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Is it possible to add Adyghe cheese to pizza. What is the best cheese for pizza? Cheese varieties

I did not calm down ... And I cooked a salty pizza, like Alternative option. ;) The dough turned out very fluffy and soft! And the pizza is delicious! It was pretty easy to prepare. Judge for yourself...
The ingredients for the filling can, of course, be any. I have these:

Cooking starts with kneading the dough. Mix flour with salt and dry yeast in a deep bowl.

Then gradually pour in warm (but not hot) water. And mix well.

Add oil and knead the dough by hand, with a spoon, without the help of a mixer.

Now the dough must be put in a warm place for 30-40 minutes and covered with a towel. We also turn on the oven to heat up to 180 * C.

While the dough is rising, prepare the filling. Cut the onion into half rings, finely chop the green onion.

Pepper wash, clean, cut into small cubes a quarter of pepper.

We cut the sausage into circles, and cut the ham into medium-sized pieces.

Adyghe cheese cut into medium-sized cubes.

Cut the olives in half crosswise.

Three cheese for sprinkling pizza on a medium grater (or coarse). Then you need to prepare a baking sheet for baking pizza. I covered it with foil and greased with vegetable oil, sprinkled with flour. You can use parchment instead of foil.

When the dough comes up and increases in volume, with your hands (greased with vegetable oil) put the dough on a baking sheet and give the desired shape.

We put the baking sheet in the oven preheated to 180 * C for 8 minutes. After the allotted time, we take it out and begin to lay out the filling.

First, grease the base with ketchup.

Distribute onions.

Posting Adyghe cheese, sausage, ham.

Now put the peppers and olives.

Put the pizza in the oven for 15 minutes. After the set time, take out and sprinkle with grated cheese. Put back in the oven for 10 minutes.

When the pizza is ready, take it out of the oven, let it cool down a bit and you can serve it to the table.

Wish Bon appetit and a romantic evening just for two!

Unfortunately, I did not have time to photograph the pizza in the cut! My husband and I ate it very quickly :)

Time for preparing: PT01H20M 1 h 20 min

Pizza with Adyghe cheese


For test: 300 g flour, 15 g yeast (dry), 2 teaspoons sugar, 2 teaspoons vegetable oil, 2 teaspoons of salt, water.

For filling: 250 g Adyghe cheese, 200 g chicken breast, 100 g champignons, 100 g minced pork, 30 g olives, 30 g tomato paste, vegetable oil, butter, sugar, salt.

Cooking method

In a small amount warm water dissolve yeast and sugar. Add butter, stir in flour, knead the dough, put in a warm place.

Grind the mushrooms, fry until half cooked. Add minced meat, fry for 15 minutes. For the sauce, chop the tomatoes, fry in butter, add a little sugar, salt and tomato paste. Add a small amount of water, simmer for 20 minutes.

Divide the dough into two parts. Roll out one part, put on a greased baking sheet. Spread the sauce, filling on it in an even layer, roll out the second part of the dough, put it on top of the filling, pinch the edges of the dough. cut into large pieces cheese. Lay on top. Place in preheated oven at 170°C for 20 minutes.

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Pizza has been one of the favorite dishes of Russians for many years. Someone has found his favorite pizzeria, where they cook the way he likes. Someone is content with the "fast food" option, heated in the microwave. But many people are happy to cook this dish themselves, experimenting with a variety of fillings and dough recipes. And for these chefs, it is quite natural to ask what kind of cheese is best for pizza.

Pizza as a gastronomic work of art

The Italians, who discovered the taste subtleties of this dish to the whole world, say that the key to success is the right dough and the right cheese. The latter should not have too bright, outstanding taste, so as not to overshadow other ingredients. But it does not have to be absolutely insipid in order to contribute to finished product your note. And, of course, for pizza - which stretches, that is, melts well, but does not spread. The one who adds to the Italian masterpiece processed cheese, is fundamentally wrong.

Classic: never let you down!

The "owners" of the recipe rarely think about which cheese is best for pizza. Of course, mozzarella! It successfully combines softness and elasticity, it lacks spices that may not be combined with other ingredients, and at the same time it still has a distinctive taste, which makes it difficult to confuse it with other types of cheeses. In addition, when melted, mozzarella gives a thin golden crust that does not become “rubber” even when the pizza cools down. To all the advantages of mozzarella, it is also useful: calcium and proteins contained in it are easily digested and will not be superfluous in the body.

However, every recipe tends to evolve and be supplemented over time. Italians are by no means conservatives. Now they have somewhat diversified the types of cheese suitable for pizza: along with mozzarella, parmesan and gorgonzola are often used.

French innovations

Pizza, traveling in triumph through cities and towns, has been enriched with new flavors inherent in the cuisines of peoples with other food traditions. Thus, the French believe that best cheese for pizza it's brie. No less popular in this country for cooking Italian food and Roquefort. It is worth noting that both cheeses are moldy, only the first is made from cow's milk, and the second from sheep's milk. If you decide to try the French version of brie pizza, try to find young cheese - in its mature state it becomes somewhat harder (that is, it spreads worse) and acquires a sharp taste, which is not suitable for all toppings.

Alpine fantasies

And what is the best cheese for pizza according to the Swiss? Of course, emmental. The inhabitants of this country actively use it in the preparation of fondue, and the same variety, they believe, is indispensable for pizza. The Italians, however, have their doubts: nevertheless, the Emmental refers to hard cheeses, that is, its crust hardens and forms with great difficulty. In addition, emmental has a pronounced spicy smell and no less bright taste, so it is not compatible with all products. For example, you can’t put salami on pizza anymore - sausage and cheese will “conflict”.

Russian contribution to the Italian dish

The Russians also contributed to the modification of their favorite dish. was a great substitute for mozzarella. Of course, it has a somewhat curdled structure, but it melts well, and also gives ready pizza delicate and peculiar taste.

There is another opinion about which cheese is suitable for pizza. Oddly enough, the most common and familiar to us is Russian. It is quite soft, melts well, forming a golden crust. The main requirement of Italy - the absence of its own sharp taste - is also quite sustained.

Expert opinion: top ten

We've already talked about mozzarella. Gourmets put parmesan in second place: its nutty flavor is piquant in the dish, and besides, the consumption is small. It is great for Italian pasta. On the question of which cheese is better for pizza, opinions naturally differ, but if you like the exotic, the third and fourth points are yours: they are also very good for this dish. Among them, the already mentioned brie is especially harmonious with blue mold. In fifth place is Camembert, especially when paired with Brie. The sixth is occupied by feta. When using it, it is worth considering that it is already salty, so seasonings must be used carefully. The seventh point is for an amateur and for an experimenter: cheddar is a hard cheese, and besides, it is quite sharp. The same applies to the eighth position in the top list - ricotta. First of all, this one is so melting is not so hot. We would rather say that it is more appropriate in climbing. But the taste is neutral, which allows you to "play" with filling options. In the penultimate place is goat cheese, and mascarpone completes the list.

All these types of cheese are widely known and available for tasting in good shops. So if you are not sure, you can try and decide if this particular product is right for you.

Cheese subtleties

Depending on which pizza cheese you choose, consider its features when cooking. So, blue with mold must be stored in the freezer - it is impossible to rub it uncooled. Trying to rub Brie is completely pointless, so you just need to crumble it. If the choice is made in favor of parmesan, take the smallest grater that you can find in the house.

And whatever cheese you like, get a small piece of mozzarella with it. If you finish the pizza with it, coarsely shabby, the taste will be richer: all shades of any other selected cheese will open, and the crust will turn out soft and dense.

If there are several cheeses

Among all the pizza recipes, those that involve the use of several are especially distinguished. However, there are some tricks here too. For example, in no case should blue cheese and goat cheese be combined. The conflict of tastes is so strong that it will be simply impossible to eat.

If you want to try it purely, stop at the proven combinations first. And when you catch the secret, you will begin to compose your own "bouquets".

An excellent combination would be brie (thin, almost transparent plates), something moldy, parmesan (finely grated) and mozzarella (coarsely grated or cut into strips).

A successful combination is a gun (and this is not a weapon, but a name (both cut into pieces) and mozzarella (coarsely grated, as always).

Brie also goes well with emmental and classic mozzarella. Again, chop the first cheese thinly, grate the last two. This combination is the most subtle in taste, so it goes very well with a fragrant spicy filling.

Goat cheese lovers can combine it with conte (both ingredients are cut into pieces), grated parmesan and mozzarella. It will turn out very rich dish with a very unusual and mature taste.

As you understand, you need to be able to combine cheeses with each other, and even figure out in what form (coarsely grated or finely grated, chopped or crumbled) to send to pizza. Do you want to experiment! But no - pizza with ordinary Russian cheese is quite good. The recipe allows for a huge number of other fillers. So choose your option.

Pizza with Adyghe cheese turns out hearty and juicy. Spinach goes well with Adyghe cheese, and in season it should definitely be added to this pizza. And we will prepare the dough for the base ourselves.

Servings: 5-6

A simple pizza recipe with Adyghe cheese Italian cuisine step by step with photo. Easy to cook at home in 30 minutes. Contains only 142 kilocalories.

  • Preparation time: 20 minutes
  • Time for preparing: 30 minutes
  • Amount of calories: 142 kilocalories
  • Servings: 7 servings
  • Reason: For lunch
  • Complexity: simple recipe
  • National cuisine: Italian food
  • Dish type: Baking, Pizza
  • Features: Recipe for Vegetarian Diet

Ingredients for eleven servings

  • Flour - 1.5 cups
  • Baking powder - 1 teaspoon
  • Water - 100 milliliters (boiled chilled)
  • Olive oil - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • Adyghe cheese - 100 grams
  • Spinach (bunch) - 2 Pieces

Step by step cooking

  1. Pizza base can also be bought ready-made if you are in a hurry. But, nevertheless, I advise you to cook the dough yourself at home. You can skip spinach and make pizza with cheese only. In this case, just skip the steps that mention spinach.
  2. How to cook pizza with Adyghe cheese?
  3. In order to prepare the pizza base, sift the flour into a bowl, add olive oil, water, a little salt (if you wish). Knead a soft and elastic dough.
  4. Cover the baking sheet parchment paper or lubricate with oil.
  5. Turn the oven to 190 degrees to heat up while you cook.
  6. Cut Adyghe cheese into layers.
  7. Wash spinach, dry on paper towel.
  8. Put the spinach with cheese on the base of our pizza. Leave a couple of fresh spinach leaves to decorate the finished pizza.
  9. Bake pizza with Adyghe cheese in an oven preheated to 190 degrees for 15 minutes. Garnish the finished pizza with fresh spinach.
  10. Pizza with Adyghe cheese is ready!
  11. Enjoy your meal!

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