut into pieces. We put the fins, heads and bones in a saucepan, pour water and bring to a boil. Add whole onions and carrots, cloves, allspice, salt and bay leaf. Cook fish with vegetables for an hour. We filter the boiled broth through a sieve, put the fish in it again and cook for another 20 minutes. In the finished broth (without fish), add sugar, vinegar and pre-soaked gelatin. We put on the stove and cook until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Strain the composition and cool to room temperature. In the dish chosen for serving, we beautifully put fish pieces, lemon slices, carrot cubes, parsley and halves quail eggs. Pour everything with fish broth and put in a cool place until completely solidified. Fry in a frying pan Tench can be cooked in different ways, but the easiest way is to fry in a frying pan. Indeed, there are several interesting recipes which can be used.

Heat up a frying pan with vegetable oil. On high heat, fry the tench on one side and on the other for 5 minutes. Then reduce the fire and cook the fish until golden brown. Pieces of fish can be rubbed with salt and pepper, rolled in flour and fried on both sides until crispy. Then add onion rings to the fish preparations, fry in a pan for another 5 minutes, and then pour a little water and simmer the dish until cooked. Salt the prepared carcass, pepper and leave for 15 minutes. Melt the butter in a frying pan. Dilute the flour with water, add a spoonful of sour cream, pepper and salt. Pour the mixture into the pan, mix with melted butter and as soon as the sauce boils, put the fish and simmer for 20 - 30 minutes.

How to cook deliciously in the oven Lin, baked in the oven with a side dish, will become a good meal for family dinner or festive feast. In this recipe, we will use potatoes as a side dish. How to cook tench in the oven? There is nothing easier!

Ingredients: tench (3 - 4 pieces); 5 - 6 potatoes; two heads of onions; three cloves of garlic; vegetable oil; salt, pepper, herbs. Preparing tench in the oven is very simple: Mix vegetable oil with chopped garlic, herbs and spices. Pour the prepared mixture over the fish and let it brew. We spread the potatoes cut into thin slices in the form, on top - onion rings. Salt, pepper and put pickled fish on top of vegetables. Pour in the rest of the sauce. We bake the line in the oven at 200 ° C for 40 minutes.

Tench stewed with mushrooms Tench stewed with mushrooms will definitely delight you with its extraordinary taste. Combination tender meat fish and the aroma of mushrooms will not leave anyone indifferent. Your guests will surely appreciate this dish.

In cooking, it is better to use Forest mushrooms, for example, mushrooms, but if this is not possible, then champignons will do. Ingredients: tench (1 kg); two glasses boiled mushrooms; two heads of onions; two glasses of white wine; a spoonful of flour; two tablespoons of butter; lemon peel; allspice, salt. Method of preparation: In a deep container, fry the mushrooms and onions in vegetable (butter) oil. We put the fish to the fried mushrooms, which must first be grated with salt and pepper. Pour everything with wine and simmer for 30 minutes. On the butter fry the flour in a separate bowl, add the lemon zest and a little juice. Pour in the liquid that remains after stewing the fish. We spread the finished tench on the dish, put the mushrooms next to it and pour everything with the prepared sauce.